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Sekiro Help Thread
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It's alright to ask for help but don't give up, anons. I believe in you
I got to a guy with 2 dot death attack health. The game then popped up a message saying to use miki counter, but I don't have miki counter. What do?
Is the dodge slash as OP as it seems? I feel like I'm not doing enough damage to Butterfly with just the slash slash deflect, I can deflect all day she just gets me with the other shit because I can't seal the deal.
can somebody please tell me how many bonfires there are in dream world hirata estate, thanks
its literally what youre supposed to do for that fight user
Shinobi Hunter? Yeah unlock the Mikiri counter from the skill tree (costs 1 and is essential). Practice against Hanbei until you can do it with your eyes closed (easier than it sounds, wait until the DUN DUN cue)
>feet are better than the hands
cut shota feets
>just got fire shrine thing to sunkey valley, aborted, don't want to start a whole new zone
>abaonded dungeon shrine, abort, don't want to start a whole new zone
>got my ass handed by the guy at the top of the ashine castle
I should go deal with him before moving onto sunkey valey/abaonded dungeon, right? I've already killed hag
>Mask part is 5k
Christ. Is this shit worth it? I got the other part after getting enough scales, but 5k sen is a lot of dosh.
Why can't I give Emma gourd seeds? She's now in Ashina Castle
Im at Ashina Dungeon after beating Headless
What am I in for?
Well shit no wonder I'm falling for the 6 hours meme. I did get her way down without it though, she'll probably be cake once I stop fighting with one hand tied
Pedos get the grapple
where the fuck do you get the extra 2 scales? I only found 5 of them
>ywn be part of the young Sculptor's gang, go to the valley and parkour around, drink sake and have a friendly swordfight with your bros.
Why even live?
So is Kuro old? Did he inherit his immortality? Who was immortal before him and how did they die?
danger in the water
I guess I over explored and ventured too far for my level. I'll buy it after some experience gained killing guys elsewhere.
After I got that diving skill in Mibu village I went to 3-4 different rivers to kill more carps. A vendor close to Mibu also sells 2 scales.
I only have 5 prayer necklaces trying to fight Isshin, am I retarded? Why do I feel like I have so little?
Not really. The easiest way to beat her is by attacking her and deflecting all of her counter attacks until her posture breaks.
Is there a limit to the treasure carp scales you can get?
I only need a few more to buy the second mask fragment
You have half of the total. Are you just skipping every miniboss?
What's wrong with most of the ennemy design? Most of the time it's just naked fat pink dudes. Are they even human?
Yes but you should have enough for everything even if you miss a couple.
I legitimately think I'm actually really good at this game based on my experience compared to a lot of other anons, so with that gloating out of the way, what's giving ya trouble yall
How do you cheese the first two lives of corrupted monk? I heard you can do it.
I dont think i've skipped a single mini boss. At least not on purpose.
The full mask lets you put skill points into Attack power apparently.
Don't worry user he got me a few times too. Have you killed Messin with Sasquatch yet? After you get the flame arm he becomes cake and after that you'll be confident enough to punk SH. Also kill all the dudes around him first, quietly, then bump off one dot by shanking him
I don't even have enough skill points for other skills yet, I'll wait.
>Demon of Hatred's exotic poses during and after attacks
Why did no one ever tell me how cool and aesthetic Buddhism as a whole was
Is there any ending to the black samurai questline that does not get him killed?
u can get one point just by clearing the nearby trash once or twice. also do u have firecrackers? buy from vendor at the topmost hill right by the chained ogre bonfire.
He dies peacefully enough if you get him to O'rin's area and she guides him into the next life.
>man what is with the monkey trouble posts, this boss is probably the easiest he only has one form-
alright what the fuck is this terror shit
Feels good to finally master the mechanics, even if it was near the end of the game
thanks for the help last thread m8s, illusion monk is getting down to about 1/3 of her health each try now, but i keep fucking up and getting too greedy.
SOON i shall finish this asshole off and fuck up gen
Deflecting is so incredibly inconsistent in this game it almost ruins it completely.
You should've used ash on him when he goes for that crazy windup attack. It gives you a few free hits
I've been trying that but phase 2 has those bombs which are bullet hell tier when you're already trying to block her strings
Here's a vid to get an idea of my skill or lack thereof
based miyazaki
illusion monk is extremely easy to cheese. Just firecracker the first 50% health and snap seed the rest. Snap seeds let you take off 50% of its health.
It took me forever to realize that pulling the counter on the thrust attacks staggered you also because that's a big fucking spear.
seven spears (first one) is kicking my ass right now
The ape farting on my face was quite unexpected.
I probably had more trouble with the first form, the second one wasn't too bad.
"You wantu diversityru in gameru? OK" kek
>send him to the abaonded dungeon
>go talk to the shop keeper outside
...w--how the fuck was I supposed to know he wasn't meant to go here? sometimes these games are a little too obscure. you're given the option, so why wouldn't you send him lol
I'm guessing hes just fucked now?
Wow, the fan is so much better than I realized my first playthrough. It really helps for fighting groups and the purple fan trivializes the dungeon ghost. It also doesn't tell you that you can store apparition damage to buff the fan attack.
Wish there were more enemies, bosses or otherwise, like Seven Spears. Its disappointing when even Isshin lets you just goomba stomp his sweep and has no followup to you mikiri countering him. Seven Spears clearly shows they can make it more challenging and constantly demanding and players can handle it.
>what the fuck is this terror shit
Have you been to Mibu valley yet?
There's a merchant there that will let you buy a purple gourd that boosts your resistance to terror, and completely gets rid of any terror buildup.
1800 sen.
One thing in particular I really appreciate is the game repopulating Ashina with new enemies twice for each game state change. Even the fact that they are rather similar enemies that you've faced and beaten before, its like an ultimate skill test to see how much better you have gotten at the game right before the end when you go back and murder them all
You can also use that downed regular soldier to do bloodsmoke ninjutsu for free backstabs.
Please send help I am being anally reamed by sword saint's spear phase
>shady fucker asks for you to trick dudes into going to him
>says "Hey bro don't ask what'll happen just know I'll pay you"
I hope there's a DLC bell where you go back to the past to fight Takeru, Tomoe, young Isshin, young Owl and young Orangutan
What the fuck was that thing in the hidden forest? The mist noble. Everything so far has had some sort of recognizable form, but that guy was like a fucking slug.
Good job, but i wouldn't call that 'master' until you can perfect deflect everything.
There may or may not be input lag.
Having gotten 3 endings so far, I'll give my advice for the first playthrough
What I did for a good few bosses first time around, was just sprint around until they did an attack I knew would leave them vulnerable and strike once or twice before retreating
Take O'rin for example, against her I did literally nothing but run away, and everytime she teleports she does two swings and then lets herself get hit, so I just swung once, ran away and repeated that until she died, very slow and tedious but doing that to other bosses lets you see their whole moveset from a safe distance so you can learn how to parry it properly if you want (did this to corrupted monk and the ape too)
Figuring out what the boss CAN do is the largest part of the battle, its all mostly mechanically just doing the parries after that
It will make sense later
>just send the black dude to a guy in a full body white robe
what could possibly go wrong?
Anybody mind telling me what the first shop keeper wants you to do after you tell him about the salt? He says something about armor and looting bodies, but not much else?
He's like a human carp, when you advance further in the game you'll understand
does confetti do anything against the demon of hatred?
>get close
>get close
what the fuck are you supposed to do to this asshole
>Have you been to Mibu valley yet?
A mist noble, duh.
Pay attention to the dialogue
Also pay attention to whats in various crates in the upcoming village.
Where do I go after getting the flower/finger after the big ape? I'm legit lost, I don't remember any places that are locked or I couldn't go
Nigga that’s a boy’s feet
It's BB all over again.
next he'll ask you do find a big downy to loot corpses for him
Umbrella completely blocks his roars.
Should I go into NG+ or start a new save, lads?
Which part in particular
You should still be staying in his face and keeping the pressure on. If you counter one of his short non-perilous sweeps correctly, you can prevent the glock followup by just quickly counterattacking, even if it looks like he's about to blat you. That's essentially the theme, alot of the stuff looks like you won't make it in time but just keep up the pressure.
Exceptions are the mega circle sweep and the big horizontal line cutter. I just used the aged mist raven feather for those parts as even knowing their timing and what they do, they can be weird cause of terrain to properly dodge or parry. Might as well take no damage with a wide window of safety during them.
Pressure, pressure, pressure
I'm hoping for some sort of boss rush mod where I can play all the bosses and mini bosses whenever I want to
where do I find said big downy?
He is one of the main bosses you need to beat in order to progress, chill. unless you are talking about his secret fight
Yes. After killing him the story takes you to the Dungeon which is really just a tunnel the the Monks and the Valley is after the Monks.
Do not send the big downy with him. It's better to send him to "heaven" where he can chill with the children.
Why don't I ever see people talking about Praying Strikes - Exorcism? Shit's great.
If you pay attention to little bits of the environment as you go forward and the dialogue of NPCs and item descriptions as you go forward, you can piece it together early
>black dude
Understand the feel, I ended up finding the Buddha temple as soon as I beat bull and hella explored that place because it was purty. I got decently far in then got my ass handed to me by a gang of strawhatted midgets 5 times before I considered that I may not be ready.
thanks b
Absolutely same. Thankfully the game is really easy to get through once you know everything, even if you're not a speedrunner. About to start NG+ and try to beat some records.
So that big attack where he charges up is actually parryable? I had just been running away but sometimes you don't have enough time to run.
Most of the combat arts are a bit underwhelming. What's nice about that one? I do love the aesthetic of that tree's moves
I've been trying to find some progess in this game for hours after I gave the Divine Child the hearts and talked to Emma about Kuro.
I cant seem to get this past this phase. the first two are so easy compared to this shit. His moveset with that spear or w/e the fuck it is, is just not clicking with me.
Because Double Ichimonji is legitimately god-tier
I would if it guarantees knockback on everything other than mooks. Most of the more elite-tier enemies just shrug off the strikes
>getting one hit killed by Ashina Elite or chipped down by the sheathe attack
>Eventually realize you have to double tab deflect
>Easiest boss so far
boy i feel retarded
Parry him until he winds up with the big overhead, then parry that and you get free hits.
If you don't see at perilous symbol, a move is parryable
The giant purple laser beam from the Shimichan warriors even is parryable.
Well, I guess there are some exceptions in Demon of Hatred in particular, but yeah, everything but his Vergil-style energy wave stuff is parryable in Isshin's fight (and even that might be, it's just not worth the timing cause parrying projectiles doesn't net you any posture damage on them which is 60% of the point)
can someone explain this normie tYpE tHiS wAy meme to me?
Its cool but its really only for style points I think, most of the time I'd rather use Ashina arts or shadowrush
He’s in Senpou Temple, left of the first shrine there. He’ll be crying saying he was left behind and needs to find a white flower. After giving him that spirit him away with that leaf prosthetic. If that’s what you want to do in his quest line or you can send him to the merchant.
He gets value and will use more difficult to respond to moves if he has distance. The most unreadable thing he can use when he's really close is his panic jump-back-sweep, its very low frames. His posture recharge is very average even at high health if you stay in his ass. Don't let him drag the fight on and get distance to do his stuff that abuses the terrain and long active frames.
O'Rin just made me rage quit. Her counter attack goes straight through my deflect 50% of the time.
Was the ROBERRRTTTTTTTTO guy actually Japanese? If not I wish they would have actually dubbed him in the proper language like how Nioh did it, would have been cool.
You will need three items to trigger Owl's main fight, the Mortal Blade given to you by the Divine Child, the flower right after the Guardian Ape in the Sunken Valley and the stone or whatever in the Ashina Depths.
Google how to get in these areas if you are that impatient to get to Owl.
its literally just
His spear thrusts are incredibly easy to mikiri
You can do it jackie, I promise you she's not that hard.
Ichimonji double absolutely destroys corrupted monk. Even with three stages because I fucked up the cheeses it is too easy.
>the flower right after the Guardian Ape in the Sunken Valley
That's where I fucked up at.
When I got finished with that boss right I just fucked right off and didn't duck at the tiny hole where the idol was at.
Yeah I wish he was voiced in the same whatever foreign language in all the languages, that would make him properly a foreigner and Wolf just fights him because he doesn't understand what he's saying
How do you go about the pressure? after his easy sword phase once I start trying to attack he usually does that hyperarmour move right after I press attack that fucks me up.
She's got gaaaarbage posture. Feels like Butterfly is the only real boss where that whole vitality recharge thing really matters, and even she can still be deathblowed at 80% life.
Corrupted Monk's posture is insanely bad though. Wish other moves got the Ichimongi treatment or there was some selectable toggle that changed the majority of them from vitality types to posture wrecking types.
It just adds a nice chunk of posture damage that feels free MOST of the time. I attack once or twice, then do praying strikes. Sometimes elite enemies don't get knockbacked completely, but I think you can react to that a lot of the time. For example, I think it works great on Lone Shadow and other purple guys, but sometimes they'll take the full combo or take the first hit and jump and do that knee slam that you can dodge out of the way for more damage. Even against bosses it can work pretty well. Also, it looks great.
You right, you right, but praying strikes is faster to throw out. They're both cool. I wish there was more combat arts like those two.
I kept dying to this guy and I felt like I was throwing my head against the wall until finally it clicked
holy shit I just want to replay this boss fight over and over, how satisfying
I've never went from losing so hard to winning that quickly in a single player game
Got to the top of the senpou temple and the monk asked me to help a kid. Where do I go from here? Ashina castle?
I just can't do it
I stopped counting total tries but have got to his last phase 7 times
Genichiro and first phase of SS are no problem, and sometimes I'll get lucky enough with lots of thrust attacks from him in phase 2 to get to phase 3
But everytime I get there I get hit at least once by lightning, while his other combos are hard as fuck to get deflect timing down
Have only pulled off a lightning redirect once in 20 or so times getting hit by it. I'm jumping and mashing R1 as soon as I get hit in the air but almost every time I fall down to the ground without actually doing the redirect
Its basically the hardest phase of a boss in the game. He can do almost anything to you but there are patterns and things you can abuse. Don't run into him, take it a litle more slow and let him come to you because the boss reads your inputs and can basically frame trap you or just shoot you in the face when you least expect it.
His spear is your friend and enemy. You want to mikkiri counter as much as possible but he can change his unblockable from a spear thrust to a sweep and a large AoE combat arm almost at random
I wasn't going to upload this today but here you go, this is what I was talking about youtube.com
Three strikes, quick parry parry, and if he isn't doing one of his run to the side armor'd moves or a mikiri thrust give him three strikes again. That's the general pace. He will do that from time to time though, so do a short hop and block to defend against the majority of options. As mentioned to the other guy, the most legitimately hard to react to move is his crouching tiger hidden dragon sudden leap backwards with a wide sweep with the spear. Don't have a great answer to that one, but most everything else should be simple enough to parry or read for a feather escape.
I beat her after 6 hours of being stuck. Want to know the cheese strat?
You can stealth her 1st bar by throwing a ceramic shard at her ass. She becomes hostile but doesn't know where you are. If i can do it user, you can as well. Keep it up.
Prosthetic that works as a shield, there is an upgrade for it that basically negates terror build up.
Not getting hit is master
I'll commit to monk stuff my next playthrough then, sounds fun. I really just like the combat arts for the style points anyway besides double cheesemongi.
Supposedly you don't even have to upgrade it for the ape escape fight
I dunno if that's true though
I just killed him after 1.5 hour of getting gud. If you block his long ass combo he will most likely end it with a long thurst that you can mikiri. Sometimes after deflecting him he will also shoot you a few times and go for a thurst too. I think the biggest problem is that your posture goes down the drain really fast. That's why keeping your HP high so your posture regens faster. Also Firecracker+ 1xIchimonji to instantly get posture back quick, he might wind up another attack with super armor if you go for the 2nd Ichimonji hit.. Also you can get one free hit after you block his spear slam attack.
The final phase is more or less the same, except that the lightning shit makes you get more free hits. Jump a little bit after he jumps, eat the lightning then mash RB.
Whenever you mess up the lightning reversal, the fix is easy to implement because 100% it just means you are jumping too early. You end up catching the lightning but you hit the ground before you get through your reversal animation making you eat the full charge.
When the kanji for the lightning comes out, its a full second before you have to jump and you want to jump as soon as he swings his weapon. Don't jump as soon as you see the lightning
Came into the Sunken Valley Passage through the Kite. Got to that beam that sticks out and I keep jumping off but I'm not seeing any grapple points. I tried going to fextralife but those fuckers don't have any info on progressing by that area. Anyone know where I'm supposed to be looking?
>I'm jumping and mashing R1
There's your problem
You have to accept the hit fully, then press R1
If you're attacking while the lightening is hitting you it wont work
Patience like the buddha!
Meant for
How the hell do you dodge Demon of Hatred's charge attack? It keeps fucking my shit up when im glued to his dick
so i have to fucking find this thing and upgrade it for this gay ass fight or else I'm absolutely fucked if he screams? this is terrible
O'Rin really isnt that bad when you accept that youre just going to have to break her posture and you can literally stand still for the majority of the fight and just deflect and counter. i raged hard at her too.
stabimaru gets you some free hits if you poison her.
Are Ichimonji and Nightjar Slash the only good combat skills? Everything else seems to be shit.
>finally get to Sword Saint Isshin
>kinda scared because of everyone's horror stories
>fight is actually fun as fuck with nice deflection timings and lots of Mikiri counters
I feel like I'm missing something because I had a blast fighting him. Also that shit he pulled on the last deathblow is pure kino
Why the FUCK does the Guardian Ape have a fart attack?
Just stay away. The ape has a lot of openings when it lunges at you.
The motif i got from it was a malformed dragon.
No, just run the fuck away when he brings the head up.
Also if you get behind him the scream radius is lessened so its easier to escape if you're too deep in.
Its completely possible to beat any boss without prosthetics
enfeebled is the fucking dumbest thing. New londo ruins level dumb of area.
Jump and maybe go to the left, but you really just need to jump.
Though you should know by now, don't just keep pressing attack button, deliberately press it for each attack. He in particular punishes you putting too many attack orders in the queue.
I'm not gonna lie guys I wasn't having fun at the start. But after beating Jozu and the horse guy something clicked and now I'm loving it. I feel like the first few hours of this game really make or break someone's interest.
how are people having so much trouble with this dude? took me like 4 or 5 tries not counting when i let myself die if genichiro got a hit in on me. just gotta parry everything like with the rest of the game
altho I only saw isshin do one lightning attack the whole time for some reason, it was right at the first of 2 times I got to phase 3, second time I think I skipped the phase transition or something
A feminine boy. Those are girl feet on a boy. Though personally I don't like them because the toes seem rather knobby.
It didn't look scaly enough to me, but I can see that. Especially with those limbs.
Same. Some people it just clicked for I guess. I think he and Ape make some people for some reason stop believing in their ability to parry, ape cause he's intimidating and Isshin cause he does technically have scary stuff, he just rarely uses it if you do stay up in his face.
And yes, his finisher is fucking fantastic. Wish he'd have taken his own mortal blade to do his half of the ritual properly, otherwise its perfect. Isshin is a fucking bro. Rip
If you keep pressuring him at the beginning you can prevent him from pulling out his spear while still doing damage. Theoretically you should be able to get through phase 2 without seeing the spear once
You are still on the easy part man. It gets a lot more punishing.
He's getting ready to poop, he always does the fling shit attack right after.
Apes in real life fling shit at each other so it's fitting.
Same, but Genichiro was the turning point for me.
Not, that was a stupid suggestion anyway. Here's what you do to basically get through this fight easily and never have to worry about the scream.
There are only 2 opportunities where you go for an attack, when he goes for the clumsy dive, jump over his sword and get a few hits in, and his overhead swing that if you successfully parry, he is basically stunned for several seconds and you get free hits.
He barely has any moves so he will do these 2 over and over, his 2nd phase is actually way easier than the 1st.
I found the first few hours were kinda uninteresting as well, but it picked up soon enough. I'm not sure what my issue was, but the setting and the environment didn't pull me despite being a weeb that loves this kind of stuff.
People fall for the run around and take 40 minutes to safely beat the boss meme.
Thanks, didn't realize it was techincally a sweep attack
You cheese all the lives.
The premise of both games are kinda similar if you think about it.
I'm literally at the 80% mark done with the game (I think) and have beaten most of the hardest bosses. However, this headless shit is the one thing I refuse to complete. I'm waiting my confettis everytime but it's still borderline impossible. Just tell me what he drops bros. If it's not a prayer bead I won't feel guilty
i found the demon to be way fucking harder that guy was a nightmare for me
isshin you can just parry + lightning reversal to death
Permanent sugar items that cost spirit instead
No problem. Demon is a good challenge but annoyingly non-kino cause you're just in his ballsack the whole time not doing anything cool.
I know that feel bro
Can I get centipede monk to jump off the cliff at the fountainhead?
Should I just give up if I can't beat Genichiro? I can barely make it to his lightning phase most times, and when I do I don't feel like I'm doing much of anything progress wise. I try to deflect him as much as I can in the first two life bars but sometimes he just hits me with shit out of nowhere like those bullshit ass overhead arrow shots. And trying to land the lightning counter seems really specific timing wise, that or I'm supposed to be pressing block instead of attack when it hits me not sure.
isshin is a fantastic final boss if you learn him legit
Wait does confetti make you do more damage to him?
First life you grapple to the tree behind her and wait a bit till her opening stance is nearly finished then deathblow her, Right after that she does the shadow attack.
At which point she's always in the middle on the arena and you can grapple and deathblow her again, then you just stunlock her with firecrackers.
European boy dying of terminal autism sells undead shinobi god-killing sparklers
Ok, so I looked up where the rice questline was going since I thought I was locked out of it.
Turns out I can still get that ending, but I want to stop teleporting around like a moron
Do I need to finish it before going to the fountainhead palace?
That's fine with. My problem early on was that I didn't get the combat on a fundamental level and even clearing out regular enemies was a trial. It took my dumb brain awhile to understand that encounters weren't just block/hit/block/hit and that enemies would just keep hitting me if I didn't deflect perfectly.
Press attack. You need to be high enough that you can pull the reversal before hitting the ground. So it's more or less the timing of the jump.
Who was Robert?
Before the boss of that area. Not the first one, you can fight that.
learned from his master
>downy gets good ending
>you get a fruit
Nah fuck that. Send downy to go loot corpses and send the samurai to the dungeon.
You need to finish it before finishing fountainhead I think. Kuro needs to still be in his palace room so you can lick his sweet sticky balls he prepares for you.
FINALLY beat the illusory monk. feels kinda shitty considering I used the firecrackers and ash to just get it over with but fuck it Im tired of being stuck on her.
time to go fuck up gen
Only if you kill the boss will you be locked out of the ending if you haven't given rice to kuro yet.
What happens when you buy all of pot guy's stuff after he turns into a carp?
Also, what if you feed the carp the other guy's bait? Pretty much everyone I know chose the Hirata one
where's that old lady that wanted rice? I forget where she is
also what's the effect of offering drinks to npcs? I'm scared to waste them
Yes. The game is very explicit about it, how did you miss that?
With your back facing the wall, jump down to your left
How many carp scales are in the game? Enough for everything or will it have to be collected in NG+?
lighting phase is just attack and side dodge on all the perilous attacks.
Sake just gives you some lore dumps.
Thanks, I've already eaten kuro's delicious balls so onward it is
So what's the point of the third revive? I haven't used it because when you need it (after you died once) you cant use it, and by the time you can use it, surely you have found or arrived at another idol. I have never resurrected three times.
she appears both at the start of senpou temple and near the ape's boss area in sunken valley
There's enough in the base game to buy out the vendors.
No, you have to get rice from the loli and give it to kuro.
The lightning counter is easy. Just jump when he casts it, then return it.
There's enough for everything and a little bit more. I'm not sure if I got every single scale but I was able to buy everything and still have 2 left over
The sickly child of the Italian-armored knight guy on the bridge. He and his dad sold firecrackers little Robert made to help with some of the payment to fund their trip to Japan, cause his dad heard a rumor that they have stuff that could heal his son.
The monks agree to take Robert in and his dad in gratitude promises to guard the bridge for however long it takes to cure his son. The monks, being assholes, experiment on Robert and many other children to try and create rice loli so they can have sustainable immortality. The bodies of the experimented on children are found lazily tossed off the side of some of the cliffs in purple robes. Robert is almost certainly among them, but the monks don't bother telling Robert's dad.
oooo I never thought about mist raven for that spear sweep, I'm gonna try that out. Thanks user
But he did perfect deflect everything in that webm. On really big hits, if you deflect you get the animation where Sekiro is knocked back, but plants his sword in the ground to slow himself. If you just block, he gets knocked back and his arms are askew and he has to regain his posture with the usual animation.
Preforming a deathblow lets you revive again. So if you died on the first HP bar of a boss but manage to score a deathblow after reviving, you've got your revive back.
What controller is everyone using?
I usually go DS4, but lately switch to my Pro Switch controller and I think it's much better
Read the next part. I mash after getting hit.
Genichiro feels overwhelming at first but trust me when I say he’s easy as fuck once you see that he’s just a glorified mook before his lightning mode. Literally just go ham on his ass and parry his attacks. Stay close so that you can tell when he’s gonna use his bow.
For the counter all you gotta do his hit him when he jumps in the air and you can shock that fuccboi down. If you are still having a hard time grasping it here’s a slightly grindier alternative. Get the jump kick move from the Senpo skill book. I can assure you that shit made his 2nd form a complete joke, even for a shitter like me.
If you are not feeling like fighting him yet then go and explore, you got a good chunk of shit you can explore before you get progress blocked by him.
Nice memes btw the game is shit.
mist raven is all I used against him, its really good for the big yamato air wave slashes too
Third try against two or three phase bosses if you revived once in each phase. It's undeniably fluffy but in some fights can clutch you a final chance.
Headless is a straight up pure ghost user. The weird battle music is there to tell you whenever you are fighting ghosts.
Oh, just one? i thought you needed more. Nice.
Stuff like this is why Buddha himself gives you a disclaimer at the start of Senpou temple saying these guys are assholes and you have his full approval to tear em up.
Oh boy, finally got him. My first time in phase 3 I destroyed him because I somehow nailed every lightning reversal perfectly and didn't get hit once. Thanks for the tips
Should I do return or purification ending. Purification seems like it has more content
My god this bitch doesn’t even have the firecracker spam immunity like the bull.
Anyone know of any other interesting interactions with the spear? All I've noticed so far is you can strip the armor off the bell swinging tora guy and also can rip the centipede out from the headless ape after after parrying his slam and knocking him down.
He isn't black.
People seem to not understand that there are some dark tan skinned Japanese people
Though mostly in Okinawa.
Does that questline go anywhere?
I got the dude his fish eyes and now he is just standing in the cage with his head in his hands.
I thought that the loli speaking.
Best advice possible
>sekiro is a rhythm game
You can do both if you met both requirements and the game will give you a choice at the end of which one you want.
No problem! Same thing happened to me funnily enough. Lightening reversal is actually overpowered in Sekiro's favor. No wonder Ashina gets its shit pushed in by Oda's fucksquad, kek.
You can do all of the content for Purification and still do all the content for Return/True as well. You just have to unlock Hirata Estate Encore Mode prior to beating divine dragon.
I killed Owl 2 after Demon of Hatred, for instance. Saved him to the pentultimate fight.
>tfw ps4 pro overheated while playing
>all it does now is click on for a second, then turns off
Am I fucked? I'm at a loss.
And to think all of this could be avoided if Sekiro wasn’t so autistic and learn some basic social skills.
Purification is more difficult to get fuck you Owl so go with that one even though Return is a more wholesome ending.
jk im retarded
Shoulda come out as a PS4 exclusive. PC version is shit and has a cancerous fanbase.
Thought it was a meme until I landed my first string of perfect parries on Genichiro. It's so easy to melt his first posture bar.
Just use firecrackers on it
All this post did was make me fear for my Pro.
I tried to use it on Isshin as if I understand correctly its the same spear he is using against you, but didn't get an opportunity .
Oh okay cool
Yeah it’s the rice girl’s voice
>tfw spent entire night on folding screen monkey and still haven’t beaten it
I spent 2 hours each on chasing that goddam monkeys and luck out on their pathing. And the last one literally cannot be chased what the fuck am I doing? Who coded this shit?
I got Shura first because I figured honorabu orphan would stick to the code. I get that it is supposed to feel lacking but it doesn't feel right experiencing these areas for the first time in NG+
That WAS the loli speaking.
Thanks for the tips bros kinda got lucky in the last phase cause he spammed his lighting attack but fuck it im happy.
>'lone' shadow
>they are always in group
how much of the game is after sunken valley? it's the only place I haven't explored yet and I don't recognize half of the bosses you guys are talking about
Try throwing shurikens at them. I don't know if it'll work but I already beat the monkeys and I want to know if they can be cheesed like other bosses.
there's a way to get into the cage from another entrance so you can interact with him
So I haven't fought the ape yet, but I have just beat the corrupted monk.
I haven't looted the stone yet because I'm scared it'll advance the story. Can I loot the stone and nothing will happen before I get the flower? What other areas could I explore before that that I might be missing.
Seven Ashina Spears ruined my whole night. Triggered me so bad I couldn’t focus on reading, watching tv. I’m just going to bed gritting my teeth.
how get mlgs
Well done, lad. A win is a win
shurikens dont work i tried
Imagine the smell.
honestly I don't even know how I beat them. I just fucking ran everywhere and smacked some monkeys, the one in the center that escapes all the time I somehow managed to grapple close to him then ran and killed this fucker before he jumped.
Is there a Gokan's spiritfall? and where can If find the headless for it? Already killed the one in the outskirts cave, castle moat, fountainhead pond (I saw two down there but the other just disappeared when I killed the first), and in the misty forest floor
So kino. This game is gonna turn me into a fucking weeaboo again I swear.
should've went to yharnam lol
He's a real fucking niggerfaggot honestly. For SOME REASON he's the one enemy in the game where you properly mikiri or deflect and it feels like it punishes you or at least gives you a challenging followup.
Where can I upboat your post?
I got mine black friday 2017 with little to no issue until playing this game.
Nigga just mikiri counter and firecracker him. Git Gud and fuck his ass because he's going to make common enemies look like pussies mid-late game.
yeah he spammed electrics on me too, idk if that was some kind of pity system or some shit but get fucked you old coot
lightning deflect is sex
Whoever said genichiro is the easiest boss, go fuck yourself. It’s like playing fur Elise on your piano on your first time.
What is the best endgame place to farm xp? I'm just gonna fucking die trying to get all the skills. Please tell me NG+ gives significantly more xp.
preemptive bump before I get buried
Love it when he tried to counter mikiri though, basically free opening.
Tips on Gyoubu Oniwa? I beat Genichiro Ashina on my friend's account at his house, but now that I'm playing I'm a bit stuck early on. I know to grapple him, and go in hard on the first phase to stagger, but even just waiting for the grapple is hard. Do I just need to learn the block timings better?
Does anyone else not use prosthetic tools often? I only ever use spear once in awhile but I usually forget they exist.
I did it friends, I beat Owl (father). I feel accomplished and just wanted to tell someone
>"Put down your sword, pussy!"
>"I-I will n-not..."
>"haha, I'm just kidding man. you alright? Peace."
>"Came across a disgusting gajin today in his impractical dirty heavy armor. Called him what he is to his face, a dirty inelegant foreigner. I hate gaijin so goddamn much"
Good job user
>suck at the game
>play game more
>oh this is completely fair and its all based on my not being retarded and playing intelligently
>get better at game
Chained Ogre can still fuck off though, I died SO MUCH to that bastard.
There's a pool of water near some little pyramids off to the right from the serpent shrine area, check that out.
It does for sure but not as liberally as it gives away gold. I am around 15k because the merchant items at the start are rather inexpensive. Still, getting to the castle gave me enough xp to finish the shinobi skill tree from where I left off.
Are you trying to say common enemies in late game are as hard as fucking Seven Spears ?
Cool. Now beat the secret boss.
NG+ gives more.
Firecrackers(which you can buy at the vendor before the ogre) fuck him up, also the skill that let's you attack mid-air after a grapple allows you to stun him for a bit.
He's full of shit, Seven Spears guy is hard as fuck if you do him early.
you can get in a stealth kill by going the same route you did in the tutorial section, following that just mikiri counter and prepare to counter again after that because he always has a follow up. That aside its basic attack parry counter parry etc. good luck user.
same, I usually use shuriken to kill off animals and the firecracker for some bosses, that's about it. I don't even use any items except gourds
old dragons of the tree.... oh boy another deacons of the deep
is it possible to get all of the carp scales before going into the giant carp's home? i don't want to miss the pot noble's quest. i need 10 more to buy his last item.
Shuriken, especially on Lady Butterfly.
Shuriken and the followup R1 skill are the bread and butter. All the other prosthetics are 100% situational, firecrackers for beasts, malcontent whistle for headless, etc.
the tools are very useful but pretty much all of them need the first upgrade
Talk to ishin then talk to her again
Unlocking nighttime actually takes away the best XP farm.
If its still sunset/red guys invading, Ashina Castle idol, run up the steps towards the main castle building, grapple up to the right and get to the closest building while sneaking above. One of the redhat samurai will walk out of the main doorway- let him go, then two more will walk out. Stealth kill them one by one, then easily kill the first one that ran out ahead. Head forward, to the right where a red hat is fighting an Ashina mook, kill them both, then opposite side where two mooks get ambushed by a fifth red hat. Go back to idol, rest, repeat.
Each red-hat is just under 700 xp, and its a quick route with two stealth kills, potentially four if you get lucky and/or use bloodsmoke ninjutsu.
That's the best I've found anyway.
Guys I'm shit at this game. I get anxious for some reason whenever I'm fighting something difficult and end up dodging way too early for Mikiri. It's like I'm playing Demon Souls for the first time again; I have no idea if I want to continue this.
Took me about 15 tries. Are you running out of posture? I didn't even try doing damage to her, just let her max her own posture meter during flurry attacks, always ready to jump on her head at the end.
Did you die to them, user? Keep going, this fight is incredibly easy but it's so cool
>miniboss is actually the hardest boss in the game
fucking phasing bitch
tips for demon of hatred? I'm trying to run around his ass most of the fight but can't get past his second life bar
Now you are the master Shinobi!
I had to look for something lore related. Red lumps. I propose, that they have something to do with the human bladder.
I checked for a human organ that looked vaguely like the lump items picture. The lore is a lot about enchanted water, so bladder fits.
Also, headless seems to rip something out your ass and insert it in its own. From the grip location, bladder could make sense too.
Just toying around with presented themes, not taking this too seriously.
Well I guess I won't be beating lady butterfly any time soon, I wasted my snaps while drunk and I can't stand the illusions so I'll save her for later, apparently there's a merchant that sells them.
>inb4 git gud she's the embodiment of the combat system
I know that and I don't have a problem with her specifically, hell I beat MGR so this is no big deal, I just can't finish the job because of the damn illusions, Armstrong never fucking summoned scorpions
nah but 'kill a bunch of dudes' bosses are shit. remember living failures in BB?
Either killing ape for the first time or getting the flower advanced the time from day to evening for me. I guess if picking up the quest item might do that, but the story won't advance until you get both the flower and the stone.
>Make it to Ashina castle
>oh hey what's over here
>haha hey I recognize this its the tutorial area, cool, I wonder whats at the pagoda.
>I wonder if I can go back to where the game began
>oh hey its a dude in a cloak
>he wants to fight
>fight, best fight in the game thus far
Straight fucking duel with a one armed shinobi. Worth the price of admission.
fire prosthetic is a pretty somewhat general use one, assuming you have the skill that lets you set your sword on fire.
i've used the fan thing once too when i was fighting the massive group of enemies at the great sakura tree. spun someone around, backstab, and activate puppeteer.
>Hirata Estate Encore Mode
>Owl 2
I just did the return ending and this is the first I've heard of those
I cannot stress enough how buff the fan gets upgraded. I've been using it as a crutch in NG+. Outside of that, shuriken are infinitely useful, firecrackers let you cheese a variety of encounters, and the raven is worthwhile. The rest are situational at best or just whack. I think the worst might be the knife.
Just keep running around when she summons her illusion until she disperse them into projectiles. No need to use Snap sneed.
>Offer the cute doctor some booze
>He just stands there breathing heavily and watching her drink till she gets uncomfortable
It's unlocked by a complex sequence of putting your ears where you shouldn't.
lol as if
how the hell do I get back to the area from the beginning? I don't remember ever leaving it, I think I teleported after they cut my arm
You don't need the Snaps. After about 3-4 more Damage upgrades and the esoteric text skills that increase parrying and clashing poster damage she will go down like a bitch.
Though I managed to do with with only a attack of 3.
I've found uses for almost all of them... except Sabimaru. I don't understand why you would ever use it.
My man you can literally just run away from the illusions for a minute or so and they turn into projectiles that you again can just sprint away from
Kuro is just a kid. His "dragon heritage" is just his bloodline. He isn't even immortal.
You can literally just run laps around the arena and she'll dispel the illusions.
Just started playing. I don't understand the combat. I keep dying to the big samurai general after the chained ogre. The ogre was pretty easy, just back up, jump attack, dodge jump out. The samurai seems like he has super armor 100% of the time and a nearly random hitbox on his attacks. Mostly I don't understand the combat. Health seems meaningless, everything is stagger. How does stagger even work?
run around until she merges them all into the magic projectiles, find a pillar to hide behind and then wait for them to hit the pillar. She's pretty difficult if you try to take her on without doing that. If you REALLY need snaps there's some by the passage to Ashina castle gate, where you fight the giant white snake. In the middle, just by the little thing you hide in to get the critical on its eye. I managed to beat her without using snaps though so its doable.
I never killed or snapped her illusions once in my life
Just run around while they're out corral them to one side, then when she turns them into projectiles hide behind the far pillar from the side you corraled them to.
I never fought the illusions, I just unlock camera and easily run and occasionally jump around the arena in a wide circle, until the butterflies have all missed and then return to business as usual. Easy to learn imo and 90% reliable. That phase is just a harmless intermission to me.
>He isn't even immortal.
He's so immortal the mortal blade can't kill him.
game would be better if enemies didn't have hyperpoise.
enemies will instantly counter after 2 sword hits/blocks, and if you hit them, no stun.
for some reason he only did one lightning attack the entire time I fought him and I fucking ate it, kinda disappointed I didnt get the chance to send it back at his ass
that shinobi was the moment the game clicked for me, i loved it after that. it was so fun to get good on him
Remember to give Emma monkey booze to tell you the story of why she loves hot monkey dick
That wasn't the area he was talking about.
He was talking about the small cave in the ground you started the game at.
Also it's locked and you can't open the door you are talking about until much later in the game.
It’s a new game+ item. You can get it first playthrough but it’s not needed at all. New game+ is where it really becomes useful.
Final part of the game there are soldiers that show up in the ashina outskirts and if you farm that area with golden fan and mibu balloons of wealth you’ll get lods and lods of emone. I farmed 20k in like 10 minutes and I didn’t even realize how much I had until I looked at my dosh counter. And you can safely wait until the end of the game and still get all mask parts. There are 3.
>he doesn't know
Do more perfect parries. Try to just hold down your block button at first while you figure out the timings, you won't take damage.
Once you get into Ashina castle you can just jump to it on the left side of the bridge leading into the keep proper. There you'll find a mini-boss Samurai and a mini-boss ninja. The samurai is fun, the ninja however is fucking fun on the bun.
anyone else here /sympatheti-kiro/ and give issin the monkey booze first thing?
The fragrant stone you find at the end of Mibu Village is literally a kidney stone.
the tell is that they get a deflect, complete with loud clang. don't mash attack, just press it rhythmically until they deflect
He was just a boss version of any of the other shinobi you could have fought before him.
I mean shit. You can shave an entire bar of health off him before you even start the fight. Than it's like any of the other fights.
what's with the constant block? is parrying just a button you hold now?
see It may be cheesy, but it works
Tried and true 360 controller. Still kicking after all these years.
Question: Is the xbone controller any good? I was thinking of getting after this one eventually craps out.
who /100%/ here
I'm pretty sure he pulls your soul out of your ass. It's an old Japanese folklore thing.
>have trouble with Snake-Eyes
>Realize you can just run around her forever
Block is opposite of souls. Holding block drains your posture damage. You basically want block always up
I've basically only been going for perfect parries since normal blocks seem useless since they fill my stagger bar up so fast. I guess I'm just not very good at them.
Yeah that really sold the combat for me, its where I stopped being all panicky and quick to press the block button and really took my time with my rhythm, and reducing health before posture. I really love the combat system now.
Are you using combat arts on bosses? Cause that's typically where that happens. Combat arts are borderline bugged cause bosses don't respect them or try to parry them, they will just do their attack animations through them even though bosses are programmed to at least try to parry you if you're attack stringing (outside of things like monkey of course)
but did you reset your save to get 4 endings or did you NG+++????
Does anyone drop yellow gunpowder or adamantite?
It will feel very weird after using a 360 controller for so long to the point where you might be turned off but it is absofuckinglutely superior in every way. 360 controllers feel absolutely disgusting now and I used to adore them.
>journalists and reddit are saying this game is hard
>When the fucking alternate ending is being speedran at sub 1hour already
Sekiro is easier than Soulsborne
Reset of course. Doing the NG+7 run now.
this is absolutely a b-team FromSoft game. reminded me of dark souls 2.
-guardian ape: the grab will connect whether you dodge OR jump away and you aren't touching him
-Ogre grab does the same thing.
-Genichiro mortal blade will hit you even if the graphic doesn't touch you. You have to stand DIRECTLY BEHIND then WAIT to ensure it doesn't, even though it's an arc.
-recycled enemies
-very little exploration, you get maybe 2 options, gun fort or senpou or whatever
there are some ok ideas here but it could all be refined so much more and it definitely feels like a b-team game whereas Bloodborne is an a-team game.
xbone controllers are nice.
You can get decent usb ones at most places for like $20.
Just get the drivers for it and look up how to install them if you're on windows 7
i bought an xbone controller for this game and i like it. smaller than the 360 controller i think but feels good.
Fun fact, there are no first party wired xbone controllers. Third party ones are okay, but yeah. Lets just say I'm missing my old 360 controller as well, never had a playstation before I switched to PC only.
Trust me I've been trying, it's just not working, it makes the fight drag out and I panic and choke, so until then I have a need for seed. Plus coming back with a bit more health and/or atk power might help.
yeah that's what I was thinking, I just can't keep my cool long enough because while I'm TIME TO LEAVE THEM ALL BEHIIIND I can't stop watching her bar go back down which drives me nuts and makes me sloppy
I posted this in a previous thread, I downright bully her in this clip
LOL literally git gud.
try and jump later for his lighting attack so you get hit on the way up by the lightning so have time to redirect it, once you get used to this third phase isn't bad. He's hardest in his second phase
oh, forgot another one: isshin phase 2 will kill you with his spear EVEN IF you dodge into it for a mikiri, if you are moving slightly left or right. I almost broke my controller after having a near perfect 2 phases ruined by bullshit.
I never got grabbed by the ape, you just suck.
Can you grind XP like in Souls to increase stats? If not I think I’ll pass.
the flowing water cut or whatever you call it is so good for racking up damage against the monkey type bosses
It is easy to get frustrated at this game. Leave him be
there is no b-team
??? just use a micro usb cable
fuck forgot link. And I do appreciate the advice guys, I've been trying it for a few hours now
I beat the Shadow Ninja in the well where you start, then I went down to the dungeon and there's some thing down there surrounded by purple flames, what the hell
what are you casul
stay scrub noob
Kinda. Some skills can help and later in the game you can trade xp for attack power but it would require some retarded grinding.
Just beat him man, holy shit my heart was beating out of my chest
This feels amazing
Thanks again!
>xbone controller
>20 bucks
>finally take down the ape
hey alright
completely cheesed Genichiro by prayer fisting him into a corner and parrying his initial reaction slash after each combo, can confirm.
I have no idea where this 'the ape grab is broken' meme came from. You can run under him or just run backwards and jump, and then its one of his biggest openings for a followup attack.
I honestly really enjoy grinding the first are of souls games to get a good head start, and helps me learn the game early on.
I beat it, i'm just saying there are some legit gripes with the game. In essence a boss battle is a test to see how you can exploit the AI, not to find a "strategy" necessarily
cause fights are all about not having high posture when they do their big combos, or you die.
Xbro here, it's true. My brother got one so he could play me in UFC and Mahvel, 24.99$ at our local department store
>Died to 2nd phase ape when he had only a sliver of HP left
he and the ogre will both grab you even if they aren't touching you, it's bullshit.
reminded me of dark souls 2 "shockwaves".
you can grind for skill point and money/items but thats it, gotta beat bosses and minibosses for actual stat boosts
there is an item that lets you convert skill points into attack boosts but thats pretty late game
Had to be used or it’s off brand then. I’m not buying it unless that store is retarded. And like the other user said there aren’t first party wired xbone controllers aka it has to be off brand.
Its definitely good at vitality kill bosses and minibosses, yeah. Does ZERO posture damage sadly.
Can you get multiple endings in one playthrough? I beat the game by severing immortality but now rice girl is leading me down the path to return the heritage
Goddamn son read slowly next time. The game literally spells it out for you on what's what and what you should be doing.
Stagger is that yellow bar. The one at the bottom is yours and the one at the top is the enemy's. Aside from certain bosses the game pretty much boils down to building the stagger bar on the enemy and then one shotting them. You build stagger on the enemy by hitting them and parrying their attacks. Fuck, even the unblockable attacks, like stab or sweep, can be blocked by parrying it. The combat is about as simple as it gets. The only thing is how you manage it.
Also health does matter since the stagger bar recovery rate matters on how much health you have. Same goes for the enemy as well. Here's a tip, if the enemy you are fighting does not trap you in a fog gate, chances are you can get a drop on them first before the fight even begins. Which helps immensely against mini-bosses since taking away half their HP right off the bat means they can't recover their stagger bar fast and it's only a matter of time before you get to do a death blow on them even before they reach 30% HP.
Stay calm and block or parry shit. Get a drop on the enemy first. You are a goddamn ninja.
Not without save scumming
Sweep cannot be parried, only thrust.
I feel like Isshin is just a big test for if you really understand the game's mechanics, like a more difficult Genichiro. Can you deflect? Can you Mikiri counter? Are you able to manage your own posture while keeping the enemy's posture from regenerating?
I feel like the biggest issue people have against him is they they're not willing to play aggressive, and would rather wait for a safe time after a long combo, but that just leads to him gaining posture back. If you really keep up on the offensive and don't fuck up too much, you can easily beat the whole fight in less than 5 minutes.
>tfw that last deathblow
>get too greedy and eat a terror death to the fucking scream
They fucked up by not putting in easy cheese for casuals and speedrunners. The game will be dead in a month and no one will ever talk about it again
Where is that mega carp that the weird doctor dude is asking me to kill?
I haven't found where to get to Mibu valley pond yet.
Ya done good lettin the old man pass through the six realms.
why is everyone saying you start at that well, you don't, wtf? or am I retarded?
I hated that fight only because of how annoying the camera gets in confined spaces.
I wish I could short cut like 4 combat arts with an input + dpad or something. I could swap em out but just feels tedious. Guess its Ichimonji for life.
The game opens with Sekiro down a pit. That's what he's talking about.
The only optional areas are the Hirata Estate and the Ashina Outskirts after the invasion begins. Everything else is mandatory.
>but thats pretty late game
I dunno why they did that. It's literally at the end of the game.
I had trouble with him too. Thing about him is you gotta fuck his health up a little first because his posture recovery is linked to his health. So do some damage until you see his posture bar start turning orange, then you want to be deflecting his blows and landing your own counter blows. Do this and keep up the attack to build posture damage then get to the killing blow once you've reached it. It sounds hard at first but trust me those guys are easy once you get parrying them down, you can own them within a few seconds if you know what you're doing.
After you learn how to swim you can go to the village in the depths and find a bright red carp with glowing eyes in the pond before the waterwheel idol.
I just hate how many hyper armor moves he has when he pulls out that spear.
It's for NG+ when you stop caring about missing skills or have already gotten them all.
Tips against headless? Without items tho.
>stuck on monkey cause terror completely wrecks me
>going down the snakehole seems like a dead end
i cant believe i've come so far and hit a wall
Don't fight it
Spear + inchi + r1s is insane and a lot easier bents can't get out of it
Just run away and don't be too greedy.
There's no real reason to waste time fighting the Headless.
You can easily tell when he is going to scream.
Just run away.
Sword Saint's first phase is so cool. His moves are so... slow. But so fucking effective. I always thought some forms of japanese sword routines looked so dull and boring but whether that's true in reality or not FROM really made Isshin's slow deliberate stuff seem so legit.
Has anyone rung the demon bell? How's the game on hard modo?
What do the mask fragments do?
but he was clearly talking about the well that leads to the dungeon
The idea is to punish you for trying to continue after getting deflected twice, which is fair. They tried their best to design the game to not be r1 spam without thinking about defensive action. If an enemy clangs you twice, just punish the counter attack instead of attacking again its just better you in the end
>tfw keep dying to the pot-banging guy
how much harder does the game get than this bros
How does terror work? Why would our guy get scared over time as he gets hit and then die instantly once the bar fills up? I understand frenzy makes your brain explode and just looking at the thing that inflicts it cause build up but terror just makes no sense to me.
You're just retarded.
Does that fucking armor strip even fucking work?
I've used it on everyone that looks like they have any sort of armor and it's always whiffs.
>owl throws down poison
>immediately does his lower posture move
fuck that was annoying. too bad ichimonji is OP
I don't even know what well you're talking about. The dude is talking about a miniboss that appears where you start the game. I dunno why he'd call it a well, but he is indeed talking about the start of the game.
Not bad at all. You die in 1.5 hits instead of 2 and if you're playing aggressive you already build posture damage so fast the extra defensive stats enemies get is negligible. You get a shitload more mats too, its honestly worth just keeping on.
You’re not going to beat headless without confetti or pacifying agent at the very least so if you aren’t willing to use them don’t bother. The purple shield upgrade is very useful against apparition enemies as well and makes the fear ball ones pushovers.
>Speed and challenge runners already dropping the game
Well I guess we wait for the next From game.
Maybe you should pay attention to the item descriptions and the dialogue of the people even talking about armor.
I don't understand posture damage at all, everyone on YouTube makes it look so easy and here I am chipping away at health like a retard.
Interesting, I'll give it a shot after building more familiarity with the combat system, thanks user.
The grey one I beat by just waiting until he followed me up some stairs and got an easy deathblow. Green one you can use your candies on for extra stealth. Red and Purple I snagged by sneaking around on top of the major pagodas. Need to clear out those spectral monkeys first and get the other two to loop around to one each.
Wow, are you actually brain damaged?
There's a single enemy in the game that I know that has rippable armor. Most people don't even fight him, I assume.
Try to be as retardedly aggressive as possible and work backwards from there rather than the other way around. you'll reach where you want to be sooner than starting from super defensive and slowly building up.
Yes I am.
I went for Shura on my first playthrough, so I couldn't bring the full mask to NG+. Hoping I don't regret that.
Do you retards not read the notes on the walls and put 2 and 2 together?
I just keep getting hit that way, I think I'm going to kill myself and blame it on Sekiro.
Where do I get scrap iron? Only thing keeping me from upgrading my stuff
Ok, so I have Demon of Hatred's move set down pretty well now. I can easily make it to stage 3 if I don't lose my patience, but the one move I have no idea how to block is his fire balls he shoots from his arm. I've tried dodging every direction, jumping, but only blocking seems to work and I still end up taking damage from the hit. Anyone have a good strat for that? I'm so tired of spending 5 minutes fighting this guy only to die so close to the end.
Kill people or buy it.
Yeah he seemed like a total boss, reminded me of samurai champloo's final boss.
Unless you are killing every enemy in NG+ for some reason then you aren't going to get the skill points very quickly. No real point. I think between NG+1 and NG+2 I had 2 upgrades. Not a crazy difference
when you collect all 3(?) you get a thing that lets you buy attack power for 5 skill points
its not worth it imo
Where do I buy/farm it?
>tfw you find a boss and get fucked by them so you just keep exploring more parts of the world
Very simply, you work up enemies' posture by deflecting their attacks properly. Once their posture breaks, you can deathblow them. It's a matter of understanding the deflection timings. Mashing L1 can get you part of the way there, but you want to be intimately familiar with an enemy's patterns to break its posture quickly.
If you're talking about the move he uses in all phases, you just have to position yourself so that you're far enough away that the first one whiffs, then stay away long enough that he doesn't do a second one, then run to the left side of him and he will whiff a melee attack and you get free hits.
if you're talking about the continuous projectiles he shoots at you in phase 2 and 3, you just sprint to the side
Basically the game rewards you for constantly being on the attack, playing smart and timing your parries does the most posture damage to enemies. When the enemy parries your attack there's a sound cue and that's your cue to get ready to immediately parry. But if you parry that and any subsequent attacks you do HUGE posture damage, and bonus if its a grab or mikiri counter.
Once I grasped this I went to Lady Butterfly and royally fucked her day up, she didn't even get me down to my first revive. Remember, parrying and playing smart (i.e not randomy pressing the guard button at random times) is how you win. Just pay attention to enemy attack animations, once they go from wind up to execution of the attack you wanna raise your guard. Practice with Hanbei to get a good grasp of this.
Look around the ground area of Ashina Castle more.
>Who coded this shit?
Someone who is clearly more intelligent than you
The big long string of fireballs where he does the yoga looking pose afterward? You just gotta run due left, hard wide circle. But you should try to stay in his balls enough that he won't use that move, where possible.
If you're talking about the pose where he does a sick skateboarder handstand and makes the big wave of fire, you're not jumping early enough. Its weird. The animation of the flames on the ground is entirely decoration, you are dodging the shock wave, not those flames.
Wait what? Which guy you talkin about?
it fucking blows when enemies dont end their attack by breaking your posture, leaving you with 95% instead
it literally helps to be posture broken at the end of a combo, free reset.
I'm on the owl fight and only have the shrine at the bottom of the stairs leading to the castle. Is there a closer shrine to the fight?
Ah, Ashina castle.
Ever played Darkest Dungeon? Same concept. You get spooked too hard you get a heart attack and die. In this case it makes more sense since the spooks are literally throwing the essence of terror at you.
Yea bro just brute force the obvious puzzle boss
I never would have discovered that 2nd phase ape has a weakness to the spear. I wonder how many more scenarios like that there are?
Is it true that if you deflect correctly on time your meter doesn't fill up?
I heard about this. Weak how exactly? What happens?
Yea there are two you can use. How did you even do the castle the first time if you don't know where they are?
>People bitching about O'rin being the hardest shit ever
Oh I get it, you're all being ironic. Good one Yea Forums, ya trolled me hard. I was all tense approaching her, deciding if I should just open up with backstab cheese. Decided to just test the waters and engage her normally. Killed her in 2 minutes, first try, only being hit once. The bridge samurai after her fucked me up harder. You rascals you, got me all spooked by ghost lady.
This post and the responses can’t be real.
No it fills up less. However, if you deflect correctly your guard cannot be broken even if your posture is full
how the fuck can you "parry smart" when you get combo'd with a thousand slashes a second without mashing l1?
>finally beat illusion monk
>killed every boss and explored everything I could
>all thats left is to kill gen and continue the rest of the game
>no damage his first two phases, die like a bitch in the third because for some reason i cant get the lightning counter to work
time to take a break
Most of the areas that I went to before are closed. Like the gate to kuros room I can't enter.
>spent entire night on folding screen monkey
wait wut, did I just get really lucky? I think it took me about 10-15 minutes and I just bumbled about until I found them around the place, didn't have to do anything special to kill any of them despite what the monk tells you
There are a few
When he does the big overhead slash and you parry it, he falls forward and you get a solid five hits in for free while he's laying on his stomach.
BUT, if you instead of attacking use the spear thrust and pullback, centipede gets pulled out and it does a SHITload of posture damage.
If you parry the extremely slow slash where he stands up straight the ape falls down. Using the spear's r2-r2 combo has you drag the parasite out of him for a moment which deals a huge chunk of health damage.
yeah I noticed that
Is shadowrush even worth putting points in
Just use the window like the first time.
So what NPC quests are actually worth doing aside from Emma's and the Divine Loli's? I gave the fat buddhist his white flower and spirited him away and got the info for the crusty merchant. Any others of note who give something worthwhile?
If you really hate her, just lure her to the end of the bridge and out of her aggro range for a free kill
You mash L1 at the right times. if you hold L1 you just block, you have to time your button presses in order to get the most out of it. Gen's fight perfectly illustrates this when he does his flurry of slashes, the centipedes are complete jokes as well if you know how to deflect properly since one of their combos fills up about 90% of their posture.
Its an okay non-Ichimongi combat art.
Projected force is a better final tier to get first.
Hanbei sucks, he makes it feel so easy.
Just get Senpou Jump Kick if you are having that much hard time figuring out the counter, because that's what I did. Literally does the entire countering business for you and you get to style on the fuccboi by kicking lightning back to his face.
Some of you faggots have never played stepmania and it shows.
Why is Centipede Giraffe easier than Prowling Magus and Congregation?
Centipedes are a joke anyway since you just firecracker their ass once the fight is over
Because you have to think of your parry having a 'wind up' and 'cool down' timer. Its minute but it plays a big part. You're probably pressing the button either too late or too early, resulting in imperfect parrying. Sekiro takes like a half second to raise his sword for a block, and it takes that as much time again for him to lower his guard. Therefor making it more difficult to parry. Basically
Enemy winds up an attack animation - get ready to parry
enemy COMMITS that attack animation - parry.
Once you get used to this it is easy to do posture damage because you'll be deflecting multiple blows sequentially. Remember to parry when the enemy attacks, not when they look like they're going to attack. Only press the button when you know a hit is coming.
Why do you think the big fat guys disintegrate when they die?
got the return ending but am pretty butthurt that I didn't do the stupid bullshit required to get to back to hirata estate, what the fuck from
Because the fucker literally kills himself by doing that retarded combo and obvious as fuck swipe move.
I've had more difficulties with standard mobs.
Where's the shield prosthetic?
Because no matter what, you will eventually beat him if you just mash block as hard as you can till you do the death blow
The Snake Eyes enemies fucked me up the hardest. The weird as delay on their grab gets me every time
I'm more curious by how no one is acknowledging the fact that you have people with unnatural deformities running around the land. Seriously what the hell is the deal with the big bois and those mushroom midgets?
I would also like to know, I'm in Ashina castle and completed the first memory and haven't found it yet
you can buy it from a vendor near the grave idol in ashina castle
thats what ancient japan was like
You mean the iron umbrella? You must buy it from the friendly rat merchant
for those were the days of gods...and of demons
There is a friendly midget that is easy to miss. He is down by the grave idol at the second floor of a building by the cannon assholes. It is behind the castle.
The area behind Ashina Castle. You know you are in the right spot if you go past the pond and across the bridge and now you are in the middle of people shooting at you. The merchant who sells you the umbrella is on the 2nd story of one of the houses in that area.
thank you good sir
I'm about to start my second playthrough, what do I need to do for the secret ending?
I just beat Demon of Hatred now where do I go?
I ended up just fighting his lightning phase nearly identical to the first two, though the perilous attacks I tended to avoid rather than attempt to counter. The lightning was hit or miss for me and I would only usually redirect them when it was an arrow at range, otherwise I just tried to dodge around him instead. If you're far away when he starts the lightning shit though, you should probably attempt a redirect. Make sure to eat the eels if you have any as well, gives more room for error.
As for the first two phases, the arrow spam can be annoying, but try to watch him jump back away from you, it's almost always a clear sign he is about to spam them. Can be hard to read when he's pressed against a wall though. Try to primarily focus on perfectly timing the deflects of his regular attacks and try to dodge away from his sword spam attack while he turns around during it. 2nd phase of the sword spam always ends in an arrow if you are away from him, so be prepared to block it right away.
When he enters an arrow animation while close up, keep attacking and he should do his jump slam followed by a charge perilous attack, be ready to dodge back or around to avoid it and, if you can, stay in the direct line of his perilous attack so you can counter it (directly in front of the sword because the hitbox is kind of retarded for this attack as you canstill get hit but can't counter from a position slightly off center) Though be careful on the 2nd phase as his perilous attack after the slam is often a sweep so you might way to just try to jump over it or avoid it all together. Doing this all successfully will break his posture pretty fast.
I finally bested him earlier today and generally made sure I had a decent amount of sips of water and as little damage as possible before entering the 3rd phase. A revive too. Was tough as hell but I got through, good luck user.
Fuck these faggots, I'm glad those purple coat guys blow the the fuck out.
Except fuck those ganking purple bitches too.
Depends on what you're looking for. Final boss is at Secret Passage
Game is good?
Thank god playing Shinobi 3 taught me that nothing good drops from those giant kites. Hilarious when you need to do is take a step back and they face plant right next to your feet.
progress through other areas till you cross that bridge you can see from the beam. after that you can return to the beam and look down.
Because you just have to jump on that ugly asses head to destroy half of his posture lmao.
It's a solid 7 for me cause i am horrible at the combat. OOthers who have hand eye coordination will probably say it's a 9 or a 10.
I've fought every boss besides the ones locked to specific endings. If there was a dude that could have his armor ripped. I kicked his ass without it.
The Item says it can strip armor. and there was a ease drop conversation that talked about putting armor on someone but i guess I kicked that guys ass before I even got the spear.
It's good for breaking blocks on grunts but outside that it seems rather fucking useless. i got more use out of the fucking fire cracker and fan.
>lure sad man to abandoned dungeon
>lure retarded giant to abandoned dungeon
The words 'lure' and 'dungeon' are pretty explicit
How many bosses are in the depths of Ashina?
I saw that magic dude and the rifle user but this place is pretty big and fucking dark so it's easy to miss stuff.
secret passage is the same door you escaped with kuro to the field where you lost your hand. its below the bridge. emma at kuros room should have directions. there is final boss.
Is spiral cloud passage worth 9 skillpoints brehs
thank, you missed that vendor
Why can't I give the snake hearts to the girl?
hitting an enemy, Parrying, and clashing blades deals Posture damage. The less health the opponent has the more posture damage they receive and fail to remove while idle.
Same goes for you.
That's not a persimmon you sick fuck
>the ghost area gives tons of exp
>Looking the mist lizard thing despawns all ghosts
Wish I had known before
yeah there is one enemy you can strip, ogre with a bell to the left and behind door of reservoir bonfire, with dudes talking about his armor right on the bridge before it. thats it. dont know why the bothered for that gimmick, otherwise this tool is a waste of mana compared to everything else you can waste it on.
You can throw a bottle of oil at her back before you start the fight to get an instant deathblow. Then just sabimaru + run away like a bitch and she's dead.
Weren't the hearts meant for her? What do I do with them then?
Is there a an earlier version of the soulsborne engine then demon souls in a game from made before? I really like the gameplay of the engine they made
Open the door you dumbfuck.
I did this fight 2 times and took like 30 seconds its the most retardedly easy thing. Also cool idea just too easy to cheese I guess.
So that section of the fountain palace or whatever its called thats all the way to the right where there is a big snake octopus man next to a bonfire, i know its been asked countless times before but, how the fuck do you get there? do i just gotta keep progressing and go up the mountain?
divine dragon is the dumbest shit in this game. Absolute fucking garbage.
To be fair. I caught the purple monkey in the pitch black raptures and just sort of shuriken the other two when sneaking up on them.
The green monkey didn't want to move his ass to the wind room for anything nor did he give a shit about the bell. The orange monkey just runs around where ever and the last monkey you just keep running until you see footsteps behind you and then Swing at the air.
There's a bell-wielding oaf guy who has shitty armor on. I haven't actually bothered TRYING it, but he's the only enemy that makes sense for it to work.
>invisible monkey wasn't his first one
lmao at the brainlet
Is there a cheese to owl? Dude is kicking my ass
pls respond
The checkpoints seem to be very poorly done.
magic dude is before depths, still in dungeon. depths is pretty tiny, thats basically that poison pool and the path to it from the bottomless hole. after rifle dude there is i think nothing by default, there is huge empty area and once you kick ape's butt it moves there for second round, but i havent been there before it, not sure if the path to next location (hidden forest and mibu village) is open if you come to empty arena and dont beat ape again.
First fight? Wait for him to do his slash attack or jump attack, then hit him once in the back. Repeat until win
So I saw on the wiki that the water of the palace is hidden somewhere in a water hole near this building, I've been running around it for like 10 minutes and can't see shit, where is that hole
Run directly towards him when he slashes and just slightly towards the left, then slash twice. This is 85% of the fight, sometimes he does double shuriken to slam where you can once again get two slashes in. The run towards doesn't work as well in the second life because like most enemies they up the tracking bullshit and attack spamming.
Dumbest how exactly?
It's a nice spectacle, gimmick fight, that only stands next to Yhorm in recent Fromsoft games
Oh. That guy. Yeah I shuriken his dogs and then ran away. Then came back after he wasn't pissed anymore and aerial killed him.
I didn't even get a fight out of him.
That spear should have been used on any and all armored guys. Especially the foreigner.
I tried that fucking spear on that dipshit 10 times before I realized I just needed to finish him near a open space.
I sat and just listened to most noble play music for a long time. I miss it
what the fuck do I do with the hearts?
Going from tree to tree sometimes you just get slammed because you cannot manage the shit camera. It reminds me of play shadow of the colossus the controls for dragon are just that bad.
ok nvm I'm stupid
Killing him doesn't despawn the two ghosts behind the hidden forest idol that give 620 xp each, they're way easier to farm
you gotta go backwards through the level a tiny bit. there will be a hole in the wooden floor. iirc you should only have to go through three enemies to get to it.
I totally forgot about the invisible monkey to be honest. At least it didn't take me more that like 5 mins to get him after I took out all the other monkeys.
I was like "Well that was all three, The monkey hasn't changed dialog and the fans changed but nothing else has so something is still up."
Then I ran around until I heard footsteps. Stopped. Listened and looked around and saw footsteps. Just swung randomly behind me and killed him.
you need to give her the tome first to start working toward that ending. tome is at the headmonk (replaced by bell to ape escape once you beat genichiro). if you missed it wait till you get dive and get it in the temple lake.
Firecrackers for bosses/mobs when I need a second to heal/need to reposition
Ninja star to take out ranged enemies
Ninja star -> running slash to get close if i see an opening
Giant flame cannon occasionally because i like setting these fuckers on fire.
Yep I didn't see that I had to go into the garden thanks
i thought it'd work on roberts dad because he was walking kinda funny in his armor.