Etrian IV

What am I in for? Never played one of these before.

I love the Grimrock games so this really caught my interest. Manually mapping each level seems really fun, but does it get too monotonous after a while?

Also what diffculty should I start on? Are there any classes that flat out suck?

Attached: Etrian_Odyssey_IV_US.jpg (1500x1336, 673K)

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just play it blind

you can change the difficulty from any time in the menu, so feel free to drop it down or even start on a lower difficulty if you feel the need

use ailments/binds

>Manually mapping each level seems really fun, but does it get too monotonous after a while?
Depends on if you like it or not. I never got tired of it.
>Also what diffculty should I start on?
Hardest is the intended difficulty for every game
>Are there any classes that flat out suck?
Not in IV

The ability to draw maps on the bottom screen gave me huge nostalgia for drawing maps/jotting down notes for older games, makes me feel like an explorer.

I plan to avoid guides, I just wanted some basic tips. Bit maybe I should just dive in and figure it out
Are there any classes that are built for debuffing?

>What am I in for?
jap wizardry clone

If by debuffing you mean ailments and binds you have Nightseeker and Sniper respectively and you unlock another class later which does both
If you mean enemy stat reducing then those are spread out amongst different classes

Mapping doesn't really get old if you enjoy it, seeing your map progress as you move through a dungeon feels great.

There's only two difficulty modes in EOIV, Normal and Casual. Casual gives you an infinite Ariadne Thread (which warps you back to town) and sends you back to town upon death.

None of the classes are outright bad in EOIV and as long as you aren't dumb pretty much any combination works. I would personally recommend grabbing a Sniper as their binds become vital in the 2nd main dungeon.

you're new. make a party that can survive. You can retire characters later if you need to reform a team, IV isnt particualrly hard, you'll be fine.

4 is the easiest of the series (which still makes it a relatively difficult game, the series can be pretty unforgiving especially at the beginning) and it's hard to screw up your party to the point where it's not functional. there are definitely weaker and stronger classes but you should be able to beat the game comfortably with anything reasonable

normal is the intended difficulty, casual makes things a bit too easy

The easiest game in the series. You'll still get fucked up, though.

What etrian odyssey games have the best story/lore?

None of them, they are all light on story
3 because it has deep ones and robots

Attached: 1540503821033.png (1143x851, 236K)

Play on the hardest mode user, you can do it!

Also, the music is some good stuff

Be aware that this game has bugged passive skills that don't do anything.

4 has the most feel good story by the end. 3 has the best overall narrative.

such as?

Chase Bind on Sniper, it's not fully broken but the damage increase when levelling doesn't work
Both Dancer and Nightseeker have the Speed Boost passive but if you subclass and get both, neither will work. This doesn't happen for other passives

>I love the Grimrock games so this really caught my interest.
Why did Grimrock spawn so many fucking retards? These games aren't remotely similar. EOfags are so desperate to get people to play their dead series they'll tell you to play it anyways.

>dead series
>still making games

What did he mean by this?

there is no need to be upset

>these games aren't even remotely similar
well etrian games are actually good so you're not completely wrong
but seriously, you're retarded if you don't see why people see them as similar games

First one because of the 5th stratum..

I had fun with this game.

Big monsters and bunny girls, user.

>does it get too monotonous after a while?
>what diffculty should I start on?
Normal and keep it that way.
>Are there any classes that flat out suck?
Nope. Choose whatever you think looks cool.

Grimrock is good, although most of the difficulty comes from clicking the runes accurately and quickly as well as how many secret buttons you have the patience to find. The only thing the two series have in common though is that they're both first person dungeon crawlers. The similarities end there. Grimrock is realtime while Etrian is turnbased. Grimrock has a bigger focus on puzzles and Etrian has a bigger focus on combat, Etrian has a hub area and Grimrock doesn't, equipment is scattered around the dungeon in Grimorck while Etrian has you sell monster drops to buy equipment, etc.

Beat the original game and you get most of the plot for every other.
The fun is to write your headcanon.

>Etrian has a hub area
it should be illegal to do this in RPGs

Easiest game in the series. That's not a bad thing though.
Nightseeker poison is godly, especially on the true final boss.

I like 5's a lot. Shame they butchered it in the localization.

When in doubt Drive Blade out

Why? Everything is right where you need it.