A girl's voice enters the chat. Whats the first thing you say?
A girl's voice enters the chat. Whats the first thing you say?
Nothing. I don't use voice chat.
Have sex.
tits or gtfo
I make a casual comment about my excessively large penis
pls b my gf
Y-You too
haha, he thinks I talk in chat. "I don't have a mic"
i stop talking
>"Hello because I'm not a fucking sperg"
If on team, intentionally lose the game.
say nothing. hard carry the game. send her friend request after.
I just leave.
No need to be rude about it.
God, I wish I was that cat.
I turn off voice chat.
no way fag
regular chips and coco cola isn't even that great of a combination, why the fuck are they always paired together?
>[user has left the voice chat]
I immediately close the game, my sister gets extremely jealous if she knows I'm playing with any girl
I try to act unaffected while secretly thinking about how nice her voice sounds.
>Female enters voice chat
>Tries to joke with teammates
>She uses the self-deprecating jokes about women and makes common women jokes on herself
>Everybody either falls for it or ignores it
>Its either she stays making the same stale jokes or everybody ignores her and she leaves
Why would she get jealous?
>H-hewo! :3c
I verbally harass her until she either has sex with me or leaves.
show feet
I usually shush women in online games
"Hey guys!"
"OH hey (beta orbiter steam friend)!"
"Who is fucking shushing m-"
Unironically one of the most fun things you can do to anyone in voice chat is shush them until they actually stay quiet
Try it sometime
keep playing the vidya and only talk to her if i need to coordinate something
I dunno, she's very lonely and is afraid I leave her, last time she saw me being nice to some girl she locked herself in her room crying until I managed to calm her down
Are you 12?
nice fanfic but its time to go back to the real world user
cause niggas aint real GAMERS
Get her a bf.
Please be my gf.
Say nothing. Instead, mindbreak her and destroy her will through sheer skill alone so she will never leave the kitchen again.
It's because of people like you there keeps being more girls on the voice chats.
>hear cute girl voice in chat
>immediatly start fantasizing about marriage and starting a family with said girl, having kids and everything
why does this always happen to me
cause you're a depressed virgin.
why should i give a fuck? thirsty betas will always be thirsty betas, and i can just leave if some gamur gurl comes in with her gaggle of orbiters and shits up the game
Haha, wanna hang out sometime user? You could show me your penis for fun and I might touch it for laughs hehehe
based shusher
>he doesnt know about making poopyfart noises whenever someone you dont like speaks
>letting a girl score higher than you
hey nice english sand nigger
It's not that they aren't a combo, but I guess we're so used to both of them that we just eat them at the same time. You'd have to be genuinely mad to chug down your chips with soda unless you're choking though.
I treat girls the same way I treat guys.
I tell them suck dick, eat my ass, and am generally an ironic cunt.
If they have a problem with it, I just tell them to harden the fuck up.
Fragile women should not be talking to me, ever.
Why would I say anything? If she starts begging for attention, I'd mute her. If she plays the game as intended, I'd treat her as anyone else. It's probably some faggot with a voice changer anyway.
>Be friends with this guy for several weeks
>Invite him over to a Discord voice chat to chill and play video games
>A feminine voice comes on the line
>It's actually a girl
Shit throws me off sometimes when I meet new online friends
No, better: be her bf
Holy fuck based. Gonna try that on Dead by daylight and just follow survivors around blowing raspberries
You better don't suck at this game. Your sexual appearance doesn't matter because chance I will date you are 0 because you probably live far far away from place I live.
Depends on if I was already using VC in the first place; sometimes I don't want to engage with other people and if I go from being silent to talking just because a girl said something that'd be both obvious to everyone playing before that point and pathetic. If I was already actively engaged over voice, I'd say "Yo" and continue whatever behaviour I had already established.
>girl is actually a twink
be happy because even if she loses, she's trying to play the game instead of if a guy loses because of some vapid and stupid reason.
and this is how it's done right
>ask discord if anyone wants to play support
>a person said yes
>its a girl
>husky voice
>she hard carries the lane and the game
>saves my ass every time while giving me pointers on how to play better
>said she has to go and tells me to feel free to ask her for another game anytime.
>>husky voice
embarrassing pussy
its works wonders user, half the people get so incredibly angry and start calling you a kid and shit while getting progressively more distracted by it, the other half the time they laugh and join in till eventualy you got a horde of idiots all doing rasberries whenever the one guy no one likes talks
"Welcome to Wendy's, how may I take your order?"
Imagine how much better the world would be if girls were on a separate Internet.
"So what is your mental issue that drove you to video games?"
why do i find boys that don't want to fuck me or talk to me just because im a girl?
im autistic i just want to play video games fuck
>"Leave, girls don't belong here"
Then I proceed to bully her in-game until she starts crying and leaves for good
prob smokes all the time or is a man
Ma'am this is a server for gay men only. Sorry but we have to kick you.
Gets the other dudes all riled up too and scares the grill into leaving. Win-win.
I stop talking because the fun is over. Every other man turns into an aggressive faggot or white knight when a woman shows up, and the woman usually encourages it as well. Fuck women.
Are you tranny?
if yes i'm gonna block you fagget
i personally prefer oj with my chips
>be me
>be working at Wendy's after dropping out of college
>tending the front register while it's slow
>qt high school girl comes and starts chatting me up
"Welcome to Wendy's, how may I take your order?"
Story ends there, thanks for reading my blog.
What chat? I don't use discord or similar faggotry.
>inb4 unironically playing online games
>look for someone to play the forest with on Yea Forums
>someone adds me on discord
>calls me
>turns out its a girl with a cute voice
>we get along really well and i develop a crush on her
>tell her i developed a crush on her after a couple days
>she tells me she feels the same about me
>after 2 weeks ask her what she looks like
>she links me to her instagram
>she's ugly as fuck and pretty overweight
dropped and ghosted her because i was so embarassed
also i hate myself why am i such a shallow pos i'm just a 6/10 myself but i definitely wanna date my looksatch
I tell her to stop being such an Incel and have sex already.
>a girl enters voice chat
>everyone gets quiet
Did everyone clap afterwards?
What I always say
>Sup niggers.
>Girl joins voice chat
>Tell her to get in game
>She doesn't get in game
I hate when this happens my faggot friend starts trying to be funny and impress whatever girl joins our party hes too obvious and thirsty
Oi cunt, you ain't gonna get special treatment just because you have no balls hangin'.
Pack your shit, and let's get rollin'
First get pics, then say you have a crush.
This is like basic knowledge
>girl enters vc
>it's a tranny with a nasally voice
>the guys in vc still spill their spaghetti
I put on my best indian impression and demand bobs and vegana
maybe she used someone elses picture just to see how you'd react
You shouldn't be worried about being shallow, you should be worried about being such a faggot you develop a crush on a girl you've never met irl.
Look up her username, see if I can find other accounts like Instagram/Facebook. Then continue playing as normal but whenever we interact, say personal things like calling her by name or referencing things I know she's into, as if I knew her.
>not demanding lasagne right away
Beta cuck
>Oops! I dropped my monster condom I use for my Magnum dong!
i'm a khhv with no experience and i literally told her i don't care what she looks like because i developed a crush on her because of her personality and no matter what she looks like she's going to look cute in my eyes
No, I served her macaroni and cheese on a bun.
There was also that time where my shoulders dislocated lifting the tea and I spilled it all over myself and the floor, but we don't talk about that.
at least he's not the user in the thread last week who almost got phished by a tranny
Damn. Do you still work at Wendy's?
>why do i find boys that don't want to fuck me or talk to me just because im a girl?
>im autistic i just want to play video games fuck
Find a game with a high female to male ratio like Mabinogi. Boys will still want to fuck you, but at least they'll have had the chance to learn some manners.
"Tehee I'm a girl"
Sounds fun
t. Mahmudd Mohamed
you are a weenie.
Do my loudest roar, so she understands I'm the alpha male in that particular voice chat.
Ok faggots.
So what should a girl do if she does want to use voice chat but doesn't want everyone to sperg out?
No, I went back and got my degree.
Now I work for a guy moving furniture between houses.
G-great, what's your contact info hahaha? What kinds of games you like?
>It's because of people like you there keeps being more bobs and vagene on the voice chats
say they're actually a young boy
Grief her endlessly till she leaves the server.
You guys are redpilled, right? If not, go here:
Cool. What degree, user?
behave like everyone else and post a link to her nudes
Find a different way to spend their time. If women keep feeling uncomfortable somewhere, it's time for them to leave. I wouldn't feel comfortable in some girly hair salon, so I'm not gonna hang out in there.
Computer Science
I have a high pitched voice that sounds like a throaty female smoker and you fucking faggots have made it impossible to voice chat without being innundated with sexually explicit messages. Fuck men, #metoo
She should have her male guardian speak for her.
Not joining voice chat.
Just play the game?
This literally wasn't a problem back in the days of WoW. It's only a problem now because of twitch thottery.
post bulge
Nothing. I win the fucking game. If "she" somehow gets between me and that goal, I might find the time to ask her to piss off.
Jeez. You dropped out of a Compsci degree to go work at Wendy's, got back into it so you could now work moving furniture? What a strange series of events.
I actually dropped out of my Computer Science degree and moved to another country and am probably gonna get a job at Wendy's soon, this is why I'm asking all of this because it's a bit too similar. Hopefully I get back to my degree like you.
Be serious about whatever game it is, at least at first. That'll set the tone, and if you want to loosen up later you'll have an easier time of it.
I don't like playing multiplayer team games with girls in the voice chat
It just feels wrong
Do something else.
It's weird as fuck to join a group solely comprised of the opposite sex and try to be their friend. And it's not even possible anyway. The difference is that traditional "women's hobbies" are lame as fuck and/or nonexistent so men don't want to join "girls' clubs".
I turn off my mic before I say something stupid.
All the actual girls that get on VC when I'm on are either shrieky and annoying or too quiet
I just say "hey, whatsup xperson" and go back to talking about whatever autistic thing I was before
>tfw unironically have a more fun time talking with the few trannies I know because they at least share my autism
video games are for men
the vagina “people” can do something else like go and bleed from their stinky hole
Nice fanfiction faggot.
Ay bby u wan sum fuk?
Why do girls never get mad and spergy at online video games like guys?
Nothing since they're never addressing me.
Make sure she has a limited amount of minutes she can use to talk. Enforced by checking her profile gender. If she registers as Male and you can tell it's a woman, that's a reportable offense.
>don't attention whore
>talk about the game
>tell people to fuck off if they give you shit
>say you're an ugly lesbian if anyone tries to hit on you
Basically, act like a dude who's playing a videogame.
I don't play that many online games but if you're into something I could play it with you
because men are inherently violent.
Oh, wow, that's totally her, didn't know that anime, I'll show it to her to see how she reacts
Fuck you and the dick you rode in on.
the walking vagina has no actual interest or passion for anything so they never get invested and absorbed into anything
Because women have total control of their emotions, unlike men.
post benis
Because, generally speaking, girls like playing games for fun and as a social activity. Whereas guys like playing games to win and as a competitive activity. So guys are more likely to take the game very seriously, to the point where they get angry and lose their shit over it.
This is also why the concept of honor only makes sense to men, as this old oldfag once pointed out. Honor is a way of keeping the peace in a friendly competition. All guys know that they are one wrong move away from violence breaking out, and honor is the only thing stopping guys from devolving into that state.
based incest larper
>pretend to be a boy
>they just call me a faggot or a 10 year old instead
I can't win
You into black dudes?
Life's funny like that.
Godspeed user, may your programs be free of errors, and may your LinkedIn be filled with many connection requests.
>Because women have total control of their emotions
Funniest joke I've heard all day.
can I sniff your farts?
I've never read something so untrue on the internet.
Get back in the kitchen whore.
you've ruined my growing erection
>believing in sexual market value
aaaaand discarded
I am Galstaff, sorcerer of light
Take off my mic and mute.
Hack her account and then hold a penis rating contest with everyone else.
There's no reason for a dude with a high voice to subject himself to the humiliation of VC. Just be a textfag like the rest of us.
nothing because I'm too shy to use voice chat in the first place, let alone to talk to a girl
I'd have a panic attack talking to a guy even
add me pl0x?
Hey user want to get on voice chat and talk about your life?
Sorry user, I'm full homo. I look like a girl though so it's like 25% less gay.
Don't listen to this user , he'll take advantage and groom you.
Unlike me, I'll actually try and be your friend.
I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.
>mfw thinking about you hurting
I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London.
it hurts
Find somewhere other than Yea Forums for that shit mate. This isn't a dating website.
>girl keep calling me a kissless virgin and said I have a small penis
>its true
>tfw a girl online persuaded me to sing her a song and she said I sounded like ikeman
>tfw I'm 3/10 at best
post bulge
>Whats the first thing you say?
sup faggot
use a voice changer app to make their voice deeper and pretend to be a guy
"Hi, I'm Timmy, and I've just turned 12 years-old! How do you do, fellow dudes?"
Speak in a low, deep, monotone voice
>girl joins the game
>she's actually got skills and kicks ass
>game ends
>"gg later dudes"
>"The fuck just happened?"
Post contact info.
what is this a fucking disney movie
You did well.
There's always someone more shy than myself out there, I guess.
you'll never be a girl, retarded tranny
>anything that involves some effort
I try to treat them as an equal. I'm kind of insecure around women but as long as they're not trying to be my friend I think I can keep cool. I really wouldn't want to add them as a friend or anything, I don't wanna risk being seen as a creep, not that I usually would add someone from some random online game to my friends list, but even if they're more involved in some community I'm a part of I'd probably be a little more hesitant.
I realize this is a lame point of view. Because I HAVE been super friendly with some people online, only for them to reveal they're actually a girl... And I'm still their friend of course, especially if they've been nothing but wonderful to me, 'cuz at that point they're a genuine friend... and insecurities don't really exist around them anymore but I can't help it. I feel like I really have to work towards not thinking of them as a girl or try to listen to a woman's voice more or something to not have this dumb fear of women.
I know this is a very specific request and I don't expect any help but I saw a reaction image of up-close Jotaro's face from the anime saying "Are you angry" and I'd love to have it again
Like a normal person
Based cunnybros
i see, so deception is the trick
I have literally never read anything faggier in my entire life. Where is your blog, so I can subscribe and tell you to kill yourself?
I'm happy my greater autism makes you feel more secure over your lesser autism user.
Please don't bully me.
open bob show vegana
play with a group of real-life friends and don't invite any incels
most popular multiplayer games nowadays are just small teams of 3-6 people so it's reasonable to only be in voice chat with your friend group and avoid internet strangers
I doubt you're a finn
If anything it makes me wish we could try to talk to help each other out since we are both in a weird spot with socializing. But I think you may be too scared about that and one of us would bail so.
I hope you get raped and murdered.
ok sorry
Trying to learn to fake a female voice so I can pretend to be a girl online
but the I realized I don't actually play any online games that I could voice chat on
It's okay, thank you.
Based as fuck
I say this
cute euclid!
not him but vitun homo, vedä ittes hirteen
>gets nervous when talking to girls
>greeted by a girl in chat
>stutters a greeting back
>she just giggles and ask if I'm shy talking to girls
>spends the rest of the game talking to me like a doting mother talking to her child
Hello all my N words.
There's nothing you can do because games are infested with npc beta orbiters who instantly become retarded when they hear a female voice
I've had this happen so many fucking times, people suddenly start to court the chick and give them freebies or otherwise become total suckers, and they completely forget their objective
No can do. If you get teamed with a female in a co-op game of sorts, just act like it was any other person.
I hate how people start acting like somebody else when trying to get to know others, just be your fucking self
I'm sorry.
I dunno. What did she say?
I was just gonna show you my legs and dick.
God I wish that were me
just post it
ignore them and bareley talk.
if they're an attention e-roastie, they'll seethe if you dont notice them.
She tells the entire server she's on her period and demands to be referred to as Murray, despite her screen name being completely different.
>invite someone to our group
>they're high ranked and funny as fuck
>even more autistic than us
>invite them to discord
>its a girl
>vehemently believe she must be ugly since she oozes personality
>eventually get her to post a selfie after we post ours
>she's a literal 9/10 with big titties
I seriously am STILL flabbergasted at this and its been weeks. She must have mental problems to be single.
"open bobs" actually works if they get the reference. They usually think it's pretty funny.
[email protected] here's a temporary e-mail if you want to send anything
mama mia papa pia baby got the diaRRHEEEEEEEAAAAH
That would really suck haha
I've never played a game with voice chat.
Sent ;3
No feet pic?
Talk like a man pretending to be a woman. Try to go for something like Tina from Bob's Burgers.
I have other stuff I can send but no feet stuff, no. All my other stuff is considerably less recent as well.
>girl enters chat
>say hi
>replies hi
>talk to her and others about game
>she starts talking to her twitch chat
>does this through out game even if you're already talking
called her a bitch and she didn't come back, don't get used as accessory friend, anons.
So why do you do this, user? I mean, sending nudes of yourself to complete strangers on the internet. Or are you actually looking to make it a regular thing with someone new?
Shame, the temp mail doens't seem to support attachments :(
[email protected]
I am that girl. But I'm old and have a raspy voice from drinking too much so everyone calls me mommy and it's annoying. I gave up on voice because of it.
Tell her hat you do not consent to being recorded
Treat them the same as any other player.
In my time playing Dota 2, I've come across two types of female players.
>plays like shit, usually lobbied with a boy toy whose coddling her
I'll tell them they're trash and let them know how bad they are.
>plays decently, communicates, maybe clutches a few times
I can empathize with gurll gamers a little bit because in a game where comms might matter, just using your voice is a huge risk because of ITT. If one of them is going to be confident enough to use voice - not because they want attention but because they actually want to play the game - then I don't really think there's a reason to shit on them for it.
Who knows why I do. I guess someone I like to do stuff with regularly wouldn't be bad.
Well, hope you find that someone, user.
yea sure
I act exactly the same and either alienate her with my peak autism or make a nice fembot friend, trial by fire.
I laugh to myself when I hear all the beta males falling over themselves to speak to her. Then I blame her at the end of the game if we lose because girl gamers are shit.
*breathes in*
>pretend to be a girl
>post google images of shy slightly chubby girl with DDs squeezed into a tight pink top
>everyone can't stop talking to me and asking if i need help ingame
>people still trust random pictures on the internet
>girl enters voice chat
>continue my autistic squawking and jokes amongst actual callouts
>she's communicating alright but overall is fairly silent
>suddenly "You have a really nice voice user"
>Immediately clam up and keep speaking to a minimum or put on a silly voice
I don't understand it, maybe it has to do with me not liking my own voice. Regardless I don't give a shit about if a penis or vagina is speaking to me and act exactly the same as any other day but as soon as my voice gets complimented I freeze up. Some guys have said it but ultimately it's chicks who compliment my voice and it happens way too often, my voice is retarded and I spew autistic shit 50% of the time I'm on mic why does this keep happening.
>mfw it even happened a few times at work over the phone
Get on the point push the payload
>Talking to someone online and they send me a pic of a super hot bitch
>laugh and call them a dumb faggot
>later find out it actually was them
It depends what she says, if she’s cool then I talk to her like a normal human being, and if she’s an obnoxious cunt then I tell her so.
If you treat girls differently than a normal human being, in real life or online, then it explains why you’re a virgin for life.
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
This is why you always bait them first before calling them a dumb faggot. If you bait them, you can cover that 1% chance they're actually a hot girl.
>If you treat girls differently than a normal human being, in real life or online, then it explains why you’re a virgin for life.
I think you mean if you treat girls with respect, as your equals, you end up a virgin for life.
>thinks he sounds like shit
>despite being complimented repeatedly
Just accept that you have a nice voice and stop being a sperg, you could’ve probably gotten serious pussy if you didn’t always act retarded about it
Stop being a faggot and write out your "witty" comments like every other retard.
>Ooh, hot trap.
This is literally what I said on SCP: Secret Laboratory when some chick came on with a whiny, fake voice.
And everybody else was calling her a trap, too. It was hilarious.
Stop being a faggot and post more vocaroo links!
Yeah, you should generally not treat anyone with respect until they earn it. I don’t know that many guys who go around treating everyone they know like they’re god’s gift to earth, but there’s a lot of beta males who think treating a girl that way will get them pussy. It’s why they fail every time. It’s creepy and not socially acceptable.
Treat them like an average trash person. Why should you give a fuck about them. That’s what’s normal.
>girl enters the voice chat.
>doesn't talk just breath deeply into the mic
What could've been, user....
>Coma Cola
Forgot pic
>letting hairy, neet roasties with sweaty pussies in your chat
ew no
>girl enters vc
>she immediately starts complimenting me on everything
>we move in together
>we have sex
>lots of sex
i feel sorry for everyone in this thread who are virgins
>using the inferior version
Probably nothing since I rarely use voice chat because I'm pretty shy. I only ever really used it in Siege and only sometimes, so if I did say something, it'd just be a call out.
Yeah, you missed out, lad.
The snu-snu would've been epic.
I HATE those glasses.
My discord server organized for us to play a game in pairs and I got paired with a girl. I didn't sperg out either.
Oh don't worry I look like a goblin to counteract any power my voice supposedly has, besides I prefer relationships to flings. Just don't understand and get really shy about compliments I guess but it's my voice in particular that I feel most self conscious about despite looking like a mong.
>If you treat girls differently than a normal human being, in real life or online, then it explains why you’re a virgin for life.
This is the worst advice and it only works for literal brainlets who are precisely average at everything they do. Of course everyone is equal, but someone else might not be your exact equal in every way. Treating someone else who is not at your level of capability as an equal is always demeaning to that other person. Do you think LeBron James treats a fan in a friendly competition as an equal? Of course he doesn't, he plays down so that the other guy will have fun.
It requires a deft hand to know when to show skill and when to play it cool. That's why this user is right:
Femcels think this statement is misogynistic or whatever. No, it's a statement of fact for people who are good at a certain thing (eg vidya). If you are in the upper decile of a certain skill ladder, chances are, everyone you meet will be worse than you at that thing. If you go around showing off all the time, you'll turn others off, especially women. Thus, in order to treat other people with respect, you have to play down unless the situation calls for it.
They’re KINO though.
Well flings are pretty shit desu but either way if you have evidence of your voice being nice then that should give you at least a little confidence instead of making you feel worse ya dip
I stopped drinking Cola a while ago and know it just tastes disgusting.
>turn on some twitch stream of what is purportedly some of the best female overwatch players
>all 3 of them teamed together are using what is obviously voice changers
>sounds just as bad as the voice changers from over a decade ago
how the fuck is no one able to discern what would once be simple before?