Just beat this fag

just beat this fag

game of the year EASILY

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Reminder that Emma wants to fuck hm

reminder that it doesn't count unless youre gay

so what, we all know that this game favors people with good reflexes

>second deathblow
>"cool i beat him on my fourth try"
>another phase after cutscene
>try more and fail more and just get more angry

I haven't touched the game for two days. I think it defeated me. When he killed me the last couple of times i felt nothing

Reminder that Sekiro and Kuro are made for each other

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they're siblings

It's really not that hard
I got him to phase 2 on my third try and killed him in phase 2 on my fifth overall

It was super fun, are you using jump and mikiri counters? They wreck him. Also remember to use the lighting air counter (it's in the shrine where you kill the iaijutsu dude).

I was blown away by this fight. Its somewhat simple, but the execution of it is just top tier. Never saw it coming

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lmao I want to see you get to Isshin



similar with me, I just found out about the third phase after dying to him a couple times, doesn't seem like there's much change in the moveset though besides a little lightning bullshit so keep trying.
too bad I have no gourd left once I reach the third phase, feels bad

I think part of it is how well animated the first part is, juxtaposed with how stiff and dead he moves in the second phase

Snake eyes fucking sucks and I hate this game now.
I'll just take a break for a day or two, but fuck this shit.

You can cheese it with oil and fire prosthetic if you want

I really fucking hate how some of the areas where the miniboss/boss fights are located are fucking tiny

What's the deal with the kite near senpai temple?

Coming off of Genichiro, where I did nothing but the core moves, and after hours finally won fair and square and felt like a god, this bullshit fight just feels pointless.

So yeah, I'm ok with cheesing it.

How do I get into the ground floor area of the castle?

This is literally the best boss in the game, no one else comes close.

This boss has utterly BTFO me bros. Really an almost perfect boss if it weren't for some janky perilous attack hitboxes and the fact that you cant practice the lightning reverse prior to the fight. Still though, I'm going insane fighting him.
I haven't quit the game, but I know that feel. I decided to go explore other areas for a bit before going back to him. His lightning phase keeps fucking me up, I don't even bother unless I have almost perfectly completed his first 2.
I just found her before I ended my session. Seems like she is going to be annoying but manageable.

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Use your puppet skill on the mushroom hat guy.

It gets better user.

use the poison dagger prosthetic
shes is EXTREMELY weak to it and gets stunned

read item descriptions

the third phase is the easiest by far, just stay at a distance and wait for his lightning attack, then jump in the air and reflect it back to him.
He will be stunned for a short time, so get a couple of hits in and retreat again.

>lured wolf calling miniboss to the far corner with the giants and puppeted one
his ai fucks up to there for some reason
anyway am i supposed to explore all of hirata again from the beginning?

Can you reflect his sword lightning attack or just the arrow? He keeps killing me with the sword one.

>This boss has utterly BTFO me bros
Genichiro is unironically, not memeing, one of the easiest bosses in the game. Really all you need to beat him is learn his tells for his sweeps and his thrusts and counter those with mikiri counter or by jumping on his head, also don't run away from him, stick to him and keep attacking, like almost every enemy in the game he will block a couple of attacks, deflect the third or so, and then you can deflect his counter, rinse and repeat until he does a combo that ends in a sweep or thrust. Abuse the retarded AI of this game.

When you get the puppet art, backstab the rat near it and he'll operate the kite. Go towards where the top of the kite is. There's a big tree you can get on top of and you can grapple onto the kite, sending you to a new platform.

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>NG+ just inflates enemy stats
>also, Deflecting causes you to lose health
and the award for the worst NG+ in all of From games goes to...

>like almost every enemy in the game he will block a couple of attacks, deflect the third or so

why can't you people just say "when the enemy sparks their sword, go and deflect"

noobs are getting crushed because this vital nugget of info isn't getting told. it's literally all about the spark

wtf is the point of the ceramic? It doesn't do jack shit for distracting enemies.

So far I beat Oniwa, Butterfly, Genichiro, monkeys and ape. What should I go for next?

Aggroing specific enemies or luring them away from a group

>kill him
>aw yeah, that was slightly tough, but at least that's over
>fog hasn't gone away
>no, he has no fucking head
>he fucking gets up
>fucking die because I wasted all my juice and revives during his first phase
>go back
>he has his head again

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pls respond
it's useless

>>also, Deflecting causes you to lose health

You can do it, user. I believe in you. It took me an accumulative 4 hours to beat him, just keep trying! Be conscious of your inputs, don't button mash. You can beat him!

third phase is actually the easiest he staggers very easily and for longer plus the lightning is a great opening even if you don't master sending it back

Go back to where you start the game and then jump down a big hole and follow that path.

that would have been a GOAT boss fight if he didn't literally shit on you
ruined it

>tfw there are fucking two of these cunts

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I never really thought about it but Sekiro is a pretty good SamJack game

You have to deflect it perfectly to not lose hp.

Do you mean literally the start, or do you mean that part of the map that ultimately leads to the corrupted monk?

Well if you know the boss exists, then go fight the corrupted monk, why are you even asking.

This game completely takes the specialty of 2nd phases away.

his second phase is a lot easier at least
best to just sprint around and bait attacks that leave him open

you need to perfect deflect to not lose HP, enemy stats are inflated, no new enemy layouts, no new scenarios. It's the definition of a lazy NG+

It felt like O was way to early when I got there, but maybe the 2 bosses I beat since then will help

You can do it, user! I believe in you! Remember you can jump on his head to interrupt sweeps, and remember you get i-frames when you jump. It took me 4 hours over all attempts, I was conscious of most of my inputs and I made sure to stay on his ass and deflect pretty much everything. You can beat him!

am i being memed or havent you guys fought demon of hatred yet? literally a better version of ape

Second phase is the deflecting tutorial. Monkey Trouble should've been the first boss after tutorial

If you give rice to the old lady, she tells you to use the guy by the kite as a puppet and have him fly it for you.

After that, you can use the kite as a grapple point to get to the other side (though you'll have to grapple from high up in the area)

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Ah yes, Bloodborne guest who barely has any attacks to deflect and spends the entire fight running away from you, great fight. He sucked dick.

But then it'd be like "what the fuck is this centipede shit" where as at the point the boss is now, you most likely already figured out the temple and rejuvinating waters shit.

I don't care about the lore, but i was referring to his mechanics anyway.

this boss was fucking great. the second part and his animations made it top tier
>spends the entire fight running away from you
what the flying fuck are you talking about? that's not the bull

Depending on which route you take, I think Lady Butterfly definitely teaches you to be more aggressive, and the horseman, while probably intimidating at first, is a pretty decent parry check.

so you havent fought him yet

Well now i have to ask if YOU fought the demon, because whenever you get close to him all he will do is either a small combo, jump up, or do his sweep charge which sends him rushing across the arena to the other fucking side, and i just have to run up to him dodging his claw or projectiles and rinse and repeat for an eternity. Even in the third phase when he does the ring of fire he'll do it, and then charge again from outside the ring.

The first Genchiro fight was amazing because it's basically the tutorial fight that teaches players alot of things they need to learn to beat the game.

I cheated because I didn't want to waste my time fighting him. No regrets. I hate bosses like that one, DMC5's are pretty similar where all they do is run away. Fucking stupid.

>is either a small combo
run behind him and hit him
>jump up
there's literally a grapple point on him after he does that
>sweep charge
the only one where he actually runs away, barely happens
you just suck ass, be more aggressive and stop playing like a defensive faggot

git gud

you spend way more time not fighting the ape than you do not fighting the demon if youre doing both fights correctly

DoE just has more HP, which makes it feel more drawn out. I personally fucking loved him, one of my fav bosses of all time

>where all they do is run away
but he doesn't
how does this person manage to constantly be on his ass but you guys somehow can't? you're too defensive and scared to get near him during attacks
there's no deflection needed because he's big enough to hit while he's missing you with his attacks

Follow post chains correctly, i'm not complaining that he is hard, i'm complaining that he is boring.
That is only true for the first phase of ape, the second phase is just deflecting his attacks over and over again, which i found more entertaining than chasing sculptor demon.

im on him right now and not reading a word of this thread. its such an addicting boss fight my dick cant even handle it ~

Can you Anti-Air Deathblow him?

nah, you complained that he runs away. which means you're the one keeping the distance, because he's super easy to hit while he misses you
he has one move where he jumps away from you, and one move where he sweeps. why do you lie? you're just shit at video games
watch and explain to me how you're unable to do the same as him

he just insta kills you lol

>YFW he has another phase after finally deminishing both health bars and having no more gourd

>kill gardian ape by chopping off head
>nope comes back to life
>kill again by pulling out a creepy centipede out of neck
>wtf but okay its finally done
>explore more
>fucking thing is still not dead
>kill again
>brings in another ape during fight
>kill both
>Pull out creepy centipede again for the second time

Wtf Fromsoft. Is this bad writing? How does this keep happening? You'd think it would be different ending but it's exactly the same as the first fight.

Corrupted Monk's illusion phase is boring and breaks pacing of otherwise a decent fight, same with Lady Butterfly's illusion plebs.

That guy does like 10 times more damage than I did and within 30 seconds the boss runs away. Fuck off retard.

>nah, you complained that he runs away. which means you're the one keeping the distance
Are you being obtuse on purpose? His sweep attack is LITERALLY him running away from you.

what is the centipede even supposed to be? is it fucking immortal since you "sever mortality" after winning the second ape? and those monk statue things also have centipedes in them and they cant die

And 30 seconds later he runs away again.

Literally fuck off, you dumbass.

sever immortality*

Corrupted Monk's second phase is indeed pretty boring but luckily you can skip it if you know how to deathblow her at the start of that phase.

>Are you being obtuse on purpose? His sweep attack is LITERALLY him running away from you.
yes after which youre supposed to run back up to him on phases 1 and 3 (which takes two seconds) or jump and slingshot back to him (which takes 2 seconds)

why are there mulible drunkards?
unless he has twin brothers then that''s a pretty big flaw
at least the demons in ds1 not being unique made sense

If it's the one in the poison cave you can Just stand on a statue and use the Umbrella to block her shots and she'll slowly get poisoned from the swamp, still gotta hop down and bop her each time hp is out though.

>yes after which youre supposed to run back up to him
And that's exactly what i was complaining about, that you have to chase him the entire fucking fight, which is why i told you to read post chains correctly.

>jumping away two times in 60 seconds is running away
jesus christ, are you a child? do you need everything delivered on a platter?
>His sweep attack is LITERALLY him running away from you
I already agreed with you there, are you illiterate? it's the only attack where he runs away, I just typed this

fuck SS ishin and his pile of shit friend genichiro
I'm so fucking tilted now that I can't even kill genichiro without dying...
Fuking hell, last boss and I got filtered from the fucking ending that I deserve after working as a delivery boy for rice loli

fuck this game

>the entire fucking fight
okay buddy go play the game now
the original point still stands, you spend more time not fighting the ape and you do not fighting the demon if you do both fights correctly

Genichiro is full on anime and has unrequited love for his sensei Tomoe.

>That guy does like 10 times more damage than I did
do you not redeem memories for attack boosts? you're supposed to be doing that much damage to him you idiot

2 drunkards don't bother me as much as the 50 purple shitter NPCs/minibosses
fuck everything about them and their retarded anime moves

No thanks, i already beat the game.

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>entire fucking fight
explain how he's near the boss 90% of the vid, please
he also runs TO YOU if you stand still, he has 2 ranged attacks that he barely use

His kick counts as thrust btw

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The ceramic doesn't work like you'd assume it does, you gotta throw it right at the enemies not to where you wanna lure them

>I already agreed with you there
So what's the problem, you're pissed that i don't like the boss fight that you like because i don't think chasing it and hitting it a couple of times is fun?

Your video proved you wrong dude I don't know how you think you have a point. No other boss in the game acts like that.

Wolf is like his pet

>i already beat the game
but not the demon, lmao
git gud

I'm not pissed about anything, I'm calling you out for lying
>chasing it
you don't have to, he runs directly to you after his attacks
you're blind
>No other boss in the game acts like that.
he's unique, yes. what the fuck is your point?
git gud

As much I love the samurai duels, something about slaying this fucking beast gives an even higher level of satisfaction. It must be the huge arena and the overall movement of the fight I think
10/10 ggwp Fromsoft

Where does he rank of evil boss morality chart?

I'm putting him under objectively better then the heros

I'm so fucking panicked by them roundhouse kicking me from across the room that I can never mikiri counter that. These fuckers are like the fastest enemies, and I'm up to Isshin.

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>you're blind
I literally counted the seconds between jumps and it's a MAXIMUM of 30, he was sometimes doing it in around 20 seconds before he either leaps away or runs away with the weird throw attack.

You're fucking stupid, you proved your self wrong.

>evil boss
are you retarded? he's an antagonist, but his motivations are morally ambiguous

The centipedes are parasites that grant flawed immortality, that's why all the immortal monks are husks filled with insects

>you don't have to
So now you're telling me the optimal way of fighting him is stand in place dodging his giant claw attack and both of his fireballs and wait for him to come?

Idk why you'd have such trouble with them if you've already reached the final boss they're like the ultimate "get parried son" enemy

so why are you crying? did he kick your ass for THAT long?
and then he runs directly back to you. he's DODGING, and then he comes back. holy fuck you're bad at video games

based autists duking it out in this thread

but he has to be close to do that, you fucking idiot. it takes two seconds to approach him when he's in that range
git gud

if you want advice, just attack once and then deflect once
keep doing this to wear down posture
and if you see the red symbol dodge or use appropriate counter
and on phase 2 just dodge towards him for the lightning bow attack, and to the right for the lightning sweep
i followed this strategy to the T and did it on my 2nd try today

Wait you have to go through 2 health bars and a 2nd phase? Fuck me, this is depressing.

two strikes, roll to the right, repeat

throw in your axe strikes and you should be able to breeze through first phase easily. also you can time your drinks right to dodge his bow shot easily as well.

2nd phase is much faster just don't get hit by the lightning bro but if you've saved 4-5 drinks it will be easy to stay alive

The one in the tiny-ass room just left a bad taste in my mouth, if I'm facing them in a big area it usually goes easier.

>so why are you crying? did he kick your ass for THAT long?
I'm not crying you stupid cunt, someone took offense to people saying that the Ape fight was the best and asked if people hadn't fought the Demon, i said i didn't like the Demon because i thought it was unfun to chase his ass all the time.

>and then he runs directly back to you
And...? You're just changing your goal posts you fucking retard. It's okay to be wrong.

and then you got called out for lying
not liking him is one thing, but having to chase him is just objectively wrong
>you have to chase him!!
>no you don't, he dodges and then runs back to you
>ur wrong!!
git gud

>parry his blow
>he instantly jumps back and shoots me in the face with his bow before my attack can land
>jump at him
>attack from above
>he pulls his shitty bow again
>but my sword connects first
>loljk he doesn't stagger and just dumps a few arrows in my face
>he does a downward stab
>here comes the lounge
>loljk sweep
Honestly these are the 3 things that I feel are the most annoying in Sekiro.
First off, enemies rarely stagger or break animations/actions due to your attacks, while anything grazing you will stagger the shit out of you. This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the second thing, which is how slow your attacks are. Considering generally how fast some enemies move and how fast the game is I feel like your normal attacks are quite fucking slow. It's not like it would make the game easier because the AI needs more time to parry, that's not an issue, attacks could be sped up by 25-50% and AI reaction times adjusted accordingly.

Last but not least the damn red symbol. Yes on some enemies it's easy to see if it's a sweep, a stab, or a grab, but on some it's fucking impossible unless you've memorized their patterns. How the fuck am I going to tell what is about to come when the boss just spazzes out and has a seizure for half a second before instagrabbing me?

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any bosses that folk thought were tough that you breezed through? inverse also applies - 'easy' bosses that gave you a hard time.

>but he has to be close to do that
Have you even fought this boss? He has a claw attack when you're far away that's like Manus's attack where he extends his fucked up arm, he has another one where he swipes his arm and throws fireballs, and he has another one where he dances around and shoots a bunch of meteorites at you.

Why are there 2 snake eyes
Why are there 4 heedless
Just lazyness

>and then you got called out for lying
Ah yes, i remember getting called out for lying by you when YOU AGREED WITH ME YOU FUCKING RETARD
>yes after which youre supposed to run back up to him
Fuck off with your retarded bait you turbo nigger.

I'm kind of annoyed I spotted the Kite Ninja in Ashina Castle before he wooooo'd me. My habit of constantly looking through the telescope ruined that moment for me.

I said nothing about chasing him you fucking retard.

>Manus's attack where he extends his fucked up arm
he has two swipes he does before that, with way less range. the last attack is to catch faggots that are far away (fags like you lmao)
>he has another one where he swipes his arm and throws fireballs
that attack has such shit range, are you serious?
>he has another one where he dances around and shoots a bunch of meteorites at you
which you're rewarded for dodging by having him stand still for several seconds, allowing you to do monster damage
I agreed with you on the one attack, out of the several he has. reading comprehension, my small friend

>How the fuck am I going to tell what is about to come
swords sweep. spears thrust or sweep. big boys with no weapons grab. some exceptions like swords also thrusting but generally you dont even have to be super familiar with the enemy moveset to know what to anticipate. and yes you can still adjust accordingly after you see the animation start. there is no mistaking sweep with thrust.

tldr get good

Yeah but Yea Forums has a boss morality chart I dont have it saved

you said he runs away, but he dodges and then attacks you again. that's not running away lmao
git gud

goddamn dude seethe a little less

the snake eyes are part of a tribe and the headless fights all have subtle differences.

I know that chart, it's the villain chart
I agree, he deserves the second spot. I sympathized with him several times, even though I disagreed

literally what differences do headless have besides 2 being on land and 2 being underwater

cut content theory: the boss that ultimately became the fake Corrupted Monk was going to be a completely original fight that fit more with the setting, but they had to cut it and quickly replace it with a monk illusion fight

>swords sweep. spears thrust or sweep. big boys with no weapons grab.
Pure bullshit because there are plenty of examples of enemies with a sword or spear that do all 3, chiefly bosses. Why not just have a different symbol or just make the fucking animation a bit clearer instead of fancy twirls and dances?

Spear miniboss in hirata estate. Stealth killing him and mikiri counter seemed really obvious to me.

Had lots of trouble with the giraffe thing because I didn't spam L1. Turns out L1 spamming isn't really all that awful if you're using it to counter spam yourself.

I’m a literal brainlet with no reflexes you just need to get good

Because he does run away, you can call it a dodge or whatever the fuck you want but he runs away and wastes time. It's a shitty boss and you're a faggot for defending it(by proving yourself wrong).

The GOAT fight of Sekiro, I hope the DLC brings us another great monster.

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But these games have always been about learning the enemies attacks

like i said there are some exceptions. and there is not a single enemy where you couldnt tell which attack is coming.

get good

Sneak behind her

>Because he does run away
literally doesn't, git gud dude. you're awful at vidya

What giraffe?

i devastated seven spears because i got so much mikiri practice in and his massive swings are comically easy to read.

people say Owl 1 isn't that much of a big deal but he demolished me.

Jump down from the area with the samurai guys walking around

long armed centipede dude. his name is giraffe for some weird ass reason

Heh, if you think that's bad try Genichiro edge mode + 3 stages of grandpa sword saint. I've manage to make it to phase 3 of sword saint only to get my shit pushed in every fucking time. It's not even the lightning just the constant niggery of the spear.

Yep that.

The symbols are different dumbass
And yes you're supposed to look at the animations

i see people say o'rinn of the water is tough but i beat her my first try without even needing to heal. no clue how people struggled with her

You have to stay aggressive with Owl. He's usually slow enough on windup that you can usually get the first hit in on a neutral approach.

Seven Spears was surprisingly easy, really easy to bait thrust attacks from him, and after the first time you mikiri counter one of them, you should be able to deal with the trickery he does.

How important is the day 1 patch, the games only 12gig initially but has another 4 in updates, I've got the game but I've yet to play because I don't have the data to download the patch, using my phone for Yea Forums.

prioritize HP damage with owl until he's at 30% and then go for the posture kill

>posted a video showing the boss run away at least once every 30 seconds
>"no he doesn't run away"
You're a disgrace. An actual piece of shit.

first thing you should do is pack up and move from whatever shithole that has those internet services

>h-he dodged me, how dare he!
keeeek you're so fucking bad, literally seething

Sell it, decent money

You realize you aren't winning arguments by acting like a retard 10 posts in a row right?

seething retard
git gud

How the fuck do you sustain 2 consecutive combos from the centipede giraffe without having your posture break? People tell me you just deflect 2 combos and his posture will break, but if he doesn't back out to do the unblockable slash, he will just break my posture and kill me. Am I fighting him without enough upgrades or what?

They finally did a "boss gets back up" meme right
They always just ambiguously fell over.
But this time there no doubt you killed him the first time with a decapitation.
But then he gets back up anyways.

Did you give the charm to Kuro? That's what activates the chip damage. Not NG+

its possible that your posture is not upgraded enough and/or you are blocking too many hits as opposed to parry

I had the same issue. Actually spam L1 and you will deflect enough of the attacks to kek the shit out of his posture. I went from struggling to get to phase 2 to killing him in 30 seconds.

I just moved out on to a 3000 acre farm in the middle of fucking nowhere, just waiting for the satellite dickhead to come out and install it, he was supposed to do it on the 20th but said he had a family emergency and wouldn't be able to make it that day, haven't heard from the cunt since.

Maybe, sometimes I block 1 or 2 hits but I think most of them I'm able to parry.

this is the best boss in the game because it's the most souls-like
it's about learning his movement patterns and learning when to attack and when not to, and dealing health damage
it's not about reaction-time-test parrying again and again, hoping to get lucky this time to deal enough posture damage before you whiff a parry and die

give it up dude sekiro combat is far better than souls

Lady butterfly took me like three tries, I just circled right and hit once, repeat
Didnt even shuriken her in the air or anything

However somehow that second Samurai general, right before Gyobu, pushed me around for like a solid two hours cause I was fucking parries up

Your timing is bad, probably too early on the deflect attempt. If you perfect deflect you won't get guard broken even if you posture meter is full. Doing it with correct timing also deals more posture damage to enemy. The visual/sound effect on the good deflects is bigger/brighter.

I just got the platinum lads.
What a game, liked it even better than dmc V and i liked that a lot.

But holy shit what a retarded grind for all skills trophy, actually millions of xp needed

He slithers around kinda like a...centipede!! All his movements are bug-ish once the primate brain is removed

>beat guardian ape
>get flower and bring it to Kuro
>go back to the serpent cave
>guardian ape is back
>this time with a friend
>able to one shot it after experiencing the OG guardian ape

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>beating Genchiro both phases, first try

I am the true shinobi.

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Do you not understand what the bugs represent? Just wait till you get to Mibu and beyond. Only the mortal blade can sever ties of the immortal...hence the Kuro wanting you to get it for him...

it doesn't matter which one you take, as long as it's a lightning attack, you have to take the hit WHILE BEING AIRBORNE and then press your attack button to hit back with a powerful lightning slash that'll immobilize the boss for a few seconds. don't forget to hit the parry button before taking damage in the air so you'll recover from the hit faster and reduce your chances to land before actually discharging yourself of the lightning, because if you don't, you'll take heavy damage

Are you supposed to destroy the armour on monk's left hand? Tried several axe slashes without any effect, ended up circling to his back instead

Confetti + Candy kills him in like 2 Ashina cross. I just threw some fire crackers at his faggot friend while I continued to pummel phase 2 headless monkey.

Wait, confetti works on immortal enemies?

Who doesn't? Shirtless Genichiro is easily the hottest character in the game.
if only Emma would show some skin

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Who went
when he went to phase 2?

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It's good, but not that good.

that's what she said ahahahahaaa