When you start a New Game in Far Cry 5, the first loadscreen reads:

When you start a New Game in Far Cry 5, the first loadscreen reads:
>"And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back, sealed with seven seals. Then I saw a strong angel proclaim with a loud voice, "Who is worthy to open the scroll and loose its seals?"
In the original version of Far Cry 5, the first loadscreen was randomized. But a later patch changed this so that the first loadscreen is always quoting Revelation Chapter 5 v 1-2.
There are seven seals in Far Cry 5, and each of them is mentioned by Joseph Seed as they occur.
1. Attempting to arrest Joseph.
2. Killing Herald 1.
3. Killing Herald 2.
4. Killing Herald 3.
5. Arriving at the Church. (Blood of the Martyrs.)
6. Refusing to walk away. (A great earthquake.)
7. Attempting to arrest Joseph again. (The seven angels.)
When you refuse to walk away, and confront Joseph as a great storm & earthquake rages around you, you have exactly 12 followers. You know, kinda like Jesus.
Also, when you attempt to arrest Joseph again, he looks up and says, "When the Lamb opened the seventh seal there was silence in Heaven. And the seven angels before God were given seven trumpets. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake. And I heard a great voice from the temple say to the angels, "Go your ways… and pour from the vials the wrath of God upon the Earth."" When he is speaking, if you exclude yourself and Joseph, there are exactly seven people present in the scene

Attached: SEVEN.png (848x429, 922K)

Have sex

So was this game better or worse than FC3&4?
I'll have sex with ur mum lol

Attached: hurley.jpg (933x600, 138K)

It's different to FC3&4. Hews closer to GR: Wildlands structurally. Game is almost completely non-linear. Has projectile weapons instead of hitscan. Bigger focus on AI companions. Bigger focus on exploration. God-tier soundtrack.

Is it more in line with FC2 then?

Faith Seed isn't the "original" Faith Seed. An unknown number of women played the "role" of Faith Seed -- a soothsaying dark haired woman in a doily dress -- before her, and they all died. I think that the interchangeable nature of the Faith Seeds is pointing to something larger. When you visit Faith a third time in the bliss, she tells you that "This is the only way the story ends. Nothing you can do can change that." Then she allows you to meet with Cameron Burke, who monologues about free will and happiness. One of the key sentiments in Burke's monologue is that, "We think we have free will. But that is just a lie. An illusion. We don't live our lives. We live theirs." It's my personal belief that all the characters in Far Cry 5 are replaceable. A replaceable woman named "Faith Seed" dying doesn't open a seal. The player killing a woman named "Faith Seed" opens a seal.

Yes and no. It goes back to the generally set-piece-less design of FC2. It has extremely persistent AI that hounds you kinda like FC2. It also gets rid of stuff like radio towers. But overall the feel of the game isn't like FC2. Which is not necessarily a bad thing because FC2 is one of those games that is great on paper, but boring as fuck if you play it for 10 hours.

Joseph's "Voice" appears to be genuine. New Dawn reinforces this with his prophecy about the face of the Shepherd that The Captain fulfills. Some entity really did tell him what was going to happen. But the actions that Joseph took as a result were his own. And this is the central problem with Joseph and Eden's Gate. Joseph wanted to do the right thing. But he's a bad person. As John remarks, "Even the Father knows deeply of sin." All the Seeds are bad people, and they all seem cynically aware of it. Joseph Seed believes himself to be The Lamb. When you meet him in the church at the beginning of the game, there is a screen to his left with a quote from Revelation 17 verse 14, "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful." Joseph's belief that he is the Lamb appears to be based directly upon David Koresh's teachings.

There's also a strange bit of backstory for Joseph. Joseph Seed comes from Rome, Georgia. So-named because it is a city on seven hills, like the original Rome. The Book of Revelation features a mysterious entity, the Whore of Babylon. In Revelation Chapter 17 verse 9, it says: "This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits."
Remember that Joseph thinks he is The Lamb. Or he thought he was until the end of New Dawn when he comes to the conclusion that his soul is a cancer and you must deliver God's judgement by killing him. Yet symbolically, he's like the exact opposite of The Lamb. Almost like a... you know, "anti-Lamb".

>being this much of a christcuck to put this shit in your game

Attached: 7b2.jpg (640x640, 104K)

FC5 was such a let down

Far Cry 5 is game of the generation material. How was it a 'let down'?

FC, to me, is a series known for its exotic environments that drop you into places you normally can't experience and let you run wild. Montana doesn't fit this bill for me at all. It also hurt the game design because they pretty much removed all treasure dungeons, outposts and lairs felt really samey, and it made the characters uninteresting stereotypes of biblebelters. The story wanted to seem deeply political but it really had nothing to say. There's some other beef I had with it but I played it like a year ago at this point so I don't remember most of it

>FC, to me, is a series known for its exotic environments that drop you into places you normally can't experience and let you run wild. Montana doesn't fit this bill for me at all.
Are you American or something? 95% of the world doesn't live in America. Montana may as well be Mars.
>The story wanted to seem deeply political but it really had nothing to say.
You are an agent of supernatural forces that ritualistically unleashes the apocalypse despite half the cast repeatedly warning you that if you keep doing what you're doing, something shocking is going to happen. How is that having nothing to say?

Far Cry 5 is one of the most overtly religious AAA games in recent memory.

I actually really liked far cry 5 but calling it “game of the generation” material is utterly asinine.

Far Cry 5 and its approach to open world design is going to shape genre peers for years to come. Or at least until the next mainline Far Cry comes along and everyone copies it.

Soundtrack of the generation, at the very least.

You literally did not play the game

>Joseph says "behold a pale horse,and Hell followed with him"
>your Boss who you've followed is Sherrif Whitehorse
whoa thats deep man

Give me one example of FC5s world design that's trendsetting or even noteworthy.

America has one of the most unique biomes in the entire world. Plus, there’s a level of irony by setting it in backwoods America.

On top of that, saying the villains are just generic Christian cultists misses the point. They’re all shown as flaws individuals who encompass a unique aspect of the religion. PLUS, as the other user said, it’s a commentary on sometimes you’re not always the good guy. You are constantly reminded that you’re just as bad the villains in the game and it’s reinforced in the end when the nukes go off. Joseph was right and if you would have just walked away in the beginning, all those lives you saved may have had a chance to survive. But you fucked it up for everyone by going on a vengeful killing spree

>Montana may as well be Mars.
Only for shiteating third worlders who weren't going to buy the game anyway. It's not really that drastically different from anywhere else.

Should I read the bible before playing this game?

This may come as a surprise for you but the majority of gamers aren't from Montana or even America.
To me Montana is as exotic as a tropical island.

Just get the audiobook.

Joseph Sneed

Formerly Cuck

Not him but
>You are an agent of supernatural forces that ritualistically unleashes the apocalypse
That's not a statement on anything, that's a plot.

Remove the dumb endings (even if they are a FC staple it's still fucking retarded.)
Remove the mandatory capture missions for every Seed in the game. Fuck it, remove the resistance point thing in general and have the story tied to something else.
Bam, GOTY material.

OP is reaching, the story is pretty dumb and wasn't deep at all. Storywise the game peaks in the first 15 minutes and there's no bible shit anywhere