PC or PS4?

PC or PS4?

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>playing an FPS on a controller

Attached: I seriously hope ye do not do this.jpg (840x623, 141K)

PS4 for soul
PC for soulless + hackers

How is that even a question?

>le pc has more hackers meme

Since PC will be EGS exclusive


xbox one
pc is for virgins and ps4 is for fags

You mean PC or Xbox?

Xbox One X. Is it still going to be worth playing if you have no friends and plan on playing online matchmaking? Should I just play Borderlands Solo? Hackers might ruin pc

Imagine playing a console FPS on anything but the Xbox controller, as if analog stick aiming wasn't horrible enough


I'm not retarded enough to want to play this garbage, so neither.

>being so bad at shooters that your input device of choice affects your skill this much


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>he needs auto-aim

No Switch ver. No buy.

Xbox one X for the best graphics and performance.

Imagine playing it with a controller.

Attached: controller.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

>Lol u plebs actually use your arms to aim? get some skill you fucking pleb

The trash.

this but unironically
if you need the handicap of a keyboard and mouse by all means help yourself, real gamers will use controllers because we can

Anthony and I have been trying to work on a transgender character in the game, I was inspired by a transgender programmer who worked on Borderlands 2 and she taught me a lot. It's really difficult if you're somebody whose genitals match their orientation and self image if you happen to be one of those it's difficult to intuit the reality that there's different things that affect each of those vectors, right? There's a lot of diversity just in the biology of how our genitals might have ended up, and there's a lot of diversity in what we might be attracted to and that's, those are completely different vectors, and then the third one is the vector of how we see ourselves. I used to be kind of a bigot against men who got fake breasts, I thought there must be something wrong with them and that's, and there's a weakness there, I was actually kind of, not, kind of intolerant about that. She made me understand that it's common knowledge for human beings to see themselves differently than they're actually built, and that the way our brains are wired is not always is not exactly in pairity with the way our, our uhm, in all the things like the way our bodies form uhm, might you know end up. And if That's the case how fortunate it is if we can do something about that with science. How fortunate it is that the modern medicine can help, uhm, uh, to some degree and if we're fortunate as a species we'll get even better at that. And that was a really kind of awesome kind of discovery for me, that she helped me figured out. And I thought man, we really need to cover that in some way. And get that out there, so I've been trying to encourage us to get us a transgender playable character, uhm, and I think we will certainly at some point
-Randy Pitchford

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ps4 because i like to save my money for other things that arent a gaming pc
not really into fps outside of borderlands and not a graphicsfag, plus i like sony and nintendo exclusives. i have a shit low-tier pc and im happy with it.
also, my first run of bl2 was splitscreen on x360 with my best friend. it was pretty kino

>buying any multiplat on a console

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What fucking world am I living in, where Yea Forums doesn't play PC? Is my dick on fire?! Is the end really nigh?

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This place has been zoomer normalfag underage central for the past couple of years now, it’s a lost cause.

>worried about hackers in a non pop game

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>Being so bad at shooters that even being able to aim quickly and precisely can't help you

Xbone. Played Borderlands 1 and 2 on 360, may as well get 3 on Xbone since Borderlands 1 and 2 are also backwards compatible

you're ina thread for borderlands.

the lootershooter has always been the "turn your brain off" failed normalfag over socialized manchild genre.

Buy it on whatever platform your friends are buying it on.

>implying hacked guns arent the best part of a borderlands game

>everyone says coop is great on BL games
>try it once
>just doing the story with others
I prefer matchmaking style coop, not a fan of this just hop in type shit. Still a fun series though.

Epic Store

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> epic launcher or censorstation

That's a hard one...

as someone who actually shoots real guns in real life regularly, i literally laugh out loud when i read comments like these
trigger will always be more engaging to me while playing FPS because real guns have triggers
anyone and everyone can point and click and theres no feedback and theres nothing special or skilled about it
i had the same amazing k/d in battlefield at at 10-13 years old on PC as i do now on xbox
vibration and triggers are superior
i have my elite controllers dead zone at the same exact spot as my rifle
a mouse and keyboard will never compare
clicking is not engaging, its easy, dont get it twisted
PC is better in literally every way except this

PC because 4K Gortys

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>i actually didnt know you cant turn this off forever with a click of a few buttons

better then ps4
not better performance then pc
>point and click

based and feedbackpilled

>just have auto aim off bro

Attached: console shooter 8.webm (900x506, 1.58M)

>Hacked weapons and characters machine.
>Underpowered nipstation

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>posts webm of someone who sucks
Im not even sure what you're trying to prove

>People defend this

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>Le no switch may may. XD

>needing to ask
You buy for the system your friends are going to play on for this sort of game, every other choice is wrong.

this is just a noob
and whats your point? you could have pointed and clicked at him much easier, but then you would be a loser
i can ace on both, but controller actually takes some skill to get it done

because a trigger on a controller and a trigger on a gun feel anything alike.

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You mean pc or Xbox one x.

There is this guy on youtube called manoflowmoralfiber or something and his aim with controler is propably better than some peoples mouse skills.

>this actually has never happened on the same exact casual game on PC
try harder

wow how insightful
here's another HOT take for you: the trigger on a controller feels more like a trigger on a gun than a click on a mouse feels like a trigger on a gun
>more people just sucking
maybe attach some words to your "argument"

not even going to go look before I say no

If it's available on steam: PC
If not: pirate

There's no possible competition. He may be godlike with a controller but anyone with a comparable skillset for the rest of the game would annihilate him with a mouse.

any sort of trigger with any sort of feedback and resistance and the same exact pull distance before a shot fired simulates an FPS more than moving a mouse and pressing down with your finger
and being good at an FPS on a console DOES take more skill and IS more impressive
these are objective facts

This. I wanna fuck Gortys

Just a few more months until us PC bros get to precisely snipe idiots out of the sky in Halo 3 Big Team Battle

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>playing the censored version

Post the overwatch one where he just strafes around the turret

>professional console player even sucks without aim assist

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>owning an xbone

Look at them. Look at them and laugh

yeah some "professional"

>haha its just as easy as clicking heads
how come console tards think its so easy yet can never accomplish it themselves

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i have everything so that automatically makes me have more of a valid opinion then you will ever have
there are millions of console players playing millions of games millions of times a day
im sure you could find hundreds of more situations like this on PC too
this is a part of gaming, you have done this before plenty of times
but yeah that guy has terrible aim, he should have been aiming before he came around the corner

because you can't point and click with a controller dumbfuck

this just makes it exactly like a PC game and nothing at all resembles a "tactical shooter"
siege is fun on both but PC siege is 100% different experience and neither are better because of how different they end up being you cant really compare them

So is the cover just that mask art?

Good thing for cherry picking, right?!

>being so butthurt about consoles you have cherrypicked webms labelled and ready to go
Absolute fucking state of the "master race"

you literally cannot point and click and on a controller what are you saying?
the motor function of moving your hand and getting a visual response will always be easier and also faster to do consistently

>I like vibrating didlos in my ass because real men have dicks

Look at your dumb nigger ass and laugh, today this dude was a faggot.

>FPS games
Top tier brainlet

there's no left or right mouse button on a controller

Why on earth would I ever play the PS4 version if I had a competent PC?

the difference is every single siege game on PC resembles this video
not every game resembles the aiming here

>and being good at an FPS on a console DOES take more skill
No? It's just a different skill. Being good at building houses by hammering in nails with your foot instead of a hammer doesn't mean you build a better house.

>and IS more impressive
Completely subjective, and I mentioned in another post that a person can certainly be good with a controller and that is impressive. I wouldn't say it's more impressive but that's my opinion.

Xbox One X, I want to play with my friends.

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>one retarded zoomer compares a game to shooting a real gun
not only is this faggot lying, he's delusional
I bet your parents wished you were a blowjob instead

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>Seething snoyfag

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>this much denial
>kids cant point and click faster then they can use sticks and triggers on a controller
>actual state of PC players that cant afford consoles too
its more impressive because its objectively harder to do then point and click
if you think things that are easier and more impressive then things that are harder to accomplish then thats YOUR opinion not the worlds opinion

I'd argue that PC aim makes Rainbow 6 a tactical shooter. The constant possibility that one mistake will cost you a game makes everything go down to the wire and planning+tactics make all the difference between a winning and losing game when playing with people who all have aimbot tier skills.

>not playing Borderlands with couch co-op splitscreen
You DO have friends right?

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I didn't realize you were just doing a bit, I'm sorry.

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Imagine being so braindead you have trouble aiming with a thumbstick

She cute

PC always+mods
> hackers
Implying i would waste my time with 12 year olds niggers or faggots on my game. The hell with you all i'll be keeping my loot LMFAO!

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Fuck that argument. I just want to know where my boy is. Did he show up in the trailer? I need to know.

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Why are consoles the "friend" system?
Do your friends not own computers?

Killed offscreen in one of the visual novel games

Day 1 buy on pc

Him, Gaige, Axton, and Krieg are the only ones MIA in the trailer

WHAT? Please tell me you're joking.

>another copypasta

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Wait does it really not have one? That's surprising, I can't imagine a Borderlands game would be that graphically demanding.

Please be a lie

>No milf Gaige
I am sad now...

>hackers in a co op game
just play with friends lol

Because everyone can buy one.
Only one of my friends have a good PC too and he will play with us on Xbone.

Hasn't only been a decade? If not less

I'll probably grab Borderlands on PS4, simply because I only have one person that I game with regularly who uses a PC

Yeah, you find an audiolog of him misgendering someone and they shoot him dead and then rant insults at his corpse for the last 30 seconds of the log.

Fair enough but muh dick is sad still.

>hey user want to play some Borderlands on PS4 with us
Your response?

what is actually your point with this webm
the game always has auto aim off

>Summons mecha
yeah she is totally gonna be my character

Fuck you, Corporate Shills.
Bribing Gearbox to keep the Switch version down. FUCK YOU!!!!

>> hackers
Is this a legitimate argument anymore? You can tell that a fag is grasping at straws when they use this as a pc counterpoint.

>seriously playing a FPS on console
I feel so sorry for console shittters

Is the 1 remaster free if I have the GOTY edition on Steam already
Because wew lad that original port is garbage

PC. It'll probably get censored on PS4.

Moot point i'll be playing solo i won't have to worry about it LMFAO


I think it's just a squint

holy shit pc fats absolutely destroyed

someone actual said it

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>not similar
>pointing a mouse is better
yeah ok guys
keep larping in the lamest way possible

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Will go PS4 if my PC can't run it at least at stable 50. Knowing Borderlands' history with PC optimization it probably won't.


>his mouse doesn't have an analog trigger

who's even on the bottom

>if my PC can't run it
Didn't think about that one may have to buy a GPU let's see if good old 1060 g gig will do it again.

Sorry I pirated it so I dont have multiplayer

How explorable do you think this area will be?

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They unironically ported Bulletstorm to Switch of all things.
They literally ported a "Literally Who" game instead of a PS3/360 era gaems

I'm not going to pay to use the internet I already pay for a coop game you guys will stop playing after a week anyway


Not very. Most of that is skybox. At most a single building can be entered, and it'll be one at the far end of the city, where a boss fight occurs.

Shut up and turn on your computer, mike

Those big berserker guys with the tiny heads from 2

Probably very little of it, definitely not the buildings. Might get to drive through the streets though.

Borderlands has some sweet fucking vistas though.


I hope to fuck they add an FoV slider this time cause I can't play the game now without wanting to kill myself and using the ini file doesn't work cause the FoV gets reset every time you aim down sights

>How explorable do you think this area will be?
kek, that's literally just the skybox. The player is probably just standing at the edge of the map boundaries looking at it. The rest of the map is probably some smaller space behind the player's camera, something like Opportunity.

Just a friendly reminder: If you own Borderlands 1&2 on Steam you get the remasters next week for free.

That presentation was so horrible it was unreal.

Forgot link

BL2 was fantastically optimised tho. Only thing that tanked FPS was PhysX and that's just cause Nvidia can't optimise for shit.


Is there a single good reason you wouldn’t play a game on PC if you have the means to

What if i own only border2 and the pre-sequel?


I bet this sounded cool in your head

PC after a year of Epic exclusivity.

there is a reason every fucking BR on console ends up in the smallest circle on earth, people can't shoot for shit

controllers being the main thing used on consoles

building a decent pc takes an autistic amount of work and money compared to consoles


>controllers being the main thing used on consoles
what? Why wouldn't you play PC? Please elaborate, I don't understand your post.

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>using zoomer royales as any metric of quality

You get the remasters for those specific games only. Just go buy Borderlands 1 from a key reseller for cheap and you'll get all 3 remasters for free.

i like PC for games like Total War, and literally everything that doesn't have shooting guns in first or third person in it

>and literally everything that doesn't have shooting guns in first or third person in it
Why don't you prefer a mouse and keyboard for these types of games? Just curious Also, why not just use a usb controller for these games on PC?

You know these days you can just plug a console controller into a usb right

I’ve probably used my DS4 on my PC more than the console it was made for

>he fell for the gaming pc meme
>No games
>shitty autistic community (discord was a mistake)
>have to download at least 3 different launchers to play games
>having to worry if something is going to break or crash
>having to worry about settings and framerates
>not being comfy on the couch and a big tv
>”competitive” multiplayer
>dead playerbases
>no optimization from devs
>next gen consoles are going to be 4k60fps anyways

Goddamn I feel bad for you.

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becausei dont want to use a controller against mouse and keyboard
i want to use controllers against other controllers
plus vibration and triggers make gun games more fun and engaging
the only time i play PC FPS is when its a game thats not on Xbox
games like borderlands are so casual that theyre just more relaxing, fun, and engaging for me to play on console
i dont need to aim perfectly on a casual game so i would rather sit on a couch and be able to switch through any FPS in seconds with my girlfriend who i share games with for one price on xbox

desu I'm very tempted to get it. i don't think i'll be able to resist the call

Don't do it. Don't you fucking do it

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more hackers? current gen consoles dont have hackers enjoy your script kiddies soulless fag


>buying a gearbox game post AD2010

>2013+6 in the year of our Lord
>not owning an xbone

>xbox has now become so contrarian to own that Yea Forums praises it now
like fucking pottery, i hate this fucking site

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>owning a xbox
Enjoy those 10 games

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i currently have more than 64 games ready to go in seconds even if im playing another game
and thats low, i could fit plenty more but i recently was trying a bunch of games
226 ready to install
and these arent including the 213 games i could download instantly with game pass
you were saying?
doubt you have that many ready to go on your PC right now
you can also times every single one of those by two because my girlfriend gets every single one for free with game share


>All these terrible baits

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You talking about the animefag anti pc post? Shit almost got me too. These fucking kids, man.

>all those seething xbots

PC like the rest because I hate aiming with a controller.
And because just like the rest I will pirate it first to get a idea of how good or bad it is. Then I'll buy it when a complete edition goes for cheap of something.

why would i ever in my entire life waste a penny buying a PC set up that costs more then repairs on my Mercedes,
your priorities are fucked
you've gone soft

> I cant* aim with a controller

your "girlfriend" is cucking you at a sonychads house playing ps4

What ever my friends get it on.

sonyfags literally pay twice the same amount to play with their girlfriends and use worse controllers and weaker systems and an outdated and ugly interface
or worse, they make their girlfriends pay for their own games
either way, its all pathetic

PS4 cause fuck casual hackers with infinite hp

>doesn't post the counter strike webm where the guy sneaks up on 2 people
also cherry picking

To be fair we don't have much to talk about besides a 3 minute trailer that barely anybody paid close attention to.

is this bait or are you really this much of a cuck

of course it's bait you retard

>literal professional gamers are cherrypicking
Stay mad, subhuman. You would get absolutely BTFO every single time by an average pc fat.

same difference.

If BL2 is any indicator, may as well get it on PC because you'll need mods to fix all the broken talents

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>wants to play new beta with girlfriend
>wants the most expensive version of the game
>Girlfriend wants to play too, oh wait she doesnt have live
>$60 a year, $120 between the two of you
>both need the game, get it for her, $200 deep now for 2 games
>$120 for two online subscriptions
>now you can play a beta
>oh wait i forgot im poor so im gonna play fornite instead
>still 120 for two online subs
>sony "chad"
yeah...... right

>professional gamers
t. zoom zoom whose favorite Fortnite streamer told him to play on PC

its an objective fact
if you want to play a game with your girlfriend live on sony you pay for two games and two lives
if youre on xbox you can share every game youve ever owned and will own in the future AND life AND gamepass subscription for one price, your price

Nigga, that one doesn't even make sense

Why is reddit still pushing the gayming pc meme so hard? Nobody cares about your zoomie hardware

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>If not Epic Store exclusive
>If Epic Store exclusive
Just don't buy.

>calling others zoomers
Holy fuck you're such a newfag it hurts. You have no idea lil zoom, but this board used to only be PC and only ever really changed when Yea Forums got exposure, and you faggots started invading like crazy. It's worse than ever now, and you're proof. At most you've been here a couple years and you think you matter lol.

>but this board used to only be PC
t. came here in 2013 and thinks he's an oldfag

so sony is the console for single men
makes sense for the gaystation

If you have ever played a cross platform game you would realize, it is usually little kids that play on console.
>Teammates and opposing team are suddenly worse in a console room

Well, if you wanna measure dicks I've been here since 08 but thats not important. PC was always the degenerate system where weebs, furries, trannies, etc. flocked to (just look at steam for plenty of examples). it wasn't until that faggot yahtzee made PC a meme and reddit picked up on it that Yea Forums got raided with "lol pc master race, fuckin plebs" posts every fucking thread. stop replying to oldfags pretending to be an oldfag

Why not Xbox One?

get friends and this wont bother you so much
>go on steam
>99.99% trash indie borderline kids games


fpbp, console faggots BTFO

jesus christ controller tards are fucking bad holy shit

>fuck software exclusivity
>lets go with hardware exclusivity instead

yeah, its much more fun to point and click on enemies

>how dare you find an objectively superior control input more fun

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I rather prefer to give money to sony over epic

I know, i can smell the soi from here

>anything but pc

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you type like a 15 year old. controllers are fun to me and every other friend i have, i was a pc gaymer for 6 years and mouse+keyboard feels like i'm making an excel spreadsheet instead of playing a game.

>controllers made for comfortable use of hands
>keyboard made for typing only

tell me again which one is superior

Enjoy getting your games cucked by Epic

Xbox One X

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I haven't played a Borderlands game since the first game came out. Should I play any of the others? are they good?

PC if it's on Steam.
PS4 if it's on the Epic Store.

This is who you're arguing with btw

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>Colonial Marines
>Douk Forever
>removing Douk Megaton Edition just to replace it with a version without any of the expansions
>Randal being a giant faggot
>Gearbox being subpar in general
Maybe I'll pirate it, best I can do Bobandy

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>Playing a borderlands games by yourself
Just forgot about it. Then again, it'll more than likely have split screen like b1/2 remasters.

Those webms are from professional console players. Console players are subhuman children who need to be tortured and killed.

Learn to read, redditor.

they're not bad, they're just using an input that is not suited for the task at hand. kb+m should not be used for driving games, just as controllers shouldn'tbe used for shooters. however, anyone who insists that sub optimal controls are the best true way of playing, are indeed retarded

>office chairs have much lower weight limits than couches
>'its just more comfortable bro'

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Does anyone have that billion guns old Yea Forums comic?

siege is a garbage game with garb devsq

>Worried about the weight limit
Hahaha, fuckin fat cunt, stop playing games and eat a salad

He is Randy's favorite vault hunter, he'll be back as a pre-order bonus dlc character.

If there's one thing I hate it's brown Western shit, it looks like unreal 3 trash that crawled out a 2009 time capsule, reminds me of the shitty Xbox 360 days, what a piece of shit

>Not having gyro active on controller
It's like you guys don't want the best of both worlds.


Analog sticks are objectively the worst way to play a fps

PC so we can support the EPIC Store

PC for me since I'm going to play with friends
My consoles are for single-player games

gyro is still a thousand times worse than a mouse faggot