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Could be fun if it were like mount and blade. It will probably come out before Bannerlord anyway too.
>hack software and hack hack martin
wew lad
Please no, From mustn't be tainted by westcucks
who do you consider not a hack
David Lynch
Right out the bat? Moorcock, Heilein, Herbert of Pohl I guess.
>Tainted by westcucks
The entire Souls series is European Dark fantasy mixed with Tolkien fantasy with some minor Asian elements in it for spice.
Tolkien unironically was an autist and TLoR fuck medieval fantasy settings and fantasy novels.
>Writer love kill characters, Game company love you died a lot .... mmmhhh
Demon Taxes
At least Tolkien finished LotR, something George Martin will never accomplish with ASoIaF.
here's the real version for all you non-faggots out there
we might get a cohesive story
don't take memes seriously user,virgin vs chad isn't just about things i dont like vs thing i like but conventional vs not
literally who
It's a shame what GRRM has become, the first three ASoIaF novels are riveting.
Then why are you on a message board?
>rolling around in treacle
>bullshit hitboxes
>cheesing bosses disguised as depth
>Now with characters that are killed off before you can give a shit about them
I'll give it a miss.
A sequel perhaps?
It's cute how you stupid newfags don't even understand how the meme works.
old book good
new book bad
Funny how once Reddit put their hands on it the roles switched.
even applies to asoiaf
Malazan Book of the Fallen is much better than A Song of Ice and Fire in my opinion. The series is better written, longer, has a unified theme, and is actually finished.
>knows vietnam is unjust
vietnam was about evil murica oppressing the poor kongs not about US backing their ally france against a communist china coup
Don't you just love historical revisionism?
peter molyneux
The real shame is how badly his grimderp "EVERYONE DIES AND SUFFERS" has totally fucked modern day fantasy novels.
Martin is a retarded hack, half the people on Yea Forums could write better
god I hope this is ironic, but no doubt there are actually morons who rate martin
Donald Trump
JRR Tolkien
>there are actually people who think A Game of Thrones was the best novel published in 1996
>FromSoft collabing with a pulp fantasy writer
yup, it was Drizzt
I'm glad a mediocre series like aSoIaF got a hollywood spotlight instead of a good one like malazan, I don't want to see an actual good series ruined by the jews, literally the only problem I have with it is how much of an insufferable cunt GRRM is and the fact that the popularity of his series means I have to see his fat ass.
malazan is just as trash as asoiaf though
it's just D&D anime power level antics with a veneer of obscurity to make it seem a lot deeper than it is.
Schopenhauer was a faggot who got BTFO by Hegel so hard no ever came to his lessons
>you're a brainlet for recognising how stupid this fantasy series is
>tfw there will never be a Gene Wolfe + From collab
>BTFO by Hegel
Sure, buddy.
>bad books are intellectual poison
I always wondered if this is true. Not just for books but all kinds of entertainment media. As somebody that wants to create things, wouldn't bad art be good to consume every now and then just to understand what went wrong? In either case, I hate watching bad movies since it's a waste of time to me.
If Tolkien is such a failure why is literally all fantasy even Anime fantasy based off his template?
I would argue no, since we are what we consume. I personally think it's impossible to experience something and it not affect you. Let other idiots do that for you and minimize the effect by just learning from them. That's why I personally think critics and creators should always be separate.
>has a fucking ghost push plot points he doesn’t know how to organically create
>such a cuck allows constant changes even to the title
>as already ok’d and released the ending to tv execs, making his books pointless if he dies
Yep thats a yikes from me user.
>mass appeal = good
what a loathsome image, almost as loathsome as GRRM himself
you realize it wasn't mass appeal until much later, right? it's contrived mass appeal at best, at the time it was obscure as fuck, then everyone wrote stories almost exactly like it and people like you think that that retroactively makes the original ideas mainstream and overdone. at the time, that form of fantasy novel was much less common.
Top tier taste there. PKD is pretty good too.
My boy Sandy.
And Martin is terrible at European dark fantasy.
Miyazaki thinks poop is funny too