holy fuck this game is going to flop hard
Other urls found in this thread:
No one is going to watch your shitty Youtube video fag.
112k people watched it tho
Who gives a fuck
>What are your hopes for this game?
>What are your dreams?
>What are your fears?
Games really need to let players decide what is right and what is wrong, and also let them pick either or and the game needs to go along with it.
It won't flop, but it wont do as well as it could have done.
I wish it would flop, considering how much I love the original. Its a shame whats happening to it.
Maybe some miracle will happen and it'll be good though.
Yay its this thread again
>>What are your hopes for this game?
That it bombs.
>>What are your dreams?
See above.
>>What are your fears?
They've already come true.
It's like he's in a competition to see who can make the most obnoxious youtube thumbnail ever and is somehow beating out the guys with the creepy photoshopped open mouths.
It doesn't fucking matter. It does well Yea Forums will shitpost about how stupid Yea Forums was for thinking it would do poorly. It does bad Yea Forums will shitpost about how stupid Yea Forums was for thinking it would do well.
Who's that? I think my youtube filter blocked this guys channel.
>112k reactionary retards watched it tho
W-what the fuck is that on the foot?
Honestly my thoughts to a T.
I had my hype levels skyrocket immediately at the reveal, and not even a day later crashed into the dirt.
What this user said and kys
Fuck off, quarter pounder.
So how much you gonna post this?
cute feet
>What are your hopes for this game?
VtMB quality
>What are your dreams?
VtMB quality with less jank, that both does storytelling well and has enough BLT stuff to make /pol/ cry
>What are your fears?
A wreck at launch that, unlike VtMB, isn't worth wading through
The guy's channel is somehow worse than Yongyea's. Don't bother watching this faggot shit.
sjw bad
get woke go broke like apex legends
We've reached the point where even Yea Forums is tired of this guy and actively see him as spam. Mostly because he's spam.
have sex
with Loli Cunny!
have children
looks like we need another gamergate to teach these libtards a lesson fellow kekistanis.
So clan are you and what pronouns you use?
Wasnt the first one woke as well? Worked out for that one.
6 times this thread has been made
Is this the pseudo shilling epic usrs now since the regular anti steam ones failed?
Why did they have to ruin this one, too. WHY? Can't they just leave ONE thing alone? It's like rewriting Shakespeare to get in the sassy Poc womyn genderqueer feminist who struggles with systemic waycism and the patriarchreeeee and Hamlet is actually a closet homo who struggles not with his uncle killing his dad, but about being trans.
sad but true.
Stop advertising your shit here Jeremey
You advertise here non stop and you can only get 100k? Fucking pathetic
Yea Forums doesn't even have 100k visitors, it's like 10 posters and 20 lurkers
This. The guy just panders for views at this point. No one likes being fucking condescended to and this cunt only offers lowest common denominator horse shit. I'd rather read a thread on fucking Kiwi Farms.
>6 copy-pasted threads in two days
Maybe if you copy and paste the same thread a few dozen more times someone might give a shit about your channel.
Is it normal if i wanna fuck that
trannies are obsessed with this guy.
xe is canadian actually, just referencing hue politics
fuck off jeremy nobody here wants to give you money
I'm starting to get the vibe that this is legitimate spam instead of false flag shit. His videos are genuinely annoying. The guy's channel is going to be absolutely fucked when people get tired of all this shit a few years from now.
it isnt the sjw hate the guy and want people to attack him.
hey jeremy what's up
What he says:
>I want videogames to be a-political!
What he's actually saying:
>Why aren't these privileged game developers catering to me and my right wing reactionary politics!
Fuck off communist.
Ironically manipulates retards into watching his videos with the words like woke and sjw he also has pathetic fanbois yikes
I, too, like to use meaningless buzz words.
nooooooooooo my shitty shill tactics arnt working fuck off basedboy
>Bloodlines 1
>cheat code to make the girl's boobs bigger
>Bloodlines 2
>cheat code to make the girl's dicks bigger
the entire worldview of an average /pol/tard is built around getting upset over SJW's so that user is spot on
seems like an improvement to me
Now if only we could get a game with both.
reactionary is literally commie terminology
Now you've peaked my interest.
reminder you can report blatant self-shill threads like this.
lmao, Captain Marvel's on track to make a billion dollars. You lost the culture war faggot. Sad thing is is that you'll probably be buying the new Vampire game just so you can bitch about it to your faggot subscribers.
>original writers are back
>the devs already stated the game won't focus on real life politics
>yet threads like this are still getting made
I've never played the game but I feel sorry for actual vampirefags
Why do trannies hate Jeremy so much? He's probably the only anti-sjw that doesn't want to hang you up or cure your mental illness with bullet to the brain. These threads seem counterproductive.
sounds like the easiest job ever reading articles to a retarded audience whos only focus in life is muh sjws
something to do with him calling out pedos.
These are literal marketing threads.
the fact you are defending him means you are a fanboy something even worse fuck off
it came from the French revolution dummy
I'm never going to watch that fucking movie since I'm sick of all this Marvel shit, but it's absolutely hilarious how that film sold a shit load of tickets despite all the bitching and moaning on Youtube.
Same. Wondering if people like Broteam have become so self-cucked by this ideological bullshit that he's going to ruin the game for himself too. People weren't joking when they said that guys like them are just an obnoxious minority in the end.
triggered a nerve did i?
I would fuck that alien chick.
they are being spammed by irrate trannies wanting people to personal army him. Isnt it obvious?
They spam him on other boards too with threats to harm him.
Yeah I like him and anyone that denounces mentally ill SJWs. You got a problem with that soiboi?
>hahaha he's so based, why dont you buy one of my i mean his shirts while you're at it
Back to >>>/leftypol/
Im really afraid to save this image
>unironically shilling for youtubers
the absolute state of Yea Forums
what I dont understand is I thought /pol/ hated the media yet this faggot just reads articles hmmmmmmmmmm
NYPA trannies
well i'm sadly not a tranny but i clicked away from that vid as soon as i saw that he was an obese neckbeard and i realized he was gonna whine on webcam for 15 minutes
>unironically shilling for trannies
Fuck offf back2reddit.
The guy should honestly kill himself first if he's going to whine about a bunch of threats on Yea Forums.
>defending strangers online
oh nonono
alright purchase one of his shirts and live stream you wearing it in public go on if not you are a pussy
fucking 2016 election tourists like you need to be purged
you know he actually got assaulted by a tranny.
Don't do it! It's cursed!
If you're anti-sjw you're my bro. I'm sorry you trannies are absolutely incapable of understanding the concept of brotherhood.
If he lets himself get beaten up by a tranny then he's a bigger faggot than the one who dresses like a woman. Fuck him. Hope the next one kills him.
>people who shill their merch while selling you opinions are your bros
oh nonono
/pol/ hates based Jeremy for being G.O.A.T.
well said my fellow kekistani xD
based and redpilled!
>people who shill their tranny game selling you opinions are better and should be defended
>Facts are now opinions
>the entire worldview of an average /pol/tard
You shitlibs throw that word around along with alt-right and Nazi and white supremacist, but you don't even know what they mean. You don't need to go to /pol/ to hate the left, the left does their advertising themselves.
>is built around getting upset over SJW's so that user is spot on
I haven't gone to /pol/ in over a year, but I don't remember many threads about SJWs (other than making fun of them), unless you consider the entire left side of the political spectrum SJWs, but they hated the left, particularly Jews, long before SJWs became a thing.
Reactionary is a nonsense word invented by commies to discredit complaints from the right about their attempt to destroy civilization with their ass-backwards conception of progress. They could fill a dictionary with these words, half of them would mean the opposite of what you think they should. The word implies that the speaker's views are built around a goal of changing things, while the target didn't have an opinion until they showed up. This is retarded. Change isn't inherently good, change could mean anything, and the standard stance most people have when you're not ruining their life is to stay neutral. No, I don't have a problem with you bringing your dog to my house - but I assumed you wouldn't ask unless he was house-broken, and now he's shitting on my carpet, and I'm REACTING by telling you your dog can stay the fuck home.
Nobody has to provoke them to react, because their issues aren't even about today, they go back decades. The generations before them made mistakes they want fixed. Shitlibs told them everything would be fine -- it wasn't. Now it's time for real change.
>watching the quartering
How gay has this fucking place become? Holy shit
>people selling me things are fine as long as they align with my beliefs
oh nonono
>no arguments
>thinks brotherhood is such an unachievable fairy tale concept that it's mere mention should be ridiculed and mocked
This is why you won't be missed, tranny.
I don't care
What's wrong with politics in games?
What's wrong with selling things? It's a voluntary exchange if the person decides to buy them, you fucking commie tranny.
they get in the way of the game being good
Especially since politics played into the main plot of the original Bloodlines games. The only reason you aren't immediately killed in the beginning of the story is because of clan politics.
They're okay as long as they don't insult #Ourguy Trump.
reactinary bascally refers to when communists attack something if someone "reacts" naturally they are a "r-reactionary".
Its essentially like a retard picking a fight with a tough guy and getting his ass handed to him the screaming "r-reactionary".
If you need a single reason to hate commies its this.
Nothing, it's just another fucking dev that wants to stick its dick into the culture. fucking chodes. Play it or don't. but this discussion is indeed bullshit.
fucking hate activists.
>selling things is good
>selling things I don't like is bad
That is a pretty ridiculous position indeed, my tranny friend. That's why tranny games shouldn't be encouraged, even if you and the devs share a lust for cock and soi. It's not ok, and I'm thankful that people like Jeremy are sharing that message.
not an argument
>What's wrong with selling things?
>Except when they sell things im not ok with, then they must know my incel power
Nothing, people will throw fits over it anyway while forgetting politics was 75% of the original
Just pirate it.
>Can no longer talk about a game because of it's supposed politics
It takes a very childish mindset to be unable to understand that other people have different preferences than you, and that it's okay for that it is not a personal attack against you.
I suggest you work on that. Preferably before entering middle school.
>Be in the middle of fun game
>out of nowhere NPC goes
>then proceeds to lecture me for fifteen minutes about how great the left is
i'm fine with politics if they make sense within the game and aren't just real world shit shoved in
>people i dont agree with shouldnt be encouraged to express their opinion
>we are not the same as SJWs we swear
oh nonono
why are you even in this thread when you've clearly never played VtMB and are just here to shill your youtuber zoomie?
It's one thing to criticise a particular good or service being sold, it's another thing to say that the act of selling is bad itself like you did, retard.
When has this ever happened?
I do enjoy how the attempt to prevent liberals from poisoning popular media has itself poisoned popular media by starting premature witch hunts. Conservatives expose themselves as low IQ once again.
>trannies and sjws
if this is the case how are they oppressing you?
based and redpilled, you show those commies and dismantle their dialectics with your godlike eloquence and intellect
>people i dont agree with arent people
>we arent SJWs, seriously
oh nonono
why are you even in this thread when you've clearly never watched youtuber zoomie and are just here to shill your VtMB?
>and that it's okay for that it is not a personal attack against you.
>He's already forgotten about all the devs that insult people then go 'Lmao, don't like it don't buy it."
>why do you want video game discussion on a video game board?
>What are your hopes for this game?
A 7/10 game all around. Something fun to spend some time in and enjoy the world one more time.
>What are your dreams?
Same 7/10 game with rough edges, but it hits the ball out of the park like its predecessor with imaginative scenarios and ideas, and solutions for them.
>What are your fears?
All the jank of the original with none of the soul.
I hate this fucking excuse. I have had tons of casual sex and I still don’t support this shit. I didn’t watch the video, granted, but I really don’t like all this progressive shit.
>Wolfenstein II
>Watch Dogs 2
Need I go on?
You deserve at least one (you) for making my day a tad better user.
I agree you people are the same SJWs
Its not really very intellectual to have a theory that there is something wrong with people opposing your attacks.
Thats like getting mad at cause and effect. Typical science illiterate commies.
The name is literally frog for fecal matters. Wtf is wrong with these things.
>game doesn't exist yet
>only thing shown was gender sliders
I dont remember either game giving me a speech about promoting the left
there's nothing to indicate that VtMB 2 will have shoehorned identity politics you mouth breathing retard, it'll be like the original game
but what do you know, you don't even care about games
Watchdogs 2
>Need I go on?
Yeah, because I don't really remember any of these games mentioning Trump. At what point in Overwatch did the game stop to lecture you about the left?
then make a thread about that, not your latest pewdiepie friend simulator
Are you really comparing setting specific politics with shoerhorning real life politics in a game? Are you really that obtuse or just disingenuous?
>relying on lies and misinformation to fuel your shitposting
nothing new here
Haven't played it, but the first game was very political. Why would you buy the second game expecting otherwise?
>there's nothing to indicate that VtMB 2 will have shoehorned identity politics
>have to choose your pronouns
Yeah, nothing.
again, nothing but lies
>then make a thread about that
This is the thread about that.
Seems superior to /pol/tards, who, by 30, end up murdering 50+ people
Are you really assuming that every reference to politics is a reference to reality or are you just too sheltered to understand how the world actually works? Amazing how mental illness like yours gets a free pass.
>he thinks marxist theory is intellectual
Like trees are free?
Wow that was very hostile. I just don’t like it when games make a huge point about being inclusive and preachy about progressives politics. I’m conservative and don’t like being told my beliefs are wrong or evil. They’re not.
I play the shit out of Apex legends cuz they don’t shove anything down your throat, it’s just a good game with equal representation. Nothing wrong with that.
The problem is when they make everything about trannies and black gay dudes when they’re like less than 10% of the population. It’s not brave and it’s not interesting to have everyone talking about how gay they are or their genders all day.
What about her?
>defending muslims
>>have to choose your pronouns
lmao, just choose 'he' 'him'. What's the problem? Why are more options a bad thing?
I prolly won’t if it’s too preachy.
you sound a bit reactionary.
You know the game takes place in the real world basically, right? Like, Bush existed during the last game and was president. You're acting like it's the putting real life politics in wow
>I play the shit out of Apex legends cuz they don’t shove anything down your throat
You're kidding, right?
>defending terrorism and murder
>but the SJWs are the bad guys
Do you ever repeat this and still get confused why people think you're the bad guys?
I feel like when this guy says "interesting" he actually means "I think this is stupid" but doesn't want to actually say it
What a hypocrite
She's gay.
They make some passing references to real world politics in the game, mostly for comedy, it has no effect in the actual plot or gameplay of the game.
>I’m conservative and don’t like being told my beliefs are wrong or evil.
Don't have evil beliefs?
>innocent people whose religion represented like 1% of the population in the country they were living in and just existed peacefully deserve to be shot by some maniac
this is your brain on pol
So, it's like /pol/tards calling people who disagrees with them "trannies".
Jesus, this culture war is monumentally retarded.
uhhh sweetie, murder and terrorism is based when we do it. When muslims do it we need to start a world war, though
Because they be forced on you in normal gameplay through NPCs, and those pronouns are eroding the moral fabric of western civilization.
The problem with you people is your politics is the most efficient way to make the most enemies in the shortest amount if time.
>muh more options excuse
This is something that adds nothing to a game, think about the original, would it be improved in any way whatsoever by having that "feature"? Why are they wasting time in this specific feature? It clearly shows that their focus is on getting good boy points from the media.
why would anyone listen to this fat bearded fuck he's so fat he doesn't even look like a man
without that beard he would look no different than a fat lesbian
>you people
>your politics
Who are you talking to, smoothbrain?
>commit a thousand times more terorism and crime than westerners
>thats a good thing
btw that mosque was responsible for a bunch of terrorists.
Why are they evil? I just don’t support my money being taken by the govornment to be redistributed to “protected minorities” or whatever they call them.
I work fucking hard and these lazy sacks of shit want to take my money. JUST GET A JOB.
I don’t care what color you are if you don’t work and pay taxes you don’t deserve shit.
I hate how if you believe that all white people are evil and need to give everything away then sudden you’re a fucking racist.
you tranny.
please show me where the developers confirmed that the player will be able to choose their pronouns or become a tranny
So innocent people should be murdered because some other bad people did something?" By this logic, shouldn't a retaliation attack be okay? Your logic makes no sense and is literally "Eye for an eye makes the world go blind"
>Because they be forced on you in normal gameplay through NPCs,
How so? If you just choose normal pronouns, what's the problem?
>those pronouns are eroding the moral fabric of western civilization.
You're a madman. It's just a video game. Western civilization survived the Picture of Dorian Gray in the 1800s. I think it can handle a computer game about vampires.
>q-quarter pounder!
>first game very political
**dont believe
Sorry, I guess you're not evil, just woefully retarded. Glad your ideology is dying out with old age because it makes no god damn sense.
It's a role playing game, more options to play a more specific role are pretty neat in my opinion.
Uhhh no sweetie. More options trigger me.
>I-It's just a video game!
How does it not make sense?
>I don’t support illegal immigration because it puts a strain on public services I pay for.
>I don’t support universal healthcare for the same reason
Honestly i just don’t want anyone taking my shit.
I also don’t really get the mindless hate for Trump. He hasn’t even done anything bad and honestly has improved trade with China already.
Any article about the game.
Why did they decide, out of millions of features that could increase roleplay opportunities, to add this specific one, gender dysphoria is so rare it affects about 0.005% to 0.014% of the population.
Are you going to pretend that they chose this at random? That they only wanted to increase "options" and not make a political statement?
Yes, that's right. But if you're so concerned about preserving western civilization, maybe make your own game that promotes conservative values, because I can guarantee you're not winning any new hearts and minds on 4channel.
Oh wait and the funniest is when these black kids get killed committing crimes and everyone goes up in arms. JUST DONT COMMIT CRIMES IF YOU DONT WANT TO GET ARRESTED/SHOT.
god bishop vick is really hard
>Why did they decide, out of millions of features that could increase roleplay opportunities, to add this specific one, gender dysphoria is so rare it affects about 0.005% to 0.014% of the population.
Are you deranged? I'm sure there are other options to customize your character, besides the gender thing. Also, not everyone roleplays a carbon copy of themselves. That's not really roleplaying. Some people might want to play a tranny or something. More options is not a bad thing.
You're a vampire. You're inherently wrong by default.
So why are you in every thread being a faggot?
So is schizophrenia. Why put in schizo shit for Malks?
I thought this place was basically ResetEra 2.0?
>shilling a manbaby who got beat up by the rocky horror picture show and streamed himself crying afterwards
kill yourself your self faggot
>more customization is a bad thing
do you even play video games?
*blocks your path*
Absolutely nothing. They should make sense for the game. Tom Clancy should be as republican as fuck. You hit a limit with v5 Vampire with that crazy shit in chechnya though. And if the politics are idiotic, like that one PnP book that was trying to justify pedophilia, you're gonna get crapped on, and deservedly so.
>that one PnP book that was trying to justify pedophilia
I don't need politics to agree with me to play a game. The first dragon age was political, but very playable. The later ones amped up the politics, but shat the bed on pretty much everything but the graphics.
Get the fuck off my board
piss off jeremy
your low iq mouthpiece takes are a waste if time and life energy
>"This game is woke!"
>"And here's a character from said game drinking SJW tears!"
>choosing pronouns separately from your body type
Maybe just pick the pronouns you want then?
If they let you choose pronouns but not the blood type that game's done.
This one of those fags who cries that straight white guys are oppressed because crappy comics and video games exist?
average resetera poster
I'm excited, the shitposting is going to be glorious.
They're thigh high boots by an ugly art duo made to replicate the female member's leg. It costs $10,000.