He's actually right, you know

he's actually right, you know.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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imagine being such a total narcissist.

He really doesn't know how punchlines work, does he?
And a real controversial opinion would be that the Zelda series is for boring manbabies who think Harry Potter is unironically good literature.

Attached: stonetoss comic feets.png (1000x1000, 250K)

Why do they have to make everything so... ugly?

It's so sad that he forces himself to believe that's the reason his comics get shit on

God I can still smell the fucking cat litter just looking at this one

Attached: 1551027774191.png (836x952, 232K)

>booping wrong side of controller

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Presentism is poison.

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user, please stop, tonight is shit enough already.

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At least you have plans to hang out with your friends on the weekend, right?

I'd post the art she made of her bf and herself nude, but I don't hate you guys that much

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Why would you ask that if the answer isn't something either of us would like me to go into?

>even the light switch is calling him a cu ck

Based, gas foot and yurifags.

Attached: 1508596722691.jpg (800x359, 81K)

Dobson is physically incapable of being right.
It goes against the laws of the universe, even when his opinion *appears* correct, he is wrong in some way.

Because I think it's funny.

I would unironically rather spend half an hour with a toothless drifter at a bus stop than this "person" for more than five minutes

Do people actually find turning everything into a wojak meme funny?

>things that never happen
What you actually get is more like "Boy there sure was a lot of stuff that wouldn't fly today, but I still liked it."

Attached: 1520598321214.png (1806x1356, 1.39M)

Good ol' Lasercheese.

Fucking do it pussy

Attached: dog10.jpg (906x211, 105K)

Why are so many female artists ham-planets?
I suppose learning to draw is easier than exercise, but it seems a disproportionate number just per-capita, let alone by mass.

How does anyone just draw something like that and expect readers to interpret it as a group of people looking at something? I don't get it. It doesn't even remotely resemble people.

Attached: snek confus.jpg (326x236, 42K)

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Wojak/Pepe posters are all literally underage. I report them as such pretty often and their threads/posts always get deleted.

based cheeswall

I sobbed into the chest of my tinder date for half an hour

Attached: the biggest pleb.jpg (1242x1782, 834K)

Attached: 1524627428281.png (728x785, 921K)

I wish I wasn't so picky about creating a character. I get really autistic and waste a bunch of time trying to get every detail just right on them, then notice something I don't like later on and open up the menu again to change it.

If you are unironically aroused by anything other than an of-age member of the opposite sex, in a consensual interaction, wearing clothes and behaving in such a manner where they are acting like a human adult, you are literally just as bad as the tranny faggots sucking on each others gaping wounds and pedophiles jacking off to cartoons

What a sad sack of shit. When is this faggot going tranny so we can start counting down to his suicide?

Attached: light up with joy.gif (991x1997, 398K)

>into the chest

This better be the original

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But Harry Potter is good literature (for children). What’s wrong with that?

Is the character ugly because the artist is ugly?


Attached: sbemail web comic.png (1899x478, 837K)

What about Link's hair?

Attached: 1553024400586.jpg (687x1162, 704K)

it's actually because he doesn't try to work on his art.

>he hasn't encountered a pervert cheese block at gamestop

How can he be so lacking in self-awareness that he actually believes this?

If she allowed that, surely its good sign?

>tfw she ran her fingers through my hair and said 'Its gonna be ok sweet boy.'

Yeah Bioshock Infinite makes me wanna jump off a bridge too

Just admit you're horny and lonely like the rest of us Dobbo.

Attached: 1546244474289.jpg (700x700, 31K)

He actually is right in this case
OoT is overrated
The best zelda is Adventure of Link

I think they do this ironically


Attached: based.png (441x447, 110K)

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How can someone be so fucking wrong all the time?

Which women consume the most drawn media? Definitely weebs. Most weebs are fat, with a few that are anorexic.

How can one human being be so awful at everything?

Attached: 1553781129400.png (854x240, 136K)

He's the shadow DSP, who is always right no matter what kind of tortured retard logic he used to get there.

Dobson claims to have PTSD due to this incident:


They do it specifically to piss people off/annoy them. It should be obvious to anyone who's been here for more than five minutes.

Drawings is good way to cope with mental illness

He is right, OoT IS the best Zelda. And of course it defined all the 3D Zeldas. That's natural when it was done so well.

>Being so disgusting your sweat smells like piss

Not surprising, I saw him complaining about not enough LGBT representation in cape shit whenever someone pointed out a character who was gay he'd go "Yeah but they don't explicitly spell out they're gay in the films, so it doesn't count."

What is this comic for? With Dobson I always struggle to imagine what he thinks the audience will do. They'll put their hands on their cheeks and join in with you?

Bottom left looks like it was traced from the Flintstones. There's a pretty common screenshot that looks just like it.

It was the incident that made him realize his sweat smells like piss, after all.

Oh hell no that was pity at best and a frightened attempt to keep you from going full bipolar on her ass at worst. Burn that contact because date 2 ain't happening unless she's a 2/10 and desperate.

>I'm a nice guy™ pls like me

>That time Dobson's minecraft server was raided by Yea Forums


Attached: Dobson_Minecraft.png (501x523, 366K)

How can one person be so right, bros?

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What the fuck is going on with her legs?

How is Dobson so goddamn pathetic?

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>next time it will be acid
Why Dobson? What about a squirtbottle of water is a precursor to an acid attack?

Tracing is what Dobby does best after all.

Attached: 4UZCMQA.png (1080x1120, 2.05M)

Why is he so OBSESSED with Links hair?

Attached: discordtranniesraiding4chan.png (815x665, 1.11M)

How does someone go through life with as little self-awareness as Dobson?



he probably wants to project as Link but can't do it so long as Link's Blond.

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People post this shit all the time but the most significant thing that happens is someone says nigger.

This is the worst thing he's ever done, that I'm aware of at least.
>WTF is wrong with us???
Can't even own what he did. What a piece of shit.

He had a blonde bull

Attached: 1535909274442.jpg (800x1126, 332K)

fucking de-stroyed


>unironically saying cringe

rly mkn m thnk

How does someone go through Yea Forums with as little self-awareness as Dobson?

>likes: sleeping, eating
jesus christ dobson

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Dobson... had a hard life.

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Shut up incel I have already seen her twice since and we have fucked. I am gonna kick your ass you parasitical frogposter

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What about when he wouldn't attend his gf's family hannakuh get together, becausd he said it was an unamerican holiday?

Attached: Dobson_nobody_cares[1].gif (350x196, 1.73M)

It's both funny and sad how desperately he's trying to get into that group of people and no one wants him around.

Given the absolute state of this board I wouldn't put it past some anons doing it because they legitimately found it more funny that way.

Attached: 1509720206174.jpg (575x391, 61K)

who is actually obsessed enough to troll him daily on twitter though? is that from here? 8gag? kiwifarms?

I don't know what you're insinuating.

This is why I love Ronnie so goddamn much. He isn't above making himself look bad or his interests childish.
Meanwhile Dobson is a flaming mega faggot who screams that he's always right and that he's so mature.

Attached: 1543555981-2018-11-30-Stress-Debrief.png (600x1125, 291K)

Jokes asides, has the son of Dob ever been right about anything?

you tell me

Attached: dobsons shitty taste.png (798x1817, 2.17M)

He sure showed them.

No one does this. If anyone tries to tell you they do this then they're lying. This absolutely reeks of ego.

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Jesus Christ, those fucking legs

why a fucking clipboard
is he that desperate to be quirky

This coming from the guy who wrote a comic about him going to macdonalds night.

Keep in mind that Dobson labels anybody who doesn't praise him as a troll, specially well-meaning people who just try to give him advice

Attached: 1514856933410.jpg (2962x3990, 2.31M)

I do this to my cats when they misbehave. Consistency is key.

>attention women, I would NEVER fail to include you in my inflation porn. You would be so represented baby, I'd treat you so right. PLEASE give me attention!

Attached: 1518074114589.jpg (800x623, 159K)

I agree Dob, every man who donates to streamers and instathots needs a bullet in the back of their head.

>unironic t-shirt

Attached: 1532685652268.png (756x734, 44K)

Dobson is literally that guy who sits in the corner of the room playing 3DS and never speaks to anyone.

>complaining about people telling him to take his time and BEE himself

i love watching dudes like him try to employ the sneaky male mating strategy. i wonder if it has ever once worked for a guy like him.

I don't care about Dobson that much, but htis shit right here, this shit pisses me off, how basic can this motherfucker be? having great artstyle is the only way to be successful in the industry? what a piece of shit this guy is, he deserves everything he gets on the internet

Attached: 1553127655271.jpg (280x360, 77K)

have you seen anons?

Just shut off your phone lmao like nigga step away from the computer

The bear has learned nothing about the pineapples, I see.

Turns out it barely matters if *you* care about your art as long as other do. If others don't care, you're literally a hipster shit bag painting abstract paintings and saying "nobody understands my ART" Luckily, such cretons typically kill themselves in piles of cigarette butts and hypodermic needles.

>he thought this was an experience worth making a comic about
>he thought other people would enjoy seeing this experience illustrated

with the volume all the way up
he is BING BING WAHOO personified

>remember, pleasing the tasteless masses is the highest form of art, just so long as they're women and minorities
>don't be critical of anything, just consume whatever the corporations shovel into your throat hole or you'll be an obese woman-hating fedora-wearing neckbeard with unreasonable opinions
>wtf I'm such a good ally and they still won't sleep with me, god I hate women
>t. obese hyper-critical fedora-wearing neckbeard with unreasonable opinions
Sasuga, Dobson-san

>Likes Metroid: Other M
>The Zelda cartoon

Attached: 1516996748946.png (912x1540, 467K)


The folder sucked, I scrolled through it and it was just blocks spelling out NIGGER and screenies of Dobson "Wow, the MAGA troll is back"

For contrast I once saw a vid of trolls invading an elaborate Christianity-themed Minecraft server whilst the admin was away, they completely redecorated the place in honor of the Dark Lord, including a Satanic temple.

>can't paint
I seriously hope this dude didn't go to an art institute

Nero Wolfe is actually pretty good

surely he means "the girl I orbit"

Someone finally modded Skyrim to have consciousness

>send request

every time, lmfao

Too real dawg

other m was based though.

His hatred of anime is even funnier than his obsession with Link's hair.

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I wonder if it's because the writing is good

>We Bare Bears comic
Welp, I'm done. Didn't know this. Also I have to take a shit.

Now this one makes me upset. Mangaka like ONE and Fukumoto may not be especially talented or trained artists, but they still have to take time to come up with good ideas and write their stories. Not only that, but some artists at least will create an appealing artstyle which will surpass a more practiced hand, such as how Dobson's work still looks awful despite how many years he has put into his craft.

Attached: imagine being so fat.jpg (792x2659, 1.35M)

It's alright, I just wish more had happened to that faggot. Now I need to search for that video you just mentioned.

Literally everyone has watched Team Avolition's vids, nerd.

Attached: Dobson_TwitterBan.jpg (1242x1229, 365K)

Its Ace Ventura. He was talking about that one.

Ronnie actually looks like a cool guy to hang out with.

wasnt there a futa edit or some shit

So what happened with his girlfriend after that Christmas "accident"?

I really find it hard to believe this guy has a girlfriend. No matter how big of a jew she may be.

Switchers in a nutshell over ANYTHING.

First two frames make an ok comic joke, third frame makes the creator look like a fart-sniffer

this is wracking my brain
how is that the "other way"? what the fuck does that even mean in the context?
Usually this guy does decent comics but I don't get what he is going for here at all.

You know i am begining to think Dobson gets off on the trolling. Whenever he needs attention he does something over the top spergy.

Dobson has a gay brother?

There is no other game in the history of video games that has fucked its own lore as hard as other M did.
Literally none.

I bet they actually have those in real life

They are interesting people most of the time.

>white people

That's actually pretty scary. Could have been anything.

The make the character ugly to show his disgust for the 90’s it also gives the author self validation that she emoted enough to make up for all the times she enjoyed 90’s culture

the only reason wojak and pepe still live despite all these years is because their whole gimmick revolves around being obnoxious and overused. i'm not sure what could even end wojakposting at this point.

it's not even a web comic

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He's gone too far this time.

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>my comment about how I wish

umm, sweaty, you did a bit more than that

Attached: IMG_7887.jpg (1200x842, 170K)

That's a fake twitter post, you retards have plenty to shit on Dobson about without acting like newfags

Attached: 4D35CB03-13F7-49A6-A44C-AE067E8724A1.jpg (1242x1421, 851K)

I cant tell who this is making fun of

>the comic-cuck uses iMac for games and failed to even play undertale on it

Not really. He just constantly sabotages himself at nearly every opportunity while holding bitter grudges towards everything that has ever gone slightly wrong while somehow never having the self-awareness to realize HE is the source of almost all of his grief. You just have to look at some of his earliest online journal entries to see how he feels so entitled about fucking everything. He loves hating on those stereotypical sexist male caricatures like in because beyond the misogyny angle that is him: he just doesn't realize it.

Attached: 1548499669158.png (344x294, 52K)

Holy SHIT, someone has to smack some sense into Dobson. This comes off as the most entitled, rude, manbaby-ish thing I've ever read coming from someone who is far too old to be behaving that way.

Did chris chan actually fuck a prostitute?

I like this one in an existential kind of way

Remember Evil Tom Preston?

Attached: 1380333491195.png (1000x825, 618K)

Are you illiterate?

Dobson is almost 40?

I don't know shit about star trek, how mad should I be about the Klingons one?
>doesn't like cars transforming into cool as fuck robots
>can't appreciate a nice car
What a fucking loser jesus christ.

Jesus, Dobson, quit being so hard on yourself.

That is goddamn sad.

Can't you tell by the shit editing that user can't draw?

Attached: 1523006511223.jpg (550x1494, 754K)

Wow, Dobson, that's a nice drawi--

Attached: 1024px-Dobson_traced_propoganda.jpg (1024x935, 164K)

It's funny because Yea Forums is the same way in that image just replace Trump with a nig

Attached: 6.jpg (1431x2046, 1.27M)


I wasn't aware of that one. Wow, he's really all over the map when it comes to politics, isn't he? Must have been before he was trying to score easy social justice brownie points.

Imagine being so terrible at what you do you have to validate yourself with even more terrible comics

Twice I think. Her whore name is Mia Hamm, there's an entry on the CWCki about it and will probably be covered in GenoSamuel's documentary.

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I looked for it before I made the post, the problem is it's impossible to find anything from such a popular genre as Minecraft vids. I don't know who Team Avolition are.


Beat me to it.

You literal, actual, underageb& retard. Get the fuck out of here.

>memes are serious business

you know why

We'll never know what this meant.

If Dobson wanted to put smiles on faces he'd kill himself.

Shit, I need to brush up on my lore then.

>being this autistic



I don’t know what pisses me off more, his fucking ego or actually using Andre for his shitty example

Fuck you dobson

geno's still doing it?
I thought he stopped

Are they being strangled by their own sperm?

I'd say I'm average in intellect and fitness, manlet of height, but living in Alabamaliterally ALL you have to do is pretend like you aren't like "other guys" and you will get sweet juices often.

Does he even draw comics anymore or is whining about people to criticize him a full time job? Who gives him money?

Attached: dobson origins.jpg (500x749, 129K)

>He actually thinks Andre is happy about “Black representation” and not the fact that he absolutely loves Black Panther way before the movie


Almost 10 years later since this video and he hasn't changed one bit. He's gotten worse, especially as a person.

It wasn't as good as the original, but 2049 was still a great film.
I don't get all the hate for it, even outside of retards like the Son of Dob.

Something new seems to happen every week so it's hard to keep up. He just went ghost hunting with some other autists and is trying to get his house made into a pokestop currently.

He did stop (for reasons I don't recall beyond wanting to make it better) but has been re-uploading the new versions. Up to part VI now I believe.

Attached: 1544756328414.jpg (800x601, 101K)

>dobson was so mad about people telling him his work was subpar he made this to rationalise it in his head that they're all just meanies

>Up to part VI now I believe.
Hell yeah

like pottery

does dobson still make comics?

The only comic Dobson was actually ever right about was the one about Comics always being political

It’s not much, but he was atleast on a correct side

I didn't even realize it was supposed to be people until you said that.

Attached: 1541862456176.jpg (600x3211, 573K)

I love how memes evolve so fast.

Instead of the voice being quieted, it went the other way, and increased in volume instead.

>PowerPC in 2015
Holy fuck what a dinosaur

>I love constant derivation which gets so muddled you can’t even tell the posters intent

dj grooves's levels are more fun
don't @ me

the joke
Your fucking stupid head

Attached: Dobson_CaptainMarvelFB.png (473x840, 785K)

Agrias asks: "How did you get ride of the little voice?"
Ronnie replies: "No, it went the other way."

In other words, the voice got rid of him. Ronnie is the little voice inside the lack of success' brain.

>introduced in fucking 1992

Attached: 1462941570195.png (560x398, 19K)

This is unquestionably the best comic he has ever produced.

What's the problem?
Guess he didn't finish.
Every game stands alone, who cares about the timeline?
ONE sidekick.
Literally "stop liking what I don't like"
OK that's fair
Also true, but the expanse was impressive at the time
Why does he believe anyone else cares?

it's clearly cheese shooting lasers

ONE's art is iffy at times, especially his unpaid stuff like early OPM, but he's a genius panelist and has great writing and compositional skills.

Explain what's confusing about

Get it? She's such a badass woman that she willed herself out of the snap! She's so great!
Please buy my comics...

I still don’t get this

What’s wrong with feet?

Attached: 518A5C28-2CEC-4F53-8A11-46878E084D47.jpg (1000x1400, 671K)

The split timeline was unironically a based idea, and more games should adopt the concept.

Jesus Christ he can’t even say a Pokémon name correctly without
thinking of food. IMAGINE

0 Your
Autism) Gaping
0 Anus

Based Dob.

Kys footfag

is Link's blonde hair Dobson's blue arms?

Is Dobson just afraid of anything sexual or something?

nothing, but that pic you posted is total shit.

She wasn’t in the planet that Thanos was specifically targeting

Did Dobson even watch the fucking movie?

Some one edit in the bully as Link, put that fucking cap on him, give him the sword, the shield, the ball is a dekku nut or something. DO IT.

Feet are generally the dirtiest part of the body, and serve no sexual function.

>that spawn
Fucking glorious

but I thought his snapped worked across the entire universe unprejudiced

Maybe, maybe.

Attached: d.jpg (856x1100, 270K)

newfags in this thread don’t know but a few months back that comic was being spammed all over the place which is why it’s hated

It wasn't just Earth, it was the entire universe. That said, she just simply didn't get randomly selected to die.

>Life is like a dying apple in red wine
>better get my thesaurus to understand that!

Every time.

I also dislike FF.
But not liking Seinfeld? Every fucking episode is pure comedy gold.

It 100% is.

>Did Dobson even watch the fucking movie?
>Expecting Dobson to know about the things he talks about
user, you are better than this.
Anywhy, Dobson is one of those shitty persons who try to act like hot shit for knowing some irrelevant shit about pop culture, but when he's proven wrong, he calls the other person a no-life nerd

>Even the fucking shadows are traced
Fucking pathetic

>Unironically saying unironically

I still don't understand the emotion he's trying to convey behind the ''I don't know what you're talking about!''

As if it matters. The image you posted is no more or less 'Dobson'.

The bizarre thing is that until he was called out on it he made lesbians his trademark.

Attached: UJFxuAi.jpg (800x628, 122K)

>She wasn’t in the planet that Thanos was specifically targeting
>Did Dobson even watch the fucking movie?

Did you? He snapped literally the entire universe in order to prevent wars over resources. I think he didn't even exempt himself (his original proposal he made to his home planet was each citizen including himself would have a 50% chance of death)

Also, when has Cloud even said anything like that? Even post FFVII emo cloud never that shit. Where did Dobson get that idea?

The 90's was better than the shit age we live in now

Can't have sailor moon inflation porn without lesbians

Moon Over June

The feet are competently drawn I guess, the nailpolish makes her look retarded, but that hand is one of the worst hands I've seen drawn by someone who clearly can do better. Seriously that index finger is so small.

I wouldn't fap to this even if I was a degenerate footfag.

>women die and arent special

thats the critique?

Attached: 1456624071338.jpg (404x378, 26K)

I can't help but see card crusher because of the format and goofy face.

>Literally every fucking face is ugly as sin
Also, I'd like to know what goddamn movie she has such a big issue with.

I'll see you and raise you.

Attached: Frpuo.jpg (417x599, 105K)

isn't that the weird shit about modern art? they make all this crap and expect people to give a fuck. it's so weird.

I like feet and this image is disgusting
footshit has to be tasteful
>image with ugly huge dirty detailed feet zoomed in
>image with a girl wearing some nice stockings in a good pose

apparently it was Ace Ventura, either that or The Naked Gun


Attached: 1553825878307.jpg (800x2251, 391K)

>shitty taste
I mean, c'mon, the guy can like whatever he wants. Dobson is a shitty cartoonist, but I really don't get why criticism for the guy has to extend to his personal interests.

Attached: 1552800928100.png (720x1071, 199K)

It's not about his tastes, it's about the arguments he uses to defend them

His favorite 3DS game is Etrian Odyssey 4 which is pretty fucking weird.

Attached: 1520309245620.jpg (4260x6031, 3.04M)

Will Dobson ever write a good character?

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this comics wholesome

I actually like this one, reminds me of how I used to go get wendy’s after chemistry lab ended at 9:30 PM or how on monday’s I’d visit the local pizza buffet between classes.

Man the first two years of college were peak years, where the fuck did my enjoyment in the little things go

Holy fuck he's pretentious. It makes me fucking boil when people like him pretend to be saints Literally fucking evil.

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If Dob was so keen on Link's brown hair, why does he accept Link's pink hair from ALttP?

I will skullfuck this fat asshole's corpse.

Its not his personal interest when he makes a comic for money and attention based off them.

>the planet
Motherfucker, what do you think half of ALL LIVING CREATURES means.

Attached: _IMG002.jpg (1280x1831, 468K)


could dobson be based after all?

Attached: 1551578585976.jpg (700x719, 63K)

Water isn't a lubricant.

This is Vanilla as shit... which I appreciate but let me guess? It all goes downhill?

Okay but what is the original

based retard

That would've been fucking wild if he'd died too. Just watch him turn to dust with a contented smile on his face.

Boy befriends girl.
Girl lives in abusive home.
Girl likes Nazi stuff.
They become friends.
and then... the comic dies.

Attached: dobson.png (619x246, 22K)

The only good comic in this thread

Did anyone save from previous thread where anons did the rest of Yea Forums?

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I'm a guy who watches tranny porn all the time and I can tell you it's still fucking hilarious when Ace Ventura is crying, showering, and puking after finding out he kissed a tranny.

Attached: 19.jpg (1280x1820, 509K)

>I don't know shit about star trek, how mad should I be about the Klingons one?
Klingons are basically the Orcs of Trek. Simple, but funny warrior race who lend themselves to a lot of memes (e.g. Klingon dictionary). Feminists tend to hate them, I noticed (radfem Trek reviews harp on how "boring" they are) so it's par for the course for Dobson.

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Attached: index2.png (301x352, 100K)

About the FF panel
1: What fucking word does he not understand? apple?
2: Cloud is more likely to say something like "let's mosey." He's clearly hating something he never tried.

Wrong thread.

What the actual fuck

Attached: second-coming.jpg (800x5125, 593K)

>Imagine being at McDonalds

>Okay, Dobs, time to write our byline. It needs to be short and sweet, sum us up to the pay pigs that we want to commission plagiarisms from. It has to be welcoming without seeming desperate.


Attached: shill.png (827x419, 386K)

he uses his comics as soapboxes for his bad and misinformed opinions, it would be different if he just kept them to himself

I hate showing any kind of support for Dobson, but his art looks pretty appealing here for some reason.

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Is that Scott McCloud?

Shocking that he didn't list pronouns

>Still uses yahoo
The most offensive thing in there

what the actual fuck...

Attached: 6b6eaa2adaa3641930cb220a2c3367e8.jpg (966x1200, 121K)

It's the ironic appeal

>Facebook: BasedourACartoonist
Be professional for once in your life Dobson, ffs

That's a good point. I still think the Dobson bashing is getting a little bit out of control though. I guess on the other hand he probably doesn't see any of this, so maybe it's alright as long as things don't escalate too far.

>this is by the same artist that draws the unicorn comic

God fucking damnit. This reminds of that french animation with the /ss/ doll.

It doesnt mean anything, thats why its so pathetic. Dobson has nothing to do with anything, doubtfully has any gay friends, has no sense of understanding or diplomacy, and more importantly NO LGBT CLIENTS

he could just say all zeldas are overrated and he'd be right

>Post got hit with the onions filter

>mfw it's an user gets pranked by the filter episode

Attached: 1438030268712.png (1081x945, 1.11M)

>we shouldn't bash him, he might see and get his fee-fee's hurt
Fuck him and fuck you

>toothless drifter at a bus stop
dude's probably got loads of stories if he can remember em


Wash your fingers with lye for typing those dirty words.

Attached: tumblr_n9um39sIzi1slgb8uo1_400.jpg (400x314, 54K)

you know I thought it was going to be some gay shit where jesus tells everyone to be more tolerant of gay people, but that turned out kind of funny


Send request.

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Y'all have a point there as well. I hadn't seen these replies until after I finished writing my reply before this one, sorry. It probably would be a good idea for this guy to go into hiding or something at this point.

It was not brown in those two games.

>and it's more confusing when it's presented in a top to bottom fashion
As opposed to fucking what? The fuck is he even saying?

wtf is that???

how neo-nazis started a fight?

>/pol/ hates him because he's a libtard
>/fit/ hates him for the same reason Yea Forums does
>Yea Forums hates him because they hate everyone

>His profile was private so he had to send a friend request
He just wanted to DM him the video of him smashing the cuck's crush

Nothing is off-limits when it comes to the Son Of Dob because he is wrong about everything. EVERYTHING. If something were off-limits, it would mean he wasn't wrong about it, and that cannot be possible.

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That's a bit of an exaggeration. I just feel like Dobson is too fucking stupid to deal with this kind of stuff and he'll probably end up becoming a Chris Chan tier meme and having his life ruined.

Stop being sympathetic to fucking Dobson.
Dobson is so much of a shit that everything he has reaped was a result of the terrible sowing he did.
He refuses to change even when it's clear people are disgusted with him.

>Facebook: BasedourACartoonist

Attached: kek.jpg (480x480, 38K)

god loves fags


I'm shocked she's not way uglier than she is. I'm even more shocked that she's actually a she and not a tranny.

Attached: D0jfHuOXQAAbI8-[1].jpg (675x1200, 111K)

>Actually thinks a sterotypical indian is the same thing as black-face
I bet if someone told him Dopinder in Deadpool was racist and should be removed he'd sperg out

>his life ruined
it's hard to ruin a life that never existed in the first place

Post rare Dobs

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He used to be back when he pretended to be a girl on Deviantart



Isn't that the goal? He wants to put himself out there and have his garbage shown to everyone, he needs to take the backlash. If that means becoming Chris Chan 2: Comic-cuck boogaloo then so be it

huh yeah I'd have sex with her and call her a slut

Simpsons handled that pretty badly. Shit got even worse after the Michael Jackson episode ban.

sauce nigga

I can't tell if this is brilliant satire or just one sad tumblrina's ultimate wetdream.

Some people subconsciously love attention even if consciously they hate all the negativity.
I believe dobson is one of those people.
I mean if those types of people didn't exist we wouldn't have sites like kiwi farms.

Attached: Dobson_SmashFull.jpg (1304x6192, 1.38M)

>that time Dob picked a fight with the artist of Prequel

Attached: beTt8.png (1497x721, 116K)

>Anything that doesn't appeal to me is bad

Absolute state of DAfags

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Dobson is never right, Dobson has never been right in his life. The dude could say that humans need to breath to live and the universe will find something wrong with that statement.
The dude is the very definition of a fucking subhuman.

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>anything that requires effort is bad and I should be handed what I want immediately
I mean, that is how Dobson treats everything he does.

God that was satisfying, there were like three threads up on Yea Forums and Yea Forums laughing for hours.

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maybe dobson is /ourguy/ after all

I won't read that shit. I got pretty mad just by the fact that there weren't any special scenarios and tasks to unlock the characters and stages.
No wonder why action games are dying.


>Old school hardness was designed to take quarters
No that is arcade hardness
>Its not about skill, its about memorizing patterns and being able to react to them timed in sequence
You can say the same thing about most games, even super mario where you can see speedrunning is just about figuring out the right sequence of button presses
>I dont want to take the time to develop muscle memory so stop telling me to get gud
Basically all professional fps players rely on muslce memory and reactions
Maybe he should just get gud

What the fuck even is difficulty then?
Could dobson describe it without just naming one of his favorite games?

At first it was satisfying, but Kazerad is such a difficult to like guy once you get to know him, and this is less satisfying now.

>by the fact that there weren't any special scenarios and tasks to unlock the characters
But there are?

You guys complain about tumblr shit, but last week you were fapping to tumblr tier OC here.

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>I shouldn't have to spend time playing the game just to play the game
>Peach main

If I'm brutally honest, Dobson, in his own way, is way more entertaining than Prequel ever was.

all stages are unlocked from the get go, so that's a no on that
about the characters, let me rephrase that:
there wasn't much variety other than playing the game for a certain amount of time

Isn't peach one of the earliest unlocks?

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He colored all of the blonde links hair to be brown in a shitty attempt to be passive aggressive. For some reason though he doesnt really seem to mind LTTP's hair being pink.

Way too much discussion of video games for Yea Forums. Do it again but this time all of the speech bubbles except Harrison's are about feminists.

This was made by someone unironically expressing the opinion, not mocking it

What about unlocking them through the story mode?

I know he's done lots of bad shit, but I don't think he's irredeemable. I just hope he can improve.
I mean, he can be wrong about stuff as long as he keeps it to himself. I've been treating Dob as more of a person than an internet personality, it seems. The fact that he broadcasts fucking everything changes a lot. He really should get off of the internet before he gets demolished.

Start with 8, shes literaly the 12th you can unlock.
I've seen people get her within about 30 minutes

He means special requirements you have to check off that are unique to that characters.
The scenario for unlocking each character is the same, find them on the board or get lucky with the 10 minute randos.
Compare getting mewtwo in the newest smash to getting mewtwo in melee.

I exhaled quickly through my nose

Attached: Dobson_Interpretation.jpg (700x1697, 176K)

River zora's and sea zora's, they're distinctly different races.

>My art lacks any nuance and is absolutely brain-dead
>People don't like it or me
>they must not understand

Nope he was wrong too. I've read simpsons comics that weren't political

If this was meant to be a criticism of Captain Marvel, in that she only ever gets though situations with luck and brute force, then this is actually a pretty smart comic.
I'm sure he's just virtue signaling to feminists though.

>food analogy

>has had very little support for over a decade
>still tells himself the majority understands it
The best part about making fun of Dobson is knowing that he'll never change no matter how much the entire rest of the world laughs at him

that's pretty much going back to Brawl, and Brawl still had specific tasks as alternatives

Fool! You think The Son Of Dob is confined to a physical body? He left the mortal coil behind in 2009, and since then has existed wholly inside computers.

I still don't understand who's giving him money to shitpost all day.

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>people don't like being told they are wrong, and they react negatively to people correcting them
How far up his ass does he have to be to not realize the irony

>If there's one thing people don't like, it's being told they are wrong, and even if you're polite about it, they'll regard you negatively for trying to correct them
Physician, heal thyself

YouTube shadow deleted the whole series, so he got burnt out immediately, and is just now restarting

Some otome ln manga adaptation

Attached: 9.jpg (1420x2016, 1.35M)

>be Andrew Dobson
>see that someone has added you as a friend
>immediately send them an angry message demanding to know who they are and how dare they claim your acquaintance
>deign to remember who this peasant is, who has dared interrupt the ruminations of the great Tom Preston
>publish a blog so everyone can know exactly how much scorn you hold for this beggar who doesn't even know what inflation is

Attached: humble dob.png (899x743, 302K)

Attached: Dobson_Interpretation02.jpg (1220x2268, 586K)

Tremendously painful to imagine

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Oh wow, didn't expect a MacKay cartoon to end up here.
>I can't tell who this is making fun of.

What a stupid, conflated use of the word "tumblr." Tumblr porn blogs are entirely different than tumblr drama.

>12 years later and he still can't rub anything on his """"""bully"""""'s face

>Tumblr porn blogs

Of course he likes the "Hamilton (Before There Was Hamilton)" musical.

Tumblr porn art is fucking great when they don't uglify the characters.

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i also moved away from my hometown just so i never had to see anyone from school again. didnt even get bullied.

Yeah, RIP. But it was a shitty place to have a gallery anyways. And Twitter is somehow worse.

Some guy on Twitter talked about how he went to see Into the Spiderverse and only watched some black kids reaction to it and not the movie.

I wonder how many people use this reaction image without knowing where it came from.

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he's kinda rude

Attached: 1048.jpg (300x411, 29K)

Props to them for drawing very accurate unpleasant faces completely fitting of someone who can't just enjoy something. It's the sort of character I'd expect someone making fun of these people to draw as a strawman.

What's this guy on 9fag ages ago trying to cash in """""""relatable comics"""""""?
If that's the case, I'd say this is neither satire or legit, he's jush fishing for audience.
Not sure if that's better, tho

It's amazin how Dobson can only communicate using strawmen and dreamworks smirks

>artist didn’t include controller
Everything is bad about this picture

It's generally not porn artists who did that ugly big red nose shit.

Guess he did one good thing.

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why does he always draws himself with hair?

Only the internet has the heart to tell him the truth.

Wait are you fuckin kidding me?

>unironically portays how his belief that he is a good artist is caused by his own echo-chamber


Me. Only seen it here. Where'd it come from?

Maybe it's supposed to be in response to a preview of the game?

I thought the autist drew a block of ramen or something

Almost like 3/4ths of those people don't want to hurt his feelings.
Does any decent parent tell their kid that their drawings are shit? Of course not.

So to reiterate:
>Jonathan tries to rightfully claim is original characters from Theif Son of Dob to encourage him to make original work
>Goes to Son of Dob's movie line to make sure he's actually working on something, becuase God knows he ain't working in his comics
>Took Dobson's distracting love interest so that he can focus on improving his work
>Moved Dobson away from a toxic environment
>Checks on him years later to see the progress he has made, like a good friend
Is Jonathan based (and dare I say, redpilled)?

>Halo... are you banging my girlfriend?

No but they encourage them to get better and don't delude them that everything they do is already perfect, if an 8 year-old hands me a drawing ill tell him its great,
if a 15 year-old hands me a drawing, ill tell him its good but he should keep working for the future

So basically he just wants everything in a game handed to him with no effort while also telling him how awesome and great of a player he is? And for every game to reference his headcanon?

Why is he playing non-mobile games then? If all he wants is to see the endings with no effort you can just watch that on Youtube. And if he's having trouble unlocking Peach in Smash, while also playing in an easy difficulty, when the game gives you new character unlocks every fucking 10 minutes then I doubt he's any good with Peach anyway and would probably quit saying "it's too difficult".

>actually admitting you smell like piss

Attached: 17548843225617887237.jpg (801x1610, 968K)

Dobson looks about 8 in that picture, probably because his mom wouldn't be so nice to him about it now.

That’s some casual shit

>thanks to the internet's inability to decipher your inflections and tones
This is the dumbest autist meme that has been perpetuated for fucking decades. And I literally mean autist, because anyone who can't figure out how to convey tone without talking like a fucking Elcor has serious communication issues

But She-Ra was actually well received and liked. Rei is literally a mary sue. Captain Marvel probably would have been a lot better if they got an actress who didn't suffer from toe fungus and has a good personality.

Do conventions really have these buttons?

>16 patrons
>income hidden
Yeah his parents would probably give him shit for his comics yeah

i take it you haven't online dated a lot, because girls always hide behind the nebulous nature of text communication to get what they want. it's the oldest trick in the book of the modern era, which is why calling instead of texting is always such a power move.

What do you think will happen when dobson discovers that each link is meant to be a different person?

>Dobson is 2" taller than me

Start lifting and never go outside

He's really rude

Attached: 63435.png (960x540, 277K)

Every character has those little things you can do to unlock them as well though. Ganondorf for instance is unlocked if you finish classic a few times as Yoshi

This one actually made me smile. There's actually a joke for once

They seem convinient

I know entirely what you mean as i've had my own experiences with him

>I have 3 websites I need to get back up and running to house all my artwork. SYAC, Alex Ze Pirate, and Andy's Artworks. If I can reach $50 a month, I'll be able to afford to get them back online!
>71% complete
Is this guy really only getting $35 a month from 16 people, jesus christ.

the real joke is that dobson thinks anyone would talk to him without the red button

Cuz being bald is usually seen as a fairly shameful thing and Dobson struggles with being himself. He had the sack to actually draw himself relatively close to his actual appearance once but says that it's "too realistic", or somesuch. It's not uncommon at all for artists to draw themselves in a more ideal manner, but ones who are more willing to embrace their flaws or even exaggerate them tend to be happier people. A few good examples would be Ronnie, R. Crumb and the guys who used to do Hot Rods.

mouth is, you mouth breather

what's the point of going to a convention if you're not even going to talk to anyone?

Good lord he is pretentious

there's a golden rule ''never meet your idols in real life'' for a reason even if you don't idol them, just using this as an example

And better than the comics version

I’ve jacked off to this

wtf, is that middle panel loss?

He does have fans, user. There are more people in this world who love him than there are people who love you.

Attached: 1553100050559.png (271x271, 92K)

The Wedding Singer

Its how deviants actually think.
Any men being comrades at all must have been buggering each other.

>no one's talking to me because...
I'm surprised he hasn't been poisoned by his parents in a cheap life insurance scam yet

fuck's sake, the patreon for my youtube channel is making that much every month and i have 5 patrons, and i only opened the patreon 6 months ago

Dobson has been doing this comics thing how long now?

>Metroid, are you banging your girlfriend?

You probably would want to talk to people at some point of the convention, just maybe not right when you enter it.

Nigga he gets like 5-10 bucks per month on patreon, and I can imagine its someone on Yea Forums doing it ironically

>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe...are you banging my girlfriend?

Those are core medals you dingus

Hopefully I can get it done before this thread dies. If I don't post it in time, you'll see it in new threads

what a vanilla

If he wasn't such an unlikable asshole maybe he'd be quite successful

>16 people who love him
D-damn got me beat by about 3-4

I am 5'6 and never go outside. I did learn.

Maybe he should just say fuck it and draw more loli.

Attached: Octo_Heart.jpg (620x479, 230K)

A majority of paying minstrel show audiences were black people.

Attached: 1553626388901.png (559x575, 261K)

That looks hideous.

U gay

16 people who feel bad for him*

I think the problem is the colouring, but something is really fucking wrong with this pic

The details on Marina's hair are pretty good if I'm being quite honest

>Literally the worst EO game
There is 0 chance he beat the game. Probably gave up at third stratum.

if that's the quality of his patreon comics, i wouldn't pay for them either, holy shit

at least when i come out with a video, there's some level of quality behind it

Big if true but I’m doubting that
Black people couldn’t be an audience to any white man’s productions anyway

>oval tool
>gradient fill

congratulations now you know how to do the same details, be careful with that knowledge

Don't we approve worse shit on draw threads?

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More people like a manlet who shot up a mosque than Andrew Dobson as well as you

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yikes that latest comic

do people legitimately like captain marvel? shazam is poised to take a greasy dump all over her.

Is Dobson artist DSP

>at least when I come out with a video

>>>>>>>user uses patreon

Attached: D3B866AF-EDAE-41E9-AE22-6E5119D962A7.jpg (320x454, 35K)

Hey he draws a pretty good pearl
Though she's just a smidge to tall

Imagine being so autistic you have an “arch nemesis” in high school

>Black people couldn’t be an audience to any white man’s productions anyway
That's false

if you can get easy money with it, why not?

More people like Hitler than you A lot fucking more

For the most part the fans of the Captain Marvel movie are partly the "muh feminism" retards, and the rest are basically people who just enjoy watching movies without actually thinking about how the characters act or the plot too much

He doesn't afraid of anything

i do, but it hasn't gone anywhere. Any creator would be silly not to have a patreon where people can give you money monthly just for doing your thing.

I wish my channel and patreon were growing, but at the same time, my adhd and crippling back pain prevents me from actually getting work done very often.

How can Dob be so obsessed with lesbians yet so angry at straight men?

Attached: tumblr_inline_p4f0dfM1tn1r7r8ub_1280.jpg (464x1280, 191K)

It's different

Attached: 1539.jpg (840x700, 85K)

DSP is at least somewhat humble.

link me your channel so I can judge you

oh god. he's actually REGRESSED artistically.

Can you imagine unironically thinking of someone as your arch nemesis? From fucking school? Like I had grudges or drama with kids I considered "bullies" but then I realized that even going over the reasons I had that grudge just sounded embarrassing. I can't imagine being petty enough not only to hold that sort of stupid grudge through school, but also through the rest of my adult life. "He drew my cartoon characters and said he was going to get them published!" How does he not feel ashamed admitting he's still mad about something this stupid.

Man, those other Anons did NOT like you bringing that up. I think you struck some nerves.

Attached: 1553553930007.gif (225x300, 7K)

Because hating everything and everyone outside of himself is his main method of channeling the hatred he has for himself.

swing and a miss

Case in point!

Maybe he's playing the long con and his ridicule is how he's providing happiness.


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I actually like this one


Hot chick in a bikini that was still strong and capable that many women applauded
>muh pp feels wierd because I can never have that so I must call it sexist

That one got me to smile. It's not as bad as the others. Probably because he's not preaching.

Attached: 1551898933334.jpg (400x400, 15K)

I've been told that they're mostly for cosplayers and noteworthy people. Like most of the time you're probably having fun and open to socializing, but maybe you just want to spend some time chilling with your friends without being bothered by people wanting to take photos with you. So you throw a button on for an hour and chill.


The kids who thought they had an "arch-nemesis" and shit like that were the same kids who wore the same hoodie everyday and naruto-ran everywhere

If we’re both just gonna be spouting unsourced facts can we just say “niggers” and move on

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you know what's fucked? The author (tranny, naturally) actually got published and their shit sells in actual stores like walmart and shit. Meanwhile ol' Dobbo still can't get anyone to look at his shitty comics, and the tranny that made the comic about the MLK dog's right activist that fucks kids is a legit author, fuckin pottery.

Attached: danasimpsons.jpg (804x800, 138K)

Who did the top art?

This is the single (you) I get and I don't even understand it

It's a talent I have apparently.

I have a friend like that and the guy's a total faggot
But he plays the piano really well because he's talented at something unlike Dobson.

>>some people didn't like that
>literally so up his own ass he still doesn't think he was wrong
thank god i'm not dobson

What's fucked is that those unicorn comics are actually pretty darn wholesome. It's like if Jeffrey Dahmer and Mr. Rogers were the same person.

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Did you? Dumb faggot

Attached: 1482270106957.jpg (321x322, 18K)

You got past your first two years of college.

Of course he liked her

they banned that?

>You say that as though they weren't

I doubt he has even watched the movie