Bloodlines 2

Memes aside, please tell me why you have any hope for the game, given everything we know so far about the writers and the devs.

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I’m not an alt-right incel crybaby and I loved the first game.

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Who had hope?
Did you play Bloodlines 1? It's dogshit.

Fans of the first game, obviously.

i've been triggered by mitsoda illness comments but there's actually an old interview with him from 2009 where he expresses a similar view of making sure he didn't just make malkavians the stereotypical fishmalk.

then again they really weren't. stop sign, tvreporter and the occasional HUAHEUhEH dialogue option that's really it. most of the time otherwise the dialogue is some kind of word play, a reference to some media or allegorical shitting--usually done quite well.

>While I might have written the majority of the Malkavian dialogue, the idea to have Malkavian-flavored responses came from Chad Moore (who also wrote a few characters, including Strauss). One of the things I wanted to do with the Malkavians was not just make them “crazy” because I think that’s too easy. I wanted them to tap into the Malkavian “insight” – somewhat like having ESP without really knowing why you know these things – and also make them sound like people that would make you uncomfortable, rather than be over-the-top zany.

People tend to make madness hilarious, and I wanted to try to get into the head of someone without impulse control or rational thought patterns. Sure, sometimes they could say things that were amusing, but if you were to actually have a dialogue with someone who spoke like a Malkavian, you might first think they were weird or putting you on, then you’d be a bit creeped out, and finally you’d try to find ways to get out of the conversation because you had no idea what this person was capable of. They were usually some of the last dialogue I did to finalize characters, so at the point I was writing them, I was probably a bit out of it myself from deadline stress and lack of sleep. Whenever I have a chance to do mental illness in a character, I want to portray it closer to reality than comics or movies – it’s just a cop-out when a character’s motivation/antics are hand-waved because “they’re crazy!” -mitsoda 2010

I think the idea of wanting everybody that plays the game to feel like a vampire is a pretty good goal for narrative design. If pronouns are the worst we get I'd say that's pretty good. My main writing concern is mary sue type projection characters. I have no idea about gameplay, the first game obviously sucks by today's standards so they would need to do a lot and the studio's track record gives bad signs. Gaming journos are mostly dumb and shouldn't be trusted so we would need to see the gameplay. That's it really. Mary Sue's and bad game design. The latter should be easier to identify though, hopefully soon so I can stop caring if it's shit.

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What the fuck is this and what does it have to do with the VIDEO game?

I don't have a mental illness that drives me to extreme rage whenever I see a gay or black in a video game.

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anyone unlocked some of the tinder craP? supposedly you get in-game rewards

I have no opinion one way or the other, because we have seen no actual game footage and I don't consider twitter a source of information.

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It's the V5, the rulebook the game is based on and written by the same people writing the game.

Based/Unbased Neutral Poster.

This post will be ignored or called "cherry picking" even though several of these characters are big characters in the lore.

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nice post user. that'll show em :')

I'm tired of that image, you see, I don't care about those characters, I care about this guy, I care about the lasombra disciplines, I care about the stupid shit retcons white wolf made.
Fuck those characters, fuck White Wolf and fuck Paradox.

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All of those are portrayed as freaks in a world of freaks, not morally righteous fags fighting against misogyny.

I just hope all the inclusion shit will allow me to fuck my new Ventrue daddy.

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Posts like this gets are ignored, I wonder why, maybe because its hard to shill a game when people are talking about internal aspects of said game rather than normalfag bullshit.

Caine was the taxi Driver.
Grout is alive.

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You're trying to hard.

Strauss was never loyal, if you're a Malk and you talk to him you can basically call him a traitor to his face.
Also, he has a chessboard in his mansion next to a laptop. It's pretty clearly him.

I don't agree with the guy who made this image.
Caine may be a plot device but the way he was installed into the entire universe I really enjoyed and thought was done in a way that wasn't completely insulting to the player (or reader's) intelligence