Absolute trash design. Why is he even in the game? Who is he meant to appeal to? We could've had Tenshi instead

Absolute trash design. Why is he even in the game? Who is he meant to appeal to? We could've had Tenshi instead.

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Someone's gotta fill the "generic bald black guy" role.

Do you mean Kenshi?

>big orderrealm nig with sands of time powers
I think heaven cool

Agreed, I'd take a goofy-ass 3D era literal-who over this generic looking time characters.

How the fuck did they get away with that?

Giga nigga with time powers seems alright to me.

Probably won't be my main or anything but I loke the design and will give him a chance.

Main will likely be Kung Lao or Jax both looked like fun.

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That Borderlands 3 reveal with the cool Indian character really got me thinking...

How come black characters in western games look so lame? Like.. they don't stand out at all, have terrible personalities and shitty character designs. What is it? Are Devs secretly racist?

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Blacks don't have a rich cultural heritage. It's why you have all these hoodrats screaming WE WUZ KANGZ

most of the time they're made to be as homogeneous as possible so they're not offensive while at the same time not standing out too much, its a middle road that ends up making them likable to the masses just due to being generic straight-men at the cost of potentially being unique and memorable
jax might be unique just on virtue of being the only character like him in MK but he's hardly the only straight-edge black boxer by a long shot

Why you hate Ernie Hudson with robot arms

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you should have seen fragile black egos implode when the green book came out.

He was pretty cool in the recent trailer when he rezzed and head butted Liu Kang.

That may just have been a really good trailer with good editing and music choice to trick me into liking him though.

Mortal Kombat, alongside anime fighters, has got to be the king of shit character designs. Most of its designs are shit. Most of its good designs are actually palette swaps. Even Street Fighter got a good palette swap out of Ryu and Ken, but Mortal Kombat? Not even that.

because blacks are a shit race and their only accomplishments and mumble rap and sports

>How come black characters in western games look so lame?
Also this. I'm not asking for a Mr. T stereotype, but black characters have such bland faces nowadays. Look at movie Jax, that's a fucking unique face right there.

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>Another I hate niggers thread
why even leave pol/?

It's seriously generic as fuck. Not sure what the fuck they were thinking.

>woah he doesn't like a black character design, so it's a /pol/ thread

>Talking shit about Sgt Johnson

Meanwhile in Japan.

Sick and tired of these lame dudes and bald headed giga-niggas.

Jax is so fucking cool. Why can't gamedevs make cool black characters anymore? Too misogynistic or some shit?

Gotta fill dem quotas.

Forgot pic.

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So just like blacks in real life?

why would I kiss my sister?

>they don't stand out at all, have terrible personalities and shitty character designs
That's pretty realistic.

>Terrible personality

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The fuck is "Tenshi"?


I meant Kenshi. The blind sword wielding guy that can use telekinesis.

because the deuteragonist is a black guy who doesn't act like a generic hollywood black guy.

>Talking about what characters should and shouldn't get in
>Can't even remember the character you want in name

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>t.racist disguising is bigotry as criticism

this is why nobody cares about your goofy ass opinions

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>another thread of Yea Forumsincels SEETHING at the existence of black people

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She's a good girl and deserves it