I present to you...
The worst area in Soulsborne
I present to you
nigga that aint even a shitswamp
Why do people hate this area? Not that I disagree I'm just curious because I never had a problem with it.
I never had an issue. Maybe you just suck OP?
I dig the atmosphere. It was only mildly annoying.
Thats not The Gutter
They know the people of the town dindu nuffin
all of dark souls areas 3 were trash. You spend most of it scaling castle ramparts and traversing swamps. It’s linear as fuck too.
At least dark souls 3 had memorable and diverse areas
Every area in DS3 looked like this. Either all brown and muddy, or grey and monotone. Horrible game to look at.
That's not horsefuck valley.
It's one of the longest level layouts in the game and 90% of the enemies are dull farmers
I meant dark souls 2
I fucking hate swamp levels, there isn't a single game with a good swamp level.
I agree. Dark Souls 3 was fantastic. Dark Souls 3 on the other hand, was terrible.
The Gutter/Black Gulch are easily the worst.
Iron Passage and the Cave of the Dead still exist you know?
>b-but muh co-op
No excuse
(I like the swamp areas in Souls. I spend hours running through Blightown)
ya fuck DS3, DS3 fo life tho. The third is much better than the third one.
this was my absolute favorite level in all of the games because i went through with a whip and had the best time ive had in most games because whips are cool
Oh fuck no. That area's fun.
Shrine of Amana is the worst in the series.
>he didnt invade in the shrine of Amana
I pity the fool who didnt get free kills
Farron Keep is worse if you are trying to get every item
It's not awful, but the entire zone is mold green and there's absolutely 0 visual variety or color
Honestly look at that screenshot and tell me it doesn't look like year-old bread
Nah, the swamp and the demon ruins are way worse. Honestly 3 has some pretty bad level design.
Nope. That's the Black Gulch or the Tomb of th Gaints.
If it was a little more interesting for its big ass size, it would be better. But overall its a little dull
Am I the only one who thought this was cool the first time through? Looking back on this now it looks like shit in this brown filter but it didn't look like that in my mind. I missed out on bloodborne (pcfag) so it's the closest thing I'm getting, lol
its one of the best ds3 has to offer...
no, whips man, i whipped it up
>hating on tomb
shit taste
>Am I the only one who thought this was cool the first time through?
That's DaS3 in a nutshell. You don't really notice the problems with it the first playthrough.
Literally fuck this place
All of the optional areas in the DLC is aids
I liked this part
Oh yea, it's definitely got BB vibes. The whole corpse disposal thing just feels something straight out of BB's Hemwick Charnal Lane. It's a huge area, it's bigger than Central Yharnam I think, and really well designed though.
it's actually Soulsbournekiro.
Too bad the lighting is shit in the Undead Settlement compared to Bloodborne.
That's not the fucking poison and madness swamp shithole from Bloodborne
It was so fucking boring and uninspired. Should've been my first clue DaS3 was going to be complete shit.
Nah iron keep and shrine of Aman take the cake. Honorable mention to ds3 anor Londo as the biggest letdown
Not even close, it's boring but it's not actively shitty like Tseldora or Farron Keep
>not farron keep
this zone was great, the atmosphere was great, the boss was DS2 tier but more interesting, and arguably the worst part of it was the spear-chucking titan who was easy to cheese following only a few quick trial deaths.
shout out to the lizard on the cliff edge though, fuck that guy.
Yeh.. yeah man..?
Forbidden Woods isn't THAT bad, it's just too big
>kill the deers until they stop spawning
there, easy
Have you never played through Lost Izalith?
>Long and tedious
>Worst enemies
>Gimmicky boss
>Bright as fuck
>Literally unfinished
Undead settlement should've been the proxy Valley of Drakes of Dark Souls 3, or it should've lead into the new Valley of Drakes. Either way, this is my idea:
>Cathedral of the deep = leads into catacombs of carthus
>Catacombs of Carthus = leads into Irithyll Dungeon
>Smouldering Lake = can climb back up to catacombs of carthus
>Profaned Capital = leads into Anor Londo
>Undead Settlement or area accessed by it leads into Catacombs of Carthus, Smouldering Lake and Cathedral of the Deep
This exact location is the epitome of why I hate Dark Souls 3 so much.
Look at it and unironically say that this gray monotone desolate shit area is anything but absolutely appalling to look at. I hate Dark Souls 3 so much, and I'm not even mentioning worse areas like Farron Keep.
Literally the only acceptable answer. There is absolutely positively nothing good at all about this area.
Worst Areas, Ignoring Bosses:
1) Great Hollow
2) Black Gulch
3) Memory of the Old Iron King
4) Lost Izalith
5) Crystal Cave
6) Smouldering Lake
7) Frigid Outskirts
8) Farron Swamp
9) Nightmare Frontier
10) Shaded Ruins
Not the woods, I meant the nightmare frontier. It was like an acid swamp that continuously poisons you on top of having those eye brain things that make you go insane. That area was a double whammy of bullshit passive damage.
>when you reach the SECOND swamp half of valley of defilement, out of lotus, cheap grass is gone and you're digging into the good shit, dying of AIDS, lost, and you want to get those items in the distance but it will take 10 minutes to get there and you know there's more slugs
Nah, although it's literally cut content from Bloodborne, so Fromsoft clearly didn't think too much of it.
I'm not a pvpfag.
Why couldn't we get a cool desert city area instead of an underground shithole, or even both?
>Optional challenge bad!
Oh yeah that was kinda shit but at least the swamp part was only like two rooms, and the winter lanterns are definitely a bullshit enemy but they're cool enough that I give them a pass
Settlement is undoubtedly cut content from Hemwick.
>that video about the alpha version of archdragon peak
>giant bridge leading to a giant tree
>boss room is located under the tree's roots
looked so kino compared to what we got
Farron Keep is a thing you know
You present wrong, nigger
Dark Souls 3 never had an area as bad as Great Hollows or Frigid Outskirts.
>lets make an entire area out of bloodborne assets
It's well designed, It has a lot of optional stuff, side paths, Interesting encounters, But visually it becomes a slog. Its theme is great but its not enough to sustain an area that massive. Could also use better enemies, The shitty berserk reference thralls are just annoying, and the boss is just kind of a pain to fight. Theres also the fact that its literally made from bloodborne assets and is based off of the worst area from that game
With more thematic variety, better enemies, and a bit more colour, it's easily in the top 10 souls areas
You forgot
>lets make the soundtrack with bloodborne assets too
I liked it at first but everytime I start up a new game I inevitably quit here. People always complain about the swamp but that place is pretty cool compared to the settlement.
The detail in some of the later areas and castles / irthyll is spectacular though.
If you jump down on the end of the settlement, right before the giant tower, there's an area filled with skeletons with architecture identical to catacombs of carthus, they 100% certainly had that connection some time in development, but swapped it around so it doesnt make sense and isnt well designed in the end.
>tfw you see an item with a few slugs around it and start killing them but it never ends and you run out of grass entirely and the item was shit
the fact alone that this segment is large enough to be classified as an area will never not make me mad
Black Gulch at least has the courtesy of being short and small and with a piss-easy boss at the end
I wish they did that but DS3's music is the same midi quality of DS2 and DS1 while BB's is live orchestrated and it definitely shows
Sekiro's is a mix of midi and live
Should've just posted a map of DS3
they only played roll spam 3 and not the actual dark souls with the tomb of the giants
blighttown is the only good swamp level
>can be skipped with master key
>if you bring lots of arrows it's comfy to kill everything from afar
>tons of good drops including green titanite shards for chaos meme builds
>mommy quelana
>gf fair lady
>I'm a piratefag that can't play online
>posts bullshot
lighting is identical consolewar faggot, same engine, same graphics, kys
>not one of the many swamps in DS3
What’s with Miyazaki and swamps anyway? Did a swamp save his life or something?
Home. . .
Here you go bro.
>and there's absolutely 0 visual variety or color
But that could be said about most areas in Bloodborne too.
Has similar vibes but is far too different to be cut content imo,
Just remembered that someone found a Heineken beer can in these textures. Good old DS2.
Ds3 had pontential with the long linear journey design but half assed it. Problem with being a souls game, designed around a hub seperated from the world
if they just allowed you to do everything with your bonfire, waifu and all it could with.
Reminder it can be a linear journey with seperated paths, so long as they all go to the same place
Maybe it's because the settings for these games are grimdark and are specifically tailored to make you feel unsafe and uncomfortable? Not everything needs to be a happy funhouse McDonald's PlayPlace, you absolute manchild baby.
fuck dark souls (except 1) and bloodborne. sekiro is way more fun and far less depressing and drab.
>quit at a level that is literally like 10 minutes into the game and can be completely skipped by taking the right hand bridge that's after the first bonfire
I remember Lost Izalith looking a bit different
>no Valley of Defilement
for what purpose
But that's not Shrine of Amana, The Gutter, Black Gulch, Grave of Saints or the myriad other terrible areas in Dark Souls 2 and its DLC
Anyone else bothered that even today From hasn't made an area that has surpassed this in terms of scale?
It even has level geometry and boundaries, as well as areas to fall into.
And no I don't mean open world, fuck open world. I mean in classic from style.
Quick question, what led you to the conclusion that OP thinks that is the worst area because it is dark and gloomy? Genuinely curious, I'm very interested in your thought process on this.
That's not darksouls 2
kys my man, just say Souls or Souls genre
>>can be skipped with master key
Yeah, man, having a level everyone wants to skip most of sure makes it good.
If the area were much smaller, it would've been a more enjoyable experience. But dear god why the FUCK did they think making it this open was a good idea? It takes 4 minutes to run across to the boss while avoiding a bunch of nightmare horses.
Worst in what way? It's not that hard and it's pretty fun. Not a bad area at all.
If you played Blighttown on release, you were lucky to get 20 fps on the consoles. Easily the worst area in any soulsborne game.
3d Metroidvania*
Yeah Undead Turdville is definitely up there
any worse though? maybe Brightstone Cove Tseldora? I do not enjoy running through that one either!
It was comfy back then.
God i wish to get back in time to 2011
Gutter was definitely the worst, even thought of going through that area sickens me.
what kind of shit taste does it take to hate the undead settlement?
It's so fucking hideous and grey
It's just lame. Looks lame, plays lame, sounds lame.
It's a challenging platformer level
The architecture and overall visual style in Bloodborne made up for the limited, yet deliberate color pallet.
I think the visuals of wooden structures in a massive black void was cool. But like posted, it certainly wasn't pretty.
>not Izalith
>not DaS1 Demon Ruins
>not Farron Keep
>not 50% of DaS2
It's not even the worst area in it's own game
>Demon Ruins
fuck off nigger. demon ruins were peak comfyness
I was more forgiving towards the area as it reminded me of an area of Bloodborne.
I mean I hate this But this and following tunnel area are fucking garbage, everything about it makes me want to puke, at least unfinished levels like LI at least can just be over and done with very very quickly, not this shit heap.
If by comfy you mean "eye bleeding" then sure
Great place to twink. Thank you From for never nerfing the dragon slayer's axe.
What pisses me off is the fact that they are burning fresh bodies as if they just got finished genociding. It completely goes against dark souls theme of exploring something abandoned and in ruins. Seems like it belongs in bloodborne
new londo
lost izalith
the gutter
black gulch
shrine of amana
farron keep
"""profaned capital"""
rumor has it miyazaki once saw a pale timid girl walking in a poison swamp barefoot as a child and it forms the basis of his psyche
>Gutter is the worst
>easy to get to very early with like 12k souls for cat fall ring
>tiered vertical level design with bridges, pitfalls, jumps, and ziplines to traverse in multiple different ways
>exploration is encouraged and rewarded, one of three DS2 levels where the torch mechanic is actually useful, tracking your progress by illuminating the map
>"dude it's the worst level in Souls because it's ugly and I have to hit statues"
Yea Forums with shit taste as usual, Gutter is way better than shit like N64 woods or Faron Swamp.
Even Undead Settlement in OP is a part of the three opening DS3 areas where they actually tried (Highwall, Settlement, Cathedral) and then you hit swamp central where the game becomes a shit-slogged hallway. Thankfully you can enter DLCs by Cathedral.
>Optional challenge good!
I found that 2-2 in DeS was a genuine incomprehensible clusterfuck
>can get to the boss in under 45 seconds if you know the exact path
>otherwise can spend 3 hours dicking around in tunnels poking tanky enemies to death
I liked it. It sets the scene really well that everything is dying in the countryside as much as in the palaces and how the regular people coped with the end of days.
People unceremoniously left to rot, die, and grow into trees where they stood and survivors gathering around a makeshift bonfire contrasts very well with the candle masses and elaborate robes of mobs in the upcoming cathedral. They were all equal in death, though the ones that clinged to power were warped more strongly by the changes.
Gutter is actually good tho
I would argue that Farron Keep is worse. It’s a poison swamp. That’s boring. And you have to extinguish threes flames to open a door like it’s Zelda. Oh and the jumping Ghrus.
valley of defilement is argueable the most cancer area ever made. Seriously fuck that, fuck you, fuck it all. Fuck that piece of shit how did people expect anyone to ever get through that fucking piece of shit game. You try to explore you get poisoned every fucking accident you can barely move everything is invisible and dark and impossible to navigate and the enemies are annoying it sounds fucked, and bland, fuck it, fuck it, fuck that piece of shit bland bosses that aren't challanging except for the hell like run to get to each boss which makes you want to pull your hair out wtf kinda piece of shit designed this piece of shit experience, dumb fucking fetus trap that infinitly body block you, my fucking god thank god for that, oh yeah and the perma heal fuck that fuck you, and fuck it I am outa here.
Lady Maria ? More like LAZY maria
Oh fuck, I remember being so hyped by this concept art
How did ds3 end up being so uninspired
Such an awesome concept for a level and it was fucked up out the gate because of the instantly aggro horses that spawn on top of you.
Would've been so cool if they only spawned once you wander too far out of the map, and there were more holdout structures to misdirect you along the way to make you encounter them naturally, and the holdout structures would break their aggro and cause them to run back to spawn. THAT would have been cool as shit.
wow rude
The swamp in ds3 was bad because it was boring. The settlement has an interesting gimmick with the giant shooting arrows, the swamp just has you running and rolling around finding braziers.
Dumb frogposter
And Irithyll too looks straight out of BB
What's even better is that you can speedrun the swamp simply by hopping around with the dagger's weapon art that ignores the movement penalty.
Gutter is a joke, especially considering that the area once was supposed to be Blighttown on steroids before it was cut down to a bunch of wooden boxes in a dark cave.
cause its a reject bloodborne area
Literally one of my favorite areas in Soulborne, what the hell. What exactly is wrong with the Undead Settlement?