Are they right?

Are they right?

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Fucking entitled gamers.

>needs to respect

Says who?

>giant pussy can't handle piss easy game like this
>demands that the devs make the game even easier
What the fuck does he want, the game to play itself? Why not just watch a fucking YouTube video if that's the case?

Yeah, sure. I don't see a problem with adding an easy mode for people in a single-player game.

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why don't modern games just add cheatcodes like older games used to have?
When I was a kid I first finished Resident Evil 2 with the infinite ammo code, when I grew up I finished it normally. There is literaly no downside to this.

>gets paid to shill
>doesnt even need to finish the game

How do I get a job like this?

'Sekiro: Shadows Dies Twice'

Shadows Dies Twice.

Also no
players need to respect the devs and play as intended. It's art, you know.

Yea Forums doesn't realize that the cheat codes games used to have WERE an easy mode and were just as much a part of "accessibility settings" as easy mode is today.

>>How do I get a job like this?

>go to school
>get journalism degree
>suck cocks for about 5 years before you get to publish anything

Gamers Are Dead was about this too, letting non-gamers into a hobby to increase revenue, blur the line between real gamers and non-gamers in an effort to push developers into making non-games.
I say fuck them.

>devs patch in an easy mode
>now playing an easy mode is playing as intended
what kind of argument is this

>advertising for forbes
fuck off corporate shill


get over yourselves, adults don't have time to play games all day dieing

I don't need an easymode. But the dragonrot system can fuck itself with a rake. Punishing people for experimenting and trying to git gut

I miss cheat codes so much. Seems like a lot of developers don't want to do them because of the achievements/trophies though.

But the game is already on easy mode
Hard mode is ringing the bell

Says the blubbering pussy who can't git gud and demands the mountaintop be brought to them

quite honestly just be gay or jewish

>Game journalist difficulty

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Remember when game journos called the people who were pissed off about how shitty ME3 was "entitled babies" and they didn't have the right to tell a company what to do with their vision of their game?

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*Suck the right cocks


I used to think like this until I realized that I’m paying 60$ for fucking playable media.