This is how you do black females in game that dont look like fucking garbage

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Other urls found in this thread: - No_More_Heroes Shinobu_Jacobs Travis_Touchdown someonefrominternet.png

say what you want, atleast she isn't the usual "black girl with white bone structure and a huge afro" like every piece of shit diversity game

she looks like a jojo chatacter.

no, this is how

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Yea Forums has surprised me today. I didn't know that some of you had jungle fever

shes not black but the muscularness makes people assume she is a nigger since thats how negroid women are

That’s black? I think you’re losing touch with reality.

shes not black

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Right isn't black, that's very middle eastern facial feature

Delicious Browntendo


>slight tan
fuck off i want my ebony queens

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nothing, she's ok.

>This is how you do black females in game that dont look like fucking garbage
THIS is how

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>black females that dont look like garbage
if you dont put black females in your game they cant look like garbage

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fuck off im tired of your boring white women, i want my chocolate princesses

>any of these characters comparing to demoman


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>Brown musclegirl

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She's suppose to be Indian, its a lot easier to tell in the teaser model

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All they had to do was give a decent attractive siren. Now I aint buying or playing this shit. At least gearbox will be dead for good

How could they go from the first 2 to that?

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It's her facial structure, like her square jaw and prominent cheekbones and wide nose that makes her look black. Those are not common Indian woman features.

haven't seen that edit yet holy fuck

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>Implying Randy and Co. actually know what x ethnic groups look like

How about her?

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Ni hao

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Which is the one that's supposed to not look like garbage? I think the left looks better

you're not white

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Nintendo has successfully given me jungle fever and a MIGHTY NEED to racemix

Shinobu is peak perfection when it comes to black females in vista
Fuck you travis, you chose the wrong girl

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i don't get it. do you think he's falseflagging.


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By straightening their hair and making them light skinned/mixed?
The reason the woman on the left looks like that is because there is no mistaking any part of her for anything other than black, the woman on the right has straight hair which means she is mixed or doesn't like her curly hair and prefers non black looking hair.
One is unmistakably black and one is ambiguously brown, so if one wants to make a black character for the purpose of representation why would the left character be a better choice?
It wouldn't.

you're that user so yes its very likely

i'm not him and i think you're paranoid.

There wouldn't be any problem if devs just didn't put fucking nasty charcoal frog-lipped niggers in their games.

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Woops, meant to say why would the right character be a better choice.

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I think the muscle black/Indian girl in BL3 is alright, I just dislike the realistic looking skinny afro nigress most west games use like on the left, so this is a good change of pace imo

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Shinobu's always been pretty, well, pretty:

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Enjoy this: - No_More_Heroes Shinobu_Jacobs Travis_Touchdown someonefrominternet.png

Devs must think gamers worship black pussy.


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well she sure ain't white, so what does it matter what kind of black she is?

I want a video game character that's just like my hero Naomi Campbell

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cope lmao

One of those is an arab though.

Looks more indian than outright black to me.

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we do, Yea Forums just doesnt like video games

>she looks more black than black
thanks for clearing that up retard

And that's a good thing,

Those cheekbones are not typical of Indians. Neither is that broad nose. At best I'll give her the hair. Indian features are less sharp.
t. Pajeet


>Indian and African are the same thing
>calling others retarded

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>black and black arent the same thing

>Here's how you do black characters in gaming
>make them tanned white women


She looks Colombian

not wrong most indian girls are very circular, met very few with a sharp jawline

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Gee calm down user, not every woman need to be a 10/10 goddess, if the Wolfenstein lady is older, then it does make sense to make her look well... older.


You've been shilling this BL3 cunt allll fucking day, pajeet shill

They both look ugly.

>talking about a recently announced game is shilling
this is your brain running on memes

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What about the Hammerlocks? Are they black?

I just find it vrey funny that gearbox is so shit and randy is such a hack that all they can do is rehash borderlands over and over. They're basically just "the borderlands company".

Where is my fucking Brothers in Arms. I know these gutless kike puppets that develop games these days could never put together a war story without butchering it like the battlefield v calamity, but I miss Baker. Fuck his industry.


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Anthony and I have been trying to work on a transgender character in the game, I was inspired by a transgender programmer who worked on Borderlands 2 and she taught me a lot. It's really difficult if you're somebody whose genitals match their orientation and self image if you happen to be one of those it's difficult to intuit the reality that there's different things that affect each of those vectors, right? There's a lot of diversity just in the biology of how our genitals might have ended up, and there's a lot of diversity in what we might be attracted to and that's, those are completely different vectors, and then the third one is the vector of how we see ourselves. I used to be kind of a bigot against men who got fake breasts, I thought there must be something wrong with them and that's, and there's a weakness there, I was actually kind of, not, kind of intolerant about that. She made me understand that it's common knowledge for human beings to see themselves differently than they're actually built, and that the way our brains are wired is not always is not exactly in pairity with the way our, our uhm, in all the things like the way our bodies form uhm, might you know end up. And if That's the case how fortunate it is if we can do something about that with science. How fortunate it is that the modern medicine can help, uhm, uh, to some degree and if we're fortunate as a species we'll get even better at that. And that was a really kind of awesome kind of discovery for me, that she helped me figured out. And I thought man, we really need to cover that in some way. And get that out there, so I've been trying to encourage us to get us a transgender playable character, uhm, and I think we will certainly at some point.
-Randy Pitchford

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>That mouth
My sides

Which one is supposed to be the good one and which the ugly one?

Plenty of black west and east Africans have these facial features.

But honestly I think she's Indian. Reason being, no full black person has blue or green eyes (it's extremely rare), and the way her eyes look makes me think she ain't black.

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Indians don't have blue eyes either dipshit

>war story
War was only part of the setting, never the main focus of the story.

>When a n64 game does it better

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Shut up monkey


Those cheekbones and that nose make her look black as fuck

definitely a jojo villain of the week, and personality would be super creepy

OK green. Definitely see some of them with green eyes. No need to call me a dipshit.

>wide set eyes
>hard jawline
>squat face
I've seen this before

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It's the eyelids breh. That and the coloured eyes. She's definitely Indian.

Her nose isn't narrow and long enough for that

Her eyes look purple, a non natural color.

Where are the prominent cheekbones?

Wow kudos to Gearbox realizing black women have other hairstyles besides GIANT FUCKING AFRO

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white people are always so picky about PoC's portrayals in media, even the ones saying a brown/black character was done "wrong" are usually white SJWs.

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Why do so many people here get butt blasted at a black female with an afro? It was an insanely popular style for males and females back in the day.

>this is how you do black females in games
>With generic white girl features and a slightly tan skin
Fuck off. Also, Left isn't supposed to look good. She's supposed to look like a real person. Thinking Right is the best design is just absolutely idiotic.

Shut up nigger

because developers treat it like it's the only style. It'd by like if every white dude had a mohawk or something

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No you shut up nigger

Every black person in Wolfenstein 2 looks like a bug eyed giant mouthed piece of shit

Tons of games and media feature the stereotypical "hairmasculine strong jawed white dude". But very few people here make a big deal out of that.

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I'm racist and i think its funny that even i can admit there are objectively attractive black women. Yet liberals progressives cant?
Lol clown world.

But right looks retarded. Like an alien head.

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I hate niggers so much, bros

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Demoman is the best black vidya character.
Prove me wrong you can't.

A. I'm not buttblasted to point out how it's this weird stereotype that feels only applies to black women in videogames specifically. Like 4-5 major games all had black chicks with the same getup

B. It was popular back in the day and it's CURRENT YEAR. Black women have way more creative hairstyle expressions than giant afro.

t. black gf


probably because that pretty much the fashion style for white dudes right now, on the otherhand the last time I saw a someone with an afro in years was just some jewish dude

>But honestly I think she's Indian.
Really? What tipped you off? Certainly not the 6 extra hindu arms.

there's always a cast around those guys usually including but not limited to the wise olf bald guy/silver fox, the crazed mohawk guy, the suave fashionable guy, the bear, etc. whereas it's the same old 1 black chick every time

The black "woman" on the left looks scary as fuck. Looks like the kind of person who loiters around gas stations at night, and threatens to whip out his penis and pee on you if you don't give him $5.

No Lifeline in this thread? How come? Just look at her. Worst black design there ever was

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Why is Nintendo tempting me to want to racemix Yea Forums? I thought they were based and /ourguys/.

I'm racist and I'd give it up for a qt black gf who would play vidya with me

>tfw more lonely than racist

man dont you just hate it when women in video games dont look perfect i fuckin hate it video games are ment for fantasy why cant all these shit faces look fuckable fucj

Nobody cares about black women in real life let alone in vidya. What a silly thread.

i dont want to fuck demoman

Fucking this. If the main character of a game is a guy with short dark hair and is in their thirties, I literally won't buy the fucking game. Such a generic fucking trope to appease your average mutt.

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is that Samuel L jackson on the left wearing a wig lmao

She's not black though, she's Indian.

Considering she has literally no indian features and yet people keep repeating this, I think we have actual marketeers trying to defend this abomination.

Here's your playable character, bro.

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And your argument for her being black is poor eyesight and lack of understanding of context clues.

that and the HINDU FUCKING POWERS you idiots

>black female character adhering to realism
>no tits/ass

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>implying that blacks weren't the first hindus

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So, point at the indian features.

Ah yes, Alberto Barbosa the first (black) king of the Portuguese caliphate.

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>multiple arms
>doing that weird indian dance shit with her hands
are there any brown cultures that blacks will NOT try to steal? I wonder if they think samoan culture is theirs too

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Tanned skin, none nappy hair and hindu based animation and powers.
If you go for the black approach the only thing you can point to is her skin, square jaw and larger lips do not indicate black since those are traits found in multiple races, including those in Southeast Asia.

Indian based on the six armed siren shit?

Not black. Wish she was because Indian women don't deserve this. If they were going to make a man faced gorilla making her a negro would have been the correct choice.

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>Nobody talking about those abs

Gays, the lot of you

Going natural's coming back. Shit comes in waves, user

Abs won't fix the ugly face.

When do you think she makes her dynamic entry?

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You do black females by giving them to me, and then I have sex with them.

Never you fucking waifufag

She was a fun character, but her DLC was shit

That's the best part

Niggers aren't attractive.
Except Demoman

Why do you niggrs have to make everything about race?

I'd prefer of every video game character looked like some kind of freaky cartoon thing like Namco used to do in the 80s.

especially considering her siren power. you better believe i'm ready to ORAORAORAORAORAORA niggas in the fucking face

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She uses her 8 arms to jerk off my massive hog & cup my balls & maybe stick a finger in my butt but that would be kinda gay hahaha that last one was a joke btw I wasn't serious about the butt part ahahah.

the trick is simply not making them look ugly
like in rl

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Right is Indian. Based brown girl.

>Respecting Nigger
We reddit now!

i know you are but what am i