Muscular girls are the best

Muscular girls are the best.

Prove me wrong. You can't

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I don't care what any of the fags here say I think she looks great, would lick her abs

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It's ok to be homosexual, the thread.

>being attracted to a masculine trait
no way fag

Thanks for coming out, fag.

Can't prove a fact wrong.

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t. faggots in the closet

No need to sign your own post

Infertility and birth complications! Yas, queen, slay!

Tranny roastie seethe more pls

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Muscular girls are worthless if they don't have a beautiful face. Both are needed. You might as well fuck a monkey if you disagree.

That's just the core tenet of fuckability in general

there's literally a word for it


Let me guess
>le anime DOA baby face good
>western comic/realistic face bad

Her face looks fine. She's not pure anime though so I guess you a hate it.

I agree that a featureless face on a muscular body would look bad, but using Western comics to defend that point is asking for trouble

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>Can't get pregnant
>Can nut in all day long no worries

Is this supposed to be bad?

only when she get you pregnant

Don't kid yourself. Witcher 3 didn't have the anime look but managed to make their models look good. I've sure I can list more if I actually went down the list of good looking western games.

>Cherrypicking a literal tumblr artist

Brown and muscular is best

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None of them were muscular though. Amara looks like an Indian amazon goddess.

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Why do Western Defense Force fags always need to deflect to anime? Are they they insecure that Japan has a better track record? Do Lilith and Maya look 'anime' then?

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beauty is subjective

There is literally nothing wrong with her face and weebs have complained about those two also cause
>not anime baby face= man face

her sfm model is going to be released soon

I want her to pin my ankles behind my ears

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it has people have it they are not using it

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I'd let her Amazon position me

Her face is a bit masculine compared to Lilith and Maya to see what I mean. Again, you seem to be incapable of comprehending that someone can have a softer face without being 'anime'. It's a buzzword you can use to de-value any argument against you.

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Third party here. Agree it's more masculine than the past three Sirens we've seen but I still think it's nice enough looking.

I just don't like her hair, everything else is fine.

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Where? Only one I know of is fully clothed.

One's being worked on by smug bastard who made the powergirl/supergirl model

So is man face, maybe they shouldn't throw around buzzwords themselves if that's the case

>muscle asura bitch
My dick is in orbit

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I literally can't. They're flawless.

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I think part of the issue is that she's something we get a lot in Western games now days, if slightly better than average. Compare to women like Lilith and Maya who we pretty much never get anymore. It'd be nice to get a girl who's just plain sexy once in a while.

where are the lewds

You didn't post the fourth siren, fuckwad.

Attached: Muscle Siren.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

muscle women aren't attractive. there's nothing to prove. the whole point of women is that they are soft.

The other girl's cute. Maya, Lilith, and Moxxi are all still in the game

And Maya still has the god tier bodysuit + pants combo

You know what's really fucked up, you can't have tomboys anymore because faggots will just bitch about them being forced feminist shit. I hate this timeline so much for politicizing tomboys.

>A beautiful face.
That applies to all body types, fuccboi.

>implying they can't be soft

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Too bad about the dirty looking old man style ponytail instead of the cute short hair Sirens have had going.

The other girl is kinda plain as far as I've seen, but then I've only seen one decent shot too. It's actually amazing that Maya and Lilith are still hot and haven't been made more 'realistic', but they aren't new characters.

i didnt know about that one there is some sfm of her on rule 34 but the modal dont look to good

Maya has ultra long hair now.

>hating ponytails
Alright. I hate you. I hope you die. Unironically.

I'm kind of amazed everyone but Lilith's had a wardrobe change. She's still dressed almost exactly like Borderlands 1.

>only in the front

Fucking bugs me

They're the style of old mostly bald men.
Women through it in a bun when they don't feel like trying today.

Oga best girl

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because lilith's lazy and poor. She only has one set of clothing.

>muscle women aren't attractive. there's nothing to prove. the whole point of women is that they are soft.

Weeb alert, fuck off with this women must be soft shit.

>a bun
I really hope you die.

Muscles are really soft when not in use.
More so than the uneven lumpiness of excess fat.

>No Salvador, Axton, or Zer0 in the trailer

It hurts bros.

>hate gearbox
>hate randy
>love brown muscle girls
I know the game is gonna be one giant leddit cringe fest, but fuck bros, that muscle mommy is so damn good, and that 6 arm shit is legit cool. What do I do?

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Buy it when it's on sale to deny gearbox as much money as possible?

Fucking same

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Wait for the game to be 10 dollars with all the DLC.

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>Permavirgin talking about what is and isn't soft.

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Please don't compare a perfect brown goddess like Pharah to this manjawed cavewoman.

>no bulge

weeb doesn't mean what you assume it means, your ignorance in this day and age is retarded. if you want to be a fag who likes muscles, go ahead, no one's stopping you, but women are soft by nature. they have higher body fat, and don't put on muscle easily, plus that fat tends to be concentrated.

Someone resurrect Hitler and convince him all futafags are jews

Oh shut the fuck up you faggot. Don't bring your faggotry into a muscle girl thread.

what are you gay

that's not soft at all.d'aww i

>don't put on muscle easily
So women like in OP's pic are dedicated to sculpting their body and their physical appearance and won't go fat a year after you meet them, got it.

d'aww it's trying to think. hang in there champ.

Don't worry, the day of the bulge will come soon.

Let me guess. Pharah is an anime lolicon fantasy while muscle siren is what what a real woman looks like?

Gimme the sauce boss

I unironically find her attractive

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they cant have kids


Man I love muscle mommies, but she's just too mannish. I like my women to look like women and my men to look like women, or like MEN. I don't like these in betweens not that that creature is an in between. It's just just such a shame, it's been a while since I've played a mommy in a game.

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Stop being a faggot and just quit your shit.

>Mfw love pharah
>Love Korra
>Love my sisters Arabian friend
>Now this

I'd betray my race for her bros.

you can't have kids either.


That's good, because she is attractive.

Wait a minute...

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Very based

>Man I love muscle mommies, but
spotted the falseflag

She's not even that buff, almost any woman that doesn't have to first lose hundreds of pounds could achieve that physique in a year or less

Where does she go

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It was pretty funny at nycc last year when Matt was trying to describe the devil breaker Tomboy and why it was named that.

>people won't shut up about tranny shit
>get mad when something isn't tranny shit

You're the one who springs up to defend western designs of masculine women and can't handle that not everyone eats up the same shit constantly like you do. I bet you defend MK11 too. Good job faggot.

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in the trash

Either replace Mercedes in Dark Vanilla or Turkish Rosewater

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Why is all of this seemingly official art or renders except for Mercedes?

i fucking hate this game
How do you go from BL2 to this?

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Pharah is a western design you giga retard

She looks good and im not a leftie

get good

I know that, but Pharah is actually attractive. However she's probably considered too anime because of the lack of masculine face.

guys can have tits too but that doesn't mean i want to fuck them.

How the fuck do you suck so bad at this game?

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>However she's probably considered too anime because of the lack of masculine face.
You're literally just inventing opinions to get mad at

>hit the boost the moment I get to the ramp
>repeat this 3 times
>happens randomly on the fourth time doing the same thing

But OP is pretty much a man with small tits for all intents and purposes

If you think those tiny arms on the small shoulder span and those soft abs leading to flared hips are manly, you should probably try lifting something heavier than a tendie in your life.

I'd rather fuck the robot guy

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Your argument falls apart because I don't have a problem with anime. Even though Pharah isn't remotely anime. She's disney. Now just stop, man. Please.

Based robo-sexual

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This whole thing started because of faggots claiming that anyone who doesn't think she's a 10/10 is just mad that she doesn't look 'anime', though. That argument is used a lot and you know it.

The whole thing started because you yourself are a shitty baiting faggot. Now just fucking stop, or at least go find a mortal kombat thread.

same here. The people hating on her are probably just /pol/ fags for the most part. Not all, but most of them.

Good taste

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>A brown skin qt and a muscled qt.
gg Gearbox, now I will buy your game.

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Thanks for showing that you have no real argument or defense.

I'll thus give you that she doesn't look too bad compared to the average Western female of modern days though. If her face got a bit of work done she could be quite solid.

Bbw stronkmilker tomboys are the absolute best debate me fags

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>or at least go find a mortal kombat thread.

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How long do you think it'll be till I never have to hear about Borderlands again?

are you the retard spamming threads

also her pits

3DPD version

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Reminder to hide and report bait/angry user post

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only if they're cute like pic related

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very true. BL3 siren has nice bod but uggo face and no tits

but that character is fucking ugly.

here is muscles done right.

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retarded weebs

And then you see her in game model and they removed her abs

fit doesn't have to look manly

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t.actual faggot

I always wondered how people don't get freaked out about the roid veins they start sporting.
Also, looks nothing alike.


I want to play her abs like a xylophone with my dick

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funny meme bro rofl!

>everything about her is just futa, orcs or /ss/
Why does the best girl have to suffer like this?

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So many delicious brown qt's in this new game.

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why is her face like that

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I hope the game has good outfits.
Gonna be a Hoborobo but it'd be nice to see musclefu in something cute

Nah. Not her.

it doesnt even seem like /pol/ to me, it looks more like rampant false-flagging.

Or maybe some people just don't think she's that hot? It's not hard to imagine with that face.

lmaoing at faggots supporting this shit design

>face looks like it has a fucking spotlight on it
>hair is thick and clumpy
>cheekbones look really fucking high from the initial angle you see her at
>thick eyebrows with thick black outlines on dark skin
Her actual face isn't bad, it just a lot of shit making it look fucked up.

it's neither. There's a constant trend going on right now to make females in video games as ugly as possible and people are just getting annoyed that it's being encouraged

eight handjobs at once

Thing is that she is what the west considers a 9/10 now due to recent conditioning in video games.

i moreso meant the people calling her a nigger when shes obviously a pajeet.

Her facial features seem vertically squashed

Superior taste. Fuck braphogs and frogposters

Nah she looks more black than brown. Just ignore the asura stance.

it just happens gradually and you dont notice until someone is like "the fuck your arms have so many veins" and by that point you're already so deep into an exercise routine you're like fuck it, its part of me now

There's nothing wrong with an actual cute GIRL with abs, but if it's a man who says he's a girl with abs (like in OPs pic) it's disgusting.

> I like my women with prominent male features

Muscle fags are truly in denial about their homosexuality l.

I'm not in denial about anything, dumb phoneposter.

they could not have possibly made this character any less attractive

shes so fucking ugly, she makes all other sirens retroactively fucking ugly

I no longer imagine the stylized lilith, maya, steele, or angel as being attractive women in "reality," I now see them as weirdly shaped freaks with tatoos and murderous tendecies

this thing is an abomination

>polycount badge

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i like my women fit. abs show you fuckin work to keep yourself fit. i didnt fall for the thicc meme

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Is best girl anywhere in the trailer?

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Maya is in the trailer, yes, and she's still hot despite the odds.

MAN, Gridlock is fucken MASSIVE. It’s the first time I’d agree if she called herself big boned.

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God I am unreasonably hyped for all the futaxmale porn that gonna be created when her model is ripped.

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My mums Thicc irl
Bbw crush my diccu

>not futa x oppai loli
Lol futa on male is outdated closeted gayboi

She looks very much Northern Indian with only a bit of mystery meat in there. Pajeet does not mean the rounder darker Southern ones only.

Yes, but unfortunately she is a nigger. And they are ugly


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muscular girls give killer handjobs, i'll give them that.

Wasted on a woman who's ugly as sin

>have fallen for this short haired brown tomboy at work
>can’t tell if she’s a lesbian or not
>she dresses like a girl most of the time but has short hair and talks like a guy

I take your muscular girls and I raise you muscular shortstacks.

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How cringey will this game be? 2 has to be one of the worst written games I've played.

>No afro shit hair
>Blue eyes
>No giant nose
>No giant lips

>zero body fat on body
>massive fat tits
I fucking hate it when retards don’t respect biology. These animals are the types that jack off to futa.

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I hope she sounds like caulifla

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don't forget the ugly crackhead loli

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>wanting to breed with the weak
user pls

big bot is not for fock

Still better looking than Muscle Siren

The woman goat will eat your mom's pussy and there's nothing your or your dad can do to stop her.

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So has anyone made any humorous videos of that amazing spectacle that was the lauch stream?

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Holy shit the new siren looks like ass. Lilith, Maya and Angel look leagues more attractive than her but then they've also fucked up Maya's look in the 3rd one too which is disappointing.

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Me too user. But it's mostly just her fit tight body that's not female bodybuilder proportions. Her face is ok, could be better, could be far worse like that trans justin bieber in that screenshot with maya

>still using the screenshot with literal clipping and not her default neutral expression

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Maya looks pretty much the same except that the front parts of her hair are much longer. But yeah comparing the new one to Maya and Lilith really illustrates how bad she looks. Of course, it should have been expected that any new females would be average at best.

It's not like she looks amazing in this screenshot. She's about a 7. Would be higher if not for her manjaw.

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I can't.

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Fuck man I'm just so sick of the west deliberately choosing to make ugly characters. It really does feel like that the people working in the industry now have this bizarre aversion to anything that looks cute or aesthetically pleasing.

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When I saw this first time "I think to myself what wonderful abs". And also wanna lick dem abs.

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ruined by miss piggy face

Yeah after now looking at a still of Maya in the trailer, she doesn't look all that bad. It's just the really long hair at the front that throws me off. She pretty much looks in tact despite that little nitpick.

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Actual muscular women look like men

Then again, actual women don't look like anime girls so I guess you have your right for fantasies too

>Actual muscular women look like men

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So muscle siren is Steele's replacement and evil siren is Angel's?

Sorry, I don't want to fuck a chicken either

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Don't throw out your back moving those goalposts

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Give us a better example of
>western comic/realistic face

How is something every gender is capable of achieving a "masculine trait"? That's like saying hair is a masculine trait.

If she was white she'd be perfect.

But she's a brown Indian subhuman.

>that facve
Oh god, what the fuck is that.

She took the bogpill, holy fuck.

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Yes, exactly.

Just accept that the west is incapable of creating characters.
The west can't into entertainment media in general.
The west is a cultural embarassment that deserves to be mocked.

hey haircut fucking sucks

I take it you don't have much interaction with real women.

Get help, please.

exactly, blows me away that anyone can find that wildebeest attractive

people have very low standards

I for one, welcome our new Asian overlords.

During sex she would have:
2 real arms to hold you
2 other arms for extra hugging power
2 more arms to spread your legs or hers(we've got fucking variety nigga)
and lastly
2 arms, one each to finger your assholes with.

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And then I look at her face and I lose my boner.

her face is fine you're just a faggot.

Yeah, she's a real catch.
Here's her model.

Attached: 1545729717031.jpg (453x453, 91K)

I cant, I love muscular women, fatties are disgusting. Like me, I am disgusting but love muscular girls.

>shit fps
>casual shit
Sure, chink.


>calls others faggots
>probably faps to futa porn

is that baki?

I've made a pleasant dream about that, also brown girl, can't disagree.

Would be cool if i didn't look and wasn't as awkward as Scooter, because i'm going to find no one with that...

Way better than 'would break if I sneezed on them' sirens.

>Draw a man, call it a girl.

Liking muscles on a woman is gay as fuck and the only logical next step for you is having sex with another male.

>she can hold down all your limbs while forcefully fucking you

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I'm with you on this.
esp. because I'm a Pajeet and she's prime material

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jealous fatties seething

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Not this girl's, because she is kinda ugly, but definitely would lick a muscular girl's abs if she is cute.

that's not logical at all you female


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What's funny is that literally none of the musclegirls posted in the thread look even remotely as hideous as her.
I unironically think this is Gearbox shills trying and failing to force her.

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Perfection in the brown musclegirl area has already been reached, I don't know why they're trying.

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>teen Tina

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I dont see any muscles, just skin and bone


What the fuck is wrong with it's head?

Yo dude that's Freeza.