will there be a mod to remove the piss filter?
Ac3 remaster
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unrelated but how the fuck can anybody find assassin creed gameplay enjoyable
I don’t know how anybody could find Japanese games, MOBAS, and Battle Royales enjoyable, but here we are.
made you go that defensive huh
>Japanese games
The japanese have simulators, shooters, fighting games, action games, sports games, RPGs, etc
You don't know how anybody could enjoy any of those genres? Assassins Creed belongs in one of them, so by that logic you don't like Assassins Creed because it's the same as a Japanese game.
It was alright in first two games.
Yes, I'm making one right now.
>Japanese games
yeah how do people find responsive controls with fluid animations in games that DO NOT Play thenselves enjoyable?
almost like they want to play a game instead of watching a movie
fucking manchildren, gonna tell ya
What piss filter? Have you never seen a golden sunset before?
but he's right though. You have to be a conveyor-belt-type of retarded to enjoy any form of game that could be described a "MOBA" or "Battle Royale". Do you see the market share there? Who actually plays these games? Troglodytes.
which one is worse?
okay...that still doesnt answer the question
and stop samefagging
Yea, let's bring back fucking 2010-era "everything is grey" for shits and giggles.
>"remaster" looks significantly worse than the original
why is this so common?
because art style > number of polygons
The last gen AC was more enjoyable than this gen, why do you talk like you never played the game?
>Left has weather effects
>Right has no weather effects.
I’m getting the game for free so I don’t care.
based upgrade
AssCreed1, 2 and Brotherhood were fucking kino though. Top tier music as well.
i paid full price for this shit at release
jesus i was a dumb kid
Is anyone actually interested in this?
I have such PTSD from the horrible, unfinished, bug infested piece of shit that was AC3, that I can't find any interest in the remaster. Even if they fix all the technical issues, the game design, story and gameplay are going to be the same and those were fundamentally bad. By far the worst AC to ever be shat out by Ubisoft.
>is anyone actually interested in this?
Those aren't weather effects. AC3 original has a grey pea soup filter over much of the game. Probably a product of its rendering pipeline.
AC3 had possibly the best protagonist of the series. Ubi had a snarky profile of Connor in AC4 where they basically argue, via Abstergo marketing research, that AC's audience is too fucking stupid to appreciate an authentic Native American narrative because it's too, and I quote, "foreign" to them. Abstergo highlights characters speaking in their native language with subtitles as a problem for their target market. Weirdly, Far Cry Primal was 100% in a fictional language, and that game had people getting pissy, too. But I think the Far Cry team is on the "Fuck you we don't give a shit" train, wheras the AC team is paranoid about negativity.
And it actually looks good unlike the piss fortnite filter in the remaster
>Having a vibrant colour palette makes you Fortnite.
I bet you're one of those people who refused to play Far Cry New Dawn because you were scared it would make you gay. People like you are the reason why TimeSplitters 4 was cancelled. Huuur, duuuur, I'm a mature gamer. Get that kiddie stuff away from meeeeeeeee!
>AC3 had possibly the best protagonist of the series
See, that's what I thought too, until they revealed that Haytham isn't actually the protagonist.
>AC3 had possibly the best protagonist of the series.
Haytham yes
Boring, wet blanket injun no
fuck that stupid-ass bait and switch bullshit. Ubisoft doesn't know when they strike gold even when it hits them in the face. Vaas was another wasted effort and potential. Also you have shit taste, son
Please tell me this is reversed.
Haytham is another boring white man. Kinda like you.
I refuse to play New Dawn because it's shit
New Dawn is amazing.
ac3 is one of the biggest disappointments ever because you can tell ubisoft wanted to make a better, bigger, game, but got cucked hard. they needed to cut tons of shit for consoles to make this shit even remotely playable.