She has a second form

>she has a second form

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if she only had one the fight would last less than a minute

Go fight Chained Ogre and the horse guy first if you haven't already

Cheese her with the nightjar slash combat art. It can stun lock her and makes the fight easy. Just watch out for illusions in her second form and if she gets out of the stunlock don't just attack idiotically, wait to trap her again.

ironically took me 3 tries. sprint around and punish her whiffs

I have, I didn't know you could get to Lady Butterfly without beating those two first and that bull thing too.

unironically, oops

And some bosses have 3 or 4, git gud

]>Owl 2
>Demon of Hatred
>Sword Saint


>punish her whiffs
this. Sidestep and strike. Also take a half step forward before each R1 after she starts guarding to add an unpredictable delay

Look at this idiot. How embarrassing.

>boss has a second form
>it's literally the same form but the boss uses another weapon

Does that seed the dead guy in front of her room gives you do anything?

dont act like the fight is remotely the same after isshin picks up his spear

>tfw stuck at the bull and her
brb suicide

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It banishes nearby apparations and stuns the boss(?) it’s not necessary though

Is it ever explained why she betrayed?

For the bull just hold down B the whole fight, zipping in to get the occasional hit in or throw some firecrackers in his face.

It destroys illusions.

There's a second battle against Owl. I did the Shura ending, so the first time I fought him was on NG+. It's a fun fight, but fucking hell, it took some work.

With the bull, don't dodge. Just run and jump and keep attacking his ass like a Souls boss. It'll take a while but it's a lot safer than guarding or deflecting.

literally stuck on the ashina 7 spear faglord. Beat most bosses in the goddam game, but still cant get him.

which one

I kept chasing the bull instead of the other way around and hit him over and over, broke his posture when he's at 1/3 health.

I found jumping attacks to be very effective, jumping off of her also staggers her. So combo jump combo dishes out a bunch of dmg, easy time, second form you can literally just run away until she snaps again

implying the second bull is remotely a challenge

>about to face the rape ape

any tips?

>rape ape
is that the monkey chilling out in a lake in sunken valley basin or whatever? I just got there and I was too chicken shit to approach

She was my first boss, lost to her like 90 times till I learnt her and pretty much perfected her. Now that she is dead Im feeling stockholm syndrome, wish I could fight her more

Mikiri is the key to that fight. Block the follow up that he may do and repeat until his posture breaks. It is high stakes because he does so much damage but all his attacks have telegraphed windups.

>every other goddam enemy is a bullshit gigga nigga mini boss
>lol fuck having fun exploring areas, lets just fill it with minibosses
>I have a great idea for a fight! Lets put fast, mobile minibosses in really tiny arenas with a bad camera

There are some decent bosses in this game, but holy shit did they make some bad design choices.

literally just spam night jar slash lol

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It took me one, I'm still surprised to see so many people have trouble with her. I'm not even good at videogames.

It you wanna cheese isshin use fire mist raven

yea mikiri never builds up for me. I did it like 3 times in a row and no goddam posture change.

>spend an hour or two learning how to parry/dodge/counter all of genichiro's moves
>beat him

I just put the game down and beat him in three tries the next day

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It's really about the mikiri and blocking the follow up. If you do that, he falls down for a moment amd you can get some shots in.

Second form really brings down the whole fight. It's mostly the same just with some extra fuck heads wandering around and some modified projectiles. Considering she is supposed to be a master of illusion I expected something a little more interesting.

You can parry every attack he does except the sweeps in his second form, and it stuns him. When he does his leaping grab attack as a regular gorilla, just sprint away. It's very hard to reliably dodge it any other way.
Second form is easy if you play defensive and parry his massive overhead chop then R2-R2 him with the spear right after

I can't decide what skills I should go for. I'm up to the Owl fight.

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I am currently stuck on that one. Anyone got tips

>tiny arenas with a bad camera
Am I the only one for who this was rarely a problem? The only minibosses that are in small arenas where this becomes an issue are the long swordsman and the centipede giraffe. Other than them, every miniboss' arena was big enough where the camera was rarely an issue.

If you want to cheese then try forcing him into corner.
Otherwise just do the usual parry punish.

Also when he does the green item sealing bomb thing you can get one or two hits on him before stepping the fuck away from smoke.

>Mortal Severence Ending

Now I REALLY want to fuck Wolf.

Which ending did you get first? You DID get one, didn't you?

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I try but he's too fast and he does millions of huge sweeping attacks w/ unpredictable delays that catch me at the tail end of my side / forward dodges and fuck up my posture because I can't predict them well enough to parry them all.
I dunno how the fuck I'm gonna beat the final boss, I've seen videos of him

I understand that he looks dangerous with that fuckhuge sword of his, but with Owl you have to be aggressive (though I guess that's the same for most human boss).
He's much more manageable when you're close to him.

>'cheesing' anything in this game with its kino flowing combat
why even bother playing you dink

It's an issue in all Souls games, you have to unlock the camera and focus 100% on just safely getting out of there / repositioning so you can heal and recover.
But it makes sense that is would be disadvantageous to be fighting with your back against the wall; you can fuck up enemies by pushing them into corners as well

Use the motherfucking fireworks prosthetic

That being said, there's still benefit when you're away from him.
He's most punishable when he does his 1-2 kunai throw and follow up with his jump slash, don't bother parrying that one and just sidestep dodge.

Yeah I know, but for most minibosses in this game getting backed up into a corner is hard unless you are not paying attention to your surroundings.

Seriously, the majority of these are not in tight-closed spaces.

Honestly, landing Mikiri feels satisfying as fuck. Once I got good I couldn't stop murdering peasants

We're all gonna make it lads. Every single person in this thread WILL beat Sekiro.

This guy is my training mentor

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A step is a step you can't say it's only half

Landing a Mikiri really always looks great.

Is there a closer Idol to this guy? I really can't be bothered to fight him because of the distance, also I could run inside the tower anyway.