Your thoughts on Saints Row?
Your thoughts on Saints Row?
3 > 2 > 4
>1 was eh
>2 was fantastic
>3 was fun but less interesting to me than 2
>4 even less so than 3
>3 being better than 2
>not playing as a female
i shiggy diggy dooggy doo
Saints Row 2 Remastered When?
2 > all
Don't bother playing the others, including the first.
2 needs to be remastered
1 was okay but dated
2 is easily the best
3 was decent
4 shit
2>3>1>You can not argue this
>figured I'd play as a "female"
>their voice options changed every goddamn title
Fuck this. RAT's brit accent was garbage compared to Charles from 2 but at least I was able to keep the nationality intact for the male boss.
>believing in a superior opinion
Fun bullshit. I never liked how 4 made cars pretty much useless though.
4 is fucking amazing. Anyone who says otherwise is a bandwagoning faglord.
3 is more polished for sure but 2 is faster paced if a bit janky, has a more interesting world and is generally just more fun
>likes 4
Does your mom know your coming on here user?
This is an 18+ website
4 is terrible. They give you all kinds of retarded superpowers and make no attempt to balance any of it. 90% of the game was just gliding back and forth over the city and mashing the Q button to spam exploding cars at mobs of enemies. It might be the most braindead game I've played in recent memory. The joke plot stops being funny and gets old about 15 minutes into the game.
>gatekeeping maturity over a videogame
lmao kid
The game has been super imbalanced since the first one. At least four makes an attempt at adding enemy variety, as opposed to 2/3's "dude let's just swarm the player with endless waves of puny patrols in cars".
All I remember from 4 is swarms of endless waves of aliens on foot.
Saints Row 2 was good. And what made it funny was how your character, and everyone else around you acted like a hardass. While your character looked like a band member form the Village People. I don't think the developers understood that, because 3 wasn't that. And customization got downgraded. I picked up 4 when it was on sale, and as soon as I got "superpowers" and weren't able to turn them off, I uninstalled the game. 4 is complete and utter dogshit. Agents of Mayhem is on sale, but I don't want that fucking Overwatch bullet sponge shit. Fuck them. I hope there's a reboot, with a hardcore story, realistic gameplay and a fuckton of customization.
I only played 3 and 4. Liked 3 a lot, it was in a middle ground between dumb shit and seriousness, they went full retard with 4. I still liked it but not as much as the 3rd
Well, you're wrong. It has a shit ton of enemy varities. More than any other SR games. For instance, there are your basic footsoldier aliens, then the ones with shield, the ones with pseudo super powers, the large ones you have to freeze, the ones that look like colossi from Starcraft 2, orbs that spawn more enemies, those tiny bots that make enemies invulnerable until you kill them, sniper aliens, alien ships/aircrafts, and the list goes on. And that's just the alien enemies.
I'm willing to bet most people who trash talk SR4 straight up haven't played the game, or played an hour or two of it and just dropped it.
Just stick with GTA
Back in 2, when I played as a woman, I always put her in a thong and it got my teenage hormones going and I had to go and wank.
10/10 GOTY
>I’m the only one who likes 4 so therefore it is good
Being a contrarian doesn’t make you interesting user
>tfw always ended up making my character look like Domino from X-Men
I remember being disappointed that 4 still took place in Steelport and that cars were basically irrelevant, but I still enjoyed it
3 is the best though
Most people around here either haven't played the game or just dropped it 10% through.
2 deserves a proper remake and it's a shame it never happen
That's because the game is shit. Go play Spiderman or Anthem or whatever shit if you want aliens and superpowers.
>no spinner rims from 3 on
Never played 1
3 was absolute trash that acted like it wasn't, 4 was trash but the devs knew it.
they nailed it with 2 and should reboot the series with a game similar to 1-2
3 looked terrible from the start so I never played it however I tried 4 at a friends house and it just seems like during development they were like
"Hey that sounds epic and cuhrazy lets put that in, if we go so far over the top it doesnt matter about gameplay because the lolz right?"
Saints Row IV might as well of been crackdown 3, it felt near identical to crackdown 2
>most people dropped it 10% through
Because it’s shit
I played it through to the end and I don't remember what any of the enemies look like because I beat the game by throwing cars at everyone and exploding everything. If there was any variety to the enemies, none of it mattered.
its thing should've campy semi-serious stories
but they went to far, and thought randomness was funny
>sameface waifu char that looks like every other waifu
2's creator had way more diversity.
Typical Yea Forums.
You could say the same about 2 and 3.
>I blew everything up with my rocket launcher/grenade launcher/minigun, I could barely see my enemies lmao
People using this argument to shit on 4 are hilarious. That's the number one red flag for people bandwagoning on the Yea Forums "I've never played it but it's shit" train.
Hmm yes user I wonder why people don’t drop games like GoW, sekiro, DMCV, ocarina of time, Skyrim, Mario 64, rdr2, hollow knight and dark souls after playing 10%
Oh I know maybe because those games aren’t complete shit?? Unlike sr 4 which is complete shit from the beginning, and btw I played all the way through (although I wish I hadn’t)
1 is unplayable. 2 is only slightly better play wise but is a great story with good humor.
3 and 4 are spoofs, like Airplane and Naked Gun. 3 is a spoof of GTA and 4 of everything sci-fi.
I'm gonna take the unpopular stance that 1 had better combat than 2.
2>>>>>everything else
Saints Row 3 and especially IV onward are the embodiment of cringy randumb internet culture. The only people who enjoy those games are people with the worst sense of humor possible.
1 was good
2 was great
3 was the start of the fall
4 was a meme made manifest
I did enjoy Agents of Mayhem though
What an idiotic post, that's the same as as saying the only people that can enjoy san andreas are ghetto gangster rap fans because of the themes
No, because San Andreas had much more to offer than just its setting and writing, such as actually fun gameplay, innovative open world design, a competent story, top tier voice acting, funny/entertaining writing, an amazing open world, great missions, great radio stations etc etc.
SR4 completely leans into mediocre super powers and its terrible writing to make the game, and as a result, the game itself is not good.
I disagree, 1 and 2 both had low brow humor yet they were still funny yet 3 and 4 just threw in a bunch of immature poo poo, pee pee, and sex jokes and thought it was funny like “hahah hey guys what if we put a dildo bat in the game isn’t that HILARIOUS”
1: lets make a gta style free roam game with a humorous tone where you play as a gang taking over a city
2:let’s do the same thing that made the first one good and improve upon it as well as add more fun things to do and make it more over the top with even better funny dialogue
3: oh people like how over the top 2 was? Well let’s make it insanely over the top and add a bunch of insane ridiculous shit because that’s what people want right? Ahaha oh and make make the humor way more crass and childish, and let’s make them celebrities instead of a street gang so we can make the story even more fucking ridiculous
Needless to say, 2>1>>>>>>>>>>>>
I really doubt you played it all the way through, but if you did, what didn't you like about the game?
Your correct and he's wrong but stop typing like a faggot
saints row writing has always been whack as shit lmao have you played 1, 2 and 3?
1 and 2 also had a ton of immature jokes
Yes but 3 and 4 took it way too far and the game lost any semblance of seriousness
> trying to compare SR1/SR2 writing to SR3/SR4 writing
yeah, you didn't play the games.
i played all games
i 100%'d 2 at least once, played through it four or five times
same with 3
and im currently 100%ing sr4, im liek 98% through
i agree but who the fuck plays sr for the story? do you actually think 1 and 2 had good writing?
>saints row writing has always been shit
A street gang trying to rise to power in a city controlled by rival gang factions
The gang loses all the power they had and now they have to come back up from nothing
Now they are celebrities for some fucking reason and pretty much show no sign of even being a gang anymore
Now for some fucking dumbass reason you aren’t the president of the United States fighting aliens
Saints row has never taken itself seriously but the games story gets shittier and shittier after 2, and the humor also gets less funny and it just feels like the devs were trying to push the envelope on how absurd they could make the game and just ended up making something that was absolute shit
Woah now I never said saints row writing was good, but at least the world felt somewhat realistic rather than just being some outlandish cartoon like world, not to mention the game gets significantly less funny in 3 and 4
Clown shit take itself too serious at times. Also just shit.
4 is better than 3 retards
Its definitely still a wacky-ass game, but the humor is a smidge less cringey, and there's a lot more fun moments.
Especially in the squad rescue missions.
Gets the blood flowing
you cant make a game about gang wars forever, look at gta, even it had to move on eventually
also in sr3 you still had gang wars so idk what the first poster is smoking
I don’t really care, in my opinion 3 and 4 are super similar and I don’t really care that much which is better or worse because they are both garbage
The “gang war” in 3 can barely even be called that, I mean ffs how are they even a gang at that point when they are famous beyond belief and one of the gangs has a bunch of fucking neon cars and techno shit
The only GTA that isn't about gang wars off the top of my head is 5
>gang wars
No, lol. Hopefully the reboot will have actual gang wars, and cartel style executions.
I agree. SR4 had, believe it or not, better dialogue, and also was more fun in general. I had a few issues with it like how it made cars obsolete, but other than that, it's a pretty solid game. Even if it were a horrible Saints Row game, in itself it's still a very fun game.
Gangs being divided thematically instead of geographically has always been a thing in SR. SR2 had the guys with the tattoos and the monster trucks, and then the samurai japanese guys, then the obvious african stereotype guys, etc.
gta 4 is barely about gang wars, its more about mafia or whatever
that's why they go to a city where they aren't famous, and then all their bank accounts get hacked
>I hope there's a reboot, with a hardcore story, realistic gameplay and a fuckton of customization.
I don't think you understand what Saint's Row is about...
When mafia families go to war, it's still considered gang wars, user.
I barely remember any mafia stuff in 4. Also
>not a gang
>mafia being the same as gangs formed by street thughs
Does being a hitman count as being in a gang?
wish they didn't go full retard with aliens and shit, 3 was a good balance of wacky and "realistic"
>goal posts being moved by anonymous poster
Depends if the hitman is a member.
want sr 5 damnit. agents of mayhem doesn't fuckin count
A gang is just an organized group of criminals, loosely organized like a Crip set or rigidly organized like a CN family, it's still a gang.
> Does being a hitman count as being in a gang?
It counts as being affiliated with one, and since you're doing things for them, you're participating in gang warfare.
Honestly I kinda wish they didn't do the alien shit in 4. Keep the MC as President of the US but have the plot be about gangs in Washington DC that want the MC dead so the MC goes around DC killing off the gangs. I wanted to drive around the US capitol and kicking the asses of rival gangs.
heh, too easy
Yeah because the bloods, crips and ms-13 are totally the same and the gambino and Lucchese mafia families
Get real user
even crackdown 1 is better than SR4.
The CEO of EA and the manager of your local GameStop are hardly the same but they're both businessmen.
They're all gangs, yes. They're obviously not the same, but they are all gangs. This isn't that hard to understand.
they coulda even went international gangs, like a bigger threat than the syndicate who controls countries from the shadows. the whole matrix alien bullshit sucked. the whole superpowers thing made fucking driving irrelevant and I fucking hated the whole purplish hue on everything
no it isnt wtf are you smoking
and i guess medics and veterinarians are the same since they're both doctors?
Wanna know how I can tell that you started with Saints Row 3?
Had potential to dethrone GTA after Saints Row 2. Squandered it with 3 and insulted the series' with 4. Agents of Mayhem is basically pissing on the franchise's name. Disappointing legacy.
> literally proves himself wrong with his own post
Jesus christ. I'm sorry user but you're just a brainlet if you can't understand both Mafia families and street gangs are all considered gangs.
>can't delete reward vehicles from your garage
>can't replay story missions
>$10 online pass to play co-op
they're still gangs user. a war between the cartels mafia yakuza and the triads is still considered a gang war even if they're technically not called a gang
didn't really like how psychotic the boss was in 2
Can we hurry this up? I wanna go to Freckle Bitch's!
go cry about it at resetera
>guess medics and veterinarians are the same since they're both doctors?
they are you stupid brainlet
but thats wrong tho
Get up.
>Implying Shoji and Jessica didn't deserve worse.
Yes. They are exactly the same. All gangs are the same. All businesses are the same. All cars are the same. All foods are the same. All countries are the same.
Everything is exactly like everything else.
an organized group of criminals.
"a gang of bank robbers"
a 'gang' can also be used to describe a group of friends so i guess me and my buddies are a gang (therefore, a mafia)
>A gang is a group of associates, friends or members of a family with a defined leadership and internal organization that identifies with or claims control over territory in a community and engages, either individually or collectively, in illegal, and possibly violent, behavior.
What the fuck is that aspect ratio?
if youre ital
SR1 was a by-the-books gangster game, from what I understand it was mediocre through and through. Only game I didn't play/finish.
SR 2 was alright over-the-top GTA-like game, but honestly GTA:SA did everything SR2 did but better. Better story, better characters, better exaggerated realism. 100% completed it, overall an alright game, but nothing special.
SR3 was Volition realizing Saint's Row had no identity so they decided to revamp it into a "GTA but Fuck Story, Better Gameplay instead." Where else can you dive out of a plane, then dive back in to save your gang member and dive back out again, all while shooting gangsters like they were those duck games from the carnivals? Much better than SR2 in my opinion, but Reputation Requirements to play missions was boring as fuck.
SR4 was Saint's Row doing a send-off on all of it's previous games. Finally the story was less about villains that could never be taken seriously, and more about hanging out with your gang members. One of the best missions was meeting your SR1 character in a simulation and the SR4 character reminiscing on how much of a coward and pushover he used to be. Gameplay was the best of the series, since the entire series was about being an OP Badass giving your character super powers made sense, it was basically what Crackdown wanted to be, too bad the map was still Steelwater but definitely the best game of the series.
Overall the series was about besting the last game's Craziness and Awesome factor, and Saint's Row was better when it was admitting that all it wanted to be was a fun game where you can just fuck around, not a GTA clone like the first two. A lot of the fans didn't understand that, and thought that the series should just be "GTA, but Wacky", I get it though, each game of the series is totally different from the last and most fans just want more of the same without any change.
If you're committing crimes, sure, you're a gang. At this point you're either very autistic or actually trolling, which is basically the same thing anyways.
if you're a bunch of guidos and go to war with the mafia then yes you'd be called mafia, if you're Mexicans then cartel members etc. how can you be such a brainlet?
Those game are all complete shit though
I pulled it off of GIS. Sue me.
>Much better than SR2
do you like the taste of shit in your mouth?
He also uses the term "gta-clone" past 2009, so yes, he is a brainlet.
No he likes 72 weeks of DLC
This, I really hope they're working on one.
I even gave aom a chance but it was just so repetitive and soulless
>A street gang trying to rise to power in a city controlled by rival gang factions
That wasn't really the initial goal. The reason why the Saints existed in the first place was to get rid of the other gangs. The reason why Saints Row 2 even took place was because the leader tried to kill you, delusionally thought everyone would suddenly stop and go back to living normal lives.
Saints Row 3 honestly should've been more focused on tying the up the loose ends regarding Troy and Dex. The shitty writing ended up being how badly their fates were contrived.
The worst thing about Saints Row 3/4 is all of the faggots it brought over.
>manager of gamestop
What are you smoking user
The alien plot was dumb as fuck but somehow it felt less retarded than 3. At least they brought back Gat and some of the characters from 2.
I do think superpowers invalidated a majority of the content in the game, however.
Bro, the game sucks (not the guy you where talking to so ya know), the super powers are over powered as shit allowing you to lift cars and bulldoze enemies, and any time you're hurt you just need to super jump away to a building to heal up and jump back into the fight, which I abused regularly due to how easy it is, the super speed makes cars completly worthless due to your super speed surpassing every car and having better handeling as well, the story was crap as fuck Johnny being abducted in the third game because the aliens perceived him as a threat to there later invasion is the most retarded shit I have ever seen ever in a video game and makes the third games plot seem like it was all for no reason at all, SPEAKING OF WHICH the the third games plot was waaay better, yes it went more on the silly side but it could be serious this game not only jumped the shark but it's whole extended family. the game all around was lame, and I found my self going back to the third game because it had some semblance of challenge over the 4th one also that damn filter was gross as shit and constantly made me sick. Matt joining the Saints as an ally was something I enjoyed, but any points for that went out the window for Olleg and JOSH FUCKING BIRK fucking dieing, such bullshit.
2 is a very good game that balances wacky nonsense and seriousness fairly well. Everything past that... at least 4 acknowledged the ways that the series diverged over the years and tried to pay some homage to that in a little send-off. That's more than more franchises that suffer from this kind of tone shift ever do.
Plus you get to fuck the hacker couple.
Agreed. 3 was wacky for wacky sake, with shit like zombies just suddenly popping up. The game's plot is a total mess. At least 4 actually set up all of its wacky shit, and contextualizes it well. 4 is also just a really fun superhero game.
2 > 4 > 1 > 3
Literally verysbare not
Doctors actually have to earn a M.D which makes you a doctor by definition
Ok but has anyone played Agents of Mayhem and if so, is it worth it for a fan of the Saints series
2 captures the same feeling as san andreas and that's good
i can barely remember what happened in 3 and 4 other than whacky hijinx
The series ended when THQ went down the shitter.
the player was always universally overpowered as shit in sr, at least in sr4 it evens the playing ground a bit (or at least it tries) by adding a shit ton of new very aggressive enemies. superpowers are like weapons that dont need ammo but have a cooldown or whatever, and they dont get overpowered until your weapons become overpowered anyway (heck the very first weapon you get in the game, the heavy pistol, kills pretty much everything in one headshot, and everything else you just get the 10k upgrade for explosive rounds and you're set for most of the game)
>you can just jump away from combat
no you cant since enemies will actively chase you with the glowing red orb and the hoverbikes/saucers
I couldnt do more than 3 hours of it (I've played every other SR game prior). Utter shit.
The casual genocide of humanity as if it was no worse than losing an old buddy pissed me off and turned me off the whole series. Saints Row III was the peak.
I appreciate you, user. I used to think 2 was better but after playing recently I prefer 3. I do think 2 has a better story, but saints row is about more than that.
2 is fun and janky, but IMO the scenarios are all the same drive here shoot this car we see in every other gang sandbox.
3 you are jumping out of airplanes and back into them, taking down mobile airfortress, going into the game grid, fighting your arch nemesis in the ring, and hanging out with Burt Reynolds. If I wanted to steal cars drive them around and shoot things i can do that outside of missions, why have the missions be the same thing?
My only real complaint is killing Johnny Gatt at the start of the game. He deserved way better. Should have taken a hundred guys with him in a shoot out at a more climactic part of the game.
3 went over the top which is what made it so fucking grand to play in the first place. 1 was so-so, but 2 was really good. But it needed to get out there and be a bit more known cause GTA is a long shadow so they were more over-the-top silly like an '80s action movie. It worked.
3 was fun, 4 seemed pretty disappointing in comparison. Dunno, the franchise is probably dead anyway.
They knew no one played the first game, they never even mention that in the 2nd you just wake up in the prison.
3 went over the top in the sense that it jumped the shark, sure
Bro, it sucks, a head shot requires you to at least hit the head for an instant kill where as lifting a car with mind powers and sweeping it across enemies is insanly easier than a headshot, and jumping to heal up is indeed something you can do, which I did and even when they chased me I jumped to another roof top and another and another, back and forth from one to the next, and they didn't kill me, why? Because I was over powered as shit.The.Game.Is.Unbalanced, but you know what I did like, I liked the very beginning of the Enter the Dominatrix dlc, the part where you couldn't do any of that retarded shit, the part that requires me to use AT LEAST half a braincell to play.
>saying a retail store manager is equivalent to the ceo of a billion dollar company
Honestly didn't even think of it that way, even considering that I didn't play the first one either. That would explain why the Julius mission at the church was a secret. I remember on my first playthrough the game ended for me after killing Dane Vogel, and I didn't even know that mission was in the game until I read the lore online years later.
lifting a car isnt free, the power has a cooldown and you wont always be able to use cars since sometimes enemies will spawn with the orb or inside a building, you're literally better off just buying the rocket launcher asap and upgrading it, which is better than the vast majority of powers up until mid-late game
you dont know what you're talking about senpai
Ultimately SR2 was running in a race GTA had already won.
SR3 was flawed but it tried something no game has ever done properly, and that's commendable.
Only SR1 and SR2 could be considered GTA-Clones, because of course they are.
SR3 and SR4 can't really be compared with anything already done in the sandbox genre.
Britishman with long wavy womanly hair, a square jaw and thick eyebrows will always be the Boss in my heart.
4 doesn't get included because 4 is pure söy.
While you are correct in that I can't use the run away tactic inside buildings (as effectivly) as out doors, it still does not change the fact that when out doors it is exploitable, and that cool down, well I mean it's a cool down, run away and wait, and tada it comes back. So apparently you're saying that I could have just bought a rocket launcher and just used that instead of the power ups until late game, basically meaning the power ups are worthless until late game seems a little unbalanced that a rocket launcher beats all these powers for so long into the game .
im saying theres nothing you can do with super powers you cant do with weapons up until maybe late game. this game has more overpowered weapons than in any other sr games, ESPECIALLY with DLC weapons that just instantly melt everything away. other than jumping and sprinting, most powers require some finesse until you fully upgrade them and just spam them away, but then again thats how weapons work too. auto shotty absolutely rapes everything at close range, smgs have high as shit dps, heavy pistols for headshotting, and then you start getting overpowered/gimmick weapons like the black hole gun which is better than most powers by itself
Well, okay? I mean, so we agree that the games unbalanced then? Man we where originally talking and discussing why I thought the game as a whole was shit, the story, the driving, the powers, but now you're locked onto just talking about the powers, if you want to defend you're game there's more to it than just this one part, if where to have a debate on this you need to go through each of my points and refute them, because right now it seems you're avoiding my other points because you feel that powers is the only leg you think you have stand on in this argument, if you like the game that's cool, but so far you havn't convinced me that this game isn't shit.
Shut the fuck up faggot “fun” is just a Shitty buzzword that faggots like you use to try to justify being contrarian and liking shitty games
i dont have to address your whole post, just the points i feel like disagreeing with
and i already did address the other points, read the thread
1 is kino but not expansive enough
2 is well.. Sorry to say kino again but its true. Its the best one. Best story. Best map. Best music, the mix is one of the best radio stations i have ever heard.
3 is generic but good
4 is better
Goh can suck shit
I don't like any of the VAs in Saints Row 2
> i dont have to address your whole post, just the points i feel like disagreeing with
WELL FUCK ME, why am I even talking to you then? You can't just choose to ignore my other critisisms, this is about the game as a whole. Literally moving the goal post here.
> i already did address the other points, read the thread.
I kinda have been, and you directly contradict your self here, saying you have addresed them, yet you say you're picking and choosing what to address.YOU NEED TO DEFEND YOUR ARGUMENT.
Go fuck yourself you stupid fucking nigger saints row 4 is the best of the series and one of the best games of all time, fuck You you stupid fucking bandwagoning homosexual nigger, I hope you fucking die in a fire it wasn’t worth talking to you faggot stupid nigger kill yourself
thats not what 'moving the goalposts' here, and everything else is pretty standard (writing, dialogue, gameplay). the only glaring difference between sr3 and sr4 are the super powers and the overall tone, everything else is mostly the same (literally, as they reused most other things)
but honestly you type like a fucking sperg so im not gonna bother arguing, enjoy having shit taste
>says other guy has shit taste
>uniroically likes sr4
I liked 4. Hated the others for being gta clones
They're taking forever to release the 5th game
I want to FUCK Shaundi
fuck off retards
Who doesnt
Especially sr2 shandi
1 and 2 were based, 3 was garbage and 4 was decent and they tried their best with what they had
>he thinks there will be a 5th game
its the best biomega game never made
Peaked at the second one and then started phoning it in.
2 has the best story. 3 has the best gameplay. 4 is trash.
3 was the most over all fun I had in a game. Story was so dumb it was good. a few good laughs too
It's debatable, one is a better open world game and one has a better story.
Playing as a female in Saints Row makes sense since the boss is canonically a sociopath.
2 had the best radio
The only thing that 3 does better than 2 is the game runs better.
5 entries, 1 good game.
Shit series.
I imagine if they made a fifth one, the saints would have their own cryptocurrency, bitchcoin. Maybe it's better that they aren't making SR5
>$10 online pass to play co-op
>I liked 4.
Go drink some bleach.
So, both are 2?
Agreed. 3 does have the best moment on the radio.
>1 was good
>2 was kino
>3 was fun but sacrificed drama and good music
>4 was fun but got pretty stale, especially since your superpowers made vehicles useless
>never played GooH
It also had barebones content for a sandbox that wanted to be crazy and shit, compared to 2.
It also had side-missions as main ones and the main story was already pretty short.
That might be interesting to hear in game, kind of fell flat just listening to it on youtube. Of course it's on a station that was basically pure shit with one good song.
Play 1 and savor 2, dont bother playing anything past it
2 is easily the best if only for the reason that a friend and I used to take the junker helicopters and ram each into each other. It just wasn't the same in either 3 or 4.
hope you like hepatits!
That was Agents Of Mayhem.
>never played GooH
Same exact shit exact you get very limited flight ability in addition to just gliding
Ya know, they can just soft reboot the game by making it so that everything between the end of 1 and 4 was just the coma dream of the boss after they got blown the fuck up
>Driving around in shit-tank spraying everything while bitchin' 80s pop music plays on the radio never again after second game
>SR2 HD remake never ever
Why even live
I just want a port that doesn't run like dogshit
And now jewtube cut out half of the 107.77 songs because the copyright jews don't want me to have a good time. This makes me angry.
>ywn have rough BDSM sex with Kinzie
When are they gonna port 1 to the PC?
that was hilarious
Heh. Plus, it's fun as shit. Nothing more fun than making a qt, dressing her up in a super heroine outfit and going around punching aliens to death with the strength upgrades. Wanted to do that in SR3 but thematically it didn't make sense. Now it does.
>butt physics
>bewb physics
>clothing physics
Wonder if these would be present in SR5, if it ever came out.
2 > 4 > shit > 1 > diarrhea >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> genital mutilation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3
If you thought the previous games dropped the ball on the continued story line, GooH completely shits on it in its Dex resolution
Wait, what? I thought volition was done for after Agents of Mayhem.
That's bullshit. The second game is littered with references to the first.
Need more Kinzie porn
Nah, thq nordic said volition is working on a new saints row game while also specifying they will never work on AoM again, which I thought was pretty harsh. Although I don't think they mentioned it was a reboot.
imagine finishing a game series with a heartfelt definitive ending, but your other games sell so poorly that you are forbidden from making anything other than saints row ever again,
Just like Borderlands 2, Saint Row 3 & 4 feel like 2010 youtube/humour with all the lol random shit
It's wasted potential desu, Saints Row is a pretty nice concept but they just went full retard. I think it's mainly because open world game/GTA like where most of the content is inane side activities gets really jarring after a while
Franchise's too big to not have a sequel, not to mention Volition is done if they don't do anything else but SR5 at this point
they could do a proper red faction sequel
SR1 is like the Demon's Souls of the SR series except shit, it's greatest value are the weird design decisions that never made it to later games. I remember you could call someone to drive you somewhere, but you couldn't put a waypoint on the map or anything, you just had to tell them which way to turn at every intersection.
Is out there a game with a more accurate boobs jiggle phisycs than SR 3 & 4?
I played a bit of 3 but I don't remember anything really aside of the mission where I got wrecked, it was some kind of theme park.