Play Persona 5.
Play Persona 5
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In japanese dub*
Ok but only because I like the OP image
Already did
English dub is far superior. It’s one of the best English subs out there
I'm waiting for the switch version
I love Anne.
maybe if it comes out to pc, or if the ps5 is backwards compatible i might buy it
Me too
Just got the game recently and i gotta say
ann's VA is shit!
I already played it. Not really feeling like it's a game with replay value.
I disagree her VA is good
That's okay this thread is for newcomers
Cool. I would say that if you like RPGs then they should give it a try.
I will! *pops onions*
*breaks hand*
You should play the other Persona games and SMT games if you haven't though
Persona games literally can't be completed properly in one playthrough
Original is always better. No matter is it english, french, japanese, italian or whatever.
You can't fight the bonus boss yeah I guess, but everything else is achievable with a single playthrough.
Wasn't aware of the "onions" censor.
Still makes it coherent.
The scene where she confronts kamoshida's shadow was just unbearable and cringe.
I was waiting for super persona 5, but the latest rumour is P5R is actually a new game?
I got annoyed after i bought 3 and 4, and they released better versions afterwards so i waited this time, and now im getting fucked again?
So you were aware it happened every single time since the soft reboot, and you expecting things to change now?
It was pretty good, the fact that you're cringing at it says a lot more about you
P5R won’t be out for at least a year and a half and some people are theorizing it could be a spin-off or altnernate route, so just get Persona 5 now. You’ll be happy you did
Not always, this was a really solid English dub
does fights ever go beyond exploiting weakness, i play on hard and its starting to get boring
For the people who haven't played it yet, who do you plan to romance?
In terms of gameplay in the persona series, it goes like this
5 > 4 > 3
In terms of story though it goes
3 > 4 >>> 5
These are the objective rankings
That's a cute image OP
Well if you want to go through palaces in one day it should be hard to just exploit weaknesses all day because you won’t have enough sp for all of those battles so you have to improvise
Pretty sure you can't max all skills and social links in one playthrough. Maybe if you ruin it by using a guide I guess.
>muh 3 had a good story
Autistic, but understandable Yea Forums contrarianism
>4 had a good story
Actual unchecked retardation
Persona 5 had the best story by far.
Or just played previous Persona games. I found it much easier to do things than in 4.
How should I know, I don't even know who the fuck these people are I haven't played the game yet
4 does not have a better story than 5 lmao. And 3 literally only gets good 60 hours in.
Haru and that Hippie looking girl seem cute
Have another
Did the image bring you to the thread or have you played Persona before?
Who else drops persona games right after they fug their waifu. I lose all interest.
No, im aware it happened before, so this time i planned accordingly, but now its not going to be an improvement, but a new game. According to rumour anyway..?
I dont care about the time it takes really, i have plenty of other things i want to play.
Just going off the designs which one interests you? Just call out "the nth from the left" or whatever
I got to the casino palace and stopped playing months ago
Convince me to finish it
I can't choose based on looks, I would have to play and get to know the characters. I got brain problems.
If 5's story was as good as it was in the first arc then you might have a point. But it wasn't. Shit was so bland by the end they literally felt the need to copy 4's ending again almost to the letter. Plus the pacing got fucked around Okumera's palace.
Trust me you should just play it, you’ll really enjoy it
Already did
With Plat and even got my perfect Arsene
>but now its not going to be an improvement, but a new game. According to rumour anyway..?
The others were also new games, you still had to pay full price again.
No one knows the full extent of the changes. It may just be a new character and added story, etc. or a female MC with new male romances and other stuff. No one knows for sure yet.
I know ill enjoy it, i enjoy most SMT games. I just get pissed off plying the game thinking "if i had waited another year i would have double the amount of demons to play with, but im not fucking buying this game twice".
you basically played the best part, so stopping now is a good idea.
Well you got that far so you might as well finish it
Picking the game back Is honestly the hardest part but once you pick it up and play a few hours you can usually chug along and finish it.
>peaked in first arc
Yeah you're a Yea Forums drone
Try forming your own opinion next time. And the ending was done in a completely different way from 4, and if you're calling out the fact that they used their friends bonds to push them to finish the final boss the exact same thing happened in 3, it's a staple of the series' themes so of course it's going to have that.
I love Ann(e).
The demons don’t usually double in the relrelease and like the other anons said it may not be a rerelease
>The others were new games
Are you fuckin retarded? If its a new character and extra demons, that the same game. and Hell no i didnt pay full price again, i didnt buy them, i just got all pissy i got the version with less demons because i bought the game new. Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment are different games. If i gotta spell this out in here im going to start getting depressed.
Already did. Pretty great game. One of the most stylish games I’ve played since TWEWY and Jet Set Radio. Definitely has issues but I enjoyed it well enough.
>If a lot of people say something then they must be parroting each other
Pft, I guess fallout 76 and Anthem are actually good games then
And no, I wasn't talking about the final boss, stuff like that's come to be expected in this series, I'm just talking about the entire ending sequence.
What they're trying to spell out for you is this could be a Eternal Punishment style sequel/alternative timeline rather than "the same game"
It’s funny everyone always calls Chihaya a hippie before they play the game when she’s not one
Yes, i know. You must have misunderstood me here.
What im saying is i didnt wait for upgraded versions before, and was mad about having to buy the same game twice. But this time, i DID wait, and now i SHOULDNT have done, because the next game is not an improvement, but a new games. Do you understand? Im not made of money, i would like to give atlus the money for persona 5 fucking once. But i dont want to be pissed off i got the shitty version again.
Both, I've played 3 and 4 but I don't have a PS4 so I can't play 5 yet but I want to!
Buy a cheap used PS3 or the emulator if your pc is powerful enough
Who’s the best boy and why is it Yusuke?
Well then go ahead and buy P5
You can play it on PS3 if you have one, they're cheap now like ~$100 new and even less used. Emulation is also an option if you have a good PC
Look man, I can understand thinking 3 and 4's stories weren't good, but thinking 5s is better when you don't like the others makes absolutely no sense since its story is just a watered down version that went through rewrites and it shows.
But is P5R an upgrade or not? We dont know. Will there be an upgrade after P5R? We dont know. So im just going to wait until something happens. Game looks good though, shame.
This is bullshit though. It definitely drags around Futaba and Haru's palaces but picks but up again after, casino being the objective best palace.
>English dub is far superior.
I understand why people always say jap dub is better, but Ryuji and Kamoshida were annoying to listen to in jap
You wear thick glasses and your first sexual encounter was in a shitty strip club with your stinky otaku friends. Youre also probably a shitty programmer if not a NEET
Exactly, a lot of the Jap voices just didn't sound good and didn't fit their characters. Ryuji and Kamoshida's voices really sold their characters in the dub
Not a single one of the villains outside of Kamoshida and maybe Madarame felt like anything more than "villain of the week" shit. That main flaw of trying to carry the majority of the game's story with cartoon character villians weakens the whole thing. Fuck I think Kaneshiro and Okumera were only seen in like 1 scene before they had their hearts changed.
>cartoon character villains
More Yea Forums parroting and buzzwords
>implying ryuji isn't annoying to listen to in english
>Can't even refute the claim, proceeds to make shit up and show that he never leaves this board
Mate, criticizing one-dimensional villains has been a thing long P5 and long before this board existed. You're not even trying lmao. Come up with an actual argument son
You're almost done, but better off to wait for The Royal.
The villains of the other games are just shit. You don't want villain of the week? That's P3 with moon bosses and Strega who get disposed of in the most anticlimactic way possible. They're the definition of wasted potential. Then there's Adachi who should have been found out and defeated much sooner but P4 was padded with filler the whole time with IT acting retarded until the very end. P1 and P2 were literally built around villain of the week bosses in each dungeon. Villain of the week is a staple of the series, there's nothing wrong with the trope as it's in most long running series, but P5 actually did it well especially compared to the other games you're sucking off.
I will when it comes out on Nintendo Switch™
go 2 sleep lol
It's not my bed time
>Seething THIS much
Lol you're reaching real hard to try and compare P5's awful villians to the moon bosses who were never even intended to be anything more than obstacles and not characters. Strega and Adachi certainly weren't perfect but they both had way more going for them than the villains in P5 who all try to out-compete each other in some of the silliest ways possible. Shit was so bad I'm surprised Shido didn't just start kicking puppies onto some train tracks with the ways they were trying to make every villain outdo the last in terms of evilness but not in terms of actual character. Calling Adachi a villain of the week, oof man you should replay that game at some point, you're clearly not remembering straight.
We will see user.
Is there a Makoto one of those?
I will when it comes to the Switch.
Looks like the people with taste won't have to see Killer Queen.
Yes there's one for all the Phantom Thieves
Oh nice, thanks!
At first I thought it was one of those huge pillow things.
Kind of sad to see it is just a cute plush but that's cool too!
No there's not. There's only Joker/Anne/Ryuji for those ones. The ones of the whole team are like lying on their stomachs.
>Exactly, a lot of the Jap voices just didn't sound good and didn't fit their characters
That is literally the director's vision for his characters, though. If the characters sound different in english they're deviating from their original concept. It's fine if you like that more, but you shouldn't say the original voices don't fit the characters.
They're pretty cute even if they're small
Oh, I thought I saw some for the others, my bad.
Yeah, I might still get one if I can find it for a bit cheap!
Don't have a PS4.
But do you have a PS3?
If not, well fuck
You can also get these little guys which are cute but I think they're only offered second hand now and they're smaller than the plushies.
Yeah. Was P5 also released on it?
Might be nice to have a game on there that isn't fightan or musou.
Yeah, it was originally in development only for it but then got ported to the ps4 after the 2nd or 3rd delay.
Yes. There is a PS3 version of Person 5 that you can play, if you lack a PS4. You could go buy that if interested.
or emulate
Oh, nice. I'll have to check that out at some point.
I've only played Persona 3, and part of Innocent Sin. Is 4 important to 5?
>Person 5
Persona 5*
kill me
No, not really. They're all pretty self contained outside of referenes to one another in passing. Knowing the games and characters is really only relevant in the event of crossovers like PQ/PQ2.
You're in luck because with a PS3 you can play Persona 2 Eternal Punishment and Persona 4 after you finish Persona 5. The stories aren't really connected other than some secret stuff going on in the background but even that is just theories for the most part. On top of that you can play great Shin Megami Tensei games like Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga, and Devil Summoner
Emulate? PS3 emulation is stable?
Would it work well on my laptop?
Alright. Do any of the crossovers have Persona 2 characters? I really like all of the team members in Innocent Sin so far.
Already played Nocturne. It was pretty great.
Unless you got one expensive laptop you probably wont be able to run stuff on the ps3 emulator.
Unfortunately not. Atlus doesn't acknowledge 1/2 outside of the ops being in p3d/p5d.
Who is the worst Persona waifu and why is it Yukiko?
2 has a few references in 3. Like the MMO in the Hermit S. link.
It's a Sager, with 8GB RAM and 2.80GHz processing.
If you play Persona 2 Eternal Punishment on PS3 it has the P2 Innocent Sin characters in it and it's the continued story. Persona 1 is the only other game that's intrinsically linked to another Persona game like that and it's only linked to Persona 2
cool, have fun waiting for nothing while idorts get to play p5r and smtv.
Persona 1/2 take place in the same universe as the rest. Their cast is mentioned on Persona 3's TV, and more importantly the Kirijo Group is specifically stated to originally have been a part of the Nanjo Group.
There are no direct cameos or anything like that but their existence isn't ignored altogether.
actual true rankings:
5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
2 > 5 > 1 (snow queen) > 3 > 1 (sebec) > 4
Yukiko was a boring Nadeshiko in P4. Thankfully PQ made her based.
Yukiko is a good girl
Still can't believe how much of a goddamn mess her english VA is, like getting drunk and stripping at conventions or just recently where she encouraged a guy to kill himself
sounds based to me
I will once P5R-chan gets her game
p1 and p2 definitely weren't built around "villain of the week." the real villain, nyarly, was slowly built up across all three games and took an active role in the story.
Pretty based.
It's such a shame because she has such an innocent sounding voice
not true. 1 and 2 get referenced quite a bit in 3, 4 and 5. plus nyx in p3 is a rehash from p1's snow queen quest, and p5 rips off quite a few story beats from p2.
where my kawabros at
She's probably let that dog fuck her too.
How can one woman be so based?
It seems pretty clear from the dog's expression that the sex isn't consensual
Idk if thats based
Not until they make a Switch port.
>plus nyx in p3 is a rehash from p1's snow queen quest
Have basically nothing to do with each other beyond both being called "Nyx"
I don't think it's the dog that's fucking her.
>can't even get rehired for one of the only two roles she's know for
Doesn't seem all that based
same villain, same ultimate goal.
What do you retards even consider a "good story"
It's a comfy mystery. What more do you want? You're just being vague so you don't have to go into specifics so I can pick apart your shit opinions
I did. It was boring as fuck. Worst Persona game.
Q is so great for these
I did a couple more.
As someone who wasn't played Persona 5, it looks like the one in the far right with the yellow shirt is the best option and I feel like if people didn't choose her they'd be huge faggots.
I'm trying to but the postal service keeps dicking around with my package
Second from the left.
Sounds like you already played the game
I’m sure you’ll get it soon user
I got you bro
more like sadaynooooooo