Animal Crossing Switch leak

>Animal Crossing: Coming Home
>September 13th 2019
>Isabelle is the mayor. Gimmick is that elections are held every season, you can run against her for the position
>2 new species and 2 new personalities shown off in trailer, 100+ new animals promised
>Graphics look like a mix between the Mario Kart track and New Leaf's style. Rolling log returns, camera appears locked

Pic related is Isabelle's official render for the game. Direct is scheduled for early-mid April, more info at E3.

Attached: 000288938133.jpg (159x302, 8K)

What if I want Octavian as Mayor?

I want to believe but I don't.

Someone explain to me why people, other than children, like this game.

Don't get me wrong I'm not some "muh mature games" fag, I own a 3ds and a switch, but I just don't see the appeal in this

Wow, 2.

What they need to fix is the conversations, they were neutered hardcore in the most recent ones.


No thrill, action, or challenge, just simple existence in a cute world that is shaped in part through your interactions with it and the creatures that live there. Very relaxing for those who live more hectic real lives, myself included

it simulates living a productive life in society but it's simpler, cuter, and easier than real life

>Animal Crossing: Coming Home
that name is just too stupid to be real

Attached: 51156.png (209x176, 93K)

Reminder that Tom Nook is an evil capitalist pig hell bent on enslaving his fellow villagers through massive non-negotiable loans

It's how you would imagine a perfect world

>no interest loans with absolutely no time limit or minimum payment requirements
Reminder that Nook never had a viable real estate model so thats why he had to branch out from running a store to also selling home improvements like roof and fence options

Ability to move anything. This includes rocks and villager houses. Wild dream come true would be moving the river too
More villagers simultaneously
Ability to selectively run villagers out
amiibo villagers. Bring back wolf link.

Isn't the name welcome to animal crossing?

So perfect for Nintendo.

This. AC is a literal utopia.

>Pic related is Isabelle's official render for the game.
No it's not, it's an updated version of her 2012 render made for the Welcome amiibo update in 2016. Every single character besides the humans got an updated render in 2016.

Attached: villagerpunch.png (701x592, 15K)

Aninal Crossing is garbage next to Harvest Moon and Rune Factory

How many times have I seen an animal crossing """leak""" on this website?

how come I'm not supposed to like rolling log and set camera perspective? I can't remember,

god isabelle looks so hot in that picture

It’s one of the few games that exists where you can really just unwind and have a good time, there’s not much consequence that comes with playing the game and everything’s up to you.
Also the series is probably the definitive “comfy” game imo.

I don't really hate the fixed camera but rolling log looks like shit compared to pic related

Attached: 526E3F4D-C573-4FAD-80DA-EA1C56D5D82D.png (900x900, 1.53M)

but i cant date the villagers

And he also demands that you strip the land of its resources to pay back his "loan". The fucking nerve to pay you so you can give him his money right back.

Literally no requirements to do anything at all. You could make your money growing flowers and fruit or jobs for villagers if you're really so concerned about the ecological impact of a single fisherman or bug collector on the environment.

You're stealing the fruit from the tree for profit. You also have to dig the earth for precious stones and fossils. How is that ethical? Oh right, there's no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism.

user get on Chapo