>not playing as the Siren in Borderlands 1, 2, and 3

i seriously hope you guys don't do this

Attached: 8gsylpy0swo21.jpg (783x666, 140K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>any year
>playing shit games like bordertrash


>2014 during gamergate
>Yea Forums: lol if you want women and minorities in vidya, then make your own games you fucking SJW's
>SJW's: okay

i laff everytime

I have not nor will I ever play as the gay-ass sirens in this game. If I could I'd help Jack hunt them down for free.

>playing borderlands at all

Attached: Dude lets play Borderlands.jpg (1470x952, 374K)

someone help me my eyes are crying of boredom already

the problem is they're not making their own games, they've been put into positions of creative influence purely through affirmitive action, shown by their sheer ineptitude at anything except slinging ideas by word of mouth, and they're just telling the people who are actually making the games what to put in what game to fit which agenda

Anthony and I have been trying to work on a transgender character in the game, I was inspired by a transgender programmer who worked on Borderlands 2 and she taught me a lot. It's really difficult if you're somebody whose genitals match their orientation and self image if you happen to be one of those it's difficult to intuit the reality that there's different things that affect each of those vectors, right? There's a lot of diversity just in the biology of how our genitals might have ended up, and there's a lot of diversity in what we might be attracted to and that's, those are completely different vectors, and then the third one is the vector of how we see ourselves. I used to be kind of a bigot against men who got fake breasts, I thought there must be something wrong with them and that's, and there's a weakness there, I was actually kind of, not, kind of intolerant about that. She made me understand that it's common knowledge for human beings to see themselves differently than they're actually built, and that the way our brains are wired is not always is not exactly in pairity with the way our, our uhm, in all the things like the way our bodies form uhm, might you know end up. And if That's the case how fortunate it is if we can do something about that with science. How fortunate it is that the modern medicine can help, uhm, uh, to some degree and if we're fortunate as a species we'll get even better at that. And that was a really kind of awesome kind of discovery for me, that she helped me figured out. And I thought man, we really need to cover that in some way. And get that out there, so I've been trying to encourage us to get us a transgender playable character, uhm, and I think we will certainly at some point.
-Randy Pitchford

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But I like Punch Siren because I loved Brick



Can we finally kill Lilith?

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>Borderlands has never had minority characters
Fuck off and cry somewhere else

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After everything they did to her it would be a mercy, Rest In Peace lilith, I’ll remember you as you were in bl1

nice abs, I'll play her just cause of that.
Hopefully the game can be rented though. I regret the hell out of my borderlands 1 preorder. Game was so fucking boring.

>a game that's begging for custom character creation
>predefined characters again
fuck off randy

Personally I'm torn, picking Mordecai in 1 and Sal in 2 was easy but I don't know how I'd have made the choice if I bought it after Gaige and Krieg came out. TPS was a little harder because I wanted to try out everyone but Athena, then Doppeljack made the choice that much harder. Here I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do.

>the problem is they're not making their own games,
But they are though.
Keep seething.

don't change the subject on me, asshat. I just told you they're not making their own games, and you and everyone else knows that

nobody complained about roland in 1
nobody complained about two guys kissing in 1
you and everyone else who cares about this shit don't even play video games so stop pretending you do.

why are sirens always chicks

>nobody complained about roland in 1
And if Borderlands 1 was released today people would be complaining about him.

>I just told you they're not making their own games
They are though, these are still the same people that made 1 and 2.

now with the direct "creative input" of the people we're actually talking about, who CANNOT and HAVE NEVER directly made, designed, or contributed any assets, materials, or code to a game that wasn't either dead on arrival or universally recognized as garbage. their direct influence over the development process is what changed from 1 to 3. they aren't making their own games, they're telling people that do make games how to make them.

And I'm sure you can prove this is happening, right?

Oh No No

Attached: Kid..png (1717x837, 2.06M)


Almighty vagina


can you give us a source on that one?

tiny tina x siren kid when

Geeeeee i dunno



Gameplay was insanely boring, only played through the 2nd one because handsome Jack was entertaining af.

Hey guys, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!

Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come!

Attached: randy BADASS.jpg (600x800, 98K)

Here's your new Siren bro.

Attached: 1535340067497.jpg (1048x1225, 475K)

>tfw no game starring Woolie
>move joystick to the left
>it takes 10 seconds for your character to go in that direction

so I know this is a shitpost thread, but is anyone here gonna go back through borderlands 1 when the remaster drops in a week? It'll be my first time playing the dlc and stuff so i'm interesting in trying to get some folks together to play.

Loads of people are playing the pre-sequal right now since its on sale

the entire series is on sale, and all the games are getting remasters on the 3rd of april, free to anyone who owns them. but i'm interested in the first cause anyone who owns the first, even with none of the expansions, gets the game+expansions for free, according to gearbox
(not that i'm surprised, the game goes on sale for like $2.50 for game+expacks).

I was debating buying the collection for $8 to get all the dlc for 2 I was missing, as well as presequel. how is presequel?

Not bothering with the remaster since I still own the original, but I already went through it. I'm on 2 but then a bunch of new games on my list came out so I had to put it, TPS, and Tales on the backburner.

Did for 1, will do for 3. I was an edgy teen when BL2 dropped so I only played as Zero

>prove that they are not
>but they are lol

Sub 90iq nigger

my dick is now diamonds

Fucking where? You just spouted your tinfoil headcanon.

Is this a Jojo reference?

>playing as something that fucking ugly
Yeah no, I'm checking out.

played roland in 1 and maya in 2. will probably play support in 3 as well


Is this thing on the left new enemy? I just want to shoot it and put out of it's misery.

telling code monkeys what to make in a game is making their own game

Fucking dropped it after 3 hours, how many times people can play same shit over and over again?

>how many times people can play same shit over and over again?
welcome to looter shooters

>not wanting to touch her abs, while fucking tight indian brown cunny

Attached: 1553813105967.webm (1422x800, 2.75M)

I didn't know indians looked like post op trannies

>older brother in military gets it
>lets me play it when I visit him
>want to be the hunter so bad
>nope, brother is the hunter
>"user, you should play as the siren"
>don't want to, but the other two characters looks boring anyone, so do
>hate it, feel like all she can do is run away from things
>mfw I get the game for myself later and start upgrading her running away ability

God I loved corroding enemies just by being near them, while healing almost completely, only to top it off by causing massive explosions at the beginning and end of every run, and being able to do it every thirty seconds, less if killed anything in between.

Siren was fucking ridiculous in BL1.

Imagine the handjobs..

More like get my pelvis crushed.

cringe and basepilled

>playing BL1
>not playing BL2 as Gaige
>playing BL3 before DLC characters

>I didn't know
Not surprised at all.

Looks like an AIDS patient with silicone and oil muscle injections.

What the fuck are these lips. She looked better in the teaser.

She isn't that strong and big. Compare her to others. She is just superfit, also her waist-hips ratio is good.

Attached: borderlands-3.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

>Brown Asura wrath muscle girl
I will now buy your game Randy

Attached: 1543727587050.png (691x597, 16K)



Ugly as hell.

Well now my thoughts are just going pink

You're so cool, user.

God, Maya looks so good.
Why did they have to replace her.


>thought about going back to 1 today
>train of thought reminded me the gearbox thing was today
>remaster releases in 6 days
fuck, guess I'll wait

Christ this game looks ugly as fuck.

>playing Tales of Borderlands
>get to Athena
>always liked Athena, though she was a good striaght-man character in a game full of dumbasses
>meet Janey later in game
>she's a shit character from Prequal that only existed to tell you she's a lesbian and is an insufferable burch character
>Athena mentions she's fucking her



that was my same thought process. I was about 80% done downloading it when I saw the remaster drops on the 3rd, and it's free since I own the original. Hopefully the golden key shit doesn't make it too horrible.
I bought 2 and the presequel and never even installed either one, much less played them. I should get around to it after I do 1 I guess.

If she doesn't get to ORAORAORA things with her phasefists I'll be sad
I'd also accept all the fists forming into one giant phasefist for a single super punch ala Nier's Dark Fist spell

she looks cute anyone saying otherwise is just not she isn't white

Most characters look fine, it's just that girl who seems like they dumped all their SJW ugly quota on her.
It's almost satirical.

God I love multiple arm abilities

>anyone saying otherwise is just not she isn't white


Why would I waste my time playing this grindy garbage?

I love Hinduism references, it's like Indian anime

I was gonna be hyped but I remembered I only have the original physical copy of the first game and none of the DLC

Least I got 2 on Steam.

you only need the base game to get the remastered client+all dlc, they say so on the gearbox website.
also the complete collection is like $15, probably worth getting if you intend on playing the other games at some point.

imagine being this delusional lmao

>claims others are not white when he can't even speak english
Only resetera likes xir, Pajeet.

>melee siren class
sign me and my dick up

So how is "being in charge of creative designs in the process of game development" not making a game?

I dunno, why did you waste your time posting in this thread?

>SJWs in charge of character design
What's their obsession with ugly black women?


Attached: oof.jpg (1080x580, 88K)

>most characters look fine

Attached: TinyTina.jpg (400x490, 69K)

Also I would bet you $5 steam credit (to buy the first game) that if you tweeted a picture of the boxed copy of 1 for pc they'll probably just give you a fucking steam key.

funny I see a lot of doctors and dentist that make well over 6 figures that happen to be Indian which is a lot more than tyler over here makes

am i crazy or do a lot of the females in the trailer have the same face and tiny lips?

wtf, diversity is our strength now, open our borders and fill this with muslims guys.

They look like trash. Instead of hot anime babes they all look like chucky.

I don't think the original PC physical version activates on Steam though so I'd have to buy it again on Steam (it's probably like 5 bucks now)
Not to mention that I already have 2 and unless the collection deducts the price of shit I already have I probably wouldn't get it since I already have the complete Borderlands 2 that I bought piecemeal over the years and Presequel didn't really interest me much

I don't even use Twitter lol

What's the problem? She looks less retarded than she did in 2.

She is indian

I don't know, that looks like a grown up Tina.
Neck is a bit too long, though.

Whose kid. Who’s the FATHER?!?!

it does deduct the price of what you already own.
I don't think it activates on steam but I know it pulls tools since borderlands 1 uses steamworks and has for half a decade since gamespy got doneso.

Maybe if you're blind, she looks like shit

Attached: borderlands-tiny-tina-tea-party-tabletop-0-.jpg (1920x1080, 1.75M)

Poor indians, as if they didn't have enough with what they already have and now they represent them as the only people on Earth that are uglier than them.

>when Nico Robin doesn't skip arm and abs day

Attached: sweatyarms3.jpg (426x341, 35K)

Teaser model is way cuter

Attached: D2rTEoBXcAAnnO7.jpg (1000x1115, 259K)


There are never any asians in these games

basically looks the same

Imagine thinking any of the dirty thots in these games was ever attractive, BLfags are delusional

Will Maya finally go full emo in Borderlands 4?

Attached: 1546789282252.jpg (546x720, 61K)

clear the guy I saw dressed as Maya today at the con did


Kreig is the father



>people actually defending this shit
Maybe if her skin tone was darker you could see how ugly as fuck she is, its worse than 2

I was gonna say those likely aren't ingame models but you never know since tris are so cheap to render nowadays and devs are content to just mildly optimize and leave most of the fine details totally intact from the master high poly mesh.


>Not having a glitched Axton with every spec in his 3 trees complete
>Not just throwing down a turret and watching it destroy everything, even that giant worm, in like 5 hits.

But he’s crazy


t. Chief Running Water

How the fuck does that work having multiple skills that change how the turret is deployed? Like how do longbow and the double turret coexist?

yeah you missed out, she was by far the fastest for moving around the map, and her SMG synergy made her the best with anarchy SMGs which were stupid broken
um what, who the fuck played Maya?
Yeah, maybe, but a character who puts away her gun to use melee in a game about killing things to loot guns seems kind of silly. Same with the mech pilot unless you can get loot for the mech. If her abilities are just single punches that get thrown out while shooting then yeah definitely top tier.

I wanted a good looking adult tina you autistic fuckhead, not el goblino

Attached: 1542538734016.jpg (960x1280, 185K)

Tina was always el goblino
She was never not a goblin

She looked like a goblin in the original, what do you expect her to grow up into?


She literally looks like the type of brown girl to step on your dick after beating you up and forcing you to lick the sweat off her abs.


Umm, what? You can have double longbow turret normally, it's not a big deal.

>el goblino

Always was one.
What did you expect?

Thank you, I like almost every single character in the universe as they all bring their own charm. Then there's Janey. I was relieved at the end of TPS cause I thought I didn't have to see her again, then she shows up in Tales, THEN they reveal they're getting married. She's so goddamn annoying

All the anons complaining about her are retarded. This is what a women looks like when she's fit as fuck. She doesn't look like a man, she's still shaped like a girl. Plus she's a black woman WITHOUT an afro. Isn't that what you faggots wanted? Don't turn into the SJWs you bitch about where nothing is good enough.

>turned lilith into a coal burner
>turned her into a psycho bitch
good riddance

I didn't even hate her as much in Tales. She was just kinda there. The problem is that her being in TPS did irreversible damage to her.

>she's a black woman
>No afro
>Blue eyes
>Indian skill aesthetic

not only most if not all female looks ugly, they looks... kinda off. as if they are reptilians posing as human being. what's up with that godawful lips and cheekbones?

If there isn't a second loot pool for the mech itself Gearbox will be shooting themselves in the foot. There WILL be demand for that kind of thing and if they didn't build the game to allow that (even if not at launch) then player interest will greatly suffer. Personal vehicles have always been a good wall to cover with your own tastes.

I think the Siren's abilities may be fire and forget. Those arms might hit close by enemies on their own while contributing to your standard melee attack. Seems like the best way to go about it while still allowing her to shoot guns. That would solve Brick's old problem you pointed out.


>actually defending that shit
She was a child, her being ugly then was expected

You're retarded if you thought they would make her attractive.

>is pedo for wanting a aged up character

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I now your poor mummy used to read The Ugly Duckling to you every night, hoping you didn't notice her choking back her tears of pity, but that shit is just a fairy tale dude.

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It essentially rains hellfire on any fucker who passes by or gets in the radius of the turret. Shit was so fun and felt like endgame content. Used to join random lobbies and shit everywhere to help people out.

Why this board is so cucked jee

yeah. on top of that, if she was not wearing similar outfit i bet no one could guess she's her. she looks vastly different. don't care she's pretty or not but she looks... just off. almost looks like she's in 40's or something.

I thought presequel was that movie shit that telltale made, is that not the case?

literally the worst opinion i've ever seen
>story is based around 4 characters with unique dialogue, interactions, and lore that is relevant to the plot of the current game
>each character has cool skills reinforced by their design and backstory
>characters are able to appear in later games as NPCs

but instead, you want to create muh anime waifu with no unique skills or dialogue

White women look like 40 at 20, more news at 11.

No, Presequel was an asset flip of Borderlands 2 made by a secondary team.
The one made by Telltale was Tales from the Borderlands.

>TFTB voice actors won't be back for BL3
Into the trash it goes

Oh. Huh. Well, it's only like $5 for me to get the presequel and all the dlc it has, is that a worthwhile price or is it not that good of a game?

How, they have attractive characters so it's not that far off into the spectrum that she could have at least looked decent

Between this and the shills trying to defend the goblino in the OP, it's obvious resetera trannies populate BL3 threads.

I played Borderlands 1 before. It was really boring, just repeatedly killing enemies, picking up "powerful rare" weapons to use on more enemies that become absurd damage sponges.

Is the Handsome Collection worth it? I've only got the base BL2 but I haven't played it in years.

Attached: 1468586481623.jpg (590x578, 31K)

Only get it if you really liked Borderlands 2.
It's like Far Cry Primal or Far Cry New Dawn compared to FC4 or 5, it's pretty much an expansion sold as it's own thing.

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Just wait for the hambeasts saying that the one on the right is cute and a real woman and the ones on the left are boring, generic and horse faced.


post your fucking links

I want to fuck her and the rabbit

don't worry tho. those nerds out there will make waifu modeling swap mod in no time.

>when hagfags use the fucking C word

Attached: 1446429919852.jpg (600x709, 220K)

No, "her" face is that of a man.

>Isn't that what you faggots wanted?
No, we want good looking characters, not these beasts.
Maya was perfect, and this is the opposite of Maya.
Hell, Maya in BL3 looks even better than in 2, and yet we have to play as that creature.

is she balding

>still posting the clipping version from a video next to renders

Attached: 1550220242907.jpg (600x800, 98K)

Its from Orangekisses.


Attached: D2cKXvSXcAAlfLE.jpg (1056x2048, 121K)

>not only won't be able to keep playing as a goth girl, but 3's siren is a goddam nigger
Welp, time to jump ship.
The little soldier girl looks okay, maybe she'll get a skin with long, black hair.

Attached: 1544902697661.png (515x973, 785K)

what kind of disastrous life experiences make one like that kind of "girl".

Did you not get it when it was like 15 bucks?

Being a beta with daddy issues.

All they had to do was make a qt brown Maya. Why is this so hard?

Somehow, Blizzard is the only one capable of making delicious brown girls.

it's $15 right now, too.

What? Of all the games people complain about having hamfisted PoCs of color and other tumblr assorted crap, Borderlands is not one of them (except for the awful humor in BL2 but is that really an SJW's fault?). Fuck off with your strawman shit

low test.

Attached: songnaeun2.jpg (1213x1080, 394K)

how do I get a gf like this never seen one irl

Is she natty?

lol no

I usually don't really like the Sirens but as soon as I saw those arms I was sold. Can't wait to punch everything to death.

What's the problem? Do you need the children in your video games to be sexy or something? You fucking pedo.

>female biceps


so what's the lore implication for these siren people, are they just like psyonics or is it a spacemagic thing? can't very well get invested in a game if it's not properly thought out in terms of lore.

hope they have more than 1 "real" ability per class this time

That's because they were more common in the mid 2000s, you are almost 15 years too late.
The closest thing to them that still are a thing are punk girls.
You can find them in punk concerts and such.

Attached: 1524264666265.jpg (600x798, 52K)

there's only like 7 in the universe and any time one dies, a new one is born or something like that

Attached: 1440703608251.jpg (720x479, 80K)

They are the equivalent of gamer girls of the previous decade.
In fact, not even that, a lot of them still sport similar looks.

Attached: peak 2000s cringe.jpg (506x1450, 257K)

Not him but the game needs more customization to the appearance of your character,the options available in 2 and TPS were still too limited,not saying you should make your OC donut steel but let the player have a lot more variation,also the game should have 6 player coop for raid bosses,thus making usage of DLC characters much more viable to a full group with all classes in it

>you didn't complain then but I'm sure you would now!
You fucks are mentally ill.

punk girls don't wear pasty white goth makeup though do they?

No, but then again, most emos didn't either, it was mostly filters that upped the contrast.

Attached: 1553592184162.jpg (1440x2960, 875K)

If anything, I was more relieved after realizing that Anthony isn't going to be involved in the writing for this one. While I liked the gameplay of 2 the writing is so damn bad that I have to literally just turn the character voice volume down since its just so grating to hear some of the lines.

>I’m not mentally ill, you are

>Even bothering to respond with that.

>game about having cool guns
>picking the character that's about magic bullshit and not shooting
embarrassing. even mordecaifags are better than you.

Attached: 1553492708291.jpg (640x479, 36K)

I personally think she looks fine. HOWEVER, Lilith and the NOPE girl both look retarded, I have no idea why they changed Liliths face. Maya is looking kinda weird also, but still cute.

I only ever played 1, but I loved that snipers and revolvers dude. are snipers and revolvers viable in the other games?

I played as Brick in 1, as Zero in 2, as Athene in PS. Fuck off.

Your IQ just dropped 5 points lower

>but is that really an SJW's fault?
Yes, Anthony Burch is a whiny SJW cunt, but he's no longer at Gearbox so BL3 should be fine.

I agree. Melee gets dry when you only have the one weapon

>why they changed Liliths face
She is old.

I really liked the diversity in guns shown off in the trailer. Hopefully it's a return to BL1 loot.

I never liked playing maya or lilith, but weren't they like the most powerful characters to pick?

have sex

How far into the future is this exactly? Tiny Tina didn't look very much older.

Everyone looks goof except for the siren

You stupid white knights don't get it. Getting hired through affirmative action and hijacking series isn't making their own games. It's like star wars or the new Ghostbusters. But I guess your sub IQ can't pick that up. Making their own game unironically would be like BioWare. This s kind of a moot point since Borderlands has always been diverse but you're all still wrong on your point

You can always get a goth girl

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

Yeah, the Siren is straight up ugly.

How many years did it take them to make this game? Why does it still look like the same fucking trash?

they look retarded and autistic. their lips and jawlines is just off. similar but different than being ugly. I'd gladly play ugly character, but I'll not find it enjoyable playing autistic-looking character.

Yeah, but it's not easy to get one, or find one in the first place, if you are not part of that subculture.

God I hope so. She fucked up everything.

Attached: A83A145A-190F-4E65-91BF-EBF0BA702D01.png (297x297, 126K)

Have you faggots not figured this out when the Pre-sequel came out?

Pre Sequel was obviously just an asset flip to make a bit more money from BL2 assets.
This one has no excuse tho.

please go back to plebbit

Reminder about who Gearbox's CEO is...

user I uh, don't know if you know, but you're kinda gay. I'm so sorry for you

Here in 4Channel we are a tolerant and progressive board who support PoC and the humbling of the cancerous white race.

Just start listening to Goth music/batcave shit and go to concerts. Follow communities that support those bands online and such. I used to love emo girls when I was younger and that's how I got with a lot of them.

Attached: DaWtfPgXcAEvZLS.jpg (768x1024, 211K)

not that, but you're just a /r/thedonald invader as even /pol/ would laugh at your gay little posts

>Why does it still look like the same fucking trash?
Because Borderlands was good and this is just more Borderlands.
What exactly is wrong with this?

I fucking swear you dumb cunts can't be satisfied with just more of a good thing.

...did you not play the Pre-Sequel.

The entire game has Anthea and Janey flirting the whole game. Like wtf.

>Playing as a nigger

Attached: 1553786244872.jpg (1280x720, 262K)

More excited to play Borderlands 1 again, the only good one. I wonder if the pc GOTY upgrade makes the pc port less shit

>Because Borderlands was good
Stopped reading there.


He's not wrong. He said "was" which is true because the first Borderlands was the only good one.


Attached: 1553827684670.png (235x399, 158K)

>literally the same exact graphics, animations and mechanics as Borderlands 2
This game took them a month to complete and numales will still buy it for $60 + tip for le extra whacky preorder stuff.

>get hired to work on games
>"uhh they're not actually making their own games"

how much lead did you drink

But how many fucking years have passed?
Is there any source or anything saying that's their daughter or you're just guessing?

Attached: 1550649912712.jpg (569x604, 270K)

Being in highschool during the peak of the emo phase was fucking bliss, visible cuts, definite sluts.

>"have sex" posting while being a virgin

>>you didn't complain then but I'm sure you would now!
The mistake you're making is thinking that everyone complaining now has been on Yea Forums since 2009.

Nigga it's not her kid, are you retarded.

I remember ending up getting laid with one for making fun of her cuts.

Attached: 1523857032174.jpg (1000x1000, 290K)

It was hilarious teasing them because they reacted like pouty 5 year olds.
Adorable, in hindsight.

Attached: 1549056135520.png (932x97, 16K)

>bullet sponge the game

Literally same shit, started a convo with one pointing out her nirvana sweat band only covered like 30% of her cuts, rooted her later that week.

One of the worst trailers that I've ever seen. Music was total garbage

Is it just me who doesn't understand the problem with it being an Epic Games Store exclusive?

damn this is good design andf people saying oherwise are autistic waifufags

>reddit filename
so this is the borderlands audience....

The website says it's on Steam.

GR8 B8 M8

Why the fuck did I have to be an autist back then.
Are there easy as shit girls like that nowadays?

Attached: 1545432271501.jpg (1242x808, 120K)

Reminder to hide and report bait/angry user post

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>Only 7 can exist at one time
>They are only female. The dude in the trailer probably can use it thanks to twin sister
>Are the only ones blessed with basically magic/psychic shit like Warhammer 40k
>Are closely linked to the aliens and the Vaults

basically a gang of demi-gods with overpowered as fuck moves

>We want the bayonetta audience

We wanted them to make their own games, not to fucking hijack ours.

Wouldn't know, Met my wife when I was 22, I imagine with all the quicky apps like tinder it'd be even easy these days.

Good highschool memory of this emo chick in the year above, only hung out with guys, talked about how chicks tits are no different guys tits and she didn't see the big deal about them, let me suck them during lunch breaks in the music rooms, she went to shit big time when she hit 18, real shame she was a hot ginger.

Except he's completely right you absolute colossal retard. Making a game with an established fanbase different for the sake of diversity is just shitting on your current fanbase and not making your own game. You're a dipshit. Has nothing to do with muh pol boogeyman.

Dont care, not giving gearbox and randy any money, and if you do you're a HUGE fucking retard actively supporting someone who committed fraud against Sega and passed child porn around.

Dont cut yourself on those strawmen retard era.

Somebody shop it to say gay ass

>People only now realizing the character models are shit

Wow you guys are late, we've known this shit since Borderlands 1, it's not fucking new

I want to talk about the fact that Marcus is the size of his fucking store now.

Attached: SLAMMIN.png (1049x664, 927K)

im literally going to rip my cock off form jacking off to the new Maya deisgn holy FUCK

Attached: file.png (549x717, 442K)

borderlands has always had a nigger in it.
I love /pol/, but you should stay off it because you'll humiliate yourself.

>8 years ago

Attached: 1524696327609.jpg (550x366, 47K)

I want to lick her stomach while she tenses her ab muscles

You're a fucking retard

Make her bangs a bit thicker and she's perfect.

Attached: 1525870546259.png (279x249, 99K)

Is this the result of giant psycho dick?

Only redditors and literal faggots hate Amara.

Miss me with that Asura's Wrath, I'm standing by for Titanfall.

Attached: titanfall.png (1920x1080, 2.3M)

>unable to enjoy a game because it has a minority on it
>unable to enjoy a game because a dev tied to it is controversial
>unable to enjoy a game based on its own merit

remember when games were about enjoying the gameplay and not politics?

What would he say in response to that?

I like playing as underdogs though
by that I mean I like playing those who don't really have any ''magical'' power

She's not even black. She's... Tanned.

Remember when making game was about making a good game and not politics?


Borderlands is probably the only series where I wouldn't give a fuck if the MC was a tranny.

>PoCs of color

Attached: 1471996594697.jpg (1024x768, 53K)

The only borderlands game that wasn't full sjw was the first one. Gearbox when insane after that.

Why is she balding

I remember seeing a twitter post from the writer of Borderlands 2 going on about his girlfriend fucking other dudes or some shit, i had a heart chuckle.

absolutely nothing
he'd just get down to business so quickly that neither of them could have had time to even realize what was about to happen until it had already begun

Because of clipping in this specific shot. Look at other pics.

Did they really have to go and make her mad ugly?

Attached: Disgusted Police Officer Holding Milk.jpg (540x720, 83K)

I'm fine with the siren but if i'm honest they missed their chance to go with a green haired color one and complete the RGB

Niggers? In MY videogames? No thanks.

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Gamer girls today are emos who failed to grow up.
Literal womanchildren.

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Looks like Borderlands 2 DLC.

How much would you wager that BDL3 will be an Epic exclusive? I saw they didn't specify at the end of the trailer. I ask because the other games they presented (idk if gearbox published them or not) are releasing on steam

something something connections with vault and eridium only a certain amount can exist at a time
That's about it

>BL3 releases
>Still need to slag shit all the time
>Enemies still massive bullet sponges
>Drops still shit

I swear to god they had it down very well in BL1, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!

Attached: 1553469364721.jpg (480x426, 17K)

Okay, but will this one actually have interesting enemy design that require thought and strategy?

It will kill gearbox, no joke. The fans of the series are already hanging on by a thread when you see them praising the TellTale game.

I honestly think they couldn't handle the same amount as the original borderlands team, I may be wrong. Either that or the focused much more into the "lul so randum"

The borderlands telltale game is the best telltale has to offer though. my favourite game within the borderlands franchise.

No. They took Borderlands 2 and plopped some new characters. It's the same game.

Doesn't stop a pretty lady from riding his meat bicycle

No, but it's got female psychos so that's BADASS™

should i finish borderlands 1? i could never get into it for some reason.

is there video of the pax incident?

Nevertheless it was a monumental failure.

Depends on what you mean by that. Apparently leaks mention a new "radiation" element that's meant to deal with bio armor on some enemies.

cool, i can kill women now.

It was extremely "okay" even for 2009. It's up to you

if you want a friend based shoot looter play shadow warrior 2.

I dont see an issue with a gruffer siren, unless there is a lore bit stating that they have to be pretty?

i know what the term siren implies, but they're not literally sirens

>Not playing the guy who summons shit in all 4 games
>Roland, Axton/Gaige, Wilhelm/Jackdouble, and now the Beastmaster
Also, I don't count Mordecai cause his Bloodwing is just a fucking boomerang and not a summon.

>tfw no midget big titties psycho gf

No one bought it?, I never bought any of them, either i got them as ps4 monthly games or my brother in law bought them when he's house sitting.

its some super rare woman in the galaxy that has magical powers.

There are like 5 of them at any given time or something.

I regret to inform you all that due to your behavior I will be removing female psychos from the game.

Attached: randy.jpg (656x874, 87K)

so nothing specifically saying they have to be pretty faces. I'm fine with the design then. not my cup but i don't think its bad looking


Nope. Tales from the Borderlands or whatver it was called was selling so bad TellTale/Gearbox told them to pack it up and like 20 people said no and continued to work on it.

That's the joke, yes

Attached: VDOrO8a.jpg (377x480, 39K)

The problem is it's gearbox, so we know they did it on purpose for political reasons. It's a statement. "We made your siren ugly, take that society."

ok found the stream here


that or they realized they didnt want to make the same character design for the third time in a row with a different color scheme

No it's pretty obvious what they meant to do when you know who were responsible for it.

Don't fix what's not broken?

>barely any muscle
I hope they fix this shit. The Abs are fine, but those arms just look stupid.

These sluts were absolute semen demons.

Attached: 1550347869936.png (600x800, 644K)

>Please check all that apply
[x] Horny
[x] Lonely

bookworms, loners, chubby, brown/exotic girls. If any of these combines, even better.
I highly recommend curvy brown bookworms. My absolute fetish and I wish I had discovered this in my early twenties already. It would have saved me time.

It's pretty sad the best counter culture chicks can come up with is to dye their hair, fuck like rabbits, and wear shirts too small for them

Not ugly doesn't mean "reuse the same character design" you mongoloid. Again, look at Blizzard. Why can the OW team make brown girls that don't look like ass?

Jesus christ who fucking cares? If you're actually interested in buying a Borderlands game after 2 you're already more retarded than your average SJW

It's fucking great.
And although they dyed their hair, it still looked pretty aesthetic, unlike the abominations of haircuts we see nowadays.

Attached: 1545384435060.jpg (480x360, 34K)

>remember when Yea Forums wasn't full of shitheads who cry about a brown person in a videogame?
Man, how long is that back you came here? Was it with goober gate or the election? Fuck off to reddit if you all you do is add drivel.

post op mtf

Why is it sad? Because even when women are given the keys to their "cage" they turn 180 degrees and walk away. Women don't desire freedom. They desire acceptance, and that's sad.

>emo fad wasn't nearly as strong in my country
>still had a massive boner for them
>only emo girl I knew was my fucking sister
>mfw everytime she hugged me, or we cuddled while watching a movie

So close, and yet so far.

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>and passed child porn around.
I guess he will get a lot of support from tranny era.

What freedom?
Emos were nothing but teenage angst turned into a look, an aesthetic.
It wasn't a counter culture movement, they weren't seeking to change the world, they just looked like that because they felt it was cool. That's the thing about the past, not everything was about making some kind of statement like the autists we have today where everything, from a haircut to even scratching their ass on the morning is supposed to be some kind of political declaration.

Besides, it was back in the 2000s, not nearly as many people back then cared about politics, let alone kids.

It was in-between feminist movements. I saw many of the scene and emo kids grow up to be radical left wing nutjobs. Maybe that doesn't mean anything but they definitely weren't happy about it what with all the cutting and pills

>nobody cared about politics in the years immediately after 2001

Are you dumb m8

That's a damn shame I would have actually bought a second season.

>they definitely weren't happy about it what with all the cutting and pill
That was nothing but daddy issues, which is why emos were so easy to get laid with.

>emo kids grow up to be radical left wing nutjobs
Yeah, because being a politics obsessed autist is the stupid fad of the 2010s.
Which I honestly hope it ends soon. What a cancerous decade, literally nothing good has happened in the past 9 years.

Wow they perfectedly emulated 2011 graphics

It's at a point where science is becoming offensive so it has to pop soon or all hell will break loose when these nutjobs start thinking they're god or some shit. They already kill babies after they're born and harvest their organs

Not nearly as much as nowadays, and specially not kids and teenagers.

There’s FOUR (4) characters plus DLC you peak retard. No ones forcing you to buy effectively the same game. Go play 2 if you want Maya so bad or mod her in the game you autistic nigger.

Well, considering everything millennials do is for the sake of attention whoring, maybe now that they are slowly losing the cultural spotlight they'll finally shut up and fade away.
Least they could do after being cultural terrorists for a decade now.

To be fair she's the first tranny PC so a lot of people are a bit shocked

Somebody's paying for it.

I don't care that these games exist I care when the same retards censor games I do enjoy like snoy

It would fit and that kid is psycho ugly, it makes sense.

I wonder if for the DLC Randy will let us explore the secrets of his little magician shows.

You bring up a very good point. It's a shame Yea Forums is absolutely psychotic and refuses to listen to reason.

>gimmie gimmie gimmie
Jesus fucking Christ.

What, she's asking you to kiss her neck, call her a princess and give her flowers.
Are you seriously going to reject a girl because she wants you to treat her like an actual girly girl? In 2019?

>Not playing as The Operative

Attached: ekYASCW-429x410.jpg.optimal.jpg (429x410, 52K)

>Yea Forums now hates Borderlands
Why? Handsome Jack was BASED as fuck in 2.

They all look pretty fucking cool. My dick is compelling me to play the siren but I'm sure I'll end up playing them all eventually.
Would like to know more about the mech pilot though, it feels like she has the least hype out of the four.

Attached: amara.png (434x698, 223K)

I look foward to all the porn.
Especially the futa porn where she's ramming a 13 inch she dick down every other female's throats.

What fucking hype do any of them have?
Only one that stands out is the Siren, and only because she has an ugly as fuck face.

Beastmaster and titanfall girl are piquing my interest.

Yes, we're all very impressed user

>least hype
>when she literally drops a mecha
She's literally the only interesting looking one.
The rest are more of the same shit we've seen in previous games, and they don't even have good designs to begin with.


Attached: 1549813842064.png (306x306, 73K)

>Only one that stands out is the Siren, and because she is delicious brownTurbo Asura Brick


Attached: serveimage.jpg (750x1000, 736K)

That just sounds like a spin on Gaige's action skill. Calling it a "mecha" like you think it's gonna be some high octane gundam shit doesn't actually make it that different.

What the fuck are you smoking?

looks like overwatch character concepts

>roshi tattoo

Yeah check out this delicious brown, bro.

Attached: 1552467303100.png (1048x1225, 2.25M)

There's being contrarian, and then there's just being willfully ignorant, user. Come on now.

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Will it be filled with outdated normalfag memes like the last 2 games?

Oh yeah, such a contrarian for not liking this beauty.

Attached: 10-10 anime girl.png (315x343, 186K)

>there are beautiful and ugly people

i liked the brick sax solo i dont care if it was reddit

So, Heavenly Sword?

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>I posted it again daddy. That’ll show them what happens when they ignore my anime waifus and maya

I would, but she probably smells bad.

You can post pretty much any picture of this thing, it looks comically ugly in all of them.
It's offensive to the sight.

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oi puta heard you talking mad shit

Attached: calypsos.webm (1920x1080, 2.79M)

This was the last game I ever rented from blockbuster and the first game I played on a ps3 that I won from a school chocolate selling contest

There's dumb /pol/fags and then there's us fine upstanding perverts who enjoy muscle women with six arms

Attached: spiral.jpg (525x527, 52K)

I did play as the siren everytime, but this time I won't

And you’re a waste of text

God, someone put a bag on her head.

>it's not falseflagging
>there are anons genuinely, legitimately mad that people like something they don't like
Haven't seen utterly palpable butthurt like this in a while

Attached: 1553825330209.jpg (177x265, 8K)

It's almost as if the game is first person or something.

So, if a game is in first person, the characters need to be ugly?

Then don't reply, or even dare imply this creature looks good.

Attached: 1534943641150.png (204x197, 75K)

>siren is now a nigger
>on top of being ugly, she'll now be spouting ebonics everytime you do something
God, they already made Siren unplayable.
This is the first time i'll be fine with a dev announcing DLCs before the game comes out, please announce DLC characters soon.

>Play Brick in 1
>Play Kreig in 2
>#3 Siren is a muscle wizard asura

Attached: 1543586235108.png (370x303, 137K)

She's not a sub-Saharan African, her nose is normal-sized and she doesn't have any overt physical deformities besides the scars. That automatically puts her as "fuckable" in my book.

>wants to remove all non whites and build a city on top of their corpses
>kills the nigger of the first game

Borderlands hasn't been good since the original. If this one gets good WOM I might pirate it. Definitely won't buy though, this shit is almost 100% guaranteed to have the cringiest writing in any game of the past 5 years.

Why did you post a flattering picture of her? You're cherrypicking wrong, stupid. Things were going so well and you fucked it up.

Attached: 1539573977967.png (589x385, 321K)

It's been 7 years since Borderlands 2. Why does it look visually identical? What the hell has Gearbox been doing all this time?

>She's not a sub-Saharan African, her nose is normal-sized
Based retard that doesn't know Africa has the most genetic diversity on the planet.

Attached: storm2_w_by_cowboyfromhell0-d6bt9tr.jpg (842x1189, 464K)

The fact that you consider that a flattering picture says a lot.

alot of the npc character models looked fucked up and alot of the faces also, tannis, mordekai, tina
faces is fucked up lads

she's indian ffs jesus christ

So fucking what?
He's insufferable.
It's as if someone watched a Marvel movie and tried to one up the "humor" in those movies.

they really do look like they could fuck you up just from the way they're walking.



Attached: as a mistake.gif (500x264, 1.73M)

We have purposely made this lore-critical and aesthetically pleasing thing ugly, as a joke

Attached: ugly.jpg (854x480, 71K)

>So, if a game is in first person, the characters need to be ugly?
No it means you can't see the character you're playing most of the time. It also means that even if you don't like the model you can still play the concept of an Indian Siren who punches people with magic arms.

Reddit: the character.

Mark my words, she'll turn out to be a tranny because of either corporate experiment to create a siren or she was born a born a boy, but then siren magic manifested and *poof* willy's gone.
It's gearbox and current year, we can't have chocolate abs and not get fucked in some way.

No, dipshit, you've already ruined it. You have to get it 100% or the whole thing falls apart. Just try again in the next thread.

Christ. The things I do for you faggots.

Look at Capcom and them making female characters ugly to appeal to the western playerbase. Nothing new here.

>gearbox report said siren is indian goddess inspired

>looks like a fking indian




can you not?

Who let the resetera hambeast speak?

literally everyone is saying 'visually repulsive,' which is not related to race
try honesty

What do you do, imply that manfaces are good?
Nice millennial irony, by the way.

Is Gaige fun? Haven't played since BL2 came out and thinking about not playing as a siren for once.

Who gives a shit. My man Rhys is in the fucking game. That's the best news I've heard in a long time.

I will be playing as the Siren

Attached: anons bait.jpg (500x294, 41K)

no, too gear dependent in UVHM, and if you die you lose progress on your damage
she seems powerful but then you hate her later on since she has to build up strength
krieg, zero, and maybe maya are the 'fun' ones

>t. handsome jack

Attached: reddit.png (801x928, 911K)

They’d probably have a case if she had an Afro but sadly, they need to feign seeing only in black, white and sometimes blobs of grey “other”.

It's funny how you can spot people who are obviously not from here just from the way they type.

Women and niggers are not minorities anymore.

White males are.

How do you guys think this power will work? Will she go full "ORA ORA ORA ORA" with those bad boys or what?

Attached: 1491330614701.jpg (1024x332, 49K)

>Being this assblasted that your pathetic attempt at baiting backfired

Attached: YIKES.jpg (366x493, 21K)

i don't think it's repulsive, i think it's a fresh look than the usual same chick like maya or lilith, just like zane just like moze

I mean its okay if she is black, but couldn't they make her hot just like other sirens? She looks like John Cena

as you already know, you're both wrong and lying
the people paying money for this crap are predominantly young males, and they're not attracted to frankenstein

>literally everyone
except all the people who aren't
what's with all the weak faggots coming out of the woodwork today? the shit disturbing is usually better than this

Attached: 1470464086409.jpg (600x590, 68K)

What bait, it's a fact that thing has a repulsive face and it says a lot when even the pic deemed favorable by the marketeers looks terrible.
Of course.

So how come we don’t get to know the Vault hunters names? I saw someone mentioned HoboRobo having the name “Flak” from a peak and that’s about it.

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needed more room in the trailer to show off characters you already know about
remember borderlands 2??

>i think it's a fresh look
Just because something is new it doesn't imply good.
She's different?
Definitely, because the previous two were good looking and this one is an orc.

It's been this bad since like 2014 dude

when will borderlands get the smellovision treatment for real indian immersion

i play the shootiest character

i play bl2 for the gameplay believe it or not, not once have i wank off to maya or lilith, i just couldn't give a fk

>having any tone of muscle = looking like John Cena
Y I K E S ! Might as well think she looks like Brick while you're being a blind retard

Will start with batman, reminds me a bit of zerop and the stealth kill reset along with slag shurikens were the best part of borderlands 2, aside from b0re glitches

God I want an orc gf

Then tell them white boys to make good games.

All theyre doing is being sellout hacks like Notch and Gabe.

Flak is correct
gadget guy is Zane
mech girl is Moze
siren is Amara

not him but wow she looks ripped though

>this fag doesn't want a strong orc wife

Attached: 1522737379455.jpg (329x399, 44K)

>tell them white boys

>Y I K E S!

Is there anyone in this thread who isn't some tranny from resetera?
Even in the way you speak it's obvious you are not from here.

please try to notice that there are people who are claiming that an ugly character is acceptable when an attractive character also a possibility

in these posters mind, the existence of beauty is not a requirement, they are perfectly fine with beauty not existing

this isn't derangement or stupidity, its deliberate evil, in microcosm,: they are willing to destroy beautiful things one butterfly at a time


Attached: DABTRAP.png (1395x1338, 318K)

I think this is the first time that all of the main classes/characters look interesting to me. Now I just need to hear them to see which is bearable to play as.

Siren masterrace checking in

Thanks for reminding me to watch the trailer OP

i can get your point if this is a modelling campaign where they are forcing fat or ugly girls for acceptance or the change breaking the "game lore" but this is just not it user. i genuinely is more interested in the characters than looks in this game

Kids have never looked good in Borderlands even Tiny Tina was ugly as fuck in BL2.

>six armed musclebabes aren't beautiful

Vanillafags deserve the noose

FUCK the classes, I want confirmation that proper fuckoff hand cannon revolvers are back

Attached: defiler.jpg (400x300, 85K)

>that atrocious gorilla

Tina looked like a crackhead baby what the FUCK are you talking about, user? Did you want her to enter a little butterfly chrysalis, liquefy, and go into some metamorphosis where she changes into an ENTIRELY new body? I don't understand.


Attached: newsiren.png (537x767, 909K)

Will there be a Battle Royale mode?

Then maybe watch the fucking trailer? You see at least 5 of them there.

Why do the women look like they are suffering from shellfish allergies?

Jesus Christ it looks like somebody edited those faces on top of the video.

Attached: file.png (814x844, 876K)

>we went from Lillith and Maya to this thing
I mean, it's Gearbox, but holy shit.

Same here. Hit out of the park with this set of characters. In BL1 I put Brick and Lilith at the back half of my "try this character" queue, in BL2 it was Maya and Salvador. Obvious bias to tactical shooter man classes there. Here I can't really decide who to pick until we see more of their in-depth gameplay.

Not an argument, sweetie. No one is speaking, it's coming from your tiny head.

Was there any reason in these games NOT to use Maliwan guns? seriously by the end of ever fucking borderlands I had all Maliwan weapons because they're the ones that focused on elements and you absolutely NEEDED that fucking shit to deal good damage. Fuck every other brand

Yeah but BL2 also has revolvers that are just a pistol variant and feel plinky as hell compared to BL1 revolvers.
They need to be their own weapon class again.

Did they even give a release date or anything?

Attached: 1553175837904.png (741x690, 668K)

How do you feel about oni?

Attached: 3250D7B5-059F-49C0-A8D0-CA0C8326BD77.png (1000x1000, 664K)

So yes, you are.

If mech girl isn't annoying like the mechromancer from bl2, then she is my main. Then either beast master or operative.

I prefer panther demons

I don't think that's a matter of weapon classes. Combining them into one class was good for making sure your skill investments covered a wider range of weapons. The problem is in the individual tuning of said "revolver" weapons which as you said made them too weak and ill defined.

If they're smart they'll bring back Mashers for sure.

I guess beauty ain’t subjective or is this the part where you post saved pics of the golden ratio or some shit?

so you're gonna buy the game or nah?

Attached: school bullies.webm (1920x1080, 2.01M)

I can't wait for the new Maya SFMs

Someone forgot to pay off the journos it seems.

What ever confirmation you need to fill the narrative in your pea-brain, sweetie.

why the fuck are they waiting a week to announce the release date though? what the fuck is randy up to?

Attached: pitchfork.jpg (400x400, 20K)

Yeah, true intelectuals appreciate ugliness.

maliwan gun with some infection on it

Attached: infectedgun.png (682x608, 797K)

Well you need some serious bribes to claim that trailer was super impressive. It unironically doesn't look much different from 2.

>yfw timeskip selfcest
>short hair maya x long hair maya
>young tina x adult tina

Attached: 1551326763664.jpg (246x235, 8K)

>Handsome Jack won't be around unless they asspull something
>Scooter is literally fucking dead unless they asspull something

It just won't be the same bros..

Well, their concept artist looks like Tracer

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (442x630, 592K)

need to see more of it. I am intrigued because of mech girl and multiple worlds, but the "humor" could be way worse than it already is.

I unironically like those jackets based on Maya's outfit. The grey one is even better.


Is this the worst reveal trailer of all time?

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>iterally everyone

Attached: vote.jpg (621x1002, 72K)

you guys arguing over amara while i pray to jesus that the damage and life scaling is not turd shit like in bl2.

also the weapon/class/game balancing

Attached: cDpoe2fdfbda.jpg (718x718, 50K)

Absolutely NICE

there have been worse than this. This is average.

I read an article saying he might be there thanks to Rhys

idk why it has to be cute, I don't think she's cute but she looks fucking cool. Tough siren is a fun concept

Well you can't see this shit in the trailer unlike character designs, can you?

Ah yes, the most important part of every game.

Attached: 1548675834017.jpg (749x749, 66K)

Probably. Gearbox might fuck up and convince me to leave it alone until it’s 10$ but I do like all 4 hunters aesthically so id like to see actual shit about their playstyle and personality to decide it.

If they mention we get to either kill Lilith or that she gets killed, I’ll instant buy it.

this is woolie before the exercise arc was being writting, hes way stronger in the main story now

>all those hands that could be used for restraining

Attached: iwtft.jpg (224x225, 8K)

Let me predict the next few post(s)
>y-y-you just like trannies!
>muscles girls are for fags!
>that one shot of her hair clipping through her head
>Calling her a nigger even though she's indian

Attached: 1546400163021.png (650x650, 10K)

Having some muscle is not ugly. Shame about your insecure sexuality.

I played as the siren in 1 and 2
I'm not dumb enough to buy 3.

Brick solo sax killed me.

I played borderlands 1 for like 10 hours and I was more or less done with the series. Way too many other games out there that seem more interesting, to be spending so much time on fps diablo seems like a waste, for me. But I hope you borderbros have fun.

Attached: 1551429492142.jpg (702x562, 67K)

I like how you keep trying to redirect the attention to the muscles when absolutely everyone is talking about xir ugly face.

scooter or jack? Because I crushed Jack. I hope they don't look for Tales Save data.

I need to know more about these two. They got style

Same with Moxxi.
The only solace I can take is that Anthony Burch got fucking demolished in his divorce

unironically kys

siblings, the girl has siren powers the dude has artificially has siren powers (the red tattoos instead of blue). leaders of the cult you see in the trailer

bet she fucks like a fighter jet

Pitchford said Jack is dead during the stream. So probably that's the canon choice.

bl1 sucks, play bl2 instead (friends is a must)

>Wanting the removal of one of the things that makes Borderlands great
Go play another game if you want to play a custom toon faggot

Lore related. Why? Nobody knows because there isn't much knowledge about sirens

>cult shit
damn what a letdown

>first person only at all times
>linear character driven narrative

What the fuck about this begs custom characters for you?

Nah looks dope

>dropped after BL2 due to SJW cancer
>literally 0 expectations and hype
>trailer drops
>it actually looks fun
>tfw brown muscle fetish
>villain looks pretty cool
>reflecting back on childhood and how i had fun with the games

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Christ i wished theyd abandoned this fucking shit
Was only in 2 because fagthony burch wanted to give his cunt sister a VA credit

You had these alien type guns in BL1, "Erridian". They were tied to the crawermax or whatever the worm/raid boss was called.

Did borderlands 1 age too badly to play through with friends?? I know they're giving the hd version out, I mean gameplay wise

wtf im preordering BORDERLANDS 3 now for only $59.99 for including BROWN MUSCLE GORILLA

Imagine the stomping those arms could do. Will definitely spend a few playthroughs as her. Also, yummy tummy

I guess you faggot didn't go to the Amazon planet and experienced snu snu first hand.

It's aged pretty badly, the new version might make it slightly less ass to play. Enemies are spongier, level design is more derivative, guns are less interesting, and so are the character builds. Even what pros it had over 2 like Brick's fun punch mode is superceded by Krieg.

It's still worth a playthrough if you and your friends have a tolerance for older games/jank.

video games suppress testosterone

>Friends is a must.
So don't play it, then?

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