>be CEO of gearbox
>Present all remastered game + borderlands 3
>Use Windows Player for trailer on shitty i2 dualcore laptop
>Trailer plays in -27373 fps
> Play it again
> Even worse
Thats what i call a real professional
>be CEO of gearbox
>Present all remastered game + borderlands 3
>Use Windows Player for trailer on shitty i2 dualcore laptop
>Trailer plays in -27373 fps
> Play it again
> Even worse
Thats what i call a real professional
Other urls found in this thread:
That was pretty badass, if you ask me
Let's be fair to Randall here, the setup was entirely done by PAX
PAX was in charge of the equipment.
I'd be fucking pissed too, paying money to showcase a game with such a huge fanbase only for it to go off the rails.
Didn't he get caught with CP? What's happening with that?
>be CEO of gearbox
>present all remastered games + borderlands 3
>make the video 4K
>the shitters at PAX don't have the gear required for 4K
>PAX shitters also decide to use windows player and not VLC
>they couldn't fix shit
>have to applogise, tell the PAX shitters "help me out here guys" and even ask yourself if you should have brought your own gear
here you brainlet, fixed it for you
Not his fault, it's PAXes.
>no extended gameplay footage
>no release date
>says almost nothing about the game
>spends more time promoting some shitty board game and indie game no one cares about than talking about bl3
>half of the fucking presentation is some dumbass magic trick
It was the convention's gear, not theirs
Hi Randy, get cancer.
Nah just legal porn
"Barely Legal"
was it probed that he owns CP?
Randy might be a shitter but PAX should have had this on lock down.
what happened to the card based character shooter he wanted to make?
how can one man be so JUST?
>that 20 minute aside for a magic trick with obviously preselected "volunteers"
Believe it or not normal people don't spend 5 hours in MPC configuring autistic shit to play something.
Turned out she was 19 so nobody gives a fuck.
In what way will the first borderlands be remastered? Would there even be any difference with the original pc release and the new one?
It's Randy, you have to expect some kind of embarrassing JUST-tier magic stuff
That was PAX staff
You're telling me a black Σοyboy and a """"cosplay"""" e-whore were staged?
What? Do you mean Amazing Eternals? That was Warframe's devs.
I don't see how else it could be done, that type of magic is generally premade setups. Whenever hidden camera magic stuff has someone's name "guessed" that just means their friend set them up for the show and told them their name.
are you playing dumb?
the people that were watching the stream could clearly see that all the cards in the second deck were signed, I think no one is questioning wether or not it was staged anymore
They are simply updating it with reso and a couple other things it seems.
>the people that were watching the stream could clearly see that all the cards in the second deck were signed
Even then how would it be the other guy's signature unless it was set up in advance?
>all those cool, untextured models that everyone was coming up with theories about the other night
>textures applied, look like complete shit
>new siren is a pajeet who doesn't even have a bizarre hair color all sirens, including the new antagonist have had, aside from some blue dye on her ponytail
gotta say, randy, you fucked it up
He really try to outstreched the show with his lame magic trick, jesus, why does he have to be so autistic about magic, I know he comes from a family of magician but still, it had no place in a PAX show.
I figure that the technical fuck up weren't his fault and at least he tried to do his best in the end.
He didn't redeemed itself and gearbox yet but it was nice seeing him taking of his vest to show the 3 on his back
You all say that it's PAXes fold, but lets be honest: it is their job to do a general rehearsal to make sure, that this lame bullshit doesn't happen
It was just kitty jung and little caprice
man you quote shit that answers the quesiton you're asking
holy fuck you're dumb
imagine having the most anticipated reveal in your company's history run at like 8 fps on a shitty laptop in windows media player
>existed only to be the replacement siren in 2 because Lilith is a character now
>had virtually no personality
>shit siren with shit abilities
>gets made a character in 3
>only good returning character remake among all of them aside maybe Rhys
what the fuck
they had to resort playing the video from youtube due to how unstable the player was
sorry mang I'm in the middle of a migraine and I can barely read and my head is all scrombled
I thought you were saying "oh it was just that," not that it was fully put together
What do you propose user?
hey this guy is randy, everybody tell randy to fuck off
I would do her so hard
you cant deny they did a fucking amazing job with her look
Keep your eyes away from screens during a migraine you doofus.
I have a feeling she would do you even harder user
can't go back to VLC after using MPC-HC for years
if I can make her hair white and change her outfit color to not fucking black, maybe get her in some clothes that don't make her look like a gypsy biker, MAYBE
So these are the beastmaster's pets, yeah? Though the name beastmaster is a bit weird for walking guns, so maybe not.
>press release for Bulletstorm says they got it running at 60fps with higher res textures than previous releases
>pick this game over Borderlands
In the snippets we saw, Beastmaster had a mechanical wolf behind him
no randy tweeted something about it after battleborn bombed.
>install MPC-HC
>everything works
Also putting profile=gpu-hq into a config file for mpv doesn't take 5 hours.
Flakk can get a Skag, a Rakk or a Spider Ant he can build up with any of his three skill trees. Each one is a new companion play style with it's own share of skills.
>forgetting Gearbox has shit out Colonial Marines and Battleborn as their last two games
>trailer adds nothing new to the old as fuck borderlands formula
BL3 is going to be a solid 6/10
The point was it would have worked better with no setup. If I play a 1080p 10bit x265 file in VLC it uses about 5% cpu and 5-10% gpu (gtx 970). The same file in properly setup MPC-HC gives slightly better quality but uses more vram, 30%+ gpu and clocks my cpu higher around 20%
It was a hilarious shitshow
>was there
>people were actually shouting at them to use VLC
but at least I got a copy of the new ps4 Borderlands game of Borderlands 1 and a free mask
holy fuck that's great. I'm actually really excited for this game, if it's anything like the last one the shitposting will be amazing, maybe we can make another writer have a mental break.
>if Nico Robin didn't skip arm and abs day
that is a really, really shitty mask, user
like god damn, that's just thin plastic with eye holes cut out, randy probably paid some chinamen 99 cents a mask
>Nico is on boob day, every day
what a waste
Hmmm, something isn't quite right here.
it looks like a blue rarity unique tediore gun that when reloaded you throw it on the ground and finishes emptying the clip at enemies while it walks around
i dont see how people can think this is a class specific gun when it was showed as one of the billions of guns
>Lilith still in the fucking game
I don’t know if anyone noticed but the card the black guy pulled out also had a bunch of shit on it that I thought was a signature at first, I think that’s just the card design
>99c a mask
that's actually pretty expensive relatively
It was shown literally right next to the mech another character summons. Gee, why would people think it's a character skill I wonder?
>Muscle Pajeet
>Skill trees are Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Kali
Kali any day
Are we just going to forgot how much of an asshole Randy is, and how bad Gearbox has mishandled the series?
1) DLC up the ass (even more so than the Sims and Elder Scrolls combined)
2) Bullshit Twitter watching 24/7 for keys
3) Randy = complete asshole
4) Gearbox is overrated developer
Need I go on, or are we still going to suck their dicks?
I'm so out. Never have been into faggotry.
>Mission: Sit through an entire Randy Pitchford presentation without cringing
>Time Limit: 60 minutes
>Fail and face erasure
i swear she dies painfully.
Randy needs all the money from being in court for so many lawsuits.
Whatchu think - of course he loves (needs) EPIC (MONIES)!
welcome to nu-Yea Forums
So depressing...
Gaming community just sees all flash and no substance and is like "TAKE MY MONEY". Fuck sakes BAKA
>shown by soldier character
>but its the robots skill
but its literally dropped though there was a weird outrage but then nobody gave a single fuck its based Randy's meme magic he got away with viewing loli porn truly a hero
>morbid moxxi
Well, she IS Ellie's mom
Oh yeah about that
>Ellie is still in the game
>Ellie is still the mechanic
>tfw every time they fucked up I thought it was staged because of le wacky borderlands humour
>Pirated the first game and finished co-op with my brother
>Pirated 2 and we stopped playing over half way through
>Didn't even bother with pre-sequel
This one will be another pirate. I refuse to give those cunts my money.
Makes me wonder what they did with best girl
It's hilarious how people started booing when Randy told them he should've brought his own equipment.
How the shit do you fuck up playing a fucking videofile anyway?
it barely passed as a trailer, more like some sloppy shit they threw together at the last minute. Didn't even look remotely playable. This is a solid 2 years out from what I saw.
Buy her game!
I just hope they don't fill it with cringe meme shit like they did in BL2
I love her so much
>DLC up the ass (even more so than the Sims and Elder Scrolls combined)
tfw I bought the handsome collection for 15 bucks
Granted I had to wait 7 years but still.
Is that Zaunderground?
The cutest.
Burch is gone right? Should be a tinge better at least
God I wish that were me
I mean, they killed Scooter, and Moxxi doesn't like publicly showing her hillbilly side. Who else were you going to have as your hillbilly mechanic?
She's not tiny anymore.
Shouldn't they call her tight Tina now?
It was an unsubstantiated rumor by a disgruntled former employee. AKA 99% likely it's true but will never be charged.
The only thing that designates a siren is the arm tattoos. The fact they've all had dyed hair is just weird art design choices.
>mechanical wolf
what the fuck are you smoking nigger
he had regular skag with some brain implants
Gaige isn't a hillbilly.
Deathtrap's gonna fuck her, isn't he?
>going to PAX
Fucking why? I live in the seaport and wouldn't be caught dead there.
Based and cyborg pilled
I hope in Borderlands 3 she has way more augmentations. On a side note what is with that collar she is always wearing? Seems really weird
It's a choker, but she's a dorky suburban garage mechanic so she makes do with what she's got
FUCK. I already hate this character,it's going to be pickle 2 ,shit im going to be sick
>wouldn't be caught dead there.
and you wouldnt because its a gun free zone
Mag limit might be ten rounds but you can still carry thirty of them
This. Randy does this because no one else is badass enough to make mistakes like this in the modern gaming industry.
>install VLC
>everything works
>spergs on Yea Forums throw a tantrum because you don't use their autistic video player instead
>download 20mb MPV
>100% portable don't need to install anything
>it just werks
>Colonial Marines
literally nobody gives a fuck, good thing randy embezzled the money to make bl2
Kinda glad I watched the trailer on youtube and missed the stream but also kinda sad I missed the stupid shit.
>everything works
The little thief kid in presequel.
I've had problems with VLC, I've never had a problem with MPV
Simple as
No one played presequel.
I actually liked playing as Athena, enough to just ignore all the cringey shit with Janey Springs.
>people still recommend VLC
>Lilith has red hair and red abilities
>Maya has blue hair and blue abilities
>new antagonist is a siren with white hair and her abilities weren't shown long enough to really see
>Maya's siren in training has blue hair
>new pajeet siren has blue abilities and a little streak of blue hair at the back
user plz, she flies in the face of an obvious rule
>Just always stuck with MPC-HC because it worked fine and gave me no problems
>this always happens in the same timeframe, meaning I just can't let the fucking thing buffer or whatever
Go, just go fuck off randy you cunt.
God, genuinely unpleasant even anonymous.
Borderlands 2 was so bad I'll never touch anything related to it or Gearbox again. I'm just here for the shitposting.
You know it
Why remake BL1 with 3 coming out?
it's literally the signature
I don't know, I feel like someone in the company should have checked to see if the equipment works. I mean bands have been doing sound checks for roughly 80 years specifically because of that reason.
They're remastering 1 because it's an outdated piece of shit and some people (such as myself) still play it occasionally.
Just because 3 is out soon doesn't mean the older titles should be forgotten.
BL3 is probably coming in about 2 years, while the BL1 remake is coming out this April. 2 or 3 years between games isn't that bad. It's also much easier to make a remake.
>bizarre hair color all sirens had
Red is bizarre?
He's an sjw so its okay
That was my point you mouth breather
2k games said that it'd be coming out before the end of the next fiscal year. That's the closest we have to a release date.
Or - you know - I could just use a player that works ootb.
here's a tip, if you're going to run a smear campaign on someone, don't contradict yourself in your own article
"barely legal" porn isn't CP
someone cannot be 18 and also not 18
Tina is cute, CUTE!
last time someone said she was 18, and then 17. Why does the age keep getting older? kek
What the fuck bros? Who will be the replacement loli now that Tina is grown?!
he just named the folder barely legal like thad did with his "not cp" folder
i like this game and it's trailer. Yea Forums getting triggered is just a bonus
you :3
magic like this with actual volunteers isn't particularly hard
but I wouldn't put it past randy to be enough of a dipshit to actually need plants in the audience
Can we talk about the objectively best new vault hunter?
Firetruck red with pink tips? Yes, that's not a natural hair color, user.
t. virgin
How does it work, is it just sleight of hand?
I-I'm 6'1 though...
>install VLC
>everything works
>not the football girl
Anthony and I have been trying to work on a transgender character in the game, I was inspired by a transgender programmer who worked on Borderlands 2 and she taught me a lot. It's really difficult if you're somebody whose genitals match their orientation and self image if you happen to be one of those it's difficult to intuit the reality that there's different things that affect each of those vectors, right? There's a lot of diversity just in the biology of how our genitals might have ended up, and there's a lot of diversity in what we might be attracted to and that's, those are completely different vectors, and then the third one is the vector of how we see ourselves. I used to be kind of a bigot against men who got fake breasts, I thought there must be something wrong with them and that's, and there's a weakness there, I was actually kind of, not, kind of intolerant about that. She made me understand that it's common knowledge for human beings to see themselves differently than they're actually built, and that the way our brains are wired is not always is not exactly in pairity with the way our, our uhm, in all the things like the way our bodies form uhm, might you know end up. And if That's the case how fortunate it is if we can do something about that with science. How fortunate it is that the modern medicine can help, uhm, uh, to some degree and if we're fortunate as a species we'll get even better at that. And that was a really kind of awesome kind of discovery for me, that she helped me figured out. And I thought man, we really need to cover that in some way. And get that out there, so I've been trying to encourage us to get us a transgender playable character, uhm, and I think we will certainly at some point
-Randy Pitchford
we'll just chop off your legs and give you little stubbie wubbies to tap around in!
Have to wait to see his abilities, but yes loaderbot looks pretty great.
Do you have an argument?
Black is bizarre?
With that side-buzzcut/close crop, yes.
wasn't there only four sirens?
bitch from BL1
and now comes another one?
A rumor that ended up being lawyer bait. Randy is the only CEO in the world retarded enough to fall right into it.
Jack says only 4 sirens can exist at any one time. Angel and Steele are dead.
Six sirens can exist at any given time.
I think in 2 they establish only 6 sirens can exist at any given time. So when Steele died in 1 and Angel died in 2 that would mean potentially that the discount Nappa and Vegeta in 3 are the sirens that replaced them.
I forgot she even existed. I'd say you got me but she was deathly ill and hooked up to a shit load of machines so the dull hair may have been a design choice to keep her from looking cheery.
Oh it was six? Wasn't even that long since I replayed 2. My memory sucks.
Why are they all on the SAME FUCKING PLANET
just use mpv lmao
I've always thought of VLC as the player for morons too stupid to work out how to install codecs and they just stuck with it ever since.
Did they squished faces on everyone or what?
drawn to eridium yadda yadda
>deathly ill and hooked up to machines
She wasn't ill at all. The last time she manifested her siren powers it killed her mom, that's why she's caged away like that. Then Jack learned about how Eridium supercharges sirens and he'd been pumping her full of the junk, which is what those machines do.
They travelled there. Lilith was from off-world, Maya was also from off-world from some sort of religious nutjob group.
They handled it alright instead of letting things get awkward.
>wasn't deathly ill
>was being forcefully pumped full of magic purple heroin
Fission mailed.
It used be for playing livestreams, playing DVD's, being a music player in a pinch, with SF2 support for midi's, viewing different live videostreams like webcams, video input devices like VHS capture, remote control cameras,
and now it's for people too stupid to install MPV and the use of those different features is much less necessary because most of those kind of different products come with players ootb and livestreaming is all through browsers
i love you randy please give us bulletstorm 2 and a new duke nukem
>Lilith is Borderlands' "Siren" class. She is originally from the planet Dionysus and is one of six Sirens, a group of women with unbelievable powers.
>As an infant, Maya was identified as a Siren and given to the Order of the Impending Storm, the ruling order of monks on her homeworld of Athenas.
Space travel.
>Due to the mysterious relationship of Sirens to Eridians, Sirens can absorb Eridium as a means to enhance their powers. However, this has serious side effects. While Eridium increases a Siren's powers and makes them more powerful, even increasing their natural healing to the point of superhuman regeneration, the 'high' of the power boost has the potential to be addictive. Sirens that are given, willingly or forcefully, a constant flow of Eridium to absorb become unable to live without it: the Eridium essentially becomes their life support
It's like you don't even read the links you provide. They flat out say that Eridium boosts their bodies healing properties and that being "deathly sick" only happens once you're cut off.
Stand users attract other Stand users
>handing someone a sealed box within a sealed box and then having the signed card be in it
What exactly about being on a constant drip of something highly addictive just to stay alive isn't "deathly ill," friend?
She's 100% a jojo character.
>It ends up being signed by his son Randy Pitchford.
Waz that a mothafuckin Jojo's Bizarre Adventure reference?
post yfw >im a magician
she looks like a crack addict
What part of "increasing their natural healing to the point of superhuman regeneration" screams deathly sick?
but it has a water filter and psychedelic effect!
and chromecast support!!!!!1
Doc I need a bigger dose than this, you know that
Randy should've used KCP
>shoot some tubes
>she fucking DIES
Yeah wow, you got me user, she was the picture of health, regenerating so strongly.
Any media player "just works". Show me one that doesn't. Even windows media player "just works" so why bother with anything else?
trash series and trash developer
She'd be regenerating from anything until cut off from her magic rocks you moron. You run into her with that black hair before you destroy the iridium injectors. It's a conditional omnipotence, not a sign of being on their deathbed. That's like saying Achilles was deathly sick because he died when someone got him in the heel or that Balder was deathly sick because he died when he got whacked with mistletoe.
Achilles and Balder being struck by their weaknesses simply removed their immortality, opening them up to a death blow. Angel had the thing that provided her immortality removed, and then instantly died with no provocation. You're retarded.
If I already have Borderlands 1 on steam, I get the remaster for free right
that's how time works dipshit
Looks like a Borderlands 2 reskin. Same gameplay, same graphics. Where are the improvements?
Both Achilles and Balder literally died from being struck in their weakspot/with the thing they were weak to. There was no other death blow. Paris is the one that killed Achilles, with stories sometimes saying a poison arrow is what did him in. With Balder, Hoor always ends up spearing Balder in the chest with a mistletoe spear that Loki provided. Re-read your classic lit.
>2) Bullshit Twitter watching 24/7 for keys
Remember when BL2 first came out and it turned out that they stored the data for golden keys in a plain unsecured .txt file and you could edit it to give yourself as many keys as you wanted.
Randy blew a FIT on twitter about that shit it still makes me laugh.
Any screencaps?
There are multiple versions of the stories, but either way the ones you cite have them being mortally wounded by weapons. Angel keels over the moment someone stops her purple heroin supply. That's not conditional invulnerability or immortality. That's dependency. Dependency on a chemical is an illness. She needed it to live. Balder and Achilles did not need their power to live, it was just a thing they had.
>arrow to the heel is a mortal wound now
4) simply wrong. Gearbox is considered a laughing stock by most. They may actually be underrated if anything. Next game will tell.
3) How so? He stole money from a publisher to make a game for (YOU) jackass. Sounds pretty... dare I say..... badass?
2) the wiki has all the keys ever released that are still working. Have fun ruining your experience?
1. no? most is just cosmetics, while there are more than enough cosmetics ingame regardless. other than that we have a few bigger content DLCs and those were great! Especially Tiny Tinas Dragon keep
With a poisoned arrow? Sure. Achilles was not hyper-vulnerable on his ankles, that's just a common misconception. It was the only place he wasn't invulnerable, that's all.
>Achilles is chemically dependent on his heel since he keels over and dies the moment it gets struck
Nah it was too long ago really. You could also give yourself dlc by just changing a number in the ini's too I remember doing that.
the atrocious editing on that trailer had my sides in orbit
pax was in charge of equipment and proved why no one does fucking conferences at pax instead of e3
SOME stories say the arrow was poisoned, as an add-on to hammer down how Paris was duplicitous and not as good a Trojan as Hector. Most of them just say it was an arrow guided by the gods as a retribution for Achilles' wanton disrespect of the dead by dragging Hector's corpse by its heels around the walls of Troy.
She's looked like a crack addict from the get go. Her ingame model always looked ugly as sin.
Okay then, arrows guided by gods are also mortally wounding. Who would've thought?
Battleborn was actually a good game though.
>heels are now mortally wounding spots
You have to admit, randy did an excellent job at damage control. No panic, no anger, just a collective calm "the show must go on" attitude.
Randy is actually pretty based. Cringe, but based.
>god guides arrow
>it strikes guy in spot that he's mortal in
>he dies
>wtf that's not a mortal wound, ankles don't bleed, achilles died instantly because his heel was made of glass
oh no its fucked
How do you go from a basedboy to a basedboy?
>ankles don't bleed, achilles died instantly because his heel was made of glass
>ankles are heels now
Re-read biology while you're at it.
He has definitely made some questionable decisions over the years but he got to his position for a reason and today was a good look as to why.
Yeah and all people ever talk about Achilles and Balder in the legends is how deathly sick they are, don't they?
Maya had a character though. She didn't want to be treated like a child any more into her young adulthood, murdered a bunch of evil manipulative priests who were holding her against her will and escaped to Pandora to learn about whatever the hell Sirens actually are exactly.
It's the original cast who didn't have personalities until the second game. In the first they're just a bunch of random criminals with arbitrary skills. Even Roland sounds like typical light hearted black guy back then, rather than the Crimson Lance leader from the second game.
go on
Hi Randy
>myth refers to it as a heel
>common terminology refers to it as a the achilles tendon
>paintings and statues depict achilles being held by his ankle, wounded in his ankle
okay, debate semantics then, I'll just accept this as a win
No, they don't. Thank you for proving my point?
Band members only do sound check, roadies usually the one that maintain the equipment. Even professional band like Metallica suffered equipment failure every now and then
>the anatomical part is called the achilles tendon, to help discern which of the many tendons of the human body is being referred to, as it attaches the calf and the heel.
>the figure of speech denoting a weakspot is called an achilles HEEL
>this is somehow called semantics
Holy shit go back to reading everything.
Dayum, OP here. Thats my first thread, that exploded.
Enjoy it.
Okay, and you go ahead and continue thinking you're educated, friend.
I'm not the idiot that said Balder and Achilles only got robbed of their invulnerability, opening them up to a killing blow.
Is this the studio that made that really shitty Alien game?
someone stream themselves RIGHT NOW playing borderlands alone and having fun.
you literally cannot as no one has ever enjoyed this series without a friend. Just like Destiny.
It's a turn your brain off video game so you can be "social" that's all the entire genre is.
>inb4 I-I enjoyed it alone
(quick aside ahahah friendless faggot)
but on a more serious note then it shouldn't be difficult to stream yourself enjoying it now should it?
I heard they had taken the money sega had payed them to make Aliens, put a skeleton B team on it, and used a huge bulk of the money to make that terrible Duke Nukem Forever game. Is that true?
At that point it would be 2K fuckery (or even Take two the same people that make GTA). I don't know
Is BL worth the 5 bucks now to get the free GOTY upgrade later ?
barely legal was randy's words, not the employees.
>I'm just here for the shitposting.
Story of Yea Forums.
1? if you like a decent to mediocre fps game that feels like a wow fusion then yes.
2 and else? no it's pretty terrible unless the above sounds like an amazing idea to you.
this is coming from someone who liked 1 for what it was.
I think I'm in love.
I'm kinda happy Bulletstorm is getting a rerelease because I hear it was a good underrated shooter, but why would you pick that for a Switch release over Borderlands?