How'd I do?
How'd I do?
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I honestly cant even imagine being able to draw that well so good job
get a tablet
Kinda cute
cat/10 keep up the good work
i fucking hate that cat, though
How do I learn to draw, bros?
If this thread doesn't die I'll ink it for you
it alright
Pretty good, use some perspective next time.
Study and practice. Learn to draw from reality, from reference, before drawing from your imagination. Gott start somewhere. All there is to it.
Talent is just a meme.
Guess that’s fair. I can doodle but I can’t draw if that makes sense.
Pretty good. Get a better pencil and a nankin pen though. I recomend 2B for sketching, 4B and/or a nankin pen (0.7 is fine) for lineart, and 6B for shadows (use it along with one of those paper pencils to smear).
I like it amigo
I want regular amateur vidya draw threads now
Be the change you want to see
Go to sleep
Draw me a Kirby.
Pretty gud, but very flat. Start working on construction and gesture by drawing a whole bunch of three dimensional shapes and objects so you can get a better sense of depth and form, user. You're doing great, buddy.
Draw often but not mindlessly. The keys to drawing are simplifying the process of transferring your imagination onto paper. To mitigate the pain of learning how to do that, tons of artists in history have pretty much narrowed down the basic fundamentals in which help you understand what to study, how to get better at it, where to use it, when to use it, and what they are.
Ideally, you get better at all of these at the same time and become proficient enough to be able to recognize and fix your own flaws. Once you get to that point, which tons of people have done as quickly as a year and a half, your sense of artistic craft and knowledge will just skyrocket. /ic/ has a big sticky for you that can help immensely.
Never give up. Don't make your own threads and post in /beg/ or look for an existing thread.
A lot better than when i tried my hand at drawing
Why is that cat winking?
haha okay,,,
good thread, I think we can pack it up, friends.
It's almost scary how good you are.