Chocobo's Dungeon

It uses the same basis as every other Mystery Dungeon game.

>Etrian Mystery Dungeon
That's pretty much the worst mystery dungeon game because it wanted to be Etrian, but also wanted to be mystery dungeon and they don't mash well because in Etrian you want a party usually and mystery dungeon you want a solo or duo

Yeah, it's not as difficult. It still has roguelike elements, but they're toned down in normal mode. Also, Etrian Mystery Dungeon wasn't good.

you mean when you're trying to steal the thief's memory? there's an easy cheese strat i saw on gamefaqs that worked for me:
>don't move your first turn after stealing it
>as mog x starts moving to your right, move to the left
>move diagonally when he teleports in front of you
>let him push you towards the stairs
>leave the shop
this strategy worked on my first try.

>tfw you brutally struggle through a memory dungeon that doesn't give you heals or greens
>tfw beat the final monster room with barely any HP and hunger meter at 0%
>die on the way to the stairs

God fucking DAMN IT

Sounds like that Bomb dungeon. All you need to do is to git gud

Nah it was Giant gangbang dungeon

But I want to kill him, not just steal the memory.

Yeah I'll never beat it because the fucking game keeps crashing.
So I uninstalled it.

