Why is Yea Forums eternally upset over whatever ND makes?
Why is Yea Forums eternally upset over whatever ND makes?
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Everyone has girlfriends but Yea Forumsincels dont. That makes them seethe
Not a fan of their agenda.
is she raping her ear with that nose?
I just don't like gay shit, it's a pretty cut and dry issue for me. whatever
I wouldnt mind except for the fact the woman has a nose that looks like something out of a Wyatt Man cartoon or a Nazi propaganda poster...
Its pretty much all but confirmed the big-nose chick will die right? Either from Ellie infecting her or by other means. I mean you cant have the protag be romantically involved in a zombie brama and not kill their partner at some point.
Because the only good thing about TLOU was the multiplayer.
>Whatever ND makes
No it’s just this and the fucking standalone uncharted game that doesn’t need to exist
People liked 4, the first last of us, hell the fucking last of us DLC where Ellie kisses nignog was fine
That image is Buggy. Her nose is clipping through ellies cheek.
>that nose
oy vey
genuinely disgusted by Ellie telling her friend he should keep pursuing this girl, only to start kissing her herself
awful friend, awful person
>You're upset because I said so
When will the west learn that the only acceptable form of lesbians is yuri?
Where's the multiplayer, cuckmann
>male developers insecure about their daughter-wives getting sexual with other men
>make them lesbians instead
It's only logical
Hey. Max and Chloe are hot
Because whatever ND makes is pretentious trash when they used to actually make good games.
>thinking edgy, Hot Topic dykes are hot
Maybe as desperate fap material.
Explain how Uncharted is pretentious, otherwise you sound like a douchenozzle.
But Yea Forums said all Sony devs are cucks who willing let other men fuck their wives. Why wouldnt they shoehorn that agenda into the game instead?
its a shitty TPS prince of persia game whitout the cool characters Prince of persia had
Uncharted 4 was pretentious as fuck. The other 3 were good though, just quality Indiana Jonesesque action games.
You're right, Uncharted isn't pretentious trash. It's just trash.
The games are just long ass quick time events. The skill is just tedium to turn the page of the narrative. There’s no sense of reward for getting through something because you always can expect to pretty simply.
Naughty dog has never made good games before ps3 era. Maybe mediocre. Jak and daxter are absolute trash. You’d know this if you actually played more than one console instead of being loyal to one brand.
>men still having creative freedom in any large studio
Every game has an agenda. It's becoming too obvious to ignorem
I think stories in games are meaningless. I value gameplay above all else. Anything that halts gameplay is making the game worse for me. I don't have anything against any particular developer or publisher. Each game is being judged individually. It's just a fair assumption that certain developers will never make games with compelling gameplay because they're spending 90% of their effort on telling a story.
>Naughty dog has never made good games
fixed it for you
And what sinister, Jewish agenda are you seeing here? Anti-bullying? Oh no!
Bend are comprised of mostly bikers and gruff, white men. They're about to be on the radar soon
>about to be
Theres already articles crying about Days Gone being too white.
they used to make good games
now they make bad games, with gay-ass political agendas motivating it all
but worse than nd themselves are the npcs supporting this faggotry
Yea Forums and Switchers would rather see male-on-male stuff. "gurlz have cooties"
because they know theyre in the wrong
Because when Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin left naughty dog, the jews took over ND and made the most awful and boring third person shooter series ever, Uncharted.
Imagine the same images but with gays instead of lesbians. The irony.
they are dead to me. Especially after the comments about diversity being as important as graphics or gameplay and that they don't use the word fun because reasons.
>its a shitty TPS prince of persia
Correction: its a shitty TPS ass creed
nah the climbing in uncharted is not as braindead as Asscreed
you atleast have to press the jump button to jump
They're literal children who bet on the wrong horse with their Christmas presents.
Because ND hasn't been good in like 10 fucking years but they keep getting away with it
Lesbians are unironically the laziest and easiest ways of earning brownie points in California. Straight men love lesbians, you're appealing to normies with this shit.
Get back to me when a game developer makes a male main character openly gay, only then will I consider their faggotry actually "brave."
Dude. They're all gay.
Straight men love lesbians.
Straight men do not like homosexual men.
It is not brave to make your female MC like carpet munching.
>le incel
Hi, reddit.
I don't particularly care about ND, but Druckmann needs to keep his unshowered underage lesbo olfactophilia to himself.
I'm talking about the male main characters. They're all gay already. They're faggots.
>Straight men love lesbian
I don't. Many of them are dumb radical third-wave feminists like Ellen Pager.
>defend women and lesbians so much
I actually dont hate ND. I only really hate Niel Druckman and its mainly because he strongarmed an actual talent (Amy Hennig) out of the studio and no matter how much they cover it up, its plainly obvious especially with how defensive Niel got when he was asked this question.
I wanted HER version of Uncharted 4. Dont really care for gay relationships in games since its whatever. The random young tranny character thats going to be in 2 is a bit of weird choice though. It implies people are worried about trans shit in a post-apocalyptic setting which makes fuck all sense.
Every game in that image besides Mass Effect and Assassins Creed have those specific characters as exclusively female.
Because we want Crash Bandicoot and Jax but they've "outgrown" those kinds of games.
False. I have a qt filipina gf and I still hate naughty dog.
What I dont understand is why didnt ND just split their teams into 2?
Cuckman can take one team for his pseudo shit and the other team is just for pure fun games like jak etc.
Naughty has never made good games after ps2 era. Maybe mediocre. Jak and daxter are absolute kino. You'd know this if you played more than one console instead of eating shit like an Uncharted/TLoU fanboy.
I just fixed the fuck out of your post with my stand.
This is why I hate these games. Crushing is the easy difficulty equivalent of FEAR 1
>caucasian lesbian
Literally the EZ modo of homosex protag inclusion
why the fuck is she staring at me
It looks like Amy Henning's talent stayed at Legacy of Kain because uncharted sucks balls
So I looked up incel and apparently it stands for "involuntary celebate". What does having a girlfriend have to do with not being married exactly? I mean I guess not having a girlfriend means you can't get married, but being unable to get married doesn't mean inability to get a girlfriend, or to get laid? Can someone clarify this weird ass meme for me?
LGBT themes were actually nicely done in first TLOU and not so pushy, especially Bob. Now they throw it in our faces as hard they can, making it the main theme of the game. I'm tired of this shit, mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of but also nothing to be proud of.
Overrated developer who makes okay games, led by a gay jew who doesn't even hide his agenda and openly supports Anita.
Imagine the white male fragility that lead to this embarrassing shoop and post.
Amy Henning left. That's why I'm upset.
I really hope she gets another chance at a big AAA title. Im convinced shes one of the few left that could make the next relevant single player game.
Imagine how many cocks the poster of this post has sucked.
Post nose edits you stupid faggots
>white male fragility
How to spot a discord tranny.
White supremacists need to be shot
>We want LGBT brownie points but don't want to risk profit by alienating consumers with gay men
It's a made up term to apply a generalization that all virgins are incels, when they are 2 different things. There is also a misunderstanding of what an incel wants and its not sex. They want somebody to love them and give them comfort that's not part of their family. They have felt rejected by everyone in their life and seek validation that they are likeable despite their insecurity and lack of self confidence.
Don't worry user, you'll have your chance to hang with your friends when the day of the rope comes real soon
Stfu Neil. You can act tough all you want but deep down we know you keep adding this shit put of spite like a child who throws all the toys out the window when he can't get his way.
t. shitskin
>Try this on anything other than easy
>Get killed 3 seconds after you leave cover
I don't think anyone actually cares
It's just outrage culture, the new thing comes out and everyone screeches about something or other, then they forget about it until someone makes a thread for quick (You)s
Reminder that lesbians are the easy way of appealing to the LGBT audience since, regardless of what the contrarians on this board will claim, yuri is appealing to the straight male fantasy, aka the majority of the fucking sales
You will never see an openly male character in a video game making out with another openly male character in a linear narrative where it is unavoidable because devs are pussies who don't actually stand behind what they preach and are too scared to do so
>white male
sexist and racist much?
fpbp as always
What if Ellie's Jew girlfriend becomes the best character in the game?
Well, I don't know about Neil or about how it would be to not get my way. Here on the winning side of history we don't have to deal with much of that.
fear on pc is 10 times easier than this on crushing, but that also has to do with controller vs m + kb.
unless you're a giant noob that hasn't played UC and is shit at fps games....
Bullshit I played Fear on the hardest difficulty recently and it was a cakewalk compared to Lost Legacy on Crushing
I don't understand the point of this. If she's so ugly why would you need to exaggerate it to get your opinion across?
Fuck off Neil, you're a cuck and a hack
Days Gone will be better. It has RNG. Everything is unpredictable from item drops, enemy hordes plus random events. On top of having BoTW style mechanics from sound, weapon durability, and stamina. It will be vastly superior in terms of game play.
sounds like boring sandbox shit to me
>flattering pic of person when they were younger versus unflattering pic of person when they are older
Again I don't see the point? I could do that with anybody, but why this random actress? What does this have to do with TLOU2? Ellie was a pure coincidence :^)
What's wrong with her? I've seen cougars look better than that. She looks like she hasn't eaten for days
do you miss 90s Naughty Dog, Yea Forums?
>still no E3 trailer featuring a long indulgent scene of two black male protagonists passionately tongue kissing each other through their beards
ND's conviction to diversity and inclusivity is weak! WEAK!
>She looks like she hasn't eaten for days
Oh believe me, she has eaten plenty of carpets
It's State of Decay 2, except not shit.
probably vegan, it fucks people up
Crack, probably.
>"cinematic" games
>characters other than straight white males
Hmmmmmmm I wonder why Yea Forums hates it
I used to love their games but Uncharted/Last of Us don't interest me at all. I guess you could say I'm upset that they no longer make games that appeal to me but I'm not really upset. I'm mostly neutral.
They only make trash since the end of J&D
>The gays of ass
Cuckman killed the studio.
have sex
They are nested with sin.
Obvious non retard answer is that they want to appeal to the Tumblr audience who are all fat LBGTQ lesbians and trannies so they have to self insert as these hot video game lesbos because in real life such hot lesbian couples only exist one to a million while every other one has dyed hair and is 400 lbs past their BMI
She became a feminist, it fucks people up.
But when someone ugly like you says they prefer attractive vidya characters, it's okay right?
I am more eternally upset over whatever ND made then compared to now.
it means whoever utters it is slaying puss and is a winner at everything and life
so be the first to utter it if you want to be blessed
it's about the girlfriend BEING A FUCKING JEW
No I don't care about attractive characters user. Quit projecting.
But what if she was a cute jew instead?
>Uncharted on crushing
You need to go back to resetera you filthy casual faggots
I like how now in media, even the lesbian relationship has to be an esoteric reference to "bridestealing" and racial others stealing aryan genes
Because they're painfully overrated. Absolutely the most overrated developer I have ever seen. Neither gameplay or the stories in their games are that good but everyone sucks them off as if they are the absolute pinnacle of the medium when they really just boring, bland, overly cinematic action adventure games with equally boring stories that if they were TV, Film, or books nobody would give two shits about. Writing in Uncharted is on the level of a SciFi channel Indiana Jones rip off and The Last of Us is just another zombie story, about on par with the better seasons of the Walking Dead. And considering how shit the Walking Dead is that's not saying much.
This dude took so many shots during that, how did he not die?
How many years has it been? Why do people keep talking about this game? Why not BioShock Infinite?
Because we know they can and have done better in the past. Hell, Uncharted the first for all of it's flaws seemed decent enough to at least get me to try the demo.
Now they're going to the pitfalls that killed the Call of Duty franchise:
"We have to make it like a movie!"
"We need a wider audience!"
"But we've made it piss easy for a lot of things!"
"You're right! Better make some cash shop incentives to give struggling players a leg up on some untested "difficulty spikes.""
repeat ad nauseum.
What is Dragon Age 2? Alex?
Because Elizabeth is canonically dead across all timelines.
Have sex
>I played Fear on the hardest difficulty
>doesn't say Extreme difficulty
I doubt you gay snoyniggers played Fear, and Uncharted was MADE for noobs who are shit at video games in general.
no one likes ugly lesbians.
This is not ironic at all, these are the people from leddit and trannytera?
>completely linear narrative
Oh I'm sorry, "I don't have reading comprehension" is not the correct choice
>anime avatar
Charted and Grounded modes are harder than all of FEAR.
Im not dead
Considering DA2's dungeon design and asset recycling, it did confuse me for a moment. Also, the whole gay terrorist is so binary that it can boil down to "Fuck me if you want to keep me," or "I'll throw a hissy fit and leave the party because you don't feel the same way for a man who more or less committed genocide."
It's still a badly written, poorly designed mess of a game.
>This offended God and he sent the devil towards her, who touched her with her fingers
>her fingers
So the devil is a girl? Is she cute?
Get bent if you expect me to remember every unique snowflake name devs give for their very hard modes. The only difficult enemies in that game are the spongey assholes near the end, the 90% of enemies, genome soldiers, are pretty easy to kill.
>Uncharted 2 multiplayer was low-skill shit
>Uncharted 3 multiplayer was pay2win shit
Unchartedbabbies really prefer to eat shit rather than play a real tps series for chads
I do not and never have enjoyed these heavy set-piece games. It just feels like a theme park ride where theres lots of cinematic shit but the gameplay is tedious and doesn't progress as the game goes on.
Progressive movie games are lame, go back to Crash and Jak & Daxter.
>Genome soldiers
Replicas desu
That's right comrade, inshallah. Behead all the homosex in the name of Allah.
there's no such things
>how to spot a butthurt bullshitter
people are upset their QT waifu got "UGLY BASTARD"'d by a brown jew goblin
SMT's satan, dude.
Like, 6 boobs & shit.
>hell the fucking last of us DLC where Ellie kisses nignog was fine
That DLC was shit. Cost 20 dollars at launch and had literally 20 minutes of gameplay. The rest was just cutscenes about the boring nog dyke that doesn't matter to the story at all.
>when they used to actually make good games.
They never made good games.
I have a fiancee
Because we remember what they used to make and wish we could go back to those times.
Once you get married you stop having a gf dude everyone will make fun of you
my god this post is based
If they had only gone with an idealized post-apocalyptic qt instead. Absolutely no-one would've given a fuck if that were the case.
Why did you did you come to this thread then?
It's Easy difficulty you dumb fucks
>Yea Forums is one person
Fuck off. Also, I'm not upset by them. Their "games" are just shit so I don't play them. Outside of Crash.
Because in this case it gives the impression that they're not doing this because they want to improve the game with a lesbian plot, but just to check a list of good boy for their wacky as fuck religion, which means that the game quality will most likely suffer as the developers will put the church of social justice first and actually making a good game second.
Which, in turn, makes this retarded "have sex" meme even worse, since it's implying that having sex will fix everything about you, even though it really doesn't do that much if you have a fixed mindset like that of an incel.
Being lonely does not make you immediately an enemy to society. Loneliness is cured by the ones who are lonely.
Let's hope so. El Goblina must be slain.
I actually prefer gay guys over gay girls.
>t. het white male
I blame fujoshi for making me this way.
Max is cute desu.
Oh Fuck me i hadn't thought of that
absolutely based and kino
more like disappointed.
I had sex a few times. It didn't change me. I'm still a lonely NEET with 0 social skills.
I agree, but I'm still grossed out by male gay scenes of intimacy. Watching two dudes make out and shit is just off putting.
I have male gay friends IRL and i'd 100% prefer to spend time with them over any lesbian i've met.
That op pic is such a false portrait of the original
In the actual footage, Ellie looks like she's been on test for years and the kike has a way bigger nose
we might never know
Because the games suck but people such as yourself constantly pop off about how everyone who rightfully dislikes them is either a) le never ever may may or b) le incel may may.
In other words, it's not so much ND as it is you shitposters.
>Unchartedicklets thinks their series can compete with original Gears trilogy
bunch of resetera faggots can't handle pure adrenaline-inducing high-testosterone hot-blooded games that lets you kill giant spiders, giant dinosaurs with guns, a GIANT WORM and stab queen bitch right in the gut
too much toxic masculinity for them
She's 32 years old. Why the fuck does she look like the crypt keeper.
Unflattering lighting, unflattering facial expression, and a bad haircut. Have you never seen a makeover show?
Imagine if they read it?
It's more like the light is making her skin melt off. And no, i'm not a massive faggot.
The lighting is literally giving her a pointed devil's goatee
What's his name?
Wow yeah. God hates those rug munchers.
> muh bad angles
She just looks terrible.
This looks better than the other pic. Just give her some bangs and a smile instead of that pensive teeth-baring expression. You bitches don't know the first thing about photography.
ellie looks like malcom in middle now
She needs fresh blood.
She's sniffing out her ear gold.
True. But we're discussing lesbians right now
reminder last of us is just shitty resident evil, ladder edition
fucking garbage.