You know how expensive this stuff is Yea Forums?
You know how expensive this stuff is Yea Forums?
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Tell that to the Covenant
Why does money even matter when you're fighting a literal war for survival?
why is a supply NCO walking around the cage with armor on
You done with my boy here, Master Gunns? I don't see any training wheels
because he has to get shot by grunts later and look like a badass
reminds me of an autist in my old unit that wore his goretex indoors
You never know when a tropical storm is going to open your roof like a can of beans and dump on your head.
PTSD? Maybe he was in a covenant sneak attack.
>he doesnt know how the cold war ended
The attack on Earth was expected to come relatively soon with little warning, so all combat personnel were to stay at the ready. That's why the UNSC fleet you see on the screen in the station's command center is in such a tight formation so quickly to intercept the Covenant.
give beta
i need beta
buy an xbox and play it, you stupid, insufferable, cunt. The game has only been available for FIFTEEN YEARS. kys
halo 2 is already on pc dumbshit
pretty fun playing with this dub
>actually giving a shit about h2 on pc like a fag
and Reach has been out for almost 10. fucking kys
>Arbiter: Omae wa mo shindaeru
>Prophet of Truth: NANI
Utter kino
Because civilians need to not starve to death while fighting for survival? And they're also still human beings? A "perfect" society would have everyone doing what they need to do to keep it running for the sake of survival itself. But they don't because people are still self-serving humans. And that's okay, we're animals that are self-interested. That is literally the nature of being in this ecosystem. That's just how it is.
In order for money not to matter even in this instance, you would need one of two things, and probably both to some extent.
1. The supporting people no longer having a human psyche
2. You would need to implement a system that is essentially communism
The reason why is because the people manufacturing this need to be supported by somebody, and whoever's supporting this either needs to have the resources to support these people (i.e. money) or support from the people giving these resources to the people manufacturing for free, who in turn need the resources to support that endeavor (i.e. money, housing, food, power etc.) OR have the support of people supporting that....and so on in that fashion until you've got a perfect Utopia of a society where everyone does their part for the greater good. A nice fantasy, sure, but completely unreasonable in all but the most self-inserty, projectionist of fanfics. We'd essentially have to give up all individual agency for that to work.. and not only that, the sheer amount of resources and time it would take to have that entire civilization transition successfully from their system to a "perfect, community-serving machine" system would be enormous. It just isn't going to happen.
Cortana confirmed as best girl
Foehammer has a QT voice
What motivates suicide bombers and kamikaze pilots to kill themselves in the name of a cause greater than themselves? what motivates a soldier to risk his life for limited material reward? what motivates a preacher to devote his or her life in a foreign land? sometimes being self interested means putting the group ahead of yourself, sillybuns
Tell that to the jannies.
That changes absolutely nothing about what I said
it does, you said it was unrealistic for people to give up their free agency in order to have a society where the greater good is cherished above individual selfishness.
I brought up the examples of soldiers to demonstrate how, in certain circumstances, peope DO LOSE FREE AGENCY, or willingly give it up in the name of a higher cause. it's not, like you say, a fanfic or fantasy. Plenty o historical examples of society organizing en mass to achieve a common goal at the expense of the individual. What do you think WWII was, dude? Do you think Soviet Union and Nazi Germany gave a fuck about individual desires when it was a battle for survival. any gave their lives for the greater good, your point is bullshit.
Foehammer always sounds like she's about to deliver me some Popeyes fried chicken and biscuits.
And that ain't a bad thing!
You are actually such a fucking retard. In UK during WWII, there was a draft, there was material rationing, everyone did their part to contribute and help each other, the vast majority of people were happy to do this because human beings aren't selfish cunts at heart. Only your Ayn Rand-tier philosophy is the real fanfic.
Fuck Halo, this is now a thread for true Bungie FPS ludo.
You're either completely ignoring or completely unaware of psychological factors such as distance to the issue supporting attachment or detachment of the situation, sense of fairness - and hell, even the basic principal of humans brung very limited by our individual perception - among others. Perhaps you're not familiar with what happened to nations who used similar logic that supposedly changes what I said? For a layman-friendly media example, watch Animal Farm.
You might want to ask yourself why kamikaze pilots and missionaries undertake what they do. This isn't even addressing their spiritual beliefs or peer pressure - and on the topic of peer pressure, propogating an ideology to allow for that very thing to have such an influence over someone's thought processes and decisions. Not to mention room forn resistance to an ideology to allow peer pressuring.
The psychology behind all this goes much deeper than I'm bringing up in this discussion and hell, it goes much deeper than my understanding. I'm only bringing up shit that I know.
I maintain that what you said changes jack shit about what I originally said because they're entirely different situations for many reasons that would influence other things.. If you think that entire civilizations can come together like that, good on you, just keep in mind that history disagrees - and that's a fact.
And they were properly rewarded and compensated. Your example quite literally is strictly in my favor. Good job, you helped the supposed retard without knowing it.
Got a good chuckle. Goddamn, Blur did a great job on those cutscenes
Tartarus, stop.
Anons, what picture should I bring for 343i to sign to the outpost?
So, is Chief getting another Cortana in infinite? I hope it's another ai, maybe mendicant bias
Hopefully someone established.
Either Roland or a Bias.
*Dies the worse death of anyone in Halo*
Jenkins had it worse
Man locke has such a cool design, especially in the Blur cutscenes. Such a wasted character.
At least Jenkins had a bit of control of his body still and his mind wasn't being torn apart. I'd say keyes had it worse.
Whats up with the way Microsoft held Halo captive? They cancelled shows, movies, spinoffs during its peak and released a fucking RTS game after 3.
Was it incompetence and greed?
Would you really want Niel "Chappie" Blomkampfs movie to actually happen?
Well whoever put together landfall knew what was going on, that was pure kino.
And not just that, but they released a bunch of shitty animations and that stupid forward unto dawn bullshit.