Pirate Game

>Pirate Game
>It comes with "TheCommunistManifesto.pdf"

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Other urls found in this thread:


Its a nice read while the game installs

>download the complete wonder showzen torrent
>comes with a copy of the anarchist' cookbook

name 5 games

good, a lot of gamer bros need that shit,. too many are falling down that fascist/reactionary pipeline

Super Mario World
Super Mario World 2
Super Mario World 3
Super Mario Land

Thinking people arent entitled to money even though they worked hard is the most anti-communist attitude there is.

fortnite is free retard

Working hard is fine if you aren’t exploiting people

And redpilled.

>True communism has never been tried

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Can you really call it communism if the revolution was carried out by peasants in backwater hellholes and not the actual working class?

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you didn't say free games retard

It's only 50 pages long, I don't see why you shouldn't read it

You know communism and fascism are so different at their cores, right? Its about their aspects and what they bring to society

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Honestly can we be serious for a moment?

I want to live a communist lifestyle. Imagine. Getting to live a neet life and get paid for it too.

The point is piracy is the consumer telling the worker that their labor is worthless because the market laws dictate that. That market law being "unlimited supply of a good = free"

Lol what communists genocided people who didnt work.

Fascism and Communism have a lot in common actually
Its kind of retarded that nu-commies hate Fascists so much when they literally have a common goal
>anime pic

Not sure how this meme started
Communism is absolute labour, everybody must work
There is no welfare
Fascism has welfare not communism

Ah yes, the Russian Revolution was definitely not urban in character, and definitely didn't carry out genocidal campaigns against rural peasantry with maniacal feverishness.

The Soviet Union was authentically socialist. But, the circumstances of its birth were certainly less than ideal.

t. commie

Where are the jannies to kronstadt this thread right fucking now?

Lenin was a good Commie, Stalin fucked the country to death.
t. Fascist

Thats because the fascists and white nationalists have the right arguments at the same time as an information revolution (the internet). Sorry you faggoty reds missed the boat by a long shot.

get in the noose commie

>le helicopter xd
Chile is a shithole

Just a reminder. A dead capitalcuck a day keeps the jew away.

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Just how I like them comrade

everyone must work in communism
this is a better intro to communism as it arms you with the knowledge of what its based on, and dispells the common misconception of benign based on hegelian dialectics

developers are entitled to security and the value of their labor
publishers, executives, and shareholders are entitled to gulag

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Yes, the leftist is proven wrong and now wants all proof of this deleted. You should be shot, and your chums will probably be the ones doing it if you get your way.

But i'm not a capitalist nor a commie, i'm a monarchist

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Fuck off kike puppet, you guys have failed to convince anyone but teenagers of your nonsense for a decade now. In fact, from your ideology and how you type, I would bet you're a teenager.

Stalin literally saved the USSR from Hitler, but he made many bad choices.

Is this the typical underageb& on Solzhenytsin?

the helicopter thing is just a meme, pinochet barely ever used them. ironically most of the alleged helicopters killings were literal slander made up the USSR. BRs and argentines on the other hand dropped thousands from C-130s at 10000ft


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Do you really think communism works like that?

Russia would have survived better under Hitler as slaves
Stalin didnt save shit, he condemned half of Europe to pure hell

>Thats because the fascists and white nationalists have the right arguments

imagine being this guy

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>underage projection
The Russian revolution was urban in character and ruthlessly massacred peasantry and the Green armies in the Civil War. You know, masses of underprivileged, less than working class people butchered by your cursed revolution.

I can say, Oswald was unironically a very smart man, even if I'm not fascist

Free mods and DRM-free stuff can perfectly co-exist in a capitalist ambient and most major publishers didn't minded.

>thinks he won't be euthanized for being an unproductive neet

>hegeliam dialectics
Dont think you know what that means bud

Imagine being so wrong the Yea Forums nazis are beating you in the information war. Imagine being a teenage communist.

>Hail mussolini
Ok fucking bumbolini

Coвceм eбнyлиcь yжe пeндocы и их pyчныe шaвки. Based alt historlet.

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He just said to name five games, not related to anything

Nothing is funny faggot, its astounding that people admire that literal monster because they buy into soviet cult of personality propaganda
He was even condemned after his death by his fellow party members

V-video games?

Operacion Condor was 100% justified and the only mistake was not killing enough zurdos.
No fueron 30.000 ni inocentes.

Nobody is going to read your chimp scrawl underage and undereducated slav.

Yeah and Hitler's a good dude right?

Stupid nigger

Listen to this

Mussolini may have fallen for the Nazi's ideas later on, but initially he was the ideal leader. The Doctrine of Fascism he wrote is beautiful.

>no Hitler
Only Hitler could have saved us all.

Sasuga Yea Forums

most needs are just unable to handle the social nepotism of modern society
in the USSR if you did not work you could go down to the police station and they would give you something to do (sweeping the sidewalk or something). this was work. You did this and then you did not have to worry about lacking shelter, food, or medical care.
It was a system that ensured nobody had to worry, and everyone could enjoy honest labor.

Explain to me why communism is bad. Because I don't see why it's any worse than what we have now.

>Lost by 3 million votes
>Still gets elected president


kill yourself.

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I condemn Hitler too
But thats some nice assumptions you got there

Hitler was blinded by his anti-semitism
He didnt HAVE to take Danzig but he did anyway

>unironically using information war
>unironically thinking anyone but /pol/ takes themselves seriously

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America is a republic, not a democracy. It isnt mob rule retard
Mob rule was debunked by Plato 2500 years ago

>tfw zurdo y millonario
Feels good living in vitacura and being in the good guys team.

Debunked how

Democracy sucks. Commies are retards, Nazis are autistic.
Yea Forums, the only true path is towards Monarchy.
Fascist bros are also accepted

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The anti-semitism is the whole point fool, without it any western institution is doomed to fail. The geopolitical and military situation for Germany would only get worse after '39, if he hadn't struck when he did, France and Britain would have been much more prepared for war, a war that they already beat Germany out in material and equipment.

>pirates pirate game
>they also complain about socialism/communism

Did someone just unironically use the "we're not a democracy, we're a republic" meme?

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with FACTS and LOGIC Plato destROYED those libtards

Industrialization is urban in character. The peasants were superstitious backwards idiots. Which isn’t to say it’s their fault, they lived in semi-feudal conditions, many isolated groups in Siberia were basically fucking foragers and hunters and shit. There were communists that argued the peasants should be gradually acclimated to collectivization and allowed to keep their property for decades, but Stalin and his supporters eventually thought that the timescale here was intolerable or else the USSR would be invaded and destroyed. It was a purely practical decision that even Stalin himself had waffled on in prior years, but looming possibility of conflict pushed fear to the edge.

And ultimately it paid off, the USSR survived the war and (possibly wrongly) occupied much of Europe. Mistakes were made, but it’s hard to know whether the USSR would have survived if it didn’t do what it did, which history tells us succeeded.

I understand having the ability to get assigned a low level job to have your needs met, my point is the original response was to someone saying they wanted communism just so they could be a neet and not work

>Super Mario World 2

I'll forgive this, because it's Yoshi's Island.

>Super Mario World 3
Doesn't exist. You only named 4 games.

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That's just how your election system works, orange man won more states, that was the game, not how much more commiefornia votes you have.

Read the Republic

Its true
Democracy is defined as majority rule
America doesnt have majority rule it uses a point system so that all regions get fair representation

it is a representative republic, this is a form of democracy

>without it any western institution is doomed to fail.
>In this season in which we celebrate the ancient Hebrews' exodus to freedom, it is fitting to recall Emanuel Celler's efforts to make America a promised land for Jewish immigrants, and for all victims of persecution.

>After They Closed the Gates: Jewish Illegal Immigration to the United States, 1921-1965

Fascism honoured the crown

>ITT: Neo-nazis, Nu-commies and trannies trying to convert newfag reddit normies that lurk 4channel.

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Russia under the tsar had programs in place for education and industrialization that would have put Russia on parity with Germany or England by the 1920s, obviously interrupted by the world war. Stalin and the communists dragged russia and the subjugated people's under them into the modern era in a tidal wave of blood basically unequalled in human history. You reds are fine with this to excuse your favored totalitarian system, and if you think that it was justified and worth it, well, you're fucked, and this is why no one likes you faggots.

>i said world instead of bros
I am a disgrace

That's why they're bros. Fascists and Monarchist have always been allies. Together against the degeneration of socialist systems like the Nazis or Communists.

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Better dead than red

>calling a learned fascist a neo-nazi
Fascism has nothing to do with race any more than Democracy does
Its a new world view
Anti-right and anti-left

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>L'oisif ira loger ailleurs

Its not true. The meme comes from a shitty /pol/ infrographic which directly says we are not a direct democracy to counter the people complaining about the electoral college.

Not being a direct democracy does not mean you are not a democracy however. People vote for representatives, and thus are a representative democracy.

'republic' has nothing to do with whether there is democracy or not, republic is about the structure of the organization, not whether or not the people have any say in things.

The USSR had a similar political system, with soviets being elected to the soviet. Soviet means counsel, and its members were elected by the people. It was also a representative republic. Effectively the exact same kind of democracy as the US.

Yes, pay no mind to jew riddled institutions, government and banking.

>it uses a point system so that all regions get fair representation
>fair representation
>a few thousand bumfucks get to have votes that literally count as much as tens of millions of votes in other states, just by virtue of being in a rural location created through arbitrary state lines drawn 200 years ago

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You do realize Pinochet wasn't anti-Semitic at all, and even celebrated Yom Kippur with Jews?


The Soviet Union was socialist ran by communist

Fascism is kind of socialist
Its definitley not capitalist
Also the traditional monarchist right were anti-capitalist

communism isnt neet life you dimwit

fuck that sounds nice. How is communism bad again? I work 2 jobs just to live in a shitty apartment.

Lol the tsar was incredibly inept and led by his wife who was led by a weird cultish peasant man. He had several capable liberal ministers over the years who stood to transform Russia into a modern country, but he variously sacked them or drove them away with his intractability. Then he lost the war with Japan, and was absolutely loathed by a dispirited officer and soldier class for the handling of WW1. He was overthrown by a genuinely unorganized group of pissed off workers and mutineers, and unfortunately the liberal government was also incapable of actually commanding the situation and got outwitted by the communist minority.

Russia was floundering, the soviets carried it to world power status. That’s history, your fantasy is just whatever way you rationalize this fact away.

That's his fucking point. Dead capitalists scares Jews.

>Communism is absolute labour, everybody must work

that is not what communism is. compulsory labor is not part of communism.

states are their own entities. Tell me why would a state join the union if it did not have a guarantee that its interests would be looked after?

The house of representatives is based off of population, the senate is fixed. This ensures a few large states can not bully all the small ones, and also ensures that a lot of small states can not decide things against the will of the majority of the population within the big states. It must be agreed on by both states and people. Its a good system

People were starving so badly they literally turned to cannibalism you fucking revisionist assholes

true communism TM isnt bad
the problem is that we dont have any conceptualization of how to implement a system where we dont hand over the military complex to the highest vacuum of power

Reminder that democracy is shit.

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That’s literally what piracy is, though??????

Jews are indeed a problem, I never stated otherwise. But national-socialism is absolutly the wrong way about it.
Being anti-capitalist=/=being socialist
Fascist are corporatists, not full socialists

when i pirate shit, i know i'm stealing.
Capatalism works, i know what i'm doing is "wrong"

Yes it is dumbass
If you didnt work you were put in a labour camp and forced to work

>not real capitalism

Why do we let porkies get away with pushing this meme?
The capitalist class of Germany were complicant in Nazism or were replaced by those who were. Nazis stomped out unions and workers rights. All things capitalist try to do today.
Fascism arises when capitalism loses the propaganda war and has to use force to put the working class back in line.

I am not disagreeing with any of that. What I disagree with is communism creating a system in Russian where russians happily engaged in massacre of each other regardless of class or creed that ended with tens of millions of corpses. And you have no answer for that, and that is the result of the system you are defending.

If communism is bad
And fascism is also bad
And democracy sucks
And capitalism is also shit

What is a decent system to use?

literally illegal not to work

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so it sounds like the minority/small states already has a body of government designed to give them balance: the senate.

Why do they get the electoral college too?

You're literally giving the minority an advantage in two of the three elected bodies. Conservatives love to complain about rule of the majority, but we're literally living under rule of the minority right now.

Even you don't believe it's wrong because you put it in quotes. This 1984 levels of double think. This is your brain on capitalism kids.

>fascists are corporatist
I'm glad someone knows what Fascism is for once on this site
Corporatism is objectively the best system for subordinating the economy to the state

The Nazis are not all fascists, you're also objectively wrong
Hitler had the oil companies sign a contract at gunpoint to sell oil at a low price
His economist literally told them "you've spent your lives getting rich off the people, now its time to give back"
Gee that sure sounds CAPITALIST

The answer is obvious my brother. A system tried for entire millennia

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>Fascism arises when *elites* loses the propaganda war and has to use force to put the working class back in line.

fixed that for you

The answer is fascism, fascism is the blend of all sides into one. People who say they dislike fascism dont know what it is, they just know about ww2.

people were starving under the tzar
this is what caused the revolution to start with. starving people and ww1. 'peace and bread' was the slogan of the revolution.
after the revolution people were still starving. Food, as you may know, takes time to grow. During this time also kulaks burned grain, and various post revolutionary mini rebelions delayed things. However within just a couple decades the ussr was well on its way to becoming an industrial superpower and by the time stalin was done with it the centuries old cycle of famines and hunger had ended.

NationalSocialism or maybe imperialism, the good one.

Communism eliminated unions too retard

Stalin was directly responsible for the deadliest famine in the history of the region

But it was worth it because muh progress am i right comrade?

There's a middle ground between reactionary and commie, user. It would be better to read the works of Hanna Arendt, really.

Yes, many people who talk about fascism don't even know what it is. They only know about Nazis, who weren't even fascists, a bogeyman to blame all right wingers. The perfect government should be a a Monarcho-Fascist one. Where the fascist state works in tandem with the king/queen.

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Why is fascism good. If it was was ruined germany


Nordic Model :DDDD

Lmao, can you be anymore disassociated from reality? Not even your fellow /pol/cucks are this far gone.

Yes, he could be communist

Corporatism is capitalism.
Every capitalist state uses it's might as leverage to bend companies to their will, the only difference is the degree to which they do this.
There has never been this mythical capitalist state where companies ran free and were used by the state for power. I also love it when fashies pretend they have a coherent ideology. Please explain to me the nuances of fascism that isn't: Hierarchy is good actually and literally nothing else.

>electoral college
the electoral college is based on population as well. Namely each state gets a number of electors based on its population.

States however are free to choose these in what ever way they want. Most states decide to just be all or nothing. This results in situation where a state may narrowly elect someone, but all of that states electors go to that person, and the 49% who voted otherwise get added to the number of people who 'voted for the other guy' people like to use as propaganda after the election is over.
In this way you could have, for example, someone elected with 100% of the electors in the entire country voting for them, but less than 50% of the people voting for them (if for example, they got 39% of the popular vote, someone else got 31%, and someone else got 30%)

The entire presidential election misleads people, because the way its actually working, what is going on behind the scenes, the original method, was for people to simply vote for a local representative (an elector) for them, to head off to washington and decide who to vote for as president in their name. The elector would basically be a person the local community trusted to elect someone who would be in line with their interests,.

However at some point presidential candidates started running directly to the people, and electors were not elected because they were locally trusted by people, but because they declared who they would vote for. Thus voting for a candidate is voting for the elector who says he will vote for them.

This makes it seem like people are 'voting for president', when they never were intended to be in the first place.

I mean, he isn't wrong, and you can't prove him wrong, so tough shit huh teenager.

Nice ad-hom, truly an inspiring arguement
Nazi Germany wasn't fascist. Read on the theories of Sir Oswald Mosley, he was a political genius

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It was a result of the circumstances. The communists could have kept the NEP longer, which would have been more humane, but the argument at the time was that too much light industry was being developed instead of heavy industry, and the peasants weren’t expanding their plots quickly enough to take advantage of more efficient methods of farming. It was a brutal decision, but it was simply a specific policy. The opposite could have occurred as well under a communist government, but too many of the powerful Bolsheviks (obviously especially Stalin) feared invasion. I just see it for what it was, a particular historical event. There is no communist bible that says the famine, purges or mass relocations should have happened. But as that they did, they happened to succeed. I only bring it up frequently to say that I think it would be much more monstrous if the entire thing had just resulted in being overrun by a vengeful Germany anyways, but to this day many Russians feel patriotic about the victory over Germany.

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Not him, but Nazi Germany had insane amounts of economic controls on the economy. The government took ownership of all banks, the transportation system, power supply, put all cartels under the control of the government, and nationalized a fuckton of industries. Only a small portion of the german economy was privately owned, and what was privately owned had to follow the orders of the government. I'm not going to say it wasn't "real capitalism," but trying to say that it resembles any modern capitalist country is incredibly dishonest.

stalin did nothing wrong, holodomor is exaggerated and natural. Things that start with holo-, you should realize, are often illusory

>There is no welfare
The SU had plenty of welfare, just not unemployment benefits. Unless you consider government funded medical care, housing, transportation, vacation, and education as not being welfare.

An actual nice, civil politics thread on Yea Forums. Rarer than TF2 updates

To be fair Mosley believed Nazi Germany was fascist

Corporatism is not capitalism
You obviously think Corporatism means mcdonalds and amazon running the economy, that's not what it is
Corporatism comes from the latin word for body "corpus", and it simply means group in this sense
Every economic area is broken up into corporations or syndicates and these function as mini democracies or unions in which employees and employers have equal representation.
Its syndicalism with state oversight. A socialist theory. Socialism is not just marxism. And anything that isnt marxism isnt capitalism.

is there anything more cringe than amerinsects that worship pinoshit?

It didnt have any of those things until Stalin who was not a communist

Pinochet and Allende are memes and everyone who worships them should castrated so they can't breed.

>Corporatism is not capitalism
capitalism allows accumulation
accumulation leads to monopoly
monopoly leads to corporatism

corporatism is the inevitable and inseparable result of capitalism being allowed to mature, it is capitalism.

Well, it was, but also wasn't. I should've specified I was talking about "classic fascism". They were more of a fully socialist offshoot of facism.

>this quote
>this pathetic russian victim narrative
Ignoring their imperialist dominance of every ethnic group they could get their grasp on. And of course you talk about what communism says. In practice communism creates the most dehumanising totalitarian system in human history. From the USSR, to Ethiopia, to China and the Khmer Rouge, all examples of communist systems that followed the predictable cycle of farm collectivization, industrialization, starvation and repression, and large scale killing, each with death tolls in the millions. Muh progress does not excuse a system that talks about the empowerment of normal and underprivileged people, but in reality smashes them with more oppression and deprivation of opportunity than any feudal system could dream of.

Read my post you absolute brainlet
Corporatism doesnt mean Corporation as in Business
There are no monopolies in Corporatism, unless you count the State

Post-ww2~mid-80's were pretty comfy for the Soviet citizenry. Even during the famines of the 30's the only places really affected were Ukraine and Southern Russia, if you lived in a city or anywhere else in the country you weren't really affected by that shit. Civil war and German occupation were legit nightmare times though.

this thread is full of stupid burgers. communism will work not earliner than 2150, where machines work for humans and ALOT. today - you'll be machine (in every possible way).
sorry for my engrish.

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It was literally illegal not to work in USSR you cretin.

monopoly leads to corporatism
monopolies gain control of the state, and become the state. so yes
capitalism is the process by which the capitalists become the state

>accumulation leads to monopoly
But it doesn't. The state's monopoly on force is what allows corporations to monopolize.

Stop repeating a mantra and educate yourself on what Corporatism is retard
Its literally syndicalism with state oversight
Syndicalism is a neo-Marxist theory

And social parasitism wasn't criminalized until well after Stalin too, so I guess "required to work" isn't a communist plank either.

Corporatism isnt corporations as in BUSINESS you illiterate dumb fuck
Learn to read
Corporation means GROUP and it is a GROUP of an economic field
A corporation under corporatism would be "The Building and Construction Industry" and it would function like a democratic union
Thats a corporation

v - political discussions.

Elites take control of the state in socialism and communism and fuck over the citizens as well. The state is the common factor in all of these scenarios and you blame capitalism like the 2 digit IQ sectarian you are.

>The state's monopoly on force
this is an inherent part of capitalism. capitalism is when people (capitalists) own means of production via legal rights. If someone is owning means of production through their own personal capacity for force you have a feudal lord, not a capitalist.

This is how it worked in feudalism. The bourgeoisie revolution was a revolution that equalized everyone under the law and allowed them to use the legal system to own property leveraging the capacity of violence the state possesses.

Stalin died soaked in his own urine, so despised and feared by every human he knew that no one tried to help him. Perfect role model for teenage incel communists.

>not understanding that free healthcare means free at the point of sale

EU soon.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Doctors plot.

Piracy is a product of capitalism. It's the right to make something out of what someone gives you. You own what you own and are free to do with it as you please, whether that be giving it out freely or hording it to yourself. Restricting it via IP, copyright and patent laws is anti freedom.
Everything should inherently be under the public domain.

>deadliest famine in the history of the region
Famine of 21-22 was just as bad.

>Piracy is a product of capitalism.

Whatever happened to just wanting plain old reformism in government? The laws and legislation are there, it's just a lack of political will and private interests that are a problem.

Lol that’s a lot of baggage man, I’m not going to argue with all of that. The point remains the same, America itself just committed to the longest war in its history over a supposed existential threat. It has resulted in mass death and suffering, and that was for an already defeated enemy around the globe that neither had the capability to attack the Us, nor even had participated in the terror attack that started the war. But this minor whiff of an existential threat was enough to occupy the country itself and the region indefinitely.

Of course maybe you don’t agree with those wars, and I don’t sincerely think Bush and Co were afraid of Iraq or Afghanistan, but they sold it that way and it was not ideology. It’s simply geopolitics, trying to defend oneself from international threats, and it was a very mainstream acceptable view for the US media acolytes. But the USSR taking extreme measures to defend itself following an intense civil war and preceding the bloodiest war in history is some immoral, unconscionable act of a spectacular psychopath.

we all can agree democracy sucks?

>If someone is owning means of production through their own personal capacity for force you have a feudal lord, not a capitalist.
This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. This means that even usufruct property norms which are the foundation of socialism are somehow also feudalism.

Communism is still more accepted than neo-nazism. I'm not even defending communism, I just think it's an absurd thing to think.
Show me neo-nazi countries in the modern world. You literally can't. Meanwhile the other two global superpowers are communist. /pol/shitters aren't winning anything because communism already beat the shit out of their ideology in WWII. They can peddle their crap as much as they want, but they're stuck in the fringe because no one but the most hate-consumed schizos fall for it. Thinking otherwise is PETA-levels of delusion.

I'm more of medievalist

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>ywn be a poorfag defending corporatism and nepotist rich jews and "free market" on an online anonymous board even though you will literally never ever have a realistic chance of profiting off of "free market capitalism"
feels great man

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Just making a point as fucking stupid as yours. You don't get to pick and choose what periods and what aspects of the Soviet Union were communist just because something it did either confirms or disproves your bias.

Yea Forums, why are you so plebian as to not choose the righteous path of monarchism?
yes, fuck democracy, it never achieved anything as useful as monarchism did
based royal-bro

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Okay, I think we can agree on all that then. Good talk all considering.

>Posting the Eurofederalist and Labour Party MP

Fucking lol

If there exists a group, eventually said group will accumulate power. Once power is accumulated, a group will then continue to hoard said power and further increase its influence to better compete or withstand attempts of other groups to secure their existence/welfare/profits. It doesn't matter how prettily you dress it up, or what kind of a label you put on it, or what kind of a political system you immerse it in, human nature will always lead to competition for resources, sex, social standing, even on the matters of principle and belief, we will still compete. Until we can make these competitions completely independent from our physical wellbeing, instead of integral to them, no matter what political or economical system it is that you institute, it will still end up becoming corrupted and inefficient over time. So far democratic government together with capitalism has proven itself to be the least damaging combination of political and economical systems. Until we can put behind our genetic problems, our illnesses and our lack of resources, we will have to abide by these, or pile up millions more of bodies upon the altar of "trying the next thing that maybe will work".

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>Meanwhile the other two global superpowers are communist.
Based retard, tell me more?

>pirate game

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How so?
The distinction between feudalism, capitalism, and socialism, comes down to simply who owns the property and how they do it
feudalism is through unequal legal status and unequal production status
capitalism is through equal legal status and unequal production status
socialism is through equal legal status and equal production status

Hopefully someone blows that garbage up soon. And we all hate kikes, but the solution isn't communism, the most kiked political system in history.

unironically go to saudi arabia to enjoy your absolute monarchy wet dream paradise

i'll allow it by technicality

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>anti-commie dictators
Just fuck my country and people up, senpai.

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Hi, do you deny the genocidal aspect of the Holodomor? A kid at my high school does and posts conspiracy theory shit to "debunk" it.

I have a family member who was killed by nazis and one killed by commies. I have no reason to like either of you fuckers and neither of you is better. Suck my dick. I bet your family isn't even Ukranian.

Yes, because ukrainians were fucking retarded. Everyone starved and the intervention of the west profit off of it (demanding access to soviet railroads in return for economical help and the government tried to hold out as long as it could to maintain its sovereignity before acquiescing to those temands). They decided to start destroying their food and tools instead of sharing them. Then they died harder.

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>the most kiked political system in history
Where is the evidence you retarded faggot

Ah yes the Ukrainians starved themselves to death, not the totalitarian government that ruled them, which had a vested interest in crippling one of their most unruly ethnic groups. It's always excuses with you people.

Kek, there's the based retard coming in with a fantastic non-argument as always

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Shouldn't even bother, any nigger using that line has a middle-schooler's knowledge of humanities.

That image never fails to deliver.

>government is incompetent and their poor treatment of crops results in massive famines together with some of the poorest harvests of all time in the union
>please share food with the rest of us, we are starving
>Please share it with our people, you have things to spare or we will have to beg the west for help and they will peel the skin off our bones in exchange for aid
>millions dead later
Loving every laugh.

Automated communism baby! Get those robots to do the jobs and enjoy your life of jerking off to robot titties

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>angry paragraphs of historical mistruth in meme arrows
Miss me with that senpai. At least you admit the red government was incompetent.

I don’t think Stalin set out to kill Ukrainians. But I do think that he was not as concerned with the consequences of the famine as say, Lenin was for the 20s famine that ultimately contributed to the establishment of the NEP, a slackening of the state’s grip on the economy. Stalin was totally single minded, known to be “imperious of character”. Kotkin argued that the only way to understand the true context of the famine and Stalins motives is to consider that he was seriously creating tension in the party and basically risking a coup. For that reason, Kotkin at least believed that Stalin himself was genuinely consumed with not only the necessity of speeding up collectivization to better free up labor for heavy industry, but also how fundamental this move was to protecting the USSR and achieving socialism.

But I think I said above that I couldn’t truly suggest that he was correct in all possible worlds, but I think he believed what he was doing was the correct move for those goals.

Why does no one ever say "true fascism has never been tried"?

>their poor treatment of crops
Farmers were literally forced to stop growing their traditional crops and instead grow sugarbeats and fucking cotton per post-collectivization laws

mudslime jewsih puppet

Because fascism has been tried, no one can deny that

holodomor denialists deserve the rope

Of course it was incompetent. Most governments at the time were incompetent, the same thing happened in America during the dust bowl, but no one ever remembers that. It was post industrial revolution and nobody knew how to ran that shit correctly, it was all barely out of the planning stages. You know what the difference was in America though? They shared food with each other, they helped the people evacuate and they worked hard together to weather the storm even if they had little more than the shirts on their back.

imagine actually thinking communism leads to any thing but a starving enslaved masses and a wealthy dictator reaping all of the benefit.

commies always pledge equality and wealth but in the end it's always just a means to seize power and wealth for themselves

Nobody is making excuses for the genocidal anglos that your precious USSR happily tried to buddy up with well before 1941. Also German rearmament would have literally and absolutely been impossible without Soviet help every step of the way.

That's exactly what poor treatment of crops is.
>muh six gorillion

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Do you want me to tell you the way communist propaganda works friend?
It doesn't try to hide itself as propaganda. The people saying it know its propaganda, the people hearing it know its propaganda, everybody knows. Its purpose is not to convince, its to instruct the enemy. Its purpose is terror.
When i say holodomor did not happen, its purpose is not for me to make an argument and try to convince you of this. While its safe to say such historical events are obfuscated from us, and caught up in various layers of propaganda and disinformation, the very fact that we, and thus i, can not see them clearly and honestly means i could not actually know whether and to what extent it happened at all. Since i cant know, there is no use in my trying to accurately state what happened. Yet i dont say "it is not possible to know just what happened", no, i say 'it didn't happen'. I say this so everyone knows that i will act as if it did not happen.

When stalin said in his speech to the red army:
>In one of the declarations of the German command to the soldiers, found on the dead body of Lieutenant Gustav Ziegel, a native of Frankfort-on-Main, it is stated:

>“You have no heart or nerves; they are not needed in war. Eradicate every trace of pity and sympathy from your heart-kill every Russian, every Soviet person. Do not stop even if before you stands an old man or a woman, girl or boy, kill! By this you will save yourselves from destruction, ensure the future of your family and win eternal glory.”

Did he expect people to accept this at face value? No. He knew people would see this and suspect it is fabricated. Its purpose was not justification, it was tell everyone to act as if this was true. It is to say you are to do what ever against the enemy, because we will proceed as if this is true. It was to tell the enemy "we will proceed against you as if this is true".

neo-corporatism is an alliance between unions, employers, and the state. it is not a marxist-leninist system that has aspirations of eliminating currency and having a unversalized union that comprises the entirety of wage workers
soc dem reform capitalism literally is capitalism as it stands today. maybe you dont understand tripartism
what he is saying is correct, though. corporatism as a system is almost always not marxist and syndicalist, it is liberal and reformist and doesnt seek to eliminate capitalism, but to work through it. corporatism is a counterpoint to marxism, and it is often siding with conservative, authoritarian traditions. syndicalism favored appropriation of the means of production as did MLs, and corporatists did not.
if your only view of it is "it has unions so its socialist" then you are missing the distinction.
that isnt what happened in most socialist states but ok. most of them had democratic apparatuses to organize labor and political parties. tho i guess brainlets think dictatorship of proles is authoritarian or w/e.
socialism already has succeeded before. you just cant kill enough reactionaries to keep it from regressing. world wasnt ready dialectically speaking.
nazi conspiracy theorist pls go, read a book numbnuts
kulaks deserved to suffer
"totalitarian government"
why do you people hate work so much
imagine thinking famines are entirely human nature at work while you argue that the the famines that created socialist russia were just coincidences and not the fault of tsarist disdain for human life
if you know anything of the wealth distribution in soviet russia youd know killing reactionaries, seditionists, and spies was reward its own for them. furthermore, the wealth of leaders in cold war socialist states obviously was not as extreme as the oligarchs of countries lost to capitalist reforms today.

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>pirate game
>it comes with bumpin' chiptune cracktro

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>What is Lebensraum
Stalin wasn't wrong there.


>why do you people hate work so much
communism is free time and nothing else

not him but:
>compulsory labor occurred in a self-proclaimed communist state
>that means compulsory labor is part of communist ideology/philosophy

that's like saying the US owns all of capitalist philosophy and it can be judged by US actions. no government is actually representative of all the qualities of the base philosophies that inspired it. also 99% of what everyone knows about communism including the russians was made up by karl marx's leech friend after he died because his actual writings were too autistic for normies.

yeah sure FREE TIME GOD FORBID people not work extreme hours for someone elses profit while they do nothing but own something
to the gulag with you revisionist faggot

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being too dogmatic is revisionist

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there is nothing about communism that gives it exclusive rights over "free shit", it is part of many theoretical structures of government, including capitalist ones. I mean logically, every single form of government should eventually advance to "free shit" regardless because of technological and labor pressures. at some point there just isn't a need for general employment, but people still have to be provided for. so unless you want to structure things to be intentionally regressive (which would only work in a vacuum), it doesn't make sense to have people employed ny 3rd parties unless you're in the space between agrarianism and "high-tech".

Because it has been tried and in many cases worked fine.

where is the USSR?

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yeah killing people and plundering their rightful property with no necessity to it is "working as intended"
genocide is a feature not a bug

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>owning a hilariously expensive status item produced with literal slave labor is okay because you're being forced to partake in the capitalist system
Buy a fucking twenty dollar flip phone. If you're being """forced""" to consume do so in a more moral manner.

Fucking champagne socialists should all be hung from streetlights.

that's only a bad thing if you're part of the etnic group that's getting gassed.


why rely on shitty humans when an AI can be engineered to do a much better job? humans are too stupid for their own freedom, and they will realize eventually that the answer to human strife and want is to simply remove them from the large scale equation and allow people to live in carefully curated bubbles. they can make their own (limited) decisions from within there. all necessary output in terms of "stuff" will simply be handled by machines.

Nothing wrong with this.

>rightful property

im still using a nexus 4

It's fucking sad seeing everyone lost in materialistic ideologies. Right and Left are two sides of the same coin and they serve the same master. Regain your esoteric knowledge and make your ancestors proud.

Commies always post this strawman shit. If you participate in vapid consumerism and consider yourself a socialist then you are a hypocrite.

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fascists and commies are the same shit, authoritarian government loving cucks

sensitive fashie goy gets triggered
all ethnic groups are arbitrary when you realize humans almost unanimously would rather be alive than dead, but i guess empathy is weakness when youre an insecure nazi blacked.com fluffer
if you don't even have a justification to cope with your depraved thinking, you're just an immoralist nihilist and should be ignored. you people never do any work or advocate so youre irrelevent
under the existing laws of most countries that went fascist the seizure of property was illegal and they had to suspend their existing laws via martial law just to justify it as legal. even then a collectivist state would see appropriation of a few's property as only justified if it was for the general good of the worker class, which would include jewish workers all the same as any other ethnicity. fashies just want to appropriate all property at any time from outgroups. they dont see worker jew and capitalist jew as seperate, since the problem isnt class conflict, it's just jews/the other.
sup smooth brain, hows it feel operating on twenty layered levels of pure ideology and lies? idealist retard, live in the real world. the world of dialectical materialism
nice you took the bait have some more piggy oink oink thats right mmmm pee pee poo poo eat my shitty doo doo yess HNNG just like that fashie boi love that mouthfeel yeah bitch huh what sucking on my taint and my ass and my genitals aw yeah yeah you dirty bitch invest in bitcoin you cunt you whore yeah yeah yeah
hur dur ar rook saem stuf b teh saem cows me not unnerstan ther arguemence

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~sip~, yup, now that's the life bb

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capitalism and communism are the actual same shit, economic determinism loving cucks

skinny little pale skinned boy with black mask on out in the streets with his crowd throwing his one poorly pre-prepared 'molotov' at some random civilians car, goes home and posts on facebook about how cool he is 'smashing the fash', you are a product of your time and when the shit hits the fan you're going to be cowering behind your bed you stupid communist motherfucker, when the organs come for you and drag you away they'll be using your rhetoric

>dude antifa lmao

lol im a union welder and female
inb4 women are dumb and thats why ur a commie becoz commies r dumb!!! praise kek
what are you even saying like go outside meet new people get laid you dunce everyone thinks u smell user and is laughing at you for being a fedora tipping porky lover
you think in memes, stop being an irrational, stereotyping baby
not having empathy because chad hurt ur feels is the opposite of reals dawg. and if youre going to go with feels, at least get to a level where you can see that real world problems feels > butthurt personal failure feels

>just make up work that doesn't need doing lol
I remember reading about how they had a dozen people working shop counters at a time because they were so desperate to come up with jobs there wasn't demand for. Man, I wonder why it didn't take off.

t. bolivia

>lol im a union welder and female
No you're a fucking mentally ill tranny

Monarchists, from Stauffenberg to Otto von Habsburg to Juan Carlos are always the first cowards to betray their countries and run when the going gets tough or there's a profit to be made elsewhere. A wise regime will wipe them out first.