This is how most thing gamers think
The Modern Gamer
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imagine not knowing the satisfaction as a kid of being stuck on a single part of a game for months and finally clutching it out
these are the same people who call gamers entitled
>Why can't games be easy so I can breeze through them for my review deadline.
That picture might as well be half this board by no2
you are retard for falling to journalism bait
Respect is not given, it is earned.
Counter opinion: every time someone asks for easy mode made it harder.
these are gaming journalists
Game Journalists Need To Respect Developers By Doing Their Fucking Job Correctly
The game already has an easy mode, it's called 'tapping the L1 button'
>The Godfather Needs to Respect Its Viewers And Add A Version Where Michael Explains What He Means Before The Credits Roll At The End
The absolute state of gaming. Shit like this is exactly why it will never be as respected as literature or film. Actual critics and """journalists""" covering the medium begging for more toned down mass appeal garbage.
archive link?
You'd think having a career where you sit on your ass all day drinking starbucks and writing about videogames would already be easy enough. Any self respecting twat who had a genuine passion for the industry would be respecting the developers first by not demanding they compromise their vision just because some journo is too fucking incompetent at his job.
goddamn I hate these video game "journalists"
You can either respect the devs or goad on the blue haired vocal minority people shouting at you on Twitter. The latter gets you more clicks and attention while earning wokepoints, so this is what we get.
>people meme DARK SOULS PREPARE TO DIE as being goty of all years because >muh supur hardcore gameplay
>people buy new game from developers of DARK SOULS PREPARE TO DIE
>people proceed to cry about how it's too hard
people are retarded. the game is supposed to be hard. it's literally FROMsoft's fucking hook.
Why are people so incapable of just like losing and/or walking away like it's just a game nigga.
Nothing can really top the disgrace of that Cuphead tutorial video. I imagine that's the kind of gamer most video game journalists are these days. They are so fucking unbelievably bad at their jobs.
daily reminder:
How I don't understand
an 11 year old can play this shit better and these fuckers are paid to review games. How do these fucks still have jobs?
Wasn't the defense for this that some cunt who worked there let his girlfriend play the game, and they were too lazy to record more decent footage so they just said fuck it and used this?
It's sad that this scenario coukd apply to so many things, like this:
because their job is to push marxist propaganda, not play games
>Total Biscuit's pacifist run bants as the top comment
Sometimes I miss that ornery fucker
>Maybe they have limited gaming time and don't want to spend that time fighting Lady Butterfly 100 times in a row.
Some of the article is about disabled people and making games easier for them if they want to play it, and I don't think there's any problem with that, but it's obvious that the journo is just using accessibility as a scapegoat to complain about the fact that he's getting bodied by the game and just needed a way to cry about it.
Respect has to be earned, Dave. What have you done that's worthy of respect?
Why not just cheat?
There's like a million trainers out there already.
Shit, just download WeMod.
You can make your self invincible, just do that.
I used WeMod to bypassing all the grinding for materials and coin to buy quest shit.
back in my day games didn't have modes they were just hard
>tries to jump on them like mario
oh my fuck
It just needs to remove rng. Anything with dice rolls is shit
To be fair, I don't understand why they won't just do it.
Double damage dealt while half damage taken, this shit would be easy to implement and their sales would increase just as easily. It's cool From respects their initial fanbase instead of shitting on them, but I'd say adding an easy mode won't alienate those. It would probably only alienate those 5 retards that think their penis gets bigger because they beat a game casuals can't beat.
No, he's just a dumb cunt.
Only to get to the next segment and waste more of your life doing the same thing.
I like to have a consistent pace through a game.
>consistently failing is consistent
Fuck you.
Player doesn’t owe anything to the game you stupid corporate cuckold
>unironically making the retarded comparison between understanding a movie and finishing a game
You can easily watch the Godfather beginning to end without understanding a single thing, the movie doesn’t stop and give you a quiz before allowing you to watch the next scene.
t.dave thier
Like books video games can be enjoyed at one's own pace.
The game isnt even that hard my God. If you like easy games play easy games, how hard is that to understand?
>You can easily watch the Godfather beginning to end without understanding a single thing
That was my point, that a movie reviewer saying something like "it's unfair! why is understanding this movie so hard?!" is just as retarded as bitching about not being able to beat a video game, of all things.
You basically summed up how the S.T.A.L.K.E.R difficulty system is
Imagine going to school for journalism with your sights set on the New York Times or Forbes and you end up writing about fucking video games.
These people are almost all retarded and salty that they will never be taken seriously. Every terrible clickbait article is a cynical lashing out against a hobby they secretly despise and blame for their own failure as a Serious Journalist. These are sad, sad people and I genuinely feel bad for them most of the time.
Me with the grim reaper in Castlevania.
I'd feel bad for them if they weren't actively working to make society worse
If you understood Sekiro you could beat it.
That's when I stop feeling bad for them. Whining about difficulty in From games is just a tantrum about their job being too difficult for the level of respect they garner doing it which I think is one of the more valid tantrums to throw.
Whining about topical identity politics in games and actively attacking their readers / people who play games makes me stop feeling bad for them. You'd be unsurprised how deep it cuts when you call them out on being a glorified intern for whatever company they write for.
I beat it already, faggot. Guess what, some people are able to think outside the little box that is their basement, my God.
And my point was exactly "casuals will just play easy games", meaning an easy mode would boost sales while the normal mode would still be great for the core audience. But obviously you are among the 5 dudes with a little pecker like I already mentioned.
How can these people function in life if they can't function in a fucking videogame? Imagine if something truly challenging happened to them, would they break down and have a panic attack?
Spider before sigma in megaman x for me
Then sigma
Game """""journalists""""" are one of the easiest examples of feminized, weak nu-male you can find. They 9 times out of 10 perfectly encapsulate everything wrong with the nu-male
I didnt even mention you playing the game. You are projecting awful hard. Sekiro sold like hot cakes, your idea of making baby mode for everything is bad and you should feel bad. Why does everything have to be safe and easy for your pathetic fucks? Grow a back bone.
>need to respect it's players
>by not believing in their abilities
This backward thinking holy fuck
>would they break down and have a panic attack?
how do you think they eventually settled for game journo? why do you think they lash out against ""difficult games""?
>complete failure in life and career
>become game journo, 'this should be easy enough if these chlidish shithead gaymers can do it'
>game reminds them that they are, in fact, even bigger failures than they initially thought
I tried to get into fighting games but I couldn't. They're just too hard and require lightning reflexes that I'll never have.
Still, I can understand that this particular genre isn't for me and I would never ask a company to dumb it for me even if it ruins it for its actual fans.
Strange you don't see similar criticism of epic store exclusives
If you don't want to play, don't play.
But you're not going very far in life with this attitude.
What's epic store?
how does it ruin it for actual fans?
you could have a easy mode and the normal/hard mode as well
it doesn't take anything away and lets people actually experience the game
I refuse to believe this isn't actually satire
Of course no; it's very, very blatant that they're being paid by Tencent to both praise the Epic Store and attack Valve.
>Steam has been a "monopoly" for almost 12 years
>Not even a single journalist criticized said "monopoly"
>Tencent decided to take over PC games distribution and get rid of Steam
>Suddenly every journalist under the sun is fighting Valve's "tyrannic oppression of the PC landscape"
how so user?
plenty of casuals out there who just want to have fun with a game
Except there are parts in sekiro that are literally impossible
Take your fun and shove it up your san fran hipster ass.
Because it would mean touching the core mechanics, the ones that make the game for its actual, true fanbase, and ruin it for them to please a piece of shit like me, that can easily drop the game after a week.
In fact it has been attempted, and at the end the "newcomers" never stuck.
>hold sprint
>win the game
Wow so hard
I agree, all games should have difficulty modes
>The intended experience for people who want to be challenged
>For people who suck and can't take a challenge
Game Journalist
>For the profoundly retarded that cannot handle a controller without their tard wrangler helping
PC Easy
>For the clinically braindead. DLC only, pic related
I should have to press X when an enemy approaches me to consent to being attacked in the first place
This is retarded. I love difficult video games but if you think that’s the only way to go through life you must be autistic.
Not everyone plays video games for the same reasons user. If I meet someone who doesn’t like to play souls game as long as they aren’t a pleb about it (“game sucks cause it’s hard”) then I don’t give a shit.
this. he doesnt give a shit about people that play games.
guranteed if there was an easy mode he'd dock points for lack of challenge to make himself sound like a hardcore gamer
You mean the attitude that he should be able to do anything without being challenged? That's retarded to you?
>Not everyone plays video games for the same reasons user
Which is exactly why trying to make a game that everyone can enjoy is not always a good thing.
>Never put any effort in to anything or else it is autstic
That is what you are saying user. So i have to ask are you off your meds?
>Ace Combat 7
>Resident Evil 2 remake
this what happens when journalists play on easy and still fucking dont know how to play games.
Nothing NOTHING good comes from catering to casuals who refuse to get better. Give them an inch and they will take a mile. It is literally a slippery slope.
stop giving attention to obvious bait articles, dumbass
the difficulty is part of the experience pleb
>and lets people actually experience the game
The difficulty IS the game. You dying over and over again on Lady Butterfly is you experiencing the game. The struggle you have is not a design flaw.
Bring back Itagaki. We need games that mock the player for choosing Easy Mode.
you dont "respect" anyone by babying them you fuckwit. you do not deserve your job doubt you earned it at all and just got it for some knee pad work, this "article" is only worthy of garbage like resetera forum post whining ffs
I gotta say, auto pickup would be a nice feature. It's not like pressing X after everything is already dead is skillful.
basically this.
call you a pussy and lock out mid to endgame content
they should do it like DMC3 where if you get shit on enough they give you the option to enable it
Is there anything lower than a journalist?
I looked it up it's on Forbes
I live under a rock, but isn't Forbes supposed to be a magazine about business?
No its legit get better at it or fuck off. From makes a series of games for a specific group of people who like it. Don't like it or wanna play something to "have fun"? Then play something this point it isn't new that these games are hard
I have no idea why it's not even a thing. Why do you have to periodically hold X? It baffles me. It's easy to do, obviously, but makes no sense gameplay wise. It adds nothing but an extra needless step. I suppose if you dont want to pickup items?
>respecting anyone who hates women and minorities
I'm not even good and I beat the game. What the fuck is their excuse?
You keep trying and eventually any faggot can do this.
You "waste more of your life" right at the moment you decided to play videgames.
>TFW you're at the final boss
>Friend tells you the bell makes the game harder
I don't believe they actually have degrees. I refuse to believe it.
they respect their players by NOT adding an easy mode, though.
they could easily try to appeal to everyone, but they dont.
The bell tells you.
Does it? When I walked up to it Wolf just rang it.
what If I don't have 500 hours of free time to dump into a game yet I want to experience the world and th story
what now you retard?
guess you dont get to do it then, sorry. theres other games.
You don't need 500 hours. You need at most 50. You just want the world and story? Look up Sekiro the movie on youtube. Done and done.
so you're not being swarmed by items mid-fight
What if I want to understand Finnegans wake but don't have 50000 hours to learn twenty languages and every historical event in history?
I guess that makes sense, but does that really detract from the fight?
>Grow a backbone
>by playing vidya
Reinforcing the e-pin point. You draw your self-esteem out of games, and that's incredibly pathetic.
Not really, you can understand every line of fucking code if you wish, the game still chooses enemy attacks randomly meaning you’re dead if you have old man reflexes
Maybe if you're not retarded, but instead if why do I have to go back and pick up items posts we'd have
OMG I just died because this stupid shit popped up mid fight
>It is pathetic to want a challenge
Are you sure you are not a game jerno? Because you sound just like one.
No, I'm just saying you're whining like a little bitch about videogames and need to grow a pair if that's a big deal to you.
Just use a fucking trainer ffs
>I need affirmation constantly. enemies should be nicer to me and show that they understand how hard I am trying and how frustrated I feel. maybe they could say something supportive once in a while, like "hey ninja bro, you are pretty good. I bet you will get me next time"
nah dude, these people are pussy ass bitches. I can easily imagine myself in a drunken state talking shit and throwing a glass of water in the face at a bar. game creators are dumb as shit. I'll consume the media but not for one second do I have any respect for it
Then watch a playthrough on YouTube, you fucking loser.
Actually, they respect you by providing a difficult game with the belief that you can finish it
by adding an easy mode that's the opposite of respect
>what If I don't have 500 hours of free time to dump into a TV series yet I want to experience the world and th story
Tough shit, you make time for things that give you enjoyment. If you can't make the time for games, don't bitch about them being a better experience for those who can. Why should games be handicapped because some people like you have the attention span of a flea before turning to next month's hot new release?
Hang on why aren't you pressing L1?
Seriously just press L1.
>Go into a thread on Yea Forums called "Hardest boss fights"
>Not a single one of them knows who Hibachi is
Gaming is fucking dead
go back to doing whatever it is you think makes you so busy and fuck off
Find a different game. Skyrim or Fortnite seem more your speed.
They should crouch down next to your corpse and whisper plot details you're missing if you die too many times.
I beat I wanna be the guy and have no idea who you're talking about
also spoilers for recent movies and books
>I wanna be the guy
Play a real videogame faggot
Imagine dreaming as a kid that you would someday have sex but not actually doing it is an adult.
Grow up, high difficulty in games is embarrassing.
When I google Hibachi all I get is restaurants near me.
>This game isn't for me! please developer ruin an intended design choice for me! I want to be hip and tell all my buddies i beat this game!
If a game is not for you don't play it or better yet get good.
Nothing wrong with adding an easy mode that needs to be toggle on for the shitters. However it MUST be called game journalist mode and when you select it small text appear in the bottom right corner saying it at all times. The mode also gives you 3 times the health and posture and unlimited revives and locks you into the worst ending.
Who the fuck dreamed about having sex as a kid? Were you touched by your uncle?
>give easy mode gf
embarrassing is deriving some sense of accomplishment without being challenged. its like getting excited about beating 5 year olds at chess
you actually posted this
t. game journalist
these are the same type of people that say gamers are entitled
Yeah. Like I've been stuck on the chained ogre for hours.
sekiro is easy. you get infinite tries at bosses. try playing nes games where you restart the whole fucking game if you lose your lives.
>>I need affirmation constantly. enemies should be nicer to me and show that they understand how hard I am trying and how frustrated I feel. maybe they could say something supportive once in a while, like "hey ninja bro, you are pretty good. I bet you will get me next time"
I didn't read the article. Did he actually say this?
I always wonder what is the purpose of these trainers. There's a good difference between using mods to get out of bounds and find hidden stuff outside of the playable area, but to play the game normally with a trainer like that just seems retarded.
Come again?
>chained ogre
>for hours
this is also an effective strategy for life in general
I don't get it. If a game was too stupid hard back in the day they just called it a bad game and gave it a shit score. Why is that not an option anymore?
>everything should be easy
>grow up
what did he mean by this
It's a callback to older action games.
>Ill beat this game easy
>when he really meant he would beat the game on easy
Go into the Hirata Estate dream, kill all the carp for their scales, there's one hiding behind a rock too, then go to the sicko in the pot and buy Floating Passage
Because they found out that bitching about it on twitter and on blogs gets the game changed by silly PR faggots who think that these people should be catered to.
bro you cant beat a game made for children
youre pathetic
But the base game is easy mode. After you ring the bell then it becomes hard mode
He might be a virgin, but he's less virgin than you are. Only a turbo virgin could be so heavily invested into sex. Hence why these turbo virgins become trannies, thinking that their new genitalia will heighten their chances of losing their virginity. Little do they realize that nobody wants to wound-fuck them, and they die from suicide in under ten years.
In short, commit suicide.
no, that would involve a lot more self-awareness than you could expect out of them
Play another game that does not require that amount of time? you are one stupid nigger my friend
every reply to scrubs should be GIT GUD
you also didn't get 10 games a week
>look at the wiki
>watch a youtube LP
>download a trainer and fix your stats
>play another game that offers that kind of experience
If you can't read the book, find the Sparknotes. There's. no reason to dumb down the prose
have sex
>really meant he was a monkey
"Lets just crank up ALL the HP!"
"Glorious idea comrade, distributing health reserves to all people"
even actual "journalists" are hardly better at their jobs than these people. only difference is instead of shilling for corporations they just shill for political candidates instead.
Fuckoff zoomer you have to be 18 to post here
can some explain to me again why people give any credence to video game journalists? why do people run to meta critic to get a review consensus sourced from video game journalists who don't even like or play video games? why do people read ign and gamespot and declare a "victory" for a high scoring game when these people don't even like video games to begin with?
Daily reminder that being a gaming "journalist" is a mental disability
Fucking casuals lmao!
How old are you to have a response time too slow to beat Sekiro? I have 280ms response time which is slow as fuck and I beat it in 24 hours including DoH.
Unless you're like 50+, that's not the issue. Have you seen how many of these retards play? Reflexes aren't the issue, the spend their time running around a boss and chipping away at its health to the point that a single boss fight takes 10+ minutes.
Watch any video from Fextralife for example, it's painful to watch that dude play.
Reviews are still a decent way to tell if a game is good or complete garbage most of the time.
Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, etc. are all obviously quality games and their score reflects that, Anthem on the other hand is complete dogshit and its score reflects that.
Besides that, major publications usually get people who are good at certain genres to review certain games. The person who reviewed Sekiro for IGN is likely more skilled at the game than most of Yea Forums, considering they're bitching about easy shit like Genichiro and some even claim Butterfly/Gyoubu as "impossible."
nobody does that shit except fat neckbeards. You think normies give a shit about vidya reviews? They go by word of mouth. They buy the game, and if they don't like it, they sell it.
And Yea Forums only pretends to care about vidya reviews as part of a board-spanning ironic console war campaign. It's fucking retarded that people would LARP as insane fanboys but here it is, live and in color.
I bet that sounded good in (you)r head.
>You can easily watch the Godfather beginning to end without understanding a single thing, the movie doesn’t stop and give you a quiz before allowing you to watch the next scene.
It sort of does though, at the end of the movie, if you understood the plot and liked the movie then you got something out of it. I get that you don't like Sekiro bosses, but that's what From games are about. That would be like expecting Godfather to not be about the Mafia, of course Sekiro is gonna have hard boss battle wtf did you expect.
Godfather is good because it doesn't cater to the lowest common denominator just like Sekiro doesn't either. Git gud or die trying.
The thing I hate the most about this is that not ALL GAMES have to be made for (you), if you don't like game, play something else.
I'm not interested in a ton of games and I will never said that they have to change them FOR ME.
Holy shit, just move on fucking retard.
Okay, now this is epic.
How much do you want to bet some of these replies will feature in an article very soon about 'toxic gamers' and Sekiro's difficulty?
I hope they can feature this one: Don't play the game :)
Final boss of Shinobi on PS2 took me literally three months. Only time I broke a controller. I got a C- on my first try. Not ashamed. It felt orgasmic.
I dont believe the game lets you ring it without reading the note telling you what it does, and after you do ring it you get a massive SINISTER BURDEN message, how could you not know?
I think a big part of it is that the experience is heavily dependent on the difficulty. If you've ever modded DaS or used hacks, or exploits in the past, it really cheapens the game and it's not that much fun to play when you remove the difficulty aspect. It's a game that's designed to be fun when played at the intended level of difficulty. People would play the easy mode and just get bored.
what the hell is with these people?
why does a game need an easy mode?
why does it matter?
why not just let games be for other people?
I was this close to drop Vagrant Story because I couldn't hit, let alone defeat the final boss until I built a halberd and a mace with insane reach and dark affinity and I found that a certain combination of buffs allowed me to survive its final, screen-filling "fuck you" attack.
Goddammit if it felt good to finally nail that motherfucker.
>They have to fall back on to ID politics to even have a shitty argument
Are they even trying anymore?
Watch cutscenes on YouTube, you big dummy.
>Guys I don’t have time to play games!
Well, that’s the end of it right there. You could have just told us that.
>needs to respect it's players by assuming they're retards
yeah it's almost like that poster was being sarcastic or something
>let's remove and dumb down the stuff that make videogames unique as an artistic medium
Videogames will never be considered art until soiboi journos stop creaming over walking simulators and demand every game beat itself for you
Also true art cannot be censored, which game devs demand every game with remotely sexual women be censored.
>call you a pussy
kek, imagine the outrage. Journos had a massive fucking fit when nu-Wolfenstein did this with their difficulty levels
then git gud nigger
You are actually the lefty subhuman that wrote that shit, fuckin kek. End your life and the one of your fellow "journalists"
dont go to that HIV shithole
It needs to add a fucking boss rush mode accessible from the menu, I dont want to replay the whole game just to fight some bosses I like. Souls shit at least had the excuse of being an RPG making it hard to consider possible builds, this games isn't really.
>it's an insidious kind of peer pressure
No, it's a fucking reminder that you are not playing the game the way it's intended to be played. It's to try and keep these retards from playing on piss easy baby mode and then turning around and saying "Yeah the game was way too easy, everyone died in like one hit, kinda boring"
>Reviews are still a decent way to tell if a game is good
American idiocy everyone
Why do normals always try to win arguments based on social/moral high grounds instead of intellectual grounds?
I'm not American, dumbass.
Why not just watch a game play vid of the game on YouTube instead? That'll tell you if you'll like it or not. Reviews have no use anymore.
>respect my inability at developing basic competency in the medium I AM PAID A LIVING FUCKING WAGE TO WRITE ABOUT
>muh faith in public figures
You think like one, lmaoing at you lack of critical thinking retard faggot
why should the game respect you when you keep getting btfo by it
>These people can't even be arsed to succeed in a fucking video game of all things
What if the game goes to shit later on? What if it's filled with bugs? What if it's 5 hours long? What if the story is complete garbage?
A gameplay video won't answer any of those questions.
Ask arcade games how well that worked out for them once they started getting emulated and ported allowing infinite continues.
It didn't, people just credit feed, play without thinking and complain how easy and mindless the games are while never going for 1cc's or scores.
Isn't it more respectful of players to assume they're all capable of overcoming the game's challenges?
Imagine getting bullied by a fucking video game.
The same reason you learn a song piece by piece instead of starting over every time you fuck up a note.
>nigger arm flexing
>all talk, actually trash at games
Like poetry. Loving that all the ''brug I beat Drak Souls not even a big deal!'' morons who just leveled / co-oped past the first sign of challenge are getting grounded to dust by Sekiro.
Damn, Isshin is such a nice character. I really liked how he acted at the very end. Also his phase 3 was almost comical.
Off yourself, you creepy fuck.
Needs hard for non shitters, very hard for people who think theyve mastered the game that borders on unfair and impossible which is blatantly unfair and isn't designed to be beaten
>Some of the article is about disabled people and making games easier for them if they want to play it
Or they can choose to accept that a game is too hard for them and move on. Why would a game need to be made easier, worse, to satisfy a small minority?
Old generations = If it's easy, it's not worth doing
New generations = If it's hard, it's not worth doing
Sekiro isn't even that hard once you learn all the cheap tricks, you can spam firecrackers on so many bosses, use stealth sugars to cheap shot every boss. You can skip the first 2 phases of true monk.
But that requires learning, thinking and experimenting which is what these people desperately want to avoid while hiding behind talents like reflexes as if they matter much in a game like this
shut the fuck up boomer the last decent generation was the one that fought in WW2.
motherfucker quit acting dumb, a let's play or basic walkthrough will contain all of the answers you'd need if you're willing to spoil yourself. And if you're that worried about the story in a video game then you clearly don't care about spoilers.
git gud casual
How can you be this fucking dumb?
>Reading reviews is bad, just watch an entire playthrough and spoil the game for yourself, which is obviously the better alternative.
Shut the fuck up, quit acting like a pretentious cunt who values their own opinion too highly and let people do whatever they fuck they want.
git gud bitch
bet you can't even change a tire
Why would you need to watch all the way through? I have found that 5 minutes is plenty of time to make my mind up.
How does it feel knowing you will never unlock smash elite.
As I've already said, that doesn't cover many aspects of the game. If someone into looter shooters watched 5 minutes of Anthem they'd think it was a cool game where you played as Iron Man, not that it was a massive piece of shit.
Oh. I have no interest in garbage like that especially capeshit garbage. My system works for me though. I guess for casuals having reviews would be useful.
Fuck off Nazi.
>If someone into looter shooters watched 5 minutes of Anthem they'd think it was a cool game
You mean after they see all the loading screens?
Why do incels think "normals" as an insult?
Try having sex.
Doesn't chancing into money work pretty much the same regardless of skin tone or sexual orientation? Funny how identity politics became just one more tool in the divide and rule toolbox.
speaking ideally I see nothing wrong with that. It adds player choice. As long as it gives you a message saying you are not experiencing the core game, and you don't get the same achievements and trophies as someone that completed the game, and if them making an easy mode doesn't somehow have the design and philosophies of making it leak into the intended way to play. If all these are met, I can't see why anyone would be against an easy mode.
Or you could, you know, stop being shit
>I want to know about this game before I purchase it.
>but I won't sample it for myself for free, I'll just buy it based on the opinion of some random dude I don't even know whose only qualification is "played video games before".
Are you allowed outside without supervision?
Trannys don’t know this feel. They give up too easily like they did when they were make.
>one random dude
You realize there's more than on reviewer on this planet and that some reviewers may have tastes inline with your own?
Keep making yourself look an idiot.
We should be encouraging people to get better. Doing the opposite is vaginal.
how about you respect the game you fucking casuals
How about this, ez mode. No achievements, no fluff dialog [spoilers] no cutscenes,no last 2 boss battles, no ending at all[/spoilers]
You can cheese certain bosses with a combination of divine confetti and firecrackers, or by keeping your distance and running around until you bait their one attack that leaves them vulnerable. The latter method takes longer and exposes shit players, but the point is there are always options, and if people are already speedrunning this game that means the bosses cam totally be learned.
>We should be encouraging people to get better.
By encouraging them to not play your game? The best way for someone to get better would be an easier version of the game. That's like saying the best way to learn calculus is to skip arithmetic entirely.
Most gamers don't think and just play FIFA and fortnite.
>and that some reviewers may have tastes inline with your own?
Yeah, but the only way you can confirm that is by meticulously trudging through each reviewer's article history.
And even then, it's a gamble because unless you're a naive retard, you know deep down a lot of vidya reviewers are in someone's pocket.
Or you could just watch 10-20 minutes of a video, which would give you a better impression than some literal who that may not have even played the fucking game.
There's this thing called cheat engine.
Normal Mode:
>Game Operates as intended, all features are standard
>Enemies have 1% of their HP
>Bosses have 0.01% of their HP
>Attacks deal the bare minimum, explicitly chip damage to you
>About 20% of the way into the game is a literal video clip of the biggest spoiler in the game, followed by a side character saying "Well it's not like THAT's gonna happen anytime soon!"
>Every time you complete an area, the game gives you the maximum amount of currency possible and says "GOOD JOB!" three times before also giving you temporary invincibility that lasts until you beat the next boss
>If you fall off a ledge, the game will scoop you up Mario Kart style and drop you back onto the stage
>All normal consumables have infinite uses, timestop/invisibility consumables are on a cooldown (everything else has 0sec CD)
>Final boss is a QTE that takes about a full minute before you can fail it and the actual fight is done automatically by a programmed script to emulate you beating the final boss
>UI is adjusted to be extremely simplistic and shiny, as opposed to the mechanics-focused normal UI
>100% of achivements unlocked simultaneously, and they are timestamped as well, four achievements of which would require you to beat the game on its normal difficulty four times, each time selecting different options, so that the entire world knows you're a gigantic faggot just by looking at your cheevos
>respect me, a grown adult, by treating me like a helpless bitch baby
Well that sums up the last decade quite well, doesn't it?
>I write about video games and technology.
If this isn't a red flag, i don't know what is.
This is the type of person that browses 4channel...
>respect us by treating us like 4 year olds
To think that this enormous faggot is probably indoctrinating his kids with this kind of mentally right now.
You know the funniest thing about articles like this? These games are not that hard. They can be challenging, no question about it but if you compare Sekiro to some ye olde video games it looks tame and very forgiving. Its so apparent that these people only play bottom of the barrell, big arrow showing me where to go cinematic experiences.
because the only excuse for saying "i dont want games to be difficult" is admitting youre a fucking loser who isnt capable of pressing buttons and getting a modicum of hand eye coordination
they would rather not admit their own incompetences so they instead scream about not sticking your dick in someone
>whaaaaa it's too hard mooooom
just watch a let's play you fucking zoomer.
that's all you little faggots do, watch other people play video games on streams, anyway
Having to work on an easy mode would take away work being done on other, actually I.portant things.
>trannies give up easily
The inflated number of autistic trannies in speedrunning seems to indicate the contrary.
>Mfw people complain about Sekiro being impossible when games like Wizardry 4, Last Raven, and Natural Doctrine exist
>Mfw people complain about Sekiro being inaccessible and obstuse when games like Dorf Fort, EYE, and The Last Remnant exist
I don't know what you're saying but if you want to get better you've got to keep trying. It's the only way.
This. Sekiro is challenging but very fair. Despite that, it's got nothing on even some of the easier NES-era platformers. Megaman games are less forgiving than Sekiro. Sekiro is a walk in the park compared to Contra or Ninja Gaiden. Imagine one of these people playing Ghosts and Goblins. The worst part is that the industry is absolutely lousy with easy games. Simplistic, hand-holdy, baby-mode games are everywhere, in every genre. Along comes one game where the difficulty is an explicit part of the experience, where an "easy mode" or other adjustable difficulty would absolutely ruin the core design philosophy, and these gaylords can't take it.
what's the suicide attempt rate for trannies again?
He does have a point, I wish Sekiro had a VATS mode like Fallout.
It respects you in that there is NO difficulty option, that you can beat it at the default setting through perseverance and learning the game, asshole.
> but if you want to get better you've got to keep trying.
Again, that's like saying you can doing any difficult task by just trying over and over again.
>I don't know what you're saying
For example, you clearly can't read so you'd want to start with easier books before moving on to complicated texts. Bad players could just play other, easier games until they are ready but the best way of getting them to play difficult games is by releasing that same game but easier.
On the note of forgiving/punishing, I really don't get why a lot of these reviewers give Sekiro/other action games shit for basic checkpoint + money punishment when all of them praise roguelikes to hell and back.
If you purchase a toy (because that's what video games are, toys) that functions as advertised, the creators aren't obligated to cater to you if you are unable to play with it because you are incompetent.
You don't see anyone who can't dribble a basketball writing self-righteous thinkpieces about Wilson or Baden.
>Select easy mode
>It just googles Sekiro Lets Play on YouTube
They only praise rogue-likes (More often than not Rogue-lites) because a few years ago it was a trendy genre in the indie scene. None of those people have ever played an actually challenging Rogue-like.
>I wish Sekiro had a VATS mode like Fallout.
Where's my shinobi vision?
>hasn’t figured out you can spam dodge in souls games
>game is hard
How are people still falling for the meme that this game is hard?
>spam dodge in sekiro
>still get hit because dodge has no iframes in this game
Dodge spamming doesn't work in Sekiro for all moves, that's the thing. You need to adapt for multiple types of enemy / boss moves, just spamming dod to everything gets you fucked in the ass.
How hard is Sekiro really?
The last game I played that I thought was too hard for me was Ninja Gaiden. I wouldn't have minded a pussy difficulty level for that one.
>game lets you move at sonic speeds with the vertical escape routes of spiderman and infinite stamina
>people think its hard
It's like a baby's first souls game
>OP should respect its audience and not spam articles from literal nobodies for cheap Yous
Not just anyone gets to play video games as their job, it's a privilege of those with connections. You don't have to enjoy doing it, or even play video games at all. They get money not because they're good at their job.
At least he realised in the end that it's just not his type of game. Hell, I don't play NHL and expect Fifa, I wouldn't play Souls and expect Batman combat either.
It's hard to tell. I found it easier than the other souls games, but looking it from another perspective I can't think of bosses in any of the other games that required as many precise inputs as Sekiro. You can parry spam which works somewhat, same as roll spamming in the souls games. You can cheese the game with stealth, but you could also cheese the other games with magic, poise, and defense.
If you made it through one of the other souls games, you'll probably be fine here.
Not with video games. You learn from your mistakes by seeing where you fucked up and by not fucking up again or trying other ways. That's how I learned to get through all the Souls games and to solo 140s except for Zinogre. Putting in an ezmode in video games in vaginal. No one will even try to get better but just breeze through the game instead.
This is such a spicy post, it's cathartic
>Game journalists bad
>Hard game good
It's the same talking points over and over. Stop deliberately seeking out sources you know you'll disagree with just to flaunt your big gamer dick for hardcore gamers such as myself and just play it.
user, you don't know how stupid people can be with the most obvious thinkgs. A duide in my office is a brilliant physicist, yet told me that he didn't like LotR movies because it had too many characters to keep track off. You will always find someone for whom you could "tone down" a movie to make it easier digestible.
How are achievement and trophy percentages looking like?
You were baiting me to get angry at your post, but I actually laughed. Unironically. HA! Take that, bitch!
To be fair, I don’t have the amount of time to dedicate to that sort of thing anymore.
Miyazaki said he wants people to feel joy from persisting through his games, that's his vision for the games. Therefore asking for easy modes is against this developer's vision and is just intruding on what he wants.
There's also the fact that the no easy mode niche is something fans expect these days, it would be like asking coca cola to change their formula to be more like root beer - not wise.
This is how most clickbait articles start. Thinking this represents anyone but people who clicks is really dumb.
On PSN Profiles it's sitting at about 1.5 percent compared to other similar Souls games like it which have high as shit completion rates, probably due to no co-op. I fucking knew co-op and summoning inflated it. Don't feel as bad about being shit at it now considering I always try to beat them solo.
Why do they ALWAYS review FPS on console? Surely these review outlets have PCs? God forbid they do and they still use a fucking gamepad.
"respect its players" = "Respect the journos, chink or i'll give your game a 4/10."
The comparasion is not wrong. The difference is in what's passive or active engagement in a medium.
To passively engage a movie you just need to see the screen and hear the audio - this allows you to watch it till the end. To actively engage in the movie you have to process these stimuli, aka use your fucking brain.
Same with vidya - passive listen and watch, active use the brain and additionaly perform inputs.
Neither passive engagement will get you to the end. Sure, the movie might have finished, but since you didn't understand it you didn't actually watch it. And you might've seen all cutscenes in a game but you didn't play it.
Seek help, you degenerate stalker.
They don't actually know anything about games that aren't skyrim, most of them come from journo degree programs hosted in online colleges and it's the only thing they can actually write about professionally as the bar is so low.
git gud
>falling for clickbait
don't you ever learn, Yea Forums?
except what he said is exactly the opposite
What baffles me more is how Forbes shits out so many video game writing pieces lately.
>polygon plays doom
that is so fucking painful to watch
i like to pretend that RetardEra are just far left shitposters in the same way many are righty shitposters here
Now if only the fanbase of said games would stop huffing their own farts
vidya is the overall biggest entertainment industry by now. They just want to bank on it.
What ever happened to getting good?
ess jay dubble (You)s are pedos confirmed
FROM should have known my arbitrary vague notion of respect when they were developing the game before i got it
You guys did ring that bell, right?
I don't think you know what that word means.
If this was a western game it would have had it from the start. Jap AAA devs are the last champions of having a default difficulty that does not cater to the majority of casuals. Not all of them, of course.
that was just a meme made up by people who summoned to beat souls games
now they can't summon so they want easy mode
you can just go watch a playthrough on youtube if you want to experience it without challenge
The game stats you automatically on easy mode.
To get hard more you need to find and ring the curse bell.
I'll do that on NG++. And give away the amulet.
>add easy mode
>mock the player for it during gameplay
Ninja Gaiden is the closest I can think of
MGS5 chicken hat
Godspeed user. I'm fighting the demon of hatred right now. One more bar to go...
Who is this and are there pics of her butt?
If they add easy mode, it should make you feel as ashamed as possible for using it.
>character has shittier weak-looking animations
>enemies constantly taunt you
>can't even get the actual ending
the only downside is every journalist would play through it thinking it was the real game and dock points for it.
And add:
>All the female characters think you're a joke.
>So much so that they will do the least they can to help you.
Prayer Beads are one time drop on minibosses right, so you don't get them on ng+ if you got them on NG? What about the battle memories? You still get them from bosses even on NG+ or is the mask only way to up power?
I imagine From Software devs read this shit and just laugh
i think one can be found on one of the vendors for gold
It's a victim of a mentally ill stalker who avatarfags with her pictures and fantasizes about hanging women.
then don't play it you fucking wagecuck golem
is this game really as hard as people meme it to be?
The easy mode in sekiro is aggroing elite npcs then sneak sliding back and backstabbing.
Afterwards you abuse the terrain to cheap shot the big guy to death.
Okay well that's unfortunate, but does he have images of her rear end?
>brock in pokemon yellow
Elitism keeps a hobby alive and good. Lose elites and investment, you lose the hobby and get a bunch of fucking casuals. Casuals are the death of all hobbies.
>To be fair, I don’t have the amount of time to dedicate to that sort of thing anymore.
then don't play 60 hours action games focused on difficulty.
Sometimes games are not made for everyone, and That Is a Good Thing.
>who is this
It's Lobosjr's gf Bloodyfaster
>are there pics of her butt?
She thots around on her instagram and twitter, there are definitely some.
>threatening violence over some bantz
What a butthurt baby man lmao.
You're on Yea Forums. We're Yea Forumsirgins. Celibacy is not an insult, it's a statement. Fag is not an insult, it's an honorific.
High difficulty in games is the only reason I might spend more than ten hours on a $60 dollar single player game.
lovely brain dead false equivalency
This is what's wrong with the whole fucking western civilization these days.
>Whaaaat? This doesn't appeal to me? Well... they should change it!
I wonder what would happen now if you made a game that directly shat on journos. The Twitter tirades would be unbearable.
You respect your players by doing the opposite of that.
>Imagine dreaming as a kid that you would someday have sex
Children don't imagine this, sicko.
Customer feedback isn't a new thing or exclusive to ''the west'' m8.
>MFW Scrub quotes.
Dave and his fucking limpwristed lackey bitch on fucking blast.
The mindset has completely changed regarding it. Everyone thinks "the company NEEDS to cater to me and it is unforgivable if they don't" instead of just saying "If you don't do this I won't buy it."
And what's false about it?
fuck off retard
Does Sekiro really need to get any easier than it already is?
Well that's just whining in general. I think the journalists complaining about Sekiro are retarded but Yea Forums also does this a lot if a game adds a nigger or female character even if they are ignorable / not the main character. Il
Players of 'Sekiro: Shadows Dies Twice' need to respect its devs and play the game like it was meant to be played
fuck me, this cunt couldnt beat mario bros im betting, and candy crush is too violent for him to handle.
how long till the "gamers are meanies and nazi" article comes out after this inane shit.
"alex the kidd -the dark souls of platformer", "virtua cop is giving me ptsd", "chex quest -brutal murder sport"
Can you post them? I don't go on instant Graham.
When I was a kid, i never used any easy mode. I just continued until I could beat the boss/finish the level.
People have no patience nowadays, they want everything unlocked from the start.
These articles must be clickbait gold.
>a beetdown
hi david
Why doesn't this dumbfuck just watch a playthrough if he can't beat it?
>Grow up, high difficulty in games is embarrassing.
Only if you're shit
Last time I posted one of her ass pics I got a 3 day vacation despite it not being nsfw. You'll find them on her twitter too.
And tards fall for the outrage bait.
Some times, I want to become a game journalist just so I can do a proper job at testing the games.
I'd be fine with that if that version of the game would cost 5 times as much.
This is actually an example of the famous "entitled gamer". The moron thinks he's entitled to victory without earning it. That's why you see these kind of people try and put others down calling them entitled. They're projecting.
Why the hell on earth gamin journalism exists?
Can you westcucks finally stop giving them attention, so they die out of lack of views?
Gaming journalism is a mental disease.
How to be a game journalist? I'm tired of seing them doing a shitjob and useless articles like that.
be a sjw and look like a fag
I guarantee, 100%, this pathetic onions cuck is a leftist.
>People have no patience nowadays, they want everything unlocked from the start.
Naw faggot that is some dumb anecdotal faggotry you spouting right there. Vidya used to be aimed at a niche audience and has over time gotten more and more mainstream ,partially cause as time went on shit got easier to do since the coin op philosophy died as time went on, and cause of that the audience has for vidya has grown and grown to other demographics of which are not the niche ones that could in a way be said to initially started it all.
My point being that nothing has change. Those people you dislike have always existed. Just that before they did not play video games but now as over shit has been made easier and easier or at least adding in easy modes type of thing, like in mario 64 lets say where the game could be beaten without getting all the stars and the true difficulty actually being getting them all for instance is what im getting at in shit getting easier, the audience of video games hos not grow more casual or whatever but instead the casual vidya demographic have just been pandered to more and more since they make up a bigger more profitable source of cash that a group of people like you or me who could be said to actually enjoy a challenge in the stuff we play.
If you're writing appears on IGN, Kotaku, Polygon, etc., that's already a red flag.
Considering one of social marxism's goals is to create weak, ineffective men that are mentally on the level of a child such that they are easily conquered, it really does.
>the state of dsfags
You need to be able to connect with the target audience of the major publishers. The target audience is people who never play video games. The """"journalist"""" in the OP is doing a fine job at it.
I wish this game had a Bushido Blade mod, where it's one-hit kill/stagger for everyone. Whoever gets the best solid hit wins the encounter.
Miss that old druken bastard
nu-gamers need to be killed
Imagine being the same age as these fucks and they still can't beat a video game.
Honestly a skill that slows time briefly for everything but you after performing a deathblow with a small chance of activation would be cool. If you get lucky you could chain stab an entire group of enemies
Or something like +attack power/posture damage for x seconds after a deathblow.
Fuck off, dumb phoneposter.
fuck off shitter
>Except there are parts in sekiro that are literally impossible
Acquire proficiency.
imagine having a job and a family and just wanting to blast through a game in a few hours.
>straight to calling for deaths of people ideologically opposed to him at first sign of resistance
Typical leftist trash
Sometimes, life isn’t fair
There are 300 games coming out every month. every single one demands 50+ hours
doesn]t really fit into 40-60 hour workweek for people with kids
>I always wonder what is the purpose of these trainers.
Same purpose as any other kind of cheat? For people who suck or want to fuck around.
>no capitation there in the western version
Does the Japanese version have decapitation there?
They would definitely try appealing to their resetera/twitter audience to organize a coordinated takedown and smear campaign on you, get your game pulled from sale, and otherwise try to ruin your personal and professional life.
No joke, prospective gamedevs who have committed wrongthink on Twitter before they decided to go pro have found themselves unable to find any sort of work in the actual industry because of blacklisting (remember how during and well after Gamergate they always talked about 'the block list'? Guess what else a list of people you don't like can be used for).The socjus insects infesting most of AAA gamedev, who basically have taken over entire studios/publishers all talk to each other and collude to keep people who don't explicitly follow their ideology out to the maximum extent their positions allow them to.
So really, going against game journos/devs with a public face is really not advisable especially if you plan on having any sort of professional future in either of those industries. It's probably why you haven't seen it done, that would be basically asking to be raided, doxxed, and harassed both online and in real life.
Translation: its disrepectful that the game is not easy enough for me to just mash buttons and see the ending for my shitty review
Why do you think you're entitled to be able to play every single game out there? I have a job and a social life and I manage to squeeze in a few hours of gaming on most days if I want to. If you don't have time for gaming then you just don't play games ok?
Why is it so hard for people to understand that things don't need to appeal to everyone and that some things aren't made for them.
>Better yet, change all the Eavesdrop dialogue to talk about how they're going easy on Wolf because they feel bad for him.
This would be fucking hilarious
probably not the right place to ask user.
Look Yea Forums, sekiro made this fagget seethe so hard he wrote this retarded piece of shit of a post.
Not an argument.
Then how about you fucking play some of the thousands of vidyas that let you blast through them in a couple hours?
I don't want a easy mode. I want the game to not require me to have full blown autism to enjoy this game.
Then again the following is fact
Demon souls is shit
Dark souls is shit
Dark souls 2 is shit
Dark souls 3 is shit
Bloodborne is shit
Sekiro is shit
Any future games will be shit
This was started in the metal gear online community when mgs4 was released
Imagine having a job and no gaming PC so you can use trainers because you're terrible at games.
You need a better job.
t. sour grapes
t. meme
"I don't have the time to read a 500 page long book"
Then go buy a shorter more digestable book instead of requesting the author to gut the book
Maybe Candy Crush would suit you better.
t. buttblasted minimum wage slave
It's a pity that you suck at video games AND at life. Your parents raised you wrong.
Maybe Jacking off dogs would suit you better.
Then go play mobile games nigger
t. meme
This is what happens when we raise a generation of people who we reward with participation trophies
I remember the game overs and having to start all over again.
Stupid question: Why don't they just cheat? It's what they're asking for basically.
Na just tone down the autism
You're literally asking them to put in more effort into a job they already hate.
The real question is: Why the fuck does anyone care about game journos or even take them seriously? They're literally bottom of the barrel in their field.
They probably play on consoles.
The actual problem is that making a good fighter is hard work, and afterwards it will be hard to add following things: 1: Good tutorial modes that explain everything and let's you try out everything explaining why they are good. 2: A story mode that actually starts easier, teaching you only a few moves in the beginning and taking you in slowly honing your actual skills so you understand why that one guy kikced your ass online later.
But nobody wan't to do these, they would rather sell these games to waifufags and already fighting game people.
The thing about Sekiro is, it asks you to do -everything- in your grasp to win. And more often than not doing exactly that would be labelled cheesing in any other game, yet in Sekiro is almost mandatory.
>summon npc phantoms at pontiff
>summon npc to fight Juzou
>survival of the fittest
That's the problem fighting games are shit.
I think you don't understand the meaning of the word literally
What do you mean? And fighters are actually pretty good, it's just that it's hard to get into the hobby.
Guys like that is why games are dumbed down. Here's a good idea, just have like a rail shooter that exclusively uses one button quick time events. The campaign will be 1 hour long so nobody feels like it's too long.
Good seeing cuck souls clone fans suffer makes it great for me! in fact if they make a easy mod I'll buy it and play it only on easy mode to piss off Yea Forums LMFAO!
zoomers were a mistake
>Download Cheat engine.
>Set enemy attack to half damage.
>Set player's attack to double damage.
There's your easy mode.
These games don't demand natural skill but time to learn the specific tactic for a certain boss. A game which employs the skills a player has already amassed is much better than one with artificial padding. Souls games reward neets with no life
>game is labeled as hard
>buy game
Is this onions?
I don't like souls games, I've never like them. Tried multiple times and I just don't like how they feel. I've never demanded From to make a game for me and just play the shit I like instead. The fuck is so hard about that?
>waste more of your life
Stop acting like your time is fucking valuable.
Snowflakes melt in the sun.
Why would you respect someone who doesn't even get the name of the game right?
you're all retards, it's about accessibility for disabled people you drones
Faggot burn in hell
He's going on about how From has god tier world design but most won't be able to experience it because the game is too hard.
>You can easily watch the Godfather beginning to end without understanding a single thing, the movie doesn’t stop and give you a quiz before allowing you to watch the next scene.
Try read Shakespeare without being able to understand olde English phrases or meaning, it'll be absolute gibberish to you. Or read Finnegans Wake without knowing about literature.
You need skill to get through things in other mediums too.
this, but question is, why don't he just watch let's play on YouTube? is he too dumb to think about this idea, or does he fool himself to have some "journalism integrity" and thinks he must actually play the game?
put me in the screncap
One of my friends said this about Dark Souls a few years ago and I told him to fuck off
Okay then don't play it
>The same reason you learn a song piece by piece instead of starting over every time you fuck up a note.
Good analogy, I do this sometimes with Cheat Engine.
>Playing Cave Story+
>Hell Mode
>Dying to Ballos in Phase 1
>Just practicing Phase 1 means having to go through the entire fucking level, and have to be careful to do it as perfectly as possible so you've got enough health to actually make an attempt
>Do all that, then die within 15seconds
In the end, I just said "Fuck it" and used Cheat Engine to give myself infinite health in the sections leading up to Ballos, so I could just race through them, turn the cheat off and actually just get attempts into the boss. Otherwise I'll sometimes do it just to eliminate pointless busywork. "You can farm hearts here to get back to full HP. There's no danger of dying or failing, but it'll take about 10minutes each time." Or... I could just use Cheat Engine to reset my HP back to full.
It's probably cheating, but since I beat all the actual content legitimately, I'm happy regardless.
These vermin just write as many "articles" as they can. They get paid by the quantity of articles and the amount of clicks they get.
Gavin McInnes talked about this once. He was once smeared by one of these SJWs who called him a nazi (he isn't and he gets very angry when people call him that), then a few weeks later he met that person at an event and that piece of shit when confronted told him that he doesn't even remember writing that article. He wrote 10 articles that day.
These gamer "journos" are the same but they don't really have a boogeyman to go after like the political SJW writers, so they resort to this level of lazy clickbait / ragebait.
At least when YouTubers do clickbait (for the most part) the content behind that is actually normal, even if it's different than what the title and thumbnail suggested. Gaming "journos" actually go all in with their retarded premises for the length of an entire "article". It's a weird mental gymnastic exercise for them, nothing more.
Never EVER give them clicks. If you really want to read it, put it through an archival site first.
Don' t cut yourself on that edge, you might need it for your wrists.
>Mfw people complain about Sekiro being impossible when games like Wizardry 4, Last Raven, and Natural Doctrine exist
Just because it's not the hardest game ever doesn't mean it's not really damn hard. A better example would have been the Ninja Gaiden series, some of them are fucking punishingly difficult, beatable by skilled and dedicated gamers, but absolutely inaccessible to casuals.
And for fucks sake, I don't know the other games, but Wizardry 4? That game wasn't just hard, it was insane, absolutely ridiculously masochistic.
And you know what? The developers regretted it. They've talked openly about how they made it super hard to court the hardcore market, but it tanked because the hardcore market is tiny. The game was a massive failure, few people played it and none of the rest of the series was like it, because it was ridiculous. How is that possibly a worthy example?
>Mfw people complain about Sekiro being inaccessible and obstuse when games like Dorf Fort, EYE, and The Last Remnant exist
Same thing. Just because other games are worse, doesn't mean it's not bad.
>Mfw Yea Forums literally uses a "don't you know there's children starving in Africa" argument
There is no game that is "too hard", everything can be learned if people REALLY want to.
This exact cancerous way of thinking is what ruined so many games because developers cater to casuals
You've effectively got three types of dodges in Sekiro and need to use each against specific types of attacks. It's rough.
except from literally memed itself into popularity making those "hard but not wizardy 4 hard" games
>Retard with 1 digit IQ buys game that is popularly known to be hard
Why buy the game to begin with?
Why do you want to play them though? It's like playing golf and not liking the outdoors. I'm not paying to buy some shit like dwarf fortress and then complain about it being too autistic for me and then demand battle royal mode.
First, you have to get familiar with the term dilation. Then you set up an appointment with your surgeon, and you're on your way.
Why has nobody commented on the fact that he spelled the title of the game wrong?
>"Sekiro: Shadows DieS(??) Twice" ?
I don't think so.
How do we kill all gaming journalists?
Zoomers Die Twice
the default state of modern game journos is choke
entitled fucking losers
This is nothing new. Back before WoW became a glorified slotmachine this was the argument as well
>i pay to have access to the content! I REMAND RESTECP!!
So they introduced tourist mode in the form of LFR which basically killed any illusion of progress or mistery concerning the game because you knew everything. Turns out when people know everything they get bored and leave.
FUCK this guy
1. They paid money for the game
2. They want to like from’s new game
Another reminder
I think some people need to learn to let go. Not every game is made for everyone, and that's okay. If you don't have the free time to get through a difficult game, then play another game. Don't distort the artistic vision; you wouldn't enjoy it anyway.
i don't think people who write those articles pay for those games
>respect it's players
>By treating them like children
I know right? watch your self user you might kill yourself with that edge.
'member that "game journalist" playing the tutorial from cuphead?
he wants a ez mode too
>Enemies are literal mongloids that are drooling
>Or old people who can barely move (like the old ladies in Sekiro)
>You HAVE to kill them to progess the story
>The game calls you a monster for doing so
Would be 10/10, journos wouldn't be able to complete it and probably start crying
More like autism
Jesus dude, is that your best?
If you really think about it they want participation trophies and they're like the soccer moms who don't count goals.
Sure. I'm a big fan of single minded autism in games.
I did for a bit, but removed it for challenging parts. Like the 6 purple ninjas on the rooftops, jesus christ that was a pain.
More like they're a bunch of faggots whose job it is to churn out articles the nanosecond a game is a released, and they're personally frustrated that high difficulty is a ''hindrance'' that prevents them from doing that.
It also reminds them how much they suck ass.
But it's respecting its players exactly because it does not have an easy mode.
It trusts the player to learn the mechanics and get good. That's respect.
I don't need to try with Yea Forums LMFAO!
Holy video description, Batman!
No, they just want to have an experience tailored to their needs. They don't think about games as being art, just as entertainment - so when they can't be entertained, they think something is wrong.
Its exactly this mindset that ruined world of warcraft and other great franchises. Gaming journalists serve no meaningful purpose and should get fucking fired and sent off to find a real job
gamers are pathetic
Fuck you, club soda is best water
>some games are just not meant for you
So Yea Forums should finally accept maybe pussy is not meant for them?
Fuck easy mode, this shit needs a hard mode
I hope so if they release easy mode i'll die a happy man.
Im still not finished user. I don't have time to play 4 (or more) hours each day like you. I refused to kill Kuro and broke the iron code and have to fight Owl. It was yesterday night at 01:00 so I stopped there. Going to get back to it on Tuesday.
Didn't only like 50% of people actually beat horse guy?
Proof people forgot what video games were about
Good thing i'm not a gamer just a guy who plays video games.
Why? I get pussy at least 4 times a week. Why is it not for me?
>"I-I was me-merely pretending!"
Discord tranny
58% thats really bad.
Nice meme
Imagine being an adult that struggles to play something that was made for children.
>1/3 beat Genjiro
Goddamnit. That's like 8 hours in.
So what's the deal with wolf lady? I don't like burning a finite consumable to beat a boss. Seems like stupid design
Imagine being an zoomer that struggles to play something that was made for autism .
>the modern nu-male subhuman is incapable of making analogies outside his limited materialistic hedonistic worldview
Imagine being this handicapped in life and living like this
In From's place, I'd add an easy mode that would intentionally be made insultingly easy. Where there's no way to fail. Where enemies borderline of WoW mannequins. And it also wouldn't have the endings. Nobody would be able to enjoy it and only thing they'd experience playing it would be the understanding that they're being made fun of in the most patronizing way.
Imagine being so shit that you think Sekiro is difficult
>triggered enough to answer AND seething
Wow, it' s my lucky day!
Does this mean only 58% who bougth the game beat the first boss?
Quite the opposite. Normalfags will buy a game because someone in the Metro or such gave it a good review. Neckbeards have the internet.
This. All souls games are challenging, not difficult.
*PC """"gamers"""" are pathetic
Just catch a nidoran or mankey, brainlet.
I have had sex repeatedly. Now answer the question, normalfag.
Demon souls is shit
Dark souls is shit
Dark souls 2 is shit
Dark souls 3 is shit
Bloodborne is shit
Sekiro is shit
Any future games will be shit
Even Lobos said that it's much more difficult than any of the Soulsborne games and that sperg plays those all day every day.
Is there an achivement for beating the bull? I'm playing the pirated version so I wouldn't know, but I want to know how many people made it past that cunt
I beat butterfly before I beat him. How do people get to him before butterfly? Do they just ignore the entire flashback part?
imagine being this bad at video games despite writing about them for a living
Ninja Gaiden isn't inaccessible. You got it as a young kid and you played it because it's the early 90s and you only get a game a few times a year.
the real question: Is sekiro actually good?
Personally I didn't bother gathering a blood sample until after I beat him and since the sculptor was sick I couldn't go to flashback land
Nope LOL
Imagine being this disconnected from the real world. Why do you think websites like IGN are so big, when "neckbeards" realise they are incredibly shit at games and their opinions aren't worth shit?
Because normalfags eat that shit up. They don't even Read the review most of the time. They see 9/10 and buy the game.
>Unironically using virgin as an insult on Yea Forums
Consider pic related
What? But you go to the flashback at the START of the game. It's not even gated behind a boss or miniboss. How did you het rot before that? Not trying to be condescending, but I'm honestly a bit confused.
The character or the game?
>literally "I was merley pretending"
>He didn't capture a nidoran and train him until he got double-kick
The game has only been out for a week, that's no time for normalfags. I'm a NEET with very little to do and I still haven't finished it yet.
Cuck souls is for normie faggots it's shit GET LOST NOW!
I didn't bother handing in the bells as soon as I got them and I died afterwards and rot started
Butterfree is you friend and hero.
he talks after last deathblow, of course there's no decapitation you donkey
That's precisely because he's playing Souls games all the time. If you try to do the same shit with hit-dodge in Sekiro of course you'll be killed. The game is about deflecting. When you understand that instead of attacking or dodging all you need to do is deflect, it's piss fucking easy.
no, most gamers dont think about this at all.
they accept if a game is too hard for them, and dont mind the implementation or lack of an easy mode either way.
most people really are pretty apathetic.
These "journo" companies are mostly burning through venture capital from Soros George and his type.
They're not profitable financially at all, they jsut spread opinions and propaganda, and these scm have definitely taken over the gaming "journo" scene too on purpose to spread their faggottry.
The gold balloons retroactively increase sen that's already on the ground. Kill a bunch of guys, pop the balloon, and run back through the area with an added sen bonus. This is why.
Obviously nobody does that. Everybody undestands how the game works.
But for both souls veterans and newbies this game is generally much harder. It's faster and deflecing/parrying is the main focus of the game.
No it's not. It's much easier than Bloodborne and Bloodborne was already miles easier than Souls.
Man how can you do that. The old lady begs you to help her. I immediately went back.
Yeah, you're full of shit. The games literally became harder with each release. And yes I beat them all multiple times. DeS is literally the easiest, and BB was the hardest. Sekiro is probably more difficult than BB, but haven't played NG+ yet.
If you only deflect and not attack, you're not going to have a good time. Bosses and enemies take at least twice as long to kill that way.
Fuck off liar.
I've finished the game and all parts all possible to beat.
Watch a twitch cunt then. He will do it for you if you can't play yourself.
She was an old nutter, I didn't give a shit. I only felt bad for her son. His first worry was his mother and her first worry was "da yung lurd" without so much as a wisper about her son