What's the most insufferable fanbase?

What's the most insufferable fanbase?

Attached: 220px-Warframe_Cover_Art.png (220x263, 108K)

The Warhammer fanbase.

Hear me out.

People talk shit about so many "cringey" fanbases, like the sonic fanbase for example, but you don't see people spamming threads with sonic pictures when they dislike something. Nor do undertale fans or anything like that.

Warhammer fans do. They invade threads and try to spread their enjoyment of a product and shove it in people's faces with constant "PURGE" "HERETIC" memes, when no one elves gives a shit or asked for it.

They are basically like the MLP fanbase, in gaming form.

Arena Shooter fans

Sony, Nintendo, PC and Xbox fanbases are equally insufferable

Critical Role fanbase

Smash bros

Wtf are you talking about


They're nothing but trash

Attached: 3a7.jpg (504x470, 56K)

>spamming threads with sonic pictures when they dislike something
Is that a challenge

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Nintendo then PC

Fromsoft and Fire Emblem.

Currently? The Switch portbegger fanbase.

>go look it up yourself
>im not explaining it, you can find the info
>its easy to look up you can find it
>aren't you glad I helped?

people who shill their console FOR FREE

Yea Forums users

Unironically this

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Sony. Consolewar autists spam this board.
Waifufags too

Meleefags for sure, seeing them get kicked out of EVO was glorious.

Redditbros #1

Sony is literal cancer. Then Nintendo
Warframe fags are insufferable but they dont have the numbers to shit up the board, they just parasite lootershooters threads

The entire fanbase just endlessly circle jerks over a fictional character with a single mediocre game.

you just posted it.
the Warframe community can be as, if not worse, than even the most cancerous ones out there like the Undertale one or the Playstation defence force.

Attached: Warframe-community.png (1509x868, 779K)

>they just parasite lootershooters threads
this, every single fucking time.
it doesn't matter if the game is completely different, Warfaggots will always say "lmao just play Warframe is 100% better than x" without even playing said games at all and just shitting good threads like the one with The Division 2, it was comfy until those retards showed up.

whatever the opposite of the pikmin fanbase is

i played this game for maybe 3 weeks and all i feel is shame now. ive never felt this way about something before