Jesus Christ, this is the most dumbed down fighting game I ever played

Jesus Christ, this is the most dumbed down fighting game I ever played

Attached: 2032a769864a5d9683a22fb5aba5f5c8105d2e14.jpg (616x353, 82K)

It's based off of a shitty series. What did you expect?

True, but I hope you're saying that for the right reasons (aka not because of execution)

>Hurr 5 gokus
how are DBZfags okay with this shit?

Wait until you play Blazblue Cross Tag Battle

So how are you guys enjoying the new patch? Beerus 236H combos are fucking insane, wish they did a little bit more damage though. I'm currently on a team crisis between Blueku/Hit/Yamcha and Beerus/Hit/Baseku.

Dont act like having finicky move inputs makes a game good

>all the characters I like got buffed
>mid tiers aren't half a character + a gimmick now
feels fucking great man

Great post. Both games are horribly dumbed down though desu.

I'm VERY good in dbfz, but I'll be the first to admit the game is a horribly watered down anime-version of a versus game. And every single patch has just made it that much worse.

Rank? Rose here, wanna catch these hands? PS4 or PC?

Yea Forums
>hahah this so dumbed down how could you play this
Also Yea Forums

I barely play online. I think I'm at 1million BP and stopped. I lost like 5 games on the climb.

New patch completely destroyed the game for me. I don't think I'll touch it again.

Sounds like you haven't left Saibaman rank then.

normies and niggers only care about goku/vegeta/jiren anyway

Fakest post I've ever seen in my life. You didn't even try to sound convincing.

>I think I'm at 1million BP and stopped. I lost like 5 games on the climb.

1 million BP is aproximately 1400 matches, if you really had a 99% win rate with that many matches played you would probably be the best player in the entire world. Why aren't you making millions at tournaments yet?

Lmao, way to expose yourself, you sad pathetic fuck.

Indeed, DOA is an example but not this.

I can't wait for FighterZ 2. I just hope they tone down the number of Gokus, preferably just one, with super saiyans locked to finishers for visual flair.

Nappa is a new man. He can finally hold his own and had REALLY good and easy corner combos that do quite some damage.
Put him on my team but I'm still labbing. So far I want Piccolo/Nappa/Trunks to be my team which are my favourite characters until they add Kid Gohan. I'm debating to put Base Vegeta as point instead of the Doc for better mix

The game is very engaging and it's only "dumbed down" if you look at it from a surface level.
It's a good example of a fighting game with a low entry barrier and high skill ceiling

Forgot to post clip

Attached: Nappa new corner.webm (852x480, 2.89M)

>Holding diagonally backwards to block
>Still get hit by a low anyways

What actually gets me is Yea Forums pretending a game is too dumbed down when Yea Forums is historically shit at fightans

Nappa is a fucking nightmare for me. His 3 lows make 6M a serious threat, and it's all a tight blockstring. The only way I can manage to win is by playing some scrub ass neutral.

How did they make this shit be more dumbed down and less creative than BBtag? Literally how?

This. Yea Forums's opinion on fighting games are the ones I hold in lowest regard, the majority of you fucks are really bad at playing these.

No one cares about smash on here except rosterfags and they only play for like a week

Nappa the gardener

That game has similarly low execution, but is otherwise much more interesting

Oh yea? You must've' played a lot of it to have a valid opinion what's your rank?

>play it on a stick
>dogshit player
>play it on a pad
>fantastic player
Why the fuck can't I do shit with a stick?

Attached: 1552266033479.jpg (544x559, 181K)

Because you're a zoomer using a stick for the first time, you didn't grow up with it

And they always turn out to be scrubs or liars too, like the OP itt.

You need to play more games then.

they fucking saved blue goku, see that meter build, see that swag SEE THAT FUCKING DAMAGE

Attached: 1542364283648.webm (1280x720, 1.69M)


I got it, because everyone said it was SOOOO good, and I got something just as casual as smash, featuring 5 gokus and literal whos, with maybe 5 worthwhile fighters in the entire cast.

Nice visual flair though. So there's that.