You know, nothing says immersion quite like LARPing as a blue-haired goblina or an Indian woman. Western devs were a mistake
You know, nothing says immersion quite like LARPing as a blue-haired goblina or an Indian woman...
Other urls found in this thread:
>walking guns
no I will not get over it
>New black muscle girl siren
>Maya grew her hair out and added a hoodie/cloak to her old outfit
>Ugly autismo kid with NOPE written on her clothes
There's always something that ruins it. Fucking Gearbox
All they had to do was make the loli cute and they couldn't even get that right.
But then again who gives a fuck when we got ourselves a delicious brown muscle girl?
are the women supposed to look fucking ugly? is this Borderlands aesthetics?
>he's complaining about girls with hair dyes in fucking borderlands
Does any of you political autistic millennials play videogames at all?
Should millennials even have the right to have opinions?
Videogames are the polar opposite of LARP, dumb ESL.
>there are female psychos now
kek, what a shit
Wait, so which one is playable in the game?
All three?
Why do Americans think everyone with dark skin is black? Top girl is indian
Where the fuck are Salvador and Axton
Brown muscle wife.
The other Sirens are just cameos.
indian woman? you mean that black man?
>he's over 13
>he still self-inserts
I bet Mrs brown siren is not gonna get dailty fan art sessions like the potted plant girl.
>not Maya
Siren dropped.
Is any of the other characters a cute girl?
my dick!
Thats a man. An ugly man.
the Indian lady is fine and gobbo isn't playable, you big gay baby.
I never play siren but this new one is an Amazon built for sex.
I don't even care about the /pol/ tier bullshshit. Rhys needs to shave that horror off his lip and we need to see Sascha She is *my* goblina and I want to know she is okay.
it looks exactly the same as B1 and B2??? what happened to that tech demo they showed a year or two ago?
literally looks exactly the same res and everything as a ps3 game, and I'm not talking about the art style
why? she looks like a baki character
I've had a hardon for the Vladof girl since I saw the trailer, I'm giving it another hour before calling up the Doc
There's a cute little commie with ridable bear mecha
I'll take it if I can give her goth looks.
Is this a Jojo reference?
>cute little commie
>ridable mech
>-bear- mech
fuck no. That shit ain't a bear, it's just a mech.
>People get paid to design and model this shit
Fucking disgusting
Is it actually a proper mech that you get in and control?
>can self insert as a robot ninja assassin
>a girl?! but muh immersion!
How the the fuck do you self insert as a borderlands character? They're all pretty set characters with wacky retarded personalities.
are all the playable characters female then?
You couldn't design anything blander even if you tried. Seriously, what the fuck is this character? Also, it's very telling how no one is even talking about the other characters and is either jerking off or is disgusted at the brown muscle girl.
This is pre-sequel level bland, maybe even worse.
what stance is this?
thank you
Easy there snowflake. You coloreds all look the same so there's no reason to try and tell you apart
>He doesn't want to play as a brown musclegirl
Get a load of this fag lol
Old Man
Robot Metal Husband
Nobody wants to play as ugly people.
When people think of brown musclegirl, they think of Korra, not in the manfaced ugly in the OP.
Genuinely gonna have a hard time to pick between them all based in aesthics. Usually this was straight forward for me in the other 2 games but I really like all 4 of these
>same engine
> no graphical improvements
> no new gameplay elements
> same shitty map movement but wait now you can do it three times as much
> 1 billion guns ( but like borderlands 2 i doubt there will be much variation between them, unless its specifically made for the plot)
> re-using the same assets
Why are people excited for this? This was fun 10 years ago but we can do better now.
generic anime face wouldn't translate well into borderlands. the downsie kid in the op is prime example of gearbox's bad face modeling
Yup, i'm choosing the little girl.
this, the "delicious brown" only works until the characters don't look like actual brown girls IRL
it's fucking borderlands. every character is a potatoehead
>no new gameplay elements
> 1 billion guns ( but like borderlands 2 i doubt there will be much variation between them, unless its specifically made for the plot)
They're introducing modular gun parts like your cowadoodies
What are you talking about? Maya is anime as heck and she's gorgeous.
You're so deluded in your own terrible taste you keep shitting out all BL3 threads with your idiocy.
Fuck off, zoomer scum.
FUcking THIS
Whoops meant second part for jej
She cute
I will colonize her
They won't be able to help themselves with the old guy, we're getting Soldier 76 gay old man and you know I'm right
>large forehead
>wide jawline
>fat nose
so kawaii uguu!
still a cute tho
I mean, he's already Batman. Batman's always been a fag.
Can’t wait to hear Gramps talks about how a former lover roofied and raped him
>wide jawline
>fat nose
Maya you donut. the one you played in 2.
>Maya is anime as heck and she's gorgeous
featureless oval moonface with lips eyes and nose stapled on. gorgeous.
you're just whining because these new girl characters have an actual facial structure. "she has cheekbones, MANFACE". stupid.
Anthony Burch doesn't work for Gearbox anymore.
But the new girls also give me a boner.
My only point is that Maya is pretty anime, so saying anime uguu wouldn't work in CodehuntersBorderlands style is silly.
No, read, they are complaining because she's fucking ugly.
>those hairy as fuck eyebrows
lmfao, it's as if they are trying their hardest to make her ugly.
she looks good
keep taking screenshots of characters mid expression change to prove your meaningless whiny point
You know I’d ask how they let this hair clipping happen in the trailer/teaser whatever but I just watched these bums trying to run 4K with a laptop so I’m not even going to bother.
Does she fuck white guys?
Huh. I didn’t realize how Maya and lilth are basically indentical with the obvious detail changes like hair colour/style
So, when will the UHD packs become available?
>using lilith as an example
Activate it
No, white guys fuck her.
lilith fucks black guys so it would only be fair.
New girl is the cutest of the sirens for sure. I want to have rough sweaty sex with her and lick her abs
I don't think any human is willing to touch that being.
The mustache is there for comedic purposes, it was leaked before the trailer that Rhys was going to get made fun of in the game because of his stache, he thinks it's cool, makes him a macho man, poor guy.
No she isn't, she's an ugly, black abomination with the face of a man.
She seeks them out quite aggressively hoping to put her genetics back on track
I'm just sad I won't get to play as Maya again.
She was very fun to play.
Who even wanted Borderlands 3?
1 was trash and 2 was still bad
Ara ara
he bought? phasewalk it
We've got Jojo Lady Brick now and I couldn't be happier.
God Maya is perfection. Let me play her again. Wouldn't even care if she was copied for BL2
>Everyone's thinking it's just an autismo character design
>Not Krieg's child with Maya
I want my Psycho to have a happy ending.
first borderlands game you play as a black guy, a jewish hobo, a retarded white guy who's the worst character in the game, and a white woman who is absurdly OP. then in the second game they make the black guy and the white woman an item
but tell me more about ess jay dubbayews ruining your bideogame
blind and wrong
Gross. The size of those nostrils. Disgusting.
No, i'm right, otherwise no one else would complain.
She's an ugly nigger.
It's even worse when you compare it to what we had before.
Are you talking shit about Maya? Fuck you
and we just got peak maya design in this trailer, what the fuck randy?
What did they mean?
Oh shit he's canon now
It's obviously Randy's vision for murrica, and it's beautiful
The only place complaining is Yea Forums, who I'm sure are totally genuine any time they complain about anything
>that model with black hair
>could finally play as a cute emo
>get a goblina instead.
>complains about immersion
>in a setting that has aliens and space travel
Not to mention the top chick and bottom right are one of 6 women who get essentially superpowers. Game is still gonna be shit though and top looks ugleh.
>otherwise no one else would complain.
legit, people are complaining because of racism
>She's an ugly nigger.
>It's even worse when you compare it to what we had before.
you want another lilith recolor? if they did that people would bitch that it's the same shit again.
keep in mind that borderlands is a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER and you spend 90% of the game not looking at your character anyway
hey have always been canon, based boomer Rhys
when it's diversity for diversities sake and it's shoved down your throat it sucks nigger dick
but when it's just good character design it's fine
pic related
Man I need to play his game
More like indo aryan
b-but doesn't that mean that you image you just posted is satire???
Yeah i assumed there weren't females in the previous games as they'd all have been raped or murdered.
Guess they feel empowered enough to come out of their huts now, or they're trannies. It's 2019 after all.
Great character trapped in a shitty game
Well yeah, blacks are ugly as fuck.
I mean, they could make a good looking character, but instead they made someone who is just ugly as hell.
>you want another lilith recolor?
Yes, specially when the alternative is that abomination.
Is the little girl Maya's daughter?
zero looks cool as fuck
rhys 2.0 looks fucking great as well
i legitimately forgot the name of that shitty fps moba randy and fags released two years ago
>Yea Forums suddenly gives any kind of shit about borderlands
did I wake up in bizzaro earth? since when did this low effort """"badass"""" console shooter have a fanbase here? am i going to see "naruto is kino" threads on Yea Forums?
The problem with diversity is not racial diversity, it's that it implies making ugly people.
In the past we already had tons of people from other races, but no one cared because they weren't obnoxiously ugly.
WHY would anyone make ugly characters?
Why is the west obsessed with trying to make ugliness be something good?
Fuck off the only bad looking character is the blue haired goober on the left
What's that? /pol/ is butthurt today too? Like yesterday and the day before and the day before that again? Guess it cannot be helped!
only reason Yea Forums doesn't hate him is that his game came out in 2009 before SJWs became a concern
>that midget fuck is suppose to be 5 years old
are you as retarded as krieg?
advanced city level
fuck yeah
Even if that’s not the case, this is my head canon now.
These are your Sirens.
Say something nice to them
I'm honestly more hype to replay 1 than play 3 and be disappointed.
>Great character trapped in a shitty game
probably one of the best examples
do it right fucking now, most kino borderlands game and the ONLY good telltale game
I know right, when a game becomes a topic in Yea Forums it can only mean it's bad.
maya is god tier. especially when she wears glasses
Where is bestboy anyways?
The only really ugly character there is the blue haired kid, her face is unsettling.
You must be new, we make fun of Randy and the humor in the games but underneath that is just a fun shooter with great co-op. As far as playing the games goes Yea Forums is pretty on board with Borderlands
>They're introducing modular gun parts
Great, even more reason to be stuck in menus while my friends run ahead of me and kill everything in sight and progress the story.
This game is so unenjoyable with friends.
I wanna hold new girls hand
>1.38 MB, 894x976
And they are right.
She's ugly as fucking hell.
>Lillith confirmed dead
>coal burner
>"anime" asian
>muscular nigger
yeah, impressive writing. They don't need Antony
You're forgetting the reject siblings who are supposed to be the villains.
Also Lillith probably isn't a siren anymore cause they suck that tattoos off her in the trailer.
But why was the trailer so mellow and one-note? It felt like a fan trailer.
For some reason I'm actually excited for it, but I was expecting something much more ridiculous and cinematic.
And they are wrong.
She's cute as fucking hell.
>punk girl
>emo girl
it will come out sooner
your friends are just shit
If he came out before sjws were a concern then its more like he had a chance of being a good character. Yea Forums didn't complain about guys like Cole train in gears or based Bo in Binary Domain because they were good, likeable characters.
What the fuck is this shit.
Jesus christ, it's like those parodies of goblinos that /pol/ makes.
She fucks black guys and get fucked by white shotas
>those eyebrows
>the ugly hair
And what the fuck is wrong with her nose?
It's as if it's sqashed down.
she's a stocky indian
And men
I don't care I'm gonna play as the bigass robot guy
New soldier girl is so fucking cute. Frieza villain girl ain't bad either. I'll still probably wait to see some of the game before I play it, if they made the humor and offputting shit even worse then I might not be able to do it again
That's black, not indian, and even then you can make much better looking indians.
The new characters aren't ugly. The black/brown siren has amazing cheekbones, heart shaped lips, blue eyes, wavy(not afro texture) hair, and a thin aryan nose
she's super pretty AND she looks like a badass fighter instead of just another mage girl.
It's the influx of women being hired for the sake of diversity. Often hired in the art departments where they try and insert their "realistic" standards of beauty into the game.
Same has happened to comic books but with so few people reading them, no one noticed them infiltrating the industry until it was too late. Now you have a gay hulk, black female iron man, female Thor who basically cucked Thor and took his hammer. The same is happening to video games.
With that nose and facial structure?
no you see this is what sexy looks like to nu-/v, so im going to have to ask you to apologize
She's fucking ugly and has eyebrows worthy of Big Foot.
There's nothing worth discussing here, it's objectively bad and disgusting.
>most kino borderlands game
This right here.But wolf among us is pretty good too.
Soldier class always gets boring as fuck character design in these games for some reason.
Grey eyes? tf?
I will be dispoint if nobody makes a SFM/Blender animation where she does this during sex
>this is black, not indian
Jesus, burgers are really this fucking braindead?
True but I've played BL2 with 2 separate groups of friends. There's always at least 2 of them that literally sprint to every objective barely giving a shit about anything else in an area or missing interesting side quests.
"lo que buscas en Gringo?"
damn she's hot
Looks like a nigger to me
Top and bottom right are perfectly fappable, you're a fag for complaining about them. I don't know what the fuck that hideous thing in the bottom left is, I would like to see its head get blown off.
I unironically think she is super cute.
>make black character
>go out of their way to make her as ugly as possible
I'm starting to think it's actually a /pol/fag, and not SJWs making these characters.
>that face
Probably, there's definitely a build where you can have team mates hop in and control the mech.
>has no argument so deflects to muh womyn
Loads of people on /v are faggots tho, so it makes perfect sense.
Wait, there is still no character creation ?
>playing this trash at all
What the fuck happened to Yea Forums? Play Vermintide 2 if you need a co-op shooter with RPG elements.
>That stupid fucking Jakobs AR magazine from BL2 still exists
Yeah, a butch manface, really adorable, almost as cute as little kitty.
I think that's their point.
>Still calls a poo in loo black.
American education
>a butch manface
You are delusional.
BL1 remastered will be available march 3rd and i don't know if the remastered shit will be free. The BL2 4k pack is, but they said nothing about BL1.
Because it looks black.
Zero indian features.
She has that feature black women have of having the exact same face as black dudes.
Yes. Anyone can ride it.
>What happened to Yea Forums
It’s Always been shit and Borderlands is a good fun game series stop drinking the kool aid
These two seemed the most interesting in the entire trailer to me. Why the fuck isn't the cute psycho girl playable.
I don't fucking care
If it's a good game I'll play it, if not I won't, simple as that
Lilith is the ugliest of the three
prove me wrong
You can repeat that as many times as you want, that won't remove "her" manface.
It’s 2 per person from the looks of it
BL1 Remaster will be free on PC for those who already have it
/pol/ hates blacks and Latinos more than anything else, so they assume any time some faggot comes to their board with a pic and tells their personal army to go after some FOTM outrage, it has to do with a black, Hispanic, female or Trans character
I'm torn between Thick Robot and Solid Snake. I really love having AI buddies since I usually play alone, which makes me want the beast master. BUT I also super dig the jaded old assassin aesthetic and like the idea of having a bunch of different gadgets to help me out in combat.
>Yea Forums didn't complain about guys like Cole train in gears or based Bo in Binary Domain
which both came out before SJWs became a concern on Yea Forums
stop pretending like Yea Forums doesn't immediately shit on any non-white and non-asian character who appears in any game now.
>durr salvador la creatura americano gordo el funny meme
i swear this board is filled with mentally ill retards that cant look at a face or have shit standars after never having human contact for so long,
only an actual subhuman would find this "face" cute or delicious
You just have to look at that disgusting abomination on the right.
Puke worthy.
Calling it. Dude on the left is Krieg.
>Frieza villain girl ain't bad either
I agree. Very interested to know about her considering she's a siren too, and apparently kicked lilith's ass in the trailer. Also I'm a huge sucker for coat-capes
>no one's posted the soldier yet
If you look at the guns from the last 20 seconds of the trailer you see a lot of fun new looking guns and gun types to play with. Plus they seem to have a lot more interesting shapes and builds when compared to BL2 guns.
still not as disgusting as Lilith
She looks fine, I always found Borderlands characters to be in some weird inbetween where they look fuckable but also ugly given the setting
but shes nowhere near Apex nigress at all and people are just trolling at that point
You know, nothing says immersion quite like LARPing as a 450 lb. immortal mental patient sculpted from pure muscle on a meat bicycle for two. Western devs were a mistake
There is no manface, fag.
She got full lips, feminine eyes, cute nose. Men doesn't look like this
except that she doesn't have a wide nose, doesn't have big lips and a wide mouth, and doesn't have afro texture hair, and basically has zero black features save for being muscular which is the only reason you read her as black.
It's just resetera trying to do damage control for their hero.
Or heroine, but i'm sure that's just a tranny.
In what way?
The on in the right has a disgusting manface.
Lilith looks like a girl, that thing on the right does not.
It's the nose that's throwing people. It's a bad nose.
>long haired Maya
They probably took her powers and shit cause they are look at their arms like "this is cool" and lillith aint got no tats.
My potions are too strong for you traveler!
>implying this isn't just abunch of underage zoom zooms going through a cuckservative phase
>cute nose
You had me up until this point, i'm sure you are just baiting now.
She gives me a turgid erection but cute is the wrong word.
Yeah well so are Indians.
Hope the dlc Vault Hunters show up in the story of 3
That'd be nice
>she's indian
your standards for women are lower than my will to live holy shit that pasty white hot topic tween looking cunt is just plain annoying to look at, her clothes aren't bad but the colors are, fucking christ
That animation is not going to be in the final game. Hindus, and those "standing up" for them are going to go berserk and Gearbox will apologize and change the animation in the next 48 hours. Screenshot this post.
At least compare them all in the same type of pose. Left two look like standard poses for character art while the third is her character in game shooting a giant gun.
>I need the cartoon characters with superpowers who can get shot 999999 times and shoot sci-fi guns with magical attributes on an alien world fighting huge wacky monsters to be white men or it's just too unbelievable and I can't relate
Was actively shitposting as I watched the trailer and God damn I was sooo hyped for a cute daughter for Maya
And then she turned her head
that fucking face reminds me of andy sixx
My standards are not low enough for me to prefer disgusting, manfaced tranny abominations.
>cherrypicked early production screenshot where her head model is literally clipping through her hair model because it's so unfinished
truly there are no lengths trollshitters won't go to spread disorder
The fuck is wrong with you people
like, how do you fucking reply to that
Randy is an estronaut SJW slave
I usually hate random humor but krieg was some of the most fun I've ever had in a video game
Oh boy, of course it's Resetera raiding us.
Will the post-production fix the nose, the hairye eyebrows, and the ugly face in general?
Literally who?
>Got webm with motion
>Decide to use the only one image instead
If an indian woman, a robot, a Russian woman, and a White Guy is too much diversity for you then that's pretty insane man.
ok so they ruined every single female character in this game?
so my theory was right, they just make ugly characters and then get SJW points from retards like resetera trannys while in reality they just make ugly characters because they take less time to make
"She" doesn't even have tits lmao.
This is a literal tranny.
How are you posting when you're blind??
Krieg genes
Though more squared and angular, it still bears most feminine traits, and unlike the two other pogo sticks, she's jacked
doubtful, no one makes trans characters this good looking
no, that's Lillith
She don't have black hair
She got light eyes
Her power is literally indian hands
Yeah mate, she is black.
Fucking americans.
exaggerated facial expressions make everyone look a bit silly
I think she looks plenty cute here.
Yea Forums didn't complain because it was a different fucking time
>good looking
are you blind or are your standards so fucking low that you find a disgusting thing like that attractive?
kill yourself faggot
her face in that shot is contorted into a grimace because it was specifically singled out by a troll to make her look as ugly as possible
you could take the most beautiful woman in the world and take video of her making facial expressions and isolate a shot where she looks ugly because that's how faces work
That's because low bodyfat level.
I seriously fucking hope it's Krieg's
>Though more squared and angular, it still bears most feminine traits, and unlike the two other pogo sticks, she's jacked
No, it looks ugly.
>no one makes trans characters this good looking
Wait, they can make this thing uglier?
>no, that's Lillith
No, that's the manfaced monster.
>not wanting to shove dick into nostrils after rubbing it on her bushy eyebrows
Get out of here now you omegafaggot
kill yourself you fucking delusional nigger,
there are women with tits while also having abs.
>literally zero arguments other than EYEBROWS and her eyebrows aren't even noticeably big
silicone is unattractive tho
I just think the indian siren's Asura-inspired power looks fucking sweet, plus she gets phaselock so hopefully you can lock down and enemy and punch them to pulp. She might be a more fun melee-centric character than Brick who was just 'run in and punch shit'
what do you think?
Of course tits can be different. But first thing that reducing when losing fat is breast.
One on the right is actually cute
She looks like an antz character
No, she's just ugly as hell, the bigfoot eyebrows just add more on top of it.
Uh, wut
9/10 would put baby in
What's this supposed to prove? He's an ugly looking shitskin regardless.
>Posted fatty
lmao, dude
still didn't prove me wrong you flaming homosexual
They ruined her
Is this an Indian woman? If you answer yes I'll understand why you think she looks Indian at all besides the kali arms.
she is as flat as a board, i know girls with bigger tits that constantly work out in the gym than this abomination
downgrade but the ears are cute
Gross, I thought she would be hot but ended up looking worse
>still no actual arguments
you're a low IQ faceblind faggot who can't articulate what you don't like about her face because the only reason you think she's ugly is that she's brown and muscular, and it has nothing to do with her face
why can't I like anything anymore
Prove what wrong?
She's ugly as fuck, that's it.
She has a horrible looking face and looks like a black dude.
Post yfw you're not a weak whiteboi
So is there still only 4 playable characters?
God that game was shit. But he was the only likable character.
Yea Forums
Long neck Jane Lynch
>waaaaah where are all the white men?
Games aren't made for you anymore, fuck off
That's high body fat level.
Graphics aren't exactly the focal point of a Borderlands game.
No, Korra is hot.
It's specifically the face, although the lack of tits makes her look even more of a man.
And yes, she's ugly because they have taken the face of a below average black woman.
>Lilith got her powers stolen
>Maya might also get her powers stolen
Please no, Maya doesn't deserve that.
>imagine being so subhuman that you re proud for liking ugly women
>leak revealed that Rhys kept AI Jack
Are you ready for the banter? Jack is probably the one that convinced him to get the mustache.
Have sex.
>i know girls with bigger tits that constantly work out in the gym
What exactly this should prove? I really don't understand your "arguments". Because some women have big tits, other women can't have small tits? Or what?
>live-action role play
>in a video game
There's a white dude, no one cares.
Three of the characters are just fine, the other girl is actually pretty cute.
In fact, I haven't seen any other ugly characters, it's as if they said
>dump all your ideas for an ugly character on this one
Why? Because arms? Shut up
You have to forgive /pol/ they're legitimately retarded and don't care what words mean.
Feels good desu
You are a faggot and dream about sucking dicks every morning.
Why is Resetera trying so hard to defend that monkey?
>featureless anime face is hot
wow an oval with bug eyes, a bump for a nose, and a wedge for a mouth. you're really proving that you're not a faceblind autist
>americans can't stop talking about race once again
Looks to old for that. Might just be some kid she took under her wing. Also, isn't she supposed to be asexual? Gears loves their lgtbqblablabla+ characters.
Roland and Axton were both forgettable compared to the other characters in 1 & 2.
>Make Maya's new look pure sex
>Threaten to remove her siren tats
What if all the old characters that are still alive are playable as you meet them? I wanna play as brick and punch shit.
the argument is that you claiming that women that work out cant have tits is fake
kill yourself you fucking faggot.
either read the fucking guy im replying to or fuck off
Anthony and I have been trying to work on a transgender character in the game, I was inspired by a transgender programmer who worked on Borderlands 2 and she taught me a lot. It's really difficult if you're somebody whose genitals match their orientation and self image if you happen to be one of those it's difficult to intuit the reality that there's different things that affect each of those vectors, right? There's a lot of diversity just in the biology of how our genitals might have ended up, and there's a lot of diversity in what we might be attracted to and that's, those are completely different vectors, and then the third one is the vector of how we see ourselves. I used to be kind of a bigot against men who got fake breasts, I thought there must be something wrong with them and that's, and there's a weakness there, I was actually kind of, not, kind of intolerant about that. She made me understand that it's common knowledge for human beings to see themselves differently than they're actually built, and that the way our brains are wired is not always is not exactly in pairity with the way our, our uhm, in all the things like the way our bodies form uhm, might you know end up. And if That's the case how fortunate it is if we can do something about that with science. How fortunate it is that the modern medicine can help, uhm, uh, to some degree and if we're fortunate as a species we'll get even better at that. And that was a really kind of awesome kind of discovery for me, that she helped me figured out. And I thought man, we really need to cover that in some way. And get that out there, so I've been trying to encourage us to get us a transgender playable character, uhm, and I think we will certainly at some point.
-Randy Pitchford
>a whole thread about trailer girls
>nobody talks about now legal, adult tiny tina
>who even wears bunny ears
Yea Forums is just one big pit of agonizing disappointment
even Lilith was more fun
Ugly protect ugly, I guess
Yes they do.
In fact, in previous Borderlands that's how it went.
Why go towards realism if it results on something worse?
>Tfw the mecha genre is so dead I'll get this game just for the mech
The point is that after the sjw infestation in gaming, they stopped making good characters who happened to be minorities and began making minorities for the sake of having minorities and who happen to be shitty characters.
Seeing how she does the 8 arms shiva thing in the trailer, I think she is Indian
>march 3rd
At first. There will be at least two more, possibly four since the game is bigger this time.
Not far off from what i expected, though i thought they'd do teenager during mid puberty and not an 18-25 year old looking skeleton
I say it looks natural for someone like Tina
no one talks about her because she is disgusting,.
As long as she isn't a dyke and doesn't have a poo in loo accent the brown muscle girl is fucking based
You must realize Yea Forums is only less interested when a loli stops being a loli, yes? Where do you think you are?
I think she is attractive and would creampie her while she rides me.
why tf she look like dee from It's Always Sunny?
yep confirmed homo
imagine being this subhuman, that you only look at skin and muscle mass
they finally have a hideous beast of a character that they relate to, and you're trying to take it away from them.
if you have BL1 on steam already you get it free
has all the DLC even if you didn't buy it for Steam and apparently it comes with some new weapons or something as well?
Don't insult my boy Ricardo like that
game was just revealed and nobody knows anything about this character and the thread is full of people screaming that she's an ugly nigger and she's ugly because she's a nigger
You know, nothing says immersion quite like LARPing as a red-eyed grey-skin drug addict or a raspy, hardened knife-ear. Eastern devs were a mistake; unable to make a single interesting fantasy race.
Are you dense? My argument is that women with low body fat level have tits smaller, than regular women, because for most part tits consist of fat.
Thread theme.
Based and redpilled
The mustache is where they fucked up and ruined a 10/10 design, change my mind.
and that is an excuse for this abomination to have pectorals instead of tits you fucking faggot?
anyone else think this?
Yeah, i'll clearly stop being gay when I start liking ugly niggers.
Based and cloroxpilled
there is girls theres moxi the scar lady from 1 patrica and elie and hammerlock's sister and tiny tina and all the sirens angle included probably
>muh niggers reeeee
kek this fags are worse than those resetera trannies
Can't wait to fight these clean ass mother fucking robots in this setting.
I like his stache, makes him look like a turn of the century railroad tycoon
>These character models that I'll practically never have to look at because the game is an FPS are ruining my immersion
Bitch excuse me?
Can someone edit the chocolate siren to have white/beige hair or even make it longer? I'm curious
yeah sirens in previous borderlands games were plain ovoids with eyes lips and nose nailed to them and you liked it because you're a slow-in-the-mind who thinks that if a woman has a facial structure, it means she's a man.
only hyperneotenous baby faces read as female if you have psychopathic autism
Can we stop pretending that WD1 wasn't fantastic?
What excuse? Women can't have small breast? I don't understand you, you fucking retard.
damn, didn't think Maliwans army would look so fly
did you look at the aged model? she is ugly now
Yeah, at least resetera are good boys who eat up every single ugly character because they like seeing themselves in it, right?
Yes, you have psychopathic autism if you don't like disgusting characters.
Looks like typical Americans to me.
>wtf why are you complaining are there not women with small tits?
>why she's no black, she's indian
>wtf she just doesn't have tits because its body fat
>wtf she doesn't have a manface, it's just the others didn't have details
Why would anyone try to make up so many excuses to defend an ugly character?
>same engine
> no graphical improvements
so my underpowered graphics card can still run it on ultra 60fps. wow thanks gearbox
As long as she isn't a dyke and doesn't have a poo in loo accent the brown skinned dark haired muscular girl with the purple eyes and lipstick, high cheekbones, and modest breasts wearing a purple tank top and having glowing tattoos is fucking based
came here to post this
People actually think this is attractive? Yea Forums is gayer than I thought.
You can keep repeating that over and over, that won't make her any less puke worthy.
>wtf why is this guy so ugly, this movie's fucking unwatchable. Western actors were a mistake
That kid is definitely the fucking cogney kid from prequel the reason its an ugly girl is because its actually a purposefully ugly brit you mongoloids
yes we get it, you dont care is she has a shitty looking face.
because they're the villains
You're absolutely right. Borderlands has always been a shit series with ugly characters.
No we don't, it's just resetera.
No one here would try this hard to defend an objectively ugly looking creature such as this.
That's a good reason to avoid his movies.
new vault hunters look so underwhelming desu
a melee character = brick
generic soldier
some Hyperion merc with holograms = handsome jacks double
beastmaster = gaige
>Yes, you have psychopathic autism if you don't like disgusting characters.
Let me guess. You also hate DMC5 because they made the faces realistic. I assume you also have broken all the mirrors in your house and shriek at the sight of your mother when she comes to water you.
>tranny thinks I partake in the fruits of 3D
back to the era with you and never return
Hey young Buschemmi was handsome in a weird way.
Honestly I think Gearbox just isn't that good at presentation. All their trailers are pretty flat and a bit cringey in my opinion. If anything I find the trailers undersell the game.
pic related
Now post him getting fucked in the ass
Not at all, I even liked Vergil's design from the start.
DMC5 characters look great and are attractive.
That thing in the OP is not.
>a melee character = brick
Literally everything I want. Missed the shit out of punch time in all the sequels.
Then why bother with character models at all in any fps?
Considering everyone will have multiple abilities, and we know the Siren gets Lock, Shift and is also melee on top, being equal to Brick is disingenuous.
Same for Beastmaster, when Gaige's main thing is Anarchy and not buffing up a robot. I would not be surprised if Beastmaster gets 2-3 robots
Since when has Borderlands ever had extremely attractive characters, also it's a fucking FPS so you wont even be looking at them majority of the time
I don't even think she looks that bad and people are just reeing about muh niggers and trannies cause what would Yea Forums be without the constant bitching and overuse of buzzwords
cute tranny
No, but they didn't go out of their way to make obnoxiously ugly characters except with the fat as fuck mechanic.
Are you trying to get a muscle shinobu look?
Didn't think this was a ylyl thread. Well played user.
Why indeed. If literally everything is going to be met with bitchboy whining then devs may as well just make a single wire mesh and use it for everything so the bitchboys can whine about that.
Lot of idiots in this country.
This is ugly?
funny you say that. identifying with goblins is pretty big on the internet right now outside of Yea Forums.
I guess Yea Forums is finally getting out of touch
she looks like a shitty british slag after hitting the wall
>playing Borderlands 3.
>in first person, look down
>see sweat crawling down into cleavage and creep slowly over abs
It's like crackwhore cute
Ehh, she looks like a typical, early 20s druggie, not bad.
Which makes it more incomprehensible as to why the girl in the OP is so bad.
okay you win it was great too
Show me pretty
needs more of the lazy eye for maximum laughs
>borderlands artstyle
>bunnies at 17 years old
>dyed hair
>long neck
>ribbons in hair and isn't japanese
She looks like what you would have expected her to turn out but i just can't take my eyes off that neck though.
Either then that it's pretty good.
>they don't like Fargo, Sopranos, Miller's Crossing, Big Lebowski, etc.
you just outed yourselves, kids
Dark skinned characters with white/beige hair are really hot to me. So yeah a NMH Shinobu hair/skin pallete would work well. I think
Yes, but she was always an ugly little gremlin.
>people unironically think BL3 looks exactly like BL2
If it looks good, why change it?
Borderlands has a comic style, it's not going for realism anyway.
Zer0 will always be my boy and he looks fucking great here
I don't disagree. People tend to forget we're gonna have like 20 different heads and like 80 skins to fuck with
it's the lip outline. too wide. thin it out and you'll completely change the look of the character for the better.
I fucking love the Guy twin's super mega arm.
Pls, someone mod the game to change that horrible goblina with Maya.
Don't you try and hide your shame, fag.
On one hand I'm glad our boy Rhys is in, on the other hand I'm disappointed he's not playable.
I at least hope they're gonna make him one of the focal plot-characters.
>Ticktok zoomer
She's ugly!
Im fine with that, thinking about what she went through she turned out pretty well
Spotted the weeaboo turbovirgin
I'm not excited
worst case scenario? he's dead.
i just dont want the other faggot ignoring the post because the link didnt work.
Is this game's opening segment going to be completely broken, replete with hitscan, bullet sponge enemies, two shitty weapons that do little damage, and wave after wave of raiders that makes getting more than an hour into the game a monumental pain in the ass?
I'd rather 4 completely new characters being playable. And honestly, I hate how many returning characters there are
The darker hair tones can turn out to be quite good as well.
You failed me, i expected borderlands ingame girls
>tik tok
if you browse both of the links i gave you will see that they are not releated to tik tok and that the majority of webms are not from tik tok. faggot
No based Mister Torque?
I hope him and Fiona getting together is canon.
AI Jack coming back is the only thing I actually care about.
if you wanted that shit then the only thing you need to do is google SFM borderlands 2
I'll be honest, I just fucking love brown girls
Maya was great.
Siren mains are rightfully mad.
Fucking MK man you guys will complain about anything that isn't a girl straight from DoA
You know that fuck you all Im gonna draw porn of her anyways, not even the doc with the tommygun can stop me
Will I be able to play as this cutie?
Easy, the theme of Siren was punk girl in the previous two.
Pretty cute girls.
Now they replaced it with an ugly tranny.
>it's another Yea Forums has race riots while no one talks about how rad the other three VH's are episode
same tbqh w/ u senpai
Why did the trailer suck so fucking much though? Like it felt rushed as fuck and had no charm or emotion to it.
Game might end up being alright, but that was an awful watch.
Tina lookin like a crack whore
Its perfect
>implying maya wasnt made for bbc
Why does she look 40?
I'd explode inside her if you know what I mean
Crystal meth.
Watch the doomsday BL2 trailer, they kinda suck ass at trailers. The pacing is so off and poorly presented
I disagree, it's the first trailer that has me looking forward to a Borderlands game since the first Borderlands 1 trailer.
But it's just an announcement teaser for PAX, so maybe it was a little rushed.
Their other teaser is just the bare models in an interesting arrangement.
Likely burnt alive with his buzz axe in his own head
Romantic or not, he's Maya's sidekick and bodyguard now. The Chewbacca to her Han Solo. It's true because I need it to be.
Lilith is a coal burner, making her the grossest out of all of them.
/pol/ doesn't like videogames, they just pretend to so they can post /pol/ shit here.
Ask them what their 10 favourite games of the last year are, they will have no answers.
Pickle or the sister?
>Getting upset that there are also crazy gun-wielding women alongside the crazy gun-wielding dudes who still make up 95% of the characters and three out of the four playable characters
I fucking knew the moment I saw the trailer that fags like you would be crying over this holy shit
Which one, she's got like eight
How'd she fix her eye?
She's more like his tard wrangler
only black guys.
dude, it's borderlands. stop being such a waifufag and get over the fact that ugly people exist
I’ll find a way. Don’t worry
>Soldier girl might be a shortstack
well that settles things
How do you feel about fit brown girls?
He looks great with it, though. Shows his age.
That and his new arm really make him look like a proper Atlas CEO. Our boy's grown up, and you should be proud of him.
Roland was a pretty decent dude so I can cut her some slack, Pandora is full of niggers that are way worse.
There's nothing wrong with having a single character that's ugly out of an entire cast
New waifu.
What is it with you white dudes and loving Arabian/Indian brown girls? I swear I've noticed this alot on these boards.
What causes this? Why not go after your own race?
>Muh delicious brown
Is not an answer
Anyone else get kinda mad when they see non whites? Like I just get all angry. I just want to hit something, normally I end up just shaking it off but sometimes I hit my door and mommy yells at me.
They have no reason to pretend to like vidya anymore anyways, God Emperor Trump said they're for degenerates.
Wait, isn't he attracted to Sasha?
rihanna looks black as hell, the wide ass nose gives it away
Bullshit, user.
Fuck me that's good robot design. I genuinely adore this
Borderland models have ALWAYS looked goddamn ugly. Their faces looked like a goddamn mess from day 1.
As if i'm white. And why do white guys only have to like white girls? That's retarded
>Muh delicious brown Is not an answer
Lurk more.
how the fuck is being muscular a black feature?
I wanna lick their abs tbqh
Fetisization of race is something that tends to happen among the bottom of the barrel of society.
Why do you care?
>Muh delicious brown Is not an answer
stfu korra or i'll fuck your girlfriend in front of you
If she doesn't get to ORAORAORA with those arms I'll be very sad
I'd also take a Nier-style singular enormous fuckoffhuge fist attack as well
It's just the way nature wanted it.
Very few people date people from other races, actually.
>he thinks that's a hot muscle girl
Scrumptious brown
Compare her nose to that of other female characters. It looks a bit broader.
This is going to be Hammerlock is white all over again.
Maybe in your homogenous shithole
Why does she looks like female version of Peter
Glad someone else had eyes for the obvious best girl
The tanned coastal Asian types are my favorite, but in general I approve very much. Not very into this vault hunter though, as much as I wish I could be
fucking bigot
Black women have so much testosterone they're basically men
This mentality is something that tends to happen among the bottom of the barrel of society.
Excellent taste my friend
they make my peepee hard
Blacks actually have much higher estrogen levels than other races
No, it's a statistical fact, only a minority of people date people from other races, even less when we talk about whites.
>homogeneous shithole
As opposed to what, a great diverse nation like the third world tier shithole that the US is?
It's not like I don't like white women too. Fictional brown just elevates them to the cute beauty of whites and some asians
And testosterone levels, they're basically apes
Of course it was resetrannies the ones damage controlling in this thread.
That's an awful character with an awful design from an awful game and I truly cannot believe he's the example you came up with when looking for something positive.
>pins you down, crotch in your face sucks you off until you shoot
>grinds her pooch on your face until she moistens up
>then turns around and forcefully breeds with you until every drop of you has filled her womb and asshole while she smothers your head in her tits, moaning as if it was some kind of workout
>imagine giving a shit about BORDERLANDS of all things (let alone some specific element of it like it's fucking god awful character designs)
The absolute state.
>homogenous shithole
I'm sorry
I live democracy
dont expect any semblance of taste from these ironic waifuspergs
Resetrannies would be AGAINST race fetishzation though
I'm fucking shit at editing but I gave it my best if this is what you were meaning
>Tfw white race mixer that only dates latinas because mulattas and black chicks don't like white guys
How the fuck I'm supposed to explain my preferences? I just find them attractive, that's all
You can ”romance” Fiona in Tales. Though it was something like 1% of players that unlocked it.
Vast improvement, honestly.
Sazh carried FF13 on his fucking back.
Him and Lightning's legs.
>Generic soldier
>is a fucking mech pilot
I love democracy
Lightning's personality was as flat as a board, just like her chest.
Looks like a wise old tribal lady
>Him and Lightning's pits
In a cruel twist of fate, BL3 looks like its gonna be better then most games coming out these days.
We're living in a truly bizarre timeline.