>they made that movie game canon
They made that movie game canon
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Tales of Borderlands was good
It was always canon you mouthbreathing retard.
Wow, I'm surprised Rhys can pull off a mustache. Didn't think he had it in him.
so good the company that made it no longer exists lmao
Tales is the only Borderlands game with decent writing and non-cringe humour
It's was Canon from the get go dumbass
The original company that made VtMB went out of business so I guess that game is shit
Tales was a great addition to the lore, shut your mouth
The real question, what’s Rhys’ end goal?
Tales is the best thing to come out of Borderlands.
I would have agreed until I played Guardians of the Galaxy last year and it completely dethroned Tales from the Borderlands as my absolute favorite Telltale game.
Tales still has the superior soundtrack though. Like HOLY FUCK those intros are amazing.
>rhys and fiona are in
>1/4 of the game's budget will go to troy baker and laura bailey
Tales is actually good though
>0% is going to Anthony Burch
good trade
yea it was shit
fucking gay vampires
only Twilight fan losers want to play that shit
To fuck it up somehow
If he has led a happy life with Sasha then I'll consider it a 10/10 even if the game ends up being a 2 hour story with camera motion that makes me want to throw up.
It's so good.
I just started Tales, Sasha is a qt
Tales From the Borderlands and the Walking Dead Season 1 are their best work in my opinion. Everything else is mediocre to shit.
You'll enjoy the ride
Forgetting something, pal?
IMO The Wolf Among Us, Batman season 2 and Walking Dead season 4 are good as well, but I agree everything else isn't worth playing
Inb4 an epic joke where this fake mustache falls off during a conversation
Any chance of a summary of what best ayy has been up to?
Holy shit, are you living in 2008?
Damn I must say I'm really digging the visuals so far.
>They made the best game in the series canon
I wonder if he and Sasha are still boning.
I made sure to completely ignore Sasha when I played it, feels good man. Hopefully they do the same.
It was just a shit reason to bring Handsome Jack back.
>"he was a great man"
>"he's dead lmao"
Did they say if it was going to be EPIC Store exclusive yet?
Who is better: Fiona or Sasha
She's under the desk
VA: Fiona
Booty: Sasha
>killed Scooter
>humanized Jack
Tales is the best thing to come from Borderlands.
Fiona was better before they tried to force her into a Vault Hunter which ruined the point of the cast being incompetent misfits. Both top tier waifus regardless
all but confirmed
and good riddance
>Forgetting anything they made before that garbage
Fucking zoomers i swear
Scooter was a total faggot until the part when they killed him. I felt kinda bad for him.
>y-you didn't play their pointy clicky gamess!!
Don't worry. He's just a zoomer pretending to be smart.
Sam & Max Season 1 & 2 and Puzzle Agent are the true Telltale kino.
even the games (YOU) mentioned are pointy games you retard
TWD is when they went to shit.
They dropped puzzles and went story driven even when your choices don't matter.
Good thing people realized it by TWD S2, pic related
did i say anything about those, faggot?
What the fuck, do people buy games just to look at them in their library?
What the fuck did they do to my boy. He better shave that ugly piece of shit on his lip or I will smack a bitch.
Yes, (You) have nothing.
Rhys is salvageable, everything else in the movie can and should be ignored
>leaks say Gortys is in and she's prominent
/Gortys Gang/ ww@
>No (You)
There was a Humble Bundle with all the games up to TWD New Frontier
>Cringy fan fiction which kills off one of the best characters in a really shitty way is canon.
You mean
>Best game in the series turns annoying side character into actually likable side character and gives him a great sendoff because his VA has cancer and won't be able to play the role anymore
borderlands is silly enough, and the telltales game marginal enough, for them to do a pick and choose in regards to character deaths
they could easily pull a "johnny gat", and they probably will, considering how iconic scooter is
I know what we're all thinking: Is Zer0 playable?
I swear to god if Flak isn't actually Loaderbot I'm gonna shank a bitch.
nobody actually liked this character
Haven't seen loader bot pop up yet in any of the promo stuff, it's gotta be him.
oh my gooooooooooooooo