>“The only thing to know for sure is that both Sony and Microsoft are aiming higher than that 10.7 teraflops number that Google threw out last week.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

never post this hammerhead shark again



Is there nude of her?

post this hammerhead shark again

my peepee hard
someone help

never post this disgusting twitch ogre goblino mestizo again

I want to slap her tits twice and never look at her ever again.

I can't believe north Korea abducted her and now she's being used as a cum dump by Kim.

Milk truck arrive

Goddamn shes horrifying

Attached: 1553640237777.jpg (423x500, 40K)

I believe Navi will come with 12 to 14 tflops. that's probably where they're aiming.

Now Post the one where she lifts up her sweater to show her bra


I don't think so...

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Post the sloth lady more often

oh please god no, even if that's an OLED touchscreen still god NO
that console looks retarded too

Fake news.

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Has anyone even seen a teraflop?

stay in /pol/, waifushitter

>all these virgins pretending they wouldn't instantly spray spaghetti everywhere if this girl talked to them

Attached: 71f.gif (300x214, 1.51M)

Reminder that she has huge dark brown areolas

It looks great gramps
Maybe its to much tecnology for some fatso old fart like you gramps
Try to keep up pops

yeah, think the year was 2011

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I'm rooting for Stadia-Chan

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I wouldn't but that's only because I've listened to her talk for at least 3 seconds. She's fucking annoying, and I've met enough annoying women in my life to not give a shit in their mere presence.

Name? Sauce? Link?


how the hell do none of you guys not know who she is?
I'm honestly baffled

>add paddles by the grip
>make them into mod keys so you aren't so fucking starved for buttons anymore
>right stick is a trackball now
>no, fuck you, it is
>angle the grips out more than the DS4
>make it three times as big
>asymmetrical sticks
there you go, perfection


post more brittney pls

Make a keyboard and a mouse.
Voila, perfect.

I'm being honest here when I say that I have no clue who the hell she is. There are enough beautiful women in San Diego that I don't need to worry about some uggo on Yea Forums

Attached: your hat.jpg (720x720, 57K)

No. She's a fucking tease and a liar.

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>100 bucks for a controller that will break in no time
No thanks.

It's been almost a year and I'm still pissed that this slut didn't deliver.

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you remember the shia labeouf shit?
well start there.

No. This is Yea Forums

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Damn, now I really want to see them

Fuck she has the most womanly body I have ever seen

My muttfu simply cannot be this cute!

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This is v not pol

>dark brown
Ew, why? Her skin's pale as fuck. If she actually had dark skin, that'd be fine, but white skin and dark nipples look awful.

i want to fuck the mutt

Attached: Sylvia.jpg (1029x768, 73K)

yeah but Yea Forums has quite a few crossboarders from /pol/

>he hasn't seen them

Attached: goomba.jpg (252x250, 11K)

Get out homo

that console is definitely for developers if nothing else


Are you fucking gay?

you mean Yea Forums not /pol/ you fucking newfag.

Shut up, nazi

If he's pol I don't think this is going to insult him very much.

It’s okay, mini gal was a great.

saved for future shitpost threads

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No, just like good aesthetics.

this hammerhead shark again

I'm curious to see what PS4-tan's little sister will look like.

>April 1st

mmm grayons, also she has nudes. Lurk moar.

Streaming games is a stupid idea and it will fail harder than Google plus.

Yeah. April 1st of 2019 is almost here. So today is almost a year from April 1st 2018. Also substantiate your claims.

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Yeah but they don't know that. They're just grubbing for money.

literally search brittany venti boobs

I don't want to see them you idiot. I want this prick to prove what he's saying. There's a difference.

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but theyre spectacular

Attached: chiles.jpg (220x285, 11K)

why does this ugly goblin has an army of followers?

Then they will remain a mystery to me forevermore because I'm into giantess porn and this slut is shorter than me.


Just, like postem dude.

Why does she speak like she's got marbles in her mouth? Did she get hit in the head?


Attached: boom.gif (398x221, 1.47M)

C'mon man.

This was proven fake retard

Fetal alcohol syndrome.


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genetically speaking, people who are of mixed race always have the IQ of the lesser parent.

it's an unfortunate but widely studied phenomenon. The human brain is very complex so naturally it's easier to downgrade it than to upgrade it with missing genetic instructions.

she's goofy looking but she has unbelievable boobs and pretty good legs, judging by her instagram

You sure?

oh yea

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>t.seething roasties

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What the fuck is that

Let me guess. That "lesser parent" is always the black one..

so is why they rigged peanutbutter to win

nigga, that's a dev system. they always look retarded lookin'.

I fucked her in highschool. She has dark pepperoni areolas.

do you remember when a megaflop was a lot of flop?
i do

Not at all, you shifty racist.

Is she cultivating milkers?

If this is what you're referring to, there's hardly proof at all that she is even the one who delivered.

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Yes. Why else would anyone say 'lesser parent' about a mixed race person unless they were being a racist.

Is it true

what's wrong, roastie? is your cunt to shriveled up that chad lost interest?

I don't take anyone seriously if they don't even speak proper English. So you can go fuck yourself. If you believe the only people who can criticize a woman is another women you're retarded.

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>the only people who can criticize a woman is another women
nice english retard

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Pretty please?


That's what I thought. No point. Just shitposting because someone's shitting on some worthless bitch you've probably given $2,000 to.

I miss the HWNDU nuffins.

yeah she posted tits on Yea Forums before

God I wanna rape her

Attached: 1535922237242.png (800x500, 5K)

>go to a /pol/ meetup at HWNDU: season one
>end up fucking with people for an hour and then go to a restaurant
>venti only groups up with us after attention whoring on the stream solo for like 20 minutes because we were going to pool money for a buffet
>get there and she offers $5
>two betas immediately offer to pay for her
>the entire time she's talking about how much shes been working out and improving herself
>still has flab, a flat ass, and tits that only classify as a c-cup with a pushup bra
>breath still stinks and her laugh is like nails on chalkboard
>tries to join a conversation we're having about politics
>literally all she has to input is LOL JEWZ DONT HIT ON ME SILLY GOYS

I've met some cringeworthy people at these things but holy shit venti is on a different level. Pretty sure the only reason she goes to /pol/ meetups is to network with white guys with more money than sense so she can sell her nudes.

She cute but her personality is gross and her Youtube channel/twitch shit as a whole drop her down to a 4/10 at best.

Imagine fucking her doggystyle and have her huge tits bounce back and forth all the time.

posting superior goblina meme thot

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Her tits are CS at best, she wears padded and push up bras. Look at a few pics of her side by side, they're a different size in nearly every picture she takes.

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it's a dev console you retard. look up a 360 dev console, it's basically a PC tower

>t. seething roastie

Oh ya, if you were there what was the secret code word I issued to ensure no one could lie about being at the meet up? Huh faggot? Ya didn't think so haha LOSER

Sounds like you are since you're defending this worthless slut.

Even among mutts she's bottom tier.

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>retarded logic
you just lost the argument roastie. kys

Your logic is based entirely on an assumption whereas I'm judging you on your behavior. You're getting mad that people are trashing this woman. You're either a woman or a white knight. Nobody gives a fuck about your feelings.

Still obsessed and still retarded, that's /int/ for you.

>that meat spilling over the panty and pressing against the thigh

Paris Jackson is a cute

Here's the full gallery, have fun.

>mutt thread is still up

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I want to thoroughly cover every inch of Venti's fertile womb with gallons of my steaming hot, sticky seed

>big tiddies
>fat ass
>cute face
>innie, not roastie
why is this CUTE girl spending her time posting nudes on Yea Forums's videogames board?

Stop being so god damned thirsty.

Attached: 1360283245021.png (526x480, 89K)

Because, no matter what people tell you, there's a ton of autistic girls out there that lurk Yea Forums.
There's always been, it's just they don't say they are girls because it derails threads and because it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
Besides, nowadays if they say they are girls people will think you are just a tranny.

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I'm not as surprised at the fact that she is a girl, but that she's an attractive one. I can understand attractive, well adjusted guys who go to Yea Forums to relax or waste time or discuss hobbies, but why would attractive girls do that? They could achieve the same things on reddit or in real life.

You don't need to sacrifice anything to post here. If you've got a few minutes you can do whatever you want. Doesn't matter who you are, if you've got a little spare time you can find some sort of value here. Besides, some women crave the attention of anonymous men while also being anonymous themselves, but it usually has to do with low self-esteem which ugly women don't have a monopoly on.

Because not everyone's personality develops the same.
Not to mention that teenagers tend to be pretty autistic regarding chicks, making fun of others for getting laid with anything but 9 or 10/10s.
God forbid you even touch a fatty, then you'll be remembered as a fat lover for years.

Don't trust everything you see in social media, even less in cherrypicked screencaps, the world is a lot more complex than people think.
Nowadays it's almost an obsession trying to narrow down personalities to race or specific features, but the way someone grows up has way too many variables to be able to narrow that down.

>why is this CUTE girl spending her time posting nudes on Yea Forums's videogames board?
She's not

Have you lurked Yea Forums?
Between the dick rate and trap threads there's actual girls posting.
/soc/ and /cgl/ are full of them.
On Yea Forums not so much because this board is a shithole and not many girls are into videogames.

Here, take this. You may need it in the future.

Attached: substantiate your claims.jpg (1234x815, 100K)

not everyone grows up in a situation where they get to float through life on above average looks, even if they have them
also theres a lot of way bigger problems you can have than being ugly, that shit isnt like the end-all gatekeeper for posting here

Maybe they should aim for googolflops

I appreciate it.

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No. There's a image set of a fine pair often claimed to be hers, but in the original thread the poster admitted she was pretending to be Venti

Also, Venti's ex mod/stalker who's name I've forgotten said they weren't hers. During HWNDU he told one of the lurkers, I think maybe Jackie Yea Forums to mention him and she responded negatively about the guy. This same user said he's seen her tits and they weren't hers while proceeding to drool over that won ugly social justice pig girl who went there every day religiously.

You're welcome. I guess I've run out of those now, so I'll just post this because I feel like it.

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She's 30% black, denied the fuck out of it for a long time. However that one flamming nog "entertainer" during HWNDU basically called her out on being black uncle tom during that stream so basically it's been obvious forever

>this thread

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I don't follow thots because I am not a beta orbiter

/vp/ on the other hand...

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>Have you been on Yea Forums
Just kill Yea Forums, it's not Yea Forums it's just /soc/ but with even more disconnected tourists looking for tranny porn or locale hookups.

We need to allocate fags from Yea Forums and /pol/ onto Yea Forums again to make it the real Yea Forums because that's basically where old Yea Forums went as obvious by the posting style and offtopic.

When did switch-tan become a mommy?