How did your state do, Yea Forums?
How did your state do, Yea Forums?
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>Xbox One
Why are muricans such beta cucks?
Why do burgers think they are the only ones in the world?
Damn, sometimes this place really is the last best place.
Makes sense, anything other than a PS2 was rare when I was growing up. I still haven't met anyone who has an xbone.
>Supporting your country's product.
They sound like patrician patriots of the greatest nation in existence.
btw any non-americans get automatically allocated to Virginia
you first
I don't believe this map for a second.
yeah, i dont trust a mag that hasn't been relevant since the 90s to have reliable gaming data
For the 12 non-luddites that live there, sure.
>All those Xbox states
Somehow I don't think the sample was entirely unbiased here, considering fucking nobody has an Xbox anymore.
Wonder what caused the line of Nintendo by the Mississippi.
I live in WV and have been doing a lot more gaming on PC cause of college, it’s interesting.
>legal weed
>ps4 preferred
Feels good to live in a patrician state.
more like, supporting the absolute nothing
>PCmagazine runs survey.
>Everyone's primary platform is a console.
Speaks volumes about PCgaming in general.
You're welcome to start listing your country's accomplishments in the last 20 years.
Your talking about a country that the best selling laptop is the Macbook. You can't expect much from them.
And they try to pretend that no one bought an Xbox One, HAH, wen won bros.
>post an image with no source
>everyone believes it
Atta boy, Yea Forums.
Idk, isn't pizza enough for every argument?
Prove it's not real then smartass. Oh wait, you can't, you're just a clueless faggot.
>PS4 sells more than Xbone in the US
>every state has more xbones
really made me think
>how do you know air is even real if you cant see it?
Based af state that I live in.
I haven't seen an xbox irl in 6 years
Maybe try leaving your mom's basement.
i do more often then you do
We are the only ones that matter.
>no u
sonnybros everyone.
I like seeing charts like this.
Anyone got the other ones like the Europe one?
Why is PC blue and PS4 black? Anyway, California is fucked for reasons besides shit consoles.
Which part of the US has the best taste Yea Forums?
since i'm from germany you have automatically lost
Probably the PS4's are more desirable in other states?
Pizza is pretty fuckin spiffy though.
> No PC Games aside from Console multiplats
Based this kills the Doom babby
Who the fuck cares about that nigger infested shithole
everyone else who's desperate to immigrate there.
West Coast > Mountain > Midwest > South > NorthEast > Europe
>Masshole is Xbonepilled
Pretty glad about that tbqh.
reminder that only 2000 people were surveyed.
Who the fuck cares about non white people
sorry didn't read all your post.
>20 years
of course california has the worst taste
seems about right
Why the fuck would we care about anywhere else our country is bigger than the entire continent of Europe, our country has a massive chunk(31%) of the worlds wealth in it, it has the 3rd largest population, and the strongest economy in the world. Our country has the strongest army, is a leading political, cultural, and scientific force internationally and is the sole remaining super power in the world.
So why should we care after all it's always lonely at the top.
>Nintendo and PC practically tied
Very nice
the US built Germany from nothing.
you're welcome faggot.
>millions of gamers
>sample size of like 2000
What's even the point of shit like this?
>Only ~1000 respondents representing an entire country.
Krauts are animals.
Anglo pride worldwide.
DAMN! Roasted.
Daily reminder that Americans SAVED you from both fascists and communists.
Based fellow Hoosier.
Serious answer: Not all of them are but most are like this because they are extremely simple minded, arrogant, clueless and have no ambition or drive to discover anything, despite information about other countries are abundant and readily available.
It doesn't matter how wealthy your country is, or the status it has. A person living in his own little bubble in California has the same mindset and level of development as someone living in a small village in Siberia who has never been anywhere else.
This isn't just the USA, this is the same for many other countries.
UK, Japan, Russia, Sweden. There are many people living in their own little Bubbles and think the rest of the world is like that.
They are very bad at geography.
>Wasting trips on being wrong.
If you're only neighbors were Canada and Mexico you wouldn't want to think too much about what goes on outside your borders either
Fuck you we needed fascism you dumb cunt.
and look what you have created
you were on the wrong side anglo
We’re the ones that matter.
Its just a need to know basis. If you live in Europe you are neighboring with many different countries, cultures and languages all of which you need to have some familiarity with at some point because you live right next to each other. If you live in the middle of Montana you dont need to know shit about international affairs because you're so far away from everything.
but we have easy fast food everywhere now. imagine a life with no KFC.
You keep giving us attention.
La luz extuingo........
Why do burgers think they are the only ones in the world?
One American is with 10 non-Americans
Came here to say this
Yikes. Churches, thank you very much.
>Give Germans freedom.
>They invite africans, regressive liberals, feminists and muslims to their country.
You're welcome to return to the gas chamber or a GULAG anytime you're unsatisfied with your FREEDOM.
Texas makes sense, considering how it's mostly populated by Mexicans, and Mexicans have some weird strong loyalty to Xbox (I think it's because of Halo and GoW)
That's a more than adequate sample size.
>reminder that only 2000 people were surveyed.
t. Some who hasn’t taken statistics 101
>West Virgin
>Been playing a ton of stuff on my laptop recently while my switch is gathering dust
Not only are we the only ones that matter, but the only other countries that are half decent (Japan and South Korea) exist solely because of our military might.
That's a good sample size ya brainlet
It's mexicans dude
>fat fucks hate cilantro
Northeast because no JRPGs
bing bing wahoo ;)
> survey
so it had a sample size of about 13?
>pc gamers also preferred desktops over laptops
>only 32% use desktop as main device
huh? what are the 25% of freetard pc gamers playing?
Mobile phone.
>Whoaoa, we have to have every single person respond otherwise it doesn't give an accurate representation of reality!!!
I hope this is bait. If so, you hooked me good.
1. They're too lazy to do an actual study for some shitter magazine
2. It's easier to smudge numbers with lower amounts of interviewees
Fuck flyovers and their gay jap baby consoles
>all those Halos
Mountain Regoin are bros
>75% had Windows running computers, including computers that run on Windows
What did they mean by this
>letting 40 people be representative of the gaming preference of an entire state
I bet you love your state representative
>hates chicken nuggets
>redneck/hick/idiot states play xbox
>dumbfuck states play ps
>poor states play nintendo
Guess there's only three intelligent states in this whole godforsaken country.
Because we're the only ones who have been to other worlds.
We are smart in Nebraska. beef makes you smart.
This but unironically
>electric cars
Based Montana and West Virginia
Fuck you, we're white.
>Xbox and Nintendo
God, I love America. Next gen, we're completely changing this country green and red, it's going to be Christmas every year.
iirc, chick-fil-a did something to piss off California which is why they hate it, has nothing to do with the food
Japan think like this too, we just don't give a fuck about the rest of you foreigners.
They're a proudly Christian company.
Seems accurate, since the state capital is Nigger central. Fortunately they can't afford to live anywhere else, so they're contained there.
One of the cities banned them just because they are a "Christian organization", therefor claiming they hate the gays
It's a meaningless chart you mongoloid. Who fucking cares?
Why are you so obsessed with Americans that you keep posting this every time there's a chart like this posted?
They fudged the numbers to remove the people who voted for Ouya as their favorite console, you can't keep us down forever conformist-console cuck
because Jesus himself created their chicken recipe
shits good man
China is literally stronger on every front. Get rekt.
One vote wouldn't make any difference.
>Entire economy revolves around selling cheaply made products to America.
Yeah, sure.
Keep believing that, the time of ouya reckoning is coming
>supporting your country is considered "beta cuck"
Explains why Europe loves FIFA so much then.
>well done steak
as expected of best state
>hating kombucha
based arizona
reminder that drunk slavs did 100times more work than the USA who barely did anything aside from selling weapons to everyone and came in when the war was already won
My state has good taste. PC gaming is comfy.
>what is D Day
>what is bombing Germany to fuck
I agree with half this picture and the other half is bullshit.
California is especially retarded, as usual.
Mexicans are such savages they almost make our dog fucking and eating hat look halfway decent.
As a burger, I'm fucking ashamed of you. Popeyes, Churches, Kane's, and Bojangles are all better than KFC, and fried chicken cheap and fast is easy to find outside of chains as well.
>supporting a privately held company means supporting a nation
No wonder you elected a bloated apricot as your president
>fringald blumpf bad
California must be extra super gay, because the gays I know on the east coast weren't going to give up chic fil a.
Calm down, reddit.
Says the small dicked gook jp shill
>california hates chick fil a
holy shit how can one state be so consistently terrible in everything across the board good fucking lord
you sound like an enlightened European from a prosperous nation. Are you also an atheist by chance?
which is funny because they really didnt.
Chickfila is everywhere here in LA and people eat it all the time.
Every country in the world belongs to America.
>Xbone land
I wouldn't believe it.
Everyone I know either owns a PS4 or a Switch, or both. But no Xbones
Rent free
i can vouch. i'm a faggot and i eat at chick fil a literally every day.
christ himself has blessed that establishment and i fully intend on keeping my streak
Imagine living in such an irrelevant country like this user
The rent is the slow transformation into a smoothbrain
>gonggldn grompfhgch hhis skcin orang hehe hhhh
where is your handler
who let you online
>How did your state do, Yea Forums?
I live in a Playstation state. Fucking gross.
There is a city in the United States, where some alternative to playstation, nintendo, xbox and PC is more popular
Why do black americans love playstation so much?
>California hates Chick-fil-A
Because you guys give us a reason by obsessing over every little thing we do
Is this because black american don't feel connected/hate to white american culture so they glom onto a foreign (nonwhite) culture instead?
>overdramatic waifufag
I guess California is really based
Fuck you too spic.
Xchads unite!
Los Angeles and San Francisco ruin the state.
imagine being a mutt unironically
Sony marketing and exclusive deals on NBA 2K, Fortnite, and fighting/anime games. Plus this mentality to only own/like the most popular items (Apple products, Adidas, Rap music).
>"haha le no source"
>literally says surveyed U.S. gamers
>colorado hates hot cheetos
why tho? they're good for your soul.
Try leaving Chapel Hill, faggot.
>skyrim, tlou, skyrim, fo3, me2, oblivion
I'd say west coast. bioshock, super metroid, goldeneye, kotor, ff7, smb3,'s all kino except skyrim.
That makes sense. Sony as a brand has a lot more social relevance than Nintendo or Microsoft.
Real free thinkin' bunch right here
>this angers the NPC
Because our country is the size of a continent.
Y'all got a good point about those folks.
>le chetuhsdf in command handszsf smal
>literally 45% is white
>the other 55% is MINORITIES
>America is based, I swear, its only California that sucks
African brothers love Seinfeld though
>Reddit spacing
Fuck off fag state
Playstation is literally nintendo's shoes.
Holy shit.
We try not to talk about Chicago.
Try again, I'm a tex-mex spic.
Or Detroit: Become Black
Absolutamente basado
In your opinion what is the best meal/food item ever produced by tex-mex culture
Literally the border. I had a guy in my high school years that moved from the north Texas area and had never seen a black guy in his life. We had at least 5 per class in my town.
I'm a big fan of those gigantic loaded baked potatos, except filled to the brim with fajita, and that had the insides blended prior to being served.
lol my school was majority puerto rican and black 15 years ago. sucked. top 2 students were jewish (me). no blacks in the top 20
>that moved from the north Texas area and had never seen a black guy in his life
I don't know how. I'm from Mesquite and it's full of them. I went to West Mesquite High and they were everywhere.
Mimal the Elf is almost entirely Switch
WV- we may be dead last when it comes to everything else, but at least we know how to game.
>Rhode Island
>PC Gaming
But we don't even have a PC part store in the state...
Your state is small enough to get something cross state and come back like it was nothing compared to the rest of us.
I'm from Mission and there's plenty of blacks
>Gaming trends
Meanwhile in reality the Switch and PS4 fucking destroy it month after month after month. Fuck off Asher Madan.
What? Nobody here has modern consoles. It's like slavland where everyone has a PC slapped together from whatever they can find. Consoles are expensive and require too much internet usage.
nice to know that shithole really hasn't changed in 20 years.
except i've heard you guys actually have semi-warm weather and consequently a bit more arable land there now.
That's in the Dallas area so I expect that. My buddy was from Texarkansa.
hey! I'm a fat fuck who likes cilantro
>someone insults the dear leader
>let’s all respond by making gargling sounds to assert our dominance