Sekiro Help Thread

How the fuck do i beat the boss with the sniper rifile? shes surrounded by other people with guns

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Use some stealth sugar to kill the mooks and get a free deathblow on the boss.

Just giving you bros a heads up, the idol at the gun fort is perfect for farming xp levels. You can keep assassinating one of the big shotgun guys and resting for like nearly half the bar.

>get the exact same fps rate with all settings low vs maxed
wtf is this black magic?

She can poison herself in the green water. Aggro her and go hide. She will slowly die. Deathblow her and repeat the strat

How do you get to the side areas at the water level with the big fish?

God damn you guys are fucking trash

best emma and icc strat?

ranged enemies are very weak and easily posture broken
you are completely invulnerable while executing a deathblow
jump in there and RIP AND TEAR

if you're a badass you can also deflect the bullets

>God damn you guys are fucking trash
>asking for help is bad
i wish i was as good as you at video games maybe id have more self confidence

Fuck bros, I should have sent the cute big monk to heaven instead of the vendor

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Use the firecracker to stun her and get some free hits in

anyone here who has never died due to the camera?

>never died due to the camera?
thats not possible the camera in this game is fucking terrible i feel bad for console players who cant mod it

In ng+ does the bosses keep rewarding memories to upgrade your damage?

What do I miss if I don't heal dragonrot?

>just beat guardian ape, this wasn't so bad after a--
>phase 2 begins

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it blocks side quests for the affected npc's

Aggro her and then go run up in the hand of that statue near the sculptor idol. She’ll get poisoned like 5 times then hit her with a shuriken, death low, rinse and repeat. Will take about 15 minutes or so.

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yes, but you will not get prayer beads again

sidequest progression stops
not that it matters, none of them give anything worth the trouble

Ending route question here, which one should I go for on my first time?
I've heard to go with either Shura or Immortal Severance before I go and get the others, but I can get any of them that I please. I've met with Owl, but I don't really want to listen to him, so it's created a conflict of what I want to do.
Any opinions would be appreciated, I just want to make sure I end strong on my first one.

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Happened to me with Genichiro. I was actually doing good, had 2 gourds on his 2nd health bar but he did multiple perilous attacks in a row and the camera only showed the top of his helmet thing. Fucking killed me. (I had already redirected once)

Look forward to fighting two apes at once :)


Go for the Return ending

Don't side with Owl, you miss a lot of shit.

Is Lady Butterfly doable with one attack and one vitality upgrade?

I wasted like 2 hours on her earlier today because I'm autistic and wanted to clear the Hirata Estate as soon as I got there but I gave up because I felt like I was trying to break a diamond wall with a rubber dildo AND she was pretty much oneshotting me if I messed up once

>mfw never played a Fromsoft game other than AC.

Navigating everywhere is a breeze but I've been getting dunked on by every boss encounter, hard. What do I do against the fat dude in the burning city?

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Kill all his lackeys first then run away and de-aggro. Once he does that, sneak around the side and behind him to get a free deathblow. Then sprint to the npc nearby to help you. Should be a breeze at that point.

You mean the drunk guy? Just clean everyone around him, leave the area, use stealth to take one of his red dots and then use the guy that stands by the water to distract him for you

kill all adds, lose aggro, sneak deathblow, get the npc for help

When will the rice loli stop writhing in pain and give me my fucking quest item?

Oh yeah, this was what I was gonna do to the shinobi hunter, sneak attack him once then hide so I could do it again. But then I got caught up in a totally different path. Thanks for remind me, anons.

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Be true shinobi. Kill his adds, then book it until he stops following, then sneak up behind him and shank him. Follow this up by using fireworks and/or ash to blind him and keep the pressure on him. If you see him take a swig of his piss juice, well that's just free damage, my nigga. Only a faggot samurai would wait and let his oppent have a chugalug without touching him.
Be the dickass shinobi you were born to be.

Try to kill all the people first and then facehug the boss and press L1 right when the attack is about to hit and keep attacking otherwise. Dodge only when you think you're good enough or to avoid things that go through guard (red icon attacks). The bar that appears on the top will be his stamina. If you keep pressure on you can break his stamina and remove an entire healthbar early.

Rest up if the door is closed. If it isn't, and she's just feeling bad, give her some fruit.

You can't sneak attack minibosses twice. If you deaggro, their hp regens to full.

I fed her the dragon visceras, and now it's always closed, and all I can do is listen to her moaning. I'm about to fight the owl.


Sekiro has cloud saves on PC, right? I'm thinking of wiping my PC soon - I do it every couple of months to keep it crisp - and I don't wanna lose my save. I just got to NG+.

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Oh. Damn.

So it's only good for eliminating the mooks around him, though that itself will be difficulty with the constant burning, sheer numbers and the fact he is pretty fucking fast.

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Hm. When I did it, she opened the doors right after a quick rest. Oh well, just go fight Owl. Should get those doors open.

What happened here? I sent him to heaven so I have no idea what the other side of the quest is.

is there any visual indication between isshin's big wind sword slash that can either be horizontal or vertical?
it seems completely random which one happens and i have no way of staying close while avoiding both

>just beat lady butterfly first time through Hirata Estate on NG+ without Kuro’s charm
I honestly wish they would’ve balanced the whole game so that you got chip damage from blocking and not deflecting, much more intense

which side area?

It happens towards the end of the game when Ashina is under attack. He gives this final item though

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Does that carry over to NG+, like with the thing that makes vendors sell more stuff? I might have to take that route. How do you send him to vendors?

yeah but no prayer beads
>got all but one prayer bead on my NG
>I’m assuming it’s Owl in Hirata
>have to go through most of the game with 3/4

Oh yeah, should I even be trying the Hirata estate flashback thing if I've only been playing for like an hour? Like, is there a boss or something that'll just instakill me or would be much more manageable after some items/upgrades?

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>No buddha statue boss that just sits in meditation as your attacks bounce off of it in futility that, after 30 minutes, you decide to put the controller down for a minute or two
>boss dies after a minute of the player doing nothing, keeping in line with buddhist principle

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Yup, you have to give him the red and white pinwheel instead of the white one

Nice. So the only reason you should send him to Heaven is to get the secret ending?

divine dragon and folding screen monkeys were pretty good gimmick fights though, divine dragon especially

I don’t know if you actually even have to send him to heaven for the return ending, I heard you can feed her regular persimmons and it’ll work you just miss that one bit of dialogue of her reacting to the taro persimmon

I fucking love the lightning reversal, wish it was used more in the game

this worked thanks

also im sure im about to meet a very fun boss in this area

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Doesn’t change the ending.

Owl 2 doesn't give a prayer bead. Only gives a memory and the item for the purification ending

Okay so I'm stuck at two paths.
If I talk to Emma I'm stuck with a choice of either helping or not helping Kuro killing himself.
The other one is with the Divine Child and the hearts I have from giving the old ladies rice.
Are these paths to an ending and which one should I do?

I gave the rice kid the taro persimmon and she dissapeared
I didn't kill her did I?

How the FUCK do I kill the demon of hatred?

Help Emma, give rice loli the snake guts
When you beat the final boss, you get to choose which ending you want, so don't worry.

check inside the illusion.
run at his back, pretend your LB/L1/RightCLock doesn't exist. Always run at him, dodge his stomps.

Isshin fucking how?

Sort of don't know where to go. I'm at the Main hall bonfire in Senpou temple but I think I reached the end of it? I went through a cave and got an arts book. Is there a divergence I'm forgetting about?

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You sure aren't.

Upgraded fire umbrella helps a lot with Old Isshin's fire attacks if you're having trouble with that. Also keep the pressure up on Emma. It's easy to overwhelm her and break her posture even when she's at high health

You didn't finish the Castle.

what the shit I must’ve missed one out in the world, I can’t even remember which I’ve gotten

is it normal that every action has a short delay? i tested for over an hour if its my tv that has a lag. the camera moves instantly when i move the stick but attacks, blocking and moving the character all have half a second lag

The camera fucks me too hard on Sichimen Warrior. Can you cheese him?

fire umbrella

I got to the big doorway that was blocked, and I didn't fight the general at the end of the resovoir, where else do I go there?


>go back to Ashina Reservoir for endgame
>Seven Spears is back
>he brought a fuck buddy
>fog door locks me in

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Shichimen is a jobber

- You can purchase mid-air deathblow and then just gib him out of the air. Requires Confetti for this to work, however.
- Terror resist can be infinitely purchased once you get the Info Broker outside Ashina Castle.
- Later on you can get the Phoenix Fan which destroys him. He can't do anything to you.

At some point if you have enough Attack Power you can just beat him normally.

>beat dual apes first try
>these two fuck me up for nearly an hour
Honestly kind of bullshit.

Puppeteer the other dude


is demon even beatable?

when should i go into the headless cave

What does the fan do to him?

near the end. No point of beating them early game

I can defeat her first phase if I have a lot of patience, but the second one is frustrating

I'm hyper tired
post sekiro memes to give me energy

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phase 1 is free cheese by spamming Nightjar slash
works 9/10 times. It literally stunlocks her

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No giant buddha boss was a massive missed opportunity.

DLC maybe

I am still disturbed that he thinks hes in heaven when he's just stuck in a time cube like labyrinth

You should definitely explore place to get the prosthetic upgrades at least. The 3 prostethic weapons that you get from there are useful as fuck

Negates all Apparition damage. It will block all damage, chip damage and prevents terror build up.
What's more, it combines with Projected Force to combo into a Slicing attack that has the effects of confetti.

So you just walk around with a big umbrella on, tank every single orb that flies towards you then deliver a big fuck you X slash to his face. The umbrella stays up as long as you like and only costs 1 emblem.
With the Headless the Umbrella will unfortunately take posture damage from his attacks, but you can manage this.

It's easily one of the best proshetics in the game. It's absolutely situational, but when you do need it, it carries the entire fight by itself instead of just being mildly helpful like most tools.

>hey remember Laurence from Bloodborne?
>what if we made him 10 times stronger and faster?

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Just memorize his attacks and dodge his flames when you can and jump to the side when he charges. You can block his stomps for some reason too. The hitboxes are kinda wonky.
Use malcontent for a good 5 second stagger. Pretty sure it stops working on phase 3 though.
I believe in you user, you can do it.

>love confined and spooky areas like the gun fort and abandoned dungeon
>they're the shortest areas in the game
I know that the movement and stealth compliments big areas, but I love being confined. I absolutely adored the gun fort in the short 15 minutes it took me to clear it, especially having to crouch beneath the floor.

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I get that Sekiro and Nioh wants a bit of realistic approach along side all the supernatural fuckery but they should take notes from Muramasa. The final boss was always the hypest shit ever because you are only fighting against a statue of the god yet this is not even close to the real one’s power.

I read you can only use malcontent on him 3 times

Did I fuck up killing the mist boss playing the flute? He seemed like an innocent fella.

I assume you haven’t been to what’s below the dungeon?

Genichiro on NG+ just wooped my ass for a straight hour before I beat him and it sucked. I'm continuing on a file that got the Shura ending and it feels like missing out on a couple boss memory attack increases has really neutered my ability to damage enemy posture because this motherfucker's bar took forever to fill.

Have you been in Mibu village yet?

So who is this guy supposed to be? The Sculptor? Or that one dude who hunts rats?

I think he's talking to the guys telling how to cheese her instead of giving combat tips

No you have to in order to progress and they are evil corrupt nobles who can suck your soul out with their flutes

guess that means you didnt assemble the dragon mask either

Most of the settings are placebo and only affect level of detail over distance. Only shadows actually drops shadow resolution. Texture quality doesn't actually affect texture quality, it's a misnamed anisotropic filtering option, lighting quality doesn't actually affect lighting, it's a misnamed lighting distance option, shader does literally nothing

I didn't, I just rushed the Shura ending on a new file after beating the game on a different file and decided to continue into NG+.


It’s the Sculptor. He is gone by the time you can fight the demon.
Also the vendor in the temple mentions the Sculptor leaving while rambling about “the flames”

> betraying Kuro
No help for you asshole

Yea. I've beaten the game. Mibu Village is cool, but what I like about the fort and the dungeon is that they're confined - you're in a cave. There's no open sky. That's probably autistic, but I love spooky, confined places like that in games. Caves and dungeons are great. It's why I like Irithyll Dungeon so much, and why Latria is my favorite Demon's Souls world, along with the second part of Shrine of Storms where you're in catacombs.

The merchant at the temple gives it to you straight. The Sculptor walked off muttering about "the flames," and the old woman who took up residence in the Tengu's place mentioned demons being born from hatred and anger.
Plus, if you gave him some drinks, he mentions he lost his arm due to Shura.

>Or that one dude who hunts rats?
That's Isshin my dude

Where is the surgeon?

Is it really?

In the abandoned dungeons

>being some honorable samurai wannabe faggot and not the dickass shinobi you really are

Would make sense. It seemed to piss him off and make him do a specific attack instead.
Three times should be more than enough to make it through.

Trying to kill Emma? There is a secret use Bite Down. Her training as a doctor will leave her vulnerable to a deathblow.

>guardian ape
>finally manage to cut its fucking head off
>no achievement
>body starts moving again

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>Hesitation is defeat

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Isshin will give you Tengu's dialogue if you advance Tengu's quest but speak to Isshin instead

Fuck you for sending him to the merchant.

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There are multiple? I'm pretty sure I cleared the first one and I only found his assistant. I also don't know how to get inside the room behind the assistant.

Can someone give me a run down on how to get the second bell again? I know it involves eavesdropping on Kuro, and Emma, but I don’t know what’s the order and shit.

Also, who do I give the Sakura droplet to? Or does it not matter at all?

You can use the spear tool on his neck to expose the centipede in 2nd phase for massive damage.

is Father Owl harder than Sword Saint?

You can get into that room by swimming underwater in the flooded part of the dungeon.
The twist of the quest is that the surgeon and the assistant are one and the same. He's just insane.

Tengu gave you the name Sekiro
And Isshin calls you that the first time he meets you
Do the math

>get gud at guardian ape after 3rd try
>able to get him
>run into him in the cave
>able to one shot after focusing on brown monkey and using existing experience with guardian ape

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Shame. I liked how he played the flute. Very somber.

>mfw Divine Dragon
I really don't mind more fight that focus on aesthetic than difficulty now, this is really fucking good holy shit

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How do you get the ps4 icons?

Do headless give you anything in NG+ since you already have the candy replacements or should you just avoid them?

The stealth deathblow helps tons because you only have to fight his remaining healthbar.

Keep at it user, took me like 5 or 6 tries.

That explains it because I can't dive yet.


The fuck
I didn't find any flooded part in the dungeon. Was convinced I explored it all.

>souls speedrunners being exposed as the filthy casuals they are when they can no longer rely on minmax cheese shit to obliterate bosses and have to actually fight them
>watching a guy doing a "speedrun" and getting stuck on sword saint for a fucking hour

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Pure coincidence.

Same hairdo
Same Voice
Isshin refers to you as Sekiro while everyone else apart from Tengu refers to you as 'wolf'
Tengu disappears after Isshin dies
When Isshin is initially missing, Emma directs you to look exactly where Tengu is, but Isshin is nowhere to be seen.
You can never meet Tengu while Isshin is in his room
It's pretty obvious

Yea, well, you completely missed a bunch of bosses and an entire area.

Anything bad happens if i send that dude in the moat to go meet the doctor guy in the dungeon?

You meet an entire palace of flute playing assholes. They try to give you the succ

Wait, does seven spears come back when Owl is at the top of the castle or when Ashina is on fire?

used the whistle "alert" and stealth kill one

It's on the path to the temple. There's a very short water path you have to swim through. You can dive below it to get some loot and entrance into more rooms.

What's isshin's interest in you then?


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Ashina on fire

I already got him, the sword dude ran off the cliff at random and once he was out I could just Mikiri Seven Spears to death

Guy literally have the Tengu costume hanging in his room. He out right calls you Sekiro on meeting him as Isshin.

Its unironically epic dude I agree.

Is Tengu's mask and grass coat being in Isshin's room, as well as him leaving a note for Emma about "the Tengu is gone to hunt rats" when he isn't there also a coincidence?

guys on the rooftops at the castle are screwing me over, help

I know user, just the first time it happened I wanted to smash my monitor.

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Tengu's mask and outfit are also literally hanging on the wall behind Isshin


Fuck these headless in these dark caves.
Kept waiting for some gook horror shit to jump me from the darkness mid fight.

You're not some dumbass loyal to his idiot grandson and just want to keep Kuro away from people trying to misuse him. Isshin respects that.

Bruh how the fuck do you beat the Headless?

If they grab you, they pull a soul ball out of your ass

Demon of Hatred is the only boss to make me mad af.

What do I do against him? I'm stumped. I do have the fire umbrella and malcontent

Armored warrior made me feel like a dumbass. I thought I was missing something instead of just using gravity to kill him.

What prosthetic tool(s) am I missing???

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Doesn't isshin hate kuro though? I honestly don't really understand kuro's place in the entire political conflict

Use your head

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confetti and then realize they are the easiest minibosses in the game

Would you also be not interested in a semi-immortal man going up against a horde of enemies just to save his Lord? From Isshin’s point of view he figure you should be entertaining at least before he kicks the bucket.

What? No?
He protected Kuro before using Emma as the proxy nigger

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Phoenix Umbrella.

Feathers. Go back to the Hirata Estate


stupíd fucking bitch

You miss out on his questline because he's fucking dead in the dungeon now but you get 3x lumps of fat from Doujun (Doctor).

Mist Raven Feathers
You can find it in the Hirata estate at the top end of the river that runs through it

Is Seven Spears supposed to be hard as FUCK. I got thru the bull and horse rider with ease but I can’t seem to get any damage in on this guy without getting fucked in the ass.

Oh. I thought Emma was tasked by duga or whatever. The guy who taught her medicine.

To add to this, Sekiro also gasps when Isshin refers to him as Sekiro. They couldn't have made it more obvious without telling you.


>That's... my boy...

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I fucking died to that guy my first time through but couldn't stop laughing holy shit

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How the fuck was I supposed to know you need to puppeteer that midget by the kite in senpou? Fuck you miyazaki

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Mikiri Counter will be your best friend in that fight.

Sometimes he will mikiri counter twice in a row, sometimes it's followed up by a winding strike. You can parry that. If you see him lower his spear to the right and you see the kanji symbol, he's going for a sweep- jump over it then jump on his head for more posture damage.

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Get the Mekiri Counter
If you take a hard left at the path before him, you'll drop down the cliffs and you can sneak up behind him through the tower

Some raven feathers
You can find them at Hirata at the end of the little river. There's a small little outcropping with a chimney of footholds you can jump up.

when the castle is under attack what happen if you talk to owl and follow the code? i said to follow kuro and got a boss

Dogen hit the grave long ago, Isshin is Emma's master

Just Mikiri Counter his ass, he uses three thrust type attacks so it's easy as fuck. Also stealth kill his first bar by taking the stealth tutorial route.

The old woman tells you if you give her rice
Explore more

He's a tough lad. If you haven't learnt Mikiri yet, now's the time.

The old lady asked for rice, user. Look after the elderly, they know stuff.

He doesn't in English

How do you get back there for endgame? Am I black hole brain wojak levels of brainlet or is there some secret way I'm missing? I already found my way back into the well but it was blocked by a grate.

an npc straight up tells you faggot its the most unobtuse shit a souls game has ever had you brainlet

Shura ending route

If you gave the old lady rice, she outright gives you the answer.

So Dojun is insane and has multiple personality disorder/hears voices right?
And if you help him with his experiments you're pretty much helping japanese Mengele, right?

lads, just beat butterfly lady, but then went back to her room and they have one of those blue totem checkpoint things. realize there is one more to find in this dream world place, were is it? IIs butterfly not the end of this world or is there more?

You basically cut the game short, kill everybody and are forced into an immediate NG+ right after the final boss.

You get a different boss

>beat butterfly hag
>now I'm supposed to beat the ultimate bad guy last boss at the top of the castle
fuck htis

>He play in dub
Well it's your own fault then

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All bonfires there are along the main path
You must've forgot to activate one of them

He sent Emma to inform Wolf that Kuro is still alive so that you can get your shit together to save the boy. He wants to help Kuro bail out.

As for Kuro’s role he’s a kid who can give an infinite life hack to anyone. Which is like pretty damn important when your land is about to go to war soon. Only problem is that he refuses to give the dragon blessing to anyone else anymore.

Genichiro is easy, also his fight happens to be fun. You'll be fine m8

>last boss

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She's the end for now. Also, completely optional. Good job on doing it.

Follow the Nightjar smoke signals

>last boss

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Losing all hope was freedom.

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Doesn't isshin want the ashina to persevere? Why doesn't he stop you when you are working to sever immortality?

I did and they lead to a broken roof that I can't jump to or grapple to (got close and it seemed to be an invisible wall). No other grapple points to get there either from what I see.

Be more stealthy, look around and look at the roof carefully before you grapple onto it. They are easy 1-on-1 but the way they are placed can sometimes force you to fight multiple of them at once.

So, just to be clear, if I ring the big dick bell, afterwards I can just switch back to normal difficulty by using the Bell Demon item without any consequences, right?

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Hm, weird. I'm extra thorough, will go check back everywhere, thanks.

thanks dude does it still count if I got my ass kicked by her, went out to get a bit stronger and came back and just kicked her ass now

Because he doesn't agree with his grandson way of doing things.
Ashina is fucked anway, Genichiro is just desperate

i just used the firecrackers and slaughtered them all

It's like a ring you can take off. If you want the effect back, you can just go to the Bell again.

I can't help but wonder if the Bell Demon was more interesting in pre-production.

Those flute dudes remind me of those jailer dudes from DS3 except they are less shitty.

Window in library near Kuro's room.

I just defeated the Owl Bossfight ini the hirata estate. My god I still can't believe I beat him.
Correct mme if I am wrong but who was in your guys opinion harder? Orphan of Kos or Owl in the hirata estate?

Right now I feel like the owl fight was the hardest boss in my whole gaming experience but I might be just not remembering how hard i struggled with kos because its so long ago. And this isn't even the one everyone keeps talking about. Apparently the hardest boss is yet to come. I am excited and terrified.

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I'm sure he knows his time is up, I mean he chides Genichiro for even summoning him, calling him fool. Still he honors his request and fights Sekiro. And he just loves to fight in general so what better opponent.

so you're saying if I defeat this guy that's not the end of the game

Because he understands the consequences.

Someone said in another thread that you can let the snake eat you to get transported somewhere; how's that work?
Also, does the bell make you earn more money, or just better drop rate?

Yes I know how to leave Kuro's room. The smoke signals on the roofs lead somewhere I can't seem to get.

Post kino fights

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You got rused
The bell makes drop rates better, but that's it.

not even fucking close man
Genichiro is practically the first 'real' boss, maybe after Butterfly

Why would you think that would be the end of the game? Did Lady Butterfly take you 20 hours, user?

You beat her, that's what matters.

I like to imagine the bell demon might have been an npc who tries to goad you into ringing the bell.

>all these shortcuts
>idols every 20m
T-thanks miyazaki

I'm so shit, I can't get past the shinobi hunter or the chained ogre, send help! I just can't get out of the dodge minset.

>shortcuts in an interconnected world

wait genichiro summoned him? i was so confused by why he popped out of his body at the end

thank you ~

>using Ichimonji to cancel Isshina's charged air slash
Fucking oldfag fell you own poison

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The guy is pretty much done with the whole thing. He’s at the “too old for this shit” phase in life. He probably don’t want to see it fall but he’s not gonna cross the lines of obsession like Genichiro. Which, is not too wrong since if saving your dying land means turning every soldier into semi-immortals with side effects in the long run and everyone else just dies from being near them, it’s probably high time that Ashina move on.


You just gotta unlearn your Souls combat user. No roll, only parry.

Of course it's not the end. The game would only be like fucking 6 hours. You're still missing arm tools and other shit, or did you somehow not notice?

bro genichiro is like the halfway point

Point is shortcuts ate pointless when you can fast travel and there's so many idols everywhere

The >bad part is the million idols in each area

Woah, is this were the last bonfire of Hirata estate is? When you have to, I can only assume, come back and fight Owl?

You can fight chained ogre just like Souls boss though.

Are there even that many shortcuts?

There's lots of interconnected paths but I don't think there's much shortcut porn going on.

Some of the Idol placement is Dragonslayer Armour tier, though. Two in one room and three literally single floors apart.

I like the way Wolf winds up for the deathblow, like he's putting on a show about it rather than just jamming it in.

I love the sidewise glance the soldier gives as he's walking by. You can almost hear him muttering "The fuck is this chick doing? She have brain damage or something?"

Never mind I'm retarded as I suspected. If anyone else is as blind as me, the whole in the floor of that one building isn't water it leads to the fucking reservoir fuck me.

It's a different Hirata estate

Any tips on illusory corrupted monk?
besides snap peas.
she's the only boss left for me before I take on gen. i keep getting my shit pushed in.

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If this was a Megaman game that was the first level boss before you get to see the stage select screen.

Yes. Fuck his firecrackers, they do so much chip damage. Isshin is fighting honest, you can just parry him to death.

But the herb catalogue thing mentions offering oneself to the snake's belly or something, so I figured it's a thing.
Also, Exorcism or whatever it's called (the palm strikes) is so damn useful for "resetting the neutral" in boss fights. I see nobody using it online, and it's so good.

He does

It was basically the first thing I did. I'd just forge ahead.

He winds it up so he can thrust it with his other hand.

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Throwing lightning at it was sick

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It's the beginning

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O'Rin is purely parry, right?

What does snap eve do in that fight?
Anyway just parry, mikiri, and jump kick her shit.

What do you mean by "resetting the neutral"?

>i sure hope sekiro doesn't have a rushed end game like every other souls
>ashina castle idols all deactivate

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chained ogre is easy as fuck. really he's the only one you can dodge around.
as for the shinobi hunter, get the mikiri counter and he fucks off real fast. otherwise learn how to time your parry.

She can only be damaged on her right side and back.

It's not the endgame unless you are a heartless bastard

>if I defeat the first boss it's not the end of the game?

Yeah, just keep parrying and watch her demolish her own posture.

disregard her posture
just melt her HP with mortal blade combat art spam

Deflect her small comboes, but fun away from her long comboes, they suck.
She can be chainstunned with Crackers and Ash.
Also she's a spooky ghost so use confetti.

The sword Genichiro used was to open the gate ways of afterlife and shit. Best part is that whoever comes back gets to be in their prime too. Though you can probably see why Isshin went “Oh Come On! Just let me die in peace!” I’m sure that if he didn’t have Sekiro to fight he probably would have crawled back into the body immediately.

Gets you three free stuns and takes off about half her bar. i thought you could just stunlock her and wasted all of the ones i found though.
>just have to git gud

>i sure hope sekiro doesn't have a rushed end game like every other souls
>it doesn't

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Confetti doesn't do anything to her. She's an illusion not an apparition.

thank god i was getting worried

>hmm i finally got this item, let me go back to kuro
>idol unavailable
>nothing in ashina castle available
>go to closest idol
>gates all closed
>manage to get around through the moat
>guy runs out screaming in fear

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You fucking niggers I have literally destroyed at least 10 bosses before this and you're gonna meme me hurr durr this is teh reel first boss ehehehe

>corrupted monk before gen
>mortal blade

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Haven't seen anything more kino than Genichiro yet
Owl 1 had the potential, but was too easy.

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Owl is fucking my ass atm, got him down to 1 hp after a few tries but haven't been able to do it again. Just like most other fights it feels best to just stay right up on him and keep wailing away and parrying

When Tengu asks me if I mastered any techniques or whatever does it have to be the Ashina one or any of them to progress

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Not that I would do it and waste a good challenge, but isn't it possible to backstab a boss, de-aggro them, then do it again to kill them?

Fighting game terminology. It's safe to just throw it out on enemies - even if they block it, you're both kinda just reset to default positioning. It's good to throw out after a deflect or deathblow on one of the duel fights just to reset the enemy so they're not in the middle of an animation.

Mini bosses aren't bosses.

anyone else not play consistent? i just started up and ghot the corrupt monk to the bottom but died and then when i retryd i didnt even chip half her health

Just for some foreshadowing.

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not possible.

Wouldn't that mean that you could use snap seeds?

I was stuck on her for almost 2 hours before I got gud.
I'm sure you will fare better.
Just don't be greedy when counter attacking because she can do jump back swipe.

It literally is
And every real boss before him can be cheesed just by running around and chiping away their hp bit by bit
Genichiro is the one who'll kick your shit in if you haven't learned how to play.

imagine playing this game in sub, the dub is so godlike

Where do you get this

Thanks for explaining user.

You haven't killed a single boss. Lady Butterfly is maybe half one.

It's literally on the on outside of Ishhin's room user.

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You need to learn the final skill in any tree

Sometimes it may be becase of your incosistency, but bosses in FROM games sometimes can be very generous with what moves they use, which can make them a lot easier.

They regain their first deathblow if you de-aggro them after the first stealth blow.
t. attempted to double stealth shinobi hunter

Yes and you can. They stun him.

Mortal Blade, huge fucking slash. Loved using that thing

Actually yes. I used one by mistake and that shit stunned and took a chunk outta her health.

It's not the blade itself, just the text detailing it.

It's outside Isshin's room when Owl is at the top of the castle (or maybe after killing him?)

>Beat snake eyes bitch in poison pools
>come across bloodstain on ground with big room ahead
>recognize from webms that its the headless monky fight
>fuuuuuuuuuuuuu dont think im ready
>go in
>nothing happens
>explore around
>see giant dead monkey bones above in an aclove
>keep going
>hidden forest

Also do those bones somehow revive into the second monkey for the double battle?

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Am I fuck from progressing Tengu story after the invasion? Last time I met him was at serpent shrine.

The English dub is trash compared to past games m8

Been with playing the sub, is the dub really that good?

Personally, I prefer

>3rd time dying on genichiro in a row
I guess I'll go to bed and try again tomorow

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Does Kuro say anything different during his “how many times have you died for me speech” if you never died and never triggered the first revive?

Go look how to get Purification ending. That's how you fight owl in the estate

Who the fuck was Robert anyway?

>Isshin, the Sword Saint fight


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Yes because he's lying dead next to emma

Okay, that's fair.

his son

>MFW i just cheesed the snake guarding the shrine without possession ninkutsu

Lol You can just bait out an attack and follow him back and jump off the side to catch the grapple point and presto

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strap in faggot, you're in for the long haul

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No lol, not even a subfag but the devs want you to play in jap so you should.

Ya gotta come back later
Also, no, the second one is just a normal giant ape

Maybe stop being so horny

I mean after the fight with Owl, last time I checked he's still in his room.

Yeah but was he in the game? Do we ever meet him? I am missing something

I do agree. It's definitely different. Japanese was Sekiro's first language, while the others were English first. All the voice actors were all people who did stage plays and things, so they were good at hamming it up and sounding really dramatic and distinctly "souls". Sekiro's is still good, but it's not as good as the others. There's just some lines that are great like ROBEEEEEERT and MY NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME
I told myself I'd play with sub on my 2nd run, but I'm in NG+ and I just can't bring myself to switch it.

Her fight is just literally a battle of attrition. Half the difficulty comes from the fact that she can only be damaged from the sides and the back. Snapseeds and Firecracker are your best friends. But don’t get too greedy since she hits hard.

divine dragon fight was KINO

Bait attack and use mist raven tool to teleport behind him m8

Emma gives you the stuff if you didn't get it from Isshin, so long as you get at least one final skill

So what do you do to the snek god in the cave full of lizards and those stone guys coming out of the walls?

he made the firecracker prosthetic but no hes not in the game. he got sick and his father signed up with the monks hoping they could cure him

Even Owl 1 was harder than Isshin.
His posture still breaks as fast as that of an old man when you parry his shit.

What final combat technique should I grind for? Upgraded mortal draw or the shockwave one?

I'm not even bothering. I've done everything else, I can't be assed.

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I hate environments that have no perceptible depth like 4kings, nameless king and divine dragon. Shit makes me extremely uneasy and nervous.


when you get to the point where his head is blocking the narrow path go to the left and there's a ledge you can drop onto. follow that and there's a monkey with its back turned. assassinate him and use puppeteer ninjutusu on him and he'll distract the snake long enough for you to grapple up to the ledge and get past him

No. No. You missed nothing.
The prayer bead with his description does mention he came to Ashine to find a cure for his son. They ended up at the temple. Where they did experiments on children. And the only one to survive was rice loli.
Are things adding up now, user?


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Please tell me. How does one "get good" at Sekiro? Is it:

>learn to deflect, learn to save ammo, learn to mikiri, upgrade prosthetics intelligently

or is it just

>learn to sprint in circles until you can land an easy hit and abuse resurrection resets during boss phases

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>take Isshin's first hp bar
>run away to heal while he summons the spear
>he follows me, kills me with a sword slash, and only summons the spear after I've revived

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What the fuck was up with that green monk in senpou main hall?


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Yes, thank you.

no please explain

Oh that makes sense, thanks user.

Ive been somewhat able to whittle her down to half-health semi-consistently but i get greedy and try to cheese by run-slashing and for some reason i can perfect parry her long combo except the last strike which fucks me up every god damn time.
and i hate that sweeps and stab attacks use the same indicator because I keep instinctively trying to mikiri and wind up getting fucked.
i shall perservere, though.
im trying to do everything I can before putting gen down in the tower just because. i already have every prosthetic upgrade you can get up to tier 4 besides the umbrella since its locked behind that whistle or something, killed every miniboss and everything else.
just... god damnit.

>tfw you beat isshin only getting hit once after 2 days of struggling against him

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One of those approaches makes bosses last 10+ minutes
And the other is actually fun


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Can't wait to tear out a centipede out of Robertooooo's asshole

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I put the dub on a bit and here’s what I can tell you. Shit is jarring as fuck but seems oddly fitting. The English VAs FromSoft hire always sounds good. Except for Kuro, his VA sounds like he’s reading a textbook.

I was getting some lag on Isshin and despite that, I managed to get to his third phase by playing like a pussy. I played for three hours like this before deciding to do something. As it turns out, I just had to update my drivers.
Shit went smooth after that. Since I already knew every move, it took me four tries, I was able to read every attack instead of guessing because of the lag.
On my winning try, I took out Genishiro and phase one without taking a hit, got fucked by missing a mikiri once, but phase two went really smooth after that and I finished the last part after parrying the spinning AoE. Most satisfying shit ever.

>prayer beads have distinct descriptions
Well damn, thought they'd all have the same text.

I think Activision did the localization for this one, not From. So the voice acting is Activision's doing, for better or worse.

after castle is attacked by shinobi, go to isshin's tower, eavesdrop on him and emma
after killing owl and lighting the incense burner, rest, eavesdrop on kuro
talk to emma, rest
talk to emma again
talk to emma at old grave
eavesdrop on emma and sculptor
talk to emma again

Lads, my autism is going off the charts. On the Travel menu on Hirata Estate, I've got

>Dragonspring - Hirata Estate
>Estate Path
>Bamboo Thicket Slope
>Hirata Estate - Main Hall
>Hirata Audience Chamber
>Hirata Estate - Hidden Temple

and then a free space, not full, and implying I've missed one. Can one of you tell me were that last one is please? Holy fuck I've looked everywhere.

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Don't need to guess. Use Ichimonji to interrupt him.

Ok I just knocked snake eyes off the mountain by accident. Does this perma kill them, because I didn't get any drops?

The only other guy remaining in that place who still have a bit of conscience left. And he knows they fucked up. And they fucked up bad.

If you can deflect all her combo she usually follows up by trust attack, which you can mikiri and punish. Works on the same principle as headless monki.
I don't think there's any point deflecting her spin to win one though because final hit when send you back regardless.

>Hirata Estate - Hidden Temple
where's that?

I'm pretty sure the English VAs aren't the same ones From usually uses.

Why does Isshin want to kill the "rats" if they're stated to be working for Genichiro? Is it because Isshin dissaproves of Genichiro's method of using immortality

if it matters I actually figured out the tell, if he's facing you during the wind up its the verticle double slash if he's facing towards the side its the horizontal spin attack

that's when you defeat butterfly hag, and then go back. for some reason, she has a bonfire in there now

Literally where you fought butterfly.

Just fucking hit her once with a dodge attack until she is like 40% in vitality, and then you just go full aggressive

Should I have tried to get a fourth bead before butterfly? I've only gotten 3 and barely past her first stage

Literally the most retarded thing I've read on Yea Forums

You know I honestly prefer posture over the stamina system from Soulsborne games
Makes the combat feel much more fluid and less restrictive, and the introduction of deflects and stuff like mikiri counter is nice
I know Sekiro is not a soulsborne game, but I would love for Posture to perhaps make its way into the next soulsborne style game they make, perhaps even replacing stamina
also just thinking about pvp fights where both players are going back and forth deflecting and retaliating sounds orgasmic and much more intuitive than run of the mill pvp battles in souls


Nope. Ya gotta kill them legit.

I noticed that I can eavesdrop on Kuro when he was looking for shit in the library. Did that counts toward anything? Because I heard a chime. Sorry but after Bloodborne I’ve been wary of fromsoft’s tendency to lock out endings and I don’t want to get the wrong one.

Eavesdrop on what the rats are saying

I nominated Armored Warrior for second most kino fight

>that whimpering when she's in pain

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According to item description lore she's supposed to be weak to the sabimaru prosthetic tool that is found on the ground floor of Ashina Castle.


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Sure if it makes you more comfortable, I assume you got the Shinobi Hunter, the first general and the ogre? There is a 2nd general right after the ogre, go get his.

maybe, did you get the hidden one behind a fake wall on the very house you fight her?

So Genichiro and Kuro know each other, and he mentions "it's been a while since that happened". Is he talking about the Hirata raid? There's just some things about the story in this game that aren't adding up for me

Its just learn to deflect and recognize when you cant deflect and counter accordingly. ammo? what ammo? spirit emblems? you can buy a shitload of them in early game and you collect enough of them to never run out. prosthetic upgrades are basically situationally niche shit or fucking useless garbage, except firecrackers but theyre not anywhere near game-breaking and more of a tool to allow you to breath, same as the raven feathers. the only time a prosthetic upgrade felt powerful in my run was decimating half of O'Rin's healthbar with two stabimaru combos and the free double-ichimonji she gives you when she gets poisioned.
trying to run around a boss isnt reccomended since outside of headless and shitman monks its not really about draining their health to zero but about breaking their posture and any chip damage you wiggle in only helps the former.

No, it has to be done exactly at that point in the story
You have to hear him say "I have to do what I must" or something like that

WebM of hidden wall in the house in case you missed it.

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>finally beat Demon of Hatred after a lot of tries
>all the anger I felt turns to sadness on the final deathblow with Orangutan's words
I don't know why I didn't expect something like that. Kino shit

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posture/deflections would not work with From Soft's state of the art net code

where the fuck is this?

They really nailed the idea of clashing swords. Shit will probably get stale because there’s only one weapon type but I wouldn’t mind seeing a PvP format of it.

The room right before Butterfly

The house where mada mada is. It's right past Juzou the Drunkard.

What exactly is the Interior Ministry? An item mentions that their leader used the Rejuvenating Waters, which is like budget Resurrection - do they want Kuro, too, and that's why they're raiding Ashina?

Sculptor was legit, hated to see him go like this

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I zipped over to the buddha idol on the ground on the left side of her swamp and rested, then climbed back up and zipped across the trees to the buddha head right next to her. Then you can sneak up on her for a sneak attack to take one of her life bars. Then you have to fight her in close quarters there around where you backstabbed her or else you will start getting shot at by all her riflemen. She is very dangerous up close but if you just keep deflecting and hitting at her you will eventually break her posture and kill her

Wow Jesus fuck. Kudos to the guy who managed to discovered that shit.

>tfw literally, unironically, true as the fucking blue ocean swear on me mum's life beat Sword Saint on my fifth try, and it being the first time I had reached his final phase
>Without having seen the fight itself before either
No one will ever believe me but I did it, and through actually keeping up pressure and deflects and lightening reversals too, none of that runcuck stuff. Only shinobi tool I used was aged mist raven feather for when he does his mega spear circle cleave and his dragonflash shockwave, as their hitboxes are finnicky with the uneven terrain and I wasn't sure if you could deflect them or not. Holy fuck this game truly clicked with me by the end. I'd heard horror stories of people getting truly gated by him but he's just as straight up as Genichiro only randomly pulls out a glock on some distance followups.
All in all, fantastic game. Beat all the bosses and only have to do the non-loli pregnancy endings now. Owl 2 was probably my favorite fight, followed by castletop Genichiro.
/end fucking blog, but holy shit, I'm feeling myself after that.

Ugh, I hate those stupid bomberflies that Granny Monsoon summons mid combo. I know I'll get her eventually but for now I'm taking a break.

I think you should rest a couple of times, or maybe need to get to Fountainhead Palace.

What's a good enemy to farm Fulminated Mercury?

What the fuck is he doing in here anyway?

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Theyre the military arm of the central government

This is why I liked the sake gimmick. Sometimes you know, you just wanna chill with your favorite NPC. Isshin is still the best for this though.

Any tips for the true corrupted monk fight? More specifically his third phase. It keeps fucking me up. What's the optimal way to tackle it? Any prosthetics that are good against it?

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You can fight Corrupted Monk before Genichiro. You can fight a lot of shit before Genichiro.

Just keep running around to dodge them.

neat, thanks. fucking bead in there holy shit

Save all your Firecrackers.
I cheesed phase 1 and 2 by landing deathblows from above.

I did it, too. Beat Isshin on around my 5th or 6th try, with no healing left. Got to his 3rd phase and managed to lightning reversal everything he threw at me and killed him in 30 seconds.

you can grapple to the branches to skip the first two phases by jump assassinating her.

Just parry, nigga

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I think they're the government of Japan coming in and telling all the samurai leaders to stop being dicks and submit to the emperor.

Her third phase is legit easiest, just make sure you parry properly and dodge to the side when she spits her poison shit and counter attack.

The Long Firecracker works incredibly well against it

Where the fuck is the true corrupted monk? I want to buy a ton of divine confetti so I can kill the headless already!

If you got her 1st phase figured out you got her 3rd one figured out, and it's even easier because she constantly spams the new poison move.

red gunners after returning fountainhead palace

I'd also like to know this. From all the gameplay videos it looks like somewhere in the temple- will I have to backtrack to discover new bosses?

Is this fucker worth it? Does he give a proper prayer bead?

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Didn't know you could deathblow it from above. I've just been parrying all his shit since it's pretty easy to read what's coming.
I don't have problems against his first 2 phases. The third one is the one that's fucking me up. I guess I'll see how abusing the firecrackers goes.

She's mandatory story boss.

She's the next boss after Owl.


Xbone or PS4 controller for PC?

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Endgame Ashina castle, ministry soldier with a cannon at the stair. Just repeatedly run into them with golden vortex and rest at idol, you'll farm enough of it fast.

Yes. He's just a rehash of the drunkard from Hirata.

I DID IT! I finally fucking did it! Killed this bitch without taking damage. Fucking rng and her bullshit unblockable butterflies. It only took me 6 hours.

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I do, I just keep getting greedy. Maybe later I'll do a run where I just try to improve my dodge senses

Genechiro was beating my ass I got to where I can skull fuck him perfectly. The combat is complete dog shit. It’s equivalent to a shitty rhythm game. It’s like paper rock scissors. Shallow bullshit

Fucking dropped

Is Owl the last boss? I don't want to finish the game prematurely.

I'll keep at it. Thanks.

You can quickly grapple to that branch, immediately grapple onto a cliff, kill the monkey with a shuriken and pick them off bit by bit before you deathblow the big guy

True Corrupted Monk is the gatekeeper for the final area in the game. After Corrupted Monk, there's only two more mandatory fights - another boss at the end of that zone, and the final boss.
She's very late into the game, unfortunately.

>6 hours
Oh boy you're in for a fucking ride. Enjoy fighting thunder boy.

on top of the framerate, its a bit terrible. feels way too fucking close.
controls are fucking weird too so combat is a bit shitty for me.

You'll only get to her if you stay loyal to Kuro

Get above the snake where you normally kill him, drop down and do the first deathblow, and when it prompts you to do the 2nd deathblow to kill the snake, just don't do anything. You'll get eaten and end up near the rape ape.

Every mini-boss, that ins't a terror nigger, gives a bead and sometimes something else.

It is like a rhythm rock paper scissors game; that's why it's fun - it's just reacting to moves and timing deflections, and it's fun when you're in the groove

>another shitter filtered by based Genchiro

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The rat hunter is Isshin

Grats user!

Once you conquer lady butterfly, you should be comfortable with the combat.

What do camera mods do?

Also, if you eavesdrop on him and Emma speaking, she asks if he still sees the flames and he responds saying nothing has changed. She promises that she will kill him if the time comes.
The next time you speak to him alone, I think after reaching the Fountainhead Palace, he says he decided you will be the one to kill him because he can't force the girl he brought in and took care of to kill him. Then he eventually fucks off to the old battlefield and is overtaken by Shura.
Emma refers to him by his ninja name, Orangutan.

How do I get more lapis? I got the ones from the pot guy, and the one from finshing his quest, and the one from the spirit asshole in the palace.

I thought it was more like the opposite. The Interior Ministry feared the Rejuvenating Waters' power so they were planning on burning down Ashina to stop them from capitalizing on the resurrection powers and taking over the rest of Japan. The Ministry dousing powder item description says as much

Reminder if you used firecrackers and ichimonji then you didn't actually beat the game.

I curb stomped him. He’s piss easy if you know his move set

The combat mechanics are fucking trash

I killed him on my second attempt, unless you mean without taking damage, I don't think it'll be that hard either.

Thanks. It's my second playthrough though. I started a new one to beat each boss and mini boss without taking damage. Fun stuff.

If you used any memory or bead, then you didn't really beat this game

I now can go to Owl's memories and divine realm, will going to either lock me into a specific ending, or can I do everything and then just choose the ending?

You're gonna get mad fucked later if Genchiro was giving you that difficult of a time

My brother. We'll know we're truly gud in our hearts.
It was actually just a tad bit disappointing, but given how much trouble so many people have it would be wrong to actually make it harder.
Definitely gonna full bell demon through NG+, wanna at least get all upgrades and skills.

What is "Immortal Severance" exactly and what it supposed to do? If Kuro just wants to die, sword from temple implied to be able to kill him even without all that fuckery with tears. And therte was mention that man with dragon heritage lived earlier and died, but here it is again, so it's not a way to eliminate it completely.

what exactly is the pahtnom kunai for 3k at the shop guy?

At what point do I star eavesdropping to get the Divine Lolli ending?

Nice reading comprehension chongo

I have, I just have to beat the present boss then.

jerking one out
he was gonna get laid with that flow you stole

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Nope. Since you have access to both, just do both. If you beat the palace without getting the bell, tho, then you'd have been locked out of it.

Material for an upgrade

But they make me feel lika true ninja!

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You also get some from beating Demon of Hatred

An item required for the 4th or 5th tier shuriken upgrade. It costs 1 extra SP and aside from the shiny lights, I don't know what's so good about it.

Upgrade for shuriken, useful for dumping it into the face of any cunt who blocks projectiles, as long as you don't have better use for emblems in that boss fight.

Need it to get best shuriken, gouging top and the one after that.

Just go rest and go back and reset. Happened to me with seven spear and he was back after I rest.

I’m not even shitting you when I say that he’s just a glorified regular enemy. You can literally just go ham on him and parry his hits and he gets DBed fast. His Lightning phase is the same shit except now you just gotta swat him down when he goes in the air for his lightning attacks.

Not even git gud, he’s really easy compared to every other shit before him.

>lika true ninja
Unironically this. The whole point of the shinobi is to do your job through any means necessary, fuck honor and all that shit.

The mortal blade can wound him, but not kill him. It cuts, but then the wound heals almost instantly. That's why he needs all the other stuff for the ritual, to make sure his immortality is gone and he can die.
Or, you can do the other ending and make sure lord femboi doesn't die

>Fountainhead Palace
How do I get there?
Cause no matter how much I rest I can't advance the storyline.

>declares Genchiro is piss easy only after finally memorizing his easy moveset after getting "skull fucked" by him numerous times

How many hours were you stuck on him shitter?

Poor guy had a really hard life.

I honestly don't know what people see in that, the windup is awfully slow. Then again, I've used whirlwind slash for 90% of the game because it's flows the best with regular attacks.

>sword from temple implied to be able to kill him even without all that fuckery with tears
No, the mortal blade can wound him, unlike normal weapons, but it can't kill him.

Where are you currently at?

Best way to train dodge? I get cocky and keep forgetting this is a Miyazaki game and not MGR

What the fuck did the shop keeper just tell me to do, something aobut looting bodies, and hes looking for somebody big, strong, and thick..? and then it just STOPS. what am I meant to do with that info

my game runs supersampled 4k by default when i've never played a game above 1080p on an r9 390 before. it feels like DOOM with vulkan, it's great.

when you beat the final boss does the game automatically go into NG+ or will I be able to choose when I want to?

>Go back to the Castle after the idols are blocked
>Hype battles
>Enter the room where I fought the swordsman mini boss
>Get fucking wrecked because I didn't see the other guy
Even after knowing that he's there, it's kinda hard because they're all over me.

She will give you the tears after killing Owl at the Ashina castle.

The recovery is also shit
Tried it once and never used it again

It'll ask and you can choose.

When can you eavesdrop on them?

>mfw grinding for divine confetti/scrap magnetite in upper tower
>have 99 scrap irons and only got about 20 divine confetti and 7 magnetites
Headless aint that bad honestly but theyre easily the most tedious fucking minibosses in the game so far. especially since terror is only negated on perfect parries. i had less trouble with shichiman than i did the two headless ive found so far.

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Progress wise?
I just beat the Ape and Purple Monk.
Talked to Emma about Kuro and did the stuff with the Divine Child.

You don't rest to advance story, user.
Did you fight Owl? Did you get all the ingredients for the aroma? Did you make the incense?

But he looks heavily wounded and later falls unconscious after Genichiro hits him with a sword similar to yours, and he didn't even planned to kill him yet.

You can stealth kill the regular swordsman dude.

You get a choice, if you say no you can go to NG+ from the Temple's idol.

To access Fountainhead you need the items (sword and stone). Plus you need to burn the incense in Kuro's room and enter the Palanquin inside the Wedding Cave in Mibu.

That particular conversation happens sometime after Ashina Castle is invaded by Owl's ninjas, I think. You'll probably miss it if you've already killed Owl on the roof of the castle.

Dude this centipede giraffe fight is so gay. The camera is shit.

The recovery is my main problem with it. It does good posture damage and the posture recovery is pretty good, but the recovery after the second hit lasts too long, plenty of enemies recover just in time to hit you.

> Run to snake eyes in ashina depth
> struggled already with her in the gun fort so I expected this to be tougher with all the canon shooter around
> just yolo for now and see what I can do
> Stealth kill one cannon guy then stealth take down snake eye’a first health bar
> double inchimonji
> her poster is now at like 50%
> fight a bit
> hear fire cannon fire and dodge on reaction
> cannon explosive actual knock her over
> cannon explosive actually does friendly fire posture damage on her
> posture is at like 90%
> easily finish her off
Lmao wtf, and there are people who need to poison cheese this

It regains your posture, and most the time will cause bosses to flinch.

phantom kunai seriously fucking sucks. it was not worth the grind.

Its not that he becomes Shura, that was already prevented by Isshin.
Wandering demons in Buddhism possess people who have very bad karma that matches their particular sin. Ashina has been in war pretty much as long as it's been in existence, which attracted a powerful demon of hatred to it, but for it to take mortal form it needed to find a person of bad wrathful karma to possess.
They tried warding the Sculptor's temple with a whole bunch of good boy emblems and he tried to balance his karma out by carving buddhas, but he eventually got overtaken by it and submitted to at least go somewhere other than the temple so it wouldn't interfere with wolf's mission.
The old lady states if you keep talking to her that YOU, sekiro, need to take care to not be the next person it chooses as a host. But we still did a good deed, as now Sculptor can pass on and go through the rebirth process again as something not so terrible.

git gud

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He's in the corner, does he really not see you in time to react?

The boy can still feel pain, user. Immortality sucks ass.


can I atleast get a confirm that htere is only these 6?

the centipedes have been the easiest fights for me so far. never had an issue with the camera in that particular instance.

>Lone shadow
>has his buddy hiding there in the rolm
>lone shadow spearbearer
>calls a shit ton of dogs and doesn’t use a spear
Their names were funny

Nope. His back is turned. Just crouch walk in and immediately turn left when you get in the room and sneak up behind him.

Yo these white monkeys are fucking me up.

All I have is the Shelter Stone
And I haven't faced Owl yet.

Yeah, the camera in enclosed space sucks ass. Just don't get pushed into wall and you're golden.

Pupeteer him and he will tank for a while.
Honestly, fuck those Purple guys. If the game had a console command to kill them I would not hesitate.

You mean the Mortal Blade and Shelter Stone?

After I killed the snake, I landed on the opposite side of the bridge that the snake breaks. I was a dummy and accidentally fell down into the water. How can I get back over there?

I beat both the guardian ape and corrupted Monk and took their items and gave them to the heir. I'm stuck on what to do now, some people say that after you do that, shit is supposed to happen at the castle, but that is not the case for me.

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Where can I get more fulminated mercury? I have a grand total of 5 as of finishing my first NG

The second mortal blade was a bit of an asspull
Genichiro simultaneously is really, really cool and really, really laughably pathetic. His boundless devotion to Ashina is only matched by how retardedly hard he jobs to Sekiro again and again and again, and even his grandfather that he literally resurrected from the beyond kinda says 'jeeze what a loser, but while I'm here lets fight Sekiro!'