So are strong black lesbians new quota for video games?
So are strong black lesbians new quota for video games?
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I don't care just give me more vidya girl abs
le sigh
sometimes it's better just to meet expectations
It's a non-issue. Lesbians are the most palatable token minority character to add (esp. considering most men find them hot and want to be lesbians anyway) so it's just adding waifubait under the thin guise of progressivism.
that's a dude
Is she lesbian?
Her nose is too broad and her jawline too angular for an Indian woman. Mixed at best. Sorry poos.
She's Indian. Why do you think she has the six arms of Kali (the destroyer) behind her as her Siren ability?
She is actually into femdom with white guys
I think you're being a bit paranoid here considering it's borderlands were talking about here, it's never been a series that strived for realism.
Why are there so many Indian doctors? I work in recruitment of doctors and at least half of all applications come from Indians.
This except it is a good thing
I want her to choke me with those beautiful biceps
I didn't know Indian people had dreadlocks
It covers all the bases
High paying job with relatively low local demand, plus the Indians all buy shitty degrees from Mickey Mouse colleges- don't hire them, you'll literally be saving lives
Typical Asian parenting, they really push their kids to either be a doctor or lawyer because they want to be able to brag about their kids and also push them into a high paying job so they can leech off of them in later life.
Randy Pitchford is one of the most SJW guys in the industry now
Did you really expect Borderlands 3 to NOT be full of ultra SJW shit and also tons of redditor "humor"?
Give her a dick and this would be instant GOTY for me.
diversity fap
>brown skin
>blue eyes
It's interesting that even when they're attempting to pander they can't help but disparage non-white phenotypes
you faggots think everything is the new quota
Yes, it's getting kinda annoying we can't have hot/cute girls in western games no more...
i still think this one is pretty good cause punchy multi arm attacks.
at least it's not a male nigger!
but also pic related
you fuckin lier. calm the fuck down with your bs
>Blue eyes
>when they're purple
Because they're stupid enough to believe it pays well these days to be a doctor and have really backwards generational thinking still.
Probably bullied into it by their parents under threat of premature teenage eviction if they don't do what they desire. (which forever marks you as a shitty shitty parent whether they like it or not)
Cute tummy
Finance is actually a more lucrative career than medicine if its money you care about. Based on what I've seen in recruitment over the last 8 years.
That ain't black.
And honestly i want to see how her special ability gonna play out, seems interesting.
Yes. She was the most show off character for a reason. Pandering 101
If they intended to make her look like an Indian woman they did a shit job
>Grr a brown women in MY game
Fuck off man the lineup looks good
>that ain't black
Are you joking?
She has Shiva arms so that means ignore her face
She's Indian and her power has Hindu aesthetics
There are white people with glowing purple eyes now?
>And honestly i want to see how her special ability gonna play out, seems interesting.
She's going to quadruple wield, screencap this.
I'm legitimately confused how people aren't more excited over an ASURA'S WRATH PUNCH-SIREN.
But blue eyes are common in arab nations?
Maybe you should lurk irl a bit before posting.
I can't wait for the fan porn of it.
she's futa
>muscle sorceress
why the fuck is this nigga so sexy, like im not even into guys that look like guys
Anyone else deeply afraid that this game will pull a bl2 and add a shit ton of guns but make 85% of them carbon copies with different names?
how do pajeets feel about being depicted as ugly niggers?
learn the meaning of the word
>like im not even into guys that look like guys
Why gearbox?
fpbp. I fucking LOVE tummies. Flat, abs, pudgy, I LOVE IT
The last game litterally had a lesbian in it and the other two had a BMWF relationship why does Yea Forums act like they give a shit about games they never played nor will play?
Because this is Yea Forums, only idpol here no game discussion
borderlands always had a """"diverse"""" cast
i hate these sjw faggots as much as you but borderlands gets the pass
Because she's not white
It did, but they were good looking.
That thing is an abomination and i'm not even sure if its a woman.
Because she's ugly.
Anthony and I have been trying to work on a transgender character in the game, I was inspired by a transgender programmer who worked on Borderlands 2 and she taught me a lot. It's really difficult if you're somebody whose genitals match their orientation and self image if you happen to be one of those it's difficult to intuit the reality that there's different things that affect each of those vectors, right? There's a lot of diversity just in the biology of how our genitals might have ended up, and there's a lot of diversity in what we might be attracted to and that's, those are completely different vectors, and then the third one is the vector of how we see ourselves. I used to be kind of a bigot against men who got fake breasts, I thought there must be something wrong with them and that's, and there's a weakness there, I was actually kind of, not, kind of intolerant about that. She made me understand that it's common knowledge for human beings to see themselves differently than they're actually built, and that the way our brains are wired is not always is not exactly in pairity with the way our, our uhm, in all the things like the way our bodies form uhm, might you know end up. And if That's the case how fortunate it is if we can do something about that with science. How fortunate it is that the modern medicine can help, uhm, uh, to some degree and if we're fortunate as a species we'll get even better at that. And that was a really kind of awesome kind of discovery for me, that she helped me figured out. And I thought man, we really need to cover that in some way. And get that out there, so I've been trying to encourage us to get us a transgender playable character, uhm, and I think we will certainly at some point.
-Randy Pitchford
Brain drain, those Indian doctors can be assigned to live in a rural shithole village in India and get paid decently for their country or they can work in a western nation and get 20 times the pay working in a hospital. You can guess what they are choosing. The former is certainly more noble but money speaks.
elsie always been ugly af
This on the left look like anime. Fuck that gay shit.
>So are strong black lesbians new quota for video games?
I don't care if shes lesbian, shes just going to take dog dick in SFM anyway.
there is no fucking way he said that
Just ask for he source faggot. Around the 37 minute mark. Although the entire video is a goldmine
Reminds me of Garnet, better have Estelle as the VA.
good lord...
i'm taking the clownpill
goodbye world
No one makes SFM of ugly characters.
Bitch is gonna be everything by the end of the day. Indian, black, arab, hispanic, abo, eskimo, pacific islander
some of the earliest anthropological evidence of humans using dreadlocks was in India and Crete
At least she isn't Leslie Jones tier ugly but anybody who likes muscle women are s(oy)boys.
Glad to see Yea Forums still has some heart and soul left
>anybody who likes muscle women are s(oy)boys.
You joking right? You know there is nothing more attractive to scoi filled male feminist than little cute girls.
>tfw cunnyseur and musclefag
Lock me up
Less that 1% of women are shredded. Liking muscled women is a fetish on par with homosexuality and will be treated as such.
The people I'd see liking muscle women are effeminate closet fag types/sjws/ANTIFAgs.
Mein neger
>h-aha tummies are so good, pls ignore her goblina face
>At least she isn't Leslie Jones tier
Regarding the face she definitely is.
Terrible face, by far the ugliest character in Borderlands, at the level of the fatass mechanic.
Looks like a tranny
>by far the ugliest character in Borderlands
Play the game
Name an uglier female that wasn't specifically made as fat as possible for "diversity"
Not to sidetrack your request, but Ellie be like,a joke character and not some deep agenda. You remember what a joke is, right?
because of /pol/
Just fucking look at that dyke
>Liking muscled women is a fetish on par with homosexuality
>t. retard
Actually Anthonyadmitted the only reason Ellie is in the game is to promote "different bodytypes"
>muscle girl = tomboy
>I'm a closet fag
It's okay, im sure your discord will be happy for you
Got a source on that? I don't wanna be embarrassed by my passive aggression.
Pick a fucking dictionary you dumb nigger educated by Yea Forums
Don't use words you don't know the meaning of
post pics of new maya
How do you know she is a lesbian?
It's at the 3 minute mark
Just compare.
The fact that Maya got succeeded by that is a crime.
This honestly looks disgusting and no amount of abs can save it.
Piss off reddit
>With enough /fit/ness to keep up
You don't need much to keep with the average person's life.
Just don't be fat.
>most men want to be lesbians
That's where your wrong kiddo. Most men want to be men, banging hot chicks. Only on /r9k/ do men want to be lesbians.
sfm rule 34 when?
So you're a faggot
Yeah, who wouldn't like a tranny.
The west is just terrible at character design.
>playing Presequal
>meet Janey
>"she's kinda cute"
>immediately starts going on that she's a lesbian and how much she wants to fuck Athena
>do quest for her
>suddenly she starts talking in a southern accent and throws the word "homophobia" at the end of it because apparently that's important for some reason
>do another quest for her
>give posters to a do
>"haha shoot the guy"
She started alright and she didn't seem nearly this bad in TotBL, but I'm kinda already sick of Janey "Carpet muncher and men killer" Springs.
>make up is gay
Always knew that. Man's eyelashes are naturally bigger than woman's is a good evidence.
I'm convinced that most of the posters calling her ugly are actually jealous white fat white girls.
>millennials in charge of character design
That would be pretty cute tbqh
You literally have no proof that's a tranny.
She's basically a man so it's fine I guess.
I can't wait for nyl2 to get a hold of her model
Good to know there are still some good people on Yea Forums.
I base myself on the face.
Of course they are. The first thing any woman does is tear down any other woman more attractive than they are.
You have the face of a tranny?
Damn, who is this 10/10
Looks like a Jojo charcater
Fucking gross
>me before my first cup of coffee in the morning
Why does Borderlands 3 look so bad? It looks like the graphics haven't improved at all since 1.
The gameplay looks exactly the same with zoned levels and just shooting enemies and getting guns.
I miss the good old days when it was Japanese making women, and we got cute girls with petite bodies. Now we get these bulldyke women with bigger arms and abs than us men. Wtf happened guys?
and that's a good thing
You stupid bitch.
>Other ab connoisseurs on Yea Forums
My brothers
The game needs to be third person action with dmc style combos
I swear I have seen a fuckload of niggers who look like this.
And not females.
There's still those, it's just western characters are now made by stupid millennials who hate beauty because millennials are all ugly fatasses.
>announcing your faggotory twice
God, imagine the size of her cock.
also why the fuck should you care, it's not like you'll ever see her when playing
just hope she gets a sexy VA and you're set
>implying a black or brown woman can EVER compete with white women
Asian women are our only real competition.
This but Unironically
She looks comically ugly, it's like a female Ron Perlman.
I swear the entire point of her was making her a stereotype of SJW character design.
have sex
I thought she was Indian
look at the absolute size of this breeding hips
Are you not a millennial?
Very well, against the wall and spread your legs, bitch.
>fit as fuck
>summons 6 arms to punch shit harder
Shame it'll have randy's stank on it.
I know the words "kill yourself" are thrown out a lot in here, but you really, trully need to kill yourself and end your worthless existence so we don't have to share a planet with the likes of a subhuman like you, you faggot piece of shit.
And shame she has a black dude's face.
when Yea Forums isn't taking zoomed in pictures of her making a funny face, she's pretty hot
I'm gucci with it cuz her power looks cool
Fuck off forever.
seethe harder, stacey.
I'm still so mad that race was in such a shitty game in a genre I'd never touch to begin with. I guess I'll just be happy with my fighting game girls
>you have to share a board with these kinds of ultrafaggots
Sorry nobody is eating up your propaganda, resetrannies.
I know an oonga boonga tranny is your dream come true, but please, stick to your cancerous website.
>shitposters are going after a musclegirl now
You little shits have no idea the hornets nest you just kicked.
>black dude's face
What? No really what? At least know who the fuck you are shitting on.
Butch Black Women is my fetish so with her and Bangalore I'm living in paradise
The US has options for high need areas. If you can pass the MCAT, you're in. This is actually a good thing overall, we get the best and brightest from India.
This thing such a great read
Indian doctors are actually more competent where I'm from(SEA)
Yeah, just how can white and asian women compete with this.
This thing.
No, just after ugly characters.
Korra looks great.
It's just this one looks like an abomination straight our of Mordor.
This is the kind of face that, 30 years ago, would be reserved for villains in western movies.
Keep your identity politics shitpost bait to yourself, you sad piece of trash. We're talking about muscle girls now.
I need to use scientific notation to calculate the ammount of faggotry you expel every second.
I don't care about the make believe people. I just want a fun game. Period
No, you are damage controlling for the disgusting creature in the OP, resetera.
Chin is too feminine and the nose isn't wide enough. Fuck off.
I bet you like flabby asses too faggot.
>has to use the frame where the hair is bugging out and she's squinting while firing a gun
You're pathetic.
Who cares about skin color. Look at that actual /fit/ core on her. Least she's healthy for fucks sake
>being gay
I mean, there's a reason you post characters like Pharah, instead of this ugly orc.
hello, shill
I can't even begin to fathem how sad your existence must be. Here, have some girl abs.
t. fattie detected
>chin is too feminine
Resetranny, you are not a woman, your chin is not feminine and you can't use it as a standard for women.
And have some as well.
Just don't post people with disgusting faces like the creature in the OP.
Because all there is of that new muscle mommy is a single trailer? I doubt there are any screenshots cause if there were, you'd be shitposting with those instead.
Not everyone has a musclegirl fetish.
She looks more Indian than black.
welcome to nu Yea Forums
The eyes seem a bit too far apart. Other than that, pretty cool. Specially when the alternative seemed to be that fan art someone did that people thought was an official leak. That shit was horrifying.
Sorry. Indians are Asian, therefore associated with the white race
it looks like a fucking qunari
Who fucking cares?
She's ugly as fuck.
>no guys, I totally like muscle girls. I like korra!
Korra is entry level. You're pulling a 'how do you do fellow kids' here and it's so transparent. You shame yourself and your family. Shame.
Wait what is this from
Why the fuck does she look like a tranny version of Ricardo?
>Who fucking cares?
lmao, Yea Forums summed up in one sentence. I was wrong and got corrected? Who fucking cares.
>muscle girls
>posting girls without muscles
Fucking faggot, work on your shitposting folder
she cute
stormfront dorks are crying while I'm jerking away
>Love Muscular girls
>Have to sift through countless pieces of art where the girls look like they have tumors for arms whenever I'm looking to jack off
Why are all women so uncoordinated?
Literally looks the same as every other fucking Borderlands girl.
Why does literally every new game need to have some EL GOBLINA meme attached to it?
bless online. Don't bother. Even if you're willing to put up with shitty mmos, it runs like absolute shit.
>Literally looks the same as every other fucking Borderlands girl.
This abomination is the new version of these two.
Do you know what muscles are?
I hate randy, and gearbox, but that part was honestly cool.
Only a millennial, like the ones who lurk resetera would unironically use the word "dorks" in 2019.
What indian features does she have?
I hope Krieg makes a return
>Love muscle girls
>All porn is of them being futa
Can't I have some wholesome muscle girls who just want to fuck? Is that so wrong? I don't even mind futa, but Jesus help me if I want to fap to Zarya or some shit artists feel a need to add a dick because, "OH MUSCLES ARE MASCULINE BETTER ADD A DICK".
Where’s the fan art
>pig face
>horse face
>actual woman
Nowhere because ugly characters only get fanart that mocks them.
I'm fine with either,
Whatever they are that bitch doesn't have any.
western game bad
nip game good
Worse is people ignoring Tina who actually looks fucked up, there were also way more people defending how ugly the girls in DMCV were, when Lucia gets fucked up you will see it happen again
The first one looks fat and the second one looks like they forgot to apply any textures to it.
It's average Borderlands ugly. Shit, they even look better in that photo in comparison.
No resetranny, just because you are an ugly hambeast doesn't mean all women are disgusting abominations.
Literally no Indian woman looks like that. They’re either sticcs or pudgy fucks.
Show me pictures of fit and muscular Indian women and I’ll believe this goblina is Indian. Make sure they are revealing their abs.
>See you in May
>how ugly the girls in DMCV were
Lets not open that can of worms, please.
Only real women for me, you can screencap this post for later if it doesn't end up having X and Y chromosomes
I can be too, but I do have a problem with over saturation. Like I used to go out of my way to find Poison doujins , I love futa some times but somedays I wanna keep my degeneracy on a leash and keep it vanilla sometimes to balance myself out.
I swear the people defending this creature is just /pol/ trying to make people hate the game even more.
I don't believe you SJWs are exactly the same as all the stereotypes.
Then again, Poe's law.
>Asking for realism
>In borderlands
Your technically right but holy fucking shit what 2001 microphone are you using man
>I can't defend my position, time to whip out the resetera card
u mad?
Super tactical preemptive mega DROPPED.
>There are autists on Yea Forums who never used Gage because they couldn't not reload
Anarchy chads where you at?
I hope you're not implying that round pig face is attractive, dork.
That's not Athena though
>This ugly face has to be related to resetera and /pol/
Please fucking go outside for once. Jesus christ.
No, you're just delusional. Literally have sex.
Why is the other one an actual woman?
Because she looks disgusting like you.
That's pretty much it.
Oh, that's right, let me post something that is more according to your tastes, Ms. Pigface.
they're still salty
>First two sirens look like delicate pasty waifs
>Third is an anemic, tortured cyborg
>Fourth looks like they could actually hold their own on Pandora
I welcome the variety.
what's the point if they're lesbians. Might as well be a tranny or a pedophile.
>when you actually are a resetranny but dismiss it as a "card"
>have sex
So what's with this meme? Why are all of the pseuds suddenly pushing this whenever they don't have anything to say?
>First two sirens look like delicate pasty waifs
Is this bad?
>I welcome the variety.
Yes, I too love diversity.
Dude, you're the one posting these goblinas. I ask why you post one, and you just post another one. You are mental.
Can she do that with her feet?
gonna main him
this, worse is it will humor le tranny fags
I guess Ill have to get to working on SFM or blender to balance out the imitate faggatory
I totally forgot about the whole Battleborn vs. Overwatch thing.
>whenever they don't have anything to say?
Oh, so it's like the opposite end of saying, resetera.
>being okay with beasts posing as humans
it's the fans that ruin it since they go on about wanting to get fucked or general dick worship
i just want to see the girls fuck
but seriously, more wholesome art or just appreciation of a hard working girl would be nice
Hey, you heard the resetrannies, they get triggered at hot girls.
>Calls people "Resetrannies"
>Has folders of white girls he thinks are pretty and black girls he thinks are ugly
>saves "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" images so he can post them in videogame threads
If she was a pedophile we could fap to loli together. Nice bonus.
>Is this bad?
Is it? I don't think I said that. I just thought they were very samey and there was no variety like say, comparing Brick to Mordecai or Salvador to Zero.
Understable. People call a potted plant beautiful because it has giant tits and anime
>tumblr nose
>I just thought they were very samey
What's wrong with repeating something that loosk good?
What's the point in variety when the variety is regarding quality?
The first two sirens were basically color swaps, dude.
It does? Generic brown muscle girl, Robot guy, Tank girl wannabe and boomer techie looks like the worst BL line up yet.
the hair, the hair is bad
>What's wrong with repeating something that loosk good?
Not him but, stagnation.
Hardly new for Borderlands.
Much better than the gorilla face monstrosity in the OP.
So what?
If it works, no need to fix it because it can result in disasters like whatever the nigger siren is.
>she could pin your every limbs to the wall and still have her real hands free to keep your face in place while she kisses you
god what I'd give for her to colonize me
This is what i thought also, dark skin doesn't mean "Black". American race memes need to fuck off.
Reminder that trannies will NEVER be cute girls.
>we get the best and brightest from India.
Im fucking plying.
>What's wrong with repeating something that loosk good?
Pretty uninspired I think. Just doing the same thing over and over again. I don't really look at Borderlands and think 'I sure appreciate this game for super-model looking women'. I like it for the variety in guns, environments and characters.
Nisha was fun too now that I think back.
>I want to fap to Zarya
>>''Generic'' brown muscle girl
>Robot guy
>Tank Girl
>boomer techie
none of those are bad, and they sure as fuck arent generic like BL2
And that was okay because she didn't look like a goddamn gorilla like this thing.
Fucking Zarya from Overwatch looks like an anime girl compared to this.
I know I'm just an user, and we may never meet eachother. But I will consider you my brothers in spirit.
looks like a trannie.
The fuck is with you faggots thinking any woman that doesn't have some fat round face is a horse?
Why not. Even Nisha had multiple wielding arms in the original concept designs.
Same. I'm kinda angry that they actually nailed both the teaser and the trailer. I guess we'll have to wait a while longer for Gearbox to fall.
At least the presentation was an absolute shitshow.
Of course, anytime an attractive girl is posted is a tranny, and when an ugly girl is posted "that's a real woman".
Will SJWs ever innovate in their agenda pushing?
I don't think so, after all, millennials are the most creatively bankrupt generation of all.
As much as kali arms must mean Indian. Her facial features do not look typically Indian.
Keep reposting the same cherry pick
this shit doesn't even fit borderlands, its suppsoed to be a punk mad max setting, not this fancy shit
Fucking thank you
I dunno but holy shit I love her
I'd say porn when but I just wanna see anything of her, she looks way cooler than the other sirens.
I mean, you could post a pic where she looks good, but there's not.
I'll let you cherrypick.
I don't think that, but you need a different example holy shit. Bitch makes me want to approach her carefully with some oats.
Oh well, at least they made choosing the playable girl an easy choice.
No way in hell I play as that black thing.
>anytime an attractive girl is posted is a tranny, and when an ugly girl is posted "that's a real woman"
This is exactly what you fags from bizarro fag-earth doing.
She's cute though. Those full lips do things to my dick.
I agree on paper none of those are bad. In fact I love me some delicious brown muscle girls. However the designs for these are really weak and unappealing.
And then you look at her negro face.
No, do you see anyone shitting on the blonde soldier?
No, just on this ugly beast.
Not everyone is autistic enough to keep editing the same couple pics to post over and over again without tripping the image spam filter.
I rather just punch shit, that would be more fun
I see it in a lot more threads and boards than ones that mention resetera. It's just a weird insult to use when it implies having sex will change you so much as to agree with someone else over something. Also sounds pretty problematic to asexual people who they supposedly are allies of or something. It's like the people that say it live messy contradictive lives.
There's plenty of hot black girls.
Why do they always have to fuck up their faces?
Are these devs racist and think all black women look like gorillas?
Dichen isn't a horse. She's a pretty pretty unicorn.
That was easily the most disappointing character. She's just kinda generic, like what you'd expect from an NPC with no lines.
>plenty of hot black girls
>posts a mixed race woman
What did he mean by this?
ma nigga
>Also sounds pretty problematic
Even when you try to larp fall flat on your face.
Fucking based
hot black women just end up looking like white women colored brown though
Ingame models don't exactly lie. I hope they change them before release
Then do it, racemixed girls can be cute too.
Just please, don't do whatever that thing in the OP is, it's offensive to my eyes.
that's a grotesque amount of make-up and hair product
That's why we refer to 2d and 3d ones as "brown girls." They in no way resemble real life black women.
>racemixed girls can be cute too.
But for some reason only if they're mixed with white people
>they have nice bone structure and facial features
>duuur they're mixed
that's not how genes work fucker.
I'll take a generic character before a disgusting nigger.
Nothing is wrong with her face thou, that Apex nigger on the other hand was a problem cause of her exaggerated black features
are we actually going to pretend mj is her biological father? really, nigga?
Niggers don't look like that, I'm sorry if you think so.
Yes, white features are the most attractive.
So, why not do that?
based and tummypilled
I keep seeing this shit in her close ups.
Whether she was or not, she's clearly racemixed.
Hell, she had really dark skin when she was a kid, but suffered from viitiligio or however its spelled, like Michael did.
not posting this version
>cross eyes
>wide as fuck jaw
If it means more /fit/babes like that then wtf I love quotas now.
>anime. Fuck that gay shit.
I think you're in the wrong place, pal.
>feminine body, but has a penis
>masculine body with a vagina
You're both closeted homos.
Niggers vary in facial features like anyone else. Or do you think white people all look the same?
Go back to /r9k/ incel
are you legit retarded? no, she's not, and she didn't, your picture is a boomer tier shoop
Cause she now has a streak of white hair, and got a certain reduction...
nip x pajeet can be cute too
Are you telling me these don't look similar?
>and got a certain reduction...
They wouldn't dare.
ones a guy and the other a female, use that kindergarten brain of yours and do the math of why one is gay and the other isnt
why is she wearing a jo crystal
You lost oldfag. 4channel not welcomes weebs.
Why would whites willingly make their children dumber? I don't know, seems like a good plan to me.
Her face has never been long enough to ever qualify as equine.
Niggers dont look like white people
Nice herps.
>No, do you see anyone shitting on the blonde soldier?
She's bland enough to appease all of you spergs.
Well, the father was Michael Jackson, he could have gotten whoever he wanted.
Because good taste
Imagine thinking being attracted by
makes you gay
they all look awful though
Ah yes, forgot that good looking = bland, or horse faced, or pig faced, or whatever.
Everyone needs to be ugly or they are not special snowflakes like you, right?
glad someone sees this, the woman is stunning
Same reason why Asians fuck whites and make babies?
shhh you'll wake the janny
also nice quads
Just watching the trailer you can tell they're smaller, hopped on here to see what the fall out was, surprisingly only post I've found regarding it is this so far is on /vg/s general thread, there's a card game related to it showing all the new character models, Bandana Brick, Grown up Tina, and Moxxi's new look, and they are DEFINITELY smaller.
Here's your unique character, bro.
You missed the point dumb dumb, physical features vary in any gene pool. Some are just more dominant/prevalent than others.For someone making claims on niggers, you seem to be just as literate as one.
>No, do you see anyone shitting on the blonde soldier
When will Yea Forums ever shit on a white blonde over a non-white? Name one instance of this ever happening
But east asians and whites have practically the same IQ's. The next smartest race is only around 90-95 IQ
Looks like a trannie. Why are store so much of those?
Scene girls were a very strange demographic.
They could be either the cutest girls you've ever seen, or the ugliest, most disgusting ones, no middle ground.
Oh so if there's one black mutant that means all black people are attractive?
Yes, she barely looks like a woman and has a fuckload of hair dyes on top of that, isn't she unique?
Don't you love her?
You are forgetting jews but ok
>Jews aren't white
Oh yeah I forgot
>lists four
>forgets the best one
Should I buy the handsome collection on PC?
>dumb dumb
Between the manchild speak, the damage control over ugly as fuck characters, and the jealous roasties calling all attractive girls posted either horsefaces or whatever, you'd have to wonder why Resetera can't into subtletly.
Practically isn't the same as exact Asians are the smartest race next to Jews so if anything they should fuck Jewish men.
So if there's an objectively attractive white woman, all white women are attractive? Yeah dude, there's no white butter faces, you're right.
I want to sniff every part of her body
On average, whites are much more attractive than blacks, yes.
On an objective scale, even the best looking blacks are 6/10s.
They like to pick and choose whether they are white or semetic when it suits them.
what the fuck ,wish i didn't click this
I did not wright "bland" as a negative feature, go read that post again boypucci lover.
Isn't this what Yea Forums thibks about every white person in the entire world?
5 IQ points is nothing compared to 15
We're not talking about videogame characters retard.
>dumb dumb is bad but 'roastie' is better because it's our, esoteric parroted lingo
Sfm femdom porn when? I need her to crush my dick.
>it's another "strong """independent""" woman" characher
Yes, who the fuck says "dumb dumb"?
Only two kind of people, 5 year olds and millennials, and millennials are honorary 5 year olds.
It's common knowledge that niggers are the least attractive race.
>jerking off alone to cartoon girls
>not a dork
Never because only attractive characters get porn.
Who says roastie? Bandwagoning faggot, saving face with hip lingo on a niche Chinese argument simulator is hardly any better.
5 is still a big number when talking about IQ user
i expected this design to be far worse than how it turned out in the end
hope she has a fun play style with her action skill
>pounds chest like gorilla
Jay Dyer says dumb dumb, hes pretty based.
Looks a lot closer to Indian than black.
I can call them whores or sluts instead.
That's irrelevant, because millennials will never stop speaking as if they grew up with Ned Flanders as their parents.
That would be Spics user
Are all of you niggers trolling? She's clearly a poo in the loo, not black.
Not really.
who the fuck is talking about millennial you paranoid asspie?
>resetera being the new plebbit boogieman
I swear you faggolas are just as mentally ill as trannies and just as delusional.
15 is when it's noticeable. For example, the average white person has 100 IQ, the average east asian has 105 IQ, but the average mexican has 85 IQ. 85 IQ is the equivalent of a 14 year old white kid.
If it's so clear point at the indian features.
Did you think Yea Forums would pass up the chance to talk about blacks? This is the board that claims MK11 Scorpion is African
>I swear you faggolas are just as mentally ill as trannies and just as delusional.
Yeah, disliking disgusting characters is at the level of chopping off my dick because I think i'm a woman.
Muscle mommy haters confirmed low test
>muh white features
You're mostly right but I saw some that fell in the middle. Not conventionally attractive but had big titties and definitely fuckable but not attractive enough to want to date.
I like how you think that abomination compares to any of those.
>no notable positive responses to spics
no es justo hermanos
fucking kill your self
I was referring to the echo chamber like effect of parroting one another ad nauseam and justifying ones mindset.
user I can appreciate a shredded hottie as much as the next guy but that's disgusting. Look at that man face.
On the positive, you don't have negatives either.
You first nigger
thats a straight up lie
Formerly Tyrone.
see what I mean
>cherry picking
she looks better in other shots, just like Lilith looks like horseshit in the first shot she's in
If you are not a manlet and get fit you can still do it, user.
Besides, there's plenty of hot latinas.
>Looking like white women colored brown.
That's not true nigger and you know it.
You are an actual homosexual for not liking muscle tummy mommy. fuck out of here.
Yeah but most male mexicans look like the goblin meme they say americans look like
why are you still taking zoomed in screencaps as if that means anything
End yourself and all of your relatives you pathetic, putrid waste of time and flesh
You can keep saying
>mm-m-muscle m-mommy
all you want, that won't get rid of that ugly manface.
Bruh she doesn't look anime at all she looks more like a scene girl.
>See BL3 thread yesterday
>Conversation, theorycrafting and hype
>Genuinely confused as to where the useless shitposting is
>BL3 thread today
>Shitposting everywhere
Phew, I thought I was on a good board for a second there.
>waste of flesh
Says the nigger
>short hair = carpet muncher
How narrow can you 4chin neckbeards get?
just post more abs
>What's wrong with repeating something that loosk good?
It's uninspired and most often ruins the good thing because they repeat it too often
I unironically want to kill that creature and dump it over a bridge
I lost my virginity with one of these.
Everytime I see that hairstyle and heavy eyeshadow my dick tingles in excitement.
Most white girls don't look like that. If you're going to fuck a white girl in hopes that your child is attractive, you're going to disappointed as much as white man and white woman having an ugly white child (which i'd imagine is most of Yea Forums)
The OP sets the entire tone for the thread user. You knew what you were getting when you opened up this thread but you did it anyway you curious little bitch.
Combining a masculine body with a feminine face is actually disgusting. Be ashamed of yourself for even saving that image on your PC, you fucking homosexual tranny.
>muh manface
>posts drag quin
Don't act like if it had been another hot white girl Yea Forums wouldn't be complaining about reusing the same character 3 times in a row.
Go back to
>lost my virginity to an obese liberal black girl
>actual cute muscle girl is posted
>all Resetrannies SEETHING
So that's your weak point.
You literally hate hot girls.
Oh boy, should have told me before.
>non anime or doll face is manface
people say this dumb shit for comic book girls as well
Looks like an anime.
No, to a scene girl.
Can't you read?
Pretty hot girls, it's a shame their succesors are art hoes, those ugly cunts with painted eyebrows, grandma glasses and clothes that a 5 year old would wear.
Just awful.
Go back to starbucks
I was expecting her to look ugly af but she's pretty hot, I always played the melee classes so I'm happy that the character i'm playing looks good.
Yea Forums didn't complain about Maya ever even though she looks similar, because she looks hot unlike the tranny.
Yes, that's likely the people i'm replying to.
>being attracted to infertile woman
come out of the closet already
Excuse me? What the fuck did I say? I'm saying my dick is diamonds for muscle girls you idiot
wtf, I love racemixing now, thanks you resetera.
>We didn't complain when it was two times in a row, so why would we complain when it was three times in a row?
You niggers can't read
No, we wouldn't.
In fact, I would have liked if we just kept playing as Maya.
Yea Forums has constantly said that there's no point in trying new things when new things are likely to be trash.
No need to fix whats not broken.
Didn't know they put woolie in this game, based
You know what, you're right user. What was I thinking? brb gonna go suck some dicks.
You're literally low test or gay.
Holy shit it's actually him.
Far left is BBC, at least Maya is an asian looking cutie. Far right is a legitimate bad ass Siren though, literally a muscle Wizard I dunno what you all don't like about it?
I know you guys are severely trying to defend the character, but don't talk shit about Julia. You all deserve the rope
Why do you keep posting butterfaces? Don't you know what an attractive fucking female looks like? Oh, never mind, you're last few posts exposed you as an actual fag.
please delete your post RIGHT NOW faggot!
you have contributed NOTHING.
abs are a universal good.
i hope you get raped tonight.
sleep with one eye open.
Based as fuck
Already best girl
she's not lesbian, she likes men. White specifically for some reason.
She doesnt have a sidecut or approved afro
Ill take this.
And yet you don't get triggered by the one in the OP?
Who do you think you are fooling?
You got me there, user. But this thread is hot garbage regardless.
>no bulge
Fat white trannys. yes.
have sex
>Wow, you don't like the new Borderlands 3 character? I bet you prefer one of those horsefaced, pig faced bland generic white girls like Oh, Em, Gee.
What did user mean by this
Why would I? She has very thick lips which is a sought after trait in women, her cheeks are slim which are another sought after trait and her jaw line is smooth and feminine. Why not just admit that you plain and simply, hate niggers? It'd be better to just say that you're a nigger hater and leave it at that.
>these virginal weebs would rather have some pointy-chinned alien-looking animu waifu
the point is those ideas and concepts were tossed around for a long time and are finally being implemented into the series
there was even talk that Flak took them the longest amount of time to design because of programming his pets was overly time consuming and frustrating to commit to as so many things started going wrong with it
all the other new characters were designed and realised relatively quickly because their skills were planned well in advance (with Moze apparently taking three times longer than a normal character due to her Iron Bear mech being insanely detailed and a mechanic sheet in itself)
His problem is that if not sealed in tonnes of make up those girls would look fine.
When did I say I didn't?
I fucking hate them because they look ugly as hell.
Look at the OP, she's fucking disgusting, it looks like a black dude in drag.
>There's seems to be a random surge in white men saying fictional character prefer white men.
Most interracial relationships shown in video games have not included white men. Stop pushing your fantasies. Stick to your white women.
Holy shit what I would pay to at least hug a girl like this
no no, I'm saying that I didn't have that experience
I was talking about myself
>she looked up at me
>I looked down at her
>"user, what are you doing?"
>"I, uh, assume was about to have sex"
>"that's not the right hole"
Not even makeup can fix that shit in the OP.
Oh, sorry.
Sounds rough but hey, a hole is a hole, and when you are a virgin, everything looks good.
Nobody can blame other men for what they do in their first fuck.
Also, strong, hot black women don't have to be young or muscly.
I want to rub my dick all over her chubby body
I hope you don't find that ugly woman attractive.
Opinion discarded then, I understand the hate for black people but any merit you had was thrown away when you self admitted to having a hatred towards that race. She's not ugly, she's not insanely pretty, she's exactly what she should be, a hardened vault hunter that's ready to kill thousands of people to get some loot.
And so it is written.
Ummmm, she's mixed so that doesn't count, she's a 4/10 at best. I should know, I'm a hot catch. I'm just on here to ridicule the hideous.
>Most interracial relationships shown in video games have not included white men.
Yeah that because in fantasy land white men are always the villains now.
>She's not ugly, she's not insanely pretty, she's exactly what she should be
It's fiction, and not even a movie where you have to cast real people.
No reason to make ugly characters.
Its a cartoony character. Its facs literally drawn on head.
Her design seems pretty fucking boring compared to the siren tbqh
Tits or GTFO
>95% not black
>hot black woman
The fuck
Yeah, she's just a cute girl instead of an ugly special snowflake nigger.
>That thick fucking physique
God, I hope so.
Watch out, the ResetTrannies don't like that talk.
>cute girl
>looks like a fucking elf from elder scrolls on randomize
The character looks like a man it has nothing to do with muscles. The girl you posted is a qt but that Indian bitch has more testosterone than you do.
Is Yea Forums finally collectively realising and waking up to the possibility muscular hard bodied women are a godsend fetish for men?
Because the point of muscular women has always been the same thing, the sex is incredibly satisfying when your partner can actually keep up with you.
It becomes an incredibly hot, sweaty and emotionally personal race then between the two of you in who can get the other off first. And it feels fucking amazing.
She looks fine but whatever people are gonna spam these threads cause they are seething for no reason, better to get it out now and hopefully this shit fizzles out during release
Yes I do, she's a cute blonde with a pretty face and a nice, healthy body.
Not exactly chubby, just strongfat.
Chubby people don't take part in the olympics.
are you dumb, gay or retarded
pick all of them
Damn her face is like a 9/10 and her body isn't bad but the proportions are a little weird.
I didn't imply she's white. She's obviously not a nigger anymore either. She's got spic in her.
And if it ain't white, it ain't right, right? You people are like broken records
It's the hips, she has muscled them up so it looks kinda fridgey, but you need to work those muscles for strength based sports.
It's like those weightlifters who look fat.
That bitch is very well bleached user. It might not be 95% but it takes a lot of bleaching to get those features.
If you want fit girls with feminine proportions, look for girls who do sports where they mostly use their legs, like cyclists.
>Big stomach and big thighs to the point of disgust.
You must be a fat fuck too in order to find that attractive.