What are you hoping for in the Vampire; the masquerade sequel

what are you hoping for in the Vampire; the masquerade sequel

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from that shot of the boardwalk in the trailer it looks like its going to be in Santa Monica again. I was hoping for a new place, Like Seattle or Detroit

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Im not looking forward to the jedi force pushing you can do. Vampire abilities should be super strength, flight (to some degree) or charisma

That it doesn't make the same mistake vampyr did with muh LOADING time

Options for different builds
Really worried you can become a jack of all trades and the game becomes skyrim 2.0

I want to have a choice of who my ghoul will be. I don't want no more ugly nerd girls hanging out in my apartment.

>CHIASM posted on Facebook suggesting a possible collaboration

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are you joking? It's set in Seattle.

can you take a photo of that?
would be appreciated.

possibly homosexual
and strong independent women
also homosexual if possible

Competent writing, functional combat and abilities, minimal jank, conventional and serviceable two-to-three-path set piece and objective clearing.

I pray for the creativity and atmosphere of VTMB but I will settle for a 7/10, solid and enjoyable experience that is a bit by the numbers.

Lesbian vampires



A much stronger freedom-to mentality than a freedom-from mentality in the writing and RPG design.

source me now faggot, Ive been posting to set VTM is Seattle for years and I heard it was going to be set in CA again

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Nothing. It's gonna suck.

This thread hasn't gone there yet so how about you shut the fuck up before it does?


better gun and melee weapons. I like eating people just as much as the next guy but sometimes I just want to shoot things

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lots and lots yuri with grey de lisle

You must be fun at parties

have you been living under a rock?

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Got you covered senpai

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Vampire titties. Lots of them.

bloodlines2.com/ scroll down to the first panel, my dude.

Did you just skip all the announcement and info about the game user?

I want to see an actual war between the vampire clans, much like how the 5 famalies were set up in the godfather game. You pick your clan and have to do a series of missions based on your choices relating to killing, stalking or taking over enemy territory. I also want to go rouge and start murdering NPCs at night, getting to drag their bodies and pose them for others to find

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Thanks for the nice blood bag mommy.

Are you familiar with the WoD? It gets weirder than a video game can ever represent. Especially MtA and WtO/ORPH. And is looking to continue on that trend in Deviant.

Modern Deus Ex gameplay and gothy shit. Hopefully they'll have a competent soundtrack and good licensed shit.
also big tiddy goth gfs, this is probably the most important element that the sequel should have.

good gameplay and atmosphere as well as a highly customizable character creator which allows me to create bela lugosi or a slut with big jugs

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Nothing to be honest, learning about the new setting burned me out, I just hope it fails, I don't want to see another modern White Wolf related game.

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its doesn't even need to be a good game, just completed and not complete shit. like its disappointing to play and game and know how much is missing. ill even be okay with it brimming with sjw politics as long as theres some hot vampire ladies

big jugs lugosi

I wonder what kind of deep bullshit we'll get into this time.
More antedeluvians? THIS TIME FOR REAL
More ghosts?
Werewolf tribes?
Caine as your local delivery service?
What is Seattle known for in WoD?

just a game made by people passionate about the setting and what their making.

man Ive been posting this for years saying WA would be the perfect setting and the DEVS finally listened to one of our threads
youre welcome boys

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The second inquisition would be cool
Also expecting more zombies/infected vamps

>Being an homossexual satanist beast
I'm hoping I can be a human vampire hunter and fuck vampire chicks before killing them

>More antedeluvians? THIS TIME FOR REAL
Most sleeping
>Caine as your local delivery service?
Somewhere in the middle east

can you fuck off and stop posting in these threads

Equal levels of comfy that the first game provided.

Nice hubs
Fun disciplines
Half-decent combat
Interesting characters

>Massive Attack actually provides some music for the game
>Game goes from wacky fun to serious when you feel like it
>Actually able to go through the whole game with pure tongue fuckery
>Malkavian, Noseferatu, and other distinct clans provide replayability due to the difference in content for the game
>Improved combat

All of that plus more or less of what we got from the first game. Improving combat can't be anywhere difficult considering how subpar it was.

Proper Transgender representation in the undead community.

>Caine as your local delivery service?

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this, and also that it manages to avoid the problem VTM2 had near the end like the never ending sewer and the bosses that ruined anyone who didn't focus on a combat build

I meant VTM1 obviously

A better gangrel form

The world and the dialogue reacting to your chosen clan.

Something this simple but profoundly important is definitely going to be overlooked. I know it.

The only thing I'm hoping for is that I'm alive to see it next year.

I'm hoping for a Nintendo Switch release.

Do you guys think they'll imply anything about Gehenna in the game? I'd like to have the story have a bunch of crossroads depending on what you do and throw you into the setting as a caitiff or thin-blood with the potential for diablerie or some sort of power inheritance which effects your standing with the Masquerade and the average kindred. I don't know much about the lore, but some subtle clues about esoteric shit was something I really enjoyed from Bloodlines.

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Kiasyd bf.

But who taxi?

Nothing as far as I know in oWoD, there's no seattle by night book as far as I can tell, only info I see is that it's a camerilla city, the locals fucking hate anarchs cos the nosferatu justicar used to live there I guess? he had some influence about the place, anarchs and sabbat used to take runs at the city to try and take it, etc etc.

I suppose you will have to amaranth and then shit goes down so nobody will have time to care about your non crime.

why are titties so great
it defies explanation
it's insane

Good to see you have standards user. I'll bet you'd be happy with someone shitting in your mouth as long as they thanked you afterwards too.

did you not play the game nigger

>Implying a taxi was considered a delivery service in 2004

Who set the fire?
Was it really LaCroix?

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survivor, if you please
can't have you disempowering victims of violence

Why would he when he could just have a lackey do it for him in secret? I regret making fun of Nines in that situation and calling him a baby.
Pic related was my face not even 30 seconds later.

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guns are throwaway pickups

Imagine being this pathetic.

nope, deconfirmed.

the funniest part is it's actually fairly abnormal for only a single werewolf to show up to remove leech because they run in packs.
I guess the borf that grabbed nines was a metis.

helicopter names as pronouns
no buy if they don't do it

I'm user, Hind / Hindem

Big titty goth sluts

>What is Seattle known for in WoD?
A lot

Get this message to the fucking devs

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This, but unironicaly

mfw i killed it on my first playthrough
coming from p&p i was in a panic when that cunt appeared, so it was all the sweeter

he's right though
anything related to current year white can only be not awful through divine miracle

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Too bad. You'll only get ironic big titty goth sluts

I will not get anything then, since I won't buy the game unless it has unironical big titty goth sluts

I'd say the biggest thing for vtm is probably having one of the justicars put up his feet there, prince of seattle must have been sweating bullets the entire time unless the justicar just acted as the prince there too.

Not sure you understand what irony means, but what you said isn't negative in the slightest.

they probably split up to cover larger ground looking for the arsonist
two were at the same place still
then again i never read werewolf, only thing i know is that there are human-born werewolves fucking wolf-born werewolves

Homids and Lupus yes, there's a third one called metis which is werewolf on werewolf, which is technically spiritual incest so they get a free deformity, sterility, and social shitting on for their parents trouble.

different types of vampires, I dont want every clan to just be the emo scene from the early 2000s

That's the point of having clans you dip, VtM in the first place was basically romping around creating clans of every pop culture type of vampire out there, you want emo interview with a vampire shit? clan toreador, you want to turn into a bat? gangrel, you wanna lord it over the peons? ventrue, you wanna sleep in a coffin with your homelands earth and be a complete fucking monster? tzimitsce

They've already said you get to choose your clan. Have you never even seen the original Bloodlines?

either get to drive vehicles or get to fly. I dont mean like superman flight, but getting to glide through the air and float for a little while and stalk victims

Ghouls are problematic



Gangral are an independent Clan now I think.

they technically were even in revised edition, they had just left the camerilla en masse because their justicar saw some shit and the rest of the camerilla was like "shhhh they don't exist silly gangrel" so he said fuckit, we out

Ideally, all the hyper sjw shit of v5 doesn't rear its annoying head.

wod has already been maximum cringe.

>inb4 possessed fax machines


For it to live up to the original. And if it doesn't live up to the original, at least more people are playing it now, I want to play it in virtual reality at some point.


Let's see from which clans we can chose this time


Boring Clan

things that I absolutely must have

>distinct clans from last game with same powers and new powers
>gangrel with werebat protean form
>choice of melee, unarmed, or firearms for combat

I really just want a more polished VTMB1 so dont drastically change it.

also no gangrel werebat no buy

>Ventrue but better and Catholic

>V5 Lasombra

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I'm just playing VtM:B for the first time, and boy, it's a good thing I didn't play it sooner. Probably would've pulled my dick off if I had discovered Jeanette during puberty.

Ventrue aren't fun either, Toreador ftw

W-What did they do to the Lasombra, user?

I wan-
I NEED more Malkavian shenanigans. Preferably insightful wisdom and zen shit about the truth of things. My first playthrough way back when I first played the game in 2007 was with a Malkavian and I had no idea what the fuck was going on or able to recognize how the dialogue spoiled shit for me. It was really interesting and left an impression on me.
Especially towards the end of the game where the dialogue boxes gave you the option to scream in horror when you were being interrogated by the taxi driver. The implications of that scene didn't make sense until the very end scene and after I used Auspex on him for the first time.

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They fucked obtenebration

They can see in the dark now.

It took me a while to realize the tuna joke actually had a meaning too, with your sire being the tuna's father and the chef being the Sheriff/LaCroix, and that going independent while choosing to no longer play the game is the only way to "win"

Redpill me on thin bloods. What's their deal? From what I could gleam from other threads they're the weakest of vampires, but potentially the strongest because they can steal powers?

>Toreador ftw
Bet you like twilight too.

>mass embrace
I bet Jack's involved

So Yea Forums, which clan has the best song at Succubus Club and why is it Tzimisce?

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They can make up disciplines and are partially human.

Jack's dead. Well, dead dead.

Jacked fucked off to East Africa after Bloodlines. But yeah, that doesn't mean he can't be involved in this.

And Beckett too
They're having gay sex in hell now

V5 gave thin bloods the ability to use thin blood alchemy, which basically involves combining ingredients with specific types of human blood to manifest temporary powers. Those powers include shit like minor telekinesis like we see in the trailer as well as being able to copy relatively weak versions of other disciplines

>you will never fuck Jack in the ass while you force him to sing sea shanties for you

Any vampire can steal powers. The act of devouring another vampire is all that's necessary to do so; specifically, draining them of their last drop of blood. Initially, thinbloods and caitiffs can choose any power from the vampire pool from the start at the cost of increased experience cost or something like that. They're considered a very ill-omen because their existence infers a possible vampiric Armageddon in which everyone is essentially fucked. Thin bloods may be more likely to resort to diablerie, the act of devouring another more powerful vampire's essence in order to become stronger themselves, because they're so weak and their blood is so diluted from the original vampire. AKA, "thin"blood. Might be some special circumstances in the game where dying vampires give us their power and allow us to feed on their essences in order to become stronger.
When they feed on vampires like that, they basically jump up a generation closer to the original vampire, depending on how old the vampire was. I might be incorrect in some of this stuff.

They learn rare disciplines easier and can make their own. Every vampire can become stronger by stealing powers trough diablerie (drinking all of another vampires blood)

With all the gender stuff I just wanna make a playable Astolfo.

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>there will be crafting to boodlines2

Is the fledgling from the 1st game going to make an appearance or something? I mean they fucked up a lot of shit.

I want to be a gay black pansexual omniqueer dyke please
my pronouns are engine/start and if this game DARES not include those i'm giving the devs a twitter meltdown that puts the entire watergate deposition to shame

also if I don't see at least 2 dozen midgets, POC, disabled and obese NPCs god help me I will rain blue hair dye on them and they will drown in it

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You are the cauldron and the ingredients. You don't craft blood.

>square toed shoes

They are going to mention a neo nate fucking ship up, but they are not going to mention his choices, given that it would ruin the first game.

I want to be a transvestite and go to communist rallies to convince normies that vampires are a disenfranchised class of people(?) and that we need equal rights and toilets.

Pronouns: Your Fuckiness / Fuckaluckadingdong

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I’m hoping they do it this way, since you can still do alchemy in a regular container or another human body but the self-cauldron method seems the best to be translated to gameplay.

There are some things known.

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Guaranteed it's gonna be dogshit. Complete SJW fest already. How can you fucking ruin a classic. It's like ruining Warhammer.

Nothing. A soulless cashgrab baking on nostalgia.

Fuck Chinks and fuck Kuei-Jin


The game is based on V5, why should i hope for anything?

>Playing Malk
>Whisper sfx occur when given dialogue options

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that got retconned

Boy do I have news for you

>tfw you know that HE knows

this would be nice

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>they had just left the camerilla en masse because their justicar saw some shit and the rest of the camerilla was like
this is kind of dumb considering how independent gangrel are typically anyway

Is there a N-word for vamps?



It's hard to say "better XYZ" because the original game is still very fun to play, and cutting out what it felt like to replace it with modern generic stuff would not be an improvement. However:
>combat that has more weight and fluidity but not so much of either that it doesn't feel like the modernised successor to the days of yore
>better level design (eg: fewer levels which penalise non-combat, melee, or shooting character builds, and more alternate paths)
>Deeper integration of options you take throughout the game into the ending; a more granular ending
>more weight to the humanity and masquerade scores in terms of dialogue and story
>more opportunities to talk your way out of situations
>a similar "noir" feeling
>more involvement of factions in the story, as opposed to how in 1
the camarilla was underused and the sabbat were just antagonists, and not even primary antagonists
>the return of
Jack and the taxi driver

gib pls

Some hilarious malkavian shit.

Lasombra are mostly camarilla now, so they might be playable

That it will be better than shitty second half of vtmb. Just fucking remember this. No dialogue options. No stealth options. Just fucking "kill 100 enemies to progress"

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Everyone told me not to go Malk the first time but I did and enjoyed the shit out of it

I never finished the first game, were you an evil vampire or could you choose to be good or evil?

The reason for that is because of potential spoilers and the fact that playing as Noseferatu and Malk offer very different playstyles than the other clans.

So if a thin blood diablerizes a clan vamp and becomes that clan, do they keep their alchemy?

How many memes will Malk dialogue have?

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It's pretty easy to miss the spoilers if it's your first time and the different playstyles are why some people might like them more. You shouldn't tell new players to definitely play or not play certain clans, but to just pick whatever sounds most interesting.

By simply existing as a vampire, you were "bad". That much is stated by humans and vampires alike. But, in terms of gameplay, the lower your humanity, the less likely you were able to sympathize with humans. So the choice was pretty much up to you, besides the initial eternal damnation thing.

All vampires are manipulated by their elders, even a humane vampire might be just a peon of a monstrous Methuselah, the salubri are the only good vampires, they can't even feed without consent.

>being this much of a whiny whiteboi

>bosses that ruined anyone who didn't focus on a combat build
I find this really annoying. I got into the prosthetic guy quest where you basically just walk down a set of stairs and fight him in a room. I kept dying to him and there was literally no other way to get through that quest other than fighting. I had to reload until I just got lucky getting through his blocks and he died. There is no way to talk to him, no way to investigate the environment for another solution, no other option than to just circle the table in the room and punch him for 60 seconds. Really fucking abysmal game design.

I think it's ironic that people warn new players to not play Malkavian because of potential spoilers when not all of them are super obvious. I chose to play Malk and didn't have anyone warn me and was confused by a lot of the dialogue options and wrote them off as mostly nonsensical ramblings or some beach bum trying to use outdated lingo.


Outside of that godawful sabbat level, the only main story parts where you were forced into combat with massive hordes of enemies were the monastery building and the jade statue crossbowmen. Or the sewers, although that was less stressful for me at least.
Even the part where the guard with the suicide vest I was able to glitch out by dropping from above onto the ladder, which initiated the conversation trigger and timer, but didn't actually put him or the others into combat mode.

Just Blood Buff and punch him. Even a character with no points in combat stats can easily kill him.

All the cringe one.

Gangrel are independent in the "Self sufficient loner" kind of way not the Brujah "Fuck the Man" kind of way. They're always had an overarching modus operandi they all encourage each other to subscribe too and they'll bully or kill those who don't.

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im thinking about getting VTMB redemption, any input on that?

I read that you can be gangrel but do they have the cool protean form?

I did. Still shit.

So essentially a lot of gangrel lead and collectively say 'fuck it we're out'?
What about those that want to stay

They get to stay. For the Camarilla though, that's gotta sting. It's like you've got 1,000 swordsmen, and 999 of them left. You've still got your other units, but the loss of that many still has to sting, even if your army doesn't take morale damage.

Do you like diablo?
Main character is brujah.

I’m hoping lasombra are playable.

I think regardless vamps are fucked at this point. Really only a matter of time before more havens get bombed by the inquisition, chaos etc, vamps reacting, more elders waking up pisses off the technocrats to actually do something about it

I want a Sabbat route. Anarchs are childish and nieve. The Camarilla is corrupt and weak. Might makes right and the kine should be forced to submit to the lords of the night.

The Gangrel are fairly well unified enough as a clan since Sire/Childer relations are pretty solid, they're honesty keeps most issues and grudges out in the open where they're quickly dealt with. There are of course always exceptions but when the Gangrel do things it's often with enough unity that they can be considered their own faction entirely.

No one actually wants to stay in the Camarilla except people who are in a descent position controlling it, or are friends with people in a descent position, or are being groomed to take up a position (Read; Ventrue, Tremere and their Toreador fuck buddies) Given that the institution is dedicated to directing human life and upholding the masquerade, but most Gangrel live in the woods where nothing ever happens, any sightings can be dismissed as "lol bigfoot", and they generally dislike the game of Jyhad, the Gangrel don't really need it.

Anyone else feel bad for this chick? Seems like one of the few people in the game who actually gave a shit about you.

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Because Tzimisce is the best clan.

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>but most Gangrel live in the woods
how do they not get violated by werewolves

Why does the Tzimisce shitpost live on the radio?

what did you guys do when this happened?

i was just dumbstruck, followed her to the phone, just listened to her call, i felt pretty anxious about it all, half way through the call i realized i might have to kill her, and i just couldn't do it.

when she started following me around i almost did it, but when i went into asp hole and started the ash quest line, coming out of the sewers she had disappeared

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BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PC FROM FIRST GAME ??? Cant he stomp the shit out of a lot of people? Isn't he powerful enough to be aware of and look out for? What do you think he is doing?

they do, all the time.

the lone wolf thing works on a philosphical level.

but not every gangrel can use warform even remotely soon after the embrace.

i'm sure they roam in packs

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Werewolves are fairly rare, they're not always out to kill all vamps 24/7, Sometimes an area is wooded but surrounded by Urban growth which makes it more inaccessible to them, sometimes random dick ass Gangrel who aren't even doing anything just aren't their biggest fish to fry, or maybe the Gangrel are hanging close a small town as opposed to the City like most Kindred.

Werewolves only really start getting really uppity againts vampires when either A. theres some ecological disaster that has pissed them off, someone has been feeding on Wolf kin, or if the Vampires start a grudge match that the wolves reciprocate (Fucking Sabbat love starting grudge matches)

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Yea Forums to shut the fuck up about it since it won't be out for another year and everything they've seen or heard will have changed by then.

Good writing. Writers in general seem less competent these days for some reason, and I don't trust them to make stories or dialogue that are as engaging as those in the original game.

Good integration of DLC content into the story. It's going to have DLC out the ass assuming it doesn't bomb, so hopefully the DLC content at least doesn't feel too modular or tacked on. E.g. if they add a new playable clan, it should feel like it was there from the start; you shouldn't be able to notice how the seam lines where they awkwardly sewed it to the base game.

what if a gangrel was blowing up pentex shit
how do the furries react

>what the fuck is this nigger doing
>doesn't matter, let's go yiff before we bomb another factory and kill a bunch of innocent humans

Might as well ask here...
How do you complete the museum level without killing anyone? To me it seems impossible because my sneaking skill is low and I cant shut down the cameras with hacking because that is low aswell. Does it effect the game if I just slaughter everyone?

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Look up the computer passwords on Gamefaqs. Some disciplines can temporarily disable people to let you pass unnoticed. The first Dominate spell does that, unless the Plus Patch changed it.

werewolves are the biggest dumbasses in the WoD


>Hey Sweetie, Bloodlines is a great game, but it doesn't represent people of color in a positive manner. We're totally counterculture but we support every establishment talking point. Goth culture is politically correct now, honey.

I swear these people have never interacted with black people in the real world and get all their information from hollyjew and twitter. Any black "stereotype" is downplayed 100% compared to how their behavior really is. Characters like Fat Larry sell shit on street corners all over the place here, and he was a pretty fun character

t. live in majority black city

you gotta dance for a few seconds and they all come back

>Saulot and Tremere are pulling the biggest prank ever
>everyone just fucks off to go to Carbombistan
Poor guys

I'll.miss the horrible Chinese accents the most there's no way they could do that now

Yes. Whenever someone says they want more black characters in games what they mean is they want white characters blackwashed. Fat Larry was a fucking OG and one of the first non-vamp characters that springs to mind when I think of vtmb

>mass embrace
so (You) got lured to a massive orgy? what a good way to become a vamp

luckily my first playthrough I was a high persuasion toreador because I figured it would give me more dialogue options so I convinced her I was someone else.

second playthrough as protean gangrel I followed her to the phones, went were bat and ate her right there. some how no one saw me so no masquerade violation. did the same thing for that stripper hunter quest because I could not get in the room and the fat guy was bugged and wouldnt leave so I just opened the middle window in were bat form and scared the shit out the dancers. vv was not happy but fuck her.

I would love fat larry to have a cameo in this game where he is taking a video of some paranormal shit and goes


hopefully /our guy/ Chunk will be the head of security for whoever replaces the Camarilla as the big honchos of vamp world

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I hope they don't bring too many cahracters back, that shit would be weird

The voice acting for the wereshark before it transforms was the most memorable part of Suki's quest for me. The guy was so obnoxious on top of being a hilariously insensitive racial stereotype.

>that shit would be weird

Like if a third of the characters are returning it would be weird, I don't mind a few though

It's gonna be a very strong woman instead. Or it's him but with a sex change.

Personally I feel like it would fall to much in the
Plus it'd be nice if the new game could have it's own fun characters instead of relying too much on old ones

The only one who would be weird to return is Therese/Jeanette, because this would establish canon choice.

>It's like ruining Warhammer.
Which is precisely what Mythic did. But that's what you get when you pull all your alpha/beta testers from your DAoC playerbase. They all wanted DAoC2 instead of Warhammer. And the rest is history.

The new game is in Chicago, right? Wouldn't it be really strange/unlikely if a whole bunch of vampires from LA just happened to be on the other side of the country right when we're playing the game? I get the instinct to want to see your favourite characters again, but that would be too much.

I wanna make my character look like Sarina Valentina with the dick included

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If you're looking to do any sort of non-lethal playthrough you're definitely gonna need to up your sneaking skill, friend. It's pretty much required.

I heard its an 82 man Dev team...id be worried but its not a full open world so I'm still optimistic...hopefully they can work some magic

Hey fags, is there a character customization mod for Bloodlines 1? I wanna give it a go through but most of the characters look ugly as fuck.

Especially the gangrel and his fucking dreadlocks.

>id be worried but its not a full open world
Where'd you hear that?

Vampires are immortals. And it's been 15 years since vtmb. Anything could've happened.

some others too but yeah

social stats not being a dump stat and useless after half the game

game's in seattle

play the fem gangrel

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I'm against the force push as well, but I think vampire abilities go way beyond just that. I want to see some mystic shit.

As shit as NWoD was I liked that it changed werewolves from edgy Captain Planet to spirit world guard dogs. That's a change I'd like to see going forward.

No. You spend most of the game in first person anyways

Hub areas like the original buddy they've been saying it in the interviews

...right, but even considering the supernatural themes and the passage of time, the reasons for a bunch of people who mostly hate each other all packing up and moving cross-country with the people they hate are few and stretch the suspension of disbelief too thin.

Oh, okay. Point still stands.

Dev Commentary from the announcement event. Game is hub based like the first one.

I'm a handful of quests into Chinatown and I think I can say I liked only Jack and Mercurio this entire time.
I don't see how this is called a GOAT in any sense of the term

I don't want to. I want to play as male.

I'm tempted to play Nosferatu since he looks cool, but I remember that it was a pain in the ass to do a playthrough as him.

This new "hub world" meme has to stop. It's kind of a shame, a full city with Dying Light style parkour could be fun as fuck.

Not even a KoTOR style model swap?

Hub areas that are crowded and feel alive would be great. The hubs in the original game were good for the time but now seem a little barren and sterile.

>Doesn't like Fat Larry

I guess only the real recognize real

I still thinking Santa Monica is a pretty good hub, but Downtown and Hollywood are just lines and it really hurts them when you realize that

I completely forgot about Fat Larry, too bad he only has like 3 lines

yet the exist in the new books, both of them

I think Jack is dead in V5 canon.

Story and character wise Werewolf the Forsaken is definitely leagues better than Werewolf the Apocalypse. Most issues from nWoD is trying to fix something that was never broken.

to have them my pronounces in it and to be able to pick your religion :3

>Make Islamic Nosferatu
>Go around dragging thots and faggots into the sewers and butchering them
Hell yeah

No one cares about anything that is not a game. Tabletop is shit, filled with sjw degeneracy and idiotic balances and plots.

there ARE model swaps but I don't think there's any for male gangrel, sucks

>Dash through level spamming Brain Wipe

The player not being voiced made me nearly preorder the game
All I need us a good gameplay video showing everything off and I'm full mast

That sucks. Fucking dreadlocks.

really makes you feel like a freak on a leash huh?

Nah, just looks ugly.


Attached: prince.png (414x356, 170K)

I was making a Korn reference, since he looks like a groupie

Oh my god Chunk with a sex change would be the absolute greatest thing ever

I haven't thought about Korn since my balls first dropped.



I haven't thought about nu-metal period since my balls dropped.

What do you expect from a group of people that worship the early 2000s so much they still dig goth culture

This photo makes me feel uncomfortable...

Is this gonna be 2nd edition or the newest garbage edition?

I actually remembered them earlier today and listened to some of their older stuff. My brother who has autism constantly reminds me about them because he knew I loved listening to them when I was younger.

solid clan variety
the first felt like very different games depending on your class, which was aces for replayability

that won't really be in the game, right?

That I can play a Werewolf so I can go full Crinos and purge all the unclean degenerates in the name of Gaia.

A Korn song wouldn't have been out of place in the first game, even if it would have been a little jarring. Shit even has lacuna coil in it and there are posters for goth and emo bands throughout the game.

You can start by offing yourself, furry fuck.
If you actually wanted to purge the world of scum, you'd become a Hunter.

You play as a thin blood vampire. There using Vampire World of Darkness Vol 5 rules for this game. In Vol 5. Thin Blood are unable to create ghouls.

It's the Green New Deal werewolf style

I hated that chic.

Is it really a big deal to you user do you really care? What do you hope to achieve by complaining about it?

Final Death

>Is it really a big deal to you user do you really care?
The same question to people who want pronouns in the game.

think about it this way:
seattle is a turbo lefty city, so it would be weird if they weren't in the game

btw, any news on that Werewolf game by Cyanide?

A lot of leftist Anarchs you can btfo.
Option to pick your derangement for Malkavian

>seattle is a turbo lefty city, so it would be weird if they weren't in the game
Do they already enforce pronouns in Seattle? If it's not realistic potrayal of the city for the sake of immersion why it's made this way?

I've only been there a few times, I don't think it's enforceable but for sure there's people that will get mad about it

i hope it's very sexy

i want to go into the club and dance in third person
i want a comfy apartment
i want the atmosphere to be just right

Day 1 mods. Even if the chicks aren't hot enough, the community will solve it all themselves.
The future is bright, and customizeable.

have they confirmed customizeable lairs are a thing? The preorder they listed had a few things in reference to the first game that it gave you that only made sense as furniture and fixtures.
Having your own vampire lair would be dope as fuck.

A flop


i'll mod jeanette in if she's not in it


I want clan tzimiche so I can force sex changes on weaker vampires

You know what would be weird?
I vampires older than 20 years actually ever used your preferred pronouns because they're not retarded millenials and many have been alive for long enough that they'd probably end you for that degeneracy

For anti-sanism/mental health oppression faggotry to not colossally fuck Malks in the writing department.

Attached: I am no longer here.png (837x798, 864K)

Mental health problems will be portrayed accurately, so for example sometimes your malkavian will randomly get depressed and refuse to get out of his coffin or feed for several weeks

That Paradox doesn't get up its ass about brand synergy and fuck up the new fifth edition.

tfw no insano malk waifu

Lasombra with cool shadow manipulation powers as one of the playable clans. Masquerade violation when you talk to kine near a mirror.

>what are you hoping for in the Vampire; the masquerade sequel

a thinly-veiled DRUMBFVE nossie who is the ugliest vampire ever

Attached: vtm5e.png (193x198, 14K)

You realize the entire studio responsible for all that got completely disbanded right?

What is the dumbest masquerade violation?

>vampires telling people where you went so wrong in your life
what the fuck, look at a mirror you fucks :^)

there is no way they will be able to write malk as well as the first game

you can, and you can even choose which pronouns xhe uses to refer to zhirself

And you don't think whoever is making this game isn't similarly compromised and likely to have the exact same mindset?

I would enjoy a side quest involving a mage. I think it would be fun to throw one in to keep you off guard maybe midway through right as you are getting comfortable being able to deal with humans easily. A small cameo or hint of the technocracy would fun too.

Fifth Edition was an amazing clusterfuck. Lefties say it's rapey and alt-right, Yea Forums says it's too cucked and SJWy. Just nobody liked it.

Easily this

I want to see an Earthbound. One of those will go great with the Baali clan if they get included as enemies.

What game line has stuff most appropriate for the Pacific Northwest?

Hot out fo the oven
>all hubs open from start of the game
>removed applied skill points (??)

Attached: dancing nossie.webm (640x640, 2.05M)

You want Banu Haqim, it's their clan compulsion in v5 to throw acid in face of infidels.

Europeans are weird...

I thought lefties loved rape stories though as some sort of empowerment fiction. Like Dany in GoT, or the whole Handmaidens Tale thing.

Yeah. I remember when they were accused of being Nazis lol. They inherited a cluster fuck to begin with and I am just surprised they managed to push the story forward with only a few minor retcons. If they can't pull off a decent sixth edition down the track, especially after Bloodlines 2 makes bank and gets new people interested, then fuck em for good.

Some sort of power level thing like the werewolf in the first game would be great. You think you're some hot shit powerful vampire, and then you get your ass kicked by some low level immortal from another type of supernatural group.

>What game line has stuff most appropriate for the Pacific Northwest?

All that lush greenery gives itself toward being a Werewolf setting.

are you fucking retarded man

It's typical Amerinosmutt, 40% I guess

Malks don't really have mental health issues though, do they? They don't have issues with their brain chemistry or psychological hang ups because they weren't hugged enough as kids or something. They come across as crazy, but that's because they're literally hearing voices all the time whispering actual truths about the universe. It's no different than a story where a time traveller gets their timelines and dates messed up and acts confused over whether they've already told someone something or not. At least that's the impression I got from the game.

this, i fear the nu malks will be just spouting memes

It varies, a lot of them are actually just nuts on top of their malkavian madness. Malks tend to embrace humans who are already going off the side.

>MC: It was wanting to move things back towards that RPG and storytelling side. Those types of games, immersive sims, action RPGs, and things that give a lot of player agency and choice are awesome. I also wanted to push it, along with Brian, mainly Brian, I should say Brian wanted to push it [laughs] more into the RPG space. There’s been kind of a dearth of really good games that aren’t ashamed to call themselves RPGs. You have a lot of RPG elements in those games. Brian wants to make RPGs, I want to make RPGs, Hardsuit wants to make RPGs.

Cautiously optimistic.

I think it shows reflection now, just weird and distorted. People usually assume the mirror's fucky unless they investigate it

lefties dont know what the alt right is

the alt right is justly dead and has been since last year at least

Ideally, Malkavian playthrough should be something like Hellblade. Not just dialogue, but visual and auditory hallucinations, talking to characters that aren't there, that kind of shit. Not just cryptic and esoteric dialogue.

Not really.

Fellow kindred - I want to raise a toast for our Anarch brothers, especially Rudi.

Attached: Vampire bloodlines toast.png (1486x1270, 1.21M)

When I first played Malk in VTMB, I had that bug that causes the power lines to all wave around like mad. It wasn't present in my first playthrough, and I thought it was just a Malk thing. Was pretty entertaining.

She has three pearl necklaces from all the titty fucking she does in the game.

>replaying Bloodlines
>get to the ocean house
>didn't think I'd be spooked
>end up thoroughly spooked

Attached: 1548883472712.jpg (357x417, 60K)

In the patch that makes the game playable they actually fix that bug for all clans except malk.

Thank you for this post. Playing the game again with the unofficial patch with extras and powerlines are going fucking ballistic.
The whispers make me jump sometimes.

I know people talk about 'shovelware studio' but I think motivation plays a massive factor into game quality. The team seems legitimately excited to work on the game

Attached: Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2019.03.25 - (1896x800, 1.84M)

>What the fuck do I have to be afraid of?
>I am the one who knocks
>Proceed to shit my pants from a little toy's horn

Mercurio and Beckett should be the only ones returning.

What about Pisha?

>Pisha will never plunder your flesh
why do i even unlive

Some social justice (finally).

Don't open it.

how does the game enforce pronouns? I can't imagine npcs actually using them, that would be unrealistic

>Malks don't really have mental health issues though, do they?

They all do. A Malkavian's embrace always spawns a vampire that's been rendered incurably insane in one way or another through derangement. Everything from D.I.D. like Jeanette, to Schizophrenia and O.C.D., to silly stuff like Klazomania.

good bait

Don't open it.

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I don't think they'd actually enforce them
If I had to bet I'd say theres probably a trans character and another one that off-hand gets called xir or some shit


I can only imagine it's just a character sheet thing and nothing else because having NPCs record new dialog for a few pronouns seems like it would take up more time and money

>That is right Heather, only I can share blood with you and make you feel this way!
>Yes omg that's awesome what can I do for you my master
>You got any money?

always loved that set of lines

How come a cool vampire MMO was never tried? I always thought Masquerade had a great setting for one. Then again, I guess they never turn out fun to play, even if the entire clan / social dynamic was sandbox style and up to players.

There were plans for an MMO

Youre Satan arnt you

>everything he says is true
>his sound files are in a folder called prophet

Attached: pik.jpg (432x300, 20K)

>mfw stealing the guitars and shit from the other apartments in downtown and throwing them into my room and stuffing the elevator with all the chairs in the building until it doesnt work anymore

>yfw he quotes GY!BE

So is sucking blood without consent.

im hoping that it doesent turn out like andromeda, because its got the recipe to. Ive played the original like 30+ times and only got bad juju from what ive heard.

>dead franchise revived some time later
>even worse its got a completely new team
>ruminations of sjw politics and batshit developers
>everyone pleading it will go okay and that the people doomsaying are insane

my prediction is that not only will it have a moderate to large amount of blatant progressive politics injected in a poorly written and immersion breaking way, but the unrelated aspects of the game will suffer due to the nature of the work place not promoting quality developers. Everything ive seen so far about the dev environment and the higher ups suggests to me that if you were to complain or attempt to fire someone or not hire their friend you'd be outed from the industry for discrimination. That means alot of wasted money and people not doing their jobs right.

Dont get hyped over something which has a recipe for disaster. Wait for it to come out, then hype it up or shit it down depending on the quality so we dont play into conning some dipshits who got caught on a hype train.

Are vampires the weakest immortals?

Is there a list of all the Malk lines from the crazy talk in your head?
Also who's Rosa talking about when she says the man with the crest. I'm able to understand the rest of what she says except for that

You can go to dance clubs as a Nosferatu? I thought they just acted smug in the sewers only and had work around for quests like an annoying challenge run, so I have been avoiding them.
Are they actually a fun class? I've only done Toreador and Malkavian so far.


They're fun if you max Obfuscate ASAP and like lockpicking/hacking to go through more alternate routes. You can still talk to most NPCs except for a few humans, and you can walk around on the streets as long as you don't get too close to anyone.

If you do play one, max Obfuscate first like I said, then get Potence and points into defensive stats for boss fights. But also put one point into Animalism, because you can spam Burrowing Beetle while attacking with melee which lets you do a huge amount of damage to bosses.

I hope VtMB2 makes it easier to break the masquerade/harder to stay secret. It was way too easy to avoid breaking it in the first game to the point you intentionally had to go out of the way to do so.

Wait, everything wasn't supposed to be wobbling? I had everything from thick iron chains to Christmas lights flying around.

"The sewers are all muddied with a thousand lowly/lonely suicides!"
its one of his lines

in most situations, particularly when caught off guard mages are weakest, but that's if you include them

vamps have a huuuuge range of power though

Aren't mages reality warpers?


the problem with warping reality is that reality doesn't like to be warped with and is not afraid to smack a stupid motherfucker trying to warp it

Social degeneracy you mean.

>hello young cainite

Attached: 220px-Nymphicus_hollandicus_-aviary_-upper_body-8a-1c[1].jpg (220x220, 11K)

I played a Malk and got that glitch in the second safehouse where everything slowly transforms into a single random model. Everything in my apartment turned into a telephone. Everything.

Then a phone started ringing.

! ! !

Attached: 1491799253334.gif (400x225, 1.07M)

Malkavian and Nosferatu are the only drastic changes to a playthrough, yeah? Everyone else just has different abilities and slight variations?

I like Malkavian the best, but I did that one recently and I still want to play something fierce. Also, undead cheerleaders are hard to beat.
I'm thinking either Prince's Puppy as the werewolf(?)/bat since I've done the other two endings, or fuck the world as a Nosferatu because fuck everybody except Chunk and Damsel.

backing up people against a wall as gangrel and just laying into them without worrying about spacing is so nice

>Malkavian and Nosferatu are the only drastic changes to a playthrough, yeah? Everyone else just has different abilities and slight variations?
Yeah pretty much. Tremere get a unique haven but it's mostly a few unique lines of dialogue for each clan.

I'd do the Nosferatu first, it'll make playing a regular clan after seem more interesting.

I might as well ask here. There's not big batch texture mod right? I'm currently downloading all the prop skin stuff by gothicseraphim.

wish there was a mod that turned off the melee-lock on shit. makes it really hard to hit the first claw attack


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Okay, I appreciate the help. Maybe I'll install one of those mod packs too, Clan Quest or something.

Ah, one more question. Female or male Nosferatu? I am inclined towards female characters for obvious reasons, but both of them are not exactly my type.
Leather bound male or disfigured girl cursing the world?
Can I seduce people as one? Can I try?

>Or it's him but with a sex change.
the only character I'd accept it for

How would it even work if vampires can't take estrogen?

Attached: pills queer.jpg (346x546, 27K)

>The fucking warehouse

Attached: DvwQFiNVsAgLmUS4.jpg (651x441, 75K)

Isn't she a transwoman now? I remember a "love gun"

i want to
b e l i e v e

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Clan Quest Mod is pretty good.

I like playing a male Nosferatu, just seems more fitting. Not entirely sure about seduction, I know you can't raise your Appearance stat, but not sure about Subterfuge. Would be pretty funny to see a Nosferatu trying to sefuce someone though.

He's pure and all natural.

Attached: 1553549149992.jpg (1060x1500, 233K)

It's a metaphor or just crazy ramblings from a Malk. Don't take everything literally/seriously.

Became her pet turtle and we agreed to have brunch sometime.

Games need hard checks like this to remind the player to invest in combat skills, that's why I never got how people get into trouble in the sewers. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it good and sensible design.

Forcing people to reload a level until the block rng goes in their favor and they kill their opponent is not a good way to incentivize that player to put points into combat. Eat shit you fucking retard.


I was thinking mentally deranged girl desperately trying to hang onto any semblance of her old life after she was horribly disfigured, but I guess it'd be pretty amusing.

I will stitch your words into my head, and swallow their meanings. Many thanks, shrouded one.

>games up for pre-order
>not even one picture of in game footage
>no clue about content
>supposedly coming out next year
>no official release date
>sjw trash confirmed
please tell me you didn't throw your money away, Yea Forums


Of course not. I'm going to wait to see if the game looks like absolute shit. If it looks good, like the sort of thing I'd buy day-one, then I'll pre-order shortly before release just to get the ransomed goodies.

Better combat and movement than the first game, but by building on it, not throwing the baby out with the bath water and replacing it with some casual press F to awesome cancer.
So that means:
-viable gunplay that feels nice, made even more OP with celerity
-correct ammo types, so that a shotgun takes shells while a SMG and 9mm take parabellum and MG use 7.65 or whatever, and exotic ammo types such as silver bullets, UV rounds or grenades (use with caution), holy water (does that work in WoD? I forget) or some other technocracy-tech stuff
-fun melee and the possibility to use everything from lead pipes to bats and swords and all the more exotic stuff, but also being able to just throw regular items not just to distract enemies but for damage too
-fast locomotion and mantling and their related disciplines so you can use the environment to your advantage against overwhelming odds
-proper stealth and obfuscate mechanics, by which I mean real light/darkness and sound and line-of-sight based enemy detection and enemy AI that isn't too stupid or too bright but just right, preferably with the ability to notice if something is amiss by stuff like finding bodies or blood trails
-when in doubt look to how Dishonored and Dark Messiah did it

Here's your realistic mental health issues bro.

Attached: reeelfish.png (720x282, 35K)

reminds me of that goth phase I went through in college and the clubs I went to

It to be good and trigger people here at the same time. Without compromising one for the other.

man, vampire MMA would be fucking sick

>muh fishmalks
Glad you fags are getting btfo.

What don't you go vote?

There's a distinct difference between fish malks and regular malks. Video game malks give you the benefit of actual foreshadow because of the nature of the pre-written story and developments. I'm really in love with that and the way they talk; it reminds me of the jive shit and southern slang I used to hear growing up, except spoken eloquently.

Attached: 1540703109753.png (286x288, 32K)

>sjw route
>anti sjw route
This would be ok

crab nipple

I think OP was thinking about more meaningful mechanics. That being said, I don't mind political stuff in the game provided it's tongue-in-cheek stuff aimed at all parties and ideologies that are relevant to the situation at hand in-game. If not, then I'd like to go for the option of strictly vampire politics. But the latter isn't as interesting if you ignore the possibilities of hypothetical afterlife hi-jinks in a government office.

I 100% agree with you, but their statement on the matter basically reads, no fishmalks or cheap laughs at OMGSORANDOM CRAY CRAY MALK. Not as a refutation of what would get rid of what makes VTMB malks great.

I did on my first play through. Even stayed allied to La Croix.

They tried and gave up. And no it would be terrible because no one gives a shit about immersion in MMOs and RP servers are full of cybersex perverts. Which is fine for a light hearted fantasy like WoW and Final Fantasy but half the strength of Vampire is in the atmosphere which would be immediately broken by some lvl 100 Malk covered in weapons glowing with flames doing the /floss dance and calling everyone a faggot in the starting zone.

Attached: 1553687968865.png (480x882, 319K)

>only 6% want no politics.
nu-Yea Forums on suicide watch.

Tzimisce almost never mass embrace, and if they do they’ll use you for what’s needed and then you’ll get a visit from the szlachta

>in most situations, particularly when caught off guard mages are weakest
don't bait the magefags like this

>Are they actually a fun class?
Yeah, they are. Obfuscate is really fucking OP and even if you get revealed you can pop Potence and bash their skull to death. I love NPC reactions to their appearance with the PC just acting like "Does my breath smell bad?"

CCP was developing it, but then EVE started shitting itself and losing players, so they ditched the vampires and concentrated on that instead.

>Male malks.
>Get a pimp outfit.
>Female malks.
>Get to be a trashy whore or a biker.
Not fair.

>My mind leaves and my body shall follow. Farewell.
>Who are you speaking to? I am no longer here.
>My shadow travels elsewhere.
>Like the unwilling's vitals, my leave, I take.
>Let silence mark my departure.

Why the fuck was Malk so god damn smooth holy shit

No one is going to play this socjus faggot game you balding deep voice tranny. Fuck off.

Attached: malk goes through ocean house.gif (290x163, 543K)

>without bias
this isn't possible, nothing is completely unbiased

is it even bait

Removing clan politics would be retarded.

I'm so sorry, anons.
Any time I saw or heard of a monkey paw make a wish I always wished for VTMB2.
It's all my fault.

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Why not Bella Lagosi WITH big jugs?

I said this when they were shitposting threads a while ago, and was assured that the orignal VTMB totally had 0 politics, by people who totally played the first game. But yeah I shouldn't be a retard and try and summon them here, so that is my last post on it.

To not be utter shit, but it probably will considering who's making it.

Attached: 1553390245919.jpg (851x1200, 131K)

Don't worry, user. I'm pretty happy it's even getting the attention to even warrant the sequel. Besides, there's been no gameplay reveal just yet, most of the discussion is conjecture and theories about the direction of the story regarding what little info we do have.

If it proves to be another THI4F or DmC, I'll tear every fraction of worthless skin from your weak bones and use your fucking capillaries to floss the remainder of your heart from my molars.

Attached: 1506610680418.jpg (750x521, 44K)


To be fair, that is a completely different studio, that some of started Hardsuit Labs when it died. Kinda like saying Obsidian is Black Isle. Hardsuit doesn't really have any games under it's belt and is an unknown quanitity. They ported Chivalry to console and got the rights to Blacklight Retribution. That is literally it.

Gangrel do no have good relations with their sires. They are lucky to even know who they are. Basically when a gangrel Sires someone they leave you to fend for yourself for the first few nights so newborns have a high mortality rate. The idea being that as a gangrel you should be able to make due on your own and survive on your own.

A good example of this is the gangrel caitiff responsible for the boardwalk murders that you hunt down.

As for community it’s mostly just weekly or monthly campfire meet ups where they see who can make the biggest boast and have the biggest dick. Other than that they usually go off on their own.

Most Sabbat gangrel are city gangrel called coyotes who roam in packs and don’t go full war form. A lot of the Sabbat you fight in bloodlines are specifically those. The ones that are in war form in later levels are Country Gangrel and are not as common in their ranks.

Also, Blacklight wasn't half bad. Fuck the haters.

Whoever remade the 'malk maze' really knocked it out of the park. Parts of it have me more unsettled than the ocean house

Attached: malk maze.jpg (2556x1440, 891K)

Fair, just remember people are mad about the sun existing. Everything's going to get shitposted.

Forgot to add: no need to reinvent the wheel with guns, I dislike the whole pick-up and discard idea because it reminds me of Battlefront and its setpiece-oriented bullshit. Just make ammo somewhat scarce like so many great games, and Bloodlines, did, and that way players will be forced to use disciplines and melee as well. There is absolutely nothing wrong with ammo scarcity, and if you have different ammo types this also further nudges players to switch around a lot and not ever rely on their one favorite OP weapon or anything.

This is going to be a long fucking year.

Attached: 1552132391006.jpg (634x619, 77K)

full genital customization


this, and rough inter course

Her face is disgusting

Too smooth, honestly. I feel like there's probably another 80% worth of Malks who stammer their way through conversation like a retarded Jeff Goldblum.

and these are the boomers making fun of fortnite dance.

>A good example of this is the gangrel caitiff responsible for the boardwalk murders that you hunt down.

Huh, that's interesting. I always thought he was embraced accidentally and his sire abandoned him, or he died like Lily's sire.

I'm hoping that if any NPCs bring up alt-right talking points, we are encouraged to shut that shit down in dialogue.

Attached: 1553149126511.png (1893x1024, 426K)

>Werewolves are fairly rare, they're not always out to kill all vamps 24/7, Sometimes an area is wooded but surrounded by Urban growth which makes it more inaccessible to them

You mean like Griffith park?

Yeah, but "No modern-day politics in the game, only politics within the universe" got over 60% votes. So more like "SJWLGBT on suicide watch".

I can make at least ten meme arrows from this with all the shit you can pick on to laugh at, but honestly this just straight up annoys me
>playing a character whose opinions you oppose can be a great way to understand how supremacist ideas work and how to spot and fight them in the real world

Why the fuck can't entertainment just be entertainment? Why must it be indoctrination every single time as well? Why the fuck is it their responsibility to 'save' society? Sure it's a tabletop for people that are supposed to be past the brainwashing phase, but this is just straight up preaching with no two ways about it.

Three years ago I would've been sure that image is satire, but now I don't even bother.

Wait so could you learn and/or make a bunch of abilities and the diablarise a bunch of vampires and become a higher generation while all of your previous disciplines? If yes then I'm surprised someone like the Sabbat hasn't tried making supersoldiers this way

The most cringed part is ((they)) are not even saving the society, they're actually ruining it! They are creating another type of "supremacy" and "privilege" only for pandering themselves, especially lgbt and feminazis. They want to every mass medias to echo their deranged ideology and shutting down anyone who refuse to obey, or you're "nazi" or "alt-right". They already become the "oppressive villain" themselves.

>consensualist, bagger, farmer or blood leech
Any WoDfag want to elucidate these? Aren't all farmers automatically baggers or do farmers feed straight from their victims on their "farm" and does bagger just indicate someone just buying it in bags, and what's a blood leech?

because theyd be hard to control

Oh yeah the Sabbat really gives a shit about control. Just drive them insane and throw them in the middle of camarilla territory to cause a shitstorm

yeah and then 2nd inquisition really gets pissed off
sabbat aren't really a coherent faction anymore anyway

Big tiddy vampires and big tiddy goth chicks.

Attached: big tiddy 1.jpg (1286x621, 194K)

Attached: big tiddy 2.png (1450x915, 907K)

goth heather is best heather

nobody is talking about this

Wait, who the fuck is Yukie?

slutty heather is best heather

First time through, little duckling? It's okay, why not spend some more time in china town hmm?

theyre all slutty

No, I have played through twice now, but I did miss a lot.
Please explain further, twintails/pigtails/drilltails are my fetish.

Anime girl with a katana

a staple of the genre tbqh

is there any other level that's as scary as the ghost hotel one?

Mass embraces are a Sabbat thing though.

Griffith Park with the Werewolf was some shit.

>A fucking street shark.
Now hold on a minute, wait just a second.

Which means we will have access to a few more clans than right? I am not up to date on V5 but I heard the sabbat has had a lot of defectors to the cammies.

It's really what I'm hoping ISN'T going to be in it...
I want for there not to be an over-complicated feeding system that takes 20 times longer than should ever be necessary.

To not to be bogged down with a dozen redundant and needlessly narrowed "backstory traits" that are supposed to encourage role-play but end up limiting it.

For them not to be so afraid of their own lore and offending people with shit in it that's supposed to be offensive that they water down everything and Force diversity.

For it not to be a disjointed, unfocused, contraindicating mess of separate ideas haphazardly slapped together.

Basically I want it not have all the stupid shit they did in v5.

Oh my, a reference to an obscure kids' show from the 90s? In my vidya?

A Sabbat campaign.

Not outright, but it is about a mass embrace (sabbat tactic) in seattle (camarilla stronghold) so maybe you get a choice.

>in most situations, particularly when caught off guard mages are weakest

How does one catch someone off guard when they have absolute knowledge of the space between objects in reality or can perceive the past and future happenings in a local area? With that being said the mage goes first, pops bullet time and makes everyone in the areas heart stop and die, and if you’re a fuck ass vampire without a heart you get lightning to the face that will do more than you have in hp in aggravated damage

The Clan Quest Mod lets you join the Sabbat if you haven't tried that yet. It's not bad.

literally 1 thing


Doesnt matter if I did or not, look at the global most selling games on steam and despair.

Atmosphere is bound to be broken when characters will not act life-like since they will be written to be safe.

magefags everyone

This is honestly my biggest fear. In games like this with a hub I always constantly check on all the characters, but if the characters are boring or unlikable why would I bother?

Mages have access to mega-celerity and spells that would make a tremere shit his pants, you do know celerity was overpowered in oWoD right?

That’s only when there are sleeper witnesses, if a vampire is using disciplines in public he violates the masquerade and blood hunted by the sheriff, if a mage uses his power in public people think it’s fucking weird and he accrues a point or two of paradox and goes about his business

just look at that fat face...

he mad

and tits

people complaining about v5 and all that trash in there can gtfo. it does not and will not have any narrative relevance.

bloodlines2 is mitsoda's baby, he wouldn't be part of the project if he didn't have full creative control.

read some old interviews with him, that's the one thing he values the most.