The Great Debate

Low ROF, high damage or high ROF, low damage?

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Every MMORPG I've ever played had a community that insisted that high damage weapons were better than high speed weapons with equal stats and dps.
I never understood why but I've gone with it for the past 15 years anyway.

Semi auto as fast as you can pull the trigger.

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most likely cause abilities in mmos scale with weapon damage but not attack speed

because those same weapons have a higher damage per swing. If something happens that gives you an additional swing, then you do vastly more damage with that additional swing than you would do with one with a faster weapon.


high damage is always the preferred in games that have an element of pvp for obvious raisins

More damage per swing, and abilities usually scale off raw damage, not standardized DPS, so abilities will do more damage.

If it is standardized, then it depends on whether you're PvPing or PvEing. PvE you want low damage, high attack, as it gives a more consistent damage, which you want for a boss you'll be smacking on for decades. PvP, you want the low speed, high damage, because it provides more burst damage, which is harder to heal out of.

Given the same or close to the same TTK, higher ROF is better because you are less likely to get fucked by latency.
If it’s an mmo style game and not just a shooter
Are basically right, except no mention that generally crit damage formulas generally work out in the favor of higher base damage

Game I play, burst damage is usually preferred, so Lower ROF for High damage

whichever category this gat falls into
patrician taste desu

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Fucking hate games that put a cap on semi auto fire

Problem with high ROF low damage is that missing a few shots can be the difference between getting a kill and getting killed as you will be reloading more often. All comes down to how accurate you are and the weapon's spread.

Attached: LC2_Lynx.png (256x128, 16K)

It really depends on the situation.

But, think of it more this way: High Damage means if you can land the hit, the window of time doesn't matter. Especially if it has equal DPS with the High Rate.

With the High Rate, the window of time to deal damage has to be enough to equal out that DPS.

>Weapon A: 50 Damage/hit, 1 hit/second
>Weapon B: 10 Damage/hit, 5 hits/second

If the window is 1 second, and all hits land, they do equal damage.
But, if the window is any fraction of a second, then A starts to pull ahead, because its damage is front loaded.

Similarly, high damage weapons tend to be accurate, while high rate weapons tend to be inaccurate in games. (Sniper v SMG) So, if the players are still equally aim-bots, then the RNG spread of the weapons will favor the High Damage weapon more.

It goes deeper, but that's the basics.

Ultimately, the true tradeoff between speed and power guns is in the long term logistics.
>Fewer hits needed, ideally less ammo consumed for a kill
>Each miss is a greater loss to killing speed
>More hits needed, ammo consumption worse even in an ideal scenario
>Each miss is less of an issue, time-wise

If every encounter is a near-ideal outcome of few to no missed shots, Power weapons are preferable in the long term as you'll have more ammo left and need to reload less often (assuming the two weapons are of the same weapon type and have the same amount of ammo reserves).

In the short term, it is mostly up to preference, but in anything less than an ideal shootout with no misses (and assuming the game is designed around weapons being balanced around Ideal Time To Kill), the power weapon will fall behind with each miss and the speed weapon's strength shines. A weapon that cushions inaccuracy with a higher rate of fire, but at the long term cost of blowing through your ammo quicker.

Low ROF high damage has different implications depending whether it's a gun, a melee weapon or a magic spell. Guns will typically shoot first and then have a long reload time. The damage is applied instantly and the movement of the player is hardly ever impaired. Sometimes the player can even switch to a secondary firearm in-between.

For melee weapons, the situation doesn't look as good. The swing animation of a "heavy" weapon is likely to be slow, followed by an even slower recovery. A good example would be attacking with a maul. You can definitely assume that the damage won't be instantaneous and that your movements will be impaired in some way.

For spells you can expect a very long casting period before damage is applied, sometimes minutes or even hours. The casting animation may completely root the player as well, the worst movement impairment of all. Spells often have slower projectiles or effects than guns so there is the potential risk the target is gone before you are done casting or before the effect can reach it.

Addendum for guns: in the case of spaceship weaponry it is possible that a low ROF high damage weapon has to charge for a significant amount of time before damage is applied, similarly to a spell. That is true at least for high energy weapons or missiles that require a lock. Rail guns will shoot instantly and then reload slowly, conferring the same advantage you would expect from an hand-held version. Like with spells, a spaceship energy weapon that needs to charge slowly may immobilize the ship, although missile locks generally won't.

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Depends what you're up against. High ROF is good for swarms of trash mobs where you don't need a ton of damage to kill each one but you want to kill them fast so they don't overwhelm you. High damage is good when you want to take big chunks of health out of single enemies.

It doesn't really matter with planetsides 2s shitty netcode. I've auraxiumed the lynx for TR and even in situations where I should technically out DPS another guy it's a total shitshow as to who gets killed. Hence why explosives are the patricians choice of weapon.

Attached: planetside generation kill.png (584x329, 303K)

Most skills for melee dps would scale off weapon damage. The higher the single swing weapon damage the better most abilities scale

That is the flip side yes.

Ultimately, getting good will enable you to perform better with any weapon.

Also the more damage you do now, the less damage you have to do later. Say your weapon can kill in two shots, as soon as you land the first one the fight is already half over, as opposed to a weapon that needs ten shots.

Most old RPGs are like that but many newer games have effects that have a % chance of happening on a hit, typically called on-hit effects. Sometimes the effect may happen on crit which is the same as on-hit but with less chances. When these effects are involved in a build, high speed weapons are always optimal. For example the game Path of Exile is basically a newer version of Diablo and unlike Diablo 2 there is a large number of on-hit effects. You can trigger abilities or even cast spells on-hit, in which case high attack speed is necessary to cast spells like a machine gun, sometimes faster than a mage normally would. In contrast a slow attack speed will make the same build absolutely useless.