Your choice. Either Reply to this post or your mom will die in her sleep tonight.
Your choice. Either Reply to this post or your mom will die in her sleep tonight
Other urls found in this thread:
Ok stupid thread but I seriously wanna know if I should play Lisa?
have any of you fellas seen Lisa the Unbreakable
it's looking pretty good
Its good. Best to go in blind.
Fuck off Buzzo
All the females are dead retard
Yeah, its really good if you go in blind and dont save scum.
What are the best Lisa Fangames?
Hopeful and Pointless
more fangames? this is great
Escape from Detroit
There's a whole lot of them, but the majority are samey fanfiction bullshit. The ones that are good, though, are really good
how is this still allowed
howdy motherfucker
She did nothing wrong.
Good job killing a Lisa thread before it even started
Pretty damn solid if you like turn based games, the story is honestly one of the better ones I've seen in a game.
Go fuck yourself.
No. You don't understand. My mom has been dead for 35 years. Today is the day she lives.
Fuck u
Is Ninja Tears almost done
kys op
Post your favorite track
Where’s ninja tears
Depends on if mom's a good party member
Yes. Don't be one of those dorks that goes in trying to cheese everything. This game is designed and balanced around tough choices and you will legitimately have a more enjoyiable, more visceral, more emotional experience if you don't savescum.
OP, did you skip on your daily JOY dose?
why are you doing this?
At least he can used spoilers. Not a total retard.
Best encounter in the game
Is this really a RPG maker game?
Yeah, you can tell going through menus but its pretty well covered up outside of that
Why don't people in Lisa wear shirts? These half assed shit showing nipples and gunts doesn't count as shirts.
In one of Ding's interviews he said it was meant to be portrayed as a sign of masculinity.
Nothing more masculine than huge shirtless men
To make sure Buddy seethes
fucking buzzo u cunt
Fucking Buzzo
fuck my autism
is lisa good or overrated ? it looks fun
Fuck you
She literally did everything wrong and even dingaling hates her
Tonight I will remind them
Fuck jannies
Hey It's me, Tree Man. This is a comfy Lisa thread, and all you shitposters need to leaf.
Yall some superstitious fucks
it's one of the few hyped up indie games that actually delivers
It’s hard to believe he acts like such a faggot.
It's in the genes
Fuck you
I was manipulated and raped when I was 15 and it's come to permanently scar my mental image of relationships and sex. I know what its like to have no value in anything, and from this experience, I can say...
Fuck Buddy. She's badly written.
Okay, fine
Buddy wasn't raped
Sad to see how the twisted, dogmatic culture of political correctness and its rhetoric has corrupted someone so severely as to think the very fact of them being white is reason for shame. It's kinda fucked up, the message that all these people screaming about "oppression", "privilege", and "racial saturation" inadvertently drill into someone's head.
>didn't take the vaccine
There's a baby at the end and I sincerely doubt she fucked mutant brad.
She's on military drugs made to make females into monsters and she literally starts seeing hallucinations of her dead dad. She was totally unstable.
Buddy is significantly older in the ending, so there's a good chance she understands her duty and she chose a partner for herself (after killing every leader in the wasteland)
Also you claimed she was badly written, and you're now basing it off of something that happens offscreen where there's nothing else to "write" for her as a character.
Fine, I'll play Lisa after DMC5. Hope you're happy punk.
I'm not basing it solely off that. I responded to your claim she wasn't raped.
She's actually badly written because she's an unstoppable killing machine that can take on warlords with her minimal killing experience. She took joy, yes, but so did they. At least Brad mastered a fighting style on top of taking performance-enhancing anti-depressants.
She becomes a generic megalomaniac, and talks like an adult for some reason. She has moments of regret for Brad and Rando, but those are initiated by Joy, which is known to cause intense hallucinations.
Basically, she's an edgy teenager who doesn't listen to anyone, tosses aside those who cared for her, and is an unstoppable force.
can I get both
Ah, fuck you OP.
Just cut my arm.
or leg, since it's worthless.
i wouldn't even mind her characterization if she wasn't so invincible
methinks dingaling didn't have her lose any conflict onscreen because the result would be horrible optics for him and his game
He stated on a Yea Forums AMA that he only made Joyful because the kickstarter hit the goal. He didn't have any initial plans for it, so he probably just threw together a plot with an invincible MC to move along the story
should i play
delete thyself
Fuck you
Up yours Buzzo, I got 3 immunity dogs and a shark protecting me.
i like saving alot in games
>he was added the day before release
>was the most hype boss of the game
based sindy
that's an easy choice
video games
Nah that game is pretty much a sequel to Lisa
My mom got fired from her job
its the apocalypse nigga no one wears shirts
>day before release?
brad was a pretty cool father
>abloo bloo my dad taught me how to defend myself
theres nothing wrong with teaching your kid how to kill a guy to defend yourself
Never played the game, but have been thinking of getting it and giving it a shot. I haven't played very many sort of retro/indie style games in quite a while (mostly stick to sim games like Project Cars 2/ArmA 3/Cities Skylines) but I remember enjoying simpler style games when i was younger.
fuck off and die
not chancing it
He waen't good person but he tried too and suffered a lot in a Fucked up world.
How the fuck do you get Buckets without savescumming?
throw away shitty characters
literally who?
Fuck you Buzzo!
A new player wouldn't know or care about Buckets, that's some grade A second-playthrough cheese bullshit.
I got Buckets my first playthrough, I figured Roulette would have some sort of reward.
dental plan
would you ?
LISA: the painful is old news. Pointless is where it's at
fuck you
Hello Ed-shill-yas, your David Lynch wannabe game will never have the heart or soul of Painful.
Who cares he sucks anyway
Brad ended up in a no win situation with Buddy.
well here I go
Too much filler, not enough funny, not enough game.
Has potential, but this game is the equivalent to calling a beautiful door better than a fully built house.
>ANOTHER anzyll thread
i thought you fucked off, retarded circlejerker
but some people just dont learn, huh? :)
>All the females are dead retard
What's your favorite encounter in the game?
Mine's got to be Road Schoolers, I think it's the only fight in the game where you're fighting for the sake of other people. Though basically all of the joy mutant fights give me a hard on.
Horrace the forklift driver
Peter or Kim Sex Machine.
Those are honestly the only ones worth looking into since all others are either in development hell or have been cancelled
Also The Pointless chapter 2 when
Nah fuck you they're both great
>The Pointless chapter 2 when
Oh God you poor fool.
The Pointless Chapter 1 update when?
Fuck you
Have I missed something, is he not making chapter 2 anymore
No please ;_;
It'll get made eventually, but the focus right now is an overhaul of chapter 1 that adds a bunch of content and improves the graphics. Supposedly they were working on chapter 2, and it was up to a standard way better than chapter 1, so they're bringing chapter 1 up to that standard first.
I don't know when it'll be out. Probably Fall, maybe later.
He's remastering the first chapter in the "monster update". Just revamped areas, resprites, and new locations. After that, he's gonna continue chapter 2
Well fuck
I kinda wish he just left it and accepted that sequels can improve on past entries
Besides why have higher standards when Lisa is supposed to be rough around the edges anyway
Shocklord best party member
I hope you get banned from life
Fuck off and finish the game dingaling
Post your heights
honestly, get nern or another character with a high luck stat. give them items to up their luck and watch as they take all lives away with them... unless you have bad luck lol
Any good free games to play these days
Sorry mate, luck has no effect on the game strangely enough.
really? i couldve sworn it helped the roulette part. i couldve been just stupid lucky with nern one time
I wish I could die in my sleep.
>181 cm
Isn't that basically luck in real life?
how rude
fuck you
and fuck you
good night everyone i love you
I save-scummed without any shame.
The RNG's ruthless at times, and can completely destroy any progress you've made with your entire party at the drop of a hat.
Were you too locked up in a room for 10? years eith your only distractions being your drug addict dad and the thugs he brought for you to kill?
Dang you
your party is supposed to be expendable. There's no way you can get utterly fucked unless you lose literally everyone to russian roulette.
In my opinion, Russian Roulette is the only place in the game where the RNG can fuck you, which is kind of a shame but you'll have plenty of members you don't care about by that point so whatever. All the insta-kill moves can be dealt with by having Nern-I mean your support piss them off.
For anyone who needs a rundown on this goy
>Gets a girlfriend who was sexually molested by her dad
>Doesn’t give him any pussy
>Makes a Yume Nikki rip-off about a molested girl to score good boy points
>She still won’t fuck him
>He gets frustrated, changes his game about a marital arts master getting revenge in a post apocalyptic world to some shitty “save a girl from man who are all rapists”
>she just doesn’t not fuck him, she dumps him
>he goes insane because he deserved sex for being such a good boy
>blames the guy who cucked him and decides all men are racist, goes full tumblr
>his dad, who he actually loved and respected a lot does
>the mental cognitive dissonance of hating men and losing his dad shatters his brain
>goes completely insane
>attacks anyone who ever helped or respected him
>even tumblr doesn’t want him anymore
>goes offline
>learns nothing and is still making a game about gay ninjas
Here lies Austin, he never scored
I still don't understand how a person like him could of made a game like LISA.
What are you gonna do Shoop da whoop? Fire your lazer?
Fuck you
God no, I'd prefer a date with rosie palmer over a 12 year old. Plus, it's not like I'm getting action before the apocalypse so nothing will really change for me in that regard.
Rando deserved better.
Buzz off.
this is your dev for tonight
Wreck you, probably.
Fun fact, tried having a four man party naturally leveled to 99 with good equipment for the area fight him, they all still get one shot, though only by a couple thousand health (Brad was up to 8200 for example). 99 puts members typically around the 200 range in stats, so compared to Buzzo's 900s it's still nothing. He's literally only beatable by abusing status effects.
At least my lips aren't that chapped
I am not autistic and I can disassociate creator from creation. As long as the politics isn't in the game itself then I don't care.
Were you always raised in that condition, where solidarity and brief moments of fatherly fresh air are all you knew?
You need to remember that she wasn't a prisoner who was taken from normality and forced to live that way. If anything, someone raised in captivity for so long would gain a dependence on their guardian, which Buddy doesn't have.
What is this fan fiction?
>blames the guy who cucked him
You mean her dad? Um, yeah, I think I would blame him for destroying his daughter's perception of sex.
this game SUCKS
Politics are in practically every game, you just only notice when it's something you disagree with.
It also determines how in your face it is. Like if a game has like Trump doing something dumb then fuck that game, if it has like a general world message that isn't current events then that can be fine.
There can always be political undertones, but you need to learn how to hide it under subtlety or metaphors. It can't be the focus or there's a serious issue with the direction of your game.
She had multiple guardians. Brad often neglected her due to his drug abuse, and when he was paying attention to her often made her do unpleasant things like murder people. It's no wonder she was more trusting of Sticky and Rick.
Please don't kill my mother.
No, Brad was the one stopping her from running out, and even spent a lot of quality time with her, like in that makeup and outside scene. He trained Buddy to defend herself in a land of murderous perverts, and while thats twisted in a normal context, it was probably the best thing he did considering how murder is common occurrence in Olathe.
The only reason she believed Sticky and Rick was because they lured her into a sense of importance. She still has no reason to specifically hate Brad when he was the one trying to stop her from getting "beaten and raped countless times".
Please spare her.
Why can't it be the focus?
If I want to make a story about a political message, I totally can. It's just a story with a political message that you can agree or disagree on.
I will find you some day
Party isn't important in the end since you have to fight Rando MGS4 style
I live in. a giant bucket
Should have just joined Rando at the start instead of being stubborn
You shouldn't go into a game with a political agenda. That comes to negatively effect the integrity of your story. If you want to include slight political themes or parallels to real life, that's fine, but it's otherwise a waste of resources.
The issue isn't political stuff being included. The issue is when it's the main theme and there isn't an attempt to separate it from its real life counterpart, or when it's done deceptively to counteract a problem that doesn't exist, or to exaggerate a problem's importance in society (see Detroit: Become Human).
I agree that maliciously using a political theme to exaggerate a problem is bad, Detroit really is a great example (amongst its many problems)
But what if it deals with an actual real life current problem.
Say there's a game with its main theme being about something like the enviroment or global warming. It is a real problem, it is current, it is affecting us in real life.
Why wouldn't that be good?
Of course, it can be written terribly, but it could also be well written.
And at that point, it would be a good game with a political agenda.
I think he means the guy she left him for.
Please don't use the Pointless as ammunition against the Painful because the former was made out of love for the latter. Thanks.
die cunt
yes. play through normal mode first (preferably twice for both endings), but pain mode isn't nearly as hard as it sounds, just a lot more tedious because you can only use each save point once, so you have to space them out and backtrack a lot.
Joyful is only really worth it for the story. Once you play through Painful you can just read up on it if you want, or play through it because it's relatively quick and fairly easy.
I do think there can be some exceptions, like with the global warming thing. Though, that's a long-term political debate. With things like presidential elections, or abortion, or anything similar, it's likely the game will lose all value after the political debate loses relevance.
Play in Pain Mode the first time for the best LISA experience.
no worries lads
Well we can agree that it is possible then since there are excpetions, that's good.
Pay attention though, global warming doesn't work just because it's long-term political debate, cause racism is a theme way older than that and we can agree that it can be done horribly like in Detroit regardless
fuck off, Buzzo
Fuck you Buzzo, my pal Fly is here to make you pay
partially to play up the idea of hyper-masculinity and partially because the game was _heavily_ inspired by professional wrestling, and how many wrestlers wear shirts in the ring?
Mods Ban this
Those new Lisa the pointless screenshots though
If 9 your mom dies
What happens if my mom is already dead?
it is painful
fuck you
ok but fuck off
Fuck you
she let rando fall. She killed all those guys on the list.
i laughed user
Fuck you
I've thought about this a lot. Brad at any point of the story could have taken Buddy to Rando to be under his protection with the condition that he be there with him to help raise her. There was absolutely nothing stopping him from doing that.
I laughed too user
Fuck off
fuck you
makin me cum jizz everywhere
Did you eat Joy? Thought so.
man, fuck you
Your gay user
No, but sounds like she took a bath in FEV
Kenshiro takes all the shirts
austin is a cuck
fuck you
That's cheap user. I haven't even played Lisa but you made reply to this thread
You shit
I just wanted Rando to live happily.
Fuck you.
Fuck you OP
no u
Buzzo pls
fuck you idiot
Fuck you
suck my dick fag
His redemption arc in The Joyful felt forced and unsatisfying.
What even triggered it?
Luck stat doesn't matter. It's pure 50/50 random forever until either one dies.
t. actually decrypted and modded the game
Entirery of Joyful is forced and unsatisfying. It's a needless, useless kickstarter stretch goal that feels like a shitty fanfic mod rather than a genuine sequel or DLC. Game naturally ends on Brad-mutant creeping onto Buddy and presumably killing her with black screen.
Music is banging though.
Actually, Buddy's baby's sprite resembles the base that Bolo is based off, and the baby only appears when you let Bolo molest you (actually the opposite is true but thats because there's a wrong switch in the event, but regardless there is a connection)
So I'm fairly certain that child is supposed to be Bolo's
I guess with Brad gone he can't use him as a scapegoat for the guilt he feels over Lisa. That's why he turns to pounding Joy. I don't really like it either.
He's joking.
This is all part of the theme of his next game Ninja Tears
Austin is based
Haven't you seen caricature ugly manly trannies in Painful?
If you can choose to not get molested, and he dies the moment he goes offscreen, then it can't be his
Buzzo genuinely did nothing wrong.
I know it's not well-structured because the game is rushed
I'm just saying there's a connection there
It's probably not Sticky's
It's probably not the guy whom Bob Friday kills for trying to molest Buddy at the very beginning, because no one remembers that line except for me and I don't even remember that line.
Buddy did a lot of bad things but it's hard for me to fault her at all.
She grew up in the harshest conditions imaginable.
She had Brad as a father, who got mad at being called Dad.
She had her mind poisoned by Rick and Sticky.
She ended up taking joy (great job on letting her pick up on that habit, Brad!) which was further deteriorating her mental state.
Buddy is like... What, twelve? Cut her some slack.
There are none.
Hopeful has terrible plot and gameplay
Pointless has no plot, only worldbuilding, decent but limiting gameplay and ZERO levity.
Everything else is either dead or will be dead soon.
Painful is the only good Lisa game.
>really good
Pointless's only quality is graphics
Hopeful's only quality is ...
>tfw lisa the pointless got cancelled
Why live lads also responding cuz i love my mum
It's not cancelled it's just shit because the whole team only cares about graphics and worldbuilding
>monster updates adds no new fights in an RPG focused on fighting
I open my eyes
It’s a meme game
I don't think it has too much filler but it definitely doesn't have enough game.
It definitely has the potential to surpass the original in a lot of ways but it has to ACTUALLY BE FINISHED FIRST.
I'm a retard user, i mixed up pointless with clueless.
The one with fish going on adventure trying to find home
Imagine replying nearly six hours later with such a shit opinion.
Pointless has fantastic balance to force you to crawl through the game with the really few resources you have. I'd argue it accomplishes the "painful" feel better then Painful. It's just too fucking short.
Hopeful doesn't really do anything new, but it's still a fine game, and I like the dynamic between the three characters. Plus the alternative routes are good for a replay.
Hopeful was fine.
>Pointless has no plot, only worldbuilding, decent but limiting gameplay and ZERO levity.
The fuck are you talking about? Did you forget the part where you can run around humping garbage bags as Alex, or that goofy scene at the inn where Joel talks about his grandfather hunting animals?
>Everything else is either dead or will be dead soon.
This is true.
>Mother 4
Oh God don't remind me. I'm still following the project after five years.
According to the lead dev, they're going to reveal the fucking name (the project was rebranded, it's just a Mother-like rpg with no direct references now) within this year, not to mention whenever it'll fucking be done. I'm still here though, occasionally checking in.
>good sprites means good game hrururd
Absolute state of lisa community.
Reminder that Monster update provides:
>not new fights
>no new characters
>not more plot
>not more dialogue
>not more items
>not new gameplay
>not more levity
>everything is resprites to look even uglier
Why are you excited for it again? Do you only play games for looks?
Well that was pretty stupid then
Pointless looks great, and fleshes out the battle system to at least be serviceable. It's got some amazing scenes and interesting dynamics on characters.
Hopeful's biggest issue is the ending, which fails to deliver an emotional response. Everything up to it was really good. It's also really cool how there's around 10 endings, and 5 if you don't include variations. The characters present are really engaging, and the campfire scenes do a good job at fleshing them out. It's not a replacement for the mainseries, but no fangame should be. It's still good if you are craving a more laxed experience after Joyful.
The fuck is with this new wave of Pointless bashing? I don't care if someone doesn't like the game, but I've always seen it getting nothing but praise.
To see people shitting on it so hard is kind of startling.
cringe opinion
Honest question, what's this from?
I've read the manga, is this just some fan drawing?
You, good sir, are a shitty nagger
fuck you
>click thread for some nice lisa art
>it's just Yea Forums being autistic again
>the only reason the thread's survived for so long is a combination of shitting on the dev and the op baiting simple replies, with some autistic arguments sprinkled around for good measure
It hurts, they'll never be another good LISA thread.
>When you get rekt by Buddy
>Omar Reyes
I love my mum
I'm listing facts that were confirmed by devs, what do you mean "opinion"? Monster update is just better graphics. They ONLY care about graphics.
The game severely lacks in gameplay and story and they decide to resprite everything.
my mom's name is lisa Dx
kill yourself
fuck off with this garbage thread.
Literally all you had to do was read, user
i put more care into this captcha than you into this post
Here, Lad. Been trying to find a gif sprite of Terry's dance.
Wasn't this because he had a mental breakdown after his father died? I can't blame the guy, I think even he apologized if I'm not misremembering.
u homo
Why tho
i wanna fuck Lisa's mouth
that is all
I hope you motherfucker at least made the right choice in the end
Sets the tone up perfectly
Comment reply
Thanks doc
>denying a hug to the man who looks like this
The fan art for this game is amazing.
*blocks your path*
That was fucking bold, OP, you fucking dumb nigger!
Explain lisa to people who don't know it
fuck off
just leave me alone
Can we please just have a cozy ‘n comfy Lisa threa
Thanks user
Combat sports and hormones
You'd think the guy who made this game would be more self aware. But really, he's just a broken man. Another one, at that.
Based and joypilled.
based buzzo
fuck you
I haven't played this game but wasn't this when the creators dad died or something?
All it adds is better sprites and shitty horror noise that by definition is not music instead of based tranny taitoki's tunes
how do I get into this game? I went in expecting a dark Earthbound or something, and I was digging the story but could not get into it gameplay-wise
Forget the expansion exists.
The Silksong reveal recently got me thinking just how similar both Buddy and Hornet are in concept but also that I don't want the latter to end up like the former in any way.
Yes, play Lisa.
It gets better later, as Brad gets more powerful.
Honestly, people say not to look anything up, but looking up good party members is probably wise. Taking 3 boring people in your party makes the combat kinda eh.
Terry and the Gasoline Spitter are a great pair.
Who else here kept both arms?
Olathe looks vaguely Southern to me, so it's probably sweltering.
LISA is really well-written, how come he's making such fundamental mistakes here? He keeps spelling "they're" as "there".
Damn it Buzzo I’m getting sick of this
not mah mom plz
Buzzo no
Yeah, it's a great RPG. A bit overrated I would agree, but that's not to say that it isn't fantastic.
these threads are so stupid and annoying
Making a game requires a bit of caring. Shitting tweets out of autism doesn't
Name 5 video games that do this.
Buzzo why
Twitter doesn't really deserve that kind of effort
Replying to this thread because I absolutely believe in keeping my mother alive even if it means falling for chain posts but also adding one a personal chain favorite of mine
more like
Damn it Op
He had to rewrite LISA when he first released the game, user.
oh fuck
Jannies are asleep
Fuck off
u gay
plz buzzo dont doit
how do I into this game? I was digging the story but just could not get into the gameplay
Why the fuck is OP allowed?
ill defeat you
Take joy, go berserk
based Hopeful chad
Joy is for faggots
Yes, do it, but don't bother with Joyful because it's bad. It is not a satisfying conclusion to the series in the slightest, probably because Ding only made it due to a Kickstarter funding obligation. Painful ends on a somewhat ambiguous but mostly fine note.
If you like Painful then skip Joyful and go try Pointless, an excellent fan game with great visuals and philosophical themes. A big update for it is going to be coming out this year, so you're just in time to get in on it.
Ah fuck off you opportunist faggots, leave Ding alone. It's easy to use that as an excuse to whinge about the es-jay-dubyas but the situation was much more complex and personal than what you're asserting. He was extremely upset because his dad had recently passed away, plus he was grappling with the attention and pressure he'd been receiving as a cult indie developer. It was a stressful situation and he was lashing out because of the pain he felt. He's since calmed down and maintained radio silence on social media so he can focus on Ninja Tears, there's no need to hold this moment of what was obviously emotional duress over his head.
It's a fan drawing unfortunately. Would have liked Dio to meet Giorno.
Dude who made the game
Heard he's better nowadays
Based and redpilled garbageman > armless bald fagola
We know Marty