Notice how now the female ninjas look like serious fighters and not shitty strippers...

Notice how now the female ninjas look like serious fighters and not shitty strippers? Japanese fighting game devs could learn a thing or two from NRS.

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>female ninjas

goo goo ga ga me want tiddy i no have gf i need vidya waifu tiddy

what's wrong with strippers? are you saying they can't wear what they want?

Why they make Scarlet an arab and change her hair colour?

>serious fighters

Attached: Lionel Hutz.png (331x384, 172K)

>No more strippers
>Last game Rain literally looked like one.
>Now I realize why he isn't in.
It's not fair Boon. You fucking hack.

I have dated the same girl for 4 years now and had tons of casual sex before. I still play senran kagura even tho she makes fun of me.
There’s nothing wrong with sex my dude.

Absolutely HALAL.

Strippers should keep their ass out of fighting games and focus on stripping.

female body bad!
reminds me of no gf!

>implying this woman wouldn't curbstomp over half this board in a fight

Attached: 0232.jpg (1920x1080, 62K)

why? are you saying only guys are capable of kicking ass? women can do whatever they want, wearing whatever they feel like wearing.

No, I'm saying we need more serious women fighters, not joke shit that looks like they should be sucking off dudes in alleys.

You sound like a homosexual.

But why not tho? It doesn’t matter. Men like naked sexy women.

>Japanese fighting game devs could learn a thing or two from NRS.
Yeah like netcode, not that other irrelevant garbage you care about

lol fag

what you wear doesn't represent what you are, there's shirtless dudes all over the fighting genre, are you implying they should be sucking dicks in alleys too?

nice false fag retard

>Have a tibetan mother.
>Your face looks like a tibetan fox.
Is it the harsh ozone-free mountain sun or the freezing winds that make every living thing look rectangular in there?

Attached: DichenLachmanfox.jpg (673x500, 78K)

MK is not supposed to be serious. Hell, even if it was, why the hell not?

>Mortal Kombat
>Mortal Kombat



>female ninjas were mostly sluts that got info by sleeping with the target and occasionally poisoning people
Yeah, mk9 versions are definitely more serious

whatever it is, we need more women coming from that part of the world

Attached: Varsha-Thapa.jpg (1024x1536, 167K)

Attached: The Birth of a modern feminist.webm (720x420, 2.52M)

MK isn't meant to be a complete joke like Japanese fighting games are. For one, it's the literal only current fighting game that has blood and gore instead of fireworks spraying all over the screen anytime someone gets hit.

aright you are new to the series

there’s no reason to lie over the internet friendo

>Mortal kombat: New zealand edition

MK1-2 weren't jokes.

>J.cage split punch

Attached: 1553719033641.jpg (1200x927, 91K)

>hitting someone really hard in the balls is a joke

Spotted the feminist.

Those new designs suck... all of them. BTW i skipped the last one, what did i miss story wise? Last one i played was IX i think. The one that retcon the original games. That had a good story.

Go fuck yourself with these falseflags, they're tiresome.

>Scorpion's side-pecks


its not a false flag, its called people prefer these designs and are sick of these crybabies going on multiple MK forums ruining them to cry about not being able to see tits. go play shitty ass DOA 6 and fuck off

>serious fighters
>any ninja
>serious fighters

>Johnny Cage isn't a joke
>MK 1 and 2 weren't tongue in cheek

How fucking old are you? Seriously? He's a pisstake of hollywood celebrities and Van Damme.

link the discord

i know this is a bait thread but i unironically agree.

1 i dont like DoA and 2 i want my titties on my tits and violance game . piss off

you know when you act like it's so unbelievable that someone would have a girlfriend or have sex you just show how little you get yourself

this franchise would be massively popular if they kept the original design philosophy.
Instead they push out a possible market to pander to either people who were already playing or people who don't even buy the games

huge diff between tongue in cheek and straight up retarded joke, which is what jap fighting game characters are

I applaud them doing whatever they want, but it's just an opinion. games can justify whatever the creators want them to.

burkas and hijabs are just as valid as bikinis and heels, neither is better than the other.

Male feminists are the worst, there's so much hypocrisy in this fucking game's design, right down to mature and respectful clothing, did you forget this game's ONLY charm was in its camp? This is only virtue signaling so some phony ass "male feminist" on the team can stick his dick in the team's heroin addicted sjwhore.

Notice how you can fuck off?

>MK fans still mad that they play the single most kuso fighting game on the market that's somehow even worse than sleep fighter V

>Notice how now the female ninjas look like serious fighters and not shitty strippers?

Will this increase PROFIT?


women cant fight

nigga read what a kunoichi was and what they did and then post .

You mean Tekken?

Having no stake in this fight and being completely indifferent as to whether there's T&A in the game, in my opinion the new female designs are better and the new male designs are much worse.

Tekken is the only honest fighting game right now besides Gundam EXVS2.

the second best selling fighting franchise ?

shitty waste of time bait thread but i think the top row are just straight up better designs aesthetically
theres nothing interesting about trashy tasteless slut bait with big tiddies unless youre literally 12
however theres no reason not to show some side boob while keeping the designs """"""mature""""""

>MK isn't meant to be a complete joke
get a load of this fucking guy

Attached: 1406532889828.png (683x381, 349K)

>honest fighting game
>the same game with hundreds of moves per character but only 20 are ever worth using
>system of mids/lows/highs that constantly has nonsense rule breakers and hitboxes that make no sense
>gimmick characters like Yoshimitsu and Eddy who are trash and rely entirely on having retarded hitboxes and the fact no one plays them so people forget half the shit they do and lose to them

Tekken is garbage.

>he thinks anyone will actually click that shit
Fuck you, faggot. MK will forever wish to guzzle Tekken's jizz.

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Not him but as niche as MK is, Tekken is literally irrelevant to anyone but turbo autists.

>acting tough over the intenet
should have stopped when you were behind

Red girl legit looks like a Muslim lol

>Tekken is the only honest fighting game right now

Pokken is legitimately really well designed and has a huge emphasis on neutral and fundamentals; and even the lowe tier characters are pretty viable at high level play

I wish people gave it a shot, but everybody is under the mistaken impression that it's 3d arenashit even though it's not.

>its better in burka!!!
dilate harder trannie

>MK isn't meant to be a complete joke

Actual modern "women fighters" are showing off more skin than that though. They're literally in tiny tops and shorts.

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