Risk of Rain 2

-20 freedum bux
-Buy one get one free for the first couple days
-Still janky as ever
-It's fun

Hopoo the fucking madman

Attached: RoR2.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Early Access
Should I?

only early access game i haven't regretted buying


If you don't immediately equate the original as a definitive Yea Forums MUST HAVE, and, by proxy, assume you need this one as well to play with your bros from this board, then kindly get back on the train to Gofuckyourselfville and gtfo.

Normally I would say no, but Risk of Rain was pretty fun...

They could've released it as is and called it 1.0 and I wouldn't have blinked an eye. Already has a fuckton of enjoyable, mostly polished content, gameplay is rewarding as hell, price is very good for what you get, and there's more content incoming. Go for it


Its a Lobby. Get in. Die.


Its lobby. Why are there 2 threads?

Is it just me or is Huntress not as good?
I've only played 1 game with her but I feel like she'd be better if you could sprint in all directions or shoot whenever (with homing arrows only homing if ememies were close when fired)

How did they do it? This is a perfect 2D to 3D replication. The game is just as frenetic as the first one. It's literally just what I expected.

Compassion for video games in development is a long and forgotten art. Sometimes you find the remnants of those who find enjoyment in seeing their ideas in execution as opposed to those who are making a game for the money.

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>Why are there 2 threads?
They were made within a minute of each other, so the newer one probably didn't see the earlier one up

Anyone got a gift copy?


Well then you better go catch it.

I really don't think this is anywhere near perfect. This honestly is a mess compared to how approachable and natural RoR1 was. For how difficult Risk of Rain can be, nobody gives credit to how easy it is for anyone to pick up and play. My 69 year old father even played and enjoyed RoR1, his favorite character is the Bandit.

This game is just a decent homage to RoR and difficult enough for RoR-fanatics to enjoy chewing on, but it's a naive and misguided transition into 3D.
If this 3D game were the first Risk of Rain game to exist, nobody would like it.

What the fuck are you even trying to say?

>shit taste: the post

Made my fucking week, this.

How do I unlock the "obelisk" character?

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>fourth or fifth run
>solo huntress, still learning her in 3D
>roost level, can't find the teleporter
>5 minutes all items bought, still none
>11 minutes getting tired of not finding teleporter, swap all items for 3D printed syringes
>20 minutes where the fuck is this thing, start to climb rock faces and check out map boundaries
>27.5 minutes heading to the last area I think I can check out of bounds...
>portal was literally a ledge below the first place I looked, only way up from there is a jump pad, completely overlooked it
>activate and fucked by overleveled vagrant within 30 seconds because I wasted 25 minutes searching
I was sure it was a bug, but I'm just unobservant

It can spawn inside terrain too.

how to unlock new dudes?

>play MUL-T in co-op for the first time
>mfw 3 hooves, 2 energy drinks, 1 whip

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Any tips for going into multiplayer with randoms? Didn't play Risk of Rain 1 multiplayer so I don't know the etiquette.

Yeah fuck those small ledges in 3D. At least you start to get somewhat better after multiple runs.

What said
But also maybe because Hopoo is literally 3 people, so ideas aren't modified as much - the original vision is very close to what is made

I find it's hard to see even when you're looking right at it

my dudes is it really good or are you all just riding the hype train
don't get my hopes up if it's not actually good

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There's a red item you can get that gives you two extra charges of your dash. It's fucking bonkers when you get MAXIMUM SPEED going.

Know item synergies. Your allies might not know them, but the more everyone works together with them the better time you'll all have. For example Huntress should pass up most DPS bonuses like the glasses or sticky bombs while faster firing classes are in play. You can ping things with MMB which is super nice for pointing out items to buy or pick up to your ally across the map instead of typing "come here I have a ukulele for you, Commando" then firing at it constantly until they arrive

If you enjoyed risk of rain I cant see a reason why you wouldnt like 2.
A perfect sequel (aside from the lack of bandit and enforcer)

Who's in the blue portal for 10 coins? Is it Merc? Please say it's Merc...

>that huntress
>that beetle queen
im loving this game so far lads

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can you pirate it and try it yourself?
If you're crazy about RoR, the hype is probably enough to be worth the money. because it is already playable and has plenty of unlockables and content for you to work towards getting.
I really don't think it holds up too well without the "RISK OF RAIN IS BACK BOYZ" aspect.

It's not merc

It's Artificer.

Worth every dollar.

looking for an ausfag to 50/50 with

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For me, it's this and subnautica. Politics aside the devs kept up their end with Subnautica and made it a great game, I expect nothing less from Hopoo to do the same.

literally the worst post in this entire thread

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I'm tempted given the reception so far.
Does it support 21:9 Ultrawide?

my toaster is suffering

Do you keep lunar coins between runs?

I'm tempted given the reception so far.
Does it support 21:9 Ultrawide?


The game is just too ugly. I could deal with the art style when it was 2D easily, but now it's just vomit inducing.

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I had a similar thought, if I had never played ror1 I'm not sure I'd be willing to try to get into 2.
It grows on you


Lobby, join commando plebs and die for your glorious engi.

>tfw steam changed the buying currency of my spic country to a shitty brazilian website and it doesnt work

fuck you steam I just wanted to play videogames, its not my fault that im a spic, let me play ror 2

How many characters are in right now?


Merc, helmet guy, robot, huntress, oc donut steel, engineer

What's MMB


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Is commando supposed to feel a tad weak

oh nevermind, not going to buy this, I dont want my money to go to gearbox

I thought Merc WAS the OC donut steel in RoR1

The real trick is maintaining your sprint. I agree, she'd be kino as fuck if she could sprint sideways.

There's a new one

>pirate it
>play 7 hours
>doesnt save
NO NO NON O!!!!!!!!!

His piercing shot is nearly useless compared to how it worked in 2D. It should have been swapped with a splash damage attack, like a grenade or something.

how do I get my boi the engineer?

Yep it needs some kind of buff

This seems ok but I'm already bored of it after 4 runs, I don't get the massive big deal. It's pretty repetitive

Is multiplayer still implemented in a janky way or will it be easy to play with my buddy?

maybe have it slowly spread a bit as it goes forward?

Beat 30 levels. He's fun as fuck, so I hope you're ready

So how does everyone feel about the classes that are in? Commando and Huntress feel pretty solid, and Engineer and MUL-T are both absolute monsters with a few good items. Merc is way easier to get to the point where you're indestructible due to iframes, but his damage feels really low compared to the others. Mage just seems kind of subpar all around, with weak damage past the early levels, slow attacks that don't proc on hit items often, a cooldown on her auto attack, and no mobility or defense skills.

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middle mouse button, pressing down on the scroll wheel

It's fun with friends

Give free copy and I will play with you exclusively.

>-Buy one get one free for the first couple days
haha yeah I wish I could partake

Couldn't be easier, literally a click of a button

- gud

- really gud

- right click kinda shit but left click really really gud

havent played others

Game is pretty damn great but I really miss Enforcer and Sniper, Sniper moreso since I can only imagine how great they could be in a free aim environment

it's not gamemaker so it's fine

Any non-transphobic person want to play with me? I will send you a copy (but you must play with me)

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how many days will the free extra copy last?

>post yfw giant magma worms in area 4

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i thought there was video of sniper
he might just be getting reworked right now

You've got about 12 hours

I think MUL-T is outright busted honestly, even disregarding his rapid fire bug with the guaranteed crit active item. Being able to use two actives and having a perfect boss buster + great trash sweeper in the same kit is nutty. Huntress and Commando feel like great starters, Engineer turrets feel a bit too weak, and Merc actually feels like he's more vulnerable than in the first game since his dash has no i-frames except for the explicitly invisible part of the dash and ult, unlike the old invincible duration. I need to play artificer more to judge, but I think once people get better playing as a team or learn the maps better, they'll be able to leverage her great base damage to stay ahead of the levelling curve.

they should implement critical spots on every mob exclusive to the sniper

>they now leave the ground as soon as they enter it

Oh wait, like how long will the extra copy last in your inventory? Forever until you gift it to someone

It seems to loop, unless I'm something.

Fun game regardless.

Get in here boys

It loops, no endgame yet

Your actually kinda pitiful in a highly depressing way

It's as good as RoR1 I suppose.

>second time mul-t
>hit order tower
>sequenced into 16 goats hoofs and 5 bandoliers
>killing everything with just shift
this shit is great

Mul-t: op
huntress: ok
commando: ok
mage: weak
merc: weak (needs increased base move speed)
engie: dunno

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Sure, steam?


I need someone to draw Huntress' absolute fat ass please

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Yes you are something

Something nice
Having this game made my week
Seeing this ruined it.

fug i wanna buy hops game but im busy investing all my money into making another game

please don't say mean things to me I am highly sensitive and I have to control my emotions

You can maintain lock while circling them, literally just turn.

I said I'll play with you what's your steam ID?

Sure why not

How does the region-lock gifting works for this game?
Is it country specific or?

>no artifacts yet
It ain't RoR without Hive Cluster man...
Game's still fun though

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post huntress and I might do it (I'll ask a code for the game thou)

In due time user...in due time.

Explain to me how you being a tranny was relevant in any way outside of seeking attention?
Go ahead tell me, couldn't you just have ask like anybody else?

I don't think that would work.

odds i give money to randy
evens i don't

Is this maddie? also gib steam, i'll play

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Anyone figured out how to unlock the other classes?


Dubs get gifted a copy from me~

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>someone gifted me the game
>don't like them that much and don't want to indulge them by accepting it
>don't have the money to buy it myself

>glass isn't in yet

Still fun.

I never got why everyone love that artifact, it's just random and frustrating, especially since you are all obsessed with the glass artifact too. They don't even damage enemies...


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Nice bait jackass

>make beggars out themselves as faggots

>>don't have the money to buy it myself

fucking how

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Because it added a bit of downside to blowing everything up before it got anywhere near you and made you actually consider if you wanted to nuke that guy right that second.

not him but i am on sick leave for a while due to injury and I have to pay insurance and shit on my car and for medical treatment so no money left for anything but food.

dubs don't exist

Hotpoo is gonna have to capitalize on this launch hype FAST if they want to keep a consistent playerbase.

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I'm a college student living on scholarship and most of my entertainment budget goes to MMOshit.

Janky howso?

Well there's your problem.


I've been had, there is no lunar tokens in the previousrun file

Missing out tbqh. Guess I'll sell my copy off for 5 bucks

>decide to do one solo run after like 4 games with a pal
>open up an area 1 lunar pod because the 11 coins will come eventually
>shaped glass
Oh boy here we go!

Also 14 glasses is still 100% crit, I got a printer on a loop

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I'd buy it for 5$

>he doesn't know about the engineer turret meta

Post paypal

I think Commando feels a bit bad this time around. No i-frames on the new roll/airdash and his piercing shot is just shit in a 3D environment. On top of that I'm not sure why he can't use his primary while running like the Huntress, who by contrast translated over really well and feels different enough.

Haven't played Engineer or Artificer yet. MUL-T is kind of interesting but I'd like to see my punch robot back. Merc is interesting to play in 3D but is probably needing something.

Is there something I'm missing with the turrets? They seem retarded half the time and don't shoot anything despite it being practically touching it

So what's your time on the Prismatic Trial?
Mine is 5 minutes but I only did it once.

Also I have a bad feeling about the leaderboard, it's probably going to be full of hackers since the games doesn't have VAC.

Why isn't this game in Top Sellers and Trending on Steam?


I need some players

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First reply gets my spare copy

The whole "top 10% of players get absolutely nothing" is really damning since they better not tie stuff to that, I feel like a par time would be much better and the leaderboard can just be there






c'mon guys, i know there are people lurking

Stop thinking of turrets as offensive weapons, and start thinking of them as support/defensive posts


any sites to buy the game under 20 bucks?

Yea agreed, just divide whatever reward they are thinking of into tier like Tier S is bellow 3min Tier A bellow 5 etc

yeah it's 19.99 on steam

yeah this site right here *points to crotch*

just split it with a friend

how the FUCK do I unlock Merc? I don't know where to go

Can we discuss how fucking T H IIIIII CC Huntress is? Holy SHIT that ass

get you some LUNAR coins my guy

I posted this twice already, I'm sorry
I'll trade a handful of Neptunia codes from tier 1 of the recent Humble Bundle for a gift copy

I feel like the third dimension makes the game considerably more fun to play, especially when you get items that increase mobility like double jump and run speed. This game plays like a hybrid between Risk of Rain and Serious Sam.

What's your steam? I'll giv giv

can't stop won't stop shillling

get the fuck in here

>those hips
>that posterior
how is she so perfect

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This game is so much more fun in 3D bros. How did they do it?

Are my boys enforcer and sniper in the game or what? I didn't see them in any of the videos on youtube.

It's too good

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>3d printer with goat's hoof in it

join you niggers

need 1 more

It's so fucking good I've been on the no joke no fucking memes verge of tears for over an hour. It's so fucking good. What's happening to me?

Absolutely needs some balancing. Enemies get spongy way quicker than they did in RoR unless you're playing OP robot. Gold drone is worthless, land turrets are pretty awful. Teleporters can be nearly invisible in some locations. Still a lot of fun; looking forward to artifacts getting added.

Right now I'd say the first game is better, but it's still early access so I'm sure it'll all turn out alright. A steal at $10, and easily worth $20.

It's actually insane

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Post your top 3 most wanted returning characters.

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How do you guys think this game will hold up compared to RoR1? will you guys play it in the future or is it just exciting cause its new and go back to 1?

how do you feel about it?

What region are you from?


Going to the gym. Whoever gives me the best response in the next 2 and a half hours gets my extra copy
>dont forget steam id

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Is this Boom Man?


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Han-D somehow

Sniper's been shown on the devblog

i've never played the first one but this is pretty fun desu


Depends on how they change it during EA.

Back to 1 if they don't add a lot of shit and make running not cancer.


Getting absolutely MOBBED with enemies + a boss is simple fucking joy because of just how easily you can micromanage it all with strategy and picking targets

>working out for two hours straight

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>tfw RoR2 is finally out but your life went to shit and you cant afford it.

what response faggot? just give it to me


I'm banking on being the only one to want it.

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>Enforcer, but good

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Oh shit, I didn't know. There's one down then.

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>he doesn't go to the gym
Also its more like 1 hour 40 to 50 min then I come home take a shower and wank.

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A deal's a deal user. You have to suck the Risk of Rain 2 out if my butt

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Oh shit its the random norman girl avatarfag

Don't be mistaken, I go to gym too but what takes you two hours?

good game even in early access, you get a second copy because devs are based and get it

yes buy it

Fine.. Just don't put your cock in my face again.

Ain't got no $$$.
Hmu when someone uploads a cracked ver.

Ok but if I don't find a dick after all that ass I will be very dissapointed

Why are the teleporters completely impossible to find in half of these levels, I just want to fucking progress but I spend 10+ minutes just running around in circles trying to find this stupid thing

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Wait, sniper is not in the game currently? FUCK

not him but what do you do there?
I take 1.5 hours minimun in the gym too and I go 5 days a week

>warm up
>Endurance training
plus I lift

It really needs some sort of outline to make is stand out from the environment more. I've also had the teleporter spawn halfway through a wall or something.

That's pretty gay.

do you guys think you'll stick to ror2 or eventually go back to ror1 once 2 is no longer new and exciting? thinking of buying 2 to play with you bros but I'm kinda strapped on cash this month.

hope they add some sort of like, idunno, vertical light beam or something so i can find the teleporters in the middle of the swamp in the corner of the map behind a rock halfway into the side of it

its gay if you like dying at the age of 60

...a deal is a deal

They are definitely hard to find at first, but trust me when you get used to the layouts it becomes easy.


There's a lot of quality early access games like Deep Rock Galactic, Streets of Rogue, Dead Cells (now released) etc.

What am I supposed to do with this extra copy they gave me?

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F-fine.. You better give me the game this time.


give it to me of course

noah's a faggot name, but i'll admit it's better than being a hipster giraffe

you fucking said this same thing in the last thread, how autistic for attention are you?

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I'll pretend to be your friend for it and slowly cut contact with you because I can't handle a meaningful friendship.


I'll trade you Don't Starve Together for it.

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infusion in RoR 2 doesn't even work the same you retard, it's fine to pick up now

you thought you were japing them when in fact you are retarded

That sounds like shit that takes up time that should have been used for more lifting.

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Fuck off autistic tripfag

I'm not buying till they add sniper, drone-horde sniper with repair kit are always my best runs

Does this game support ultrawide monitors?

Can this be played without an online connection? My net isn't that great and I'd love to support the devs.

Never played the first one, is this fun

>let us farm shit up first
god damn plebs just kill the boss then loot

there is a final map if you get past 7 maps and take the portal


>Titan's aiming laser cannot track you exactly
>Actual laser is perfectly accurate even when passing through its own body
These hitscans are a tough. It's not so bad with the wisps, but the only ways to avoid the Titan lasers are to find hard cover or be incredibly distant, and fuhgeddaboutit when fighting 5 at once

Just make them similar to how engi's basic attack works

as it stands RoR is much more fun, however this has potential to be good

>he doesn't know
it's a lunar item

>tfw i couldnt get into the first game either
p-pls no bulli
im loving 2 though

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that's why you play engi and turtle inside your bubble all day

>looking at huntress in game
>wait why the fuck are her eyes orange?
>realize it's the crit glasses, just sideways

10 outta fucking 10 Hopoo

Wtf why not? First one you could play solo

Play long enough that a special portal appears, then clear that last stage

in absence of chef, i nominate artificer as the new thinking man's choice

At least this game advertises with early access that it's not entirely complete--unlike Insurgency Sandstorm which pretended to be complete on launch when the devs posted about all the shit they wanted to add to it in the months following launch, then entirely had to backtrack and patch it constantly to fix the (still) broken state of the game.

>open game
>it's fun
>play for 40 minutes
>close it
>see fucking 75C temperature(that drops pretty fast, but anyway)
Fuck. I don't want to try my gpufu.


I played for 6 hours and saw all the content now what

There is such a thing as updating a game with new content after release

Ive only played 2 games, glad to hear its a thing still though.

It blinks before it shoots, and if you dash as he shoots it misses. But yea hard cover is ideal.

How much content is available in the current build?

>A celestial orb has appeared
What do I do? Am I screwed?

What is that red zone that spreads outwards from the teleporter? Am I supposed to stay inside?

it's 3rd person binding of isaac. if that doesn't sound fun, don't play

>what do I do

Beat the stage but enter the portal instead of the teleporter

>am I screwed

youre really far in the run so probably

yes, teleporter does charge if you are outside it

who will they be

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it's 20 bucks though you could just short yourself a couple sandwiches or eat rice and beans for a week, there is almost no excuse for not having 20 dollars

>play merc
>*teleports behind you*
>combat is so fast the titan lasers can't even keep up with you
I shredded through 4 of those bad boys all at once on my second loop.

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He's just trolling you. It has single player.


>outside it
Outside or inside it?

Zombie Providence

You can play solo on this too. No idea what he's talking about.

>2 wacky new characters

Just got home from work.

How many of you are completely ASSBLASTED that it isn't 2D??

If you liked the first game at all definitely. It's really fun.

Ok, post your non-private profile if you want it.

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>4 player cap

Thats gonna go up right?

How's performance on this game? What GPU would I need for 4k?






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nobody faggot. the first game didn't need a direct sequel

If they just make the teleporter glow. I don't wanna know where it is before finding it but I seriously have walked right by it before. Once you get to the grassy level for the first level the teleporter spawns are way fucking better though. The grass area, sand, and snow are much better maps in general desu.

Oh shit is this how I unlock the merc?

I wanna see a medic

What could've they possibly add to a 2d sequel of RoR that couldn't just be an update or a dlc or something

nobody cuz we knew it was 3D a long time ago

Mobs take way too long to kill. Also feels like you can dodge almost everything if you get those feathers and just stay in the air forever.

Otherwise it's pretty fun, hope they add artifacts soon


i don't see it happening honestly he wasn't ever very popular. got hundreds of hours playing him though.
i see chef being added eventually but i doubt loader will be
my guess is the next four characters will be Bandit, Acrid, Sniper and CHEF

Hey. How many levels are in this? Is the abyssal depths the last area for now?


need 2

so turns out you can make bootleg glass by editing the csharp_assembly.dll

the only problem is it only applies to you and you can change the values to whatever you want to cheat in MP

>first level
>guy takes all the boss items
>uses TP as soon as it is ready leaving everyone with no items
>dies a minute into the second level

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I didn't really like 1 all that much, but this looks alright. Should I get it?

is there a way to get lunar coins or are they just random? are they dropped from enemies? chests? what's the deal with them

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you might like it more than the first but it's basically the same game


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one more

It's nowhere near as good, only people salivating over it are scrubs who haven't played for long enough to discover what an unplayable clusterfuck the game becomes when there's a shitton of monsters on the screen.

tp ?

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Seconding this question, was literally in the middle of typing it. It seems like I was getting a whole lot more in my first few runs with a couple of friends, now I'm hardly grabbing any in solo.


They should really give it an outline or something because it really can be difficult to make out of the terrain, even with the icon over it.


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Got an extra copy and no friends, first faggot to reply to this post with their username and dubs gets it.

Username must be in post or you don't get shit.

we need some sfm stuff with this bitch asap

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Is it still worth playing the first one? I never tried it.

Reminder RoR dev started on /vg/ in the game dev general and he's forever /ourguy/

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Why did they make her so thick?

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>The Reminder

get in

ree magma worms on the lava stage

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I got about 3 per solo run on easy.
I've also heard that the mountain shrine gives a better chance of it spawning

>items are shared among everyone
>every fag is on a sprint to grab everything
This isn't comfy at all. Gonna refund. Can I give a friend code and refund anyways? kek

I can't remember, was he shown in the early early early screens of ror2 on the devblog?
I know sniper was shown a couple months ago.

guys monsoon isn't fun at all
these enemies have way too much fucking HP

I don't have a second person I want to give it to at the moment. Is anyone interested in trading their other copy for a game/ games?
I have
>Yakuza 0
>Sniper Elite 3
>Super Daryl Deluxe
>Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom
>Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)
>Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!
>Titan Quest: Anniversary Edition
>Sleeping Dogs
>Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III
and quite a few more.

I can easily buy it but I don't want 2 copies

How, how did they do it bros? How did they manage to not screw it up?

bandit was shown in early blog posts iirc

Huntress is braindead but I still like her the most

>Overloading Worms are back
How have I not encountered a single one so far? I'm hoping I can keep it that way.

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>The Reminder

one more

>literally nobody was complaining about the transition to 3D
are you baiting or something?

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Level 3 with two shrines of the mountain active at the same time

>MUL-T games where you never find equipment

You're using cope wrong, ESL.

Someone needs to ree at devs to add glass asap.

>chests literally everywhere
>can't find equipment

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Mul-T is loosely based off of the EDF Fencer, am I right?
>machinegun swappable with a lance
>slow walk speed compensated by a boost move
All he's missing is a shield and he gets armor from his boost anyway

Attached: fencer.jpg (764x720, 170K)

Does the early access have a lot of content?

Like can i get 20 hours from it?

abso-fucking-lutely Based Hopoo

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no, not at all weeb

Found plenty of items, just never anything to go in my Q slot for 4 levels

>played 11 hours or so
>work at 8 am today
>still want to play

how did hopoo do it, bros?

I hope there will still be "vanilla" (no artifacts) lobbies on Yea Forums after hopoo releases them

>tfw NEET and by the time I have some spare money this game will have already died

kiss your sister?

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Jesus fuck my retard teammates wouldnt get to the gate after I pinged it 20 times so I started it and 2 of them insta-died and left.
The one guy who lived was terrible and didnt use any of his abilities so I got to run around and collect everything myself.

Apparently you can become INSANELY POWERFUL if you grab literally everything on the map.
That was way more fun than what I'd been doing.

its 20 bux
just sell your tf2 hats or some shit

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You know you can play with someone without needing to mention you're trans. The fact that you're an attention seeking faggot is about 100 times worse than the fact that you're trans.

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>waiting for people to come to tp
just activate it man, what the fuck

>just sell your tf2 hats or some shit
I'm a NEET, not a tranny. While lots of trannies are NEETs, the two terms are not the same.

I'm okay with playing with erping traps. That's literally half of Yea Forums.

>try to play monsoon
>every boss takes 3 minutes
glass when

>MUL-T games where you find Cube, HUD, and Behemoth

I swear to god, every other chest you opened in RoR1 had fucking equipment in it. Now you'll go three levels dry without them sometimes.

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>it's a fucking crowdfunder episode

Gimme torrent. If not shame.

>he doesn’t know

Not after 4 hours its not

Apparently you're just supposed to pop it and solo when your team's retarded. My bad.

They're going to jump in before you can spend your fucking money anyway. What's the point of losing all your $ after every map?

The bosses award huge sums of $ and you're just supposed to leave?

Thank you. I really loved the first one and wanted to support the devs but all I see is multi-player footage so wanted to make sure. Appreciate it bro.

>Lemurians can't hurt me, these shades are Gucci

>not a tranny
>acts like one
fuck off faggot

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get a job you fuckin slob

pirated it pretty nice game, will buy it on discount

Someone post comfy not chaotic landscape / environment screenshots.

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i know but it's not the same, ok PROPER glass when

>>acts like one
Reaching a bit far there
Suck my cock wagie

You guys aren't casual and have already gotten this achievement/unlock, right?

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soon brother

you best start believing in shill threads..
you're in one

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>think about gifting it since hardly anyone I know irl plays vidya anymore
>oh, this guy is both a neet and a /pol/tard (not surprising)
lmao get fucked loser

>everyone say's he needs buffs
>stacking DOTs and Health Items lets you press R to win on normal so long as you don't get fucked by a clay pot
Truly he is the supreme character


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you really should have tried the first game

>the amount of space between engie's eyes
>turrets also wear the shades

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git gud


>in denial.
It's only a matter of time.

This game solves the biggest problem of ROR1:
not knowing what the fuck is going on on screen and losing your character.

Any [artifichads] itt?

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Is this game supposed to be unusually dark? Even with gamma up its doom levels of black.

goodbye Yea Forums

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What does everyone think about sprint? I'd prefer if they axed it and just buffed run speed


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Hope it gets more optimized. Stable 60 at start and it later drops to 50

Beetle Guard is my friend.

I didn't like the first one that much but I just played this one for like 7 hours straight

Someone post a picture of artificer already.

I like it
You have to chose between going fast and attack on some chars, plus some item effects with sprint make it pretty fun
Energy Drink + Merc is Sonic-Tier greatness

user DON'T DO IT

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How do you find the Obelisk? Is it just random?


Easily, you’ve gotten the 15 kills in one shot achievement aswell, right?


Am I retarded or is the teleporter really difficult to find in some of these levels? In particular I had a lot of difficulty finding it in the Wetlands where it was hidden in a small cave. Thankfully zipping around the map with 3 Whips is really enjoyable, but it can still get pretty frustrating when I can't for the life of me locate the teleporter.

>tranny says other people are just trannies in denial as if that'll make it true
I don't think this tactic worked for gays, and I think it's even less likely to work for trannies.
Make like the rest of your kind and kill yourself.

Another one added to the mute list, mmhmm..

It's definitely been a hassle for a lot of people, so I imagine it'll get changed pretty quick.

user, NO!
You wouldn't leave Beetle Bro behind, would you?

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ancient quote


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I like it but hate the bind to Ctrl. I have to find a key that works better.

guys I think I fucked up

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1 more

Got Multikill at the same time as Macho by mario-hopping on some fuckers heads with the red item that makes you do retard damage with air-stomps.

How'd I do?

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it's fine

how do you unlock the characters

I'm very certain that's bugged, I got it with Commando at minute 20... Commando does not deal 5000 damage at minute 20


Room for 1-2 more.

Sounds like a "you" problem.

Oh you must have me confused for the other guy, I'm the wagie. Eventually you'll have to come to terms with the fact that you need to work...

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Me and a friend were looking for a teleporter for about 15 minutes, only to discover that it'd spawned between a mound of dirt and a large rock, practically obscuring the entire thing.

>Overloading Magma Worm
No shame in that

It's actually really easy if you just find the right red item, regardless of time spent.

why is he such a unit

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Royal Capacitor + 15 copies of Crowbar.

The logbook gives you hints.

I think commando might be the weakest character this time, especially with no proper AoE attacks

even his gimmick of having fast guns to proc items more doesn't work as well while a new robot has 2x of firerate

Git gud at what? Are you retarded? I can't force people such as yourself to not be huge faggots, there's nothing I can do. I'll just see if a friend gifts it to me otherwise fuck it.

His piercing shot should be reworked or replaced with something else.

Once you get to the snow stage on loop you delay hitting tele until you see a message in chat about a golden orb

Then do the tele event and when it's finished go through the portal that will appear instead of tele, complete jumping puzzle and KILL YOURSELF at the obelisk at the end

You will unlock merc

post death screens

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It was nearly entirely broken. It's okay to plan post release content if your game works, but it was hardly playable and is only a little bit better by this point. If they had slapped Early Access on to it I may have been annoyed but forgiven it, but they had the gall to not only charge $40 for it, but also didn't even plan to fix the obvious issues for at least a month if not longer. Player count has dropped and probably will never be as high as it was at launch, and that game is only a month or so old.
But RoR 2 is good so can we get a yallah for that?

Only thing he really has going for him is being able to shoot through walls with right click, and being able to stun large crowds to cancel their attacks.

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I can't handle how thick they made Huntress.

Hello gentlemen, thank you for inviting me to the lobby. You do not mind if I pick Artificer, right?

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Stop fucking disconnecting as soon as the lobby starts.

Rule 34 of the beetle queen when?

>when you rush the Teleporter and Charge it before opening chests
>utter retard activates the Teleporter and everyone loses out on items


Top tier:
Mul-T (does everything AND does everything well, insane DPS, long range sniping, can use multiple equip items, huge health pool)
Huntress (generous auto-aim, attack while sprinting, boomerang is great for cleaning up annoying fliers and does high damage when there's only two mobs, good mobility and decent DPS with 4th skill)

Good enough tier:
Com (does everything, but nothing particularly well)

Meh tier:
Mage (limited basic attack, no mobility, ice wall skill is very underwhelming, but very high damage, could be top tier with some small changes)

God awful tier:
Merc (clunky as fuck, does no damage, completely unfun to play thanks to shitty, barely controllable animations and flying enemies)
Engi (reliant on turrets that die way too easily, no mobility, shitty basic attack, underwhelming in general)

Overall fairly disappointing, nothing really feels great to play in 3D, skills need to be better adjusted for the scale of the game, since enemies won't just clump up and get blasted by small aoe's anymore.
Game's still really fun but I think the characters need a lot of work before they feel right

Has anyone else seen those fuckers?
They're not just a blue worm that zaps you when you get close
They spew forth from the depths and lightning shatters the eartb in their wake
A cacophony of bolts dance across the convergance of earth and sky
They bring forth with them a cascade of thunder
A dance of plasma
No one is safe

its a bug dingus

Not if I shill hard enough for #yanggang2020

she's good once she has items

vertical mobility is really really good as well

He has an extremely consistent DPS at range
Don't compare him to robot
Robot beats everyone right now

>turrets that die way too easily
>he doesn't stack fungus on Engi
big cringe

walked past the tele easy 10 times after a 30 minutes of circling the map see it totally clear I still dont know how i missed it so many times, shit need to get worked on so that its at least in a open leveled area where it spawns

Merc is clunky, but he is absolutely a good class.

God damnit Yea Forums why are you all such fucking kikes
Sweeping up every boss drop around a teleport, waiting at chests for someone else to open them so you can stand in place for the item
For what fucking purpose

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>rush teleporter so i can get the timer going
>run back to a chest hotspot on the map
>completely forget you can't open chests anymore during the charging phase
>all that time and efficiency wasted

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I was mashing and cycled the maps again. Or is there no final boss yet?

How important is the CPU for RoR2? Asking for a friend since I'm over the recommended spec.

>Streets of Rogue
Fucking Yea Forums. I wish I could get a thread going with this game.

Yeah, it's pretty fun.

>Merc (clunky as fuck, does no damage, completely unfun to play thanks to shitty, barely controllable animations and flying enemies)
Confirmed for have not even touched the character, or you're just extremely bad

hopoo needs to bring back the jew glue

Was this one of the Yea Forums lobbies? ohnonononono

My dude the turrets are fucking ridiculous OP what shit luck do you have with fungus and drops?

Why should I let you have any items? Just be fast like me.

>barely controllable animations and flying enemies

I play with a decent sensitivity and his shit as decent AoE. With and extra double jump and the cooldown pickups I can stay in the air killing shit for a LONG time.

Is there controller support?



1 spot

got it by ignoring the entire map for a few minutes, popping the boss, and aoeing everything at the same time. Not sure what ability triggered it, since nothing I had should be doing that much in a single splat.

>just win the 50/50 when we both stand on the item from the chest you bought bro
Just suck my dick

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How do you unlock characters?
I got by far, bandit, huntress and the kino robot, I know engi its suposed to unlock in 30 stages but what about the others?

He has literally nigger mentality, what do you expect?


shoutout to the other 3 anons who played for the last 3 hours or so.
fucking 4x huntress apparently overpowered despite being total shit

stomach oven nice and hot

I always get invalid lobby id, is it cause the lobby is full?

>mfw i have one spare copy of ror2 and im just going to let it sit in my inventory for years

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when will they put my man in?

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>have flawless run with Mul-T
>find a sequence shrine at the seventh stage
>sure why not
>went from exploding niggas left and right with the click of a button to Super Eurobeat Vol. 1 drifting across the map in 2 seconds and nodamage
>tele is a bunch of imp lords, a snake, and 2 dunefuckers
when are we getting cremators

Attached: sequence'd.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)

>pick mul-t
>wow you guys aren't casual right???

>use printer to get 10 hooves
holy shit I'm addicted to fast now, I need more

how the fuck is this game so well optimized?
I've been doing stupid shit like gathering 300 monsters with Black Hole and blowing them up at the same time, no framedrop

what the fuck?

>get 5000 war banners with commando
>make it to inferno level and die after accidentally activating combat shrine to see what it is

>get stupid good loadout for huntress
>die at first tele

*sip* yup thats how they used to make ROR

I remember hopoo talked about it in the devblog theres practically no limit to how many items you can have

my game gets drops whenever lava worm shows up

>teleporter spawns behind some irrelevant rock on the absolute edge of the map and it's impossible to see from any angle that isn't directly behind that rock

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Some small stutters but mostly its been pretty damn good.

im running i5 2500k and max settings and it runs fine at over like 5000000 fps

I dont know how printers work? Do i have to sacrifice a random item or is it free


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>trade in all my items for war banners
>group up with the team to fight
>they all die
>stuck soloing basically itemless

>freezes for a second every time you get an item
>runs perfectly otherwise
quality hotpoo coding is back bros

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>i5 2500k
holy based

Is artificer any fun?

i get slowdown with a lot of creatures at medium settings but my pc is shit
8350/and a rx580 but i also play at 1440p.
its usually 60 fps but with 100+ fuckers on screen or muiltiple lava worms it drops down to a steady 40
bretty good tho

anyone know how this is possible?
I have no knowledge in coding/dev but every other game lags like shit when more than 10 things pop up on screen


For those wanting to try it before buying it.

I don't know how it chooses but yes you sacrifice one item for another - whites for whties, greens for greens, etc.

You may ask yourself,
Is this my beautiful waifu?

yes you feed it a random item

what does the mountain shrine do? I activated a couple and they didn't seem to spawn anything. you guys say they increase lunar coin drop rate, how? I noticed the teleporter turned off the mountain challenge

Why not give it to me so I can let it sit in my inventory?

doubles ur bosses on the teleporter
also doubles their loot drop

Tell me about the yellow orb
I have yet to find anything related to it

swap engi and huntress

she is absolutely shit compared to that chad

It opens a portal to a special boss.

idk what i did but for the past 3 runs ive gotten the blue portal to spawn after beating the first boss

Does it have an equivalent to the newt thing? Or is it just random?

Its literally just a low-poly, shittier Firefight. Eh, its okay, already bored after thirty minutes.

i think people undervalue huntress's vertical mobility

she's likely going to be an excellent speedrunner

>shittier Firefight

I wish teleporters were bigger and brighter
trying to find it in the swamp level is the worst shit, the whole level is black just like the teleporter

No chef is the reason I'm hesitant to buy the game.


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Halo Firefight mode.

firefight is cool too bad it has no matchmaking
fucking hopoo did what bungie couldn't

send help

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>can sprint while automatically deleting enemies
>can easily jump up to high places

I do extremely well on huntress because she's so fast, you can get very far ahead of the curve with her.


>Playing with other Yea Forumsirgins


ive been running huntress 100% of the time the moment i got her
not having bandoleer just feels so slow for her
just that one thing makes her playstyle feel different

compare that to com, getting bandoleer on him just makes him shoot more

>enemies follow you
>have to turn around to shoot them, removing the advantage of being able to sprint and shoot
she's shit, engiechad does what she does much better

New thread now

You don't have to play with Yea Forums. You can matchmake with anyone.


visually little requirements from the game, very simplistic ai that doesn't need to do too many calculations and optimized programming that doesn't do unneccesary calculations

These threads go too fast because of begging shit asses

It definitely makes my GPU work pretty hard.
None of the geometry or effects seem super intensive. It's probably not rendering all the animations from things you can't see; for example with 100 enemies in front of you, you're probably only able to see about 25% of them.

There also don't appear to be much physics-based rendering required. Very few attacks knock you back, and attacks dont interact with items/objects/terrain.

>- right click kinda shit but left click really really gud
it's a short CD AoE stun. seems bretty gud to me

I don't even like the first Risk of Shit.

who needs stun when death is the strongest CC

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>use coin on statue of order for first time
>no idea what it does
>everything stops for a bit and I go invisible
>move on
>suddenly I have no damage and I'm doing really poorly
>realize I had 7 crowbars and 11 of another item instead of the items I had before I entered the stage
did the statue do that or am I just retarded and something else happened?

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huntress is absolute garbage unless she gets amazing items.
its easily the worst character over all

Any Australians tried playing with murkan/yuropeens?

how is the lag?

What the fuck every run I've had with the huntress has been glorious. Her teleport and R skill are great outs and the R skill also melts large enemies

Don't talk shit about my wife asshole

Yes, that thing takes 2 random items and 'merges' all your other items into them. Great if you get lucky and get 10+ soldiers syringes, but otherwise it's a run-ender

at later difficulties there are so many enemies that she can just sprint diagonally forward and there will always be something to shoot in front of her

your wife is ugly and shit. i'd rather have artificer

fuck off straya
don't ruin this for us

bump limit reached new thread

>press r
>get stuck in position and murdered by literally any projectile

that's why I'm asking m8

I think it's good, I just wish sprint status maintained after using a movement tech
helps keep huntress unique too, those sprint stacking items are great on her especially

>press r
>blink out of the animation

Probably never, there's already a robot and I can't see han-d's moveset translating to 3D

Play her and find out

>wasted ur defensive cooldown for literally nothing
sounds like you got carried by engineers

how you break the stone titans homing laser? I teleport before firing it tracks, i teleport when firing, it tracks, I teleport when its locking, it tracks.

It always oneshots me



behind a wall or engineer field or literally die no matter what
it has a very noticeable start up time
the real bullshit is flaming squids or ant queens

just break line of sight

finally I can sleep

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>316 health 87 minutes in
huntress had a hard life
but a soft ass

holy shit artificer is so much fun
just fuckin charge your right click and everything explodes

thank, never had the chance cause its always open areas

>a blue orb has spawned


spawns a blue portal if you get it before the teleporter is fully charged.

beat level, portal opens.

you still here man?

me and friend were playing it together we beat 3 levels and he got the huntress and i didnt any reason why?

huntress is so fun and satisfying to delete swarms of annoying enemies or onehit lesser guys.
that is if you get good items otherwise no fun allowed

If you down enough energy drinks you can outsprint it