Some news
- tf2 is getting one giant but final update. It is dedicated to the community and ends the main story in a cinematic.
- LFD3 is canned
- Half life three is getting worked on again so it might finish a part of it for once
- csgo will get nothing major but new events will happen like before.
- Dota 2 will get 2-3 new characters by the end of 2020
New shit that is 100% coming out
- New rts game in the tf universe, you are a general controlling an army while invading the Australian outback. You must deal with Australian anarchists and other major powers. It is being developed for the nintendo switch
- Tf3 is in development and will release next year. 11 classes, 2 new ones are knight and hacker. Some community made modes for tf2 will be in this game. There will be a battle royale mode to replace arena mode.
- Half life vr. Takes place before half life 2. You control a survivor as you must escape and free some people. It ends with the beginning of half life 2.
- portal vr. Sequel to portal 2. You are a new subject and you must use your upgraded portalgun to solve puzzles and then escape.
Valve employee here
Other urls found in this thread:
Gabe here. You're fucking fired traitor.
I'm here for the Koreans.
how the heck would a battle royale with cheese mode work for a TF game?
>LFD3 is canned
i believe this only because turtle rock is making their own zombie shooter game called Back 4 Blood
Are you guys still "in for the long haul" for Artifact?
ricochet 2 when
-engineer gets no sentry but he can repair certain parts of the map
-buffs and nerfs weekly
>that webm
Nobody fucking cares any more, Valve have left things far far too late too do anything about their game reputation and they genuinely deserve to fail and fade away at this point. People have moved on with their lives and are playing other things.
Poor tyler.
wtf i love fort night now
No that is getting ported to unity so it can go on android as free to play. No ios port because apple hates valve. Pc will go f2p as well. If artifact doesn't get any better then it will get canned.
>TF3, HL stuff actually being worked on at all, VR games that aren't just shitty gimmick short games, and then you add a fucking TF RTS for some fucking reason...
Kek, try making up a decent idea for a single upcoming game and people might fall for it
That TF2 last update thing to get hype to a upcoming TF3 idea doesn't sound that stupid
The same niggers that completely shat on Evolve
Yeah nah fuck em, I'll never forgive them for killing that game
Tyler's gonna flip
>- New rts game in the tf universe, you are a general controlling an army while invading the Australian outback. You must deal with Australian anarchists and other major powers. It is being developed for the nintendo switch
Death Stranding will be up on Netflix in August
half life VR is confirmed habbening through leaks though
>Valve game
>Not on PC in favor of Switch
Yeah sure dude
>knight and hacker
>this is bullshit
>20 minutes pass
>servers are down
>update alert
But what about day of defeat?
fake and gay
Nobody wants to work on that. A couple or years ago there was three devs on it but it got canned.
fake ass nigga
Even larpers forgot about shartifact
Shit breed compared to the Japanese
why throw fakes in with the truth?
>People have moved on with their lives and are playing other things.
You sound as if you're bitter because you were dumped or some shit. If they make good video games, why not play them? Are you actually holding on to some grudge because the hypothetical games didn't come out quickly enough?
the yooj is godly tho
Amazing leak full of public or easily predicted info.
Kys op
Why is it that none of these "leaks" mention dates
>There will be a battle royale mode to replace arena mode
That sounds stupid enough to be true
>l4d3 is canned
this faggot didn't hear about back4blood
Valve leaks are hilarious because 9 times out of 10 they thing that gets leaked ends up never coming out. So somebody at Valve can leak something and whole heartily believe that its going to ship and nobody will ever be able to confirm it because it won't see the light of day.
Screencaped your retarded and wrong
Not OP. He's a fag.
B4B is not going to be a 4 man FPS coop.
It's a looter shooter like destiny.
You heard it here first.
Screencap this.
>Battle Royale
instead of
>Arena Shooter
aaaaand zzzz droppedzzz
>TF3 is in development
>HL3 is getting worked on
you expect me to believe this
I could believe TF3 is being worked on, at least by some small number of people, but a Switch RTS in the TF universe sounds way too stupid.
They never dolphin pron inside those links. I always hope but they never do.
Except they didn't
The publisher killed the game you retard
Then they got the rights but couldn't support it anymore because NO ONE wanted to play it
>New rts
Fuck yea
>developed for the nintendo switch
End me, just fucking end me anons.
>csgo will get nothing major
>vertigo is now in active duty
>astralis just got buffed by cache being remove
not even close
Can't give any fucks about Valve since 2011