Whatever happened to Notch?

Whatever happened to Notch?

I recently heard that references to him have been removed from Minecraft's splash screens because hes a crazy conspiracy theory weirdo now. But I scrolled through his Twitter and I really didn't find anything weird.

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Other urls found in this thread:


He isn't a weirdo at all, he is simply based and, dare I say, redpilled.

stop listening to media and/or resetera

he isn't a crazy conspiracy theory weirdo, he just has politically incorrect views that don't mesh well with a product being sold to children

He doesn't own Minecraft anymore, so Microsoft just removed the little quotes from the title page referencing him.

He's still in the credited as the "Creator of Minecraft" in the credits, so I don't know why people are getting all upset over it.

He names the Jew that’s why they hate him

He's a cuck, literally. As in he's literally into that fetish. Other than that yeah based and redpilled

Not the reason why.

Apparently it's because he's being to based on Twitter.

Lefties are trying to unperson him because he’s public enemy #1 of the month/week/day/hour.

He's not an NPC and therefore capable of independent and critical thought. That's wrongthink.

He looks like the type to call people faggot under his breath but also beat it to trap and tranny porn

He said communism and trannies are bad so he's evil now

it's this.
i assume they realized that the millions that only bought minecraft after it was purchased by MS would be confused by the strange inside jokes in the splash text

Something about believing a thing called QANON (Q-user?)

But I have no idea what that is

hello notch

he btfo'd some transgirl and keeps shitting on them, removal deserved desu

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he has enough money to not give a fuck so he just shitposts and says whatever he feels like on twitter, living the dream

She's right though.

>Notch has references to him removed
>The Yea Forums reference is still there in spite of everything

>another succubus begging for money
>next shell say he raped her

get fucked poorfag

>you shouldn't enable trannies because they are mentally ill and mentall illness shouldn't be enabled for their own safety
>crazy conspiracy theory weirdo

He's just a rich sane man living in an insane world.

He tweets literally all day long, so there is a lot to sift through. Most of his tweets are just inane, incomprehensible garbage or him saying “dawww” because a zoomer said they got him interested in legos. But he says stupid shit all the time.

Wasn't this from years ago?

In what backwards shithole are the needs of the many supposed to outweigh the needs of the (successful) few? Britain?

Stupid /pol/ conspiracy theory. Guess who they think is behind it all.

the state of these people

>try to check her twitter profile for any evidence of the "games" she made
>it's suspended

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>I have made more games in the past year while 100k in debt than you have

So you made a bunch of shitty tech demos that nobody cares about and you have the audactiy to insutl Notch and then beg for money?

Trannies, there's something about them.

>sits alone in his mansion and instantly responds to any mention on twitter at any time of the day
idk about that

He named the jew

when is Notch going to buy this place and fire all the trannies?

notch grew up poor and began developing minecraft without anyone else's money. So why should she be entitled to his?

No it's not you fucking goddamn retards..


based and redpilled

what we consider pretty normal, normalfags consider insane.

This guy is all talk. He can create alternative free speech platform with his billion dollars if he was truly based.
Cowardly rich swedes like him and Pewdipie are lame.

I wonder what happened to the other people that worked on Minecraft. Anyone else remember that Jeb guy from around 2012?

Why does Yea Forums love Notch now when they considered him "reddit" and a "cuck" for years and years and fucking hated him hardcore?

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That;s very anti-semantic.

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That person got his references removed from Minecraft. Microsoft decided to unperson him.

Psychotic conspiracy theory that has legit evolved into a cult. It makes no sense and is on the level of repitlians


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Because Israel is a racist apartheid state. You know lefties fucking hate Israel way more than conservatives, right? The people who would call that anti-semitic are just AIPAC shills which exist on both sides, even more so on the right thanks to the crazy idea that Jews will usher the return of Jesus

It must be pretty horrible to be a billionaire. You basically won the game of capitalism/life and now you have nothing to strive for. Whats the point in doing anything anymore and 99% of the world can't relate to your struggle. It must be very lonely at the top.

>It must be pretty horrible to be a billionaire.

This sounds like those people who borrow a bunch of money from a friend/relative, then decides not to pay it back because fuck them they have more money than me anyway so I'll just keep it.

how new are you?
Yea Forums loved notch ever since the days of minecraft alpha when he used to come here asking for advice and shit

Qanon is this conspiracy that someone really high up in office is helping Trump leak REAL TRUE information about how they're going to lock up hillary and obama and the DEEP STATE is trying to stop Trump
What it ends up turning into is
>some bad news comes out for Trump
>Qanon: This is actually good, it's fake, trying to distract you, one step closer to arresting hillary, obama is pretty much wearing a noose as we speak
>Trump failed to get some bill passed that republican voters really want, either because he couldnt rally congress or he just doesnt care
>Qanon: Too much swamp in congress, deep state can't let him have his way

he once told someone that is okay to be white and all hell broke loose.

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And not being born into that money, either. Must be like going from one world to another.

He should sue, since it's his property, right?

Oh, you mean he sold it? Well then why the fuck should they keep his name there? It's not his. He traded it for billions. He doesn't get to keep the perks.


>the top
>your struggle
the guy is essentially like those kids that are millionares from birth, he didn't earn or do shit
the 1 game he's known for, he didn't even finish, it's still a basic ass mess I remember since alpha, with bits of features sprinkled here and there, pathetic

He is a NEET so all he does is go on /pol/ and reddit.

Guy got lucky and struck gold now he is just doing what he did in his 20s but the difference now is he is in Beverly Hills while doing it.

Seriously the guy is a total retard and got lucky he is nothing special and I'm glad Microsoft is wiping him from the game

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Oh, so we're rewriting history. Carry on.

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qanon and trump supporters are the most zionist people in america you retard.

I fuckin bet that he is here right now lurking notch threads

Also studies and polls have been done on the subject. The right overwhelmingly supports Israel where as leftist voters tend to have a far more negative view of Israel and are more questioning.


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congrats, you can read

>misogynistic language aimed toward men

He also said he considers himself a nazi. But let's not call him one, that would be mean!

>I made a bunch of shovelware
>Fuck you Notch for making a good game

The absolute state of tranny """""""devs""""""""

it's true though, the "hate" only came after he sold out to microsoft

yeah, because thinking being white is ok is very anti-semantic. According to them, they need to be eradicated.

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I wouldnt be surprised.

He must be a sad man and can we talk about how rich he is and he is still fat.

Get a trainer and chef you fucking mess

>made a good game
He stole an idea then made a mess and had others fix it for him. He's always been a lalzy faggot who got lucky and Yea Forums hated him for years (even had him as being part of Quinns side during GG) because he became a reddit darling. Yea Forums only began sucking his dick when he began going full /pol/, just like pewds.

Every person with more than four brain cells ignored the CBTS threads when they first appeared. They got up to like 300 threads with each thread having perhaps 80 unique IDs, it was a blatant shilling effort. I wouldn't be surprised if it's an actual Mossad/GCHQ/FBI/CIA misinformation campaign.

I'm so happy Brendans back on his feet
he looks so cheerful

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i think hes just fucking with everyone on twitter

>Hey notch what would be an acceptable nazi to punch?
>"I was going to put that down but then I realized I'd fall under that banner"

Wow, why do people think bad things about fatty fat?

Why do Evangelicals and Baptists from the US have this weird obsession with Israel and how supporting them will bring about the Apocalypse? It's not like that in Catholicism, mainstream Protestantism and the Orthodox Churches, so where does it come from?

Didn't Yea Forums dislike all the "vacations" Notch used to take?


whats your point?

He made one good enough game that managed to attract millions of kids. As opposed to the average tranny that makes games that precisely nobody wants to play.

>Be Notch
>250m+ mansion in LA
>sits inside all day mentally fucked
>believes white genocide, brown people genetically inferior
>whines all day on twitter and does nothing else
>repeats every day


being fat doesn't matter when you're that rich, the stigma of money will cloud everyone's opinion of you.

It'd make him healthier and happier though, natch.


Those were strange threads. Very cryptic way of talking, but it wasnt in 'chan-speak'. It felt very familiar until I saw pictures of them and realized it was boomer-speak, borderline schizo, trying to find deep meaning in random numbers and symbols, and then adding a bible verse

Reminder Notch literally bought the house JAY-Z bid on


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notch is doing what any Yea Forumsirgin will do when they become a billionaire, live in an isolate location and shitpost on the internet 24/7

Communists are a protected species, despite being an even more murderous cult than the natzees.

>implying I wouldnt actually buy Yea Forums

It's just non-linear warfare against (in this case) US citizens and voters. It was a technique pioneered by Vladislav Surkov, one of the ideologues behind Putin, but since its implementation it's gone on to lead a life of its own and has legit morphed into the guiding principle behind everything kleptocratic elites around the world do today.

See this 5 minute mini-docu: youtube.com/watch?v=3UstNBrmJFc

tl;dr A strategy of power that makes any opposition impossible due to purposely making it unclear what is even going on, who is (fighting) who, who is on which side, who is an enemy or not, and so on. Basically confuse the hell out of people until they lose any and all grip on reality and have no choice but to roll over and become an obedient little NPC like all of Russia today. It's been surprisingly effective in the West too, this is what'll keep Trump in power for probably the next 17 years.

notch wanted to buy Yea Forums too but moot is a faggot

I didnt know Notch was a schizo meth head, next he's going to claim to be a gangstalking victim

opposite of this post

I'm infuriated about what moyeng did with the update. Notch is obviously retarded but this is just pathetic, what happened to just having different political opinions? Why is the far left so much worse and tyrannic than the far right?

>believes white genocide, brown people genetically inferior
when the fuck did he say that? you people really need to differentiate a normal right-winger with a far right extremist Jesus

Some prophecy from like 150 years ago that is found in no bible and doesn't even match up with what they want.

And that he was a reddit darling and lazy etc. Anyone saying Yea Forums always loved notch is trolling you. The guys face appears on the "bluepilled cuck" side of that cringe GG poster

I can't fault him for that. If I was a billionaire, I'd get a cool house and shitpost 24/7. Wouldn't buy Yea Forums, too much effort to run, I would buckle from the pressure and you guys would hate me for changing things.
Probably wouldn't get a house in Beverly hills, though, I'd go for somewhere that suited my weeb tastes.

both sides are full of faggots and I want neither politics in my games

t. notch

disgusting human nature
make something worthwhile or gtfo
I couldn't fathom complaining about being a scrub

t. tranny sjw

You can easily google or find it in his tweets, he does believe white genocide, and he's "outraged at the left" because they do not want to discuss IQ differences

does even give a shit?
if he doesn't who cares

>american education
Britain is one of the most right leaning countries in Europe you imbecile.

/pol/ is filled to the brim with pic related, kind of sad even for a containment board that all those impressionable zoomers and boomers get indoctrinated by people 3-5 times their age, disgusting old shits programmed from birth to compulsively keep on ruining humanity for as long as they possibly can because apparently they think they've not done a good enough job of that so far.

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he has a loud voice and says it to the wrong people. See how he was already misunderstood? The media silences him for his own safety.

What happened to him?

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do you even know wtf a boomer is you,retarded fuck lol?


>I'm a marginalized trans developer and I think you owe me reparations for having slain me this morn

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Alright, I'll admit it, it's me

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your plebbit is showing

It was so fucking weird they just came out of nowhere. I think the first thread I saw was like #42 and I checked in a few days later, maybe a week later, and they were at #300. Nothing made sense.

To tell you the truth, it reminded me of my family. When faced with the truth, or even when just placed in a situation where the truth comes to mind, purge it from your mind completely and pretend that it never happened, could never have happened, and even if it did happen is not worth the time to discuss it. I got the exact same feeling reading those threads that I did when I used to sit in silence during tense family meetings after arguments or some such.

I don't think it was organic, and I don't think it was the work of the various shitposters that always made LARP happening threads. We'll probably find out in a decade that the CIA did it once another Snowden pops up.

I've heard about this, this makes sense. I can see this being used to cover up pizzagate.

>hey why is this DC figure connected to Obama and Clinton making odd references in his emails that almost sound like he's discussing odd things about kids
>and why is one of his associates running a pizzeria with weird paintings on the walls and why does the pizzeria have an instagram page filled with years old comments blatantly alluding to fucking and murdering kids?
>the term "fake news" pops up all of a sudden
>suddenly a guy shoots up the pizzeria
>the discussion about the pizzeria and Podesta immediately turns to bizarre theories about international child sex smuggling rings and shit, all clearly intended to help Trump for some reason oh and Assange is full of shit see?
>then QAnon pops up and merges pizzagate into his web of bullshit
>now you can't bring it up at all without being lumped in with the lunatics

It makes too much sense honestly.

Anybody else think that image doesnt contradict at all what Notch is saying nowadays?

>A thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth one Jewish fingernail.
he's right though

do you think this is a plant created to redpill notch? swedes are easily manipulated, it's true

I would bribe Miura absurd amounts of money to release new chapters of berserk regularly.

Based Fraser is finally free. I must have watched The Mummy a dozen times as an eight-year old.

You're technically correct but "misanthropic" usually connotes an infraction against humanity as a whole and not specifically men, and that's because real men wouldn't give half of a fuck what some tranny said on tweeter.

Those are probably slide threads. Basically low-effort bait thread guaranteed to hit bump limit without much or any upkeep. Anything with religious bullshit mixed with Da Vinci code conspiracies and secret societies will attract schizos and religious LARPers so those are the easiest slide threads to make.

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based Chaim

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>He stole an idea then made a mess and had others fix it for him
But the game Minecraft was inspired by wasn't anything like Minecraft. It was a competitive game with the block mechanics.


Having notch's name in Minecraft isn't politics though, whether the fags at mojang and cucksoft share the same opinions as him or not.

Just buy out the Idolmaster series and hold it hostage.

>"Because there is an agenda against white people. This does not mean other groups are not oppressed. The plan is to make EVERYBODY feel oppressed so people will conform better"
He is right, there IS an agenda against white people, I'm brown and I agree with him, the media and celebrities are always saying "fuck white people"

you don't have to start suckin' his dick to admire the guy. it's what any of us would want, especially so prob.
we're all still just individuals swirling around on a blue planet where no one really has a clue
godspeed, notch.
anons, to you as well. im gna play some vidya

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what else is he supposed to do?

make friends

>is glad gay mostly went away as an insult outside highschoolers
>said will gladly call someone their preferred pronouns when asked
>believes and openly admitted people of color and women are discriminated against more than white men
the only thing he's done thats absurd is believe in conspiracy theories. everything else he said is just stuff youd hear your conservative grandma say, nothing out of the ordinary. If anything the stuff i just mentioned is more progressive.

Wasn't that preceeded by a "if you consider x a nazi, then I guess I am" sort of thing? As in, not an actual Nazi, but he was talking to someone who considered anything to the right of the far left "a Nazi". It sure is weird what happens when context is applied.

>All the trannies from RetardEra ITT

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Are you implying 30 year olds can't be every bit as impressionable as zoomers? Or are you just being obtuse about the dual meaning of boomer as synonym for millennials and synonym for baby boomers?

not reply to every mention on twitter.

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It's mostly coming from rich white "people" themselves for the most part, who project their actual privilege onto the rest of similarly melanin deficient masses in an attempt to purge themselves of their sin. Liberalism is no longer merely a mental disorder, it's a fucking cult.

He tweeted out "punch a commie" a week or two ago and nearly got banned from Twitter.

They seek out the politics threads here instinctively because they knew precisely jack shit about actual video games

have sex

>if you dont like a fat autistic loser swede you are a tranny

Boomer, in the new-age sense, now just means someone who either struggles with modern concepts or is trapped in nostalgia. It doesn't mean millenials, it transcends age. You mis-using modern slang, for example, is a very boomer thing to do.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((white people))))))))))))))))))))))


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hookers don't count, notch

>wife left him
>lives alone with his money, in his candy room just spouting /pol/ copy/paste all day

Notch has "fuck you money" and most likely doesn't give a shit

>t. 65 year old Yea Forumsedditor invaders trying to brainwash those weird kids into voting for Trump again
Have you considered carbon-monoxide?

It's not just rich white people. Cyclone Idai is being blamed on white people by quite a few groups in Africa. They're demanding reparations from the white western world because they "clearly" made the cyclone. After-all, they knew about it in advance and gave it a name, so it must be the white peoples cyclone.

Lurk moar, tranny.

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Go back.

Wife left him before the 2bil from Microsoft.

he spent too much time on Twitter with all the retards and trannies and it pushed him to the right

same shit with JonTron and PewDiePie

based and redpilled

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>Great Job keep it up!
Based as fuck.

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>still playing video games
its time to grow up sweetie.

shit impersonation

Notch is literally /ourguy/ and should unironically use his billions to buy Yea Forums from gookmoot.

Fame and no friends sent him down the /pol/ rabbit hole
He just likes being controversial for the sake of controversy

>Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

Let me guess, you are gonna call him a "virgin incel" next?

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>Yea Forums liking notch

He's always been a fag. Doesn't matter how redpilled he is. He is still a complete cuck that catered to Reddit, took too many fucking vacations, tried to fuck beta purchasers. The sooner he kills himself, the better.

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and that's a good thing

So he is a conspiracy theorist and politically correct and his views line up with children's?


But communism is objectively among the worst things to ever happen to humanity.

You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.


And it all started because an Amerifat spammed it on every board
God this place is made of sheeple

Did you know the word "you" can be used in the plural? For example: you absolute mong is just as valid as you absolute mongs.

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Imagine getting so buttflustered over a guy who is literally untouchable that the best you can do is getting his Name removed from a game he sold for billions.

>using >t. incorrectly

idk some zoomer is trying to make him a meme on Yea Forums. Hundred bucks says he's about to start shilling a game.

I actually hope someone gets him banned from twitter because i can't rest easy until i know what he would do.
I hope he would use half of his wealth to go on a rampage, maybe turn full Bond villain and gas all trannies.

Who are you quoting, grandpa?

>try to show people the otherside of the coin

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>people acting like this is recent
How can you be an outrage culture addict and yet be so uninformed?

Its a good song i hate it being based on racist retardation and anti simetism

Please stop embarrassing yourself tranny.

All those people of he jewish religion are white?

you are right, was indeed an ad hominem.
thank you.

>capable of introspection

the dream.

How can I stop what I haven't started though?

Christophenics,Man i knew bible and religion fags where dumb but this shits schizo



brominer was better

more like 40% deez nuts lmao goteem

>this thread

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>hes a crazy conspiracy theory weirdo now.
nope he's just a normal person that disagreed with the twitter tranny cabal so they are out to take him down.
his disagreements were are particularly egregious because he has influence in their media bubble

>stupid q cuck
>showing the other side of the coin
Hey user want to buy a can of Lib-B-Gone? It keeps the evil vampire pedophile satanists at bay and it's yours for only 900$. Or are Hyper Brain Water Sanitizers more your speed, I sell either capsules for 33$ a pop or the full filtration system for 28,000$!

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Wife left him years before he sold Minecraft.

Stop rewriting history.

He'll have killed himself within 2 decades, dude has legit depression.

this isn't recent but it is relevant

He mine one badly programmed game that idea was stolen made million and abandoned it and retired on royalties, he doesen't deserve any respect

He's got too much financial power to be straight up destroyed or deplatformed, so instead they'd rather pretend he simply doesn't exist.

The biggest joke is him having not made a single video game other than Depression Quest 2

Fun fact:

Jay Z wanted that shitty house in the first place.

Notch outbid him.

It's an ugly ass house just like all the houses in Beverely Hills.

I know Beverly Hills people have assistants but isn't living on a steep mountain or hill kinda annoying.

It would take too long to walk to buy groceries down the hill for example.

Not only that but all these fancy mansions always get affected by wild fires every year since they are located next to forests filled with dead trees.

I can imagine the insurance costs.

Doesn't need it, he's rich and doesn't have to care about what Yea Forums or era or any literally who thinks

Regardless of how people try to spin it he fucking won

>Liking notch

Wait. Why the fuck is that person being so aggressive to Notch? No politics or anything was being mentioned at all.

I guess he stole the concept but the game is original and in a way it's perfect in it's simplicity

It's painfully obvious that you never followed minecraft before its full release.


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Most billionaires are fat.

Bill Gates is the only male wealthy guy that choose not to get Botox and get his moles and age spots removed.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk has fake hair and is in reality, bald.

You could look up the context, you'll have to dig through three or four years of tweets from a man who does nothing but tweet.


Happy people don't make this

haven't played since >woo Yea Forums!
guessing they took that out immediately?

Most lottery winners end up friendless as well you know.



>Rich man say
>Twitter tranny cabal mad

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>all I need to do is make money and I too will be happy!
Enjoy dying alone user

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What kind of loser needs friends? If you have money, you don’t to bend over backwards to have the company of retards and leeches

>hating notch

I guess you're the real outrage culture addict, tranny.

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>Viewtiful Joe Bernstein

You're on the wrong website, kid.

just because you are stupid and sad doesnt mean other people cant be stupid and happy.

Money was a mistake.

blockhead joe is the official ambassador of Yea Forums

when will people create a texture pack that adds the notch references again ?

>you don't fall for shoops like a newfag? You must be a tranny!

Why are you (you)ing someone with a twitter meme?


>argument over grades
Hmm, yeah it's totally the internet's fault and not society's overwhelming pressure to succeed.

I heard he said transgenderism is a mental disease and that's a thought crime according to UN.

I don't keep up with twitter memes so I doubt that's possible.

Notch unironically seems like a bro.

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>MUH PRONOUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck these lunatics

Athiests rise up

go back to twitter newfag

>Yea Forums hates person
>person says something politically incorrect
>Yea Forums now loves person
Just like Pewdiepie.

He is just a normal dude. Seriously, I know hardcore leftist people who like him just fine. These are just very bizarre times to live in where you can't just be a normal dude (specially if you're someone of relevance).

>wealthy enough to do and say what he wants without concern
Doesn't really seem like enough information either way, sounds like cope.

Are you implying Yea Forums has no standards?

>tfw he's completely alone in an empty mansion with no one to talk to except for that big pile of rotten candy that kinda resembles a woman.

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and you should go back to trannyera, shemale.

it really doesn't

>normal person
The only reason he's attacking trannys is so people like him again, he was bleeding fans when he dived into q shit.

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>Whatever happened to Notch?

he's enjoying being a billionaire and being based on twitter

he redpills his millions of twitter followers and calls out the jews

it's an anonymous board with anonymous mods. what kind of standards are you expecting?

why would a billionaire care about trumptards?

As someone who has been here since 2008, faggots like you are ruining this site. Please take a good long look at yourself in the mirror, understand that you don't belong here, and get your backpack packed for school tomorrow.

he didn't even say trannies are bad. He just said that they are not real women and that it is some kind of mental health issue.

>straight people

Gotta remember before Notch was a richfag he was an antisocial weirdo who grew up with retarded parenting

He has to be one of the weirdest billionaires alive, literally sits in his 250m mansion doing fuck all but browsing the web and digging himself deeper into neo nazi right wing conspiracies, he is literally your brain on /pol/ garbage rhetoric, no wonder he is despised by people in public

Is notch just the spoony of video game development? All he does is complain about politics on twitter, blow away his savings, whine about being friendless, speculate about invisible enemies and create nothing with his seemingly infinite budget.

I assumed that all the hate was just rabid twitter/tumblr cunts being stupid as usual until I saw that he refused to give a straight answer to "are Nazis bad". That's pretty fucking bad.

everyone in this thread needs to update their homes to the death barrier

Attached: 1544054855512.jpg (250x235, 7K)

He's basically the epitome of the failed 21st century man. Got rich from another man's work and lives a hollow life.

nice picture, share it on facebook!

>i'm here since 2008
no one cares, little bitch. go on crying your precious forum is being ruined by assholes, little faggot. your faggot tears are hilarious

Yea Forums is not for you. Go back to twitter, kid.

she has a point

notch has enough money to just simply buy a dev like platinum and cdpr and let them make his personal dream game. why hasn't this fag not done this yet?

it's literally what i would do if i had money like this, create an open world porn game with platinum tier combat and good cdpr tier writing.

he has enough money that it wouldnt really matter if the game wouldnt sell a single copy because it would be AO.

he could literally save videogames if he wanted to but he chooses not to

>Zachtronics has release game after mind bending game
>Notch has made failed project after project
Really shows his 'genius'

go back to whatever mom's basement hellhole you came from, 40 year old virgin

Go back to your mother's slimy womb you fifth grade dropout

he made Minecraft

Holy fucking shit. Notch is so lucky to live in this house. Imagine being a rich NEET.


With that picture you are literally doing the same as pic related

Attached: bf5.jpg (1200x900, 143K)

He made a texture pack for infiniminer

Its downright pathetic that is all he is now considering his potential

Attached: 1061602769.png (1334x750, 1.53M)

>implying minecraft was his idea
>implying he headed any development past infdev

Go to bed kid

not only that but he's also a billionaire. I find it hilarious anonymous retarded here trying to convince others he's a failure.

He copied another person's game.

By this logic I guess Sega ripped off the Super Mario games, right? Because that's basically the same thing. Notch is a revolutionary video game artist and changed the way games are played.

>all this notch trashing
is old Yea Forums finally back?

"copying" a game doesn't mean you didn't make it
Infiniminer was a game about mining blocks, so what? I guess Mario is the only platformer too then

I think it is quite the opposite. This man doesn't need to apologize to anything he says. So he just says what's on his mind. And if THAT's the worst he can do, he is really a harmless guy,

Minecraft made Notch a billionaire and now he simply dgaf. He will say whatever is on his mind without concern for what the far-left fascists define as political correct or incorrect. Whether or not you agree with him is irrelevant. The fact that he demonstrates time and again that he does not fear the wrath of the far-left thought police is based.

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Spoony has someone who loves and enables him user

no, I think he actually believes that transgender is a mental illness and I agree with him. Your condescending tone is ridiculous. Until 5 years ago genre dysphoria was a mental disease according to most doctors.

Not being afraid of trannies on twitter doesn't make you cool
Nothing he says is intelligent, usually nothing he says is even coherent, just butthurt your brain on /pol/ rambling about nothing

it does make you cool, specially in current twiter where you can get banned for this.

he's probably getting banned from there in a few weeks.

it doesn't require any courage to say what you think on the internet if you have enough money to never care what anyone thinks about you ever

>Notch is a revolutionary video game artist and changed the way games are played.
that's a bit fucking much


Wow, he argued with someone on twitter. What a fucking badass.
Fucking zoomers and their opinion on what is "cool."
Notch has always been a loser. Welcome to Yea Forums, kid.

To be clear, this guy sucks shit. Minecraft still based tho.

Attached: D2Dq1zbXcAUHjys.png (624x683, 104K)

He's a nasty motherfucker that eats his boogers and then has the audacity to spread his intellectual redpilled opinions.

owned by partyboy165

Minecraft is so far the game of the century, you like it or not
>Mohjang minecraft>Microsoft Minecraft

>Created an open-world survival block building game
>Paved way for young kids to learn how to code and make video games
>Billions copied sold
>Influenced an entire industry to follow suit

Uh huh, yeah.

go back

>the game the century
nah it was just a fad. no one plays that shit anymore.

>Spend most of your time on the internet
>Continue to spend most of your time on the internet after getting fuck you money
Who could've seen this coming

>nah it was just a fad
A fad that lasted for fucking years

Imagine making a billion dollars off of the most popular video game of all time, being able to do literally anything you could think off, and instead choosing to sit alone in your giant house and get mad at people on twitter.

That's who Notch is now.

just because he posts on twitter? you can do that on your phone, dude. He could be doing that while fucking twin prostitutes he paid to lick his ass.

So? He can do whatever he wants. :)

It's like how most people who win the lottery go broke and end up back where they started
They can't actually break their cultural conditioning

yep, just like what the term means: the prevailing style during a particular time

>nu-Yea Forums supports notch now

you gen z kids need to be thrown into the ocean

notch is cool. sorry if you think otherwise

>All the butthurt people in this thread just hate Notch because of his political beliefs

Retardera fags go home

Your a retard, people still continue to play Minecraft

Holy underage.

Yeah, kill yourself
Except they do

Correct but a lot of zoomed love it because of.....retardation I guess

Attached: 97F6DF6E-D904-41D2-9C2F-5AF0707B2B61.jpg (750x746, 54K)

He genuinely seems like a lame, obnoxious person. That's a pretty fair reason to dislike someone. And yeah, he has the political and social depth of a 16 year old but well, so does Yea Forums. At least he made a nice game.

You fuckers are so bitter and stupid, you can almost feel it.
How do you even know how his 24h day is, retard?
Just fucking end it

The only people I know who still play this shit are my nephews and they are 5 and 7 year olds.

>I know

You will NEVER be a woman

He was always an asshole. This was a guy who was getting rich and was constantly taking breaks, who couldn't even manage to go see his father while he was dying because WUH WUH WUH DADDY ISSUES

He has typical Yea Forums opinions from the era he browsed here but he's the epitome of soulless. All the money in the world and he can't seem to be happy. He's stuck getting in fights with people on twitter. He could literally be doing anything but he can't even manage it. He's proof positive that society would crumble if you gave the average person a large sum of money and removed the strife and competition inherent in our culture.

A sad fat man who can't even have kids cause he's too blackpilled to deal with the fact that women would only want him for his cash, and he knows that if he paid someone to have a kid for him, people would start calling him a kiddie diller in 5-8 years.

my point was only autistic zoomers and pre-teen kids still play that shit

if all he's gonna do with his billions is sit on his ass and tweet he should donate it to charity or something

So people still play Minecraft, got ya

lol have you ever lived in California?
the fees have their own fees

She doesn't though because Notch is still a human being with his own motivations, people, and problems. He has absolutely zero moral, ethical, or principal duty to support others financially or make more video games. He could easily respond with "because I don't want to" and be absolutely 100% correct and in the right morally, ethically, and principally. And there's no argument you can provide that doesnt boil down to virtue signaling.

Its almost like Trannies are mentally unstable.

He has dangerous far right opinions like "white people should be allowed to exist" and "straight healthy families matter more than gay guys with dildos up their asses".

Jews are both a religion and a race

You don't know what he's doing with his money, can't you understand that?
You're making shit up like the low iq lizard you fucking are

Michael Jackson named the jew too.

Funny how those kikes were able to take the most beloved man in the world and make him absolutely hated in a few years time. Just by spewing slander on the media endlessly.

>his father while he was dying
his father shot himself in the head

Excellent opinion, user. I'm sure you're a star in your freshman philosophy class but here, on Yea Forums, nobody gives a shit what you think people should do with the things they own that you do not.

And my point was that people still play it

>if he paid someone to have a kid for him
who does this
how did that thought even enter your head

>How do you even know how his 24h day is, retard?
look at his twitter feed, retard.

it's hard to spent that amount of money discreetly

they're more of a cancer or virus than either, IMO.

they're the inverse of a culture, and they propagate by infiltrated other cultures and destroying them from within. Jews were expelled from one hundred and nine countries... How is anyone supposed to believe there were 109 coincidences?

No other race has ever been expelled from countries mind you. Jews earn their hated reputations through lots of hard work.

>muh twitter feed
It takes seconds with a fucking smartphone you are always carrying in your pocket
You have shit in your brains

Can you point each one, or took that number from a fake infograph posted in some /pol/ circlejerk?

Yes, his father did. But you don't get to "shooting yourself in the head" over a small amount of time. And I remember Notch making a point about how he hadn't seen this man in a long time.

Notch let his dad die. He had the money at the time to spend with his dad. To check in on him, and be with him that most folks will never have when they're adult and Notch didn't. He refused because WUH WUH WUH DADDY ISSUES and his Dad died.

That's the kind of human Notch is. Cause it's very human behavior but the point of being alive is trying to better than ourselves at the basest. .

Those are just the documented ones, and people were expelled for lots of dumb reasons in the middle ages, it was better than being killed outright, though, and the church, for example didn't like doing that.

you dont "let" a suicidal person die

>this fucking retard is now taking the side of a dead person he never knew what he did in his life
You "people" are truly fucking gone

No, it was preceded by him stating it was fine to punch x kind of people because they're commies and people wondered what the correct kind of nazi there was to punch. Notch said there wasn't one.

From what I've heard all they did is remove TWO title screen splash quotes mentioning him, everywhere else that mentions him can't be removed since it would be discrediting him

Notch could have paid attention to his father. Could have made time for his father. Could have shown any interest in his father. Could have helped his father have an easier time.

And he didn't. What a beacon of humanity Notch is.

A goblina like Notch does not deserve people on his side. You people only side with him because he's the majority hate him. Broken clocks are right twice a day, and this is an instance of that.

holy shit just fucking burn down the west

He has no duty to his dad. I don't know his situation with his dad but it is his dad's fault that he shot himself. Not Notch's. It's unreasonable to expect that a person is required to be present in another person's life unless you impose their existence (e.g. knocking someone up or getting knocked up). Trivialize his personal issues all you want, that does not make them invalid. He's a human with his own disposition toward another huma, and for one reason or another he does not want to associate with another he has no responsibility for. That is completely okay to do.
The nature of relationships are a lot more complicated than you would like them to be. Get off your high horse, user.

Having to throw away a massive candy wall because you have no friends

Yeah Q the imaginary political prophet isn't weird at all

Spot fucking on user.

I don't think Notch is a good person with moral integrity but you're a fucking moron if you think you can save a drug addicted loser just by "making time" or "showing an interest"

He's a fat retard who feels entitled to say ignorant shit because he got rich off a children's toy

but lefties never speak out against israel because they're afraid of being racist

I'm not siding with anyone because unlike you narrow-minded retards i stick to the facts
You're basing your judgement entirely on fragments and this made up fucked up lore you have in you mold ridden head

>being this obtuse

Does he still live in that house in Hollywood, or did he sell it and move somewhere else less retarded?

in which user makes a boogeyman out of an entire ethno-religious group. What could go wrong?

american lefties*
the left almost everywhere else is "free palestine"

he has several houses

It’s literally a religion,the idea of it being a race is autistic

More like you get accused of being a Muslim sympathizer by shapirodrones and muh doomsday christfags. Too bad Iranians are too dumb to build the nukes

he's blowing money like a retard, you'll see him go broke in your lifetime

nice one dumb faggot

you don't know how much two billion dollars is
to blow that amount of money you need to make serious, non-impulse purchases or donations

Nice comeback, really really good

That's the american left aka what the real left calls liberals.

well unless I'm wrong, and if one of his houses cost 250 mil, that means he spent 1/8th of his fortune within the first few months while also having to pay a fuck huge property tax and other things

Simply wrong, Bugmen all over the world hate nazis for the "holocaust" Most don't even know why they just hate them, Just because Hollywood made them villains, It's surreal to see


Attached: 1542564490488.jpg (516x471, 33K)

he could buy 8 more of the most expensive houses on the planet, yeah, but he could spend at least 20 million dollars a year assuming he lives to 80 and never run out of money

Son of a mother junkie here that OD'd 3 years ago. Can confirm. Was taken care of by various parts of extended family and supported all throughout my childhood, tried to support emotionally and materialistically myself when I was in University (thanks to being given up to foster care eventually) by getting her a laptop to use for her own classes.. which I'm certain she just used to pawn for narcotics or cigarettes. After I found out she took out another credit card in my name, something she did when I was younger a few times, I finally decided that I couldnt have her in my life anymore because she is a burden who will pull me down with her.
Anyone who makes some bullshit pseudo-philosophical statement about just supporting them has an absolutely shallow and naive understanding of psychology, a person's deeper emotional needs, the nature of will power and determination, and pure physical need. Get out of here with that fucking "he should have been there" crap. If you value blood ties, that's your prerogative and more power to you, but it's so hilariously ignorant to believe that this is a universal fact of life.

>RLM kiddie doesn't know that notch was on Yea Forums before they were.

return to your containment board

Butthurt trannies just trying to character assassinate him

Only if you say you hate Jews and Israel should be nuked

>make billions of dollars
>nothing you do will ever be even nearly as successful as minecraft
>everything you try will be compared to minecraft
>you'll always be the minecraft guy like moot is the Yea Forums guy
poor notch...

I hate you for infesting this board

The sheer amount of resetera tranny whining in this thread is fucking incredible.
>buh buh buh he should donate to charities and do some GOOD with his money waaaaah
Cope faggots, maybe you retards should have made video game legos for kids first lmao


Yeah, poor notch

Wrong answer, Looks like i'm staying

>he doesn't actually spend ALL DAY on twitter!! he only checks it every 5 min and replies to 100-200+ tweets every day.
you have autism like him right, that's why you are so personally invested in this?

literally one person said that
everyone else is just saying Notch is a whiny little bitch, which he is

>muh schizophrenic visions of resetera invasions

why donate to charity? what's he gonna do, send 1 billion burgers to africa so they can eat for a few more days before returning to cannibalism and rape?

notch should fund sexbot research to roast women even hard than he does already

Turns out that boatloads of cash can't fix being a lonely autist.

I can tell you've never actually had someone you know commit suicide. Probably just one of those fucking faggots who cries on twitter about how depressed you are for attention and have only seen or done "attempts".

Next time use a gun you waste.

If I were notch I would send them $1million if they did an exploitative video of them playing with their trans-hole for the public to see.

As personally invested as you are, you dumbfuck

That is how it is.

/pol/ here, everyone who disagree with me is resetera and discord tranny

>implying he isn't a majority shareholder in RealDoll LLC

>butthurt 60 year old /pol/ poster tries to insult first thing when proven wrong
Go kill yourself. Unironically, lady.

>post that a man who spends all day on twitter spends all day on twitter
>personally invested
based & redpilled, user

You know Autists hate interacting with people right? They like being alone, Retard

Is "discord tranny" a singular person or a stereotype?

You're a fucking moron

Well anyone who slams resetera trannies keeps getting tons of assblasted responses so try putting 2 and 2 together pal.

>argue that it takes literal seconds to post tripe on twitter
>personally invested
unbased and retarded

it's a false flagging tranny

there's a dedicated discord with mentally ill people who's trying to invade mostly Yea Forums Yea Forums and /r9k/
they also roam around resetera

I don't think many anons understand how much this place is hated, They want it gone

>You fuckers are so bitter and stupid
>How do you even know how his 24h day is, retard?
>Just fucking end it
>You have shit in your brains
>you dumbfuck

>im not upset haha lol

>tracks all my posts
>i'm not personally invested lol
Hearty kek, eat bullet faggot
Make it quick

No, you're just some anti-establishment retard with a persecution complex who thinks Yea Forums is a 1337 underground gaming board.

>But I scrolled through his Twitter and I really didn't find anything weird.
Notch is an antisemite and bigot who believes in white genocide, and q user. He also fell for the minorities are bad meme and furthermore believes that R kelly is innocent.
Let me enlighten you:
twitter.com/notch/status/1070772596898115584?lang=en twitter.com/notch/status/1074359218101207041?lang=en twitter.com/notch/status/1074357830378024960?lang=en twitter.com/notch/status/936298788636983296?lang=en twitter.com/notch/status/936295448184348672?lang=en twitter.com/notch/status/936215345400033280?lang=en twitter.com/notch/status/1070773802806603777?lang=en

twitter.com/notch/status/1071494897608273920 twitter.com/notch/status/1070772596898115584 twitter.com/notch/status/1070773433045143557

twitter.com/notch/status/1071724991769665537 twitter.com/notch/status/1101794469060337664 twitter.com/notch/status/901192994971410433

Note that some of the tweets are deleted, because even Notch realized that he went too far in those tweets. Notch got what he deserved

Attached: 1532104799772.png (385x362, 151K)

Nothing happened he's got a billion dollars of "fuck you" money and is free to speak his mind without anything to fear from SJWs. The dude sounds pretty based and if he still owned Minecraft I'd buy it.

they don't have enough lifespan to pull that off

You heard right. He is the typical "edgy" poltard that was once funny but now is indistinguishable from satire.

Attached: gylHsPupLJopRykRf62CzTedg6VDvbtJ3MWyy2sOICM.jpg (640x819, 64K)

>Too bad Iranians are too dumb to build the nukes
Had a laugh
The Persian part of the population probably isn't, but they have no power it their own land.

Attached: k.jvgk;utgiujkgik.png (607x790, 382K)

>"fuck you" money

Attached: reddit.png (571x618, 41K)

fuck off faggot

Well he puts trannies in their place. I hate trannies.

all he does is make himself look stupid

I'm talking about the chans in general, Also suck the shit out of my ass faggot, You will get yours in due time

>tracks all my posts
you mean the ones where you replied to me?
take a deep breath sweetie, its ok.

Not an argument. Notch is a raving /pol/tard who got what he deserved

Notch ripped off Factorio and never gave its creator due credit

You guys would rightfully shit on him if he was a "California SJW," but because he believes what right-wing extremists believe, you call him "based"

>doesn't even bother to deny it

Attached: omegaguts.png (177x252, 62K)

Billions of dollars and the best house in LA, What have you got?

not sure if a near-senile boomer, or a zoomer who hasn't been beaten into submission yet

>got what he deserved
What, a billion dollars and notoriety among abominations, blue check marks and the cripplingly mentally ill? I'm pretty sure he's laughing his way all the way to his solid gold shitter

real talk how long do you give notch before he kills himself? i don't see him reaching 50. maybe all he needs is a person to love

>what have you got
Happiness and a social life. Notch got BTFO by a fucking furry who pointed out that the dude's a fucking loser.

Attached: 2y1x19pgvxl21.jpg (1080x5390, 550K)

It took less time than a single of notches 150+ daily tweets.

But you are definitively a Millennial, I can smell the gay off you

You must be 18 to post here

Yeah you sound pretty happy alright

>you have money you lose
this is your mentality on hrt

I am. I'm just here to enlighten people on Notch because I've been seeing people spam this thread all day, when Microsoft was completly within their right to remove him from the game.

>claiming to have happiness and a social life
>posting a twitter thread on Yea Forums
shiggy diggy

Attached: 1550851837738.gif (201x259, 729K)

What the fuck is the dumbass furries point? He's doing exactly what he loves doing

just the early days of indev/infdev. the game was a cute little sandbox but extremely shitty mess of java code. when he started adding inane features instead of fixing performance the game became yanderesim tier limbo up until the C rewrite.

>It took less time than a single
Nah it didn't
It's kewl, i have that effect on people

>crazy conspiracy theory weirdo
either shill or brainlet. Q is legit, get over it.

>All these seethibg replies
You did good.

>He can create alternative free speech platform with his billion dollars if he was truly based.

I would totally love to see that.

do you talk like that when you go outside

>I am, I'm just
Yeah, sure

actual shills here. theres so much proof that its mathematically impossible for Q to be fake. you know this already though, shill.

40 Percent

assburgers, the post

People have already made alt-right social media platforms
I think it's called Gab

if EVERYBODY including the mainstream media is encouraging you to turn your view away from a "crazy conspiracy theory", then maybe its actually worth investigating.

I'm really surprised that Qoomers are able to do math.

>strawgasping: the post
geting a bit desperate there
i won, you lost

Attached: 1536624464034.jpg (782x788, 117K)

>if everyone tells you not to jump off a bridge maybe you should

have you actually been to the qresearch board? theyre actually a lot smarter than your average Yea Forums poster. that shouldnt be surprising, considering video games are a children's hobby

You guys are both faggots.

A year and a half, tops.

Or it's just psyop for dumb anti-establishment malcontents

epic pic, upvoted.

>instead, remain on the bridge that is burning and collapsing beneath your feet


>we're watching Notch descend into paranoid conspiracies in real time
>"hah, Notch is probably laughing at you cucks"

The way Notch gets treated just makes me want to be more antisocial and misanthropic. If you have any modicum of public exposure everyone wants to tell you how to live and what to think constantly and they feel superior having done so

>it's collapsing because I say it is

>The way Notch gets treated just makes me want to be more antisocial and misanthropic
Notch acts like a complete faggot and people treat him that way in turn

I guarantee you his life is far superior to yours.

Currently trying to gain Hillary's demon powers, but I'm having trouble louring kids into my van.

>Honk Honk

Time to leave the thread while you still have some dignity

Reddit spacing

Loving all hte revisionists itt proving once and for all that the kind of person that goes on Yea Forums and complains about jews is a newfag redditor

clearly you havent got a clue about what youre saying. the movement is pro-justice, pro-law, and pro-peace. stop reading so many VICE articles buddy

>and they feel superior having done so


Attached: notch.jpg (699x610, 95K)

If you want to be a high visibility celebrity shitposter then you deserve everything you get.

>its not collapsing because im oblivious to it
>what is boiling frog

This so much. They think that since you have so much money they're entitled to fucking shit on you in every social media platform you use. It's kinda fucked man. I don't know if it's worth it to have that much money

Fuck moralfags, I don't give a shit about justice, law and peace if it means allowing even a modicum of boomer regime change.

Is that what he wants? He's not writing books and shilling them on Fox news, he's shitposting on a crappy ass social media site

>so.... this is the power of my posting....

All of his retarded people who hate him go out of his way to follow him and talk shit about him

So, the elephant was my spirit animal all along.

Given the fact that he has to deal with severe mental illness and loneliness, frankly I'm not too sure. I'll take my cozy middle class life over the depressing mess that is notch's

>he's still at it

you should have said this sooner. youre lost


Based and redpilled

>shitpost on twitter about shitty people and their shitty opinions for fun

I don't understand this logic. Why would he want a bunch of e-beggars for "friends"? They constantly profess to hate fedora'd white dudes due to their lefty religion and then make obvious plays to try to leverage his popularity for money or just beg outright. Who would actually want "friends" like that?

It's worth it. Just don't go on twitter and your problem is solved

So would you complain if i tried to kill you? Peace, Justice and Law be damned and all that

>the sudden switch from ranting & insults to faux smugposting after I pointed out how upset you were
priceless tbqh senpai

>severe mental illness and loneliness
...I don't see it. Being a conspiracy theorist doesn't make you mentally ill, just weird. He could probably makes friends with anyone he wanted.

>he depressing mess that is notch's

Which parts of his life are actually depressing and why exactly? I'm seriously asking because all I ever see is these circle jerk kind of sour grapes threads because he has money and someone else does not.

He's not shitposting. He's 100 serious

>this entire post
fucking lefties LMAO

No one, That's why they are so mad, I don't think they even like each other

do you think reddit invented that spacing? do you really know if they did or not or are you just repeating something because you've read it here 1000 times?

No, I'm fine with the elites being literally evil if it means not needing to live through the regime change that every retarded internet revolutionary (not just Qoomers) want.

zoomers everyone,
oh and let me guess i'm a trany or libtard for hating notch too?

Dirty good for nothing commies

He believes in pizzagate, white genocide, antijew conspiracies, and Q user. Notch is not right in the head right now user

>Which parts of his life are actually depressing and why exactly?
read his twitter
he spends all his time raging about imaginary tranny conspiracy theories, and making really bad awkward jokes, the kind that make you realize he's probably about 3 Charisma

Well yeah, because i won
Now your desperation, that is priceless

You know his dad killed himself right? Also given the fact that he tweets throughout his entire waking day and also posts that shitty video game all day long, I have a feeling he's got a pretty severe depression, hereditary one at that, but I'm no psychologist.
At any rate nothing about how notch behaves strikes me as a happy person.

notch is a full time shitposter now, he's in the trenches doing what matters

Liberals still believe Trump colluded with Russia. Like I said, weird.

no just cringe as fuck. but you already knew that

>As someone who has been here since 2008
And you are proud of that? You are the cancer killing Yea Forums

>Notch is still a human being with his own motivations, people, and problems
i guess shitposting on twitter all day in your mansion while complaining about being alone. sure sounds like he's living the life

>n-no you

But all of those things are likely true except the antijew stuff. Do you know nothing of the Podestas?

He's doing what he likes doing and he seems perfectly content to continue doing so. How much time do any of us spend here in comparison? Are we as bad as he is, or worse?

delusional. You have no proof

don't @ me zoom zoom it's past your bedtime

It's all true, Jew. Even the Jewish conspiracy's

Poltards are now defending Reddit spacing

>he's stutter posting now
what's next?
this is getting really, really, really sad

Attached: 1431105550460.gif (320x240, 52K)

>481 replies
Everytime there's a Notch thread, it always reaches the bump limit. What the fuck? Fuck all of you obsessed trannies, go fucking off yourselves already.

so.. do you think minecraft is really deserving of that billion?

That's Twitter/Youtube slang, You mongo. At least try

>wtf how dares he say communists are just as bad as fascists!
Literally what happened. Though removing his name is pretty assholish I'm sure Notch will cry into his pillow of money.

how do you decide who deserves money

>Implying the furfag isn't bigger loser

Liberals love telling other people how to spend their money - the thread.

stop letting pol poison your brain. actually listen to the song and MJ’s response to it

>You know lefties fucking hate Israel way more than conservatives, right?
Only true for the powerless and irrelevant millennials. Just look who actually holds the power in the left, both politically and financially, and you will see that the left is radically pro-israel.

Replies anyway, must have brain damage from all the tide pods.

>what's next?
maybe notch will provide funding for a cure for your assburgers.

I have seen the Torah, Don't make me quote it. The Jews are the children of satan

Notch has money but he's not a miracle worker.

It's almost like the real difference is one of class, not one of right or left...

>You know his dad killed himself right?

No I didn't and to complete a genre defining game afterwards doesn't strike me as something a depressed person would do.

I tried to follow twitter, cancer that it is and I really just see your typical bored programmer mind/sysadmin type person shitposting.

Maybe I'm biased but it just seems he'll say outrageous shit just to get people to think for themselves, again a very programmer/sysadmin type of mindset.

Everyone saying how depressed he is just seems to me to be legitimately born out of jealousy or projection. I don't even like Minecraft, Notch just strikes me as a dude who isn't going to try to curry anyone's favor or fit in simply because fitting in is the death of self. It's not even about politics or left/right worldview I think.

I don't know how you spend your days, I have a better indication how notch does. If you waste away your life staying at home and doing nothing but playing shitty indie games and posting on Twitter then yah, maybe.

>strawgasping again
walking in circles here

Attached: 1383306817173.jpg (210x251, 9K)

I can't imagine the levels of schizophrenia that lead you to believe that some unoriginal stories written by some literal cave niggers are the product of supernatural powers.

The dude just posts garbage on Twitter all day while sitting alone in a mansion that he paid for by stealing from Zachtronics

With only the ants that are infesting his house to keep him company

So fucking what? As long as it makes him happy does it fucking matter what he does?

Yeah, because they're jealous and spiteful

>As long as it makes him happy
But he's clearly miserable lol
He's trapped in a gilded cage of his own creation

The trannies and furries are jealous of him.

I'd be miserable too if i had to share space with trannies and furries