Borderlands 3

Which character will you guys pick in 3?

I chose
>Mordecai in 1
>Krieg in 2
In 3 I will choose pic related. Because she is cute and seems interesting.

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Other urls found in this thread: DOES THIS WORK

definitely her too
>represents Vladof, the undisputed best weapons company in the series
>breaks the norm of Soldier classes shaped by their deployable weapons by becoming the weapon herself
>can apparently share her mech with other players if you feel like it

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I'll be rolling the Deus Ex man

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>Mordecai in 1
>Zer0 in 2
Whoever is as well designed as Zer0 was.

What are the classses/abilities?

they didn't even try to match maya's sexiness. pirating or will not buy

Here's the lineup, not sure about abilities tho

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1. Soldier guy
2. Krieg
3. Probably hobbo robot guy.

Arms the Enchilada

I'll probably main Moze, as long as she has a half decent voice.

I've never played borderlands. Should I start with Goty or Handsome pack?

this is the patrician choice

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Mozz: Soldier girl in OP. Heavy Gunner, calls in a Mech (no idea how this will work indoors)
Zane: Assassin (the old guy). Uses a bunch of high tech gadgets such as holo decoys and teleporters
Flak: The Robot Hobo, aka the Hunters. Prefers long range weapons, summons various cyborg animals
The Siren (don't know her name yet), is apparently this game's version of Brick/Krieg in that she is a melee/gunner hybrid

I'll have to agree. I never finished BL1, but Mordecai was my first choice. I never liked his summon, though.

Apparently she's well connected with Vladof, so expect a Russian accent, comrade

My little soldier can't be this cute.

probably Jensen
besides /fit/ Zero the others look unbelievably obnoxious

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I'm down.

Based on the trailer
Melee fighter
>Robo Hobo
Beast master with beasts like Skags to fight alongside him
>Vladof soldier
Drivable Mech summoner, may be able to share her mech suit with allies
>Deus Ex Boomer
Gadgeteer, although I’m not sure what exactly he can use besides holograms and that walking gun maybe

Goty is better , the one on the moon is ass.

PROBABLY Amara, the siren, if the skill tree allows melee / shotgun combination

Why does no one wanna play as Old Man Jensen?

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don't really know too much about him. If ends up being similar to Zer0 I'll be all over him though

Lady Aurelia
I'm thinking the Siren in the new one, she looks rad

>implying I'll be touching this shit

he's probably got the least going on visually, though i'm sure he'll beat out the other Hunters in practicality when it comes to skills

>not picking the siren in every game
Why even play BL

the leak said he was an assassin with gadgets

Anthony and I have been trying to work on a transgender character in the game, I was inspired by a transgender programmer who worked on Borderlands 2 and she taught me a lot. It's really difficult if you're somebody whose genitals match their orientation and self image if you happen to be one of those it's difficult to intuit the reality that there's different things that affect each of those vectors, right? There's a lot of diversity just in the biology of how our genitals might have ended up, and there's a lot of diversity in what we might be attracted to and that's, those are completely different vectors, and then the third one is the vector of how we see ourselves. I used to be kind of a bigot against men who got fake breasts, I thought there must be something wrong with them and that's, and there's a weakness there, I was actually kind of, not, kind of intolerant about that. She made me understand that it's common knowledge for human beings to see themselves differently than they're actually built, and that the way our brains are wired is not always is not exactly in pairity with the way our, our uhm, in all the things like the way our bodies form uhm, might you know end up. And if That's the case how fortunate it is if we can do something about that with science. How fortunate it is that the modern medicine can help, uhm, uh, to some degree and if we're fortunate as a species we'll get even better at that. And that was a really kind of awesome kind of discovery for me, that she helped me figured out. And I thought man, we really need to cover that in some way. And get that out there, so I've been trying to encourage us to get us a transgender playable character, uhm, and I think we will certainly at some point.
-Randy Pitchford

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*a poor imitation of a Russian accent.
Hopefully, it won't be too bad.

I usually tend to go with the obnoxious screaming guys, so Brick/Salvador/Krieg

I have to try every character first, at least up to level 10

>Lilith in 1
>Gaige in 2 for anarchy and instant kills
>The doppelganger in TPS because of clones, buffs and hyperion buffs

I'll probably play either the Old dude with gadgets or the commie waifu.

I do think however they are a tad over designed, i hope i can change their costumes significantly.

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Always Siren

Dunno, I like the visuals. Gives me a Deus Ex vibe

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>Roland in 1
>Zer0 in 2
I play every class eventually but those were the first I picked. Think I'm gonna pick the Siren this time

I'll pick getting rage 2 instead.

I played as

Uninstall wizard.

>Which character will you guys pick in 3?

Not a goddamn one. Did everybody forget this is Randy "BADASS" Pitchford?

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Commie waifu looks good to me. They actually did put in the skagrider class right?

you need to try better than that, Reddlt.
Go be a meme lord else where.

I usually would ,not this time though not playing that tranny, nope

She fucks psycho guys

Yea Forums is zoomer teenagers now. they unironically like this shitty series because of nostalgia.

so buy borderlands 1 instead of 2 right?

I'm a tierpicking whore
>Siren in 1
>Salvador in 2 Exploit abusing Gaige in 2
I'll figure out who the toppest tier easy mode bitch is and pick that. I want to pick the Beastmaster, but all pet classes in Blands are SHIT

>Roland in 1
>Salvador in 2
>nobody in 3 because I came to realize that Borderlands is trash a couple years ago

There are actual retards in the comment section of the Kotaku article that are saying they wont play Borderlands 3 if it isnt written by Anthony Burch. I quote: "Anthony Burch IS Borderlands". You can't make this shit up.

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Anyone know if they'll make this one actually difficult and fun instead of bland, easy console shit like the last two? Who am I kidding? Of course they won't. And it'll still have the same "lulsorandum" garbage humor as the last one.

>Still in this thread
>Still going to pick it up on a sale

is that the cuckhold?

Depends on the voice. If the commie chick gots a sick russian accent then fuck

>reading comments in Kotaku of all fucking places
you did it yourself, you did, and that's what really hurts

knowing how Gearbox works, half of her lines will be fucking references to Stalker

I honestly won't buy it, although I'd be interested if they ACTUALLY improved upon it. I've tried replaying Borderlands 2 a million times in an effort to like it but its such a fucking slog even with friends.


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He's the guy who said he made Torgue a bisexual social justice warrior as penance for making a panties joke in the base game.

1 - Lilith
2 - Maya
PS - Athena
3 - Either Batman or New Siren

>Which character will you guys pick in 3?

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Who is closest to siren in PS?

cute commie girl pls

Anybody who's straight and white at this point

This goes in.

Website says Steam.

>Which character will you guys pick in 3?
who knows, by the time I get around to bl3 there will probably be 8 dlc characters on top of the launch ones.

ah, I see you're not gonna play the game right?

If she's not with Vladof anymore then she might not be a commie, not that Vladof was very communist in the first place besides a sales pitch

But I love Alfred.

Fucking imagine how many guns she could use with those arms or her using them to punch like a FPS version of Asuras Wrath

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My friends already claimed Mechfu and the robot Beastmaster. So I am left with the Siren or the gadget/assassin character. So unless the guy gets insanely cool gadgets, the Siren just seems more interesting being a melee ability user plus the leaks said she gets shift and lock too

I'll pirate it

Any character that reminds me of pic related, gets an automatic pass from me.

Fuck yes, I'm biased.

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>Melee Magic Bitch

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I usually play soldiers first, but hoborobo seems like my deal.

Apparently from the trailer it looks like she digi-structs the mech around herself

Why does she ride a titan from titanfall?

The humors already changed without Burch. The trailer was a lot more grounded.

There are so many ignorant fags who came into the series at 2 so I can understand why. That immense fucking ignorance is retarded, and I hate it, but I understand it's origins.

Isn't the real reason because they couldn't be bothered to rewrite dialogue based on the player character's gender?

After watching the trailer I can see why Gearbox doesn't want to compete with Rage 2.

Probably, yeah. But Burch was pretty awful about shoving sexuality in your face.

This game already looks closer to Borderlands 1 in presentation.

You're thinking of Axton. He purposefully made torgue an SJW pussy in the DLCs because he was too masculine


I've played pretty much all of them but Lilith and I'll do the same here that's just who I'll do first/my faves.

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Rage 2 looks like boring fucking garbage.

How has the character creation gotten WORSE?

Are you ready to do fetch quests for Rhys and AI Jack?

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Because he's probably going to be gay.

Doubt it.

Nobody cares about the spinoff

Not to me and clearly not to casual players. It really does have more mainstream appeal.

It's canon.

To be fair, so does BL3

No. BL3 looks like the other BL, which sold millions.

Nobody cares. Nobody bought it or the presequel.


Wish Handsome Rhys was real, but Rhys as his own character is cool too and AI Jack having the chance to be in the game is cool.

Like I said

>Maya then Gaige
>Jack double

Not decided yet on 3, maybe still play as the siren

low tier god

>probably will be the robot from tales from the borderlands or deus ex guy
I hope they introduce more playable characters

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did he deserve that?

Completely different games. One is a 4 player co-op game based on leveling up and getting loot, the other is a single player open world game with fast combat but nothing else. A new Borderlands game would absolutely kill Rage 2


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Will probably go with robo hobo or muscles siren.

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Its not his fault PAX was fucking up the trailers, but it was his fault to do a stupid magic trick in the middle of this.

Pre-Sequel was good

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It super mediocre but I guess I'm glad someone was able to enjoy it.

It was a solid 6/10. The lack of DLC support like BL2 and big chunk of maps with nothing on them killed it a bit for replays though.

Characters, cryo, lasers were good and Jack development and backstory was entertaining.

Yeah it was good, pretty sad it didn't had the same amount of extra content as BL2

You should how bad game is if it's best thing is a bitchslap melee animation on Baroness

Reminder, the first character you ever meet in the game comes out of the closet and hits on you if you're playing a female.

Fuck off. Tales is the best thing that ever came out of this IP

That's what they said about Soldier 76


It's not even fucking close to me. I hope to god the mech skill tree let see you stay in it 24/7 and it actually scales hard. Would be cool if the mech guns took stars from your guns or something and also used your shield.

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You can't deny similar settings. Rage 2 reminds me of Bulletstorm which also had a similar setting.

>V2 launch in one minute.gif

Who the fuck cares nigga, he looks cool and will probably have a gruff old guy voice.
It's not like whether he likes it in the ass or not is going to change any of that.

I don't remember claptrap on Helios hitting on me.

There's really no happy ending in the Wild West. Either you kill it or it drives you mad.

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That's terrible writing

Similar for now. Once you go to the Maliwan city/HQ its going to have a completely different vibe than Rage 2. I don't think similar settings will really hurt either game, its just one is a single player game that at best is an open world game with good combat and the other is a 4 player RPG in a series that tends to have a meaty 20-30 hour experience

I hope Borderlands 3 has jetpacks.

I hope she has a thick russian accent. It made playing through saints row 3 so much fun

Fixing the level scaling and having better skill tree choices was great, but it got downgraded by shitty map design (seriously why do half the areas not have a fucking fast travel station) Australian foolishness seeping into the writing

kill yourself, claptrap isn't a character

Is that Gaige?


So uh guys, thoughts?

Do faggots normally come out of the closet to every person the meet and try to fuck them?

She's Russian? What does Russia have to do with mechs? England invented the genre and the Japanese furthered it.

I'm hiding your post out of embarrassment for you


Probably not, but it's not like there aren't plenty of dude characters who do that with chicks
I don't care that Springs is a lesbian, my issue with her is that Athena is CLEARLY not interested in her during the main game and uncomfortable with Springs hitting on her during the main game
Yet later on in the DLC, they're dating? Like what?
And nobody calls this shit out, if Springs was a dude there'd be a fucking uproar

b-but y u do this user :

That's a good way to get the shit kicked out of you in any normal part of the country.

What country?

Whoever the best sniper is.

I assume the character in OP's pic was modeled after Tank Girl, fits the setting well.
It would be awesome if they got Lori Petty to voice her.
She did a character on Gotham not too long ago that was still Lori Petty being Lori Petty despite being 55 years old now.

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It's because they suck at writing, they explained after the game released that they were definitely trying to portray that athena was into her.

Any word if this game will have an offline mode or will it be more like Destiny/Warframe/Anthem/The Division? To me that's what separates Borderlands from the others and it's why I like it more than other Shlooters.

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Old Dude

Claptrap in TPS but all the characters were abysmal so I picked the meme to irritate my bud I played with

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I should be asking you that, why are you on an american website shitposting about faggots?

>Mordecai in 1
>Zer0 then Gaige in 2
Probably the homeless robot in 3

I don't think they'd go for permanent internet connection out of nowhere.

>tank girl but with mecha
What a based character, just a shame she's going to have a hoaky Russian accent.

I don't fucking know they all look so fucking cool

Probably buff lady or eyepatch man, but robo hobo and tiny titan girl look super rad as well

I picked Roland in the first one and Axton in the second one, but then they made Axton a faggot so I stopped playing the game.

Based melee chad

Maybe Aurelia

>Dat city

Yeah fuck it I'm hype.

Also as for your question.

>Mordecai 1
>Axton 2
> That Deux Ex guy grabs my attention too.

They made a big deal out of off line 4 player split screen of the bl1 remaster, I'm guessing 3 will have offline play.

>playing Presequal
>meet Janey
>"she's kinda cute"
>immediately starts going on that she's a lesbian and how much she wants to fuck Athena
>do quest for her
>suddenly she starts talking in a southern accent and throws the word "homophobia" at the end of it because apparently that's important for some reason
>do another quest for her
>give posters to a do
>"haha shoot the guy"
She started alright and she didn't seem nearly this bad in TotBL, but I'm kinda already sick of Janey "Carpet muncher and men killer" Springs.
I know it doesn't need to be said, but fuck Burch and his writing. If one of your characters top three traits has to do with their gender or sexual orientation then it's a bad character.

>barely finished 2
>quit halfway through pre-sequel
why should i even be excited for this

Seems like another axton

This isn't an American only site, mutt

He's not a fag he just plays for both teams.

Ah I see you to like GILFs

>Handsome Collection went on sale for 10 USD today
Perfect time to play through all of BL2. I liked Brick in 1, I'm not sure if who I'll end up playing in 2. Way back when the game released I played as Axton, and while I liked his personality and such his ability was boring as hell. I got pretty far and didn't feel like starting over so I dropped the game. So I think I'll either play Zer0 or Krieg this time. In terms of BL3 the Beast Master and Muscle Siren look the most interesting to me. I'll have to see some gameplay though. I can see Mech Lady beating out the Beast Master depending on their actual abilities and skill trees.

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>Mech pilot
>Pet class best master
I fucking pray they have fixed the scaling issues the older pet/summon characters suffered from.

Yes, they are promiscuous as fuck, which is why gay men account for the vast majority of new HIV cases in western countries. They're also completely irresponsible with STD prevention and would rather stay on HIV meds and disability for the rest of the of their lives than use a condom while fucking another dude in the ass.

I can kinda see the basic gists though.

>From left to right
>Siren/Elemental/"Magic" character that can spec as team Medic.
>Tall and big = Tank
>Helmet and guns with a support as her ult, she's the DPS, or rather the all rounder for Solo people
>Right is obviously the cool ass sniper everyone will play as.

Krieg is like brick on steroids, but you smash people's head in with an axe instead of punches.


Pretty far off
>muscle wizard with Azuras wrath arms
>beast master with 3 pets
>titanfall pilot with a mech she can drive

They are dating in tales

She's repping Vladof, the proletariats choice for firearms.

Cool thanks

I like Moxxi. Is she a GILF? I had no idea

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>Robo Hobo
>You’re a robot
>You’re a cool drifter
>You’re homeless
>Abilities could be crap
Mech Girl:
>Giant Mech
>Robot Follower
>Mech/Robot related abilities
>possible mech customization
>Cute Girl
>you play as a girl

Probly ending up running with Robo Hobo and make a secondary character with mech chick

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>comes out of the closet
She's never in the closest, she's outside and fucking naked because she mentions it a lot.

I'll pick the uninstall wizard, just kidding no way i'm touching this fucking shit lmao

I really don't get why some of the leaks said "no cryo or lasers" where you can clearly see lasers and cryo (though maybe enemy only) in the trailer.

>tfw you’re not Anthony Burch

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>This isn't an American only site,

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>robot follower
>he doesn't know
You actually get in the mech titanfall style.

If you like Borderlands at all, you're basically supporting Burch-tier writing, and probably an obese neckbeard.

She's like 50 and had 2 kids, probably more.

Yeah I know but you also get this little floating droid that follows you around, I just hope there’s some customization for the mech whether it be for weapons or chassis types

I honestly don't want to play as any of them. I might have to wait and hope that a kreig-esque DLC character gets released that I want to play as.

Based on the leaks it's
>melee siren
>pet class
>mech summoner, actually gets in it as seen in the trailer
>"gadgets," has a holographic decoy of himself in the trailer
They will supposedly have multiple active abilities, though, so who knows.

That's what it seems like from his skill tree and what I've read on Yea Forums. My only concern is if I'd be enjoy his Psycho personality or not. His character trailer was amusing enough.

Pretty shit selection. Basically going to be a fight for who gets to be the white guy, second place getting robot and the nigger and midget being last place.

You know Birch was fired years ago right?

If you like movies with smoking in them you're basically supporting smoking and must have lung cancer and smell awful.

I choose the sniper, as always.

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He literally picked characters at random from a list to assign sexual orientations to them

The drone belongs to the old gadget man.

Why was he fired?

>She's like 50 and had 2 kids, probably more

Then yes. Yes I do indeed like GILFs

Shhh, let the retard amuse us

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What he said was retarded but not as retarded as your rebuttal

On the one hand you're not wrong.
But on the other hand, what if we think this game looks like fun and you should smell your farts.

lol I thought the same

>6 pack

Oh got I can smell the female bara coming already.

You know burch worked on every single borderlands except this one, right?

>Capstone ability has you shooting all four of your equipped guns at the same time for the duration of your action skill

it follows the same logic shut up I tried.

>Tattoos don't light up during action skill
Boo. That had better change.

Burch had nothing to do with BL 1 and literally wrote one scene in Tales what the fuck are you talking about you mong

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u mad

Where the fuck is the Rakk minion

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Lower left my nig-ro.

Ronald in 1
Axton in 2
Robo or the other guy for 3.

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>guess who?

I really hope it’s a beast tamer type thing where I can have cool crab/spider allies.

Leaks mentioned his skills can charge his pets.

How will Borderlands 1 remastered work? A standalone game or an update for the Handsome Collection?

Anyone else optimistic over the tone we saw in the trailer? Like sure there was cheersploding and Brick with the sax but for the most part the tone seemed really subdued similar to the first game. Do you think Gearbox has learned from their mistakes and give us something more serious?

Trying get frisky with co-workers I think

Axton, then Gaige, then settled on Krieg
Athena, then Timothy.
Leaning towards Moze, but we'll see if they have any dlc characters planned like they did with 2 and presequel.

Mech girl if the mech is actually decent, siren or batman if it’s shit

So it there a trailer for this thing or what?

>Mordecai in 1
>Zer0 in 2
It's hard to judge when their personalities haven't been showed off all that much yet, but tank girl and azura fists both seem cool as fuck. Robo beast-tamer might be interesting just because he's a non-human.

I love randy basedass cpitchford

>Roland in 1
>Axton in 2
Probably they character that fights like the soldier or commando. Shotties and assault rifles

Anthony Burch is not the writer of BL3? Thank the lord!

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It's a standalone $30 base price
And apparently it's free if you already own the original on Steam

Can you work the bigot song in there too?

Tank girl is cute and smol.

Looks interesting, they had more emphasis on characters and environments.

Not only is Claptrap a character, He's fucking playable

>People that came into the series with BL2 as their introduction and think the games have always been memey and and SJW friendly
I fucking hate ignorant retards. Explains why I can't tolerate most of Yea Forums, but that's besides the point.

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>No cute girls


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Give her a Snatch ability like Nero and I'm sold

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The tattoos glow 24/7 now, it's just hard to see in that brightly lit scene

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>I hope to god the mech skill tree let see you stay in it 24/7 and it actually scales hard.
It fucking won't. This is Borderlands. Billions of guns? You can't use the billions of BADASS GUNS if you're hiding in your machine. Save that for the mods to inevitably come. Also enjoy having to get out of your mech and ruin it's cooldown to interact with people.


it still detracts from the visual of that scene that they aren't more visible

Cool. Thanks

Are you this openly bigoted around friends and family?

Are multiple planets necessary? I'm not really talking about their wildlife, quests and such. Just about the map. Pandora features all the possible climate zones already.

Main Mission will probably be something about you finding all vault keys to open the supreme vault or something like that, that's why they need new planets with new vaults

Vault Hunter design was top notch, none of the trees or skills were out-and-out terrible/useless
Lasers were cool
Cryo was fantastic
Low gravity/slams/jump pads added a lot of fun
Claptrap DLC was pretty solid, glitch guns were a hoot
Co-op characters communicating when using their abilities was a nice touch
Leveling curve was much better done, UVHM didn't require re-farming all your gear every other level
Awful writing through and through
Janey "Did you now I'm a lesbian?" Springs
No real raid bosses (endboss with more health/damage but exact same mechanics doesn't count)
Ability to max out all three skill trees killed build variety
Less than half of the legendaries in the game couldn't be properly farmed for IN A LOOT AND SHOOT GAME
Weapon farming came down to farming vending machines or the grinder aka glorified casino machine
Lackluster add-on content, compounding the lack of end-game stuff to do
Huge maps with only pockets of enemies in specific places
Less general challenge
Way less enemy variety
O2 system was pretty much meaningless, air canisters everywhere
Aussie humor was broadly a failure as most of the world doesn't understand aussie slang beyond 'shimp on the barbie'

tl;dr neat idea, poor execution


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So why does Maya have a loli now? Whos loli is it? Is it her loli?

>referring to a child as a loli
Kill yourself

does anyone have the hidden shift code in the trailer?

Leaks suggest it's her imouto

motherfucker what do you think loli means?

Are yoy retarded?


So far I may be interested in the communist or the robo hobo
But in all seriousness the new facial animations look kind of shit tbfh, especially Lilith, and maya with long hair is oddly satisfying. And title be beet to see a teenage Tina.
May but it after it’s release and see some final footage before I buy

Post leaks.

The strongest charcter in all of borderlands (krieg) could beat OP8 without a gun equipped. Having 100% skill uptime is pretty common in borderlands.

Loli is a body type. You're confusing it with youjo.

Again, just disregard the plot and compare the environments from the trailer to what we've seen in 1 and 2.

Maybe start typing kanji then you dumb nigger

You weren't going to buy it no matter how sexy they were

Played as Mordecai in 1 and Axton in 2. I'll probably play as old man Jensen in 3. Because he looks cool.

Glad someone else thinks this. Everything in the trailer from the guns to the characters sorta feels over detailed and over designed. Maybe I'm just too used to BL2 and Bl1.

Literally me

>Sweating man.png
Just imagine the (((fanart))) we're going to get of the pair

Who is better: Sasha or Fiona?
Who did you choose?

Playing Presequal as Athena. How do I make her abillty good? It's kind of shit tbqf with you senpai

Everyone looks so fun, I am not sure who I am gonna do my first playthrough

So will character customization still just be colors and head or do you think they will let you swap outfits too?

>The strongest charcter in all of borderlands (krieg)
I never played as him because I was already done with 2 by the time he came out

Does he one tap everything on screen? Pre-nerf Gaige with the right gun is pretty hard to beat, and Siren in BL1 with an anarchy SMG could basically just hold down M1 and clear everything on screen too. Even the hidden boss in General Knoxx.

Same as you OP.

>Mordecai in 1
>Krieg in 2
>Moze is an easy pick in 3

Didn't play the presequel. None of the playable characters looked interesting. Claptrap may have been cool but I'm worried he would have become annoying really fast.

At best I'd expect the same level of customization as in that chink MMO. If you mean actual armor customization then I don't think that's happening.

moze and fiona will be dlc

I don't see them implementing anything more than skins.

I meant like premade outfits as opposed to just recolors like in 2

>No real raid bosses (endboss with more health/damage but exact same mechanics doesn't count)
this left such a sour taste in my mouth that i didnt touch it after beating the main quest line, what a fucking joke.

Pick the three with all the shield talents ya dummy. Also the elemental tree is the best one, you become a literal bullet hose, moreso with glitch weapons.

Probably Punchsiren because she reminds me of Brick RPing as a Siren and that puts a smile on my face.

He enters roid rage, hits an enemy with his axe casing them to explode, and then the explosion kills someone, then they explode and kill two more, then they explode. During this you're unkillable and have 100% uptime on roid rage. He's insane, and all without guns.

>Want to go sniper again but also want to be a fucking Brobot

I’m torn but I’ll wait for more info.

I want Gaige to come back as a surprise playable character with Krieg. If not then they should be in the main plot.

>chain reaction explosions
this never fails to be OP in any game it is in, god damn

I really, really hope with the return of Rhys that maybe they plucked up some Tales writers and we see more Tales characters.

Hope the story doesn't get cucked by a Burch equivalent.

they're definitely saving them for a big reveal in the story sorta like mordecai in 2

>Which character will you guys pick in 3?
None. I’m going to skip this one.

Yep, it's also called bloodsplosion which is always amusing. If you ever feel like doing another bl2 I'd recommend giving krieg a try even if your not into melee beserker characters, the power is crazy to witness.

Robot might have a sniper tree, send in the summons then back them up with the rifle

>Russian accent
well now im actually sold on her

I cant play Borderlands series because i dont have friends :(
Played Borderlands 1, feels weird when playing it alone

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they've re-introduced alien weapon attachments again

I do wonder what they're up to since they weren't shown in the trailer. TPS does have the arena mission start with Axton and Gaige just getting back from recruiting more vault hunters.
>Axton and Gaige together recruiting since they play off each others personalities so well
>Krieg and Salvador out scouting vaults screaming gibberish and killing everything that fights them

Axton dies of AIDS

Not even the community patch could save Axton from that. R.I.P.

Wait, does the old man have a monocle?
I have a hard and fast rule about all video games; when a character has a monocle, I play as them exclusively.

Guess i'll be playing as the monocled old man.

It’s a robo eye interface.

Duke Nukem

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Deus Ex man or Robot if I bother to play this shit. Only reason I played the first two was for co-op with my brother, he played Mordecai and Zer0. Would likely play one of those two I mentioned as well, whichever he or I didn't pick depending on who picked first.

Some skins in 2 and TPS are technically different outfits. Except you can't recolor them. So maybe outfits are possible and instead of skins they'll allow you to recolor different parts as you want.

>other threads
>filled with political shit flinging
>borderlands thread
>surprisingly comfy

Attached: tenor.gif (338x220, 1.48M)

>*Raises spork*

> Lillith
> Zer0, but switched to Krieg and played more with him
> Athena
I dunno about 3, all look cool so far, probably Zane. Need to know their abilities bad trees.
There doesn't seem to be elemental focused VH this time. Would definitely jump on that.

I've heard he specializes in snipers. On Yea Forums, so you know it's true.

Why am I not seeing crazy hype about mech girl? You get to pilot a fucking MECH, A BIG FUCKING MECH.

Who would have thought talking about video games could be fun, right?

I wanna see a weapon/manufacturer showcase sometime in the near future, the mayhem trailer and the developer trailer both had a lot of interesting looking guns, and some of 'em look like they might be heavy weapons like badass goliath miniguns, so I hope those are a thing. And the new siren character was using a minigun with what looked like e-tech strapped onto it, I'm jazzed to see what thats all about.


Buy my game

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I think the last time I ate with a spork was in high school. That was almost 10 years ago. Does KFC still give sporks with meals? I kind of want to eat with one for nostalgia reasons

When are you thinking the game will launch then? I'm guessing mid September or early October.

Zane looks more like Sniper valley.

hoodie robot and adam jensen are pretty cool i guess but god damn the girls looks silly and unattractive

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Reminder that Jack was unironically the hero.

Punch wizard and her abs grabbed all the attention

>D.Va but bland and uninspiring

Randy is a treasure. I can't even pretend to hate the guy. Kind of like a loveable idiot that can't do anything right. Also has a landwhale wife and fedora son.

>Find out there's a Borderlands 3 trailer
>Immediately watch it.
>Only a back shot of Moxxi
Oh god...

Don't know the uptime, how it scales, whether it will work when inside buildings. Could wind up being a massive gimmick character that no one ever picks.

>imprisoned his own daughter and used her as a weapon
Yeah, okay.

>represents Vladof, the undisputed best weapons company in the series
>t. no-aim slav
S&S all the way
I'll probably play as the android. I played as Brick in 1 and Axton in 2, Claptrap in PS

>buying an epic store exclusive game

sage for sjw shit

>D.Va but bland and uninspiring

So just D.Va then?

>Siren - Likely very melee and heavy-gun oriented
>Android - Pet oriented, maybe snipers too
>Vladof Girl - Soldier character, likely your typical COD setup
>Zane - Different grab-bag of stealth and surprise options

>daughter murders his wife
>can either send her to die in the law's hands or keep her

No way, fag.

It'll be fine. Turning Moxxi ugly would be too obvious. They wouldn't do it

>Vladof Girl - Soldier character, likely your typical COD setup
Nope, she's a mech pilot. She jumps into the air and digistructs it around herself.

design looks like discounted colonial marines ape shit thats trying too hard to impress the boys

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I'm gonna probably start with Flak. He's a big guy with monster minions. I hope I can unleash Rabid Skags on enemies.

Please make the story and fights more Tales and less like 1-2/Pre.

Fuck off, Leon. I already bought your game this year

They're stealing claptrap because they know he's shaggy-tier powerful

Attached: Claptrap!.png (953x558, 670K)


Mech girl isn't kawaii enough.

wait a minute...

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i do want this but i know it's going to be epic store exclusive so

I guess everybody here forgot about the Aliens game.

i've never played as a siren in any of the borderlands games so i guess i'll try out the siren in this one

>borderlands franchise
>any sort of law enforcement

>gay as fuck mech that looks like a body board
>disgusting plastic k pop gook
>better than a based battletech death machine piloted by a chick with a wrist cannon
No way fag

Seeing as Rhys is in the game as the Atlas CEO, with Zer0 on his payroll, and the leaks that have been pretty much entirely confirmed said you follow Gortys around to the many vaults in the game I'd say there's a good fucking chance of it.

>t. Spoiled by Eastern Waifu shit

The midget zombie and dva do it way better.

>worse design
>apparently Troy Baker won't voice him
Why are they even doing this?

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roland in 1
zer0 in 2
qt siren in 3
you are literally me wtf

Mech looks more like summonable vehicle.
Zane was seen riding it. I think she's more like Gaige/Axton hybrid.


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This. She looks like a cheep knock-off version of Tank Girl.

Too bad you can't play as her

No actually it's one of his bigger fuck ups. And another reason why he's just a stupid piece of shit that I love. The dudes life is entertaining. Everytime he's in the news for something I can only think "Really, Randy?"

The leak included that an upgrade to the skill lets other players ride along with you in it iirc. She's definitely the mech pilot, though.

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>tfw can't do this til level like 40 and it takes forever to grind


The porn couldn't come out fast enough

SEE!??!!? THIS user HERE HAS TASTES!!!!!!

She pilots it but has a turret on top that a team mate can hop on. The least even said she has a coop skill tree for some kinds of team support/buffing up the turret for team mates.

Pound them once, and pound them again!

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bring back brown waifu.

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but they made them first! it was already in alpha before atlas reactor was even announced!

What, did you think "violent girl in big helmet" was new and unique?

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I know alot of it is due to the cell shading and all, but the game literally looks exactly like Borderlands 2 in almost every way

The mech summoning part of the trailer has Moze just falling from nowhere and the bot digistructing around her.

>Mech looks more like summonable vehicle.
>Zane was seen riding it
She pops into it exactly like D.Va, you can see her do it at the end of the trailer.

Gaiges pigtails were meant to be pulled as she is fucked from behind

is he gay?

mordecai because snipers and revolvers are fun to use

maya because zero's personality was boring compared to mordecai and because of waifufaggotry

beastmaster because he looks BAD ASS

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You're right, she's like a character from a Chinese knockoff of Starcraft.

Go look up "Tiny Tina's Robot Tea Party", she's a smaller chested granny now. No joke.

And familiar

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I feel like they just gave him the moustache to differentiate him from Jack but forgot he's running Atlas, not Jakobs.

You must love me then user.

Gaige is made for rough sex

Yeah so did Metro's.

As someone who has never played BL, what game is the best one? I hear the writing in 2 is pretty bad, but which one has the best gameplay and guns?

one year exclusive on Epic Store

Alternatively, everything around is on fire and screaming in agony. Then explodes into a chain reaction while you shoot guns at 10 times the fire rate and infinite clip size.

Best story, thematic action, and humor is easily tales.

Pre-Sequel is the best traditional BL game.

Is the pre-sequel worth even a single playthrough if it's the only Borderlands game I haven't played?

>but which one has the best gameplay and guns
2, no joke. It's the best one despite the shitty Burch meme writing.

It depends. I'd say TPS has the most diverse gameplay and guns, but boomers hate how gun parts work in 2 and TPS.

Where? She looks normal enough here, for 720p.

Attached: tinytina-cardcame-2_720x.jpg (720x720, 60K)

It's 2 that's better in every regard.

Yes, its the best one. The zero g and jetpacks are fun as fuck. Best classes.

Axton => Zero => Sal => Kreig => Maya
favourite was Kreig
Athena => Wilhelm => Jack
favourite was Wilhelm

>Which character will you guys pick in 3?
I'll probably go for the Robot animal-buddy class first.

She was on one of the cards.
Art style there is pretty caricatur-ish, so I wouldnt really judge by that.

2 has the best gameplay loop. Dialogue and story suck bit none of the borderlands games have good writing.

It was, on the whole
Lots of issues but the writing was a bit better, the classes are more fun (imo) than BL2 classes with more going on in them

Not seeing it

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Not really, Elpis and Helios maps can get old really fast. Besides, the writing generally is more cringeworthy than in 2.

Third I dunno, everyone but Deux Ex Batman looks neat. Have to see what they've done with the talent trees to make a call.

Yeah I think it's worth just one playthrough


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Siren of course.

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>no proper romance option for her
But why?

>Moridcai in 1
>Zero in 2
> Claptrap in Pre
Probably the robot in a coat in 3 if the obviously DLC doesn't come out with Rhys/Fiona.


drink up randy

Attached: BAD ASS.jpg (554x557, 38K)

>Not waiting for the "Not GOTY edition" so you can have all characters and DLC extras.

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Hey guys, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!

Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come!

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No Switch, I'm dropping hard out.
Fuck y'all corporate bribers. Gearbox is so fucking bias against Big N.

Make way for best girl Fiona

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see, i didn't even remember that until you brought it up because of how irrelevant it was to my enjoyment of the game.


So the villain is girl human Frieza?

Ok so is the far right August? He looks like August if he grew a mustache and lost an eye.

Sasha and its not even close, all this has reminded me of that fire in my loins she ignited those years ago

> Mordecai
> Salvador
> Nisha
Probably gonna pick the buff siren lady who can hug my soft body with her big strong arms.

>purchasing the presequel AND enjoying it

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Sasha is a worse Fiona. She hates her homeland and will never get anywhere in life. Fiona's problem is being a lesbian.

I just hope they keep the Tales vibe. If it's even half as good as Tales then I'll be excited.

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there is no evidence that the scooter is dead

No prob, Randy. Say, why do you think people aren't allowed to have fun with the things they enjoy anymore? It's a disturbing trend I've noticed lately.

I wouldn't have minded Sasha so much if they game didn't push you towards her.

>hating on DNF
You're about just as much of a cuck as Burch.

Because only actual faggots and underage children liked and played TellTale games or the presequel.

I'm sure they'll shit on Tales and say he survived and landed on one of the setting planets.

Id say play BL1 if you dont like it, you wont like any

it will be like this

>be a contrarian
>not a faggot or diaper shitter

Pick one.

>He unironically just defended DNF
lmao i think you might need to wipe some of Randy's shit off the corners of your mouth there

Technically yes. But his VA is out of the picture and there's only one way he survived (eridian guy saved him LMAO).

False. I hated BL1 and love the rest. BL1 is the worst one. The classes are all dull, the trees are dull, and the guns are dull. Story and areas are all bad.

What? It's obvious the only people who are talking about the presequel and the TellTale game were/are underage faggots

I'm between the asura siren and robro. Waiting for info on skill trees though

og maya didnt really do it for me

...but this

Funny. It was the best damn thing Telltale made but got the least amount of people to buy it.

so according to you krieg, salvador, gaige and axton are they dead?


Thats a Skag

> tfw You and 1% of others refused to ship Sasha with Rhys

Nah it was pretty shit, probably because there wasn't a plot to begin with

And you better go prep the bull, bitchboi.


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Best cast pictured.

Wish they'd table the boring ass BL1 cast.

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No? But Scooter's VA really can't voice him anymore. Again, you can replace him just like with Claptrap but leaving him dead would make more sense.

Someone seems to have replaced this user with a projector.

Objectively best girl coming through

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DNF isn't Randy's fault.

I think you just missed it hey

I agree is the worst. Maybe it depends on the order.I assumed that if someone manages to play through the first one, the others wont be so bad


Post your face when Tales and Pre-sequel's stories are more essential to BL3's story than the two core games'.

Well time to replay it

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If we can't use multiple guns with her arms ability I'm gonna be dissapointed

It's the only borderlands game with a plot.
You never actually played let alone seen Tales from the Borderlands have you?

Wow, Randy, you don't like them? That's a little sad. I never played either, myself.

Good. Best ones.

Attached: Thumbsupbot.png (607x716, 851K)


TPS is tied up to 2. Not much you can get out of it except for Lillith and Moxxi being cunts.
Athena and Springs are nowhere to be seen and everyone else is dead.

Why didn't they show more of this girl, I don't care about the dumb dyke siren

Borderlands 3 was trending in Japan for awhile

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Fuck that show more of her mech

>Tfw you want Rhys to remain a virgin forever

>Mordy in 1
>Zer0/Krieg in 2
skipped the presequel
>HoboRobo/Assassin in 3

1) sniper guy with bird
2) sniper robot that can turn invisible
3) sniper little girl that has autism

Really makes you think...

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Based on stache - virginity intact.

Zer0 is an alien.

does it look like i give a shit about this series?

But it wasn't a borderlands game, it was a telltale game.

Looks like it. I'm happy to see that.

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It was a Borderlands game made in the Telltales engine with Borderlands assets and writers while also being 100% canon to the franchise.

It's a Borderlands game.


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Probably you’re pic as well because she reminds me of Gaige

God this game had no right being so good. It all felt so well put together, the editing in the intros, the voice acting, the use of old characters. It felt like they were actually making the best possible use of the Borderlands world and lore, especially considering how shallow it was previously.

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Are there two season passes again and a fucked loot system

>There will never be an action scene as good as the finger gunning in Tales.

Yeah nah. Nobody gives a fuck about telltale games, they're not canon and they're not good. That's probably why they went bankrupt

Since it’s in a timeskip, here’s hoping we get more gun manufacturers

Marcus is somehow even larger, here’s hoping it means there’s more guns

Doubt on PS but Tales was some good shit and I'm glad it's woven in

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Who was that old guy next to Hammerlock and his sister

>tfw thought Brick had a stache during the solo
Would've been cool

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Ive played this shit so many times to get all the possible dialogue, holy shit. Even though tftb if very flawed I just loved the humor and the characters. I'm scared of how they'll be treated in BL3.

>not canon
>main character in Tales is literally in the trailer
>No sign of Scooter
>Gortys in leaks

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He did
Though it looks like it’s temporary

Tales from the Borderlands is canon

None because I ain't playing same game again.

He did. But for some reason its gone in later shots of him.

The 2 women look like shit. The white guy looks too generic. The robot is once again, the coolest looking character.

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>No sign of Scooter

Stop reminding me

Rumors says someone from Jakobs family

If you think Gearbox dragging the fetid corpse of the TellTale spinoff around is a good thing you're in for a world of disappointment.

>people actually spend their free time playing borderlands of all things
so this is the power of nu Yea Forums.................. woah

Oh. I later thought it was the mouth piece of the sax.

That's cool then. Atleast stache-Brick is canon.

100% canon though.
Rhys is in the trailer as the head of Atlas like he was at the end of TftB.
You got a back shot from Fiona right after Rhys showed up
Flak is rumored to be Rhys' Loaderbot.

It's a reference you numpties

Strawpoll time, Vote for your absolute most wanted vidya sequel.

He doesn't have a stache in any other point in the teaser or reveal trailer.
He has the stache simply for the Sax joke.

Nobody cares about those characters though. So if gearbox doesn't tiptoe around them they're immediately going to be alienating 99% of the playerbase.

How important is the pre-sequel? I only have a firm understanding of 1 and 2.

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I wonder if we're going to get the Vault Hunters talking like in the PreSequel its one of the few things I liked about it

Wasn't a spin off.
Key people died in those games.

Negligible, almost as if it didn't happen.

Why do Gearbabs get so upset over the Tales games? It's weird.

False. Everyone who played Tales loved it and its characters. BL1s snoozers carry no more reverence.

Am I supposed to know thing on the right?

>Key people died in those games.
That just shows you the level of incompetence at Gearbox when they give the reigns to their flagship game over to a studio that wan'ted to call it quits 75% of the way through

probably will be there, it would be strange to remove something like that

>Nobody cares
Correction. You don't care.
I was looking forward to playing as either Rhys or Fiona or both at the same time. They are one of the very few actually interesting characters because they actually had Character development that wasn't just "Mah bird died" and "My boyfirend died".

It didn't. It gives a small bit of insight to Jack's purpose/downfall.

Beyond that it doesn't really matter. All of the characters die as bosses in 2 besides Athena.

Nobody played tales though

Whichever has passive ammo regeneration or grenade regeneration/kriegish nade drop drates

They started toying with it in the dlc for 2 so its more than likely in

How can people care when TellTale almost didn't even care enough to finish it?

how was this game so kino? how could telltale shit have this much soul?

Thats like a 10 year old joke

Imagine if Borderlands 2 had better skill tree design, cool pseudo jetpacks, lasers and ice element, but with worse maps, enemies, and writing/dialogue. Definitely worth a playthrough just to tear shit up with Wilhelm or Athena, but the writing and boring quests do grate on you.

Never played 1, played Zero in 2. Maybe I'll grab the 1 remake.

>That just shows you the level of incompetence at Gearbox when they give the reigns to their flagship game over to a studio that wan'ted to call it quits 75% of the way through
Telltale didn't write TftB. The writers of borderlands did. It's a huge reason why it's canon.

>zero attractive girls
what a shocker

Videogames aren't known for topicality

rhys is gonna be a HUGE part of the game, as atlas ceo we'll be fighting maliwaniggers for rhys

Yeah but nobody cared about it and it flopped because it was so bad. So you're retarded for liking bad stuff.

it somewhat cheapened handsome jacks character by giving him a backstory.A decent game worse than 1 and 2 though.

did you hate eridian weapons? also e-tech? they did it again now

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Its amazing what you can do when you do something because you want to rather than just to make money. Also Telltale has always been better at comedy.

What the fuck is this trash

>Tales won't matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Rhys in trailer had of Atlas
>Jack A.I. is dead
>Hyperion collapse is canon

How will Tales deniers cope?

Eridian weapons were cool as fuck, they were just under powered. Please give me creepy aliens back.

Tales character.

>Waaaaaah. Stop liking something I obviously didn't play or research at all before shitposting.

It's shows that you didn't take a single second to even read the wiki on TftB because you would know that The Borderlands writers were the ones who made the entire story. Telltale just threw the series assets together in their shitty engine.
>How can people care when TellTale almost didn't even care enough to finish it?
Because it was Telltales best game simply due to Telltale having next to no involvement with it and it being the first and only Borderlands game with a actual story and character development.

But if tales flopped so hard it killed TellTale how is it going to make BL3 better?

I don't give a shit about 3, Randy Bo Bandy is jumping back into the looter shooter genre too late and won't make any interesting changes. I'm sure it will sell decently enough though.

>Nobody, Nobody, Nobody
Please stop thinking you are everyone. You speak for yourself only and not anybody else.

Eh I get the feeling Sirens are going to be the core focus in this game which both those game really had none of. We are more than likely getting all 6 in 3 and the story is focused on a Siren and her brother stealing Siren powers and opening vaults I presume

Nobody bought the game though, it was a financial disaster for telltale.