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Gene... this place reeks...

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Finally got past stage 4-4 on hard kms run

that shit's way too hard, I can do one or the other but both is too much for me

is the best "gamer fuel" or any kind of fuel you could ever have. Fuck those fat losers who binge on soda. Gamer fuel, more like gamer fill, as it fills you up until your body expands and makes you into Dobson's fetish

Honestly the only way I can do it is by trying to separate them for a short while to get some damage off each time. Like anything though the more and more I tried the easier it became until I could manage two at once. Not all 3 though that feels impossible without just keeping a distance the entire time.

Why did he say that?

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Divide and conquer is the best strategy. I recommend playing around with the camera to get it to "soft lock" on an enemy in the distance and use the taunt button to draw them in. It'll take a bit of practice to feel out the range and angle but once you get it you're golden.

Also Chain Yanker is debatablely the best roulette move in the game for this exact reason.

He was thirsty.

He actually meant to say OTTERRRRR because there was a magic performing otter off screen for a second that only he could see. Unfortunately he tripped as he was about to say it and "whoa!" and "otter" mixed. Olivia still doesn't believe him to this day.

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Poor Gene.

How the fuck do you beat Shannon without losing the Kick-Me Sign? I can't beat her without Yes Man Kablam Spam.

I'm playing on an emulator and I swear to god it's less responsive to duck inputs than an actual PS2. I don't remember having to clawhand so much, but on my most recent playthrough I can't dodge for shit. Anyone ever try remapping the dodges to the left stick? How'd it play?

Attached: god hand daisycutter combo.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

Honestly, I beat Shannon on my first try on the hard kms run. All you really need is patience and you can just combo her after every one of her spins. Not sure what about her you're having trouble with.

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dmc 5 shits all over this meme game

I don't understand why the otter torments him so.

only in Combat System, everything else God Hand rapes the shit out of DMC5

I’ll give him a (you). No one else respond to the bait please

Who was in the wrong here?

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I prefer strawberries, whenever im lucky enough to get them. I always feel like it makes me full, healthy and ready for more.

Will you shut the fuck up, Jesus .

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>oranges heal less than strawberries
I like oranges better tho

DMC 5 has better graphics, better setting, better story, better character designs, better enemy designs AND better combat. God hand is just old ass PS 2 jank tier shit made by a hack developer.

>T:Punching bag simulator fag triggered

>NG+ with Carnivale outfit

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I meant in responding to obvious bait. You retards are helpless

I keep trying to rush her and wind up eating her glitter explosion for my brazenness. I also have trouble reading her wand attack patterns in general.

So is Belze's suit actually cheap or was Gene just fucking with him?

no one cares about that shit, the only thing that matters is gameplay, and God hand has far better enemies than any DMC game
>better enemy design,better combat
neither of those is true,like i said combat system is excellent,everything else that MATTERS is fucking trash compared to God Hand.

Get a load of this fucking loser sitting by himself.

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i don't give a damn fuck what you have to say, i'm just here for the shitpost.

I like your style kid

still one of the best action games of all time

id pay 60 for an hd rerelease

fuck shinji mikami for not making cool stuff like this and vanquish anymore though. Evil within is boring as fuck in comparison


>better story
Lol God Hand has a far better story than DMC5 even though it treats it like a complete joke. How can you say that DMC5 has an even remotely good story?


But WHO IS Alexander?

I'm respecting your privacy by knocking, but asserting my authority as your father by coming in anyway!

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God hand's enemies suck, they're either stupid shit like midget rangers and gorillas, or stock HNK rapist bikers that get shit on easily.

>asks who the boss is
>immediately gives away the answer

reminder that God hand is locked at a cinematic 30 fps LOL

Yeah, you really want to just dodge backwards if she ever starts to spin or starts taking hits and not flinching. Other than that you want to just be beating her up for the most part so she doesn't spam projectiles at you. So just stick to her like glue if she isn't spinning. At least thats how I do it.


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You can unlock that with emulation.

_____git gud_____

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imagine not knowing how to emulate in 2019 lmao

Don’t most PS2 games run at double speed when you double their framerate?

Not here.

Not even close, I kind of regret playing DMC5 after picking up God Hand for another play through. Almost every enemy you encounter in DMC is nothing but a boring punching bag. God Hand is the only game where even singular enemies are actually a threat. I can feel my brain cells dying anytime I have to fight an enemy in DMC the difference is staggering, Would honestly take a God Hand 2 over DMC5 any day.

You gotta do some little changes to reduce the input lag
>having problem with shannon
lmao just stick to her bro like just punch her to death


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the enemies seem harder in god hand because the game controls like shit

Like I give a shit

The game controls perfectly if you don't have a brain defect and can't understand tank controls. Besides that, I mentioned that God Hand enemies actually do something or react to the player instead of sitting there like punching bags.
This is your last (You) though. Even your shitposts have failed to entertain me.

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I literally tell my wife this once a week, randomly


She never gets it, but she does laugh she finds it funny

Game controls just like RE4 but better.

Is Olivia shaven?

tank controls have no business being in a damn action game, its not resident evil or world of tanks

Based as fuck

Trimmed. Just enough to stick out at the top of her underwear in the most tactical placement possible.


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