Is this the ultimate casual filter?

Is this the ultimate casual filter?

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casuals can't beat genichiro

literally the easiest shit ever
he was harder in the butterfly ladies room

this game is full of casual filters
sword saint is harder tho

Owl is a joke what the fuck are you talking about? No casual would even make it past Butterfly or even Ogre anyways.

i actually cant beat sword saint
i know his grandson isnt hard but you have to fight him before every time and he takes 2 estus from me every time at least fuck

this game made me realize i hate hard games

genchiro is such a pushover tho

Casuals don't make it that far. ffs my twitter has been a week of people complaining and giving up at Genichiro and its the most tiring shit

people on Yea Forums on first day couldn't even get past the drunkard in hirata estate
plenty of people talked about cheat engine on /vg/ because they couldn't beat shit

owl on the other hand kills speed runners easily since sometimes his moves seems to go RNG

What's the ogre meme? Why are people making out it's a tough fight. He's just a regular jobber

You shouldn't spend more than one pellet on him
He's there to recover your resurrect nodes

Seriously? I had more trouble with the spear sub boss than the butterfly. Beat her sight unseen without reviving. You guys built her up like she was some god.

you underestimate how casual most of Yea Forums is.

There are people asking for advice against ogre in every single thread
There's a lot of absolute shitters who play games and that's why you should always take any comment on Yea Forums with a massive grain of salt

he does too much posture damage even if you perfect deflect his hits.

I think on the fight I actually beat Isshin (why doesn't anyone call him by his name?) I'd sacrificed two gourds to Genichiro too. Mistakes happen. You should be approaching perfect fights against him though.

How long have you been attempting the whole fight? It took me over 6 hours.

if I cared enough, I would make webms of this games terrible hitboxes

No, he's relatively easy for the point in the game he's placed.

Owl 2 is significantly harder if you fight him when first available, if only because he's got so much more health. Not as bad if you pick up a memory or two from Fountainhead first to boost your attack though.

>The boomer Owl is cockblocking all the zoomers playing

>why doesn't anyone call him by his name
there's a different isshin boss fight.

>just killed him a half hour ago

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>(why doesn't anyone call him by his name?)

Because he appears under his own name as a different boss altogether in the bad ending. It's a way to tell them apart.

>casual filter way after Lady Butterfly, Genichiro, and Rape Ape
The casuals have already been filtered by Owl. Also Owl 2 is way harder.

Ah, I see.

I second this, people constantly complained about her and when I reached her it was kind of underwhelming.
Same thing with the corrupted monk and I mean the REAL corrupted monk. I killed her right away and I was like "people on Yea Forums really had trouble with her?"
All you need to do is to literally be right on her ass and she can't hit you with like 80% of her moveset, then all you need is to dodge the downward thrust...
people on this board are truly utterly garbage.

I found him one of the easier bosses in the game.
I think the final boss was a little tougher. The Demon was the hardest but was also a fun fight, pretty much a Dark Souls fight.

How do I get him to show up in the memory

It's a fromsoftware game, it's some esoteric bullshit where you need to do a few eavesdrops before moving too far in the game, talk to characters a few times, then Emma gives you another bell. Just google it.

This is the ultimate casual filter

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If you got past Genichiro you are probably not gonna struggle with the Owl.

the final boss is the ultimate casul filter

>it's a formsoftware game
>what is a secret ending
your generation is truly garbage

IZA first encounter was waay harder

1. right after you beat owl go to eavesdrop at isshin
2. talk to Kuro, rest and eavesdrop on kuro and emma
3. talk to emma upstairs and agree with her
4. talk to emma about going to the grave, go to grave, talk to her there
5. go to dilapidated shrine and eavesdrop through a hold in the outside wall
6. confront emma about what they talked about
7. get bell, go to estate 2 via the buddha

except that genichiro is piss easy and when he goes Tomoe way he can actually pretty much kill himself

it's not even the best ending, hell the best ending where you get all the snake hearts is a lot more straightforward than the divination ending

people having troubles with these bosses don't actually understand how to play the game.
As long as you are aggressive and keep beating them you don't even have any problems.

>p2 is harder than p3

mercy or incompetence?

>final boss
>casual filter

not how that works dummy

I was so fucking pissed about this because I reached the end of the game and was missing 2 prayer beads. I figured whatever ending i got I'd be fine with as long as i could get all my upgrades. Turns out 2 of the prayer beads are in this shitty ending that you have to do this very specific shit for.

I don't mind ending being tough to get, but this shit is almost cryptic, it's so easily missable. Bloodborne did the "true ending" so much better.

Get fucked you don’t even know what he is. Anyone who calls out legitimate criticisms of this game gets fucking censored by saying lol your just stupid. Get the fuck off it dude.

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True, and you don't even get the prayer beads from that ending. Such bullshit.


Based Wolf taking the dad beans

Guys, is it all ogre yet?

>legitimate criticisms the fact that the secret ending isn't signaled by huge arrows
go get fucked you retard

>joke is terrible, if even a joke at all
>le u mist it xD post

Haha proved my point. Silly boy.

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The ending is locked behind a tough area and optional boss.

Not even getting to attempt it unless you follow steps you would never stumble onto when playing normally, requiring you to look them up online, is bad design.

Why would you go behind the screen to eavesdrop on Kuro to start the sequence off unless you'd read that you had to online? There's no eavesdrop option on friendlies prior to that point, and you'll have already fully explored the room long before that point in the game. That's only step 1, too.

A lot of people complaining about her first day ran into her as their first boss. I didn't complain and had fun but personally I beat her before ogre even. Pretty brutal if you take that route without understanding the mechanics


saint isshin is

isshin tips

p1: attack twice, parry 1-2 hits

for most attacks, dodge left twice

for red attack, mikiri counter for posture

p2: parry stuff, mikiri counter the spear thrust

p3: same as p2, jump for lightning and r1 to hit him with it

It's supposed to be a secret ending. You should be thankful it's not as obscure as the Darkwraiths in Dark Souls 1.

Beat him on my 3rd try, Genichiro was much harder for me, took me like 3h to beat him


But I didn't utilise the mechanics at all to beat her first try. When she was in the air I ran like a spaz and she couldn't touch me, when she was on the ground I just kept circling her and stabbing, she barely defends herself.

I did this, had 1 gourd. It actually made me learn the combat system to the point that I found every other boss afterwards a joke, except for that Demon that you have to fight like a DS boss.

I couldn't understand why the first boss was so brutal. Then i fought the horse guy afterwards and realized how easy shit was. It's a bit strange that they even give you the bell so early.

>mfw he uses mikiri counter on you

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Don't defend bad design by citing worse design.

There should be some indication of what you need to do. Set the precedent earlier on that you can eavesdrop on allies for some extra dialogue or something, so that you'd have some inclination to try and do so when the time comes. It's not a difficult thing to fix.

So why did the sculptor turn into the demon of hatred? what was the cause for his anger

Yeah, that fucking sucked. Can't long R1 stab him in the front.

shouldn't spend any healing on genichiro at all

Have you played Souls games before?

>some indication
Are you retarded? The icon shows up anytime you're close to them.

butterfly "tip" is a flat out lie

dodge + stab is the worst way to fight butterfly, you want to parry everything for posture dmg.

mind you the dodge in this game is absolute shit, no iframes.


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Death of a shadow

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No it doesn't. It doesn't appear until you go behind the screen at the back of the room. If you're just visiting Kuro like normal and speaking to him or Emma, there's no indication you can eavesdrop on him, and it never comes up in the game before this.

Sekiro doesn't have players messages, which excuse some obscurity because you're meant to leave hints for others.

The Sculptor was a shinobi similar to Sekiro, close to Isshin, and all the killing was starting to turn him into a Shura (like what happens to Sekiro in the bad ending) he tried to combat this by feverishly carving Buddha statues but when he saw the Ministry invasion he went into a killing spree and finally turned into a demon.

>butterfly "tip" is a flat out lie
>dodge + stab is the worst way to fight butterfly

It's not dodge stab, it's dodge R1 dodge R1 dodge R1. This was a godsend for me as an early player before I understood the subtleties of parrying.

Wait, there's two owl fights????

fuck SS ishin and his pile of shit friend genichiro
I'm so fucking tilted now that I can't even kill genichiro without dying...
Fuking hell, last boss and I got filtered from the fucking ending that I deserve after working as a delivery boy for rice loli

fuck this game

The butterfly tip should have been "Never fucking let up on this Granny."

i thought the sculptor was sekiro with some time bullshit? thats what the ending i got seemed to imply

What do messages have to do with anything? At best messages were good for secret items, invisible walls, or enemy/boss weaknesses. Not elaborate ending routes. The ending you're bitching about is a borderline easter egg. From has no obligation to make it straightforward for nitwits like you.

Thankfully they placed an item behind the screen and made a point throughout the game to get you to explore. Do you need an in-game arrow guiding you to every place of interest too?

You'll get it eventually, user. How long have you been trying?

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No one will do this. 90% of players probably sprinted around like a spastic and hit him once or twice a minute when it was safe.

The fight is very enjoyable when done correctly though.

Tip for Genichiro: The R1 button is on top of the controller, just in front of R2.

Owl 2 was easier in my opinion because most of his dangerous attacks are blocked by pillars and his second phase is much easier (flaming owl+thrust is easy to mikiri and his posture doesn't regen insanely fast like his first phase)

I feel like they made Genchiro very easy as you fight Isshin right after. I died a few times on Isshin too, and i quickly realized you can mash L1 to beat Genshiro. Made it to Isshin every time with a full gourd afterwards.

I think Ogre's mostly difficult if you haven't quite grasped how the battle system works. Once you do, he goes down pretty easily.

it's annoying as fuck but you have to figure out patterns to exploit

still, it's bullshit and very rng based

Took me literally a minute and a half with the circle and stab strategy. She's a pushover.

Nothing about SS Isshin is any more RNG than other bosses or enemies. Every one of his attacks has a window for countering or avoiding. The fight is one of the fairest in the entire game, which makes it all the more impressive for being as difficult as it is.

If you can't beat the final boss, you don't deserve the ending.

>playing on ps4

Who the fuck says RB? Even on Xbox you just call it R1.

bad rng is the difference between dying because of posture or living

sometimes he will spam the aoe, sometimes he never does it, etc

>took 1000 tries for demon
>sword saint kills himself with lightning

I played on PC using the DS4.

Not that poster but I'm using a DS4 on PC

do you play on ps4 though

just take a break user and come back with a clearer mind
sleeping on a boss is practically cheating

AOE? The wind spin thing? You have like three seconds to run away from that.


Lightning Reversal is so much fun. I wish they'd use it more.

Shame there won't be any DLC really. I want more.

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In that ending Sekiro ends up as him, but it doesn't mean he was the same person. The Sculptor carves Buddha to stop his turning into Shura, Sekiro ends up doing the same in that ending since he had to kill Kuro. That's all. The Sculptor is his own character, a rogue shinobi that trained with monkeys and a shinobi waifu in the mountains, he eventually came to fight for Isshin who cut his arm when he was starting to turn into a demon. He also saved Emma from the battlefield when she was young. He's his own character.

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the final skill in the monk tree absolutely rapes sword saints posture when used to counter his sweeps

It is, but in the final fight I encountered some issue where it apparently wasn't working anymore. Obviously my timing was just wrong, but I couldn't get it to work again and only beat him by managing to avoid his lightning altogether

No, I'm on PC.

Sculptor prequel DLC when

You'll have fully explored the room many hours before the eavesdrop is available. If that was the first time you visited the room, fine, but you'll have fully explored it long before.

>begs like a little bitch after first deathblow
what a pussy, like I'd betray my lord for this fag

I mean sometimes he is super aggressive and sometimes he will spam the spear thrust giving easy posture

RNG affects that fight cause it's so long

Why won't there be DLC?

You can't rely too heavily on mikiri counter to whittle down his posture. You have to engage as often as possible and bait him into swings.

>no Season Pass
+ the game is pretty much complete. It's literally the most complete and cohesive FromSoft game to date.

Lady Tomoe was clearly DLC bait.

Nothing beats Ichimonji. No other combat art comes close. The posture/vitality damage, recovering your own posture, and the fact you can choose the long or short version. It's very easy to time too.

Is it true that you get locked in the purification ending once you do hirata part 2?

Final bosses aren't casual filters, a casual filter is usually around early or mid game

What's Kuro's involvement with the Ashina clan, and, by extension, Isshin? I didn't really understand that part.
The Ashina clan invaded and took power some decades ago, but how does Kuro fit into it all?

the fight isn't even long if you're doing it right. parry his shit, stay on him so he doesn't regen posture and none of his phases last more than a minute or so

Kotick said if they didn't finish the game proper there would be a third nuke.

I don't remember Bloodborne or Dark Souls games having season passes. Also i went off on an adventure at the end with the little loli princesss. That could easily be DLC.

The Ashina clan didn't invade, they lived there and were ruled by the Ministry, Isshin rebelled and took back their own land.

Dark Souls was before the Season Pass meme, and Bloodborne is an exclusive. Those games generally dont have Season Passes.

The fuck are you running on the lowest settings

p2 and p3: get fucked when he jumps high and the camera loses track of him

Did Dark Souls 3 have a Season Pass on release? I think it was released later, but I don't remember well.

This white monkey slaps your waifu's ass.

What would you do?

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Also, Bloodborne and DS3 DLC takes place at a middle point in the game, not afterwards.

He's a main eventer, faggot


Definitely a skill check to make sure you learned everything

It seems so slow though. Even the uncharged version. For double ichimonji, you have L1 and R1, then to do the follow up, do you release L1 and just hit R1 again?

Not every game does season passes. Just big triple A shit like CoD and Destiny shit. There's absolutely no reason they would make a season pass for a game like Sekiro.

BB DLC takes place in the past, and DS3 DLC doesnt really take place anywhere because it completely fucks the main game's ending since the DLC's logic ending would be for the Ashen One to wait for the painting to be complete, but instead he goes and ends/continues the age of fire like an asshole.

Throw oil at him and set him on fire.

>both published by Activision

I just finished NG+ no-charm demon bell Sword Saint and that shit is the peak of gaming.

Honestly, when you start NG+, do not keep the charm; the forced chip damage when missing parries/blocking is genius and it forces you to learn how to play better, politely.

The game really picked up for me in NG+ on Genichiro, Owl, Owl (Father) and Sword Saint because the fights are so wildly punishing for failing your perfects, it really makes you think through the moves better and stay hyper-aggressive. All the fights with chip damage and demon bell on NG+ are fucking astounding.

>BB DLC takes place in the past
What? It's just a nightmare realm. It's happening concurrently.

He appears to late to be a casual filter. Genichiro is the filter.
I one shot Owl. Genichiro took me 5. For some fucking reason the first Corrupted Monk fight beat my ass and took me 11 or 12 tries. True Corrupted Monk went down in 3. I dunno what the fuck is wrong with me

It's meant to punish openings, especially after attacks. It's an extremely effective way of knocking off huge amounts of enemy posture or keeping it in the red. There are select windows of opportunity for using it, but that doesn't preclude its usefulness.

just run up and kill the spear dude,let the ogre escape,run away and reset him and stealth hit him,use fire.not that hard.

What does the bell do, specifically? I'm on NG+ right now, no charm, but I haven't bothered with the bell.

yeah it's a "nightmare" but it's set in the past. it's the events that set off the entirety of bloodborne.

Hit it again. It is slow but it is easy to time once you understand a bosses pattern or they seem to be standing waiting for you to attack. Also, almost every human boss i fought, even bosses were broken out of any attack they would have countered with. It even gives you a window to do follow up attacks after the second strike. Only thing was it didn't work that well on big bosses like bull/ape/demon.

>general kenobi
hello there!
Shit thread btw, everyone should be talking about bobandy's announcement. It's his big day.

Its actually pretty easy once you learn that dodging is pretty much unlimited. I just wanted an excuse to post my shitty content

The first DLC in Dark Souls 3 takes place midway through the game. And yes the DLC for BB is in the passed but you get access a little passed the midway point in the game.

Point is there isn't any reason why DLC couldn't be done like this in Sekiro. Peoples argument is that the story finished, but other DLC's in the series haven't always taken place after the end of the game.

I think it just makes things hit harder/more hp. Supposedly makes bosses angrier. It also makes you get lots more drops but that doesn't really matter since you're flooded with stuff anyways by NG+.

I've just had bell on since I found it on my blind NG; I had expected a boss, but hardmode buff was acceptable.

Ah, you're right.

But it's not what actually happened. It's a nightmare of the past, not the past itself. Therefore it takes place in the present. The world is all twisted and fucked, and different past event merge with each other and shit.

If they do DLC for Sekiro i hope they add a 1v1 humanoid boss rush.
I would love to have
Genichiro -> Owl (Basic) -> Butterfly -> Owl (Father) -> Sword Saint
in a back to back 1v1 boss string. yes pls

>spear dude
I never even knew that dude existed until after I beat the Ogre after 5-6 tries. Then I run around the corner and oh yeah, thats the spear guy everyone keeps mentioning. Somehow managed to avoid aggroing him by chance every single time.

my twitter feed is full of people saying "FUCK MADAM BUTTERFLY!" hilarious.

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Owl is honestly the only boss fight in the game I'd say has some levels of bullshit
>cancels every opening he has into the little anti-healing bomb
>has a 50/50 mixup from his shuriken throw of either giving you an overhead helm splitter that leaves him open or a fuck you wide slash
>seems to randomly decide when he wants to fuck you over with a continuous kickoff combo repeatedly until death
>only boss in the game that can deathblow you from depleting your posture, coupled with the fact he does insane levels of posture damage especially on NG+ and above
>phase 2 poison pools make his fighting arena even smaller and make it hard to capitalize on his openings when he sits in the goddamn poison
Owl 2 also has levels of fuck you dirty shit like his overhead slash that he cancels into two different things and his firecrackers making it so you can't see his followup
When doing my NG+ playthrough he's the only boss I died 10+ times on, and Owl 2 I died 30+ times on. Meanwhile NG+ Sword saint I die once and kill him the second try.
Sword Saint is fair, Owl is not.
I get that owl is a shinobi and cheap tactics are his schtick but in a game like this it's fucking stupid

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Perhaps your brightness is too low or something because i never had trouble seeing him when he threw his smoke down. Also the little healing bomb is a great time to get an attack in on him, it has such a small range. That being said, I did whittle his health down to about half before i even considered working his posture up with deflects etc. Don't forget you can hit him out of the air with Shurikens.

lemme give you my tips for sword saint:
>genichiro is easy, if you're consistently wasting heals or dying to him you should not be
>first phase is easy because he has very few threatening attacks, the only threatening one being his sheathed stance. If you can't deflect it, just dodge towards him to the left (his right) and then dodge left again for the sweep and hit him in the back
>double ichimonji is ironically very good on this fight for punishing his openings because he can't punish you unless you whiff
>make sure to mikiri counter off his retarded easy thrust
>immediately on phase 2, stay on his ass so it takes as long as possible for him to pull out the spear
>if you use firecrackers as well, you can potentially get most of his posture bar down or even defeat his phase 2 before he even draws the spear
>with spear out, it's imperative you keep your distance and prioritize punishing big openings like his overhead slam
>he will 99% of the time without fail retailiate with his backstab slash when you hit him, just hit him twice and hold block, always be ready for it
>memorize what his combo that ends in a thrust looks like, he uses it often and the mikiri counter is free as fuck
>when you get to final phase the fight is a joke, realistically you can run around and wait for him to pull out his lightning to counter him for big damage
>throughout the whole fight his other threatening attack is his own double ichimonji, if you perfect deflect the first hit he won't follow up and takes a shitton of posture damage, otherwise you can sidestep and punish
>I shouldn't have to explain his charged up air slash moves since they're easy as fuck to understand

he has a few "firecracker slashes" that aren't threatening, and then owl 2 has an attack where he jumps back and throws firecrackers and then follows it up with one of two moves while your screen is covered in firecrackers
if you've been conditioned to run at him after every jump back he does because that's what you're supposed to do, he fucks you with the followup

Lemme fix you boye
>mixup from shuriken
He throws 2 shurikens 0.75s before launching into the helmsplitter. He throws 1 shuriken 0.5s and into the huge slash. If you block both shurikens, you also block the wideslash; on NG+ with chip, you are required to do this, as the wideslash chips you for 50% of 10-charm hp if you fail to perfect
>deathblow from posture
You can 100% safety roll out from it, but it has no kanji. If you do roll out of it, he is free for a counter-hit x1. So getting cleanly posture broken is a free hit for you.

Try to get Genchiro down so you don't have to use heals on him. You're probably overesitmating him, he is very easy. Bloodraven Feather is good for when he uses his black blade.

Isshin isn't as easy but still very straight forward. Whenever he does a charge up attack (ones that lead into white wind animation) just sprint away while running left/right. He'll never hit you. In my opinion his second phase with the spear is much easier, and his attacks seemed easier to deflect than in the first phase. Also after the first phase you'll have a lot more oportunities to use mirikiri counter, which does huge posture damage. His last phase is everything you've done so far, except you'll have to try and counter his lightning attacks by jumping in the air at the right time. Good luck, he's definitely one of the more challenging bosses.

>the only threatening one being his sheathed stance

Wtf? The flash dash swipe? That's a free couple of hits for you.

>Poison pools, healing bombs
Ignore these completely. Stay aggressive. Posture break him, especially in NG+ and beyond; you don't need healing and you can sippy green gourd even when heal-debuffed. Every time he jumps backward, dash forward after him; he has no immediate punishers from the back-jump, and in phase 2 once he's above 30% posture, he will start doing a ki-recovery-channel after tossing poison. If you frontstep into the poison it won't even get you. Even if it does, poison ticks so slowly it doesn't matter as long as you're not getting hit, or suffering chip damage from his reliable 1-2 and 1-2-3 swing combos.

Make sure to always get a free hit after his left-right swing (before he can do the followup 3 chain or the big overhead), and always get a free 2 hits from heal bomb, and free hit after perfect'ing his running side-slash. Always.

>dying to Jobichiro
My sides

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Oh hey I just finished my last Sekiro run. I really wish I checked the thread first.

Attack until he yellow deflects. Block the counter. Learn to identify all 3 helm splitter followups through sight alone. He's actually really really really easy.
>Isshin 1:
>Attack until yellow deflect. Then block immediately just in case. 1 of 5 things will happen.
Normal Attack. It's a 3 hit combo. Block two hits. Attack until the next yellow deflect
Ashina Cross: This is where he sheaths. Wait until the second flash and then tap block twice to defend both hits.
Thrust: You've already deflected the thrust from your safety block. Step on the second unblockable thrust
Back hop: Walk forward and attack until yellow deflect.
Ichimonji: You'll have to learn the timing of this. Either that or use the umbrella to deflect the first hit. Than dodge and use the umbrella for the second charged hit he uses only when deflected. Avoid the shockwave.

As long as you stick on him and do the above. He will literally never use his extended moveset 100% of the time.

>Isshin 2:
There's actually very little to say about this: Don't attack more than twice ever ever. Or you'll get armored through.
His followups depend on your input.
When he back hops he'll likely shoot you and thrust: Block the shots and step on the thrust.
If he backhops and doesn't follow it up. Heal to make him use his slam to keep his posture bar up
Don't use ichimonji x 2 on the second phase. His counter attack will stuff the ending lag every time.
Everything else is going to be reaction. If he shockwaves. Just use the umbrella.
If he starts an attack with two leaping sword swipes. Block the swipes and backdash out of the combo. He'll either end it with a thrust or a shockwave.

>Isshin 3
Gimmick phase. He will always start this phase with lightning unless you heal and force an input response.
Just get ready for the Lightning and redirect it

Annnd that's it. Exploit the 1st. Heal the 2nd.

You're actually retarded. The game specifically says he learned those moves from Tomoe who we don't see in the game at all. There will be a Tomoe DLC and she will use lightning attacks.

Owl 1 is an idiot:
He will throw two if he's going to helm splitter. He'll throw one if he's going to wide slash. The shurikens do no damage even on NG+7 so double shuriken is fine. For the single shuriken. You can reaction dodge the second he throws one and again when he does the wide slash.
>Fuck off healing bomb
Circle around him and attack. Or attack and dodge
Actually hard to dodge and has the same effect on deflect but it actually leads to
>running slash
This is is most worthless attack he has. Period. You can dodge both variations on Owl 1. Dodging them exposes his back for free followups. You can thrust. You can ichimonji. You can Ashina Cross. You can axe.
>Attack him until yellow deflect
Dodge the counter attack. Owl 1 is stupid and makes both of his left slash and right slash counter slashes single hits (unless you block) and have the same active frames so the same dodge literally dodges both.

Owl 1 is an idiot. Everything he does only serves to help him kill himself faster.

Owl 2 is not. Owl 2 is a pain in the ass because his stamina recovers even when he's dashing. So it's mostly an hp fight on NG+.
A quickie on Owl 2
>overhead slash
Literally ichimonji. If you do it the second he's about to even start the thing you can full charge it for full easy damage.
>second phase
Literally easier than the first
Owl 2 turns retarded on his second phase. His long distance healing react stops being a shuriken into swipe/overhead and starts being sending his slow as shit firebird with his guaranteed rush thrust that you can step on
If he goes invisible and jumps on the Owl bus? Block with the umbrella and use the umbrellas follow up to stuff his sweep. (But don't attack again)

Owl is a fight that's better to dodge than deflect 99% of the time
Owl 1 can't keep you off of him and Owl 2 gets stupider as his main gimmick.