>"Mr. Gates... I don't feel so good.."
"Mr. Gates... I don't feel so good.."
Can I have a rundown please? What happened, M$ decided to shut down thier serveres or somehow cucked notch from getting royaltymonies?
They just removed his name from the main screen.
they quietly erased any mention of notch in minecraft's latest release
They just removed his name from the cover.
That's it.
MS rolled out a patch for Minecraft and removed any and all reference to Notch in the game owing to his erratic behaviour on Twitter in the last couple of years.
They removed all the splash text that mentions him. The Yea Forums one is still there, though.
They just removed him from some menu flavor text, aka no1cares. People still think of him as the creator of the game, so disassociating themselves at this point does nothing.
>erratic on twitter
Definitely a good enough reason to scrape the creator's name off an all-time hit
>Who cares? He's already a billionaire, lol!
Then why does he spend all day tweeting? Literally hundreds of tweets a day.
I see, thanks guys.
That's pretty low.
>game removes leftist garbage writer from cover
>Gamers freak out
>Game removes based writer from cover
>No one cares
notich is gay and a cuck?
my keks
would you stop shitposting if you had a billion dollars or shitpost harder than ever?
>notch is into cuck porn
He's still in the credits you retarded faggot.
He's a sane man in a world of of sophists and people bent on crashing civilization with no survivors
that's not what he's saying at all
Who gives a fuck about microshit
Why would he care?
He has nothing to do with the game anymore
Holy shit Notch just said that gay man's entire identity was nothing more than a fetish.
I fucking knew Notch was a cuck.
...I'm sorry, did you just imply being a sophist is a bad thing? If anything we have a sophist shortage.
It's people like you who persecuted Socrates.
he said freaking out about misgendering is retarded
he isn't wrong
Still has his name in the credits
>guy calls out niggers, trannies, furries and faggots out
>they get butthurt
>microsoft just deletes his name
I dont think a guy who is literally a billionaire cares
Ever since getting destroyed by that Gay furry his life has been absolutly fucking destroying himself.
He has fuck you money, why should he care?
Absolutely based. Brb buying scrolls and booster packs.
>"double quotation"
>erratic behaviour
neat euphemism for posting alt-right bullshit
Imagine being so cucked your name gets removed from your own game
My fellow aryans keep getting deplatformed. What are we going to do, bros?
you're never gonna be a real female
Bold of you to assume they had any interest in being a real female.
joke's on you, on the internet I'm a little girl
He's still in the credits
>That's it.
>They did something for no good reason but the fact it doesn't matter makes it ok
holy shit, wtf is this weird apathy bullshit i've seen this message 100 times in the last couple month. IF it doesn't matter, then why do it in the first place retard?
cares enough to keep posting on twitter
Literally no one reads the credits of games, the fact that his name was on the splash if the reason most people know who he is
Imagine getting 3 billion dollars for a game you straight up stole and got anons from Yea Forums playtest and shill it for free
Ew! No girls on the Internet! This is a men's-only club!
Mate, pointless changes have been around since before you were born
>the fact that his name was on the splash if the reason most people know who he is
>if you don't agree with /pol/ you're a transsexual
whoa...this must be the intellectual power of the alt-right...
>tfw you realize...
it is and its very shallow. They can't comprehend issues that take more than one example to flesh out.
Trump literally said he's glad America doesn't run on wind power cause it only blows sometimes.
>it's just a random change
oh fuck right off
Why do the sjw crowd hate notch but give randy pitchford a pass when they found underage porn on a flash drive with company info that belonged to randy? Never understood the fixation with notch.
The alt-right is for farmers.
They're too scared to openly admit to being white supremacists so they hide between "memes" and irony to make themselves seem more legitimate.
K, but Trump isn't alt-right, he's just an asshole.
>calls furries out
lel that nigga didn't do shit, he got owned hard and couldn't come up with shit for a comeback.
>Trump literally said
You stupid niggers can't go one goddamn second without mentioning him, can't you?
I dunno if u heard but he's the president
nobody gives pitchford a pass
Who the hell even mentioned Trump? I'm not even American. But go ahead, keep harming mentally ill people by tricking them they can be women by cutting up their body. You're a monster, what you enable is worse than anything the nazis ever did.
hes alt right, senate defends him like he is their dad
You can just tell when someone’s into cuck porn.
There are other issues in the world than "REEEE ORANGE MAN BAD" you politically illiterate mongoloid.
>owned hard
>still a billionare
>furry still a dogfucker freak
Trump isn't alt-right. Sure they support him, but Trump isn't overtly racist or anti-Semitic enough to be part of the movement.
The alt-right isn't even real the fuck are you on
Why is everyone forgetting that Notch was a brony?
Imagine not being remembered for it and being all day alone because nobody gives a shit if you live or you die.
we were literally talking about the alt right and how stupid they are. Trump is the figure of said alt right
Do you care what the Bitch queen of England says?
>furry calls him out for living an empty life where nobody likes him
>all notch can do is sputter like a 5 year old at recess
>The alt-right isn't even real the fuck are you on
You must be a high schooler
>the alt-right isn't even real
Richard Spencer doesn't exist?
The Daily Stormer doesn't exist?
That Millennial Woes 'tard doesn't exist?
Maybe they're not as big as they used to be, but they still exist.
>Trump literally said he's glad America doesn't run on wind power cause it only blows sometimes.
How is he wrong though ? Backup power stations or batteries would make the cost of electricity go through the roof. Wind power sucks, you need rare earth material to make a massive amount of wind turbines. Even the biggest ones who produces 5 MW of electricity is still shit.
Especially when electric cars are about to take off.
Tesla released a plan to make Supercharger that goes up to 250 kW per car for very fast charging.
The electric grid in America is already in a sad state, you can't power shit with a shit tier grid, especially if you use shit energies.
Richard Spencer is a meme and was never heard of until medias talked about this guy for some reasons. He's a clown.
He's the president tho. Of America.
>lumping libertarians, populists, paleoconservatives, neo-fascists and nationalists under "muh alt-right"
fuck dude it's almost like politics is more complex than a left v right dichotomy
holy shit lmao
It'll only be a matter of time, just wait.
Yeah, how the fuck is Richard Spencer relevant to the alt-right lol. He only co-created the term, and owned AltRight.com.
3 billion nigger, who gives a fuck what literally who's on twitter think about what microsoft did with something they own. I guarantee you notch doesn't give a fuck
Quite literally nobody cares about Spencer, Stormer or whoever the fuck Millenial Woes is supposed to be. The same spergs say people like Sargon of Akkad and Jordan Peterson are alt-right despite them having sweet fuck-all to do with the people you named.
If you support facism, ie donald trump, you support and are a part of the alt right
>They can't comprehend issues that take more than one example
>Trump said
>furry calling anyone out on an empty life
gtfo, Zoo Crew
Why does /pol/ always seem to suck the dick of the rich?
>Please be bait, please be bait
I unironically think resetera/discord is invading us now. God help us
nuclear is the best power generation we have, anyone who disagrees is fucking retarded
That's the worst bait I've ever seen on /g/
The guy has a billion dollars, everyone already knows he made the game, and he doesn't have to give a fuck about anyone ever again.
Doesn't matter what Microsoft does, doesn't matter what anyone here says or how much they try to meme him, doesn't matter how much Era SEETHES that they can't bully the bad white man and make him "get what he deserves," he fucking won and as long as he keeps to himself and lives the neet life there isn't a damn thing anyone can do to him. It really is an absolute victory.
why do trumplicans do this? We provide many points and they just decide its not valid
Who even is Sargon of Akkad's audience? Edgelord /pol/-types hate him, moderates hate him and actual lefties hate him but he was raking in mad dosh on Patreon until recently.
Cattle engineered by Israel
Terrible bait. Try again.
/pol/ loves jewish people?
>speaking like /pol/ outside of /pol/
>believing in qanon
100% winning.
Tell me how donald trump advocating for his supporters to get tough or his frequent executive orders to get past congress do not parallel facism? Or his call to have a strong military to defend his country in need.
You're literally being willfully ignorant at this point
great argument fucking retard
This tbqh. 70% of my country electricity runs on nuclear power for 50 years and only 1.6 million metric cubes of wastes were produced. Nuclear delivers a ridiculous amount of power and if we want to keep up with the demand it's the only way.
nationalists and populists like him.
As far as I am aware, references to Notch in the menu splashes (the yellow text under the title) were removed due to his questionable twitter feed. He is still credited however.
>removed any and all reference to Notch in the game
he is still mentioned in the credits, his name was only removed from the splash screen
Look, I HATE Donald Trump.
But he's not a fascist, or alt-right. If Trump was a fascist, you wouldn't be able to call him a fascist.
Now, he does have fascistic qualities, but he's not an all-out fascist. And he flat-out disavowed the alt-right.
Trump isn't special, he's just another right-wing piece of shit, no different from Bush.
>equating general homosexuality to the depravity of cuckoldry
We will all burn for our sin but man what a terrible comparison
I know that's you, jim
If you're into conservatism and don't believe in God (pretending on /pol/ doesn't count), then you're alt-right. Does it upset you because you thought your position was so unique that it couldn't possibly be labelled? Too bad.
Because he's fucking obsessed and needs to find something better to do with his life. Honestly, you have that much money and you instead decide to subject yourself to the retarded commonfolk on Twitter? You're basically lowering yourself to the same level as of the other poor commie faggots at that point, just bitching and complaining about nothing.
It's mainly disaffected leftists i think. People that support liberal policy but resent SJW's.
Removing his name quietly is such a beta move. If you want to disassociate from him be public and open about it. Own it. This just makes it seem like you know that what you're doing is petty and probably wrong, so you're doing it quietly hoping nobody will take the time to judge you for it.
There's nothing more boring than a billionaire who, in his isolation, decides to start believing some crackpot theories. It's just pathetic. Also notch barely worked on the game past the first release which was garbage and even then he barely worked on the good shit that keeps people coming today. He's as standard a billionaire as they come, lazy person who used his colleagues to get a ton of money and then gets surprised when people dislike him. Just a piece of shit of a person, greedy and weak minded.
All temporary and inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. You can argue the same about having money, but at least having money frees him from the bullshit cycle and let's him do whatever he feels like. Still won.
>the greatest country in the world doesn’t need to always be at war
>*keeps wars going, hires warhawks, and dramatically increase military budgets*
I elected him to stop the expensive wars not keep them going.
>his frequent executive orders to get past congress
are we talking about obama?
>but he's not an all-out fascist
I tell racist jokes sometimes but that doesn't make me an all-out racist
That is...not what the alt-right are. The alt-right are white nationalists and libertarians who try to market their shitty ideas to kids through dumb memes.
You have a fucked up definition of wining if you think his dad state is winning.
If your president is able to get past Congress, blame the system, not the one who uses it.
All he needs to do is build a home gym and get /fit/ then he'll have it made.
>The alt-right isn't even real
So aren't the sjw
Define fascism you wont
They also love consuming jew media and products.
first two years in office donald had more executive orders than obama. On track ot have more total IF he wins again
Try again fucking retard
>private company makes decision
>if he wins again
He will, don't worry. DNC has shit candidates.
>artist makes something
>they sign it to show they made it
>years later someone erases the artist's signature
If this was a painting, people would be flipping their shit.
>knows nothing about geopolitics
A worldwide hegemonic powers can't afford to fuck off in isolationalism otherwise rivals will pop up and try to usurp its position i.e Russia/China
In certain situations. The president doesn’t isnt suppose to have unlimited power. Trump is setting precedent that will come around to bite the conservatives in the ass next time the power shifts which it will. Get ready for healthcare is a national emergency, climate change is a national emergecy, trans rights is a national emergency.
>political show makes a lot of content for one of the most controversial president in history
>stuck in a cycle of shitposting on twitter
I’m sure you’re quite happy, Notch
All they did was remove a title card, one of like, hundreds that references his person. 3 to be exact. His name is still in the credits.
dumb idiot
so both presidents did the same thing but it's totally different because trump is a white man and he makes you feel ;_; right?
He’s still in the credits, retard
Yeah, I know you have most fanciful ideas about yourselves. That's why it's not very useful to listen to you for what you want to be called.
Alt-rights, /pol/tards and the whole idiotic politcal frogosphere is nothing more than regular but (slightly) re-branded conservatism. The difference is the motivation. Instead of God and family, it's to spite the libs, to be different from your liberal once peers and to fit in with other losers online.
>Being so rich you can literally do whatever you want including being /pol/ personified while other people wageslave 80% of their waking hours away
Sounds pretty awesome to be honest
>president does jack shit
omg why are our presidents so useless and impotent, I wish one of them could do something for once
>president does something
Trannies trying to deny reality again, atleast they're consistent lmao
Then why the fuck did he lie about stoping wars?
>who try to market their shitty ideas to kids through dumb memes
I didn't realize the alt right ran hollywood???
>anime-poster is a complete fucking moron
go watch ContraPoints or some shit, your retardation is staggering
>inb4 he activates the backdoor
How thin is your skin if you think he is controversial ? All he does is making jokes on twitter. He's funny from time to time.
Colbert clearly has issues about Trump. The most insignificant shit is blown out of proportions.
Alt rigth as alt rigth politics die pretty quickly, now alt rigth = Anti-SJW
>If you hold any opinions right of center, you’re a /pol/tard
The anime faggot isn’t wrong. The shit the altright and /pol/ spouts is the same thing that I’ve heard my whole life in east tenneseee minus the god shit.
Missing a point: gays are the biggest cheaters, think hetero but ten times worse, that's why gay marriage was the dumbest shit, not because muh bible sin.
Maybe when he became President he realized "oh shit we literally need these wars and economic imperialism to keep China and Russia off our asses"
It's easy to say shit and build ideas when you aren't the asshole in charge, but then the real world hits you and then you notice things aren't that simple
Wait, "you have most fanciful ideas about yourselves"? Are you insinuating that I'm trying to defend MYSELF?
Bitch, I'm probably to the left of you. Most of the vocal users on this site would probably call me a cuck before I got done saying half of what I believe. I'm just sane enough to know that Trump isn't too different from all the other Republican presidents we've had.
Theyre also huge pedos and every fag has at least 5 child sex slaves in their house.
So we elected an ignorant fool?
I'm going to redpill you all retards, are you ready?
What videogame company in the world would least want to be related with an alt-righter in any way, shape or form?
That's right.
Most of notch tweets are about indie games he likes or mocking people bitching at him directly. Why are so many of you mongoloids getting so triggered over him? He's literally harmless.
The war in Syria is almost over. It's not thanks to him but with the other candidate we might've got a shitshow in the Middle East because of her obsession with Iran.
>If you don’t want to immediately kill every rich person for their wealth, you are /pol/
>implying the alt-right is what you have to be worried about
The trend of right-wing populism/nationalism isn't just for North America and Europe dipshit, the entire world is experiencing it, even my little third-world shithole. Surely you can't put that at the feet of the alt-right.
As you would put it: Cringe.
THEY fear the samurai
You dorks think you're cutting edge for being against abortion, being racist and falling for the jewish conspiracy. I agree you barely deserve a new name for being so utterly banal, but it's accurate for what it is.
Oh, you're one of those "totally not /pol/tards" who's always stumbling over themselves to defend them? I see. *wink*
No it’s not. The military will have to be there for year just like they are in Iraq and Afghanistan.
On other news Minecraft is literally cool again now that all the 8 year olds have become teenagers who moved on to fortnite.
Yea Forums server when?
People like you deserve to be beaten to death.
Everybody need to STFU, they only removed 3 splash texts.
No you fucking moron, I'm saying that we are all the ignorant fools because we're working with seriously incomplete information. He's the President, he sees all the shit we don't at this point, so he must obviously realize just how fucked the situation may be. Geopolitics is an absolute nightmare to navigate and understand, and that's coming from an average pleb. Why in the fuck do you think Presidents age so badly, the job literally sucks out their souls.
When the most powerful country make this massive of a shift most of the world will follow. Populism and nationalism offers easy (but wrong) answers for hard complicate problems so it’s easy to get the masses to follow.
Notch would literally kill himself if he got banned from twitter. Hating on minorities is all he has since he's too retarded to spend his money in a way to occupy him
is "woo Yea Forums" still in?
When did I EVER defend /pol/? Boy, if only you were a mod and could read the many MANY times I called /pol/ a Neo-Nazi shithole that should be shut down. There's a pretty big reason I hate /pol/, and I'll give you a hint as to why: I belong to the group they hate the most.
He's still in the credits, they just remove him from the rotating splash screens only.
>Populism and nationalism offers easy (but wrong) answers
Such as ?
Why does that middle left dude look photoshopped? Why does he look like maximilien
It's a game of chinese whispers. People hear things then regurgitate them hyping them up and since the left is so censorious any dissent is banned meaning there is no regulation of their ideas they just ramp up. Look at TB or PDP who have these insane mythos about their supposed crimes that are completely disjunctive from what they actually said or did
>Populism and nationalism offers easy (but wrong)
Well when you sell people bullshit in the form of unchecked globalization and crony capitalism at its worst, what the hell do you think's gonna happen. Obviously they're gonna say "fuck this nonsense" and flip the chessboard.
Shit, you are right, I didn't realize it, we are the majority, that great how fucked you are. Trump2020
what the fuck?!? I love the compicated answers open borders and mass immigration provides!!!
I elected him to stop wars
>You can’t stop wars
Then he lied?
>no, he didn’t know until he was in the position.
So he is ignorant
I don’t understand saying something wrong and then finding out later the correct thing is the definition of ignorant.
his name is literally still in the credits lmao
I would equate that moreso to the fact that in order to identify oneself as a homosexual one must be somewhat inclined to breaking your society's sexual conventions. Loving somebody of the same sex has no inherent relation with cheating, but loving somebody of the same sex in a society that currently and historically views homosexuality as a taboo would theoretically have a relation with cheating, only because both are considered, on some level, sexual/social taboo. Basically, if sexual deviants are the only population who feel comfortable exercising homosexuality, homosexuals will naturally tend to be more sexually deviant.
Isolationism and ethinc purity
>Suddenly Trump is alt-right
>Caring about whether or not faggots get married
>Caring about who faggots sleep with in general
Why are people obsessed with whether or not fags should be allowed to marry? Its like giving a shit about abortions, I will never understand it. As if the Earth actually needs any more people. Is everybody just an insecure closet homo or something?
>The more conservative twitter/real life is becoming the more lefty Yea Forums becomes
What the fuck is going on
that sounds pretty great to me
Lots of implying you are doing. Being against one thing doesn’t mean you support the complete opposite extremes. Life isn’t black and white.
And how is it wrong ? Europe is turning into shit and one of the main reasons is becoming a non homogeneous contient.
How is it wrong ?
>implying these aren't just discord invaders finding a juicy new politics thread to shill their retarded opinions
How is he disappearing?
He's still a billionaire. Do you know how much a billion is?
Don't janitors/mods have access to all the IP's? Routing out brigades should be easy
Yes you are so cool by not taking position, oh how cool you are mr centrist.
Because it leads to massive killing.
>STD don't matter
>lower birth rates don't matter
>as if the Earth needs more people
We're talking about the US in general, not Nigera or India.
I have a fetish for heterosexual intercourse with straight girls.
It gets me hard every time.
At least John Oliver talks about other topics most of the time, jfc.
Objectively true
V is such a tranny shit hole, Jesus Christ.
Literally no one is arguing for complete isolationism and pure ethnic homogeneity. They just want regulations for international trade that ensures their country doesn't get ass fucked and they want a strong majority population that has actual unity behind it instead of a schizophrenic hodge-podge of conflicting races, ethnicities, ideologies and religious groups.
Why do you spend all day posting on Yea Forums?
hundreds of posts a day.