Game stars a white playable character

>game stars a white playable character
>why do people complain about not being able to identify with the protag? it's just a game lmao

>game stars a non-white playable character
>wtf how am i supposed to identify with this character? fucking sjws ruining video games!

Defend this.

Attached: rtQdmmCYFREQ2BjFK6APTA.jpg (1280x720, 1.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:

How can you identify with anything in a borderlands game lol

God I wish I was that shredded

Sry but buff as fuck chocolate muscle siren waifu. Sign me the fuck up. Also: Muh DICK.

It has nothing to do with identification and more to do with the fact that I hate being preached to .

>brown musclegirl
this makes my penis become the big penis

Who said I wanted fairness and objectivity? If my demographic makes up the majority of the market, devs should pander to us. Not like nog women even play games outside of mobile ones

Most everyone thinks she’s a smoking hot muscle goddess and wants to play as her. Are you retarded OP?

My fellow gentleman of refined tastes. Ripped dark qts are where it's at.

But there is a white dude you can play as in BL3.
Hell there is a white girl too.
And if you identify as a attack helicopter or toaster there is a character for you too.


White and Japanese people are the only people who really matter.

trigger democrat faggot

>Defend this.
She's ugly. Here you go.

excellent taste my friend

How can people be mad about this on Yea Forums if borderlands 2 been sjw since BL2 and that everybody shits on the game because of memes?

I knew Yea Forums liked the game they just didn’t want to admit it

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I don't want to "identify with" it, whatever that faggotry is. I just don't like seeing ugly women.

I can never identify with a female character. Not hating on games with Female Main Characters, but they always seem written as soft and non-violent or if they are prone to violence never tough enough as their actions seemingly claim they are.

Samus is cool though at least when she's not speaking.

As for White Male Characters, I'm not white but I at least know that most developers creating these type of characters are, which means they'll be written at least somewhat realistic in the world they live in. And of course it's easier to identify as a guy MC if you're a guy.

Also fuck Eastern RPGs with guys that want to use teamwork and love to beat the Big Bad, especially if the setting is dark (Looking at you Final Fantasy). Nobody talks like that ever, it feels like a saturday cartoon preaching morals.

>White people make 90% of wortwhile games
>You should add nonwhites because uhhhh
No, but mass effect was amazing, you had space jews, space gypsies, space niggers etc., you could genocide most of them and even give sass to turian councillor about supposed turicaust

The main demographic of first person shooters is white males.

sorry what? i was too busy being in love with the cute asian girl who summons robots

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the issue is that "inclusive" characters always come from a specific life experience angle that is insular and only relateable to that group, whereas white, male protagonists are a blank. They don't have specific life experiences (implied, or explicit) that get in the way of relating to them.

Fuck off Randy that's not why people aren't excited for this piece of shit. It's because you're an infamous conman who releases flop after flop. Now go back to fucking up playing a video you incompetent faggot.

Attached: lZhebOH.png (1245x324, 43K)

Muscle girls are such shit taste. BL1 Lilith was the only good girl from that series.

This. I honestly don't give a fuck what the mc looks like, as long as they don't look that way for a reason that has nothing to do with the game itself. If the mc is designed to fit the game, that's awesome. If the mc is designed to push some cockamamie agenda, fuck off.

The first line is why games like halo 5 are vapid and uninteresting. Everything bad about video game storytelling. You might as well cut it entirely

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>game that's crying out for character creation
>everyone could make whatever chracter they want and be happy and have fun
>game instead forces prefab characters purely for the sake of internet buzz and to appeal to people who don't even like video games
Defend this.

>Not writing insufferable 12 year old reddit-tier jokes into every single fucking sentence is bad storytelling

Fuckin lmao

literally everyones reaction to her so far is positive. are you retarded

Yea Forums always liked the game. Partly for the sheer diversity in builds and equipment to fundamentally change the game, but also with regards to what purpose the game serves. It is a looter and a damn good one at that. The gameplay cycle is near perfect. The last game that got me to invest as much free time after work was Torchlight II.

Best Class for each Game

>Borderlands 1
Mordecai all day baby.

>Borderlands 2
For team play, Maya or the Mechromancer easily. Axton is glorious for single player runs for all difficulty modes. True story.

>Borderlands - The Pre Sequel
Jack is a treat to play and probably my favorite class. All of the Pre-Sequel mains are on par with those in 2. The only character I'm not as familiar with is the Ice Queen.

Attached: borderlands-the-pre-sequel-uhd-4k-wallpaper.jpg (3840x2160, 255K)

It's so fucking accurate lol.

Borderlands is only good for its character design and its gunplay. Everything else about it is kind of cancerous, especially the meme-tier """""""writing"""""""

yes, but if devs can appeal to other people, then they can become a larger part of the market. Most whites don't have egos made of glass, so they can handle characters that don't look exactly like themselves.

so, the gamble is: can diversity add more customers than it drives away? If you sell two for every sale you lose, it is a worthwhile trade. Also, people who would rather be racist entitled shits make for difficult customers. better to have a customer who is grateful and has broad tastes.

even better, creators want to create with all the fun colors and nifty tools. tell most people "only make stories about white men, mid-20's, with stubble-beards" and they will get sick of writing.

why are there so many poos in borderlands these days?

I'm not mad about this at all, but I do hate borderlands. It's just so fucking boring and samey feeling once you get to the end.

Every thread I've seen are people that say they want to have sex with her, I don't know what the fuck you're going on about, you outrage craving turd.

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I don't want to have sex with her. I want her to have sex with me.

She's good and perfectly relatable.

Games are diverse sometimes simply because people are, not because of some autistic SJW plot. Gaming Media and Gamers commenting on things have become stupid and gay since 2014.

I am a white male and my ideas for stories or games often include Black or Mixed Race female main characters because I've dated many black women and live in the rougher part of my half-black community for a lot of my childhood.

the MC is ugly.

objectively. it's a fucking woman on testosterone.

>there's not plot to promote race mixing
>t. race traitor

every time

No one would complain if she were hot.

your people were never united, and being a race traitor can't happen, because race is not a biological classification and it doesn't mean anything in your faggoty scientific racism conspiracy theory

I'm torn with this character. She's an ugly nigger and I hate niggers, but she's got abs that make me peepee hard. I don't like things that confuse my dick.

She works for Vladof, so she’s most likely a Russkie

No one likes she baboons.

Attached: No one likes niggresses.png (902x1024, 139K)


There is nothing wrong with 2 of these.
and most fps mechanics are kind of set in stone, but it doesn't look like they're innovating much.

If the same animations are reused without prettying them up, making them more varied, or redoing them, I will scream in my local video game retail shop.

Lmao racists btfo

If you're not white, get out of white countries. Go back to your shithole.
If you're white, and you're a self hating bitch, you need to be holocausted. Your genes needs to be removed. Getting rid of self hating whites will solve 95% of our problems.

>2014 during gamergate
>Yea Forums: lol if you want women and minorities in vidya, then make your own games you fucking SJW's
>SJW's: okay


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>If we can capture the tenebrous and nonexistent tranny marketshare at the expense of our long-term support base and niche audience, it's WORTH IT AND SO GOOD FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED
Eat shit and die, retard.
People like you are the reason Blizzard sold out back in the Burning Crusade, promise one shekel more and all community and culture is forgotten.
>but haha we appealed to people who do not, will not, and have no interest in our product because they scream really loudly on platforms we don't utilize or profit from!1`11`1`12`12`1

>game stars a white playable character
>wtf how am i supposed to identify with this character? fucking white people ruining video games!
>game stars a non-white playable character
>why do people complain about not being able to identify with the protag? it's just a game lmao

you're all going to heaven when your time comes

Is there still a cock on the psychos mask

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It’s UE4 though.

Speak for yourself, homo

Are people actually riled up about this? BL1 had plenty of pocs of color, what's wrong with this one exactly? Is she transtrenderqueer or something?

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It's almost as though Yea Forums is full of retarded teenagers with underdeveloped mental faculties.

The problem isn't that she's non-white, its that shes ugly.

I want to play a pretty women, not Sharleena who works at walmart.

>take studios over with PR and marketing positions
>twitter mobs and Sarqueefianists convince devs that if they don't put tumblr inserts in their games, they're mysogiracistnazi drumpf supporters
>"We ARE making our own games you sweaty mysoginerd white cis males, gamers are OVER!"
This is not the game to complain about this but I love the faggy bugmen coming out of the woodwork to shit on le gaymerz every time something female and/our brown is on the screen

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>having any non white cis male characters is preaching
>when the majority of game characters still are white cis and male
Yea Forumstards

I want to lick her abs.

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It is a very know fact of marketing that consumers of media find characters that look like them more relatable. It is also a very well known fact that the demographic of video game consumers is VASTLY white males. Video game companys know both of these facts, and yet they choose, consistently, to put black females all over games all of a sudden. If you looked at the trend of black females in characters in games it just suddenly skyrockets seemingly out of nowhere. That's not a natural market trend, and when companies are collectively and consciously making decisions against their own market interests it means they have another agenda, they're trying to make a statement

The funny thing about Borderlands 2 is that it came out before identity politics ravaged everything. Back when it came out, everyone was playing it and Yea Forums ranted and raved about it.

As time went on though, the borderlands 1 nostalgiafags started springing up and shitting on the game whenever they could. People started to notice how retarded Randy Pitchford was and Gearbox couldn't stop gaining notoriety. All the faggots who were high on the ToRtanic bullshit started shitting on the game anytime a new expansion raised interest in the game, especially once they realized the Burch siblings and Randy Pitchford were SJWs, liking anything but borderlands 1 automatically made you Reddit.

For those of us old enough to remember, we know that there was a time Yea Forums loved Borderlands 2.

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>implying that wont change in the future
>Mass effect
Its not a statement they are trying to broaden their audience
If you market specifically to edgy white teen boys you will get a very high amount of edgy white teen boys.

Games like the fifa/sims/ most fighting games/ anime shit
transcended the racial and gender barriers that white males viciously defend and look how well they do
its only smart to try and grab such an audience

>Its not a statement they are trying to broaden their audience
It absolutely is, they even come out and say its a statement constantly. MK just announced they're intentionally uglifying all the women and that they're never sexualizing them again. They're VERY open about what they're doing. You're just a gaslighting faggot pretending not to see

What does the future have ti do with anything. Right now, the easiest way to appeal to the most common demographic for first person shooters is to make the character a white male. What happens in the future does not change a single thing about that fact. If a developer wants to make the most money they can, they appeal to the common demographic, period.

>Yea Forums
>ever loving memelands

Hello, zoomer.

>said no one ever

>completely forgets multiple Asian, south American and south European countries.
Please boy, you just get triggered by not having a white character. If all you see is brown people in video games, then you clearly have a selective view. Are you frequenting right-wing nutjob places by any chance?

If you really wanted to have a self-insert for everyone then you had a character creator or someone with a covered face. A character that is completely ridden off from an origin.
You must be in your early twenties and raging

Video games is a white male hobby the end.

>he unironically thinks game publishers go out of their way to do things
>just because of muh morals and not for financial gain
They are only trying to prevent (((((((gaming journalists))))))) from doing any witchhunts
a la smite to remove sexy video game characters
Make them look bad and eventually lose out on money
Individual devs couldnt give a shit

The most popular fps on the market right now has very few white characters and no one gives a shit
adding more poc/women just attracts more of an audience

not me

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When you deny a company is doing something that they openly and brazenly brag that they're doing and have press conferences saying "yes we are doing that thing and we are not sorry" then you're literally just being a retard. Have fun denying this to your grave, just stop asking why everyone else is annoyed when it's been clearly explained to you

People are just complaining because she's a fucking uggo, and because the class that was about having a punk girl is now replaced with a butch nigger.

I identify as being the husband of pic-related.

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>The most popular fps on the market right now has very few white characters and no one gives a shit
>no one gives a shit
You literally made a thread to complain that people give a shit lmfao. You're LITERALLY CURRENTLY asking why so many people give a shit. Keep your fucking story straight retard

>Muscular beat-em up siren
>old man with gadgets
>Robo hobo with dog
>Sgt. Hammer


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It's really sad that left wing people like yourself can't think of their own insults so they try to high jack what right wing people say about them it's really pathetic.

Literally no one is whining about not being able to identify with her you autistic fuck

amazonian abs wife of course

Weak bait. No one is talking about muh identifiable character

>won't be able to play as a goth girl in BL3
>replaced with the ugliest character ever seen in Borderlands before
It hurts.

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>Yea Forums defending mutt

We need to cleanse the Resetera faggots from this board.

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The mecha girl.
The other characters look boring as fuck, and the new Siren is offensively ugly.

But most people are thinking she's a hot snu snu chocolate waifu
What are you talking about

I have not heard anyone say this about the new Siren at all. In fact, everyone except for /pol/ seems to like the new Siren. And it's not like playable black characters are new in Borderlands.

>your mind on /pol/

What the hell are you even talking about?

What the fuck are you talking about?
Have you looked at that thing's face?
It's like a stereotype of SJW design that /pol/ would make to make fun of SJWs.
Only thing's missing is the afro.

>not knowing that the Siren is based on an Indian girl
keep away from this site with your teenage rage.

Attached: yikes.png (250x202, 8K)

Way to strawman, turbotard.
Retards do get salty about not being able to identify with regular white guy protagonists.
They push in lame caricatures of brown people to compensate, but because they are usually creatively bankrupt it's just a variation of "sassy black lady with afro"

Point one LEADS to point two.

Then people complain about shoehorned in "diversity" that ends up being anything but diverse.

Sirens should be attractive. That thing is an actual gorilla.

Get this i don't give a flying FUCK what gender race in my video games. People who bitch need to shut the fuck up and play the game or don't very simple.

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Yes, we heard you marketeers say that enough times today, she's indian bla bla bla, she looks like a stereotypical butch nigger.

She just looks like ass, I don't project myself onto fictional characters because I'm not a tranny expecting that from everything in existence

This her face is the worst.

If you are not even interested in the game, probably not even booted up the previous ones, then why are you here? Just venting teenage rage again?

>Literally tailor made for all those muscle girl threads

Attached: IMG_20190329_082134_041.jpg (681x1080, 197K)

Because this thread is exactly about this?
She's ugly, when the two previous sirens were hot.


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You made this thread about venting your teenage rage, well great then. Absolute incel behaviour. If you can't get laid, you rage about inane shit on a videogame you are not even interested in. ;^)

Muscle girls are cute. That thing is not.

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>if you don't like this disgusting beast you are a virgin
You are not even subtle.

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maybe in the literal sense but if you can get past her personality then you have literally no standards.

She was great in BL1, then she went full retard. Mad nobody killed her desu

Most of Yea Forums has become /pol/, but the likes of you shall be saved when the purge happens.

Threads about muscle girls are about CUTE muscle girls.
Just having abs doesn't mean anything when you are an uggo otherwise.
Meanwhile that thing barely looks like a woman.

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omg she's so cute guise
btw if you don't like her you are a bunch of misogynistic MRA virgin incels

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>Not liking fit tomboys
Your loss, mate.

>muscle girls
Shitty fucking taste. I don't want cute muscle girls. I want sexy beast like bitches. That's a proper muscle girl. You just want regular girls with abs. Literally low test.

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posting the version that has her hair clipping doesn't make you look very intelligent.

Yeah dude, look at this sexy beast
Ah yes, the hair clipping will fix the disgusting face and the eyebrows and her general ugliness?

I like fit tomboys, not ugly niggers.
The one in the OP is an ugly nigger, the kind that everyone would ignore if she was killed by the police one night.

it's ue4 retard

She literally looks fine you dumb faggot. Go back to /pol/

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Will you play her game?

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>ywn play as peak maya

Attached: maya.png (671x646, 602K)

Her ability implies she's indian, though. Also, look at this low test faggot who doesn't like dark girls

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>look at this obscure, 270x600 pic where she's barely visible


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There's a bunch of blatant hypocrisy that goes just beyond that, lmao

>gay character doesn't act gay, could easily be confused for straight, have no idea he's gay unless the game literally tells you
>Why is he gay then? Why isn't he straight? What purpose does him being gay serve? Forced diversity, you just made him gay for brownie points

>gay character acts gay, flirts with other men (like how men flirt with women), talks about his husband, has a love interest
>WOW stop shoving your gayness down my throat, good gay characters don't go on and on about how gay they are!

You can't win either way, so fuck it

Fuck off shill.

Yeah, look at these low test faggots who wouldn't fuck a 10/10 like this, like hello?
You don't like real women?

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Fuck the waifufags, where are my /robobros/ at?

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She looks fine you literal autist. You're not even going to be able to see your character most of the time anyway so I don't see why you care so fucking much. Jesus christ, you're literally an annoying SJW.

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Keep repeating "she looks fine" marketeer, you can do it a thousand times over, that won't make her stop being disgusting.

>you're literally an annoying SJW.
Who's the one throwing everything at the wall to try to convince others that this abomination looks good?
Over the past few hours i've seen everything
>call everyone a virgin
>pull the "dude delicious brown lmao" even though she looks terrible
>accuse those who hate her of being white women

You are not going to convince anyone.
An ugly person is ugly, you will not redefine what beauty is.

i really hope he's actually loaderbot, that'd be so fucking kino

It's as if they came to Randy saying
>Dude, we need to fill the SJW ugliness quota, but we made some pretty nice looking characters what do we do
>I know, just dump every single stereotype that SJWs like into this one character

And this is the result.
Maybe that thing is a martyr for the rest of the game.
Can't wait to mod her out.

Very based

>Not wanting to wrestle her and then have snu-snu
What are you gay?

>draw a guy
>call it a girl
why do western developers do this?

>You are not going to convince anyone.

It's fine if you don't personally find her attractive. But she's not ugly and I see plenty of attractive women that look like her in real life and I personally find her very attractive, as do many others. She's not anime, and that's fine. It's different, but also good.

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>he's actually trying

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>Can't wait to mod her out.
You don't play Borderlands.

This. Nobody thinks this plus, this character is literally fucking fine. And her design is ugly you say? I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as the nigger babooness that is Lifeline.

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If they can mod textures, i'm sure they'll be able to model swap her for something else.
I don't want to see that tranny whenever I get into a vehicle.

>look mommy i said the bad word again!

really guys?

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Nobody here talks about identifying with the character, you self-inserting faggot. Xhe's just being called ugly. Doesn't matter either way, this series has been reddit trash from the start.

>nazi frog
oh no no no no

>All this talk about the indian muscle girl
>no one mentioning robot guy with kickass mech suit

faggots, all of you

You'll literally never see her face ever, and the brief instant you're getting in the vehicle is so small you can't even appreciate your own character's aesthetics. If it matters that much to you I ain't gonna convince you to stop. But I do think it's pathetic that it matters that much to you.


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The robot guy doesn't have the mech suit you fucking dingas!

qt russian girl has the mech, robohobo has skags and raks and shit as pets

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Oh nigga!

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Dios mio, el goblino de las Americas...

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In reality

>Game starts with white playable character
>No-one cares

>Game starts with a nonbinary person of colour and alternate gender
>People don't play it
>Dev and journalists scream sexism, misogyny, transmisogny, trolls, alt-right

If you don't like dark skinned girls with washboard abs and ponytails, you're a fucking fag. Sorry. That simple.

Attached: karakohobaku_01.jpg (1068x1500, 394K)

>this obsessed with race

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Notie how the girl you just posted, and probably none of your folder, doesn't have the face of a gorilla.

I hate niggers and cunts.

Based RoBro
If he's not loader bot I hope he atleast has a voice like disguised LB


No one cares that niggers have black skin. It's when they have stereotypical black facial features that belong in a racist's parody cartoon that there's a problem, because no one wants to look at those.
Attractive black women exist, so I don't know why these forced diversity faggots insist on using the ugliest ones.

looks like a black man

Lilith, Krieg and Athena or Wilhelm

She's so fucking ugly that i'm going to stop maining Siren.
I'm going with the russian girl with the mecha.

Thinks it'll be the right that gets purged.
>The party of 100000000 bullets
>The party of not knowing which bathroom to use

>Yea Forums
>ever loving games

These are the same faggots that say Dichen Lachman is ugly and a horse for not having some round blobby anime girl face. These incel nazi losers are a lost cause.

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How do you people even survive in the real world? How do you react when you see black people? Do you screech like you do on here? Actually, I doubt you even go outside much.

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I like how there's this one lone waifufag of this thing that goes out of his way to spam her whenever he can.

The new siren is a poo in loo girl with a realistic face. It's just average, definitely not negroid either. You're being a retard.

Easy, i'm not a filthy am*rican, I don't see black people.

>No one cares that niggers have black skin.

then how come I always see people use terms like shitskins?

You hang out on edgy websites.

She's clearly indian and not black. Yea Forumsirgins are dumb as fuck.

Tons of people adore her, because she's a great actress and beautiful. And she's not a "thing", you have her mistaken with your mother.

Attached: image (2).jpg (1388x1388, 123K)

>realistic face
>in a videogame
>with a cartoony comic artstyle
And even then, what's the point of realism?
Realism results in something worse 100% of the times.
Fuck realism, we already have enough ugly reality to put up with, I don't play videogames to see ugly reality.

WHY would anyone be against beauty?
What's the advantage of realism?

>How do you people even survive in the real world?
Pretty simple really i go out to get food watch a movie go to the dmv you know normal shit things.
> How do you react when you see black people?
I don't LMFAO!
>I doubt you even go outside much.
Your right i'm to busy fucking your mom (she really likes it if you play with her clit and pound her in the ass)

You are black third world nigger HAHAHAHAAAAAA

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I have yet to see a single marketeer speaking how she's Indian to point at a single indian feature on her.

>Game makes you play as an ugly nigger
>Well written, attractive white

No, I live in Norway.
There's pretty much no blacks here.
I have never seen a single one in my life, and I hope it stays that way.

And are you implying the US isn't a third world nation?

>What's the advantage of realism?

This. DMC 5 is realism and looks amazing.

Attached: Verg.jpg (1920x1080, 478K)

Not because of realism, despite of it.
And because the characters are still good looking.
Unlike the nigger in the OP.

>No, I live in Norway.

Attached: 1553810323936.png (256x192, 3K)

Reality isn't ugly, you're just a faceless anonymous egg that's obsessed with hatred and irrational sperging for hours on end. Nobody that spends their lives doing what they like should listen to the input of an emotional cripple with a polluted brain.

Siren or Big Bot
can we talk about Rhys being canon? And the new thicc enemy bot?

The six armed siren ability?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-28-12-16-39.png (1280x720, 1.22M)

Her skintone, nose, and hair are very indian, and she has an asian face shape

Oh boy, look at the resetrannies projecting.

>Her skintone, nose, and hair are very indian
What the fuck are you talking about?

>she has an asian face shape
What the fuck?

You just spoke completely meaningless things.
Post pics and examples.

Ah yes, forgot that indians have the ability to spawn holographic arms.

>Reality isn't ugly
Say that to ugly ham beats and fat asses

It's a cartoony depiction of a realistic face and realistic muscular girl body. And a very good one at that. It's no different than Markus's level of down-to-earth features.

>Reality isn't ugly
Realism is used as an excuse to produce ugly characters like the nigger in the OP.
And yes, reality is ugly, most people are bad looking, otherwise models wouldn't be a thing.

>Clearly isn't a nigger
>Her only ability gives her numerous arms like Kali and numerous other hindu gods and the hands are doing a yoga/prayer gesture

Gee, I wonder? You're fucking stupid, she's clearly not a nigger.

Not him, but I've never been to Resetera. I hate Resetera, SJWs, and the rest of their like. But I also hate /pol/, neo-Nazis, and people like you who won't shut the fuck up about race. You're pathetic. You have no self awareness.

Attached: 1484200580490.jpg (400x300, 37K)

How about next time, they base it on a real, actual good looking girl?
Nobody cares about realism, realism doesn't bring anything good, it's pointless.

Stop shitposting.

Attached: kali-2[1].jpg (856x1128, 264K)

she's clearly a nigger

Nigger>Street shitter

>like the nigger in OP
Except she isn't ugly.

>being a leftist retard that hates his own history, culture and life
>posting this fucking thread all day every day for (You)s
kill yourself, mon ami

Attached: 1456793833091.gif (250x308, 1.88M)

>dude, who cares if it looks like a nigger, she's CLEARLY indian because of her ability that has nothing to do with her looks

Yes she is, offensively ugly, you can say that she isn't as many times as you want, that won't make that disgusting gorilla look any better.

Looks like she spotted a nigger on the right.

Attached: 1552979891474.jpg (1087x1080, 112K)

Her hair is clearly not black, even when black women straighten their hair it doesn't have that feathered look to it and it looks coarse, she can't be black based on that alone.

Attached: Black-Girl-straight-hair.jpg (1600x1236, 211K)

Oh no no no.

Attached: 1529659626246.webm (600x338, 712K)

She looks Indian? She has straight hair and non-negroid features. Have you never left your fucking basement? I'm positive you're just baiting.

Attached: indian-woman[1].jpg (640x427, 32K)

>What's the advantage of realism?
None to the player but it lets devs be lazy and uncreative and dumb little kids love it because it makes them feel mature.

Indian women are better looking than your generic east asian crap

HA sounds about right.

>How about next time, they base it on a real, actual good looking girl?
What the fuck did you want you faggot? Did you want her to look exactly like the other two Sirens? That's boring as shit. At least there's a bit of diversity of aesthetics and she's not even ugly to boot. She still manages to be sexy while being muscular and you're only flipping out because she didn't look samefaced with everyone else. You're fucking insufferable. You already have Lilith, and you alreadt have Maya both in Borldernads 3. That should be enough. You also have Moxy too. That's three females that you people think are hot. There's no point in getting upset.

Attached: 1471332243109.jpg (1920x1080, 373K)

Please edit in OH GOD A NIGGER LMFAO!

Attached: 1552295442616.png (421x429, 87K)

and no matter how many times you say she looks ugly and like a gorilla it won't make it true.

Shit niggers this thread really deteriorated. I can't tell who's an actual ResetEra tranny or just baiting for easy (You)s. Regardless, it's all the same to me. Anyways, I'm loving the classic tube-fed, pump action shotguns they briefly showed off in the trailer.

Attached: D0xtvkdU8AERJBT.jpg (485x443, 46K)

>Did you want her to look exactly like the other two Sirens?

>That's boring as shit. At least there's a bit of diversity of aesthetics
No, good looking things are not boring.
I don't want diversity of any kind when that diversity involves saying "Oh, this looks good, lets add a bit of ugly for the sake of diversity".

Oh yeah, everything is pretty, how terrible, lets add a bit of ugliness for diversity's sake, because diversity > beauty for no reason at all.

Kill your fucking self.

It's going to be so fucking annoying when she ends up with a name like Amara or Kamala and speaks with an Indian accent and retards still act like she's black.

Attached: 1549748060883.png (937x638, 298K)

It's not about the character being brown.
It's about the character being ugly as sin and you know it.

Yes she is, offensively ugly, you can say that she isn't as many times as you want, that won't make that disgusting gorilla look any better

Look at this fucking post, this is the kind of people defending the gorilla.

what does that have to do with my post? you leftists truly are poor souls, thinking theres a racist rapist hiding behind every tree. its so sad and pathetic.

Attached: 1490024514869.gif (200x146, 1.18M)

Dude, it's literally a tranny version of Ricardo.

>dude diversity lmao
I think we are being trolled.

Attached: 1533036745916.jpg (900x900, 44K)

So which one is the SMG elemental dd?

Attached: 1549540366192.jpg (558x767, 127K)

you only like brown when the character in question is some generic ass "asian" gyaru garbage

>I don't want to see that tranny whenever I get into a vehicle.
Why are you playing as a character you don't like?

Oh no, you had to see them in the previous thread.
People started posting real life muscle girls and they started saying every single one of them was ugly while defending the gorilla.
They also started saying that Maya and Lilith were pig face and horse faces, and that the ones shitting on the nigger were probably "white women".

It's so obvious these are resetera faggots that it's not even funny.

It has to do with your post because you racists love your shitty east asian "waifus" when indian women look better and don't have that fucked up chinky looking shit going on with their faces. The irony is irl people would be making that same face at that ugly bitch you posted until she cried.

>He would pick my skinny ass up and pound my bio pussy with so much power and speed i would almost die
The orgasms would be amazing!

Attached: 7867.jpg (474x315, 13K)

Gee, I wonder who posted tis.

Attached: 1523651010445.jpg (640x480, 81K)

>you only like brown when the character in question is some generic ass "asian" gyaru garbage

Attached: 1505149896357.jpg (1024x985, 222K)

Then you're not fucking reasonable. If she looked the same as the others then everyone would say she looks boring and character designers lack originality.
>No, good looking things are not boring.
She looks good AND she looks different. And yes, every character looking the same is boring. If every female character had to look exactly the same it would get repetitive very fucking fast. Besides, I don't find her ugly, and many people don't. You're literally the only one acting like this. You're a spoiled little kid screeching that he didn't get something he wanted when before the day even started he didn't know there was going to be anything at all. It's not like her inclusion takes away from everyone else. Like I said, the hot girls you already liked are still in the game. You're complaining for no reason.

Attached: 1484115887457.jpg (344x377, 48K)

Fuckers, this was a shitpost but her name is literally Amara.

>"Like her fellow Sirens, Amara has mystical powers, and we see her summoning a bunch of magic arms which, judging by what we know from the leak, are possibly related to her groundpound skill. Moze can summon mechs, according to the same leak, and while we don't see that ability in the trailer, we do Zane riding one. Perhaps Moze can summon mechs for other players to use, or maybe it's just one of the new vehicles. There's a few of them. "

She's Indian, it's time to stop.

Attached: 1552902681578.png (1024x862, 982K)

>If she looked the same as the others then everyone would say she looks boring and character designers lack originality.
Who would?
The ones who want ugliness for diversity's sake?
Yeah, who wants everything to look good.

>She looks good
No she doesn't, she has a disgusting manface.

>it would get repetitive very fucking fast.
I prefer that than being disgusted.

>You're complaining for no reason.
I am, because she's ugly as fuck.

No one gave a shit in BL1
Half the cast was POC
You are insane and pushing a narrative just to cause trouble

...What the fuck is that...THING?

Attached: 1553593346720.jpg (375x441, 72K)

I'm not a tranny or an sjw you dumb faggot. I'll laugh while India slowly takes over the world, good luck calling them niggers then.

It's time to stop what?
Her being designated indian doesn't make her stop looking like an ugly nigger.

>make no mention race whatsoever
>get accused of racism
like pottery

Attached: 1504995804096.gif (268x375, 1.99M)

>/pol/ sees a white girl character
Eh, it's fine. I might deem to pick it up at some point.
>/pol/ see a none white girl character



Attached: 1493563407630.jpg (640x640, 78K)

told you this was gonna be dogshit trash
but you didnt listen
now youre sucking jew cock again
how does it feel

pretty sure amara can be a black girl name too

Pretty good day 1 buy.

>Indian name
>Straight hair
>Her ability makes her go full wrath of asura mode with yoga hand gestures


Yes, because white girls look good and non-whites are absolutely disgusting?


Attached: 1528125534194.jpg (539x960, 47K)


What does that matter when she has a nigger face?

Oh look, the first resetranny loses it.
Took less than I expected.

taylor swift is ugly too, uglier than the character in borderlands btw

Indians stole those gods from africa


>Who would? The ones who want ugliness for diversity's sake?
No you sperg. Everyone would. If you're definition of anything looking good is for everything to look exactly the same then there's no getting around it. You are a screaming child upset that something is different.

>No she doesn't, she has a disgusting manface.
Except she doesn't. She straight up does not look like a man. I look at her and I see a woman and that's how most normal people see her. If you don't, then there must be something wrong with your eyes.

>I prefer that than being disgusted.
If you're so resistance to things being different then why even buy new games? Literally just go back and play the same games you already like. I guarantee you'll have the same experience over and over again without change.

>I am, because she's ugly as fuck.
I mean, you're ugly as fuck but you don't see people around you screeching to remove you from their sight.

You are retarded, most Borderlands 2 threads were about making fun of cucklord Burch and his need to make 95% of in-game text to be pop culture references that ended up being outdated in the very year the game was released, surprising absolutely nobody

The cope is real.

Attached: 1535071380357.jpg (540x960, 136K)

Default meme post LMFAO!

Attached: LOLLLLLL.jpg (217x217, 9K)

>Nice abs
>Wide hips
>Well proportioned muscle
>Even long flowing hair
Her face is fine and you know it. You are an individiual of no taste for not liking muscular girls that aren't even hyper tier. Game will probably be stupid memey shit with piss poor gunplay but she looks good

She doesn't have a nigger face, she has a bog standard Indian face. What makes it a "nigger face" to you? She has a normal Indian nose and a strong jawline with high cheekbones. Zero negroid features.

>Oh look, the first resetranny loses it.
So not freaking out about race and screaming that not every girl has the same exact face is now Resetera? Fuck, all this time I didn't even know. I hate Resetera, but now i know I am Restera. Shit.

>Everyone would
Nobody complained about Maya.
Why would they start now?
No one cares about repetition in that way.

>upset that something is different.
Yes because it's worse.

>She straight up does not look like a man.
Except she does, she looks like a black man.

>If you're so resistance to things being different
To being worse.

>I mean, you're ugly as fuck but you don't see people around you screeching to remove you from their sight.
You almost hurt my feelings, but i'm afraid that only works with millennials.
And videogames are not real life, you have the chance to remove ugliness.
Ugliness is something you put up with and try to fix, it's not something you uplift.

>Fictional Characters doesn't gave skin tone #ffffff
>/pol/ goes crazy

Attached: 1547150889335.png (512x512, 368K)

oh, i know. every vomit inducing fuck ugly woman is more beautiful than "conventionally beautiful" women. its that damn systematic oppression and institutionalised bigotry that has brainwashed me into thinking good looking women are attractive.
we NEED more diversity NOW.

Attached: kizami.png (605x1034, 1.11M)

Bow to your Hindu gods.

Attached: shiva kalaiselvan.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

Show me an indian girl that looks like that.

No, you have already seen the posts, it's about her face being ugly, below average nigger-tier.

>/pol/cucks so culturally blind that they don't realise there's more dark skins than just niggers
You guys are pathetic, truly and honestly

No, tay tay is legit ugly, and that frog faced thing with no tits that you posted is ugly too

I swear this board plummets in quality in US/Australia time

I don't hate black skinned or female characters.
i just hate SJWs because they are pro censorship about everything they dislike for.
that's why i just avoid and ignore everything that caters to them or is made by them.

This is the part where people start posting hot girls, and they will say that absolutely every single one of them is ugly.

Attached: 1548680502459.jpg (870x1307, 110K)

Non whites are niggers GET IT!? N I G G E R S!

Attached: YourAFaggot.png (640x480, 14K)

shes just fucking black, there was a huge muscular black dude in borderlands 1, how is that preaching to anyone

is there a version of this without the bitch in the middle? i wanna see that sweet collection

Attached: 630-01877841en_Masterfile[1].jpg (301x450, 36K)

Man this board gets worse year after year

Remember, Resetera, that you will never be girls and you will never give birth.

Attached: 1543823680374.jpg (720x892, 150K)

She's got those nigger lips!

Attached: xx1552979891474.jpg (1087x1080, 125K)

>give birth

Then why make her look like a nigger when she's supposed to be indian?

No, just the gorilla in the OP.

list of non-white borderlands player characters
>Amara (new siren)

list of white borderlands player characters

quit complaining poltards

I better be able to ORA
Or at the very least Asura some fools

>as a borderlands character

shut your stupid ass up

Attached: 1441810177597.jpg (657x720, 82K)

>Nobody complained about Maya.
Because she was only the second playable female characters. It doesn't get repetitive yet.

>Yes because it's worse.
You think everything is worse. Nothing is good to you. I doubt you do anything other than complain about how much worse things are compared to when you were a kid.

>Except she does, she looks like a black man.
I've never seen a black man that looks like her, but hey, there's lots of people in the world. I've also seen white "men" who looks like real life traps, and I've seen them in far larger quantities then feminine black men. White women looks mostly like men now?

>To being worse.
Everything looks worse to you. You miserable fucker.

>You almost hurt my feelings, but i'm afraid that only works with millennials.
pft, look at you pretending you're not immensely butthurt. You're a fat lardass who never leaves the house if he can help it. You don't talk to people you've never so much as kissed a girl.

Except people are complaining about a character being ugly, not non-white.

>hes a liplet
I'm 100% European ethnically and have full lips
full lips=/=nig lips

>>game stars a non-white playable character
>>wtf how am i supposed to identify with this character? fucking sjws ruining video games!
This never happens.

>Because she was only the second playable female characters. It doesn't get repetitive yet.
Yeah, the third cute girl, things get repetitive and people start demanding uglier people.

>You think everything is worse
No, just the girl in the OP.
For example, Tina looks okay, and Maya looks even better than in BL2.

>I've never seen a black man that looks like her
That's hard, she looks like the average one.

>Everything looks worse to you
No, just the gorilla compared to its two predecessors.

>You're a fat lardass who never leaves the house if he can help it. You don't talk to people you've never so much as kissed a girl.
When you do that, you start liking ugly girls?

i expected some niggress in afro, this is just delicious brown muscle girl
if it makes you feel bothered reconsider your life

Get a real meme nigger LMFAO XD LOL

Halo 5's main story writing is shit, but the idle dialog from NPC's and enemies is actually really well written, it's baffling


Be honest, you complain all the time about characters not being white. Even if the character wasn't "ugly" you'd still be screeching about her being not white. You'd also likelly say she's not really black or something for having "white features".

That never happens because the idea of "identifying" with a character is fucking stupid.
I don't give a fuck if the character is not relatable, hell, I do NOT want the character to be relatable because I have a very boring, average life where nothing interesting happens compared to fictional stories.

I do not want to see a movie about a guy like me, who goes to work, and then plays some videogames, because it's not interesting at all.

I want characters who are different, who don't act or behave like your average person, who do interesting stuff, who fight.

This is just a problem for autistic people who want to self insert and think themselves to be heroes or some shit.
Nobody cares about what those retards want.

Attached: 1528077609205.gif (200x220, 122K)

Salvador is also clearly not white. Flak too.

The girls you post look like potato faced white trash

Attached: d140a036493317.56064555541b6.jpg (1400x1050, 357K)

But it's not /pol/. The people posting in the manner you see are the trannies we want to gas, who are currently trying their best to stir up shit.

No, pic related is black and she looks fine.
Why can't we have good looking characters?

Attached: 1553701089273.jpg (564x564, 36K)

Of course, because they are white, and white girls trigger you.
Good thing we have you to post Ms. Nigger covered in 20 pounds of makeup and in heavily photoshopped pics.

Attached: 1548317243427.png (300x637, 317K)


>it never happens to me so it must not happen to anyone else

They were lazy. They had TONS of time to make good looking models and it came down to fuck it we want money.
Borderlands 3 could of been good graphics/model wise.

kys retard, and leave this forum for your favorite bizarro hugbox /pol/

Won't defend opinions that are not my own. I play whiteys, niggers, goatfuckers, pajeets, gooks and all kinds of fantasy races all the same. I play vidya because it allows me to be someone else, somewhere else.

Attached: ring-a-ding-ding.jpg (484x125, 13K)

It's fucking Borderlands. Who cares? The character could be a tranny and I still wouldn't care because it's fucking Borderlands.

Operation Bigfoot

Are you telling me some people think otherwise?
They want characters who lead boring, meaningless, empty lives?
Why would the average, dumbass millennial who's life revolves around playing games and watching shitty superhero movies want a character like them?
Are they that narcissistic that they unironically think they are interesting people?

Attached: 1552876343805.gif (88x128, 103K)

You don't even play Borderlands you immense faggot. I'm gonna make an extremelyl educated guess and say you don't actually do consider her ugly. You don't. You're literally just saying that because you're upset at something else. You view her as a percieved slight against you, like because she exist you're not getting something else. But guess what, you have tons of other game characters who look exaclty like you want them too. You will have countless more as well. I noticed you didn't say I was wrong about how you live, I'm gonna make another pretty well eduated guess and say most of your views about girls come basically entirely from anime. Talking to real girls scare you and you try and justify it by saying to yourself "it's not me, it's them! They're ugly and I don't like them so they're not worth talking too!"

Get a life. It's okay if one video game character does not look like anime.


>You don't even play Borderlands you immense faggot

Sorry, but your millennial political gibberish doesn't work on me, that only works on other millennials who are actual, unironic political activists.

And no, it's because she's ugly.

You fucking what? I absolutely hate this "realistic" style because it goes against what's established in 3 and 4. I don't care about them being high polygon and shit, capcom uglified everyone by making them "realistic".

leave Dorne

>be you
>see black person

Attached: 1534116858120.gif (266x243, 250K)

Attached: 1553292582742.gif (88x128, 69K)

Why not post attractive white women then, all the ones you post have fat ugly chipmunk cheeks

Attached: 20180419_04433163_M.jpg (960x1281, 365K)

By the way, the only anime I actively watch is Dragon Ball, I don't really like anime, and even less moeshit.
In fact, nothing makes me more angry than the idea that a realistic girl must be ugly.
This is probably pushed by ugly people.

I always forget how bluepilled Yea Forums is.


Because you are probably a brown tranny who absolutely hates white women for being attractive.

Attached: 1536438162541.jpg (700x700, 128K)

The characters look better than they ever have, dmc 5 is the natural evolution of the style, dmc was always meant to look realistic

This is you.

Attached: assault.webm (360x640, 1.24M)

"Sark, you had one job!"

> that only works on other millennials who are actual, unironic political activists.
That's literally you to a T. You are quite literally a millenial SJW. You're only against her because of some stupid agenda and don't evne bother pretending otherwise. If you simply didn't like her you wouldn't be her screeching so loudly like a child. But you are here doing exactly that. Grow up. You're just as bad.

Attached: 1494568127410.jpg (1032x774, 208K)

>game stars a non-white playable character
Did you miss "holy fuck sexy brown muscle woman!" part?

there it is again!

Attached: 1547092744169.gif (150x150, 1.07M)

Why are you playing games to relate to the characters at all?

>oh look a game!

Attached: 1513170790682.jpg (698x698, 151K)

I'm not a millennial, though.
You are, because a millennial is always an autistic, politically obsessed person who thinks he's much smarter than he really is and thinks he knows everything.
And it's fun to point out how ugly she is due to how desperate "some" people are at insisting that she isn't.

>I'm not a millennial, though.
Get out zoomer!

Attached: LOLLLLLLL.jpg (217x217, 13K)

>literally ousting yourself as /pol/
You have to go back

Attached: 1551404058317.png (911x900, 1.55M)

No, because there was certainly a brown muscle woman, but she wasn't sexy at all because she looks like a fucking gorilla.

>defending assault

Twitter is that way -->

>dmc was always meant to look realistic
Says who? It's a nip game through and through. Same as RE. But "hey we just made a game about rednecks on our brand new engine so let's make all our characters into rednecks, that sounds fun".

Meh should of had a gun he had it coming.

Just goes to show how important race is to individual and group identity.

>b-but I'm not politically obsessed
Nigga, you're fucking obsessed with politcs don't even fucking pretend. Nobody kicks up this much of a fuss unless there's an agenda.

Attached: 1486534265591.png (600x580, 572K)

>>literally ousting yourself as /pol/
You have to go back

Attached: 1553823669049.jpg (655x598, 99K)

Yes, i'm proud of not being a millennial.
I'm proud of not being part of the generation of autistic people who ruined political discussion, who rised racial tensions for no reason at all, who are in their 30s, and still watch superhero movies and play videogames, who think doing so is political activism.

I'm proud of not being part of a generation of manchildren who spent 10 years pretending internet shitposting will save the world.

Attached: average millennial.jpg (1024x1024, 606K)

>resetera posters
NA timezones so funny

Jesus, what a faggot.

Attached: DnD5Jk6XoAAmkpj.jpg large.jpg (1200x1200, 178K)

>Game doesn't create a carbon-copy of myself

>defending assault
You /pol/ fags literally defend the guy who shot up the mosque. None of you are any better than street nigs.

And who tries defending it so hard and trying to convince that ugliness is beauty?

>Yes, i'm proud of not being a millennial.
>I'm proud of not being part of the generation of autistic people who ruined political discussion, who rised racial tensions for no reason at all, who are in their 30s, and still watch superhero movies and play videogames, who think doing so is political activism.
>I'm proud of not being part of a generation of manchildren who spent 10 years pretending internet shitposting will save the world.

Attached: LOLLLLL.jpg (217x217, 12K)

Seeing a none white person in a game doesn't mean the white race is being wiped out you absolute fagola.

I'm legitimately convinced that the key to saving the world is the destruction of the USA and all of it's inhabitants.
America is literally cultural poison, the Nazy Germany and Soviet Union of our era.

we already have diversity in society,

I think you're just blind and racist.

Ah yes, it's a millennial thing to go out of your way to speak like 5 year olds.
Let me give this a try, yikes oof incel thot *dabs* omegalul.
Am I one of these cool, balding 30 year olds now?

Attached: millennial flirting.webm (564x606, 1.13M)

>spent 10 years pretending internet shitposting will save the world
Funny seeing /pol/ got the current US president elected by culturejamming the narrative so hard that Dems are forced to play the unwinnable diversity card for the foreseeable future.

all of them

Never said it did.

Attached: 1507072764956.jpg (900x900, 121K)


Attached: 1548639762119.jpg (435x530, 22K)

OH! forgot nice meme

Ah yes, I forgot that you millennials unironically believe in politics and have blind faith in your stupid, corrupt, sellout political parties.
Millennial activism, where the far right sides with a puppet of Israel and the far left sides with the elites of it's country.

Yikes yikes oof dabs oof.
Am I doing it correctly?

Attached: 1545222199939.png (3513x1109, 2.85M)

Not enough.

Strawman. I don't give a shit about representation, I just hate media pandering to so called "progressivism" or pushing that political agenda.
I don't mind female or non-white protagonists, as long as it is not politically motivated.

Resetrannies are finally losing it.

>Ah yes, I forgot that you millennials unironically believe in politics and have blind faith in your stupid, corrupt, sellout political parties.
>Yikes yikes oof dabs oof.
Am I doing it correctly?
Not at all zoomer LOLOLOLOL

Attached: 1552306002786.jpg (471x388, 94K)

I just want Yea Forums to stop fucking crying all the damn time. I want Yea Forums to just stop sperging out and let people actually have fun for fucks sake. But people like you who can't let others have fun ruin it for everyone because you can't stand people having different opinions than you. I never said she was beautiful, I said she wasn't ugly and that she's very attractive, and lots of people do. That's a concept you apparently can't wrap your head around. Why does that hurt you so?

Attached: 1544582906434.jpg (384x309, 39K)

Nice meme

Well, it wasn't hard breaking you.
After all, millennials are the biggest bunch of pussies in this planet.

Attached: 1543536591554.jpg (732x960, 119K)

You tried to hard cope but still managed to shit yourself somehow

literally go back to /pol/ you race obsessed, goblin.

>unironically having a picture like that saved on your computer.

Attached: 1483935191680.jpg (568x460, 44K)

Because she's an ugly gorilla.

>far right sides with a puppet of Israel
What? The dissident right either abandoned Trump a while ago or never supported him in the first place. Everyone knew he was a kiked but still hoped he would build the wall and reverse the demographic trends. It's obvious that isn't going to happen.

>Well, it wasn't hard breaking you.
After all, millennials are the biggest bunch of pussies in this planet.
Your to busy stuffing giant dildos up your asses and playing pretend and you call us pussies? PFFT HAHAHAHAHA GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!

Attached: Grin.png (633x874, 89K)

Of course I have, anything that points out at the failure that millennial pussies are.

Are you telling me suddenly /pol/ isn't right wing?

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pic is you

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but the "girls" you post all have chubby faves like ugly traps undergoing hrt

no, but replacement migration does

No, that's a millennial thing.
And not even up the ass, but up the wound you have where your dick used to be.

communism lurks in the west
day of the rope
yes i hope

I'm only half white but I can relate to Vergil in DMC 5

Sure buddy LMFAO!

Attached: xx2018-05-13-maid-raven.png (1200x1829, 796K)

Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Different races build different societies that reflect their natures, and it is entirely normal for whites (or for people of any other race) to want to be the majority race in their own homeland. If whites permit themselves to become a minority population, they will lose their civilization, their heritage, and even their existence as a distinct people. All other groups take it for granted that they have a right to speak out in their own interests. Only whites have lost this conviction.

Attached: isildoor.gif (245x160, 1.33M)

Oh look, the resetranny projecting.
You will never look like a girl, you disgusting abomination.
Sorry that white girls make you mad.

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/pol/ was a fucking mistake.

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Just get a fucking trip already you snowflake

It's just a game lmao

It clearly shows that you have nothing going for your life.

People are complaining? About the new siren? I don't know, she's kinda cute.

Most borderlands girls aren't ugly. Beside maybe moxxi's daughter/scooter's sister.

And that's your last stand.
As always, that was miserable, millennial.

go back to /pol/ and stay there.

I'm a huge faggot who likes dicks and sucks balls all day because i like it so much!

>choosing baby mode mechromancer


Attached: SmugDance3.gif (155x201, 507K)

>Are you telling me suddenly /pol/ isn't right wing?
I'm telling you most of /pol/ abandoned Trump a while ago. We were only willing to overlook is neocon bullshit in exchange for keeping his promises on immigration, trade, etc. Didn't happen.

You are the same tranny from the other thread that keeps insisting that all pics of white girls that are posted look like trannies.
Not that they do, you just try to convince yourself that girls look like you.
You don't.

it's literally /pol/ complaining about her.

>p-p-p-POOOLL!!!! MY Yea Forums MY RULES

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That's too bad, I still do not trust you because you are not willing to do anything.
Anyone who does nothing, might as well be an enemy.

Fucking traitorous scum.

who's thought process is this? the strawman? plus there is a white Male character to play as.

Why do you think anyone who disagrees with you is a tranny? You sound like those closet fags like alex jones that constantly bring up trannies but gets caught looking at tranny porn. You sick fuck.

why would his eyes bleed, not his ears?

It has nothing to do you having different opinions. You literally just can't shut the fuck up about race shit though and you ruin every fucking thread. If you can't stop sperging then you belong back in your containment thread, /pol/fag.

What's your point being here at all? You don't like the game and won't buy it. You didn't play the previous ones and all you do is cry. This is just a fucking incel behaviour.

Wow, first you try to imply random cute white girls are trannies in an attempt to convince yourself that you look like a girl, and now you are projecting the way you probably got into all of this on others?
That's sad.
Is this how you cope with your axe wound?

>This is just a fucking incel behaviour.
Why is resetera so easy to identify?

ahcktually it's the millenials kids that are even bigger pussies.
Girls are bullying boys some actually calling them rapists.

There is nothing wrong with caring about the future of your country and your people. In fact, I would argue that there is something wrong with those that don't.

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The only people who get offended by this are /pol/, incels (which is pol), and underage idiots

Don't bother trying to ration with the /pol/fag. They don't care if they were never going to buy the game. Debating is pointless.

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Yes, because millennials are a bunch of stupid betas, they completely deserve all of that.


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not a single girl you posted was cute though, stevie wonder


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I didn't know it was going to be that easy to break them.
That was hilarious.
But predictable.

You didn't break shit LMFAO!

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I would ask you to post cute girls, but we all know you are going to post a disgusting nigger, won't you?
Because white girls trigger you.
Because you are an ugly, jealous hag.

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this guy is ez (You)s

Maybe you should stay on topic then.

This thread is on the topic of race.

>not wanting death by snu-snu from a ripped brown girl

What are you, fucking gay?

Says the 30 year old balding millennial as he reflexes on the 2010s and how he wasted all of them discussing politics on the internet for nothing.

Attached: quintessential millennial activist.jpg (576x768, 40K)

>People of color of color

Not willing to do anything about what specifically?

I like real white women, not those creatures you post

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No you don't, I bet it hurt to post something that wasn't a nigger.

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Quite honestly fuck /pol/fags. That cancerous board ought to be deleted.

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Just don't want AIDS.

its in general really

I am not lying, my girl friend's kid got pulled out of school for the bullying he was getting from girls, they kept calling him a rapist, he doesn't even know what that means, I am sure neither do the little spoiled cunts. I got bullied a lot but kids today cant handle shit.

About anything.
What have you modern activists done beyond shitposting on the internet?

Truth hurts, doesn't it shitskin?

I knew the reset era freaks were behind pushing this like this ugly bitch girl is hot. Only trannies who are uggo would think this fucking brown manface is the peak of hotness.

Why didn't he beat the shit out of the girls?
I remember punching one of the girls in my class for throwing a pen at me and the next week I was banging her.
Dunno why girls like violence so much.

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but that was your problem in the first place. You didnt like it and you bitched to get your way and we told you just dont buy it, but no you had to have control over everyones imagination.

>This obsessed with trannies
fuck of /pol/fag.

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This is where boners are made

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>this is a 10/10 according to resetera

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What can we do? We're being censored left and right. Try to protest and the police let Antifa get a free pass for assaulting you while you get arrested for fighting back. And what have you done, for that matter?

he did at one school and was pulled out and went to a charter school. The kid was told to defend himself and she hit him then went and beat the shit out her.

Nobody told Gearbox what to do. They madethe game how they wanted to do it. Ther's no blame for how the game turns out except for Gearbox, and you were never going to get a character in Amara's place other than Amara. You didn't lose anything.

Hey look, it's your mother.

Remember WWII?
That's maybe the last time people fought for what they believed in, in both sides.
Do that again.

Pacific politics never achieve anything useful.
Besides, you both want to kill each other anyway, you already want this to happen.

>sperging out at other's people taste in women
>makes it political for whatever reason
I actually believe that Americans need to get gassed at this point.

>Games like the fifa/sims/ most fighting games/ anime shit transcended the racial and gender barriers that white males viciously defend and look how well they do
No fucking wonder, the games with least amount of skill needed for those dumb Neanderthals. Look you fucking black cock lover, ruin those trash genres if you want but it's clear that adventure and rpgs are mainly purchased by white men because we can relate to going out and discovering new worlds. Unlike a nigger who would play fifa or tekken, just tapping a button with no strategy involved because their ape minds won't allow it.
You can't tell me that Resi5 and fagcharted 4 wouldn't have been much better if they didn't include those disgusting nigresses that make the humanely white protagonist look bad just because WHITE = BAD.

Hey look, this is you.

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maybe you shouldn't have shot up that mosque, or then celebrated the man who did it.

You'll NEVER look like or sound like bailey jay you ugly balding hairy freak LMAO.

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It was to avoid dealing with you psychotic fucks who get so jealous over sexy characters.
You blast them on Twitter or what ever social media and act like a bunch of fucking cry babies to get your way then turn around to the people who didnt want the change and call them the cry babies. Frankly you fucks are nothing but spoiled ass hypocrites who wants everything for nothing.

whoa that indian bitch is fucking hot, hair slicked back too, god she'd look amazing sucking my dick.

Did I strike a nerve? Hit too close to home? Why are you so obsessed with trannies?

>1 mention of trannies
>spergout, blame /pol
seethe tranny, go dilate

Random things I noticed in the Trailer
>there is a scene where Lillith seems to be crawling along the ground in pain with guys in the background giving a high five so she may get what she deserves finally
>Rhyse from Tales of the Borderlands seems to be in it, and he seems to have grown a big ass mustache
>the video may just be the Devs cherry picking from cutscenes, but it seems as if NPC's have a much more active and influential roles in this game than previous ones where they were just voices in your head most the time

Oh no, the problem was that he stopped at 49.
What an embarassment, and the way he held the weapon and reloaded, he had absolutely no idea what he was doing.
And all those drawings on the guns, who the fuck draws shit on your tools?

Just embarassing, something worthy of the CIA, except the CIA would have tried covering this up.

Those were just shills.

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Except I didn't do any of that. All I do is play video games, do my homework, and sometimes browse Yea Forums.

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>implying there's any difficulty to begin with


Attached: 1546575065074.png (708x520, 177K)

You talk like a fucking faggot


Lilith is not dying (in this cutscene) but it's likely she lost her Siren powers (no tattoo anymore) and one of the Calypsos has them now.

Run back to your paymasters and tell them that they don't want to gillette their own marketing efforts.

And to answer your question, you're talking about two different people's opinions. Some people don't take video games seriously while others need to constantly have their tribal needs satiated wherever they go.

That said, i think there was a study somewhere in which they tested empathy feedback or something like that by making white people watch black people drink water and the empathy feedback was lower than if they had been watching other white people drink. The catch is that the same thing happened in reverse. Black people didn't get the same level of feedback when watching white people drink water than when they watched fellow blacks do. So, people don't care as much about people who don't look like them.

So the conclusion is that you need to have characters in media that look like you if you want to be immersed/care more about what's happening or simply buy a product. That's what's behind this push for 'diversity' in video games. They just want more money from more people and since western elites decided that they're just going to isolate themselves in 99.99% white gated communities and ignore the plebs outside their gates no matter their backgrounds, they don't care what happens as long as the money keeps flowing.

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/pol/fags are quite literally the niggers of white people.

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How about game stars a character that sounds black but then you are fucking floored once you find out he is white?

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Shit taste, senpai.

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sure you dont, and you arent on Yea Forumsdefending these actions by gear box.

Jesus, even the average black girl looks better than this.
Terrible face, terrible choice of clothes, terrible hairstyle, just awful.

Then again, this is Gearbox, they can't amount to anything better than a mutt.

Yes, the whites that don't want to become minorities in their own countries are the niggers of white people.


Nah he sounds too neutral to me. Could be white or black even though his actor is black.

i don't care about identifying, nig women are just gross

In race? are you serious? you are either black or white or just being actor for white. There is no fucking neutral.


what a qt

fuck you

/vpol/ always does this. If they had any conviction they would disparage even hl2, tf2, l4d, street fighter and many others but those nigger characters are special and "non-obtrusive" when they all could be white and there would be no difference. Just let them cry and enjoy your vidya, this is a troll site ffs.'s almost like no "Whiteman" has ever played Sleeping Dogs and Dynasty Warriors.
Why are you strawmanning this hard, homosexual?

Attached: No Whiteman.jpg (323x433, 50K)

>Defend this.
whites are more identifiable
its not rocket science brah

no what they do is reply to bait by some faggot who who is looking for a argument.



>I fear. I minority white.
Countries which withstood countless wars, political changes, movement, border changes and so on, are supposed to vanish because of a few niggers? How weak do you think a nation is when they even carry abominations like you? The most pathetic ideology I see here.

Nah, the reality is more like this:

>game stars disgusting faggot playable character with identity disorder
>why do people complain about not being able to identify with the protag? it's just a game lmao

>game stars a normal heterosexual human playable character
>wtf how am i supposed to identify with this character? fucking sjws ruining video games!

Whites are going to become a minority in the west within 50 years and there's nothing you pepe alt-right neo-nazis can do about it. Going around and killing women, elderly and children in places of worship is all Yea Forums/eightchan nazis can do.

>complaining about the attractiveness of a character
>in borderlands

Attached: 1523433933845.jpg (374x356, 18K)

So an argument you can't shake without double quoting and making typos like a subhuman. This whole thread is for argument retard. Gunna go play some vidya now.

Roland is dissapointed in you all

All white peoples around the world are threatened by simple biological extinction due to loss of homelands where we can securely live and breed, competition from non-white invaders, hybridization with non-whites, and outright predation by non-whites.

>And because the characters are still good looking.
Odd, I seem to recall thread after thread bitching about the artstyle and how everyone is a gobbo.
But I guess I'm too old for this historical revisionism thing the youth loves these days

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Here the Jew with all his hatred of whites on display.

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Resetranny pls.

Mabye they should evolve better, if they get bred out where they ever worth saving? Hmmmm....

>your mind on /pol/
Can you show any crazy example of your home region? This shit stems from fabricated shit of rightwing nutters who want to steer up political turmoil and angsty gullible teenagers who put white girls on a pedestal but can't get them ate it all up. Good job brainlet.

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Also, keep in mind pic related is just Muslims. Doesn't include non-Muslim Africans.

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>snownigger scandi taking the inventions of glorious meds as their own
Every. time.

(You), individually contributed nothing in this image

>I trust infographics from /pol/ without source or checking for myself

Never said I did. But it is in the entire world's interest that whites survive and have countries of their own to thrive.

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dont come back pussy

They're all from Pew, you dumb faggot.

Stay btfo nigger. ;)

It's also the left who stir up shit of outrage it isnt PC enough.
Neither side is innocent here.

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wouldnt have to since all you can do whine about pol then bitch when someone tells you it's a bait thread in the first place.


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Desu I'm hispanic and kind of hate other hispanics so I've never been able to identify with any characters based on that anyway

Hey guys, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!

Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come!

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Kratos sounds like he could be either race. The black voice actor does a great job of making him sound unique I guess.

You're bitching right now and giving me delicious (you)s and still can't touch my argument, retard. Give me your last reply, retard.

You are putting political hipsters/ people who want to virtue signal/ SJW all under an umbrella term as "the left".

So you are American? If not, where are you from and where do you get threatened?

Just from your source: "Race is difficult to count because, unlike income or employment, it is a social category that shifts with changes in culture, immigration, and ideas about genetics. So who counts as white has changed over time. In the 1910s and 1920s, the last time immigrants were such a large share of the American population, there were furious arguments over how to categorize newcomers from Europe."
Are you even white? Are you white to your neighbour, to far-right spastics or alike?

>respond to the worst posts you can find and go out of your way to ignore anybody that doesn't fire off nigger at full cruise control
You can at least pretend you want an actual discussion.

Attached: 1523725310236.png (523x506, 448K)

nice. The redditification of this site is at full speed, thanks to faggots like you.

>So you are American? If not, where are you from and where do you get threatened?
>Just from your source: "Race is difficult to count because, unlike income or employment, it is a social category that shifts with changes in culture, immigration, and ideas about genetics. So who counts as white has changed over time. In the 1910s and 1920s, the last time immigrants were such a large share of the American population, there were furious arguments over how to categorize newcomers from Europe."
>Are you even white? Are you white to your neighbour, to far-right spastics or alike?
Yes, I'm American. White has always meant European caucasoid. That's why Italians, Irish, Polish, etc. could all become citizens from the founding of the country.

Attached: whites.jpg (1050x1600, 300K)

Take Mexicans, for example. They are not white, but mixed race.

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Also, Arabs are not white, despite what the federal government says.

Attached: nonwhitecaucasoids.png (1408x1138, 812K)

>hip cleavage
Oh my oh my Maya was best girl, even though i prefer to play with gaige easymode.

Attached: 1508579201838.jpg (600x537, 34K)

There you have the first problem mate. You probably have never been to Europe. And from the perspective of someone north in Europe, everyone south is brown. If you are Scandinavian you are probably as white as you can get.
It's retarded to think in categories of skin colour. Is your albino south African still considererd black? You must be in your early twenties, where you just haven't been around the world nor discovered that it's not the skin colour which determines someone's country, but personality and attitude.

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Robohobo seems cool. I liked gaige because i could look at the mecha just wished i could customize it. I never understood why gearbox has never added armor pieces/ character customization that isn't just hair and same outfits different color.

That's why "white" is just a synonym for European caucasoid.

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Could not careless what color they are i cant identify with shit in games anyways since im arab stop fussing about shit and enjoy games you retard

>I bend language, reason and logic to fit my personal needs

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Here i am

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That's the historical definition dumbass. Whites are Europeans.

I can hear Duke Nukem saying stuff like this if they ever make a game.

That's wrong on so many levels brah. This your typical /pol/ oversimplification and parroting phrases, which burnt hard into your memory.
Europe is large and diverse in countries, language, skin colour and attire.

That's modern cuck Europe. It had its glory days in the past and now it's a mud puddle of filthy browns.

Ancient Romans weren't white either. What's your point? Is American and /pol/ cuck education striking again? Learn history from other sources than infographics maybe. Right now you are making Americans look terribly uneducated.

You assumed I'm American, who's the retard here? The world doesn't revolve around you, Mister Basketball-America, curry poop munching, whatever-you-are person.

You are getting too hung up on skin color. Race goes beyond skin color. These are whites (except for the mongoloid mixes).

>Yes, I'm American
>I'm not xD
I asked you to show me the news about the place where you see whites getting "replaced". So this is a case where you try to vanguard for a country you don't even live at? Either show cases where "your" place and people are getting replaced, or leave your cuck phantasies aside.

But that's exactly what the discussion of the others was about. The angst of whites being replaced by supposed non-whites.

>But that's exactly what the discussion of the others was about. The angst of whites being replaced by supposed non-whites.
Yes, nonwhites meaning non-European caucasoids. Some whites can be quite dark due to UV exposure. Seen here

Attached: unnamed.png (573x556, 390K)

I literally NEVER said I was American. What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't project your cuck fantasies on to me, either. All I said was that modern europe has more browns than it ever did in the past and that it's a shame.

*non-European caucasoids and other races*

>race is just skin deep goy!
>why do you care about being replaced, no one is white anyway!
eventually white people are gonna get tired of playing this game

see: Or did you just jump in? Then say so. But it still stands, fixated on race and whites getting replaced => /pol/ cuck education.

Then it should have been worded "white caucasoids are in fear of being replaced by brown cucasoids and other soids." Sounds retarded, because that fear is retarded.

>fear bite
nice argument man. You seem so deeply red-pilled. Wow. Crazy, you fit right in here man.
Holy shit.

It's a fact that browns are more prone to violence and less civilized, and they prove it with the kind of lyrics they produce in their music.

No native population wants to be a minority in their own country, you fucking retard.

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>false equivalence, no data, baseless assumptions, ignoring history completely
Yeah, sure you tumblerites are the smart kids here. I don't even like to ask what your achievements in life were so far. Or what you provided to society besides spewing inane drivel all day.

see: and read this text carefully:

How does this make me a tumblrite? If you support browns, you're already part of that side, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish.

Switch the populations of Japan and Mexico with each other but leave the government and laws alone. Do the countries stay the same?

That proves what I've been saying. It's a bad thing for whites to become a minority in their own countries. In what kind of bizarro world would that be a positive?

Read the text.

You are just as much interested in fabricated outrage like them. You don't check any sources yourself, you just jump to an inane conclusion without rational thought but driven by feelings. I'd say yes, you don't belong to Yea Forums at all with your hysteric attire.

You haven't read the text carefully then or only with tinted eyes. "White" is not definable as you would like to make it and is being used to steer up shit.

If you're brown or black, you already don't belong here. So your point is kind of moot.

post your hand