No Bikini Items or Costumes in Muslim Kombat 11

>“Our design is just getting more mature and respectful. You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin. I think it’s just what the game is about: You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items."

>“I’m sure that will disappoint some fans. We don’t have bathing suit fighters, and I think that’s fine. If people are disappointed, I don’t regret making that change by any means.”

Feel that contempt - that UTTER contempt. Reminder MK11 shills were saying you could get sexy equipment items for your characters, and now they've resorted to saying "WELL MK FANS ARE SECRETLY GAYS AND DON'T LIKE TITTIES"

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I'm an SJW by Yea Forums standards, and even I know that gratuitous sexuality is a part of MK's charm. Why are the trying to act like anybody takes these games seriously? They've always been over the top. I can understand if it was a different franchise, but this just seems contrived.

Clothing makes sense, you won't be wearing a bikini into a fight. But changing the design of characters doesn't make sense with his excuse. Generally the entire thing is stupid, who fucking cares about titties except a small handful of sjws? I won't this game, not because I'm too bothered because it's not lewd, but because the developers obviously don't give a shit about their fanbase and target audience.

won't buy*

>You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items."
>Meanwhile we have Geras going into those same fights while literally shirtless
These idiots are just making up excuses at this point

>>“Our design is just getting more mature and respectful. You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin. I think it’s just what the game is about: You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items."

I think it's more immature to take this direction because you want to look 'mature' to people. I could understand leaving it out and not mentioning it again because it's a matter of personal taste, but they clearly want people to notice "HEY, LOOK AT US, LOOK AT HOW MATURE WE'RE BEING!"

Sexiness (or lack thereof) in video games doesn't need to be justified beyond the maker's preferences. Making up excuses for its absence or going to great lengths to justify it just makes you look facetious.

Geras also has powers that let's him reverse time and undo any damage done to him, so he can dress naked, in a tux, or in a Spider-Man costume for all he cares.

Sure, what about Johnny cage or Liu Kang? They fight shirtless as well

You guys are going to keep crying about this. Nothing will change, and these games will continue to be financially successful.

So have fun with that.

This is the 6th time today you’ve posted this thread, timedwatcher

They can only upset fans so much, remember BFV? Granted I don't think it has reached that point with MK11 yet because the FGC is extremely loyal and is pretty much obligated to buy the newest game if they want to stay relevant, but the casual audience doesn't work the same

Majority of the casual audience care about the gore and violence. Not the nudity.

Casuals care for the gore and single player content of MK

The casual audience is going to buy this game whether or not it's got tits or not. The gore is still there and that's what most people care about.

I'm sorry. The social implications of a man taking off his shirt (which is seen as manly and courageous by men and women) is different from the implications of a woman taking off her shirt (which is seen as sexual and inappropriate by men and women).

Unless we're talking specifically about normies, the casual audience also cares about following the hottest opinion pieces on youtube, and a lot of people there can capitalize on the outrage of removing sexiness from the game, which can hurt sales, that is unless they follow the other side of hot opinion pieces and praise the new design to no end but I digress.
What I meant to say ultimately is that while it is definitely not hurting them now, the worst thing they could to is to continue pushing that contemptuousness towards the people who do complain about the change, and that public can only grow bigger with the current popularity of anti-SJW opinion pieces.
Thank god they haven't removed the gore from these games because that could kill it overnight, like you said.

Can someone explain how MK is even popular? The games have never felt good to play and have always had some of the worst animations in all of fighting games. Has it really been successful for years based only on the fact that burgers can watch someones head get ripped out through their chest and get hyped at the gore?

>hottest opinion pieces on youtube
>ever growing popularity of anti-SJW think pieces
>all this is going to hurt Mortal Kombat
Need a ladder to help you with that reaching?

>put rap in the trailer
>openly pander to blacks
>remove all the sexy women cover them in burkas
>guys are still half naked
really makes you think. Thats blacks are super gay.

I don't recall any woman removing their shirts and showing their bare tits in any of these games though? By that logic it makes more sense to compare the skinny outfits with beach swimsuits, which goes skinny both ways and have the same social implications for both sexes, in that nobody cares as long as you're not literally showing your unmentionables to other people, I'm sure the leathery new outfits aren't going to protect them from any weapon either.
They're obviously virtue-signaling and have to make up the easiest excuse to justify it.

It's definitely the biggest reason. Most Yea Forums fans are story and character fans, which MK actually does have a pretty entertaining story, messy as it is.

There's definitely enough people who like the gameplay for it to actually appear in tournaments, and even MK9 still have online players.

It's a popular fighting game, user.

except for the part where actual fighters in the real world dress like that

men wear even less than women

It's because everyone remembers playing it on the SNES. Whenever a new MK game comes out everyone goes 'SUB ZERO WINS' 'GET OVER HERE' 'FATALITY'. Then they buy it for the nostalgia, play it for 10 minutes and forget it. They'll do it for this too.

I said that it CAN, not that it WILL, we don't predict the future now can we? What we do know is that it did hurt BFV and it can hurt any game if the outrage is big enough, but thankfully MK hasn't reached that point yet

>makes game with brutal fatalities that push the boundaries each installment

"No were mature now, no tits for you faggot"

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Western Fighting game that is easy to get into and has lore. The gore is what put it on the map and the fact that it's story mode is miles above any other fighting game definitely helps it stay there.

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If they want to remove tits from the game because they're puritans that find the female form "problematic" then just come out with it. Don't then piss on your audience and tell them it's raining, it just shows contempt for your customers.

See a psychiatrist.


enjoy what you choose

its asian fantasy done right by westerners

I still think the game could benefit with some more exposed skin, but not like MK9 where the fanservice was over the top.
Every female character that could potentially be sexy is almost completely covered with uniforms or vests and proportions are massively toned down, but MAJOR props to NRS for making an insanely technical jump in graphics without even jumping to UE4 considering dirty and gritty MKX looked

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>Sonicfox is becoming one of the more well known names in the FGC
>gay black furry
>yfw they're slowly trying to convert more blacks into gays

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Have sex.

just give sexy outfits for all the characters
give the guys speedos or loin cloths only and give the girls bikinis or other suggestive stuff
all the characters can be sexualized, sex and violence is what people like, you're not some righteous hero for trying to take away sexual themes away from games that have had sexual themes previously
sexual themes can be made for fun, not just for someone to jack off to, which also almost never happens anyways

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>expecting hardcore commies to be honest and ever give a straight answer.

Considering the state of 'gamerdom', I'd show contempt too.