>it's a "Kamek is playable in anything" episode

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he was pretty good in mario sluggers for gamecube

The nigger needs to be in Mario Kart

not to sound rude or anything but who plays this game still

Don't care, it still doesn't fix the fact that it's pretty much a $60 multiplayer-only game since the single-player is so lackluster and devoid of content.

Based Camelot.

Is that THE kamek or just A kamek (magikoopa)?

It's like a Yoshi and Toad situation

>been in the game as a fully functional cpu opponent in story mode at release
>wait almost an entire fucking year to release him as a playable character

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Sluggers was on the Wii. Superstar Baseball is the Gamecube one.

Depends on the developer, AlphaDream for example is a "THE Kamek" dev and Kamek is thus the only blue Magikoopa. The other Magikoopas are red/green/white coat flunkies.

Awesome, I love Kamek. I wish he's available in the next Mario Kart as well.

does anyone actually give a shit for mario sports excluding mario kart?

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Smart to coincide with Yoshi release.

Strikers is god tier. Tennis would be as well if they added some bullshit mode.

Ever play Soul Calibur 2? Every game ever should have that mode where you go from level to level. Repetitive as fuck, but good enough as filler.

>was in early screenshots for 64 but was dropped from the final game
>never considered again for a future game
it's not fair

Good, good. Now to put him in Mario Kart and Smash.

Seems pretty fucking interchangeable but over in Japan "Kamek" is just the name of Magikoopas and only SMRPG has a uniquely named Magikoopa.

Mario Tennis is honestly the best tennis series there is.

That's no different than how there's a Toad species but everyone knows there's a character that's THE Toad. It might be a bit more ambiguous and localized with Kamek but it's clear at least some devs like AlphaDream see it the same way


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he was also playable in that one 3ds mario golf game
soon, brother

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Next Level is busy with LM3.

Yeah, pretty much.

>Literally Bowser's right hand man
>Is almost never a playable character in anything
>Even PP was chosen to be in Smash over him
Why? All things considering he's a pretty major character despite being a mook.

He was actually planned for 8 Wii U, but got cut there too

Again, because Japan doesn't think of him as anything. "Kamek" was a mistranslation over here. Like "Kuribo" or "Jugem".

Kamek simply means "Magikoopa" Therefore when asking for Kamek to be in anything, they assume you just want some generic Magikoopa. They don't understand that you want the unique one from Yoshi's Island, because to them he was never unique.

>Kamek simply means "Magikoopa" Therefore when asking for Kamek to be in anything, they assume you just want some generic Magikoopa.
He's still a recurring enemy of the franchise that plays a bigger role then most other Koopa's so that still doesn't really answer my question on why he is almost never playable in any of the sports/party games.

Even if Kamek isn't really a single character then surely he'd still be at the very least Lakitu tier.

nigga fucking Goomba is playable in Mario Party at this point. There's no bar anymore

My favorite mario series character. I wish he was playable in more games.

The former. I still blame nintendo for not bothering to give kamek his own name in japan even though there are situations where it's pretty obvious it's him

>kamek got cut
>pink gold peach and metal gold mario are in