You will never beat Mysterious X edition
How's it going bros
You will never beat Mysterious X edition
How's it going bros
Anyway, I was so fucking close to beating that filthy Moglet until he lets out a fucking beam that KO'd me instantly. FUCK I AM SO MAD
this game looks cute
sell me on it
If you didn't like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games don't buy it
I've never played them
You go into randomized dungeons to get loot and defeat monsters in turn based combat. Also, you play as a cute kweh bird and can recruit monsters to be your buddies to fight with you.
I fucking hated Etrian Mystery Dungeon's difficulty+roguelike bullshit is this game any better?
>Also, you play as a cute kweh bird
It really doens't matter what the rest of the game is, this is already a selling point
Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy is much easier even at Hard difficulty, it's as if the game was primarily designed for children.
It uses the same basis as every other Mystery Dungeon game.
>Etrian Mystery Dungeon
That's pretty much the worst mystery dungeon game because it wanted to be Etrian, but also wanted to be mystery dungeon and they don't mash well because in Etrian you want a party usually and mystery dungeon you want a solo or duo
Yeah, it's not as difficult. It still has roguelike elements, but they're toned down in normal mode. Also, Etrian Mystery Dungeon wasn't good.
you mean when you're trying to steal the thief's memory? there's an easy cheese strat i saw on gamefaqs that worked for me:
>don't move your first turn after stealing it
>as mog x starts moving to your right, move to the left
>move diagonally when he teleports in front of you
>let him push you towards the stairs
>leave the shop
this strategy worked on my first try.
>tfw you brutally struggle through a memory dungeon that doesn't give you heals or greens
>tfw beat the final monster room with barely any HP and hunger meter at 0%
>die on the way to the stairs
God fucking DAMN IT
Sounds like that Bomb dungeon. All you need to do is to git gud
Nah it was Giant gangbang dungeon
But I want to kill him, not just steal the memory.
Yeah I'll never beat it because the fucking game keeps crashing.
So I uninstalled it.
Yes, you even get Alpha to bring along with you in his FF14 outfit.
Damn, really? Did you get it on Switch or PS4? I've had no issues on Switch and I'm a good 30 hours in
I don't know. I lost to Alexander and I didn't save in a while and it crashed when it threw me out. Was playing on Switch.
I probably have to go through Leviathan again. Lost all will to continue.
trust me, you can't. you just have to get out of the shop without dying.
You'll need to be overleveled for that. Can you even beat Ifrit the first time you can fight him?
Yes. I already said I almost did, he was glowing white so I know I can almost kill that bastard until it was too late for me to realize his beam was a 1 hit KO move
Meant for
I have not been to Ifrit yet. I am still at chapter 2, you will not believe how overleveled I am.
H-how overleveled are you user?
Level 42 at chapter 2.
i have questions, but i also think i also know the answer for then
Just started it, only 50 mins in. Damn, dat "The Man With A Machine Gun" remix is soooo good. I love the game already.
>Yes, you even get Alpha to bring along with you in his FF14 outfit.
Holy fuck, sold
You don't even need to ask
jesus christ, why? how? you haven't even unlocked the best early grinding spot yet.
Funny you said this, but grinding was totally not my intention at all, I just want to finish the memory.
>Was playing as Scholar and doing pretty well
>Get beat by behemoth and figure I should try a more crunchy class
>Level dragoon a bit and unlock Thief along the way
>Eventually try out knight again
>Get Excalibur ability unlocked
I beat Behemoth pretty fucking handily after. I love how in mystery dungeon games I can just grind and have fun doing simple shit. Don't even know how to explain it other than it must be an autismo thing since most normies, even avid RPG players, tend to not enjoy/get bored with Mystery dungeon games.
>Grind the fuck up before Alexander
>Consistently killing the supports on respawn
>Dodging judgements no problem
>Hitting him fairly hard
>He's not hitting too hard, laser's a close call if shell wears off at a bad time but still survivable
>Things are going way better than they did on Leviathan
>He gets low
>Charges judgement too fast to dodge
>OHKOs me from 100% to 0 with shell up
I don't fucking get it.
Not all of them let you grind.
So why is Shirma and Shiroma two different persons? Will old man Cid come back too?
Angel Robes are your friend, Manaward just negates that shit entirely
So is being a Dark Knight and having a white mage on deck for healing
Level 3 ability Covenant allows you to deal retarded amounts of damage
Great. Guess I'll go screw around in the baby dungeons looking for angel wards since they refuse to drop in the tower for me.
I'm enjoying the game enough, but it's really making me wish a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon would come out for Switch soon. I feel like I enjoyed those way more than this one.
Manaward negates any spells entirely? What the fuck why didn't you say so? Now I'll kick Mysterious Hunter X's ass
inb4 his laser is physical or some such bullshit
>find appraiser's collar
I am never unequipping this
My God I hope we get one, they totally redeemed themselves with Super. That game was excellent. Hell I'd even take an expanded remaster/remake of Sky for Switch since they have to be aware of fan following.
Also unrelated but in Smash Brothers Ultimate I'm almost certain that the location of the Absol Spirit battle in adventure mode was a nod at the original PMD games.
Don't jinx it bro
i've got a regen collar and don't really see myself ever getting rid of it.
It's magic. Whenever a boss charges up there's 19/20 chance he'll charge a magic attack which you can negate entirely with manaward.
White Mage gets this ability at job level 6 or so and it only costs 2SP.
Don't forget to pop a Phoenix Down before the battle for good measure, auto-raise is a lifesaver
I don't need regen when I always travel with a healbitch
Manaward is Level 5
i have a healbitch AND regen.
Seems kinda redundant, I'd rather know what every item is once I pick it up. Saves you from doing shit like eating explosion drinks.
Since in all the FF games you have another character use the PD on the dead one and in this there's no other character to use it, I assumed it was automatic and fucking lost everything. Now that I think about it, why wouldn't it be automatic? Either you lose it along with everything else or you just lose it.
I keep seeing people talk about having a second chocobo as a buddy that also has a job? How do I into that? Also how do I unlock Beastmaster?
I think beastmaster is from some side dungeon on the farm but idr for sure, maybe it was in town
beastmaster was from the moogle
Fuck me I love waiting for all 30 birds in a den to finish using haste
It's on the farm, you will unlock Atla's memory together with Beastmaster after you're done with Camille's.
Yeah I thought it was auto at first too until I died with one in my inventory. Now I just save them to use at the beginning of boss fights.
>losing items
>not just closing the game and reboot
Come on bros haha
So how similar is this to the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games? Those are the only Dungeon games I have played.
I skipped over the bookmark tutorial and the first time I thought it autosaves entering a dungeon so I feared losing my levels
>be in chpt 2
>want have Dragoon because is cool but my fav job is Black mage
>wanna Thunder lance with dragoon to have a "excuse" to drop Black mage
>there is no Thunder lance
What's the best job for someone in lv 28?
imo it feels like there's a little bit less to it in this one, since you can only bring 1 buddy and they only have 1 ability and no adjustable AI
I'd only do this if I'm playing in hard mode and lost my fully honed+5 equipment with all the good badges
But I'm playing casual mode so there's no problem if I just lose all the easily replaceable items
I mean I'd rather keep the levels I grinded since I always go in empty anyway
I had a choice between this game and Tangledeep and I chose Tangledeep. I think I chose wrong since even though I'm having fun with Tangledeep, I feel like I would've had more fun with this game since it seems a lot easier.
>Game is easy
>all minibosses and bosses on hard mode can one hit kill you out of nowhere
How do you deal with when bosses start charging for an attack? Only revive items and manaward? Does manaward null every single boss special?
Game doesn't really tell you what attack is physical and what is magic.
I have my most up to date gear maxed out by the way, and I'm not underleveled since I can make bosses blink reasonably fast.
I'm at the final dungeon of the main story. Heard the post game bosses are absolutely retarded.
>How do you deal with when bosses start charging for an attack?
Make sure I pop on my Angel Robe and maybe a protect if I have time
I love that you can give slow status to bosses, makes things so much more manageable.
>stepped on a curse trap!
>Ruby Talons+33 was cursed!
oh no whatever shall I do
How do I make an additional+5 to my equipment?
If you go to hone it when it's at max, you can take a gamble and either it will get a +5 or take it back to zero.
I think if you hone it for a +5 in the dungeon via a shop trap it's a guaranteed +5 though
>How do you deal with when bosses start charging for an attack?
manaward or angel robes are your only hope.
Just started
Give me tips anons
Don't be afraid to use good items.
People who hoard items will get fucked since inventory is very limited and they're absolutely necessary to avoid death if you're playing hard mode.
Magic attacks seem great at the start but they're useless later. The mages are only good for the buffing/debuffing spells
And buffs/debuffs are mandatory here.
Kicking items is very useful, from kicking healing items to your buddys, to kicking status effect drinks to bosses/enemies
Also yes, you can give status effects to bosses. Slow and poison is a good start to any boss fight
One of the first things you should do once you unlock the forge is fuse gold equipment into whatever you're using at the time, since it prevents rusting. Will save you a lot of frustration.